BlueGps4Droid 1.2 alpha (2010-10-25) * SiRF configuration management (NMEA sentences - SBAS - Static Navigation) BlueGps4Droid 1.1.2 (2010-11-04) * Add verifications: if bluetooth or mock locations are not enabled, the service is not started. * Add alert messages to explain why the service cannot be started if bluetooth or mock locations are not enabled * If device doesn't have an internal GPS, the bluetooth GPS provider will be enabled automatically BlueGps4Droid 1.1.1 (2010-09-29) * Bug fix (Ticket #4: Connection service is not properly closed * Add notifications when the connection with the GPS fails and when the connection service is closed because of two many connection retry. * Add settings to choose the number of connection retries before exiting. BlueGps4Droid 1.1 (2010-09-26) - does not work properly because of bug #4. Use either version 1.0 or 1.1.1 ! * Reconnect automatically when the connection with the GPS is lost (5 attempts in 5 minutes) * Replace Android default internal GPS or use a new location provider * Send status notifications when GPS loses fix or is disconnected. BlueGps4Droid 1.0.1 (2010-10-25) * Add verifications: if bluetooth or mock locations are not enabled, the service is not started. * Add alert messages to explain why the service cannot be started if bluetooth or mock locations are not enabled * If device doesn't have an internal GPS, the bluetooth GPS provider will be enabled automatically BlueGps4Droid 1.0 (2010-09-12) * Connect to bluetooth GPS (NMEA) and replace the internal GPS of an Android device. * Record GPS tracks in NMEA files * Compatible with Android version 2.0 and above * English and French translations