path: root/res/values-sw600dp
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Rotate priority indicators according to the device orientation.Wu-cheng Li2011-11-172-7/+4
* Fix several UI bugs.Chung-yih Wang2011-11-141-0/+5
* Add indicators of settings on the viewfinder.Chih-yu Huang2011-11-111-0/+8
* Enable full area when tapping "X" mark of review button.Chih-yu Huang2011-11-041-3/+0
* Fix 5521540: UI Tweaks.Chih-Chung Chang2011-11-031-3/+5
* Change the default orientation to portrait.Chung-yih Wang2011-11-011-2/+19
* Make PreviewFrameLayout and ControlPanelLayout work in potrait mode.Wu-cheng Li2011-10-272-0/+118