path: root/cmdline/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cmdline/')
1 files changed, 534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cmdline/ b/cmdline/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a875641
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cmdline/
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "cmdline_parser.h"
+#include "runtime/runtime_options.h"
+#include "runtime/parsed_options.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include <numeric>
+#include "gtest/gtest.h"
+#define EXPECT_NULL(expected) EXPECT_EQ(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(expected), \
+ reinterpret_cast<void*>(NULL));
+namespace art {
+ bool UsuallyEquals(double expected, double actual);
+ // This has a gtest dependency, which is why it's in the gtest only.
+ bool operator==(const TestProfilerOptions& lhs, const TestProfilerOptions& rhs) {
+ return lhs.enabled_ == rhs.enabled_ &&
+ lhs.output_file_name_ == rhs.output_file_name_ &&
+ lhs.period_s_ == rhs.period_s_ &&
+ lhs.duration_s_ == rhs.duration_s_ &&
+ lhs.interval_us_ == rhs.interval_us_ &&
+ UsuallyEquals(lhs.backoff_coefficient_, rhs.backoff_coefficient_) &&
+ UsuallyEquals(lhs.start_immediately_, rhs.start_immediately_) &&
+ UsuallyEquals(lhs.top_k_threshold_, rhs.top_k_threshold_) &&
+ UsuallyEquals(lhs.top_k_change_threshold_, rhs.top_k_change_threshold_) &&
+ lhs.profile_type_ == rhs.profile_type_ &&
+ lhs.max_stack_depth_ == rhs.max_stack_depth_;
+ }
+ bool UsuallyEquals(double expected, double actual) {
+ using FloatingPoint = ::testing::internal::FloatingPoint<double>;
+ FloatingPoint exp(expected);
+ FloatingPoint act(actual);
+ // Compare with ULPs instead of comparing with ==
+ return exp.AlmostEquals(act);
+ }
+ template <typename T>
+ bool UsuallyEquals(const T& expected, const T& actual,
+ typename std::enable_if<
+ detail::SupportsEqualityOperator<T>::value>::type* = 0) {
+ return expected == actual;
+ }
+ // Try to use memcmp to compare simple plain-old-data structs.
+ //
+ // This should *not* generate false positives, but it can generate false negatives.
+ // This will mostly work except for fields like float which can have different bit patterns
+ // that are nevertheless equal.
+ // If a test is failing because the structs aren't "equal" when they really are
+ // then it's recommended to implement operator== for it instead.
+ template <typename T, typename ... Ignore>
+ bool UsuallyEquals(const T& expected, const T& actual,
+ const Ignore& ... more ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+ typename std::enable_if<std::is_pod<T>::value>::type* = 0,
+ typename std::enable_if<!detail::SupportsEqualityOperator<T>::value>::type* = 0
+ ) {
+ return memcmp(std::addressof(expected), std::addressof(actual), sizeof(T)) == 0;
+ }
+ bool UsuallyEquals(const XGcOption& expected, const XGcOption& actual) {
+ return memcmp(std::addressof(expected), std::addressof(actual), sizeof(expected)) == 0;
+ }
+ bool UsuallyEquals(const char* expected, std::string actual) {
+ return std::string(expected) == actual;
+ }
+ template <typename TMap, typename TKey, typename T>
+ ::testing::AssertionResult IsExpectedKeyValue(const T& expected,
+ const TMap& map,
+ const TKey& key) {
+ auto* actual = map.Get(key);
+ if (actual != nullptr) {
+ if (!UsuallyEquals(expected, *actual)) {
+ return ::testing::AssertionFailure()
+ << "expected " << detail::ToStringAny(expected) << " but got "
+ << detail::ToStringAny(*actual);
+ }
+ return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
+ }
+ return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << "key was not in the map";
+ }
+class CmdlineParserTest : public ::testing::Test {
+ public:
+ CmdlineParserTest() = default;
+ ~CmdlineParserTest() = default;
+ protected:
+ using M = RuntimeArgumentMap;
+ using RuntimeParser = ParsedOptions::RuntimeParser;
+ static void SetUpTestCase() {
+ art::InitLogging(nullptr); // argv = null
+ }
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ parser_ = ParsedOptions::MakeParser(false); // do not ignore unrecognized options
+ }
+ static ::testing::AssertionResult IsResultSuccessful(CmdlineResult result) {
+ if (result.IsSuccess()) {
+ return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
+ } else {
+ return ::testing::AssertionFailure()
+ << result.GetStatus() << " with: " << result.GetMessage();
+ }
+ }
+ static ::testing::AssertionResult IsResultFailure(CmdlineResult result,
+ CmdlineResult::Status failure_status) {
+ if (result.IsSuccess()) {
+ return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << " got success but expected failure: "
+ << failure_status;
+ } else if (result.GetStatus() == failure_status) {
+ return ::testing::AssertionSuccess();
+ }
+ return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << " expected failure " << failure_status
+ << " but got " << result.GetStatus();
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<RuntimeParser> parser_;
+#define EXPECT_KEY_EXISTS(map, key) EXPECT_TRUE((map).Exists(key))
+#define EXPECT_KEY_VALUE(map, key, expected) EXPECT_TRUE(IsExpectedKeyValue(expected, map, key))
+ do { \
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsResultSuccessful(parser_->Parse(argv))); \
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, parser_->GetArgumentsMap().Size()); \
+ } while (false)
+#define _EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_EXISTS(argv, key) \
+ do { \
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsResultSuccessful(parser_->Parse(argv))); \
+ RuntimeArgumentMap args = parser_->ReleaseArgumentsMap(); \
+ EXPECT_EQ(1u, args.Size()); \
+ EXPECT_KEY_EXISTS(args, key); \
+#define EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_EXISTS(argv, key) \
+ } while (false)
+#define EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(expected, argv, key) \
+ EXPECT_KEY_VALUE(args, key, expected); \
+ } while (false) // NOLINT [readability/namespace] [5]
+#define EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE_STR(expected, argv, key) \
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(std::string(expected), argv, key)
+#define EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL(argv, failure_status) \
+ do { \
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsResultFailure(parser_->Parse(argv), failure_status));\
+ RuntimeArgumentMap args = parser_->ReleaseArgumentsMap();\
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, args.Size()); \
+ } while (false)
+TEST_F(CmdlineParserTest, TestSimpleSuccesses) {
+ auto& parser = *parser_;
+ EXPECT_LT(0u, parser.CountDefinedArguments());
+ {
+ // Test case 1: No command line arguments
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsResultSuccessful(parser.Parse("")));
+ RuntimeArgumentMap args = parser.ReleaseArgumentsMap();
+ EXPECT_EQ(0u, args.Size());
+ }
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_EXISTS("-Xzygote", M::Zygote);
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE_STR("/hello/world", "-Xbootclasspath:/hello/world", M::BootClassPath);
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE("/hello/world", "-Xbootclasspath:/hello/world", M::BootClassPath);
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(false, "-Xverify:none", M::Verify);
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(true, "-Xverify:remote", M::Verify);
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(true, "-Xverify:all", M::Verify);
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(Memory<1>(234), "-Xss234", M::StackSize);
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(MemoryKiB(1234*MB), "-Xms1234m", M::MemoryInitialSize);
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(true, "-XX:EnableHSpaceCompactForOOM", M::EnableHSpaceCompactForOOM);
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(false, "-XX:DisableHSpaceCompactForOOM", M::EnableHSpaceCompactForOOM);
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(0.5, "-XX:HeapTargetUtilization=0.5", M::HeapTargetUtilization);
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(5u, "-XX:ParallelGCThreads=5", M::ParallelGCThreads);
+} // TEST_F
+TEST_F(CmdlineParserTest, TestSimpleFailures) {
+ // Test argument is unknown to the parser
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL("abcdefg^%@#*(@#", CmdlineResult::kUnknown);
+ // Test value map substitution fails
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL("-Xverify:whatever", CmdlineResult::kFailure);
+ // Test value type parsing failures
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL("-Xsswhatever", CmdlineResult::kFailure); // invalid memory value
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL("-Xms123", CmdlineResult::kFailure); // memory value too small
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL("-XX:HeapTargetUtilization=0.0", CmdlineResult::kOutOfRange); // toosmal
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL("-XX:HeapTargetUtilization=2.0", CmdlineResult::kOutOfRange); // toolarg
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL("-XX:ParallelGCThreads=-5", CmdlineResult::kOutOfRange); // too small
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL("-Xgc:blablabla", CmdlineResult::kUsage); // not a valid suboption
+} // TEST_F
+TEST_F(CmdlineParserTest, TestLogVerbosity) {
+ {
+ const char* log_args = "-verbose:"
+ "class,compiler,gc,heap,jdwp,jni,monitor,profiler,signals,startup,third-party-jni,"
+ "threads,verifier";
+ LogVerbosity log_verbosity = LogVerbosity();
+ log_verbosity.class_linker = true;
+ log_verbosity.compiler = true;
+ log_verbosity.gc = true;
+ log_verbosity.heap = true;
+ log_verbosity.jdwp = true;
+ log_verbosity.jni = true;
+ log_verbosity.monitor = true;
+ log_verbosity.profiler = true;
+ log_verbosity.signals = true;
+ log_verbosity.startup = true;
+ log_verbosity.third_party_jni = true;
+ log_verbosity.threads = true;
+ log_verbosity.verifier = true;
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(log_verbosity, log_args, M::Verbose);
+ }
+ {
+ const char* log_args = "-verbose:"
+ "class,compiler,gc,heap,jdwp,jni,monitor";
+ LogVerbosity log_verbosity = LogVerbosity();
+ log_verbosity.class_linker = true;
+ log_verbosity.compiler = true;
+ log_verbosity.gc = true;
+ log_verbosity.heap = true;
+ log_verbosity.jdwp = true;
+ log_verbosity.jni = true;
+ log_verbosity.monitor = true;
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(log_verbosity, log_args, M::Verbose);
+ }
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL("-verbose:blablabla", CmdlineResult::kUsage); // invalid verbose opt
+} // TEST_F
+TEST_F(CmdlineParserTest, TestXGcOption) {
+ /*
+ * Test success
+ */
+ {
+ XGcOption option_all_true{}; // NOLINT [readability/braces] [4]
+ option_all_true.collector_type_ = gc::CollectorType::kCollectorTypeCMS;
+ option_all_true.verify_pre_gc_heap_ = true;
+ option_all_true.verify_pre_sweeping_heap_ = true;
+ option_all_true.verify_post_gc_heap_ = true;
+ option_all_true.verify_pre_gc_rosalloc_ = true;
+ option_all_true.verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc_ = true;
+ option_all_true.verify_post_gc_rosalloc_ = true;
+ const char * xgc_args_all_true = "-Xgc:concurrent,"
+ "preverify,presweepingverify,postverify,"
+ "preverify_rosalloc,presweepingverify_rosalloc,"
+ "postverify_rosalloc,precise,"
+ "verifycardtable";
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(option_all_true, xgc_args_all_true, M::GcOption);
+ XGcOption option_all_false{}; // NOLINT [readability/braces] [4]
+ option_all_false.collector_type_ = gc::CollectorType::kCollectorTypeMS;
+ option_all_false.verify_pre_gc_heap_ = false;
+ option_all_false.verify_pre_sweeping_heap_ = false;
+ option_all_false.verify_post_gc_heap_ = false;
+ option_all_false.verify_pre_gc_rosalloc_ = false;
+ option_all_false.verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc_ = false;
+ option_all_false.verify_post_gc_rosalloc_ = false;
+ const char* xgc_args_all_false = "-Xgc:nonconcurrent,"
+ "nopreverify,nopresweepingverify,nopostverify,nopreverify_rosalloc,"
+ "nopresweepingverify_rosalloc,nopostverify_rosalloc,noprecise,noverifycardtable";
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(option_all_false, xgc_args_all_false, M::GcOption);
+ XGcOption option_all_default{}; // NOLINT [readability/braces] [4]
+ option_all_default.collector_type_ = gc::kCollectorTypeDefault;
+ option_all_default.verify_pre_gc_heap_ = false;
+ option_all_default.verify_pre_sweeping_heap_ = kIsDebugBuild;
+ option_all_default.verify_post_gc_heap_ = false;
+ option_all_default.verify_pre_gc_rosalloc_ = kIsDebugBuild;
+ option_all_default.verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc_ = false;
+ option_all_default.verify_post_gc_rosalloc_ = false;
+ const char* xgc_args_blank = "-Xgc:";
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(option_all_default, xgc_args_blank, M::GcOption);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Test failures
+ */
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL("-Xgc:blablabla", CmdlineResult::kUsage); // invalid Xgc opt
+} // TEST_F
+ * {"-Xrunjdwp:_", "-agentlib:jdwp=_"}
+ */
+TEST_F(CmdlineParserTest, TestJdwpOptions) {
+ /*
+ * Test success
+ */
+ {
+ /*
+ * "Example: -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y\n"
+ */
+ JDWP::JdwpOptions opt = JDWP::JdwpOptions();
+ opt.transport = JDWP::JdwpTransportType::kJdwpTransportSocket;
+ opt.port = 8000;
+ opt.server = true;
+ const char *opt_args = "-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y";
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(opt, opt_args, M::JdwpOptions);
+ }
+ {
+ /*
+ * "Example: -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=localhost:6500,server=n\n");
+ */
+ JDWP::JdwpOptions opt = JDWP::JdwpOptions();
+ opt.transport = JDWP::JdwpTransportType::kJdwpTransportSocket;
+ = "localhost";
+ opt.port = 6500;
+ opt.server = false;
+ const char *opt_args = "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=localhost:6500,server=n";
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(opt, opt_args, M::JdwpOptions);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Test failures
+ */
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL("-Xrunjdwp:help", CmdlineResult::kUsage); // usage for help only
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL("-Xrunjdwp:blabla", CmdlineResult::kFailure); // invalid subarg
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL("-agentlib:jdwp=help", CmdlineResult::kUsage); // usage for help only
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_FAIL("-agentlib:jdwp=blabla", CmdlineResult::kFailure); // invalid subarg
+} // TEST_F
+ * -D_ -D_ -D_ ...
+ */
+TEST_F(CmdlineParserTest, TestPropertiesList) {
+ /*
+ * Test successes
+ */
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> opt = {"hello"};
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(opt, "-Dhello", M::PropertiesList);
+ }
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> opt = {"hello", "world"};
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(opt, "-Dhello -Dworld", M::PropertiesList);
+ }
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> opt = {"one", "two", "three"};
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(opt, "-Done -Dtwo -Dthree", M::PropertiesList);
+ }
+} // TEST_F
+* -Xcompiler-option foo -Xcompiler-option bar ...
+TEST_F(CmdlineParserTest, TestCompilerOption) {
+ /*
+ * Test successes
+ */
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> opt = {"hello"};
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_VALUE(opt, "-Xcompiler-option hello", M::CompilerOptions);
+ }
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> opt = {"hello", "world"};
+ "-Xcompiler-option hello -Xcompiler-option world",
+ M::CompilerOptions);
+ }
+ {
+ std::vector<std::string> opt = {"one", "two", "three"};
+ "-Xcompiler-option one -Xcompiler-option two -Xcompiler-option three",
+ M::CompilerOptions);
+ }
+} // TEST_F
+* -X-profile-*
+TEST_F(CmdlineParserTest, TestProfilerOptions) {
+ /*
+ * Test successes
+ */
+ {
+ TestProfilerOptions opt;
+ opt.enabled_ = true;
+ "-Xenable-profiler",
+ M::ProfilerOpts);
+ }
+ {
+ TestProfilerOptions opt;
+ // also need to test 'enabled'
+ opt.output_file_name_ = "hello_world.txt";
+ "-Xprofile-filename:hello_world.txt ",
+ M::ProfilerOpts);
+ }
+ {
+ TestProfilerOptions opt = TestProfilerOptions();
+ // also need to test 'enabled'
+ opt.output_file_name_ = "output.txt";
+ opt.period_s_ = 123u;
+ opt.duration_s_ = 456u;
+ opt.interval_us_ = 789u;
+ opt.backoff_coefficient_ = 2.0;
+ opt.start_immediately_ = true;
+ opt.top_k_threshold_ = 50.0;
+ opt.top_k_change_threshold_ = 60.0;
+ opt.profile_type_ = kProfilerMethod;
+ opt.max_stack_depth_ = 1337u;
+ "-Xprofile-filename:output.txt "
+ "-Xprofile-period:123 "
+ "-Xprofile-duration:456 "
+ "-Xprofile-interval:789 "
+ "-Xprofile-backoff:2.0 "
+ "-Xprofile-start-immediately "
+ "-Xprofile-top-k-threshold:50.0 "
+ "-Xprofile-top-k-change-threshold:60.0 "
+ "-Xprofile-type:method "
+ "-Xprofile-max-stack-depth:1337",
+ M::ProfilerOpts);
+ }
+ {
+ TestProfilerOptions opt = TestProfilerOptions();
+ opt.profile_type_ = kProfilerBoundedStack;
+ "-Xprofile-type:stack",
+ M::ProfilerOpts);
+ }
+} // TEST_F
+TEST_F(CmdlineParserTest, TestIgnoreUnrecognized) {
+ RuntimeParser::Builder parserBuilder;
+ parserBuilder
+ .Define("-help")
+ .IntoKey(M::Help)
+ .IgnoreUnrecognized(true);
+ parser_.reset(new RuntimeParser(parserBuilder.Build()));
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_EMPTY_SUCCESS("-non-existent-option");
+ EXPECT_SINGLE_PARSE_EMPTY_SUCCESS("-non-existent-option1 --non-existent-option-2");
+} // TEST_F
+TEST_F(CmdlineParserTest, TestIgnoredArguments) {
+ std::initializer_list<const char*> ignored_args = {
+ "-ea", "-da", "-enableassertions", "-disableassertions", "--runtime-arg", "-esa",
+ "-dsa", "-enablesystemassertions", "-disablesystemassertions", "-Xrs", "-Xint:abdef",
+ "-Xdexopt:foobar", "-Xnoquithandler", "-Xjnigreflimit:ixnay", "-Xgenregmap", "-Xnogenregmap",
+ "-Xverifyopt:never", "-Xcheckdexsum", "-Xincludeselectedop", "-Xjitop:noop",
+ "-Xincludeselectedmethod", "-Xjitthreshold:123", "-Xjitcodecachesize:12345",
+ "-Xjitblocking", "-Xjitmethod:_", "-Xjitclass:nosuchluck", "-Xjitoffset:none",
+ "-Xjitconfig:yes", "-Xjitcheckcg", "-Xjitverbose", "-Xjitprofile",
+ "-Xjitdisableopt", "-Xjitsuspendpoll", "-XX:mainThreadStackSize=1337"
+ };
+ // Check they are ignored when parsed one at a time
+ for (auto&& arg : ignored_args) {
+ }
+ // Check they are ignored when we pass it all together at once
+ std::vector<const char*> argv = ignored_args;
+} // TEST_F
+TEST_F(CmdlineParserTest, MultipleArguments) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(IsResultSuccessful(parser_->Parse(
+ "-help -XX:ForegroundHeapGrowthMultiplier=0.5 "
+ "-Xnodex2oat -Xmethod-trace -XX:LargeObjectSpace=map")));
+ auto&& map = parser_->ReleaseArgumentsMap();
+ EXPECT_EQ(5u, map.Size());
+ EXPECT_KEY_VALUE(map, M::Help, Unit{}); // NOLINT [whitespace/braces] [5]
+ EXPECT_KEY_VALUE(map, M::ForegroundHeapGrowthMultiplier, 0.5);
+ EXPECT_KEY_VALUE(map, M::Dex2Oat, false);
+ EXPECT_KEY_VALUE(map, M::MethodTrace, Unit{}); // NOLINT [whitespace/braces] [5]
+ EXPECT_KEY_VALUE(map, M::LargeObjectSpace, gc::space::LargeObjectSpaceType::kMap);
+} // TEST_F
+} // namespace art