/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ART_COMPILER_DEX_DATAFLOW_ITERATOR_H_ #define ART_COMPILER_DEX_DATAFLOW_ITERATOR_H_ #include "base/logging.h" #include "mir_graph.h" namespace art { /* * This class supports iterating over lists of basic blocks in various * interesting orders. Note that for efficiency, the visit orders have been pre-computed. * The order itself will not change during the iteration. However, for some uses, * auxiliary data associated with the basic blocks may be changed during the iteration, * necessitating another pass over the list. If this behavior is required, use the * "Repeating" variant. For the repeating variant, the caller must tell the iterator * whether a change has been made that necessitates another pass. Note that calling Next(true) * does not affect the iteration order or short-circuit the current pass - it simply tells * the iterator that once it has finished walking through the block list it should reset and * do another full pass through the list. */ /** * @class DataflowIterator * @brief The main iterator class, all other iterators derive of this one to define an iteration order. */ class DataflowIterator { public: virtual ~DataflowIterator() {} /** * @brief How many times have we repeated the iterator across the BasicBlocks? * @return the number of iteration repetitions. */ int32_t GetRepeatCount() { return repeats_; } /** * @brief Has the user of the iterator reported a change yet? * @details Does not mean there was or not a change, it is only whether the user passed a true to the Next function call. * @return whether the user of the iterator reported a change yet. */ int32_t GetChanged() { return changed_; } /** * @brief Get the next BasicBlock depending on iteration order. * @param had_change did the user of the iteration change the previous BasicBlock. * @return the next BasicBlock following the iteration order, 0 if finished. */ virtual BasicBlock* Next(bool had_change = false) = 0; protected: /** * @param mir_graph the MIRGraph we are interested in. * @param start_idx the first index we want to iterate across. * @param end_idx the last index we want to iterate (not included). */ DataflowIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph, int32_t start_idx, int32_t end_idx) : mir_graph_(mir_graph), start_idx_(start_idx), end_idx_(end_idx), block_id_list_(NULL), idx_(0), repeats_(0), changed_(false) {} /** * @brief Get the next BasicBlock iterating forward. * @return the next BasicBlock iterating forward. */ virtual BasicBlock* ForwardSingleNext() ALWAYS_INLINE; /** * @brief Get the next BasicBlock iterating backward. * @return the next BasicBlock iterating backward. */ virtual BasicBlock* ReverseSingleNext() ALWAYS_INLINE; /** * @brief Get the next BasicBlock iterating forward, restart if a BasicBlock was reported changed during the last iteration. * @return the next BasicBlock iterating forward, with chance of repeating the iteration. */ virtual BasicBlock* ForwardRepeatNext() ALWAYS_INLINE; /** * @brief Get the next BasicBlock iterating backward, restart if a BasicBlock was reported changed during the last iteration. * @return the next BasicBlock iterating backward, with chance of repeating the iteration. */ virtual BasicBlock* ReverseRepeatNext() ALWAYS_INLINE; MIRGraph* const mir_graph_; /**< @brief the MIRGraph */ const int32_t start_idx_; /**< @brief the start index for the iteration */ const int32_t end_idx_; /**< @brief the last index for the iteration */ const ArenaVector* block_id_list_; /**< @brief the list of BasicBlocks we want to iterate on */ int32_t idx_; /**< @brief Current index for the iterator */ int32_t repeats_; /**< @brief Number of repeats over the iteration */ bool changed_; /**< @brief Has something changed during the current iteration? */ }; // DataflowIterator /** * @class PreOrderDfsIterator * @brief Used to perform a Pre-order Depth-First-Search Iteration of a MIRGraph. */ class PreOrderDfsIterator : public DataflowIterator { public: /** * @brief The constructor, using all of the reachable blocks of the MIRGraph. * @param mir_graph The MIRGraph considered. */ explicit PreOrderDfsIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph) : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, 0, mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks()) { // Extra setup for the PreOrderDfsIterator. idx_ = start_idx_; block_id_list_ = &mir_graph->GetDfsOrder(); } /** * @brief Get the next BasicBlock depending on iteration order. * @param had_change did the user of the iteration change the previous BasicBlock. * @return the next BasicBlock following the iteration order, 0 if finished. */ virtual BasicBlock* Next(bool had_change = false) { // Update changed: if had_changed is true, we remember it for the whole iteration. changed_ |= had_change; return ForwardSingleNext(); } }; /** * @class RepeatingPreOrderDfsIterator * @brief Used to perform a Repeating Pre-order Depth-First-Search Iteration of a MIRGraph. * @details If there is a change during an iteration, the iteration starts over at the end of the iteration. */ class RepeatingPreOrderDfsIterator : public DataflowIterator { public: /** * @brief The constructor, using all of the reachable blocks of the MIRGraph. * @param mir_graph The MIRGraph considered. */ explicit RepeatingPreOrderDfsIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph) : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, 0, mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks()) { // Extra setup for the RepeatingPreOrderDfsIterator. idx_ = start_idx_; block_id_list_ = &mir_graph->GetDfsOrder(); } /** * @brief Get the next BasicBlock depending on iteration order. * @param had_change did the user of the iteration change the previous BasicBlock. * @return the next BasicBlock following the iteration order, 0 if finished. */ virtual BasicBlock* Next(bool had_change = false) { // Update changed: if had_changed is true, we remember it for the whole iteration. changed_ |= had_change; return ForwardRepeatNext(); } }; /** * @class RepeatingPostOrderDfsIterator * @brief Used to perform a Repeating Post-order Depth-First-Search Iteration of a MIRGraph. * @details If there is a change during an iteration, the iteration starts over at the end of the iteration. */ class RepeatingPostOrderDfsIterator : public DataflowIterator { public: /** * @brief The constructor, using all of the reachable blocks of the MIRGraph. * @param mir_graph The MIRGraph considered. */ explicit RepeatingPostOrderDfsIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph) : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, 0, mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks()) { // Extra setup for the RepeatingPostOrderDfsIterator. idx_ = start_idx_; block_id_list_ = &mir_graph->GetDfsPostOrder(); } /** * @brief Get the next BasicBlock depending on iteration order. * @param had_change did the user of the iteration change the previous BasicBlock. * @return the next BasicBlock following the iteration order, 0 if finished. */ virtual BasicBlock* Next(bool had_change = false) { // Update changed: if had_changed is true, we remember it for the whole iteration. changed_ |= had_change; return ForwardRepeatNext(); } }; /** * @class ReversePostOrderDfsIterator * @brief Used to perform a Reverse Post-order Depth-First-Search Iteration of a MIRGraph. */ class ReversePostOrderDfsIterator : public DataflowIterator { public: /** * @brief The constructor, using all of the reachable blocks of the MIRGraph. * @param mir_graph The MIRGraph considered. */ explicit ReversePostOrderDfsIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph) : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks() -1, 0) { // Extra setup for the ReversePostOrderDfsIterator. idx_ = start_idx_; block_id_list_ = &mir_graph->GetDfsPostOrder(); } /** * @brief Get the next BasicBlock depending on iteration order. * @param had_change did the user of the iteration change the previous BasicBlock. * @return the next BasicBlock following the iteration order, 0 if finished. */ virtual BasicBlock* Next(bool had_change = false) { // Update changed: if had_changed is true, we remember it for the whole iteration. changed_ |= had_change; return ReverseSingleNext(); } }; /** * @class ReversePostOrderDfsIterator * @brief Used to perform a Repeating Reverse Post-order Depth-First-Search Iteration of a MIRGraph. * @details If there is a change during an iteration, the iteration starts over at the end of the iteration. */ class RepeatingReversePostOrderDfsIterator : public DataflowIterator { public: /** * @brief The constructor, using all of the reachable blocks of the MIRGraph. * @param mir_graph The MIRGraph considered. */ explicit RepeatingReversePostOrderDfsIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph) : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks() -1, 0) { // Extra setup for the RepeatingReversePostOrderDfsIterator idx_ = start_idx_; block_id_list_ = &mir_graph->GetDfsPostOrder(); } /** * @brief Get the next BasicBlock depending on iteration order. * @param had_change did the user of the iteration change the previous BasicBlock. * @return the next BasicBlock following the iteration order, 0 if finished. */ virtual BasicBlock* Next(bool had_change = false) { // Update changed: if had_changed is true, we remember it for the whole iteration. changed_ |= had_change; return ReverseRepeatNext(); } }; /** * @class PostOrderDOMIterator * @brief Used to perform a Post-order Domination Iteration of a MIRGraph. */ class PostOrderDOMIterator : public DataflowIterator { public: /** * @brief The constructor, using all of the reachable blocks of the MIRGraph. * @param mir_graph The MIRGraph considered. */ explicit PostOrderDOMIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph) : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, 0, mir_graph->GetNumReachableBlocks()) { // Extra setup for thePostOrderDOMIterator. idx_ = start_idx_; block_id_list_ = &mir_graph->GetDomPostOrder(); } /** * @brief Get the next BasicBlock depending on iteration order. * @param had_change did the user of the iteration change the previous BasicBlock. * @return the next BasicBlock following the iteration order, 0 if finished. */ virtual BasicBlock* Next(bool had_change = false) { // Update changed: if had_changed is true, we remember it for the whole iteration. changed_ |= had_change; return ForwardSingleNext(); } }; /** * @class AllNodesIterator * @brief Used to perform an iteration on all the BasicBlocks a MIRGraph. */ class AllNodesIterator : public DataflowIterator { public: /** * @brief The constructor, using all of the reachable blocks of the MIRGraph. * @param mir_graph The MIRGraph considered. */ explicit AllNodesIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph) : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, 0, mir_graph->GetBlockList().size()) { } /** * @brief Resetting the iterator. */ void Reset() { idx_ = 0; } /** * @brief Get the next BasicBlock depending on iteration order. * @param had_change did the user of the iteration change the previous BasicBlock. * @return the next BasicBlock following the iteration order, 0 if finished. */ virtual BasicBlock* Next(bool had_change = false) ALWAYS_INLINE; }; /** * @class TopologicalSortIterator * @brief Used to perform a Topological Sort Iteration of a MIRGraph. */ class TopologicalSortIterator : public DataflowIterator { public: /** * @brief The constructor, using all of the reachable blocks of the MIRGraph. * @param mir_graph The MIRGraph considered. */ explicit TopologicalSortIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph) : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, 0, mir_graph->GetTopologicalSortOrder().size()), loop_ends_(&mir_graph->GetTopologicalSortOrderLoopEnds()), loop_head_stack_(mir_graph_->GetTopologicalSortOrderLoopHeadStack()) { // Extra setup for TopologicalSortIterator. idx_ = start_idx_; block_id_list_ = &mir_graph->GetTopologicalSortOrder(); } /** * @brief Get the next BasicBlock depending on iteration order. * @param had_change did the user of the iteration change the previous BasicBlock. * @return the next BasicBlock following the iteration order, 0 if finished. */ virtual BasicBlock* Next(bool had_change = false) OVERRIDE; private: const ArenaVector* const loop_ends_; ArenaVector>* const loop_head_stack_; }; /** * @class LoopRepeatingTopologicalSortIterator * @brief Used to perform a Topological Sort Iteration of a MIRGraph, repeating loops as needed. * @details The iterator uses the visited flags to keep track of the blocks that need * recalculation and keeps a stack of loop heads in the MIRGraph. At the end of the loop * it returns back to the loop head if it needs to be recalculated. Due to the use of * the visited flags and the loop head stack in the MIRGraph, it's not possible to use * two iterators at the same time or modify this data during iteration (though inspection * of this data is allowed and sometimes even expected). * * NOTE: This iterator is not suitable for passes that need to propagate changes to * predecessors, such as type inferrence. */ class LoopRepeatingTopologicalSortIterator : public DataflowIterator { public: /** * @brief The constructor, using all of the reachable blocks of the MIRGraph. * @param mir_graph The MIRGraph considered. */ explicit LoopRepeatingTopologicalSortIterator(MIRGraph* mir_graph) : DataflowIterator(mir_graph, 0, mir_graph->GetTopologicalSortOrder().size()), loop_ends_(&mir_graph->GetTopologicalSortOrderLoopEnds()), loop_head_stack_(mir_graph_->GetTopologicalSortOrderLoopHeadStack()) { // Extra setup for RepeatingTopologicalSortIterator. idx_ = start_idx_; block_id_list_ = &mir_graph->GetTopologicalSortOrder(); // Clear visited flags and check that the loop head stack is empty. mir_graph->ClearAllVisitedFlags(); DCHECK_EQ(loop_head_stack_->size(), 0u); } ~LoopRepeatingTopologicalSortIterator() { DCHECK_EQ(loop_head_stack_->size(), 0u); } /** * @brief Get the next BasicBlock depending on iteration order. * @param had_change did the user of the iteration change the previous BasicBlock. * @return the next BasicBlock following the iteration order, 0 if finished. */ virtual BasicBlock* Next(bool had_change = false) OVERRIDE; private: const ArenaVector* const loop_ends_; ArenaVector>* const loop_head_stack_; }; } // namespace art #endif // ART_COMPILER_DEX_DATAFLOW_ITERATOR_H_