/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "compiler_internals.h" #include "dex/dataflow_iterator-inl.h" namespace art { bool MIRGraph::SetFp(int index, bool is_fp) { bool change = false; if (is_fp && !reg_location_[index].fp) { reg_location_[index].fp = true; reg_location_[index].defined = true; change = true; } return change; } bool MIRGraph::SetFp(int index) { bool change = false; if (!reg_location_[index].fp) { reg_location_[index].fp = true; reg_location_[index].defined = true; change = true; } return change; } bool MIRGraph::SetCore(int index, bool is_core) { bool change = false; if (is_core && !reg_location_[index].defined) { reg_location_[index].core = true; reg_location_[index].defined = true; change = true; } return change; } bool MIRGraph::SetCore(int index) { bool change = false; if (!reg_location_[index].defined) { reg_location_[index].core = true; reg_location_[index].defined = true; change = true; } return change; } bool MIRGraph::SetRef(int index, bool is_ref) { bool change = false; if (is_ref && !reg_location_[index].defined) { reg_location_[index].ref = true; reg_location_[index].defined = true; change = true; } return change; } bool MIRGraph::SetRef(int index) { bool change = false; if (!reg_location_[index].defined) { reg_location_[index].ref = true; reg_location_[index].defined = true; change = true; } return change; } bool MIRGraph::SetWide(int index, bool is_wide) { bool change = false; if (is_wide && !reg_location_[index].wide) { reg_location_[index].wide = true; change = true; } return change; } bool MIRGraph::SetWide(int index) { bool change = false; if (!reg_location_[index].wide) { reg_location_[index].wide = true; change = true; } return change; } bool MIRGraph::SetHigh(int index, bool is_high) { bool change = false; if (is_high && !reg_location_[index].high_word) { reg_location_[index].high_word = true; change = true; } return change; } bool MIRGraph::SetHigh(int index) { bool change = false; if (!reg_location_[index].high_word) { reg_location_[index].high_word = true; change = true; } return change; } /* * Infer types and sizes. We don't need to track change on sizes, * as it doesn't propagate. We're guaranteed at least one pass through * the cfg. */ bool MIRGraph::InferTypeAndSize(BasicBlock* bb, MIR* mir, bool changed) { SSARepresentation *ssa_rep = mir->ssa_rep; /* * The dex bytecode definition does not explicitly outlaw the definition of the same * virtual register to be used in both a 32-bit and 64-bit pair context. However, dx * does not generate this pattern (at least recently). Further, in the next revision of * dex, we will forbid this. To support the few cases in the wild, detect this pattern * and punt to the interpreter. */ bool type_mismatch = false; if (ssa_rep) { uint64_t attrs = GetDataFlowAttributes(mir); const int* uses = ssa_rep->uses; const int* defs = ssa_rep->defs; // Handle defs if (attrs & DF_DA) { if (attrs & DF_CORE_A) { changed |= SetCore(defs[0]); } if (attrs & DF_REF_A) { changed |= SetRef(defs[0]); } if (attrs & DF_A_WIDE) { reg_location_[defs[0]].wide = true; reg_location_[defs[1]].wide = true; reg_location_[defs[1]].high_word = true; DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(defs[0])+1, SRegToVReg(defs[1])); } } // Handles uses int next = 0; if (attrs & DF_UA) { if (attrs & DF_CORE_A) { changed |= SetCore(uses[next]); } if (attrs & DF_REF_A) { changed |= SetRef(uses[next]); } if (attrs & DF_A_WIDE) { reg_location_[uses[next]].wide = true; reg_location_[uses[next + 1]].wide = true; reg_location_[uses[next + 1]].high_word = true; DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(uses[next])+1, SRegToVReg(uses[next + 1])); next += 2; } else { type_mismatch |= reg_location_[uses[next]].wide; next++; } } if (attrs & DF_UB) { if (attrs & DF_CORE_B) { changed |= SetCore(uses[next]); } if (attrs & DF_REF_B) { changed |= SetRef(uses[next]); } if (attrs & DF_B_WIDE) { reg_location_[uses[next]].wide = true; reg_location_[uses[next + 1]].wide = true; reg_location_[uses[next + 1]].high_word = true; DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(uses[next])+1, SRegToVReg(uses[next + 1])); next += 2; } else { type_mismatch |= reg_location_[uses[next]].wide; next++; } } if (attrs & DF_UC) { if (attrs & DF_CORE_C) { changed |= SetCore(uses[next]); } if (attrs & DF_REF_C) { changed |= SetRef(uses[next]); } if (attrs & DF_C_WIDE) { reg_location_[uses[next]].wide = true; reg_location_[uses[next + 1]].wide = true; reg_location_[uses[next + 1]].high_word = true; DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(uses[next])+1, SRegToVReg(uses[next + 1])); } else { type_mismatch |= reg_location_[uses[next]].wide; } } // Special-case return handling if ((mir->dalvikInsn.opcode == Instruction::RETURN) || (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode == Instruction::RETURN_WIDE) || (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode == Instruction::RETURN_OBJECT)) { switch (cu_->shorty[0]) { case 'I': type_mismatch |= reg_location_[uses[0]].wide; changed |= SetCore(uses[0]); break; case 'J': changed |= SetCore(uses[0]); changed |= SetCore(uses[1]); reg_location_[uses[0]].wide = true; reg_location_[uses[1]].wide = true; reg_location_[uses[1]].high_word = true; break; case 'F': type_mismatch |= reg_location_[uses[0]].wide; changed |= SetFp(uses[0]); break; case 'D': changed |= SetFp(uses[0]); changed |= SetFp(uses[1]); reg_location_[uses[0]].wide = true; reg_location_[uses[1]].wide = true; reg_location_[uses[1]].high_word = true; break; case 'L': type_mismatch |= reg_location_[uses[0]].wide; changed |= SetRef(uses[0]); break; default: break; } } // Special-case handling for format 35c/3rc invokes Instruction::Code opcode = mir->dalvikInsn.opcode; int flags = MIR::DecodedInstruction::IsPseudoMirOp(opcode) ? 0 : mir->dalvikInsn.FlagsOf(); if ((flags & Instruction::kInvoke) && (attrs & (DF_FORMAT_35C | DF_FORMAT_3RC))) { DCHECK_EQ(next, 0); int target_idx = mir->dalvikInsn.vB; const char* shorty = GetShortyFromTargetIdx(target_idx); // Handle result type if floating point if ((shorty[0] == 'F') || (shorty[0] == 'D')) { MIR* move_result_mir = FindMoveResult(bb, mir); // Result might not be used at all, so no move-result if (move_result_mir && (move_result_mir->dalvikInsn.opcode != Instruction::MOVE_RESULT_OBJECT)) { SSARepresentation* tgt_rep = move_result_mir->ssa_rep; DCHECK(tgt_rep != NULL); tgt_rep->fp_def[0] = true; changed |= SetFp(tgt_rep->defs[0]); if (shorty[0] == 'D') { tgt_rep->fp_def[1] = true; changed |= SetFp(tgt_rep->defs[1]); } } } int num_uses = mir->dalvikInsn.vA; // If this is a non-static invoke, mark implicit "this" if (((mir->dalvikInsn.opcode != Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC) && (mir->dalvikInsn.opcode != Instruction::INVOKE_STATIC_RANGE))) { reg_location_[uses[next]].defined = true; reg_location_[uses[next]].ref = true; type_mismatch |= reg_location_[uses[next]].wide; next++; } uint32_t cpos = 1; if (strlen(shorty) > 1) { for (int i = next; i < num_uses;) { DCHECK_LT(cpos, strlen(shorty)); switch (shorty[cpos++]) { case 'D': ssa_rep->fp_use[i] = true; ssa_rep->fp_use[i+1] = true; reg_location_[uses[i]].wide = true; reg_location_[uses[i+1]].wide = true; reg_location_[uses[i+1]].high_word = true; DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(uses[i])+1, SRegToVReg(uses[i+1])); i++; break; case 'J': reg_location_[uses[i]].wide = true; reg_location_[uses[i+1]].wide = true; reg_location_[uses[i+1]].high_word = true; DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(uses[i])+1, SRegToVReg(uses[i+1])); changed |= SetCore(uses[i]); i++; break; case 'F': type_mismatch |= reg_location_[uses[i]].wide; ssa_rep->fp_use[i] = true; break; case 'L': type_mismatch |= reg_location_[uses[i]].wide; changed |= SetRef(uses[i]); break; default: type_mismatch |= reg_location_[uses[i]].wide; changed |= SetCore(uses[i]); break; } i++; } } } for (int i = 0; ssa_rep->fp_use && i< ssa_rep->num_uses; i++) { if (ssa_rep->fp_use[i]) { changed |= SetFp(uses[i]); } } for (int i = 0; ssa_rep->fp_def && i< ssa_rep->num_defs; i++) { if (ssa_rep->fp_def[i]) { changed |= SetFp(defs[i]); } } // Special-case handling for moves & Phi if (attrs & (DF_IS_MOVE | DF_NULL_TRANSFER_N)) { /* * If any of our inputs or outputs is defined, set all. * Some ugliness related to Phi nodes and wide values. * The Phi set will include all low words or all high * words, so we have to treat them specially. */ bool is_phi = (static_cast(mir->dalvikInsn.opcode) == kMirOpPhi); RegLocation rl_temp = reg_location_[defs[0]]; bool defined_fp = rl_temp.defined && rl_temp.fp; bool defined_core = rl_temp.defined && rl_temp.core; bool defined_ref = rl_temp.defined && rl_temp.ref; bool is_wide = rl_temp.wide || ((attrs & DF_A_WIDE) != 0); bool is_high = is_phi && rl_temp.wide && rl_temp.high_word; for (int i = 0; i < ssa_rep->num_uses; i++) { rl_temp = reg_location_[uses[i]]; defined_fp |= rl_temp.defined && rl_temp.fp; defined_core |= rl_temp.defined && rl_temp.core; defined_ref |= rl_temp.defined && rl_temp.ref; is_wide |= rl_temp.wide; is_high |= is_phi && rl_temp.wide && rl_temp.high_word; } /* * We don't normally expect to see a Dalvik register definition used both as a * floating point and core value, though technically it could happen with constants. * Until we have proper typing, detect this situation and disable register promotion * (which relies on the distinction between core a fp usages). */ if ((defined_fp && (defined_core | defined_ref)) && ((cu_->disable_opt & (1 << kPromoteRegs)) == 0)) { LOG(WARNING) << PrettyMethod(cu_->method_idx, *cu_->dex_file) << " op at block " << bb->id << " has both fp and core/ref uses for same def."; cu_->disable_opt |= (1 << kPromoteRegs); } changed |= SetFp(defs[0], defined_fp); changed |= SetCore(defs[0], defined_core); changed |= SetRef(defs[0], defined_ref); changed |= SetWide(defs[0], is_wide); changed |= SetHigh(defs[0], is_high); if (attrs & DF_A_WIDE) { changed |= SetWide(defs[1]); changed |= SetHigh(defs[1]); } bool has_ins = (GetNumOfInVRs() > 0); for (int i = 0; i < ssa_rep->num_uses; i++) { if (has_ins && IsInVReg(uses[i])) { // NB: The SSA name for the first def of an in-reg will be the same as // the reg's actual name. if (!reg_location_[uses[i]].fp && defined_fp) { // If we were about to infer that this first def of an in-reg is a float // when it wasn't previously (because float/int is set during SSA initialization), // do not allow this to happen. continue; } } changed |= SetFp(uses[i], defined_fp); changed |= SetCore(uses[i], defined_core); changed |= SetRef(uses[i], defined_ref); changed |= SetWide(uses[i], is_wide); changed |= SetHigh(uses[i], is_high); } if (attrs & DF_A_WIDE) { DCHECK_EQ(ssa_rep->num_uses, 2); changed |= SetWide(uses[1]); changed |= SetHigh(uses[1]); } } } if (type_mismatch) { LOG(WARNING) << "Deprecated dex type mismatch, interpreting " << PrettyMethod(cu_->method_idx, *cu_->dex_file); LOG(INFO) << "@ 0x" << std::hex << mir->offset; SetPuntToInterpreter(true); } return changed; } static const char* storage_name[] = {" Frame ", "PhysReg", " CompilerTemp "}; void MIRGraph::DumpRegLocTable(RegLocation* table, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { LOG(INFO) << StringPrintf("Loc[%02d] : %s, %c %c %c %c %c %c 0x%04x S%d", table[i].orig_sreg, storage_name[table[i].location], table[i].wide ? 'W' : 'N', table[i].defined ? 'D' : 'U', table[i].fp ? 'F' : table[i].ref ? 'R' :'C', table[i].is_const ? 'c' : 'n', table[i].high_word ? 'H' : 'L', table[i].home ? 'h' : 't', table[i].reg.GetRawBits(), table[i].s_reg_low); } } // FIXME - will likely need to revisit all uses of this. static const RegLocation fresh_loc = {kLocDalvikFrame, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, RegStorage(), INVALID_SREG, INVALID_SREG}; void MIRGraph::InitRegLocations() { // Allocate the location map. We also include the maximum possible temps because // the temp allocation initializes reg location as well (in order to deal with // case when it will be called after this pass). int max_regs = GetNumSSARegs() + GetMaxPossibleCompilerTemps(); RegLocation* loc = static_cast(arena_->Alloc(max_regs * sizeof(*loc), kArenaAllocRegAlloc)); for (int i = 0; i < GetNumSSARegs(); i++) { loc[i] = fresh_loc; loc[i].s_reg_low = i; loc[i].is_const = is_constant_v_->IsBitSet(i); loc[i].wide = false; } /* Treat Method* as a normal reference */ int method_sreg = GetMethodSReg(); loc[method_sreg].ref = true; loc[method_sreg].location = kLocCompilerTemp; loc[method_sreg].defined = true; reg_location_ = loc; int num_regs = GetNumOfCodeVRs(); /* Add types of incoming arguments based on signature */ int num_ins = GetNumOfInVRs(); if (num_ins > 0) { int s_reg = num_regs - num_ins; if ((cu_->access_flags & kAccStatic) == 0) { // For non-static, skip past "this" reg_location_[s_reg].defined = true; reg_location_[s_reg].ref = true; s_reg++; } const char* shorty = cu_->shorty; int shorty_len = strlen(shorty); for (int i = 1; i < shorty_len; i++) { switch (shorty[i]) { case 'D': reg_location_[s_reg].wide = true; reg_location_[s_reg+1].high_word = true; reg_location_[s_reg+1].fp = true; DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(s_reg)+1, SRegToVReg(s_reg+1)); reg_location_[s_reg].fp = true; reg_location_[s_reg].defined = true; s_reg++; break; case 'J': reg_location_[s_reg].wide = true; reg_location_[s_reg+1].high_word = true; DCHECK_EQ(SRegToVReg(s_reg)+1, SRegToVReg(s_reg+1)); reg_location_[s_reg].core = true; reg_location_[s_reg].defined = true; s_reg++; break; case 'F': reg_location_[s_reg].fp = true; reg_location_[s_reg].defined = true; break; case 'L': reg_location_[s_reg].ref = true; reg_location_[s_reg].defined = true; break; default: reg_location_[s_reg].core = true; reg_location_[s_reg].defined = true; break; } s_reg++; } } } /* * Set the s_reg_low field to refer to the pre-SSA name of the * base Dalvik virtual register. Once we add a better register * allocator, remove this remapping. */ void MIRGraph::RemapRegLocations() { for (int i = 0; i < GetNumSSARegs(); i++) { int orig_sreg = reg_location_[i].s_reg_low; reg_location_[i].orig_sreg = orig_sreg; reg_location_[i].s_reg_low = SRegToVReg(orig_sreg); } } } // namespace art