/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "mod_union_table.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "card_table-inl.h" #include "heap_bitmap.h" #include "gc/collector/mark_sweep-inl.h" #include "gc/heap.h" #include "gc/space/space.h" #include "mirror/object-inl.h" #include "mirror/class-inl.h" #include "mirror/field-inl.h" #include "mirror/object_array-inl.h" #include "space_bitmap-inl.h" #include "thread.h" #include "UniquePtr.h" using namespace art::mirror; namespace art { namespace gc { namespace accounting { class MarkIfReachesAllocspaceVisitor { public: explicit MarkIfReachesAllocspaceVisitor(Heap* const heap, accounting::SpaceBitmap* bitmap) : heap_(heap), bitmap_(bitmap) { } // Extra parameters are required since we use this same visitor signature for checking objects. void operator ()(const Object* obj, const Object* ref, const MemberOffset& /* offset */, bool /* is_static */) const { // TODO: Optimize? // TODO: C++0x auto const std::vector& spaces = heap_->GetContinuousSpaces(); typedef std::vector::const_iterator It; for (It cur = spaces.begin(); cur != spaces.end(); ++cur) { if ((*cur)->IsDlMallocSpace() && (*cur)->Contains(ref)) { bitmap_->Set(obj); break; } } } private: Heap* const heap_; accounting::SpaceBitmap* const bitmap_; }; class ModUnionVisitor { public: explicit ModUnionVisitor(Heap* const heap, accounting::SpaceBitmap* bitmap) : heap_(heap), bitmap_(bitmap) { } void operator ()(const Object* obj) const SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_) { DCHECK(obj != NULL); // We don't have an early exit since we use the visitor pattern, an early exit should // significantly speed this up. MarkIfReachesAllocspaceVisitor visitor(heap_, bitmap_); collector::MarkSweep::VisitObjectReferences(obj, visitor); } private: Heap* const heap_; accounting::SpaceBitmap* const bitmap_; }; class ModUnionClearCardSetVisitor { public: explicit ModUnionClearCardSetVisitor(std::set* const cleared_cards) : cleared_cards_(cleared_cards) { } inline void operator ()(byte* card, byte expected_value, byte new_value) const { if (expected_value == CardTable::kCardDirty) { cleared_cards_->insert(card); } } private: std::set* const cleared_cards_; }; class ModUnionClearCardVisitor { public: explicit ModUnionClearCardVisitor(std::vector* cleared_cards) : cleared_cards_(cleared_cards) { } void operator ()(byte* card, byte expected_card, byte new_card) const { if (expected_card == CardTable::kCardDirty) { cleared_cards_->push_back(card); } } private: std::vector* const cleared_cards_; }; class ModUnionScanImageRootVisitor { public: explicit ModUnionScanImageRootVisitor(collector::MarkSweep* const mark_sweep) : mark_sweep_(mark_sweep) {} void operator ()(const Object* root) const EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { DCHECK(root != NULL); mark_sweep_->ScanRoot(root); } private: collector::MarkSweep* const mark_sweep_; }; void ModUnionTableReferenceCache::ClearCards(space::ContinuousSpace* space) { CardTable* card_table = GetHeap()->GetCardTable(); ModUnionClearCardSetVisitor visitor(&cleared_cards_); // Clear dirty cards in the this space and update the corresponding mod-union bits. card_table->ModifyCardsAtomic(space->Begin(), space->End(), AgeCardVisitor(), visitor); } class AddToReferenceArrayVisitor { public: explicit AddToReferenceArrayVisitor(ModUnionTableReferenceCache* mod_union_table, std::vector* references) : mod_union_table_(mod_union_table), references_(references) { } // Extra parameters are required since we use this same visitor signature for checking objects. void operator ()(const Object* obj, const Object* ref, const MemberOffset& /* offset */, bool /* is_static */) const { // Only add the reference if it is non null and fits our criteria. if (ref != NULL && mod_union_table_->AddReference(obj, ref)) { references_->push_back(ref); } } private: ModUnionTableReferenceCache* const mod_union_table_; std::vector* const references_; }; class ModUnionReferenceVisitor { public: explicit ModUnionReferenceVisitor(ModUnionTableReferenceCache* const mod_union_table, std::vector* references) : mod_union_table_(mod_union_table), references_(references) { } void operator ()(const Object* obj) const SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_) { DCHECK(obj != NULL); // We don't have an early exit since we use the visitor pattern, an early // exit should significantly speed this up. AddToReferenceArrayVisitor visitor(mod_union_table_, references_); collector::MarkSweep::VisitObjectReferences(obj, visitor); } private: ModUnionTableReferenceCache* const mod_union_table_; std::vector* const references_; }; class CheckReferenceVisitor { public: explicit CheckReferenceVisitor(ModUnionTableReferenceCache* mod_union_table, const std::set& references) : mod_union_table_(mod_union_table), references_(references) { } // Extra parameters are required since we use this same visitor signature for checking objects. // TODO: Fixme when anotatalysis works with visitors. void operator ()(const Object* obj, const Object* ref, const MemberOffset& /* offset */, bool /* is_static */) const SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_) { Heap* heap = mod_union_table_->GetHeap(); if (ref != NULL && mod_union_table_->AddReference(obj, ref) && references_.find(ref) == references_.end()) { space::ContinuousSpace* from_space = heap->FindContinuousSpaceFromObject(obj, false); space::ContinuousSpace* to_space = heap->FindContinuousSpaceFromObject(ref, false); LOG(INFO) << "Object " << reinterpret_cast(obj) << "(" << PrettyTypeOf(obj) << ")" << "References " << reinterpret_cast(ref) << "(" << PrettyTypeOf(ref) << ") without being in mod-union table"; LOG(INFO) << "FromSpace " << from_space->GetName() << " type " << from_space->GetGcRetentionPolicy(); LOG(INFO) << "ToSpace " << to_space->GetName() << " type " << to_space->GetGcRetentionPolicy(); mod_union_table_->GetHeap()->DumpSpaces(); LOG(FATAL) << "FATAL ERROR"; } } private: ModUnionTableReferenceCache* const mod_union_table_; const std::set& references_; }; class ModUnionCheckReferences { public: explicit ModUnionCheckReferences (ModUnionTableReferenceCache* mod_union_table, const std::set& references) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) : mod_union_table_(mod_union_table), references_(references) { } void operator ()(const Object* obj) const NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS { Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_->AssertSharedHeld(Thread::Current()); DCHECK(obj != NULL); CheckReferenceVisitor visitor(mod_union_table_, references_); collector::MarkSweep::VisitObjectReferences(obj, visitor); } private: ModUnionTableReferenceCache* const mod_union_table_; const std::set& references_; }; void ModUnionTableReferenceCache::Verify() { // Start by checking that everything in the mod union table is marked. Heap* heap = GetHeap(); typedef SafeMap >::const_iterator It; typedef std::vector::const_iterator It2; for (It it = references_.begin(), end = references_.end(); it != end; ++it) { for (It2 it_ref = it->second.begin(), end_ref = it->second.end(); it_ref != end_ref; ++it_ref ) { CHECK(heap->IsLiveObjectLocked(*it_ref)); } } // Check the references of each clean card which is also in the mod union table. CardTable* card_table = heap->GetCardTable(); for (It it = references_.begin(); it != references_.end(); ++it) { const byte* card = &*it->first; if (*card == CardTable::kCardClean) { std::set reference_set; for (It2 itr = it->second.begin(); itr != it->second.end();++itr) { reference_set.insert(*itr); } ModUnionCheckReferences visitor(this, reference_set); uintptr_t start = reinterpret_cast(card_table->AddrFromCard(card)); uintptr_t end = start + CardTable::kCardSize; space::ContinuousSpace* space = heap->FindContinuousSpaceFromObject(reinterpret_cast(start), false); SpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = space->GetLiveBitmap(); live_bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(start, end, visitor, VoidFunctor()); } } } void ModUnionTableReferenceCache::Dump(std::ostream& os) { CardTable* card_table = heap_->GetCardTable(); typedef std::set::const_iterator It; os << "ModUnionTable cleared cards: ["; for (It it = cleared_cards_.begin(); it != cleared_cards_.end(); ++it) { byte* card = *it; uintptr_t start = reinterpret_cast(card_table->AddrFromCard(card)); uintptr_t end = start + CardTable::kCardSize; os << reinterpret_cast(start) << "-" << reinterpret_cast(end) << ","; } os << "]\nModUnionTable references: ["; typedef SafeMap >::const_iterator It2; for (It2 it = references_.begin(); it != references_.end(); ++it) { const byte* card = &*it->first; uintptr_t start = reinterpret_cast(card_table->AddrFromCard(card)); uintptr_t end = start + CardTable::kCardSize; os << reinterpret_cast(start) << "-" << reinterpret_cast(end) << "->{"; typedef std::vector::const_iterator It3; for (It3 itr = it->second.begin(); itr != it->second.end();++itr) { os << reinterpret_cast(*itr) << ","; } os << "},"; } } void ModUnionTableReferenceCache::Update() { Heap* heap = GetHeap(); CardTable* card_table = heap->GetCardTable(); std::vector cards_references; ModUnionReferenceVisitor visitor(this, &cards_references); typedef std::set::iterator It; for (It it = cleared_cards_.begin(), cc_end = cleared_cards_.end(); it != cc_end; ++it) { byte* card = *it; // Clear and re-compute alloc space references associated with this card. cards_references.clear(); uintptr_t start = reinterpret_cast(card_table->AddrFromCard(card)); uintptr_t end = start + CardTable::kCardSize; SpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = heap->FindContinuousSpaceFromObject(reinterpret_cast(start), false)->GetLiveBitmap(); live_bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(start, end, visitor, VoidFunctor()); // Update the corresponding references for the card. // TODO: C++0x auto SafeMap >::iterator found = references_.find(card); if (found == references_.end()) { if (cards_references.empty()) { // No reason to add empty array. continue; } references_.Put(card, cards_references); } else { found->second = cards_references; } } cleared_cards_.clear(); } void ModUnionTableReferenceCache::MarkReferences(collector::MarkSweep* mark_sweep) { // TODO: C++0x auto size_t count = 0; typedef SafeMap >::const_iterator It; for (It it = references_.begin(); it != references_.end(); ++it) { typedef std::vector::const_iterator It2; for (It2 it_ref = it->second.begin(); it_ref != it->second.end(); ++it_ref ) { mark_sweep->MarkRoot(*it_ref); ++count; } } if (VLOG_IS_ON(heap)) { VLOG(gc) << "Marked " << count << " references in mod union table"; } } void ModUnionTableCardCache::ClearCards(space::ContinuousSpace* space) { CardTable* card_table = GetHeap()->GetCardTable(); ModUnionClearCardSetVisitor visitor(&cleared_cards_); // Clear dirty cards in the this space and update the corresponding mod-union bits. card_table->ModifyCardsAtomic(space->Begin(), space->End(), AgeCardVisitor(), visitor); } // Mark all references to the alloc space(s). void ModUnionTableCardCache::MarkReferences(collector::MarkSweep* mark_sweep) { CardTable* card_table = heap_->GetCardTable(); ModUnionScanImageRootVisitor visitor(mark_sweep); typedef std::set::const_iterator It; It it = cleared_cards_.begin(); It cc_end = cleared_cards_.end(); if (it != cc_end) { byte* card = *it; uintptr_t start = reinterpret_cast(card_table->AddrFromCard(card)); uintptr_t end = start + CardTable::kCardSize; space::ContinuousSpace* cur_space = heap_->FindContinuousSpaceFromObject(reinterpret_cast(start), false); accounting::SpaceBitmap* cur_live_bitmap = cur_space->GetLiveBitmap(); cur_live_bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(start, end, visitor, VoidFunctor()); for (++it; it != cc_end; ++it) { card = *it; start = reinterpret_cast(card_table->AddrFromCard(card)); end = start + CardTable::kCardSize; if (UNLIKELY(!cur_space->Contains(reinterpret_cast(start)))) { cur_space = heap_->FindContinuousSpaceFromObject(reinterpret_cast(start), false); cur_live_bitmap = cur_space->GetLiveBitmap(); } cur_live_bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(start, end, visitor, VoidFunctor()); } } } void ModUnionTableCardCache::Dump(std::ostream& os) { CardTable* card_table = heap_->GetCardTable(); typedef std::set::const_iterator It; os << "ModUnionTable dirty cards: ["; for (It it = cleared_cards_.begin(); it != cleared_cards_.end(); ++it) { byte* card = *it; uintptr_t start = reinterpret_cast(card_table->AddrFromCard(card)); uintptr_t end = start + CardTable::kCardSize; os << reinterpret_cast(start) << "-" << reinterpret_cast(end) << ","; } os << "]"; } } // namespace accounting } // namespace gc } // namespace art