/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "garbage_collector.h" #include "base/histogram-inl.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/mutex-inl.h" #include "gc/accounting/heap_bitmap.h" #include "gc/space/large_object_space.h" #include "gc/space/space-inl.h" #include "thread-inl.h" #include "thread_list.h" namespace art { namespace gc { namespace collector { Iteration::Iteration() : duration_ns_(0), timings_("GC iteration timing logger", true, VLOG_IS_ON(heap)) { Reset(kGcCauseBackground, false); // Reset to some place holder values. } void Iteration::Reset(GcCause gc_cause, bool clear_soft_references) { timings_.Reset(); pause_times_.clear(); duration_ns_ = 0; clear_soft_references_ = clear_soft_references; gc_cause_ = gc_cause; freed_ = ObjectBytePair(); freed_los_ = ObjectBytePair(); } uint64_t Iteration::GetEstimatedThroughput() const { // Add 1ms to prevent possible division by 0. return (static_cast(freed_.bytes) * 1000) / (NsToMs(GetDurationNs()) + 1); } GarbageCollector::GarbageCollector(Heap* heap, const std::string& name) : heap_(heap), name_(name), pause_histogram_((name_ + " paused").c_str(), kPauseBucketSize, kPauseBucketCount), cumulative_timings_(name) { ResetCumulativeStatistics(); } void GarbageCollector::RegisterPause(uint64_t nano_length) { GetCurrentIteration()->pause_times_.push_back(nano_length); } void GarbageCollector::ResetCumulativeStatistics() { cumulative_timings_.Reset(); pause_histogram_.Reset(); total_time_ns_ = 0; total_freed_objects_ = 0; total_freed_bytes_ = 0; } void GarbageCollector::Run(GcCause gc_cause, bool clear_soft_references) { ATRACE_BEGIN(StringPrintf("%s %s GC", PrettyCause(gc_cause), GetName()).c_str()); Thread* self = Thread::Current(); uint64_t start_time = NanoTime(); Iteration* current_iteration = GetCurrentIteration(); current_iteration->Reset(gc_cause, clear_soft_references); RunPhases(); // Run all the GC phases. // Add the current timings to the cumulative timings. cumulative_timings_.AddLogger(*GetTimings()); // Update cumulative statistics with how many bytes the GC iteration freed. total_freed_objects_ += current_iteration->GetFreedObjects() + current_iteration->GetFreedLargeObjects(); total_freed_bytes_ += current_iteration->GetFreedBytes() + current_iteration->GetFreedLargeObjectBytes(); uint64_t end_time = NanoTime(); current_iteration->SetDurationNs(end_time - start_time); if (Locks::mutator_lock_->IsExclusiveHeld(self)) { // The entire GC was paused, clear the fake pauses which might be in the pause times and add // the whole GC duration. current_iteration->pause_times_.clear(); RegisterPause(current_iteration->GetDurationNs()); } total_time_ns_ += current_iteration->GetDurationNs(); for (uint64_t pause_time : current_iteration->GetPauseTimes()) { pause_histogram_.AddValue(pause_time / 1000); } ATRACE_END(); } void GarbageCollector::SwapBitmaps() { TimingLogger::ScopedTiming t(__FUNCTION__, GetTimings()); // Swap the live and mark bitmaps for each alloc space. This is needed since sweep re-swaps // these bitmaps. The bitmap swapping is an optimization so that we do not need to clear the live // bits of dead objects in the live bitmap. const GcType gc_type = GetGcType(); for (const auto& space : GetHeap()->GetContinuousSpaces()) { // We never allocate into zygote spaces. if (space->GetGcRetentionPolicy() == space::kGcRetentionPolicyAlwaysCollect || (gc_type == kGcTypeFull && space->GetGcRetentionPolicy() == space::kGcRetentionPolicyFullCollect)) { accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = space->GetLiveBitmap(); accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* mark_bitmap = space->GetMarkBitmap(); if (live_bitmap != nullptr && live_bitmap != mark_bitmap) { heap_->GetLiveBitmap()->ReplaceBitmap(live_bitmap, mark_bitmap); heap_->GetMarkBitmap()->ReplaceBitmap(mark_bitmap, live_bitmap); CHECK(space->IsContinuousMemMapAllocSpace()); space->AsContinuousMemMapAllocSpace()->SwapBitmaps(); } } } for (const auto& disc_space : GetHeap()->GetDiscontinuousSpaces()) { space::LargeObjectSpace* space = disc_space->AsLargeObjectSpace(); accounting::LargeObjectBitmap* live_set = space->GetLiveBitmap(); accounting::LargeObjectBitmap* mark_set = space->GetMarkBitmap(); heap_->GetLiveBitmap()->ReplaceLargeObjectBitmap(live_set, mark_set); heap_->GetMarkBitmap()->ReplaceLargeObjectBitmap(mark_set, live_set); space->SwapBitmaps(); } } uint64_t GarbageCollector::GetEstimatedMeanThroughput() const { // Add 1ms to prevent possible division by 0. return (total_freed_bytes_ * 1000) / (NsToMs(GetCumulativeTimings().GetTotalNs()) + 1); } void GarbageCollector::ResetMeasurements() { cumulative_timings_.Reset(); pause_histogram_.Reset(); total_time_ns_ = 0; total_freed_objects_ = 0; total_freed_bytes_ = 0; } GarbageCollector::ScopedPause::ScopedPause(GarbageCollector* collector) : start_time_(NanoTime()), collector_(collector) { Runtime::Current()->GetThreadList()->SuspendAll(); } GarbageCollector::ScopedPause::~ScopedPause() { collector_->RegisterPause(NanoTime() - start_time_); Runtime::Current()->GetThreadList()->ResumeAll(); } // Returns the current GC iteration and assocated info. Iteration* GarbageCollector::GetCurrentIteration() { return heap_->GetCurrentGcIteration(); } const Iteration* GarbageCollector::GetCurrentIteration() const { return heap_->GetCurrentGcIteration(); } void GarbageCollector::RecordFree(const ObjectBytePair& freed) { GetCurrentIteration()->freed_.Add(freed); heap_->RecordFree(freed.objects, freed.bytes); } void GarbageCollector::RecordFreeLOS(const ObjectBytePair& freed) { GetCurrentIteration()->freed_los_.Add(freed); heap_->RecordFree(freed.objects, freed.bytes); } } // namespace collector } // namespace gc } // namespace art