/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "semi_space-inl.h" #include #include #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/macros.h" #include "base/mutex-inl.h" #include "base/timing_logger.h" #include "gc/accounting/heap_bitmap-inl.h" #include "gc/accounting/mod_union_table.h" #include "gc/accounting/remembered_set.h" #include "gc/accounting/space_bitmap-inl.h" #include "gc/heap.h" #include "gc/space/bump_pointer_space.h" #include "gc/space/bump_pointer_space-inl.h" #include "gc/space/image_space.h" #include "gc/space/large_object_space.h" #include "gc/space/space-inl.h" #include "indirect_reference_table.h" #include "intern_table.h" #include "jni_internal.h" #include "mark_sweep-inl.h" #include "monitor.h" #include "mirror/art_field.h" #include "mirror/art_field-inl.h" #include "mirror/class-inl.h" #include "mirror/class_loader.h" #include "mirror/dex_cache.h" #include "mirror/reference-inl.h" #include "mirror/object-inl.h" #include "mirror/object_array.h" #include "mirror/object_array-inl.h" #include "runtime.h" #include "stack.h" #include "thread-inl.h" #include "thread_list.h" #include "verifier/method_verifier.h" using ::art::mirror::Class; using ::art::mirror::Object; namespace art { namespace gc { namespace collector { static constexpr bool kProtectFromSpace = true; static constexpr bool kStoreStackTraces = false; static constexpr bool kUseBytesPromoted = true; static constexpr size_t kBytesPromotedThreshold = 4 * MB; void SemiSpace::BindBitmaps() { timings_.StartSplit("BindBitmaps"); WriterMutexLock mu(self_, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_); // Mark all of the spaces we never collect as immune. for (const auto& space : GetHeap()->GetContinuousSpaces()) { if (space->GetLiveBitmap() != nullptr) { if (space == to_space_) { CHECK(to_space_->IsContinuousMemMapAllocSpace()); to_space_->AsContinuousMemMapAllocSpace()->BindLiveToMarkBitmap(); } else if (space->GetGcRetentionPolicy() == space::kGcRetentionPolicyNeverCollect || space->GetGcRetentionPolicy() == space::kGcRetentionPolicyFullCollect // Add the main free list space and the non-moving // space to the immune space if a bump pointer space // only collection. || (generational_ && !whole_heap_collection_ && (space == GetHeap()->GetNonMovingSpace() || space == GetHeap()->GetPrimaryFreeListSpace()))) { CHECK(immune_region_.AddContinuousSpace(space)) << "Failed to add space " << *space; } } } if (generational_ && !whole_heap_collection_) { // We won't collect the large object space if a bump pointer space only collection. is_large_object_space_immune_ = true; } timings_.EndSplit(); } SemiSpace::SemiSpace(Heap* heap, bool generational, const std::string& name_prefix) : GarbageCollector(heap, name_prefix + (name_prefix.empty() ? "" : " ") + "marksweep + semispace"), to_space_(nullptr), from_space_(nullptr), generational_(generational), last_gc_to_space_end_(nullptr), bytes_promoted_(0), bytes_promoted_since_last_whole_heap_collection_(0), whole_heap_collection_(true), whole_heap_collection_interval_counter_(0), collector_name_(name_) { } void SemiSpace::InitializePhase() { TimingLogger::ScopedSplit split("InitializePhase", &timings_); mark_stack_ = heap_->mark_stack_.get(); DCHECK(mark_stack_ != nullptr); immune_region_.Reset(); is_large_object_space_immune_ = false; saved_bytes_ = 0; bytes_moved_ = 0; objects_moved_ = 0; self_ = Thread::Current(); // Do any pre GC verification. timings_.NewSplit("PreGcVerification"); heap_->PreGcVerification(this); CHECK(from_space_->CanMoveObjects()) << "Attempting to move from " << *from_space_; // Set the initial bitmap. to_space_live_bitmap_ = to_space_->GetLiveBitmap(); { // TODO: I don't think we should need heap bitmap lock to get the mark bitmap. ReaderMutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_); mark_bitmap_ = heap_->GetMarkBitmap(); } } void SemiSpace::ProcessReferences(Thread* self) { TimingLogger::ScopedSplit split("ProcessReferences", &timings_); WriterMutexLock mu(self, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_); GetHeap()->ProcessReferences(timings_, clear_soft_references_, &MarkedForwardingAddressCallback, &MarkObjectCallback, &ProcessMarkStackCallback, this); } void SemiSpace::MarkingPhase() { if (kStoreStackTraces) { Locks::mutator_lock_->AssertExclusiveHeld(self_); // Store the stack traces into the runtime fault string in case we get a heap corruption // related crash later. ThreadState old_state = self_->SetStateUnsafe(kRunnable); std::ostringstream oss; Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current(); runtime->GetThreadList()->DumpForSigQuit(oss); runtime->GetThreadList()->DumpNativeStacks(oss); runtime->SetFaultMessage(oss.str()); CHECK_EQ(self_->SetStateUnsafe(old_state), kRunnable); } if (generational_) { if (gc_cause_ == kGcCauseExplicit || gc_cause_ == kGcCauseForNativeAlloc || clear_soft_references_) { // If an explicit, native allocation-triggered, or last attempt // collection, collect the whole heap (and reset the interval // counter to be consistent.) whole_heap_collection_ = true; if (!kUseBytesPromoted) { whole_heap_collection_interval_counter_ = 0; } } if (whole_heap_collection_) { VLOG(heap) << "Whole heap collection"; name_ = collector_name_ + " whole"; } else { VLOG(heap) << "Bump pointer space only collection"; name_ = collector_name_ + " bps"; } } if (!clear_soft_references_) { if (!generational_) { // If non-generational, always clear soft references. clear_soft_references_ = true; } else { // If generational, clear soft references if a whole heap collection. if (whole_heap_collection_) { clear_soft_references_ = true; } } } Locks::mutator_lock_->AssertExclusiveHeld(self_); TimingLogger::ScopedSplit split("MarkingPhase", &timings_); if (generational_) { // If last_gc_to_space_end_ is out of the bounds of the from-space // (the to-space from last GC), then point it to the beginning of // the from-space. For example, the very first GC or the // pre-zygote compaction. if (!from_space_->HasAddress(reinterpret_cast(last_gc_to_space_end_))) { last_gc_to_space_end_ = from_space_->Begin(); } // Reset this before the marking starts below. bytes_promoted_ = 0; } // Assume the cleared space is already empty. BindBitmaps(); // Process dirty cards and add dirty cards to mod-union tables. heap_->ProcessCards(timings_, kUseRememberedSet && generational_); // Clear the whole card table since we can not get any additional dirty cards during the // paused GC. This saves memory but only works for pause the world collectors. timings_.NewSplit("ClearCardTable"); heap_->GetCardTable()->ClearCardTable(); // Need to do this before the checkpoint since we don't want any threads to add references to // the live stack during the recursive mark. timings_.NewSplit("SwapStacks"); if (kUseThreadLocalAllocationStack) { heap_->RevokeAllThreadLocalAllocationStacks(self_); } heap_->SwapStacks(self_); WriterMutexLock mu(self_, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_); MarkRoots(); // Mark roots of immune spaces. UpdateAndMarkModUnion(); // Recursively mark remaining objects. MarkReachableObjects(); } void SemiSpace::UpdateAndMarkModUnion() { for (auto& space : heap_->GetContinuousSpaces()) { // If the space is immune then we need to mark the references to other spaces. if (immune_region_.ContainsSpace(space)) { accounting::ModUnionTable* table = heap_->FindModUnionTableFromSpace(space); if (table != nullptr) { // TODO: Improve naming. TimingLogger::ScopedSplit split( space->IsZygoteSpace() ? "UpdateAndMarkZygoteModUnionTable" : "UpdateAndMarkImageModUnionTable", &timings_); table->UpdateAndMarkReferences(MarkHeapReferenceCallback, this); } else if (heap_->FindRememberedSetFromSpace(space) != nullptr) { DCHECK(kUseRememberedSet); // If a bump pointer space only collection, the non-moving // space is added to the immune space. The non-moving space // doesn't have a mod union table, but has a remembered // set. Its dirty cards will be scanned later in // MarkReachableObjects(). DCHECK(generational_ && !whole_heap_collection_ && (space == heap_->GetNonMovingSpace() || space == heap_->GetPrimaryFreeListSpace())) << "Space " << space->GetName() << " " << "generational_=" << generational_ << " " << "whole_heap_collection_=" << whole_heap_collection_ << " "; } else { DCHECK(!kUseRememberedSet); // If a bump pointer space only collection, the non-moving // space is added to the immune space. But the non-moving // space doesn't have a mod union table. Instead, its live // bitmap will be scanned later in MarkReachableObjects(). DCHECK(generational_ && !whole_heap_collection_ && (space == heap_->GetNonMovingSpace() || space == heap_->GetPrimaryFreeListSpace())) << "Space " << space->GetName() << " " << "generational_=" << generational_ << " " << "whole_heap_collection_=" << whole_heap_collection_ << " "; } } } } class SemiSpaceScanObjectVisitor { public: explicit SemiSpaceScanObjectVisitor(SemiSpace* ss) : semi_space_(ss) {} void operator()(Object* obj) const SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) { // TODO: fix NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS. ScanObject() requires an // exclusive lock on the mutator lock, but // SpaceBitmap::VisitMarkedRange() only requires the shared lock. DCHECK(obj != nullptr); semi_space_->ScanObject(obj); } private: SemiSpace* const semi_space_; }; // Used to verify that there's no references to the from-space. class SemiSpaceVerifyNoFromSpaceReferencesVisitor { public: explicit SemiSpaceVerifyNoFromSpaceReferencesVisitor(space::ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace* from_space) : from_space_(from_space) {} void operator()(Object* obj, MemberOffset offset, bool /* is_static */) const SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) ALWAYS_INLINE { mirror::Object* ref = obj->GetFieldObject(offset, false); if (from_space_->HasAddress(ref)) { Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->DumpObject(LOG(INFO), obj); LOG(FATAL) << ref << " found in from space"; } } private: space::ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace* from_space_; }; void SemiSpace::VerifyNoFromSpaceReferences(Object* obj) { DCHECK(!from_space_->HasAddress(obj)) << "Scanning object " << obj << " in from space"; SemiSpaceVerifyNoFromSpaceReferencesVisitor visitor(from_space_); obj->VisitReferences(visitor); } class SemiSpaceVerifyNoFromSpaceReferencesObjectVisitor { public: explicit SemiSpaceVerifyNoFromSpaceReferencesObjectVisitor(SemiSpace* ss) : semi_space_(ss) {} void operator()(Object* obj) const SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_) { DCHECK(obj != nullptr); semi_space_->VerifyNoFromSpaceReferences(obj); } private: SemiSpace* const semi_space_; }; void SemiSpace::MarkReachableObjects() { timings_.StartSplit("MarkStackAsLive"); accounting::ObjectStack* live_stack = heap_->GetLiveStack(); heap_->MarkAllocStackAsLive(live_stack); live_stack->Reset(); timings_.NewSplit("UpdateAndMarkRememberedSets"); for (auto& space : heap_->GetContinuousSpaces()) { // If the space is immune and has no mod union table (the // non-moving space when the bump pointer space only collection is // enabled,) then we need to scan its live bitmap or dirty cards as roots // (including the objects on the live stack which have just marked // in the live bitmap above in MarkAllocStackAsLive().) if (immune_region_.ContainsSpace(space) && heap_->FindModUnionTableFromSpace(space) == nullptr) { DCHECK(generational_ && !whole_heap_collection_ && (space == GetHeap()->GetNonMovingSpace() || space == GetHeap()->GetPrimaryFreeListSpace())); accounting::RememberedSet* rem_set = heap_->FindRememberedSetFromSpace(space); if (kUseRememberedSet) { DCHECK(rem_set != nullptr); rem_set->UpdateAndMarkReferences(MarkHeapReferenceCallback, DelayReferenceReferentCallback, from_space_, this); if (kIsDebugBuild) { // Verify that there are no from-space references that // remain in the space, that is, the remembered set (and the // card table) didn't miss any from-space references in the // space. accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = space->GetLiveBitmap(); SemiSpaceVerifyNoFromSpaceReferencesObjectVisitor visitor(this); live_bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(reinterpret_cast(space->Begin()), reinterpret_cast(space->End()), visitor); } } else { DCHECK(rem_set == nullptr); accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = space->GetLiveBitmap(); SemiSpaceScanObjectVisitor visitor(this); live_bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(reinterpret_cast(space->Begin()), reinterpret_cast(space->End()), visitor); } } } if (is_large_object_space_immune_) { timings_.NewSplit("VisitLargeObjects"); DCHECK(generational_ && !whole_heap_collection_); // Delay copying the live set to the marked set until here from // BindBitmaps() as the large objects on the allocation stack may // be newly added to the live set above in MarkAllocStackAsLive(). GetHeap()->GetLargeObjectsSpace()->CopyLiveToMarked(); // When the large object space is immune, we need to scan the // large object space as roots as they contain references to their // classes (primitive array classes) that could move though they // don't contain any other references. space::LargeObjectSpace* large_object_space = GetHeap()->GetLargeObjectsSpace(); accounting::LargeObjectBitmap* large_live_bitmap = large_object_space->GetLiveBitmap(); SemiSpaceScanObjectVisitor visitor(this); large_live_bitmap->VisitMarkedRange(reinterpret_cast(large_object_space->Begin()), reinterpret_cast(large_object_space->End()), visitor); } timings_.EndSplit(); // Recursively process the mark stack. ProcessMarkStack(); } void SemiSpace::ReclaimPhase() { TimingLogger::ScopedSplit split("ReclaimPhase", &timings_); ProcessReferences(self_); { ReaderMutexLock mu(self_, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_); SweepSystemWeaks(); } // Record freed memory. uint64_t from_bytes = from_space_->GetBytesAllocated(); uint64_t to_bytes = bytes_moved_; uint64_t from_objects = from_space_->GetObjectsAllocated(); uint64_t to_objects = objects_moved_; CHECK_LE(to_objects, from_objects); int64_t freed_bytes = from_bytes - to_bytes; int64_t freed_objects = from_objects - to_objects; freed_bytes_.FetchAndAdd(freed_bytes); freed_objects_.FetchAndAdd(freed_objects); // Note: Freed bytes can be negative if we copy form a compacted space to a free-list backed // space. heap_->RecordFree(freed_objects, freed_bytes); timings_.StartSplit("PreSweepingGcVerification"); heap_->PreSweepingGcVerification(this); timings_.EndSplit(); { WriterMutexLock mu(self_, *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_); // Reclaim unmarked objects. Sweep(false); // Swap the live and mark bitmaps for each space which we modified space. This is an // optimization that enables us to not clear live bits inside of the sweep. Only swaps unbound // bitmaps. timings_.StartSplit("SwapBitmaps"); SwapBitmaps(); timings_.EndSplit(); // Unbind the live and mark bitmaps. TimingLogger::ScopedSplit split("UnBindBitmaps", &timings_); GetHeap()->UnBindBitmaps(); } // TODO: Do this before doing verification since the from space may have objects which weren't // moved and point to dead objects. from_space_->Clear(); // Protect the from space. VLOG(heap) << "Protecting space " << *from_space_; if (kProtectFromSpace) { from_space_->GetMemMap()->Protect(PROT_NONE); } else { from_space_->GetMemMap()->Protect(PROT_READ); } if (saved_bytes_ > 0) { VLOG(heap) << "Avoided dirtying " << PrettySize(saved_bytes_); } if (generational_) { // Record the end (top) of the to space so we can distinguish // between objects that were allocated since the last GC and the // older objects. last_gc_to_space_end_ = to_space_->End(); } } void SemiSpace::ResizeMarkStack(size_t new_size) { std::vector temp(mark_stack_->Begin(), mark_stack_->End()); CHECK_LE(mark_stack_->Size(), new_size); mark_stack_->Resize(new_size); for (const auto& obj : temp) { mark_stack_->PushBack(obj); } } inline void SemiSpace::MarkStackPush(Object* obj) { if (UNLIKELY(mark_stack_->Size() >= mark_stack_->Capacity())) { ResizeMarkStack(mark_stack_->Capacity() * 2); } // The object must be pushed on to the mark stack. mark_stack_->PushBack(obj); } static inline size_t CopyAvoidingDirtyingPages(void* dest, const void* src, size_t size) { if (LIKELY(size <= static_cast(kPageSize))) { // We will dirty the current page and somewhere in the middle of the next page. This means // that the next object copied will also dirty that page. // TODO: Worth considering the last object copied? We may end up dirtying one page which is // not necessary per GC. memcpy(dest, src, size); return 0; } size_t saved_bytes = 0; byte* byte_dest = reinterpret_cast(dest); if (kIsDebugBuild) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { CHECK_EQ(byte_dest[i], 0U); } } // Process the start of the page. The page must already be dirty, don't bother with checking. const byte* byte_src = reinterpret_cast(src); const byte* limit = byte_src + size; size_t page_remain = AlignUp(byte_dest, kPageSize) - byte_dest; // Copy the bytes until the start of the next page. memcpy(dest, src, page_remain); byte_src += page_remain; byte_dest += page_remain; DCHECK_ALIGNED(reinterpret_cast(byte_dest), kPageSize); DCHECK_ALIGNED(reinterpret_cast(byte_dest), sizeof(uintptr_t)); DCHECK_ALIGNED(reinterpret_cast(byte_src), sizeof(uintptr_t)); while (byte_src + kPageSize < limit) { bool all_zero = true; uintptr_t* word_dest = reinterpret_cast(byte_dest); const uintptr_t* word_src = reinterpret_cast(byte_src); for (size_t i = 0; i < kPageSize / sizeof(*word_src); ++i) { // Assumes the destination of the copy is all zeros. if (word_src[i] != 0) { all_zero = false; word_dest[i] = word_src[i]; } } if (all_zero) { // Avoided copying into the page since it was all zeros. saved_bytes += kPageSize; } byte_src += kPageSize; byte_dest += kPageSize; } // Handle the part of the page at the end. memcpy(byte_dest, byte_src, limit - byte_src); return saved_bytes; } mirror::Object* SemiSpace::MarkNonForwardedObject(mirror::Object* obj) { size_t object_size = obj->SizeOf(); size_t bytes_allocated; mirror::Object* forward_address = nullptr; if (generational_ && reinterpret_cast(obj) < last_gc_to_space_end_) { // If it's allocated before the last GC (older), move // (pseudo-promote) it to the main free list space (as sort // of an old generation.) space::MallocSpace* promo_dest_space = GetHeap()->GetPrimaryFreeListSpace(); forward_address = promo_dest_space->Alloc(self_, object_size, &bytes_allocated, nullptr); if (UNLIKELY(forward_address == nullptr)) { // If out of space, fall back to the to-space. forward_address = to_space_->Alloc(self_, object_size, &bytes_allocated, nullptr); } else { bytes_promoted_ += bytes_allocated; // Dirty the card at the destionation as it may contain // references (including the class pointer) to the bump pointer // space. GetHeap()->WriteBarrierEveryFieldOf(forward_address); // Handle the bitmaps marking. accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = promo_dest_space->GetLiveBitmap(); DCHECK(live_bitmap != nullptr); accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* mark_bitmap = promo_dest_space->GetMarkBitmap(); DCHECK(mark_bitmap != nullptr); DCHECK(!live_bitmap->Test(forward_address)); if (!whole_heap_collection_) { // If collecting the bump pointer spaces only, live_bitmap == mark_bitmap. DCHECK_EQ(live_bitmap, mark_bitmap); // If a bump pointer space only collection, delay the live // bitmap marking of the promoted object until it's popped off // the mark stack (ProcessMarkStack()). The rationale: we may // be in the middle of scanning the objects in the promo // destination space for // non-moving-space-to-bump-pointer-space references by // iterating over the marked bits of the live bitmap // (MarkReachableObjects()). If we don't delay it (and instead // mark the promoted object here), the above promo destination // space scan could encounter the just-promoted object and // forward the references in the promoted object's fields even // through it is pushed onto the mark stack. If this happens, // the promoted object would be in an inconsistent state, that // is, it's on the mark stack (gray) but its fields are // already forwarded (black), which would cause a // DCHECK(!to_space_->HasAddress(obj)) failure below. } else { // Mark forward_address on the live bit map. live_bitmap->Set(forward_address); // Mark forward_address on the mark bit map. DCHECK(!mark_bitmap->Test(forward_address)); mark_bitmap->Set(forward_address); } } DCHECK(forward_address != nullptr); } else { // If it's allocated after the last GC (younger), copy it to the to-space. forward_address = to_space_->Alloc(self_, object_size, &bytes_allocated, nullptr); } ++objects_moved_; bytes_moved_ += bytes_allocated; // Copy over the object and add it to the mark stack since we still need to update its // references. saved_bytes_ += CopyAvoidingDirtyingPages(reinterpret_cast(forward_address), obj, object_size); if (kUseBakerOrBrooksReadBarrier) { obj->AssertReadBarrierPointer(); if (kUseBrooksReadBarrier) { DCHECK_EQ(forward_address->GetReadBarrierPointer(), obj); forward_address->SetReadBarrierPointer(forward_address); } forward_address->AssertReadBarrierPointer(); } if (to_space_live_bitmap_ != nullptr) { to_space_live_bitmap_->Set(forward_address); } DCHECK(to_space_->HasAddress(forward_address) || (generational_ && GetHeap()->GetPrimaryFreeListSpace()->HasAddress(forward_address))); return forward_address; } void SemiSpace::ProcessMarkStackCallback(void* arg) { reinterpret_cast(arg)->ProcessMarkStack(); } mirror::Object* SemiSpace::MarkObjectCallback(mirror::Object* root, void* arg) { auto ref = StackReference::FromMirrorPtr(root); reinterpret_cast(arg)->MarkObject(&ref); return ref.AsMirrorPtr(); } void SemiSpace::MarkHeapReferenceCallback(mirror::HeapReference* obj_ptr, void* arg) { reinterpret_cast(arg)->MarkObject(obj_ptr); } void SemiSpace::DelayReferenceReferentCallback(mirror::Class* klass, mirror::Reference* ref, void* arg) { reinterpret_cast(arg)->DelayReferenceReferent(klass, ref); } void SemiSpace::MarkRootCallback(Object** root, void* arg, uint32_t /*thread_id*/, RootType /*root_type*/) { auto ref = StackReference::FromMirrorPtr(*root); reinterpret_cast(arg)->MarkObject(&ref); if (*root != ref.AsMirrorPtr()) { *root = ref.AsMirrorPtr(); } } // Marks all objects in the root set. void SemiSpace::MarkRoots() { timings_.NewSplit("MarkRoots"); // TODO: Visit up image roots as well? Runtime::Current()->VisitRoots(MarkRootCallback, this); } mirror::Object* SemiSpace::MarkedForwardingAddressCallback(mirror::Object* object, void* arg) { return reinterpret_cast(arg)->GetMarkedForwardAddress(object); } void SemiSpace::SweepSystemWeaks() { timings_.StartSplit("SweepSystemWeaks"); Runtime::Current()->SweepSystemWeaks(MarkedForwardingAddressCallback, this); timings_.EndSplit(); } bool SemiSpace::ShouldSweepSpace(space::ContinuousSpace* space) const { return space != from_space_ && space != to_space_ && !immune_region_.ContainsSpace(space); } void SemiSpace::Sweep(bool swap_bitmaps) { DCHECK(mark_stack_->IsEmpty()); TimingLogger::ScopedSplit split("Sweep", &timings_); for (const auto& space : GetHeap()->GetContinuousSpaces()) { if (space->IsContinuousMemMapAllocSpace()) { space::ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace* alloc_space = space->AsContinuousMemMapAllocSpace(); if (!ShouldSweepSpace(alloc_space)) { continue; } TimingLogger::ScopedSplit split( alloc_space->IsZygoteSpace() ? "SweepZygoteSpace" : "SweepAllocSpace", &timings_); size_t freed_objects = 0; size_t freed_bytes = 0; alloc_space->Sweep(swap_bitmaps, &freed_objects, &freed_bytes); heap_->RecordFree(freed_objects, freed_bytes); freed_objects_.FetchAndAdd(freed_objects); freed_bytes_.FetchAndAdd(freed_bytes); } } if (!is_large_object_space_immune_) { SweepLargeObjects(swap_bitmaps); } } void SemiSpace::SweepLargeObjects(bool swap_bitmaps) { DCHECK(!is_large_object_space_immune_); TimingLogger::ScopedSplit split("SweepLargeObjects", &timings_); size_t freed_objects = 0; size_t freed_bytes = 0; heap_->GetLargeObjectsSpace()->Sweep(swap_bitmaps, &freed_objects, &freed_bytes); freed_large_objects_.FetchAndAdd(freed_objects); freed_large_object_bytes_.FetchAndAdd(freed_bytes); heap_->RecordFree(freed_objects, freed_bytes); } // Process the "referent" field in a java.lang.ref.Reference. If the referent has not yet been // marked, put it on the appropriate list in the heap for later processing. void SemiSpace::DelayReferenceReferent(mirror::Class* klass, mirror::Reference* reference) { heap_->DelayReferenceReferent(klass, reference, MarkedForwardingAddressCallback, this); } class SemiSpaceMarkObjectVisitor { public: explicit SemiSpaceMarkObjectVisitor(SemiSpace* collector) : collector_(collector) { } void operator()(Object* obj, MemberOffset offset, bool /* is_static */) const ALWAYS_INLINE EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_, Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) { // Object was already verified when we scanned it. collector_->MarkObject(obj->GetFieldObjectReferenceAddr(offset)); } void operator()(mirror::Class* klass, mirror::Reference* ref) const SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) { collector_->DelayReferenceReferent(klass, ref); } private: SemiSpace* const collector_; }; // Visit all of the references of an object and update. void SemiSpace::ScanObject(Object* obj) { DCHECK(!from_space_->HasAddress(obj)) << "Scanning object " << obj << " in from space"; SemiSpaceMarkObjectVisitor visitor(this); obj->VisitReferences(visitor, visitor); } // Scan anything that's on the mark stack. void SemiSpace::ProcessMarkStack() { space::MallocSpace* promo_dest_space = nullptr; accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* live_bitmap = nullptr; if (generational_ && !whole_heap_collection_) { // If a bump pointer space only collection (and the promotion is // enabled,) we delay the live-bitmap marking of promoted objects // from MarkObject() until this function. promo_dest_space = GetHeap()->GetPrimaryFreeListSpace(); live_bitmap = promo_dest_space->GetLiveBitmap(); DCHECK(live_bitmap != nullptr); accounting::ContinuousSpaceBitmap* mark_bitmap = promo_dest_space->GetMarkBitmap(); DCHECK(mark_bitmap != nullptr); DCHECK_EQ(live_bitmap, mark_bitmap); } timings_.StartSplit("ProcessMarkStack"); while (!mark_stack_->IsEmpty()) { Object* obj = mark_stack_->PopBack(); if (generational_ && !whole_heap_collection_ && promo_dest_space->HasAddress(obj)) { // obj has just been promoted. Mark the live bitmap for it, // which is delayed from MarkObject(). DCHECK(!live_bitmap->Test(obj)); live_bitmap->Set(obj); } ScanObject(obj); } timings_.EndSplit(); } inline Object* SemiSpace::GetMarkedForwardAddress(mirror::Object* obj) const SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) { // All immune objects are assumed marked. if (immune_region_.ContainsObject(obj)) { return obj; } if (from_space_->HasAddress(obj)) { // Returns either the forwarding address or nullptr. return GetForwardingAddressInFromSpace(obj); } else if (to_space_->HasAddress(obj)) { // Should be unlikely. // Already forwarded, must be marked. return obj; } return heap_->GetMarkBitmap()->Test(obj) ? obj : nullptr; } void SemiSpace::SetToSpace(space::ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace* to_space) { DCHECK(to_space != nullptr); to_space_ = to_space; } void SemiSpace::SetFromSpace(space::ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace* from_space) { DCHECK(from_space != nullptr); from_space_ = from_space; } void SemiSpace::FinishPhase() { TimingLogger::ScopedSplit split("FinishPhase", &timings_); Heap* heap = GetHeap(); timings_.NewSplit("PostGcVerification"); heap->PostGcVerification(this); // Null the "to" and "from" spaces since compacting from one to the other isn't valid until // further action is done by the heap. to_space_ = nullptr; from_space_ = nullptr; CHECK(mark_stack_->IsEmpty()); mark_stack_->Reset(); if (generational_) { // Decide whether to do a whole heap collection or a bump pointer // only space collection at the next collection by updating // whole_heap_collection. if (!whole_heap_collection_) { if (!kUseBytesPromoted) { // Enable whole_heap_collection once every // kDefaultWholeHeapCollectionInterval collections. --whole_heap_collection_interval_counter_; DCHECK_GE(whole_heap_collection_interval_counter_, 0); if (whole_heap_collection_interval_counter_ == 0) { whole_heap_collection_ = true; } } else { // Enable whole_heap_collection if the bytes promoted since // the last whole heap collection exceeds a threshold. bytes_promoted_since_last_whole_heap_collection_ += bytes_promoted_; if (bytes_promoted_since_last_whole_heap_collection_ >= kBytesPromotedThreshold) { whole_heap_collection_ = true; } } } else { if (!kUseBytesPromoted) { DCHECK_EQ(whole_heap_collection_interval_counter_, 0); whole_heap_collection_interval_counter_ = kDefaultWholeHeapCollectionInterval; whole_heap_collection_ = false; } else { // Reset it. bytes_promoted_since_last_whole_heap_collection_ = bytes_promoted_; whole_heap_collection_ = false; } } } // Clear all of the spaces' mark bitmaps. WriterMutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_); heap_->ClearMarkedObjects(); } void SemiSpace::RevokeAllThreadLocalBuffers() { timings_.StartSplit("(Paused)RevokeAllThreadLocalBuffers"); GetHeap()->RevokeAllThreadLocalBuffers(); timings_.EndSplit(); } } // namespace collector } // namespace gc } // namespace art