/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "interpreter_common.h" #include namespace art { namespace interpreter { // Hand select a number of methods to be run in a not yet started runtime without using JNI. static void UnstartedRuntimeJni(Thread* self, ArtMethod* method, Object* receiver, uint32_t* args, JValue* result) SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { DCHECK(Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction()) << "Calling native method " << PrettyMethod(method) << " in unstarted runtime should only happen" << " in a transaction"; std::string name(PrettyMethod(method)); if (name == "java.lang.ClassLoader dalvik.system.VMStack.getCallingClassLoader()") { result->SetL(NULL); } else if (name == "java.lang.Class dalvik.system.VMStack.getStackClass2()") { NthCallerVisitor visitor(self, 3); visitor.WalkStack(); result->SetL(visitor.caller->GetDeclaringClass()); } else if (name == "double java.lang.Math.log(double)") { JValue value; value.SetJ((static_cast(args[1]) << 32) | args[0]); result->SetD(log(value.GetD())); } else if (name == "java.lang.String java.lang.Class.getNameNative()") { result->SetL(receiver->AsClass()->ComputeName()); } else if (name == "int java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits(float)") { result->SetI(args[0]); } else if (name == "float java.lang.Float.intBitsToFloat(int)") { result->SetI(args[0]); } else if (name == "double java.lang.Math.exp(double)") { JValue value; value.SetJ((static_cast(args[1]) << 32) | args[0]); result->SetD(exp(value.GetD())); } else if (name == "java.lang.Object java.lang.Object.internalClone()") { result->SetL(receiver->Clone(self)); } else if (name == "void java.lang.Object.notifyAll()") { receiver->NotifyAll(self); } else if (name == "int java.lang.String.compareTo(java.lang.String)") { String* rhs = reinterpret_cast(args[0])->AsString(); CHECK(rhs != NULL); result->SetI(receiver->AsString()->CompareTo(rhs)); } else if (name == "java.lang.String java.lang.String.intern()") { result->SetL(receiver->AsString()->Intern()); } else if (name == "int java.lang.String.fastIndexOf(int, int)") { result->SetI(receiver->AsString()->FastIndexOf(args[0], args[1])); } else if (name == "java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Array.createMultiArray(java.lang.Class, int[])") { SirtRef sirt_class(self, reinterpret_cast(args[0])->AsClass()); SirtRef sirt_dimensions(self, reinterpret_cast(args[1])->AsIntArray()); result->SetL(Array::CreateMultiArray(self, sirt_class, sirt_dimensions)); } else if (name == "java.lang.Object java.lang.Throwable.nativeFillInStackTrace()") { ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(self); result->SetL(soa.Decode(self->CreateInternalStackTrace(soa))); } else if (name == "int java.lang.System.identityHashCode(java.lang.Object)") { mirror::Object* obj = reinterpret_cast(args[0]); result->SetI((obj != nullptr) ? obj->IdentityHashCode() : 0); } else if (name == "boolean java.nio.ByteOrder.isLittleEndian()") { result->SetZ(JNI_TRUE); } else if (name == "boolean sun.misc.Unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(java.lang.Object, long, int, int)") { Object* obj = reinterpret_cast(args[0]); jlong offset = (static_cast(args[2]) << 32) | args[1]; jint expectedValue = args[3]; jint newValue = args[4]; bool success = obj->CasField32(MemberOffset(offset), expectedValue, newValue); result->SetZ(success ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE); } else if (name == "void sun.misc.Unsafe.putObject(java.lang.Object, long, java.lang.Object)") { Object* obj = reinterpret_cast(args[0]); jlong offset = (static_cast(args[2]) << 32) | args[1]; Object* newValue = reinterpret_cast(args[3]); obj->SetFieldObject(MemberOffset(offset), newValue, false); } else if (name == "int sun.misc.Unsafe.getArrayBaseOffsetForComponentType(java.lang.Class)") { mirror::Class* component = reinterpret_cast(args[0])->AsClass(); Primitive::Type primitive_type = component->GetPrimitiveType(); result->SetI(mirror::Array::DataOffset(Primitive::ComponentSize(primitive_type)).Int32Value()); } else if (name == "int sun.misc.Unsafe.getArrayIndexScaleForComponentType(java.lang.Class)") { mirror::Class* component = reinterpret_cast(args[0])->AsClass(); Primitive::Type primitive_type = component->GetPrimitiveType(); result->SetI(Primitive::ComponentSize(primitive_type)); } else { // Throw an exception so we can abort the transaction and undo every change. ThrowLocation throw_location; self->ThrowNewExceptionF(throw_location, "Ljava/lang/InternalError;", "Attempt to invoke native method in non-started runtime: %s", name.c_str()); } } static void InterpreterJni(Thread* self, ArtMethod* method, const StringPiece& shorty, Object* receiver, uint32_t* args, JValue* result) SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { // TODO: The following enters JNI code using a typedef-ed function rather than the JNI compiler, // it should be removed and JNI compiled stubs used instead. ScopedObjectAccessUnchecked soa(self); if (method->IsStatic()) { if (shorty == "L") { typedef jobject (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jclass); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef klass(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(method->GetDeclaringClass())); jobject jresult; { ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); jresult = fn(soa.Env(), klass.get()); } result->SetL(soa.Decode(jresult)); } else if (shorty == "V") { typedef void (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jclass); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef klass(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(method->GetDeclaringClass())); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); fn(soa.Env(), klass.get()); } else if (shorty == "Z") { typedef jboolean (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jclass); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef klass(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(method->GetDeclaringClass())); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); result->SetZ(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get())); } else if (shorty == "BI") { typedef jbyte (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef klass(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(method->GetDeclaringClass())); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); result->SetB(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0])); } else if (shorty == "II") { typedef jint (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef klass(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(method->GetDeclaringClass())); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); result->SetI(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0])); } else if (shorty == "LL") { typedef jobject (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jobject); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef klass(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(method->GetDeclaringClass())); ScopedLocalRef arg0(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(reinterpret_cast(args[0]))); jobject jresult; { ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); jresult = fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), arg0.get()); } result->SetL(soa.Decode(jresult)); } else if (shorty == "IIZ") { typedef jint (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jboolean); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef klass(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(method->GetDeclaringClass())); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); result->SetI(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0], args[1])); } else if (shorty == "ILI") { typedef jint (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jobject, jint); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef klass(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(method->GetDeclaringClass())); ScopedLocalRef arg0(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(reinterpret_cast(args[0]))); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); result->SetI(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), arg0.get(), args[1])); } else if (shorty == "SIZ") { typedef jshort (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jboolean); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef klass(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(method->GetDeclaringClass())); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); result->SetS(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0], args[1])); } else if (shorty == "VIZ") { typedef void (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jboolean); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef klass(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(method->GetDeclaringClass())); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0], args[1]); } else if (shorty == "ZLL") { typedef jboolean (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jobject, jobject); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef klass(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(method->GetDeclaringClass())); ScopedLocalRef arg0(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(reinterpret_cast(args[0]))); ScopedLocalRef arg1(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(reinterpret_cast(args[1]))); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); result->SetZ(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), arg0.get(), arg1.get())); } else if (shorty == "ZILL") { typedef jboolean (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jobject, jobject); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef klass(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(method->GetDeclaringClass())); ScopedLocalRef arg1(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(reinterpret_cast(args[1]))); ScopedLocalRef arg2(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(reinterpret_cast(args[2]))); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); result->SetZ(fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0], arg1.get(), arg2.get())); } else if (shorty == "VILII") { typedef void (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jint, jobject, jint, jint); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef klass(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(method->GetDeclaringClass())); ScopedLocalRef arg1(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(reinterpret_cast(args[1]))); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), args[0], arg1.get(), args[2], args[3]); } else if (shorty == "VLILII") { typedef void (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jclass, jobject, jint, jobject, jint, jint); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef klass(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(method->GetDeclaringClass())); ScopedLocalRef arg0(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(reinterpret_cast(args[0]))); ScopedLocalRef arg2(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(reinterpret_cast(args[2]))); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); fn(soa.Env(), klass.get(), arg0.get(), args[1], arg2.get(), args[3], args[4]); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Do something with static native method: " << PrettyMethod(method) << " shorty: " << shorty; } } else { if (shorty == "L") { typedef jobject (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jobject); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef rcvr(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(receiver)); jobject jresult; { ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); jresult = fn(soa.Env(), rcvr.get()); } result->SetL(soa.Decode(jresult)); } else if (shorty == "V") { typedef void (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jobject); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef rcvr(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(receiver)); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); fn(soa.Env(), rcvr.get()); } else if (shorty == "LL") { typedef jobject (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef rcvr(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(receiver)); ScopedLocalRef arg0(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(reinterpret_cast(args[0]))); jobject jresult; { ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); jresult = fn(soa.Env(), rcvr.get(), arg0.get()); } result->SetL(soa.Decode(jresult)); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); } else if (shorty == "III") { typedef jint (fntype)(JNIEnv*, jobject, jint, jint); fntype* const fn = reinterpret_cast(const_cast(method->GetNativeMethod())); ScopedLocalRef rcvr(soa.Env(), soa.AddLocalReference(receiver)); ScopedThreadStateChange tsc(self, kNative); result->SetI(fn(soa.Env(), rcvr.get(), args[0], args[1])); } else { LOG(FATAL) << "Do something with native method: " << PrettyMethod(method) << " shorty: " << shorty; } } } enum InterpreterImplKind { kSwitchImpl, // Switch-based interpreter implementation. kComputedGotoImplKind // Computed-goto-based interpreter implementation. }; #if !defined(__clang__) static constexpr InterpreterImplKind kInterpreterImplKind = kComputedGotoImplKind; #else // Clang 3.4 fails to build the goto interpreter implementation. static constexpr InterpreterImplKind kInterpreterImplKind = kSwitchImpl; template JValue ExecuteGotoImpl(Thread* self, MethodHelper& mh, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, ShadowFrame& shadow_frame, JValue result_register) { LOG(FATAL) << "UNREACHABLE"; exit(0); } // Explicit definitions of ExecuteGotoImpl. template SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) JValue ExecuteGotoImpl(Thread* self, MethodHelper& mh, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, ShadowFrame& shadow_frame, JValue result_register); template SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) JValue ExecuteGotoImpl(Thread* self, MethodHelper& mh, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, ShadowFrame& shadow_frame, JValue result_register); template SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) JValue ExecuteGotoImpl(Thread* self, MethodHelper& mh, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, ShadowFrame& shadow_frame, JValue result_register); template SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) JValue ExecuteGotoImpl(Thread* self, MethodHelper& mh, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, ShadowFrame& shadow_frame, JValue result_register); #endif static JValue Execute(Thread* self, MethodHelper& mh, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, ShadowFrame& shadow_frame, JValue result_register) SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_); static inline JValue Execute(Thread* self, MethodHelper& mh, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, ShadowFrame& shadow_frame, JValue result_register) { DCHECK(shadow_frame.GetMethod() == mh.GetMethod() || shadow_frame.GetMethod()->GetDeclaringClass()->IsProxyClass()); DCHECK(!shadow_frame.GetMethod()->IsAbstract()); DCHECK(!shadow_frame.GetMethod()->IsNative()); bool transaction_active = Runtime::Current()->IsActiveTransaction(); if (LIKELY(shadow_frame.GetMethod()->IsPreverified())) { // Enter the "without access check" interpreter. if (kInterpreterImplKind == kSwitchImpl) { if (transaction_active) { return ExecuteSwitchImpl(self, mh, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register); } else { return ExecuteSwitchImpl(self, mh, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register); } } else { DCHECK_EQ(kInterpreterImplKind, kComputedGotoImplKind); if (transaction_active) { return ExecuteGotoImpl(self, mh, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register); } else { return ExecuteGotoImpl(self, mh, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register); } } } else { // Enter the "with access check" interpreter. if (kInterpreterImplKind == kSwitchImpl) { if (transaction_active) { return ExecuteSwitchImpl(self, mh, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register); } else { return ExecuteSwitchImpl(self, mh, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register); } } else { DCHECK_EQ(kInterpreterImplKind, kComputedGotoImplKind); if (transaction_active) { return ExecuteGotoImpl(self, mh, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register); } else { return ExecuteGotoImpl(self, mh, code_item, shadow_frame, result_register); } } } } void EnterInterpreterFromInvoke(Thread* self, ArtMethod* method, Object* receiver, uint32_t* args, JValue* result) { DCHECK_EQ(self, Thread::Current()); if (UNLIKELY(__builtin_frame_address(0) < self->GetStackEnd())) { ThrowStackOverflowError(self); return; } const char* old_cause = self->StartAssertNoThreadSuspension("EnterInterpreterFromInvoke"); MethodHelper mh(method); const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = mh.GetCodeItem(); uint16_t num_regs; uint16_t num_ins; if (code_item != NULL) { num_regs = code_item->registers_size_; num_ins = code_item->ins_size_; } else if (method->IsAbstract()) { self->EndAssertNoThreadSuspension(old_cause); ThrowAbstractMethodError(method); return; } else { DCHECK(method->IsNative()); num_regs = num_ins = ArtMethod::NumArgRegisters(mh.GetShorty()); if (!method->IsStatic()) { num_regs++; num_ins++; } } // Set up shadow frame with matching number of reference slots to vregs. ShadowFrame* last_shadow_frame = self->GetManagedStack()->GetTopShadowFrame(); void* memory = alloca(ShadowFrame::ComputeSize(num_regs)); ShadowFrame* shadow_frame(ShadowFrame::Create(num_regs, last_shadow_frame, method, 0, memory)); self->PushShadowFrame(shadow_frame); size_t cur_reg = num_regs - num_ins; if (!method->IsStatic()) { CHECK(receiver != NULL); shadow_frame->SetVRegReference(cur_reg, receiver); ++cur_reg; } const char* shorty = mh.GetShorty(); for (size_t shorty_pos = 0, arg_pos = 0; cur_reg < num_regs; ++shorty_pos, ++arg_pos, cur_reg++) { DCHECK_LT(shorty_pos + 1, mh.GetShortyLength()); switch (shorty[shorty_pos + 1]) { case 'L': { Object* o = reinterpret_cast*>(&args[arg_pos])->AsMirrorPtr(); shadow_frame->SetVRegReference(cur_reg, o); break; } case 'J': case 'D': { uint64_t wide_value = (static_cast(args[arg_pos + 1]) << 32) | args[arg_pos]; shadow_frame->SetVRegLong(cur_reg, wide_value); cur_reg++; arg_pos++; break; } default: shadow_frame->SetVReg(cur_reg, args[arg_pos]); break; } } self->EndAssertNoThreadSuspension(old_cause); // Do this after populating the shadow frame in case EnsureInitialized causes a GC. if (method->IsStatic() && UNLIKELY(!method->GetDeclaringClass()->IsInitializing())) { ClassLinker* class_linker = Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker(); SirtRef sirt_c(self, method->GetDeclaringClass()); if (UNLIKELY(!class_linker->EnsureInitialized(sirt_c, true, true))) { CHECK(self->IsExceptionPending()); self->PopShadowFrame(); return; } } if (LIKELY(!method->IsNative())) { JValue r = Execute(self, mh, code_item, *shadow_frame, JValue()); if (result != NULL) { *result = r; } } else { // We don't expect to be asked to interpret native code (which is entered via a JNI compiler // generated stub) except during testing and image writing. // Update args to be the args in the shadow frame since the input ones could hold stale // references pointers due to moving GC. args = shadow_frame->GetVRegArgs(method->IsStatic() ? 0 : 1); if (!Runtime::Current()->IsStarted()) { UnstartedRuntimeJni(self, method, receiver, args, result); } else { InterpreterJni(self, method, shorty, receiver, args, result); } } self->PopShadowFrame(); } void EnterInterpreterFromDeoptimize(Thread* self, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* ret_val) SHARED_LOCKS_REQUIRED(Locks::mutator_lock_) { JValue value; value.SetJ(ret_val->GetJ()); // Set value to last known result in case the shadow frame chain is empty. MethodHelper mh; while (shadow_frame != NULL) { self->SetTopOfShadowStack(shadow_frame); mh.ChangeMethod(shadow_frame->GetMethod()); const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item = mh.GetCodeItem(); value = Execute(self, mh, code_item, *shadow_frame, value); ShadowFrame* old_frame = shadow_frame; shadow_frame = shadow_frame->GetLink(); delete old_frame; } ret_val->SetJ(value.GetJ()); } JValue EnterInterpreterFromStub(Thread* self, MethodHelper& mh, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, ShadowFrame& shadow_frame) { DCHECK_EQ(self, Thread::Current()); if (UNLIKELY(__builtin_frame_address(0) < self->GetStackEnd())) { ThrowStackOverflowError(self); return JValue(); } return Execute(self, mh, code_item, shadow_frame, JValue()); } extern "C" void artInterpreterToInterpreterBridge(Thread* self, MethodHelper& mh, const DexFile::CodeItem* code_item, ShadowFrame* shadow_frame, JValue* result) { if (UNLIKELY(__builtin_frame_address(0) < self->GetStackEnd())) { ThrowStackOverflowError(self); return; } self->PushShadowFrame(shadow_frame); ArtMethod* method = shadow_frame->GetMethod(); // Ensure static methods are initialized. if (method->IsStatic()) { SirtRef declaringClass(self, method->GetDeclaringClass()); if (UNLIKELY(!declaringClass->IsInitializing())) { if (UNLIKELY(!Runtime::Current()->GetClassLinker()->EnsureInitialized(declaringClass, true, true))) { DCHECK(Thread::Current()->IsExceptionPending()); self->PopShadowFrame(); return; } CHECK(declaringClass->IsInitializing()); } } if (LIKELY(!method->IsNative())) { result->SetJ(Execute(self, mh, code_item, *shadow_frame, JValue()).GetJ()); } else { // We don't expect to be asked to interpret native code (which is entered via a JNI compiler // generated stub) except during testing and image writing. CHECK(!Runtime::Current()->IsStarted()); Object* receiver = method->IsStatic() ? nullptr : shadow_frame->GetVRegReference(0); uint32_t* args = shadow_frame->GetVRegArgs(method->IsStatic() ? 0 : 1); UnstartedRuntimeJni(self, method, receiver, args, result); } self->PopShadowFrame(); } } // namespace interpreter } // namespace art