// Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. #include "intern_table.h" #include "UniquePtr.h" #include "utf.h" namespace art { InternTable::InternTable() : intern_table_lock_("InternTable lock") { } size_t InternTable::Size() const { MutexLock mu(intern_table_lock_); return strong_interns_.size() + weak_interns_.size(); } void InternTable::DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) const { MutexLock mu(intern_table_lock_); os << "Intern table: " << strong_interns_.size() << " strong; " << weak_interns_.size() << " weak; " << image_strong_interns_.size() << " image strong\n"; } void InternTable::VisitRoots(Heap::RootVisitor* visitor, void* arg) const { MutexLock mu(intern_table_lock_); typedef Table::const_iterator It; // TODO: C++0x auto for (It it = strong_interns_.begin(), end = strong_interns_.end(); it != end; ++it) { visitor(it->second, arg); } // Note: we deliberately don't visit the weak_interns_ table and the immutable image roots. } String* InternTable::Lookup(Table& table, String* s, uint32_t hash_code) { intern_table_lock_.AssertHeld(); typedef Table::const_iterator It; // TODO: C++0x auto for (It it = table.find(hash_code), end = table.end(); it != end; ++it) { String* existing_string = it->second; if (existing_string->Equals(s)) { return existing_string; } } return NULL; } String* InternTable::Insert(Table& table, String* s, uint32_t hash_code) { intern_table_lock_.AssertHeld(); table.insert(std::make_pair(hash_code, s)); return s; } void InternTable::RegisterStrong(String* s) { MutexLock mu(intern_table_lock_); Insert(image_strong_interns_, s, s->GetHashCode()); } void InternTable::Remove(Table& table, const String* s, uint32_t hash_code) { intern_table_lock_.AssertHeld(); typedef Table::iterator It; // TODO: C++0x auto for (It it = table.find(hash_code), end = table.end(); it != end; ++it) { if (it->second == s) { table.erase(it); return; } } } String* InternTable::Insert(String* s, bool is_strong) { MutexLock mu(intern_table_lock_); DCHECK(s != NULL); uint32_t hash_code = s->GetHashCode(); if (is_strong) { // Check the strong tables for a match. String* strong = Lookup(strong_interns_, s, hash_code); if (strong != NULL) { return strong; } strong = Lookup(image_strong_interns_, s, hash_code); if (strong != NULL) { return strong; } // There is no match in the strong table, check the weak table. String* weak = Lookup(weak_interns_, s, hash_code); if (weak != NULL) { // A match was found in the weak table. Promote to the strong table. Remove(weak_interns_, weak, hash_code); return Insert(strong_interns_, weak, hash_code); } // No match in the strong table or the weak table. Insert into the strong table. return Insert(strong_interns_, s, hash_code); } // Check the strong table for a match. String* strong = Lookup(strong_interns_, s, hash_code); if (strong != NULL) { return strong; } // Check the weak table for a match. String* weak = Lookup(weak_interns_, s, hash_code); if (weak != NULL) { return weak; } // Insert into the weak table. return Insert(weak_interns_, s, hash_code); } String* InternTable::InternStrong(int32_t utf16_length, const char* utf8_data) { return InternStrong(String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8(utf16_length, utf8_data)); } String* InternTable::InternStrong(const char* utf8_data) { return InternStrong(String::AllocFromModifiedUtf8(utf8_data)); } String* InternTable::InternStrong(String* s) { if (s == NULL) { return NULL; } return Insert(s, true); } String* InternTable::InternWeak(String* s) { if (s == NULL) { return NULL; } return Insert(s, false); } bool InternTable::ContainsWeak(String* s) { MutexLock mu(intern_table_lock_); const String* found = Lookup(weak_interns_, s, s->GetHashCode()); return found == s; } void InternTable::SweepInternTableWeaks(Heap::IsMarkedTester is_marked, void* arg) { MutexLock mu(intern_table_lock_); typedef Table::iterator It; // TODO: C++0x auto for (It it = weak_interns_.begin(), end = weak_interns_.end(); it != end;) { Object* object = it->second; if (!is_marked(object, arg)) { weak_interns_.erase(it++); } else { ++it; } } } } // namespace art