path: root/libc/arch-arm/cortex-a15/bionic/__strcpy_chk.S
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Diffstat (limited to 'libc/arch-arm/cortex-a15/bionic/__strcpy_chk.S')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 152 deletions
diff --git a/libc/arch-arm/cortex-a15/bionic/__strcpy_chk.S b/libc/arch-arm/cortex-a15/bionic/__strcpy_chk.S
index db76686..d8cb3d9 100644
--- a/libc/arch-arm/cortex-a15/bionic/__strcpy_chk.S
+++ b/libc/arch-arm/cortex-a15/bionic/__strcpy_chk.S
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
+ * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -26,155 +26,7 @@
-#include <private/bionic_asm.h>
-#include <private/libc_events.h>
+// Indicate which memcpy base file to include.
+#define MEMCPY_BASE "memcpy_base.S"
- .syntax unified
- .thumb
- .thumb_func
-// Get the length of the source string first, then do a memcpy of the data
-// instead of a strcpy.
- pld [r0, #0]
- push {r0, lr}
- .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
- .cfi_rel_offset r0, 0
- .cfi_rel_offset lr, 4
- mov lr, r2
- mov r0, r1
- ands r3, r1, #7
- beq .L_mainloop
- // Align to a double word (64 bits).
- rsb r3, r3, #8
- lsls ip, r3, #31
- beq .L_align_to_32
- ldrb r2, [r0], #1
- cbz r2, .L_update_count_and_finish
- bcc .L_align_to_64
- ands ip, r3, #2
- beq .L_align_to_64
- ldrb r2, [r0], #1
- cbz r2, .L_update_count_and_finish
- ldrb r2, [r0], #1
- cbz r2, .L_update_count_and_finish
- tst r3, #4
- beq .L_mainloop
- ldr r3, [r0], #4
- sub ip, r3, #0x01010101
- bic ip, ip, r3
- ands ip, ip, #0x80808080
- bne .L_zero_in_second_register
- .p2align 2
- ldrd r2, r3, [r0], #8
- pld [r0, #64]
- sub ip, r2, #0x01010101
- bic ip, ip, r2
- ands ip, ip, #0x80808080
- bne .L_zero_in_first_register
- sub ip, r3, #0x01010101
- bic ip, ip, r3
- ands ip, ip, #0x80808080
- bne .L_zero_in_second_register
- b .L_mainloop
- sub r3, r0, r1
- sub r3, r3, #1
- b .L_check_size
- sub r3, r0, r1
- lsls r2, ip, #17
- bne .L_sub8_and_finish
- bcs .L_sub7_and_finish
- lsls ip, ip, #1
- bne .L_sub6_and_finish
- sub r3, r3, #5
- b .L_check_size
- sub r3, r3, #8
- b .L_check_size
- sub r3, r3, #7
- b .L_check_size
- sub r3, r3, #6
- b .L_check_size
- sub r3, r0, r1
- lsls r2, ip, #17
- bne .L_sub4_and_finish
- bcs .L_sub3_and_finish
- lsls ip, ip, #1
- bne .L_sub2_and_finish
- sub r3, r3, #1
- b .L_check_size
- sub r3, r3, #4
- b .L_check_size
- sub r3, r3, #3
- b .L_check_size
- sub r3, r3, #2
- pld [r1, #0]
- pld [r1, #64]
- ldr r0, [sp]
- cmp r3, lr
- bhs __strcpy_chk_failed
- // Add 1 for copy length to get the string terminator.
- add r2, r3, #1
-#define MEMCPY_BASE __strcpy_chk_memcpy_base
-#define MEMCPY_BASE_ALIGNED __strcpy_chk_memcpy_base_aligned
-#include "memcpy_base.S"
- .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
- .cfi_rel_offset r0, 0
- .cfi_rel_offset lr, 4
- ldr r0, error_message
- ldr r1, error_code
- add r0, pc
- bl __fortify_chk_fail
- .word error_string-(1b+4)
- .data
- .string "strcpy: prevented write past end of buffer"
+#include "__strcpy_chk_common.S"