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All rights reserved. @ @ Developed at SunSoft, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business. @ Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this @ software is freely granted, provided that this notice @ is preserved. @ ==================================================== @ @ ==================================================== @ Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. @ @ Developed at SunPro, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business. @ Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this @ software is freely granted, provided that this notice @ is preserved. @ ==================================================== #include #include #define vmov_f64 fconstd ENTRY(cos) push {r4, r6, r7, lr} vmov d0, r0, r1 mov r2, r0 mov r3, r1 movw r1, #0x21fb movt r1, #0x3fe9 mov r4, r3 bic r3, r3, #0x80000000 sub sp, sp, #48 cmp r3, r1 bgt .Lxgtpio4 cmp r3, #0x3e400000 bge .Lxnottiny vcvt.s32.f64 s15, d0 vmov r3, s15 cmp r3, #0 beq .Lreturnone .Lxnottiny: vmov.i64 d1, #0 bl __kernel_cos .Lleave_cos: vmov r0, r1, d0 .Lleave_cos_direct: add sp, sp, #48 pop {r4, r6, r7, pc} .Lxgtpio4: movw r2, #0xffff movt r2, #0x7fef cmp r3, r2 bgt .LxisNaN movw r0, #0xd97b movt r0, #0x4002 cmp r3, r0 movw r2, #0x21fb bgt .Lxge3pio4 cmp r4, #0 movt r2, #0x3ff9 ble .Lsmallxisnegative vldr d16, .Lpio2_1 cmp r3, r2 vsub.f64 d16, d0, d16 beq .Lxnearpio2 vldr d17, .Lpio2_1t .Lfinalizesmallxremainder: vsub.f64 d0, d16, d17 vsub.f64 d16, d16, d0 vstr d0, [sp, #8] vsub.f64 d1, d16, d17 vstr d1, [sp, #16] .Lnmod3is1: mov r0, #1 bl __kernel_sin vneg.f64 d0, d0 b .Lleave_cos .Lreturnone: mov r0, #0 movw r1, #0x0000 movt r1, #0x3ff0 vmov_f64 d0, #0x70 b .Lleave_cos_direct .LxisNaN: vsub.f64 d0, d0, d0 b .Lleave_cos .Lxge3pio4: movt r2, #0x4139 cmp r3, r2 bgt .Lxgigantic vmov_f64 d3, #0x60 vldr d2, .Linvpio2 vldr d18, .Lpio2_1 vabs.f64 d16, d0 vmla.f64 d3, d16, d2 vcvt.s32.f64 s3, d3 vcvt.f64.s32 d17, s3 vmov r0, s3 cmp r0, #31 vmls.f64 d16, d17, d18 vldr d18, .Lpio2_1t vmul.f64 d18, d17, d18 bgt .Lcomputeremainder ldr r2, .Lnpio2_hw_ptr sub lr, r0, #1 .LPICnpio2_hw0: add r12, pc, r2 ldr r1, [r12, lr, lsl #2] cmp r3, r1 beq .Lcomputeremainder .Lfinishthirditeration: vsub.f64 d0, d16, d18 vstr d0, [sp, #8] .Lfinishcomputingremainder: vsub.f64 d16, d16, d0 cmp r4, #0 vsub.f64 d1, d16, d18 vstr d1, [sp, #16] blt .Lhandlenegativex .Lselectregion: and r0, r0, #3 cmp r0, #1 beq .Lnmod3is1 cmp r0, #2 beq .Lnmod3is2 cmp r0, #0 bne .Lnmod3is0 bl __kernel_cos b .Lleave_cos .Lxgigantic: asr r2, r3, #20 vmov r6, r7, d0 sub r2, r2, #1040 mov r0, r6 sub r2, r2, #6 vldr d16, .Ltwo24 sub r1, r3, r2, lsl #20 vmov d18, r0, r1 vcvt.s32.f64 s15, d18 add r1, sp, #48 mov r3, #3 vcvt.f64.s32 d17, s15 vsub.f64 d18, d18, d17 vstr d17, [sp, #24] vmul.f64 d18, d18, d16 vcvt.s32.f64 s15, d18 vcvt.f64.s32 d17, s15 vsub.f64 d18, d18, d17 vstr d17, [sp, #32] vmul.f64 d16, d18, d16 fcmpzd d16 vstmdb r1!, {d16} vmrs APSR_nzcv, fpscr bne .Lprocessnonzeroterm .Lskipzeroterms: vldmdb r1!, {d16} sub r3, r3, #1 fcmpzd d16 vmrs APSR_nzcv, fpscr beq .Lskipzeroterms .Lprocessnonzeroterm: ldr r12, .Ltwo_over_pi_ptr add r0, sp, #24 add r1, sp, #8 .LPICtwo_over_pi0: add lr, pc, r12 mov r12, #2 str lr, [sp, #4] str r12, [sp] bl __kernel_rem_pio2 cmp r4, #0 vldr d0, [sp, #8] blt .Lhandlenegativxalso vldr d1, [sp, #16] b .Lselectregion .Lxnearpio2: vldr d17, .Lpio2_2 vsub.f64 d16, d16, d17 vldr d17, .Lpio2_2t b .Lfinalizesmallxremainder .Lsmallxisnegative: vldr d1, .Lpio2_1 cmp r3, r2 vadd.f64 d16, d0, d1 beq .Lxnearnegpio2 vldr d17, .Lpio2_1t .Lfinalizesmallnegxremainder: vadd.f64 d0, d16, d17 vsub.f64 d16, d16, d0 vstr d0, [sp, #8] vadd.f64 d1, d16, d17 vstr d1, [sp, #16] .Lnmod3is0: mov r0, #1 bl __kernel_sin b .Lleave_cos .Lnmod3is2: bl __kernel_cos vneg.f64 d0, d0 b .Lleave_cos .Lcomputeremainder: vsub.f64 d0, d16, d18 asr r1, r3, #20 vmov r2, r3, d0 ubfx r3, r3, #20, #11 rsb r3, r3, r1 vstr d0, [sp, #8] cmp r3, #16 ble .Lfinishcomputingremainder vldr d18, .Lpio2_2 vmul.f64 d20, d17, d18 vsub.f64 d19, d16, d20 vsub.f64 d16, d16, d19 vsub.f64 d18, d16, d20 vldr d16, .Lpio2_2t vnmls.f64 d18, d17, d16 vsub.f64 d0, d19, d18 vmov r2, r3, d0 ubfx r3, r3, #20, #11 rsb r1, r3, r1 vstr d0, [sp, #8] cmp r1, #49 ble .Lfinishseconditeration vldr d5, .Lpio2_3 vmul.f64 d20, d17, d5 vsub.f64 d16, d19, d20 vsub.f64 d4, d19, d16 vldr d19, .Lpio2_3t vsub.f64 d18, d4, d20 vnmls.f64 d18, d17, d19 b .Lfinishthirditeration .Lhandlenegativex: vneg.f64 d0, d0 rsb r0, r0, #0 vneg.f64 d1, d1 vstr d0, [sp, #8] vstr d1, [sp, #16] b .Lselectregion .Lfinishseconditeration: vmov d16, d19 b .Lfinishcomputingremainder .Lxnearnegpio2: vldr d0, .Lpio2_2 vldr d17, .Lpio2_2t vadd.f64 d16, d16, d0 b .Lfinalizesmallnegxremainder .Lhandlenegativxalso: vldr d6, [sp, #16] vneg.f64 d0, d0 rsb r0, r0, #0 vneg.f64 d1, d6 vstr d0, [sp, #8] vstr d1, [sp, #16] b .Lselectregion .align 3 .Lpio2_1: .word 0x54400000, 0x3ff921fb .Lpio2_1t: .word 0x1a626331, 0x3dd0b461 .Linvpio2: .word 0x6dc9c883, 0x3fe45f30 .Ltwo24: .word 0x00000000, 0x41700000 .Lpio2_2: .word 0x1a600000, 0x3dd0b461 .Lpio2_2t: .word 0x2e037073, 0x3ba3198a .Lpio2_3: .word 0x2e000000, 0x3ba3198a .Lpio2_3t: .word 0x252049c1, 0x397b839a .Lnpio2_hw_ptr: .word .Lnpio2_hw-(.LPICnpio2_hw0+8) .Ltwo_over_pi_ptr: .word .Ltwo_over_pi-(.LPICtwo_over_pi0+8) END(cos) .section .rodata.npio2_hw,"a",%progbits .align 2 .Lnpio2_hw = . + 0 .type npio2_hw, %object .size npio2_hw, 128 npio2_hw: .word 0x3ff921fb .word 0x400921fb .word 0x4012d97c .word 0x401921fb .word 0x401f6a7a .word 0x4022d97c .word 0x4025fdbb .word 0x402921fb .word 0x402c463a .word 0x402f6a7a .word 0x4031475c .word 0x4032d97c .word 0x40346b9c .word 0x4035fdbb .word 0x40378fdb .word 0x403921fb .word 0x403ab41b .word 0x403c463a .word 0x403dd85a .word 0x403f6a7a .word 0x40407e4c .word 0x4041475c .word 0x4042106c .word 0x4042d97c .word 0x4043a28c .word 0x40446b9c .word 0x404534ac .word 0x4045fdbb .word 0x4046c6cb .word 0x40478fdb .word 0x404858eb .word 0x404921fb .section .rodata.two_over_pi,"a",%progbits .align 2 .Ltwo_over_pi = . + 0 .type two_over_pi, %object .size two_over_pi, 264 two_over_pi: .word 0x00a2f983 .word 0x006e4e44 .word 0x001529fc .word 0x002757d1 .word 0x00f534dd .word 0x00c0db62 .word 0x0095993c .word 0x00439041 .word 0x00fe5163 .word 0x00abdebb .word 0x00c561b7 .word 0x00246e3a .word 0x00424dd2 .word 0x00e00649 .word 0x002eea09 .word 0x00d1921c .word 0x00fe1deb .word 0x001cb129 .word 0x00a73ee8 .word 0x008235f5 .word 0x002ebb44 .word 0x0084e99c .word 0x007026b4 .word 0x005f7e41 .word 0x003991d6 .word 0x00398353 .word 0x0039f49c .word 0x00845f8b .word 0x00bdf928 .word 0x003b1ff8 .word 0x0097ffde .word 0x0005980f .word 0x00ef2f11 .word 0x008b5a0a .word 0x006d1f6d .word 0x00367ecf .word 0x0027cb09 .word 0x00b74f46 .word 0x003f669e .word 0x005fea2d .word 0x007527ba .word 0x00c7ebe5 .word 0x00f17b3d .word 0x000739f7 .word 0x008a5292 .word 0x00ea6bfb .word 0x005fb11f .word 0x008d5d08 .word 0x00560330 .word 0x0046fc7b .word 0x006babf0 .word 0x00cfbc20 .word 0x009af436 .word 0x001da9e3 .word 0x0091615e .word 0x00e61b08 .word 0x00659985 .word 0x005f14a0 .word 0x0068408d .word 0x00ffd880 .word 0x004d7327 .word 0x00310606 .word 0x001556ca .word 0x0073a8c9 .word 0x0060e27b .word 0x00c08c6b