/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ScopedSignalHandler.h" #if defined(__BIONIC__) // mktime_tz is a bionic extension. #include #endif // __BIONIC__ TEST(time, mktime_tz) { #if defined(__BIONIC__) struct tm epoch; memset(&epoch, 0, sizeof(tm)); epoch.tm_year = 1970 - 1900; epoch.tm_mon = 1; epoch.tm_mday = 1; // Alphabetically first. Coincidentally equivalent to UTC. ASSERT_EQ(2678400, mktime_tz(&epoch, "Africa/Abidjan")); // Alphabetically last. Coincidentally equivalent to UTC. ASSERT_EQ(2678400, mktime_tz(&epoch, "Zulu")); // Somewhere in the middle, not UTC. ASSERT_EQ(2707200, mktime_tz(&epoch, "America/Los_Angeles")); // Missing. Falls back to UTC. ASSERT_EQ(2678400, mktime_tz(&epoch, "PST")); #else // __BIONIC__ GTEST_LOG_(INFO) << "This test does nothing.\n"; #endif // __BIONIC__ } TEST(time, gmtime) { time_t t = 0; tm* broken_down = gmtime(&t); ASSERT_TRUE(broken_down != NULL); ASSERT_EQ(0, broken_down->tm_sec); ASSERT_EQ(0, broken_down->tm_min); ASSERT_EQ(0, broken_down->tm_hour); ASSERT_EQ(1, broken_down->tm_mday); ASSERT_EQ(0, broken_down->tm_mon); ASSERT_EQ(1970, broken_down->tm_year + 1900); } TEST(time, mktime_10310929) { struct tm t; memset(&t, 0, sizeof(tm)); t.tm_year = 200; t.tm_mon = 2; t.tm_mday = 10; #if !defined(__LP64__) // 32-bit bionic stupidly had a signed 32-bit time_t. ASSERT_EQ(-1, mktime(&t)); #if defined(__BIONIC__) ASSERT_EQ(-1, mktime_tz(&t, "UTC")); #endif #else // Everyone else should be using a signed 64-bit time_t. ASSERT_GE(sizeof(time_t) * 8, 64U); setenv("TZ", "America/Los_Angeles", 1); tzset(); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(4108348800U), mktime(&t)); #if defined(__BIONIC__) ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(4108320000U), mktime_tz(&t, "UTC")); #endif setenv("TZ", "UTC", 1); tzset(); ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(4108320000U), mktime(&t)); #if defined(__BIONIC__) ASSERT_EQ(static_cast(4108348800U), mktime_tz(&t, "America/Los_Angeles")); #endif #endif } TEST(time, strftime) { setenv("TZ", "UTC", 1); struct tm t; memset(&t, 0, sizeof(tm)); t.tm_year = 200; t.tm_mon = 2; t.tm_mday = 10; char buf[64]; // Seconds since the epoch. #if defined(__BIONIC__) || defined(__LP64__) // Not 32-bit glibc. EXPECT_EQ(10U, strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", &t)); EXPECT_STREQ("4108320000", buf); #endif // Date and time as text. EXPECT_EQ(24U, strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%c", &t)); EXPECT_STREQ("Sun Mar 10 00:00:00 2100", buf); } TEST(time, strptime) { setenv("TZ", "UTC", 1); struct tm t; char buf[64]; memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t)); strptime("11:14", "%R", &t); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%H:%M", &t); EXPECT_STREQ("11:14", buf); memset(&t, 0, sizeof(t)); strptime("09:41:53", "%T", &t); strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%H:%M:%S", &t); EXPECT_STREQ("09:41:53", buf); } void SetTime(timer_t t, time_t value_s, time_t value_ns, time_t interval_s, time_t interval_ns) { itimerspec ts; ts.it_value.tv_sec = value_s; ts.it_value.tv_nsec = value_ns; ts.it_interval.tv_sec = interval_s; ts.it_interval.tv_nsec = interval_ns; ASSERT_EQ(0, timer_settime(t, TIMER_ABSTIME, &ts, NULL)); } static void NoOpNotifyFunction(sigval_t) { } TEST(time, timer_create) { sigevent_t se; memset(&se, 0, sizeof(se)); se.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD; se.sigev_notify_function = NoOpNotifyFunction; timer_t timer_id; ASSERT_EQ(0, timer_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &se, &timer_id)); int pid = fork(); ASSERT_NE(-1, pid) << strerror(errno); if (pid == 0) { // Timers are not inherited by the child. ASSERT_EQ(-1, timer_delete(timer_id)); ASSERT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); _exit(0); } int status; ASSERT_EQ(pid, waitpid(pid, &status, 0)); ASSERT_TRUE(WIFEXITED(status)); ASSERT_EQ(0, WEXITSTATUS(status)); ASSERT_EQ(0, timer_delete(timer_id)); } static int timer_create_SIGEV_SIGNAL_signal_handler_invocation_count = 0; static void timer_create_SIGEV_SIGNAL_signal_handler(int signal_number) { ++timer_create_SIGEV_SIGNAL_signal_handler_invocation_count; ASSERT_EQ(SIGUSR1, signal_number); } TEST(time, timer_create_SIGEV_SIGNAL) { sigevent_t se; memset(&se, 0, sizeof(se)); se.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL; se.sigev_signo = SIGUSR1; timer_t timer_id; ASSERT_EQ(0, timer_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &se, &timer_id)); ScopedSignalHandler ssh(SIGUSR1, timer_create_SIGEV_SIGNAL_signal_handler); ASSERT_EQ(0, timer_create_SIGEV_SIGNAL_signal_handler_invocation_count); itimerspec ts; ts.it_value.tv_sec = 0; ts.it_value.tv_nsec = 1; ts.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; ts.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0; ASSERT_EQ(0, timer_settime(timer_id, TIMER_ABSTIME, &ts, NULL)); usleep(500000); ASSERT_EQ(1, timer_create_SIGEV_SIGNAL_signal_handler_invocation_count); } struct Counter { volatile int value; timer_t timer_id; sigevent_t se; Counter(void (*fn)(sigval_t)) : value(0) { memset(&se, 0, sizeof(se)); se.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD; se.sigev_notify_function = fn; se.sigev_value.sival_ptr = this; } void Create() { ASSERT_EQ(0, timer_create(CLOCK_REALTIME, &se, &timer_id)); } ~Counter() { if (timer_delete(timer_id) != 0) { abort(); } } static void CountNotifyFunction(sigval_t value) { Counter* cd = reinterpret_cast(value.sival_ptr); ++cd->value; } static void CountAndDisarmNotifyFunction(sigval_t value) { Counter* cd = reinterpret_cast(value.sival_ptr); ++cd->value; // Setting the initial expiration time to 0 disarms the timer. SetTime(cd->timer_id, 0, 0, 1, 0); } }; TEST(time, timer_settime_0) { Counter counter(Counter::CountAndDisarmNotifyFunction); counter.Create(); ASSERT_EQ(0, counter.value); SetTime(counter.timer_id, 0, 1, 1, 0); usleep(500000); // The count should just be 1 because we disarmed the timer the first time it fired. ASSERT_EQ(1, counter.value); } TEST(time, timer_settime_repeats) { Counter counter(Counter::CountNotifyFunction); counter.Create(); ASSERT_EQ(0, counter.value); SetTime(counter.timer_id, 0, 1, 0, 10); usleep(500000); // The count should just be > 1 because we let the timer repeat. ASSERT_GT(counter.value, 1); } static int timer_create_NULL_signal_handler_invocation_count = 0; static void timer_create_NULL_signal_handler(int signal_number) { ++timer_create_NULL_signal_handler_invocation_count; ASSERT_EQ(SIGALRM, signal_number); } TEST(time, timer_create_NULL) { // A NULL sigevent* is equivalent to asking for SIGEV_SIGNAL for SIGALRM. timer_t timer_id; ASSERT_EQ(0, timer_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, NULL, &timer_id)); ScopedSignalHandler ssh(SIGALRM, timer_create_NULL_signal_handler); ASSERT_EQ(0, timer_create_NULL_signal_handler_invocation_count); SetTime(timer_id, 0, 1, 0, 0); usleep(500000); ASSERT_EQ(1, timer_create_NULL_signal_handler_invocation_count); } TEST(time, timer_create_EINVAL) { clockid_t invalid_clock = 16; // A SIGEV_SIGNAL timer is easy; the kernel does all that. timer_t timer_id; ASSERT_EQ(-1, timer_create(invalid_clock, NULL, &timer_id)); ASSERT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); // A SIGEV_THREAD timer is more interesting because we have stuff to clean up. sigevent_t se; memset(&se, 0, sizeof(se)); se.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD; se.sigev_notify_function = NoOpNotifyFunction; ASSERT_EQ(-1, timer_create(invalid_clock, &se, &timer_id)); ASSERT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); } TEST(time, timer_delete_multiple) { timer_t timer_id; ASSERT_EQ(0, timer_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, NULL, &timer_id)); ASSERT_EQ(0, timer_delete(timer_id)); ASSERT_EQ(-1, timer_delete(timer_id)); ASSERT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); sigevent_t se; memset(&se, 0, sizeof(se)); se.sigev_notify = SIGEV_THREAD; se.sigev_notify_function = NoOpNotifyFunction; ASSERT_EQ(0, timer_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &se, &timer_id)); ASSERT_EQ(0, timer_delete(timer_id)); ASSERT_EQ(-1, timer_delete(timer_id)); ASSERT_EQ(EINVAL, errno); } TEST(time, timer_create_multiple) { Counter counter1(Counter::CountNotifyFunction); counter1.Create(); Counter counter2(Counter::CountNotifyFunction); counter2.Create(); Counter counter3(Counter::CountNotifyFunction); counter3.Create(); ASSERT_EQ(0, counter1.value); ASSERT_EQ(0, counter2.value); ASSERT_EQ(0, counter3.value); SetTime(counter2.timer_id, 0, 1, 0, 0); usleep(500000); EXPECT_EQ(0, counter1.value); EXPECT_EQ(1, counter2.value); EXPECT_EQ(0, counter3.value); }