:title: Notes :status: published This is a collection of useful free software and commands for various purposes, that didn't quite fit into `my setup description <./setup.html>`_. .. contents:: Debian ###### Custom live image ----------------- Sometimes it's quite useful to have your own custom live system image on a USB stick or a CD, e.g. to save a broken installation or to do maintenance work that cannot be done when the system is running. Building a custom image makes it possible to include software packages that are not included by default and to change the general configuration to your liking. Set up a basic config according to the `manual `_. If the correct directory structure is there and you are able to build the default image, add a `list with additional packages you want `_. My config command looks like this: .. code-block:: shell lb config --bootappend-live \ "boot=live config locales=de_DE.UTF-8 keyboard-layouts=de username=wolfi" \ --debian-installer live This command ensures a that the image has a German locale and keyboard layout. I also specify a custom user name to login. The default password is "live". With this config, it's possible to install the system to a disk. Package building ---------------- When I build a Debian package from its sources, I only sometimes want to make actual changes to the source code. In most cases, I want to do a `simple backport `_ of a newer package from Testing or Unstable. So it's very annoying if the package build includes test cases that take quite some time to run. You can add ``DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck`` to your ``dpkg-buildpackage`` command to skip the test cases. Emacs ##### I do nearly all my text editing in `Emacs `_. I write all my code in Emacs, edit configuration files in Emacs, write LaTeX documents with the great `AUCTEX `_ package and do my email with `mu4e `_. The text you are reading right now was also written in Emacs. You can find a partially cleaned up version of my Emacs config file `here `_. I use the `"tomorrow" theme `_. Packages are maintained with `El-Get `_. To securely send email in Emacs, I do certificate pinning with GnuTLS as described `here `__. My mail server uses `Let’s Encrypt `_, so I have to do the pinning every two months. The procedure is as follows: .. code-block:: shell $ gnutls-cli --tofu --crlf --starttls -p 587 example.com EHLO localhost STARTTLS Then press ``Ctrl-D``. If you work with others on a software project or if you want to write clean code in general, it's important to properly use whitespace. With the command ``whitespace-cleanup``, you can get rid of unnecessary whitespace at the end of lines or in otherwise empty lines. Open a file as root in Emacs: .. code-block:: shell C-x C-f /sudo::/path/to/file Files and storage ################# Count number of words in a PDF document: .. code-block:: shell pdftotext - | tr -d '.' | wc -w - `pmount `_ can be used to manually mount removable mass storage as normal user. Network ####### View network connections continously: .. code-block:: shell netstat -t -u -c List the programs that currently use a specific network interface: .. code-block:: shell sudo nethogs Profiling applications ###################### Collect function calls with callgrind without fancy options: .. code-block:: shell valgrind --tool=callgrind Results can be viewed in KCachegrind. Media ##### I do all my video editing and the occasional 3D modeling with the allrounder `Blender `_. Vector graphics are created in `Inkscape `_. Photos ------ `Geeqie `_ is a really nice and fast program to browse the RAW image files of your camera. I get the best out of my RAW images by editing them with `Rawtherapee `_. `Gimp `_ is used for everything else that Rawtherapee can't do. HDR images can be created with `Luminance HDR `_. If I want to publish an image on the web, I first export it as JPEG, remove EXIF data with ``exiftool -all= IMAGE.jpg`` and optimize it with ``jpegoptim -s IMAGE.jpg``. Record screen ------------- Set the screen size with the ``-s`` option: wuxga for 1920x1200 and wxga for 1366x768. .. code-block:: shell avconv -f x11grab -s wuxga -r 25 -i :0.0 -qscale 5 -an OUTPUT.avi Openwrt ####### I build the `Openwrt `_ images for my routers from source. This way I can benefit from the security updates that are backported to the stable branches. The official prebuilt images are normally not updated when there are security issues. Additionally, I can add packages to the image, so I don't have to rely on the binary package manager. This also saves space. To update the sources, a few steps are needed: .. code-block:: shell git pull ./scripts/feeds update -a ./scripts/feeds install -a The newly build images can be found in the ``bin`` folder in a directory with the name of the platform the router is based on. I use `Unbound `_ as a recursive DNS resolver on my routers for all devices that are behind it. After upgrading the routers, it's necessary to sync the time. Otherwise, resolving DNS entries will fail. Replicant ######### The phone's storage can be manually mounted with ``jmtpfs /media/phone/`` and unmounted with ``fusermount -u /media/phone``. I work on a `Replicant version based on CyanogenMod 13 `_. Alpha releases are tagged on the stable branch. There are too many git repositories in order to do the tagging manually, so I came up with two commands. First to add signed tags to all the repos that are directly mirrored from CyanogenMod: .. code-block:: shell repo forall $(repo forall -c ' echo "$REPO_REMOTE$REPO_PROJECT" | grep cm-mirror | cut -c10-') \ -c ' git tag -s replicant-6.0-alpha-0002 -m "second alpha release of Replicant 6.0" && \ git push git@fossencdi.org:cm-mirror/$REPO_PROJECT replicant-6.0-alpha-0002 ' Then sign all the modified repos: .. code-block:: shell repo forall $(repo forall -c ' echo "$REPO_REMOTE$REPO_PROJECT" | grep fossencdi | cut -c10-') \ -c ' git tag -s replicant-6.0-alpha-0002 -m "second alpha release of Replicant 6.0" && \ git push git@fossencdi.org:$REPO_PROJECT replicant-6.0-alpha-0002 '