#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # from __future__ import unicode_literals AUTHOR = u'Wolfgang Wiedmeyer' SITENAME = u"Wolfi's blog" SITEURL = '' PATH = 'content' THEME = 'pelican-themes/pelican-bootstrap3' TIMEZONE = 'Europe/Berlin' DEFAULT_LANG = u'en' # Feed generation is usually not desired when developing FEED_ALL_ATOM = None CATEGORY_FEED_ATOM = None TRANSLATION_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_ATOM = None AUTHOR_FEED_RSS = None # A list of extra files to copy from the source to the destination # static paths will be copied under the same name STATIC_PATHS = [ 'images', 'videos', 'extras' ] EXTRA_PATH_METADATA = { 'extras/robots.txt': {'path': 'robots.txt'}, } # only publish, if status is published DEFAULT_METADATA = { 'status': 'draft', } SHOW_ARTICLE_AUTHOR = True SHOW_DATE_MODIFIED = True PAGE_URL = '{slug}' PAGE_SAVE_AS = '{slug}.html' DISPLAY_PAGES_ON_MENU = False # activate if there are more articles and tag page fixed DISPLAY_TAGS_ON_SIDEBAR = False # Blogroll LINKS = (('Pelican', 'http://getpelican.com/'), ('Python.org', 'http://python.org/'), ('Jinja2', 'http://jinja.pocoo.org/'), ('You can modify those links in your config file', '#'),) # Social widget SOCIAL = (('You can add links in your config file', '#'), ('Another social link', '#'),) DEFAULT_PAGINATION = 10 # Uncomment following line if you want document-relative URLs when developing #RELATIVE_URLS = True