c:geo Cache Details Search Useful apps About c:geo Latitude Longitude c:geo Settings All Cache Types Traditional Cache Multi-cache Mystery Cache Letterbox Hybrid Event Cache Mega-Event Cache Giga-Event Cache Earthcache Cache In Trash Out Event Webcam Cache Virtual Cache Wherigo Cache Lost & Found Event Cache Project APE Cache Groundspeak HQ GPS Adventures Exhibit Groundspeak Block Party Unknown Type Micro Small Regular Large Other Virtual Not chosen Unknown Nano Very large Final Location Stage of a Multicache Question to Answer Parking Area Trailhead Reference Point Original Coordinates Found it Didn\'t find it Write note Published Enabled Disabled Will Attend Attended Retrieved Placed Grabbed Somewhere Move to Collection Move to Inventory Maintenance Performed Needs Maintenance Updated Coordinates Archived Unarchived Needs Archived Discovered Review Note Submit for Review Retract Listing Marked Missing Do Nothing Visited Dropped Off Change All Save offline Sending log… Sending log and uploading image… Clear Loading Log Page… Future log dates are not allowed. Add Repeat last log No rating Poor Fairly poor Below average Not so bad Average Not bad at all Better than average Very good Awesome Webcam Photo Taken Log Log Text Announcement Today Yesterday Smilies Image Attach Image Existing New Caption Description Scaling Log Password: Enter your log password OC Team comment Your saved log No scaling 512 px 640 px 800 px 1024 px Translate to %s Translate to English Translation may fail with a large amount of text. OK Failed Login page parsing Unable to contact Geocaching.com. The website may be down or your internet connection not working. Unable to contact Extremcaching.com. The website may be down or your internet connection not working. No Login information stored c:geo can\'t log in. c:geo works offline with Stored caches. Check Login settings or enable your internet connection. Unknown error c:geo was unable to map this address to an existing location Unknown communication error No username and/or password set. Login information incorrect Geocaching.com is down for maintenance. c:geo works offline with Stored caches. You have not agreed to the Geocaching.com license agreement, so c:geo can\'t load cache coordinates. You must validate your account on the Geocaching.com website first. The requested cache is unpublished. This Cache is only available to Geocaching.com Premium Members. c:geo can\'t open geocache details. c:geo can\'t display the geocache you want. Is it really a geocache? c:geo can\'t find geocache c:geo can\'t find that geocache. c:geo can\'t find any geocaches. c:geo failed to download static maps. Maybe the Google Maps API limit was reached. c:geo found no spoiler images for this cache. c:geo found no static maps for this cache. c:geo failed to load static maps. Still working on another task. Still managing your watchlist. Changing your watchlist failed. c:geo can\'t find any suitable application. c:geo failed to initialize authorization process. Authorization process failed. c:geo is unable to log your visit. Please log your visit from the full cache details screen. c:geo failed to download caches. c:geo failed to download cache details. c:geo can\'t load description. c:geo doesn\'t know location of cache. Please enter a device name before registering. Changing favorite status failed. Selecting an image for the log failed. Acquiring an image failed. c:geo can\'t display the trackable you want. Is it really a trackable? c:geo can\'t open trackable details. c:geo can\'t find trackable c:geo can\'t find that trackable. c:geo doesn\'t know to which cache you want to add a waypoint for. c:geo failed to add your waypoint. c:geo can\'t recognize where you are. Info required Fill at least latitude and longitude or distance and bearing. You can also fill all four fields. Need some help? Fill both bearing and distance. Bearing is angle 0 to 360 degrees relative to north. Distance doesn\'t require units. c:geo can\'t load data required to log visit. c:geo can\'t load data required to log visit. Trying again. c:geo is still loading data required to post log. Please wait a little while longer. It seems that your log was not posted. Please check it on the cache originating website. It seems that your log image was not uploaded. Please check it on the cache originating website. c:geo forgot the address you tried to find. c:geo can\'t parse latitude. c:geo can\'t parse longitude. c:geo can\'t parse distance. c:geo can\'t parse latitude or longitude. There is nothing to be saved. There are no caches with coordinates. No Coordinates given. No Keyword given. No Username given. Need some help? Enter an address or location name. For example use a postal address \"Radlicka 100, Prague, Czech Republic\", a city name \"Berlin\" or just a name of something like \"Yellowstone Park\". Enter the code for a geocache. For example \"GC1VCAZ\". Enter all or part of a geocache\'s name. For example \"Night Cache\". Enter a username from Geocaching.com. Enter the code for a trackable. For example \"TB29QMZ\". Please input some text for your log. c:geo failed to load images. The selected map file is not a valid mapsforge version 0.3.0 map file.\nOffline maps are not available. You are using a deprecated version of map file (0.2.4).\nConsider switching to a version 0.3.0 map.\nWe will drop support for version 0.2.4 in the next release. The selected map file does not exist.\nOffline maps are not available. Map theme not found. No Pocket query selected. No Pocket query found online. c:geo successfully submitted the log. c:geo successfully saved the log. Log was cleared. Type of log has been changed! Image selection or capture was cancelled. New image saved to: Trying to store static maps The cache has been stored locally Last known Network Fused Low-power Home coordinates GPS Sat Trying to Locate Unknown address GPS disabled Center on my position About c:geo Utility programs Settings History Filter Scan geocode Pocket queries c:geo can scan geocodes which are printed as QR code. The necessary app is not installed. Do you want to open Google Play to install it? Live map Nearby Search Stored Go to Didn\'t find any geocodes in the scan result. No caches here Load more caches No more caches Loading caches… currently Downloading caches…\nETA: Less than a minute %d minute %d minutes Store Offline Store Selected History Show on map Sort Distance Difficulty Terrain Size Favorites Favorites [%] Name Geo Code Rating Vote (Own Rating) Count of Inventory Date Hidden Date Logged Finds State Date stored on device Select mode Exit select mode Invert selection Nearby Manage Remove all Do you want to remove this cache from current list? Do you want to remove all %d caches from current list? Remove selected Do you want to remove this cache from your device? Do you want to remove the selected %d caches from your device? Removing caches Delete past events Refresh selected Refresh all Move selected Move all Locus Export to Locus reCAPTCHA Please enter the text you see in the image. This enables downloading of cache coordinates, which can be disabled in Settings. Text from image Continue Filter Filter by Size Type With Trackables Clear filters With modified coordinates With offline log Origin Distance With personal note Favorites Favorites [%] With personal data With rating With own rating Removing from History… Clear offline logs Do you want to clear the offline logs? Clearing offline logs Create new list Drop current list Rename current list Import Pick a list Stored All caches New list Create A new list was created c:geo failed to create the new list Remove list Do you want to remove the current list? All caches remaining in the list will be moved to \"Stored\". Remove The list was removed c:geo failed to remove the current list Rename list Rename List no longer available, switching to standard list Version Changelog System Donate Donate\ndevelopment Contributors License Apache License, Version 2.0 Help Please include the following system information when sending a bug report or asking for more information about c:geo: List of all changes Services Configure user account information and access to optional services. Appearance Cache Details Offline Data Logging Map Map Data Map Content GPX Options for Basic Members Navigation System Navigation Menu Browser Geocaching Social media Other Logging Options more … Geocaching.com Extremcaching.com Opencaching.com (Garmin) Activate Activate Activate With using the service of geocaching.com, you accept the Groundspeak Terms of Use. Facebook Login You can\'t make c:geo login to geocaching.com with your Facebook account. But there is a simple workaround… Authorize c:geo Authorize c:geo again Opencaching.de Activate Authorize c:geo with opencaching.de to search for caches and access/filter your found caches. Opencaching.pl Activate Authorize c:geo with opencaching.pl to search for caches and access/filter your found caches. Opencaching.nl Activate Authorize c:geo with opencaching.nl to search for caches and access/filter your found caches. Opencaching.us Activate Authorize c:geo with opencaching.us to search for caches and access/filter your found caches. Opencaching.ro Activate Authorize c:geo with opencaching.ro to search for caches and access/filter your found caches. Opencaching.org.uk Activate Authorize c:geo with opencaching.org.uk to search for caches and access/filter your found caches. GCvote.com To be able to rate a cache, you need to follow the instructions at GCVote.com and enter your GCVote password here. Error while sending rating, check GCVote password in settings or empty it. Voting successfully sent Twitter Activate Username Password Check Login Login Logging in… Login OK Login failed Login failed: Not authorized Local time invalid, adjust device time Authorization invalid, re-authorize Active Signature Placeholder strings like [NAME] will be expanded later when this template is used. Insert Template Date Time Date & Time User Number Owner Name URL Log text GCvote Rating Load cache rating from GCvote.com Show Friends\'/Own Display additional logbook page for friends\' and own logs Last Details Page Open details with last used page Long Description Always load long description Light Skin Use light skin (Restart needed) Show Address Show address instead of coordinates on main screen Show CAPTCHA Show CAPTCHA if necessary (only Basic Member) Use English Use English language for c:geo (Restart needed) Exclude Own and Found Exclude caches you own or have found Show Waypoints If less than the given amount of caches are displayed on the map, their waypoints are shown additionally. Exclude Disabled Exclude disabled caches Static Maps Store cache static maps for offline use Static Maps (WP) Store waypoints static maps for offline use Save Images Save Images from Logs Use Imperial Units Use Imperial Units instead of Metric Units Offline Logging Enable Offline Logging (Won\'t show online log screen when logging, won\'t upload logs) Ask for List Ask which list to store caches in Show Direction Show direction of caches in the list Backup Backup Creating backup of cache database… Please note that this feature will backup/restore a database containing caches and waypoints, but not your settings.\nYour Login data and passwords will never leave this application. Restore c:geo\'s database was successfully copied to: Backup of c:geo\'s database failed. Database is empty, no backup necessary. Do you want to overwrite the existing backup from %s? Do you want to overwrite %s on your device with the backup? Restoration completed. Restoration failed. Restoring cache database… Database is empty. Do you want to restore the database backup? Available backup from There is no file with a backup. Info on Offline Maps c:geo supports maps for offline use. You can download maps from Mapsforge or even create your own maps from OSM data. You need to select the offline map directory first to get offline map support. Info on Map Themes c:geo supports custom themes for offline maps. These can be used to change the color style of the map (e.g. to have a nightview map) or to highlight certain objects like cycle paths or height lines within the map. Select Map Source Scale Map Text Scale text labels on offline map according to device dpi Directory with offline maps GPX Export Directory GPX Import Directory Show Trail Show trail on Map Open share menu after GPX export Visit TBs Set trackables to \"Visited\" by default Insert automatically Direction Image Download directional arrow image if necessary (only required for Basic Members) Default Navigation Secondary Navigation Here you can select your preferred navigation tool. Select tool Here you can select your second preferred navigation tool. Activate it by long pressing the navigation icon next to the title of the cache. Here you can select which of the available navigation methods will be shown in the navigation menu for a cache or waypoint. Disabled tools are not installed on this device. Debug information c:geo can generate a lot of debugging information. While this information is generally not useful for c:geo users, developers may need you to generate this information in order to analyze a bug. In this case, they will ask you to check the box below and send them the resulting log file. Activate debug log Database location You may store the database of c:geo on your external storage medium. Doing so will save internal memory, but you may lose a bit of performance and c:geo will not work if your SD card isn\'t available. On external storage Moving Database Moving Database Successfully moved the database. Failed to move database Plain Logs Display log entries without colors Android browser Identify as Android browser. Solves login problems when using certain network providers. Map Themes Directory Maintenance c:geo stores images, log images and other files related to a cache in a separate directory. In some cases (like importing/exporting the database) this directory may contain outdated files, which can be deleted here. Delete orphaned files Geolocation On devices equipped with Google Play Services, c:geo can automatically use a better geolocation provider. However, this prevents the use of an external BlueTooth GPS receiver. Use Google Play Services Low-power mode The low-power mode avoids using the GPS and the gyroscope when a highly accurate location is not strictly necessary, at the cost of longer fixing times. Activate low-power mode Create memory dump Memory dump Memory dumped to %s Hardware accelerated rendering Hardware acceleration renders graphical elements faster on the screen. However on some devices the Android operating system contains bugs and some text may appear blurred (notably bold characters). Disable hardware acceleration if this happens to you. Enable hardware acceleration Open website Settings Information Message for found cache Message for found trackable Map Icons Own style Like OC Supported Features The following online features of this website are supported in c:geo (in addition to the offline features): Personal note Online logging Attach images to logs Watch list Storing of modified coordinates Search by keyword Live map Search by position Search by geocode Search by owner Search by finder Google: Map Google: Satellite OSM: Mapnik OSM: Cyclemap Offline Send to c:geo Info on send2cgeo Your device name Send2c:geo allows you to send caches to your Android device directly from geocaching.com using a special plugin for Firefox or Chrome. Before registering, please see http://send2.cgeo.org/. You only need to register if you want to use send2c:geo. c:geo will work normally without registering your device. Request Registration Registering your device for Send2c:geo… Registration successful. PIN code is ####. Use it on the c:geo website to connect this device to your browser. Registration failed. c:geo failed to download caches. No internet connection, or send2c:geo is down. c:geo failed to download caches. Registration for send2c:geo expired. Please register in settings. Twitter Authorize c:geo Start authorization Start again Waiting for %s… The following process will allow c:geo to access %s. Pressing the \"authorize c:geo\" button will start the process. This process will open up a web browser with a %s page. Log in on this page and allow c:geo to access your account. That\'s all. c:geo is now authorized to post on Twitter. opencaching.de opencaching.pl opencaching.nl opencaching.us opencaching.ro opencaching.org.uk c:geo is now authorized to interact with %s. One cache %1$d caches Offline Refresh Drop Store Stored in device Not available offline about minutes ago a few minutes ago one hour ago hours ago days ago Premium Attributes Inventory Log images Photo Personal note Edit Personal note limit This personal note will be truncated after %d characters by Geocaching.com. Upload Uploading personal note Personal note uploaded Personal note upload cancelled Description Long Description Description contains table formatting which may need to be viewed at %s to be seen correctly. This cache is on your watchlist. This cache is not on your watchlist. Add to Watchlist Remove from Watchlist This cache is one of your favorites. This cache is not one of your favorites. Add Remove List: Move Not in a list Images Waypoints 1 Waypoint %d Waypoints Add Waypoint Hint No hint available Logbook Friends/Own Logs Loading cache details… Loading page Processing details Loading spoiler images Loading logs Processing waypoints Loading GCVote Caching Data Render view Offline Saving cache for offline use… Offline Removing cache from device memory… Refresh Reloading cache details… Watchlist Adding cache to your watchlist… Watchlist Removing cache from your watchlist… Favorite Adding cache to your favorites… Favorite Removing cache from your favorites… Navigate Navigation (Driving) Navigation (Walking) Navigation (Bike) Google Maps Directions Radar Map Static Maps Download Static Maps Rmaps Show on ext. map Street View Open in browser Log Visit One click offline log Spoiler images Caches around Around %s Add to calendar Details Refresh Share cache Move to different list WhereYouGo OruxMaps Navigon Pebble Android Wear Vote Open Geochecker Ignore cache Status Saved Log Found Not Found Archived Disabled Premium Members only All Members Access Stored Not stored Geo code Name Type Size Distance Difficulty Terrain Rating Your Rating of Favorite Owner Hidden Date Location Coordinates Original Coordinates Spoiler images Log types This cache has no coordinates. Clear history Remove from history License Image Open as file Open in browser Share o\'clock Listed on %s Searching for files\nin No files found in default folders:\n%1$s\n\nSearching whole SD card for files:\n c:geo found no appropriate files. Searching for matching files Searching Choose directory Path: Invalid Path Loading caches from .gpx file Loading waypoints file Storing static maps caches imported Download of static maps aborted Store static maps Reading file Import GPX Result Import failed Can\'t read file Bad File format Unexpected error GPX import was canceled Delete file Do you want to delete %s? Import GPX to list Import from Android Select map file Import from web Waiting for new caches from web… Downloading Downloaded More details Waypoint Cache coordinates Custom My coordinates Bearing in ° Distance Name Edit Delete Edit waypoint Add waypoint Note Visited Save Loading waypoint… No change to cache coordinates Set as cache coordinates in c:geo Set as cache coordinates in c:geo and on website Reset cache coordinates Cache coordinates have been reset on website. Resetting cache coordinates on website… Reset Reset in c:geo Reset in c:geo and on website Waypoint is being saved… Website doesn\'t support modifying cache coordinates. Error occurred while modifying coordinates on website. Uploading coordinates %s to website. Cache coordinates on website have been modified to: %s. Done Duplicate Copy of History No previous destinations Destination removed Clear History History cleared Plain From clipboard Copy to clipboard Post this find to Twitter Map Live map Map view Map settings Show trail Show circles Hide own/found caches Default Select map theme Enable live Disable live Static maps Loading static maps… Since c:geo is only able to download partial data, coordinates of caches could be inaccurate. Show as list Strategy Live Map strategy Fastest Fast Speed dependent Detailed Coordinates on the live map may not always be precise. Possibly imprecise coordinates are marked by an orange circle.\nOpening the cache details or saving the cache for offline use will always obtain precise coordinates.\n\nMore information can be found on the \"About c:geo\" page inside the app. Search for caches Caches (geo code, keyword), Trackables (TB code) Coordinates Search by coordinates Address Search by address Geo code Search by geo code Keywords Keyword Search by keyword Found by user User name Search by user name Hidden by users Owner Search by owner name Trackable Trackable identification Search for trackable Destination From this position Searching for places Found places Search my caches Pocket Query Loading a list of Pocket Queries Choose Pocket Query Trackable Loading trackable details… Log touch Open in Browser Goal Details Image TB-Code Name Type Owner Spotted In In the hands of Unknown location In the hands of its owner Origin Unknown Released Traveled Touch Trackable not activated Traditional Book or electronic media Human Coin Mail About Caches hidden Caches found Open profile in browser Send message Open contact card Navigation Compass Active Sensors Use GPS only Use GPS and Compass Select destination Direct Navigation Target Cannot start navigation with no coordinates License Show license Dismiss c:geo calendar plugin c:geo calendar plugin not installed. Enables you to export event caches to the calendar on your device. Send to c:geo c:geo contacts plugin Enables you to open a contact card (of your address book) directly from a log entry, so you can more easily ask friends for help. Send to c:geo is a browser extension for your PC. When browsing geocaching.com, you can send caches to your smartphone with the click of a button directly inside the browser. Locus Outdoor navigation app for your phone or tablet. View topo maps offline, track your route, hunt geocaches, use a voice guide and do even more. GPS Status You can use the radar in this application in conjunction with c:geo. It also offers a lot of other GPS-related information. Bluetooth GPS Allows you to use an external GPS receiver to get more precise location data, and can spare battery of your device. Barcode Scanner There are Greasemonkey scripts and websites which enable display of geocodes as barcodes. With this app, c:geo can read such geocodes directly from the screen of your computer. Pocket Query Creator Allows easy creation and download of Pocket Queries centred on your current position or a point selected from a map. Requires a Premium Geocaching.com account. Google Translate If you download translation packages in the Google Translate app, then you can easily translate cache descriptions in c:geo by a long tap on the cache description text (without an Internet connection). Missing plugin Get it now from Google Play. Export exported to Export failed Field Notes Field Notes will be exported to /sdcard/field-notes with the current date and time as their file name. Upload to geocaching.com Uploading… Upload to geocaching.com successful Only since last export Creating Field Notes… GPX The GPX file will be exported to %1$s with the current date and time as its file name. Send exported GPX to Dogs allowed Dogs not allowed Bicycles allowed Bicycles not allowed Motorcycles allowed Motorcycles not allowed Quads allowed Quads not allowed Off-road vehicles allowed Off-road vehicles not allowed Snowmobiles allowed Snowmobiles not allowed Horses allowed Horses not allowed Campfires allowed Campfires not allowed Truck driver/RV allowed Truck driver/RV not allowed Recommended for kids Not recommended for kids Takes less than an hour Takes more than an hour Scenic view No scenic view Significant hike No significant hike Difficult climbing No difficult climbing May require wading May not require wading May require swimming May not require swimming Available at all times Not available at all times Recommended at night Not recommended at night Available during winter Not available during winter Stealth required Stealth not required Needs maintenance Needs no maintenance Watch for livestock No livestock Field puzzle No field puzzle Night cache No night cache Park and grab No park and grab Abandoned structure No abandoned structure Short hike (less than 1 km) No short hike Medium hike (1 km to 10 km) No medium hike Long hike (more than 10 km) No long hike Seasonal access No seasonal access Tourist friendly Not tourist friendly Private residence Not a private residence Teamwork required No teamwork required Lost and found tour Not a lost and found tour Partnership cache Not a partnership cache Access or parking fee required Access or parking fee not required Climbing gear required Climbing gear not required Boat required Boat not required Scuba gear required Scuba gear not required Flashlight required Flashlight not required UV light required UV light not required Snowshoes required Snowshoes not required Cross country skis required Cross country skis not required Special tools required Special tools not required Wireless beacon No wireless beacon Tree climbing required Tree climbing not required Poisonous plants No poisonous plants Dangerous animals No dangerous animals Ticks No ticks Abandoned mines No abandoned mines Cliff / falling rocks No cliff / falling rocks Hunting No hunting Dangerous area Not a dangerous area Thorns No thorns Wheelchair accessible Not wheelchair accessible Parking available No parking available Public transportation No public transportation Drinking water nearby No drinking water nearby Public restrooms nearby No public restrooms nearby Telephone nearby No telephone nearby Picnic tables nearby No picnic tables nearby Camping available No camping available Stroller accessible Not stroller accessible Fuel nearby No fuel nearby Food nearby No food nearby Only loggable at Opencaching Not loggable only at Opencaching Hyperlink to another caching portal only Not only a hyperlink to another caching portal Letterbox (needs stamp) No letterbox (no stamp needed) Active railway nearby No active railway nearby First aid available No first aid available Swamp or marsh No swamp or marsh Hilly area Not a hilly area Lightweight climbing No lightweight climbing Point of interest No point of interest Moving target No moving target Webcam No webcam Within enclosed rooms (caves, buildings etc.) Not within enclosed rooms In the water Not in the water Without GPS (letterboxes, compass juggling, …) With GPS Overnight stay necessary No overnight stay necessary Only available at specified times Not only available at specified times by day only Not only by day Tide No tide All seasons Not all seasons Breeding season / protected nature No breeding season / protected nature Snow-proof hiding place No snow-proof hiding place Compass No compass Cave equipment No cave equipment Aircraft No aircraft Investigation No investigation Puzzle / Mystery No puzzle / mystery Arithmetic problem No arithmetic problem Other cache type No other cache type Ask owner for start conditions Don\'t ask owner for start conditions Unknown attribute present No unknown attribute present Part of GeoTour Not part of GeoTour Take your children Do not take your children Historic site No historic site Magnetic cache No magnetic cache Dead drop USB cache No dead drop USB cache You may need a shovel You don\'t need a shovel Available at specified hours (may require access fee) Available at all times Access only by walk Access not only by walk Hidden in natural surroundings (forests, mountains, etc.) Not hidden in natural surroundings Take something to write Own pencil not necessary Reverse cache No reverse cache Quick cache Not a quick cache Wherigo cache No Wherigo cache Description contains an audio file Description doesn\'t contain an audio file GeoHotel cache No GeoHotel cache Near a Survey Marker Not near a Survey Marker Offset cache No offset cache To make geocaching easier, to make users lazier. carnero Support Website Facebook c:geo page Twitter Google Play c:geo on Google Play Should c:geo publish a new status on Twitter every time you log a cache? FAQ New release available.\nClick to install. New nightly build available.\nClick to install. New release candidate available.\nClick to install. Recent changes on geocaching.com broke c:geo.\nWe are working on it, check again soon. Recent changes on geocaching.com broke the live map feature.\nWe are working on it, check again soon. geocaching.com is under maintenance.\nYou might run into various issues. You appear to be using a version of Android older than 2.1. Future releases of c:geo might no longer be available for your device. Talking compass Start talking Stop talking Started speech Stopped speech The current language is not supported by text-to-speech. one kilometer %s kilometer %s kilometers one meter %s meter %s meters one mile %s mile %s miles one foot %s foot %s feet one o\'clock %s o\'clock Copied to clipboard yesterday %d days ago %s favorite %s favorites > %d%% favorites c:geo shortcut Create shortcut Send Sending the log Remember, many commands are now in the title bar. There you find the button for sending the finished log. New menus c:geo now places menu items in the title bar like other modern apps. Some items are hidden behind the dotted symbol. Long press a button to see its description. Switching lists You can switch between your geocache lists by clicking the title of the list. Show the hint This new menu item might give you an idea where to find the cache - it shows the hint, if available. Unusual log type You want to log \'%s\'. Are you sure?