package cgeo.geocaching; import butterknife.ButterKnife; import cgeo.geocaching.activity.AbstractActivity; import cgeo.geocaching.activity.AbstractListActivity; import cgeo.geocaching.activity.ActivityMixin; import cgeo.geocaching.activity.FilteredActivity; import cgeo.geocaching.activity.Progress; import cgeo.geocaching.activity.ShowcaseViewBuilder; import cgeo.geocaching.apps.cache.navi.NavigationAppFactory; import cgeo.geocaching.apps.cachelist.CacheListApp; import cgeo.geocaching.apps.cachelist.CacheListApps; import cgeo.geocaching.apps.cachelist.ListNavigationSelectionActionProvider; import cgeo.geocaching.compatibility.Compatibility; import cgeo.geocaching.connector.gc.RecaptchaHandler; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.CacheListType; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.CacheType; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.LoadFlags; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.StatusCode; import cgeo.geocaching.export.FieldnoteExport; import cgeo.geocaching.export.GpxExport; import cgeo.geocaching.files.GPXImporter; import cgeo.geocaching.filter.FilterActivity; import cgeo.geocaching.filter.IFilter; import cgeo.geocaching.list.AbstractList; import cgeo.geocaching.list.ListNameMemento; import cgeo.geocaching.list.PseudoList; import cgeo.geocaching.list.StoredList; import cgeo.geocaching.loaders.AbstractSearchLoader; import cgeo.geocaching.loaders.AbstractSearchLoader.CacheListLoaderType; import cgeo.geocaching.loaders.CoordsGeocacheListLoader; import cgeo.geocaching.loaders.FinderGeocacheListLoader; import cgeo.geocaching.loaders.HistoryGeocacheListLoader; import cgeo.geocaching.loaders.KeywordGeocacheListLoader; import cgeo.geocaching.loaders.NextPageGeocacheListLoader; import cgeo.geocaching.loaders.OfflineGeocacheListLoader; import cgeo.geocaching.loaders.OwnerGeocacheListLoader; import cgeo.geocaching.loaders.PocketGeocacheListLoader; import cgeo.geocaching.location.Geopoint; import cgeo.geocaching.maps.CGeoMap; import; import; import; import; import cgeo.geocaching.sensors.GeoData; import cgeo.geocaching.sensors.GeoDirHandler; import cgeo.geocaching.sensors.Sensors; import cgeo.geocaching.settings.Settings; import cgeo.geocaching.settings.SettingsActivity; import cgeo.geocaching.sorting.CacheComparator; import cgeo.geocaching.sorting.SortActionProvider; import cgeo.geocaching.ui.CacheListAdapter; import cgeo.geocaching.ui.LoggingUI; import cgeo.geocaching.ui.WeakReferenceHandler; import cgeo.geocaching.ui.dialog.Dialogs; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.AngleUtils; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.AsyncTaskWithProgress; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.CalendarUtils; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.CancellableHandler; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.Log; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.RxUtils; import com.github.amlcurran.showcaseview.targets.ActionViewTarget; import com.github.amlcurran.showcaseview.targets.ActionViewTarget.Type; import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import rx.Observable; import rx.Observable.OnSubscribe; import rx.Scheduler.Worker; import rx.Subscriber; import rx.Subscription; import rx.functions.Action0; import rx.functions.Action1; import rx.functions.Func1; import rx.schedulers.Schedulers; import rx.subjects.ReplaySubject; import rx.subscriptions.CompositeSubscription; import rx.subscriptions.Subscriptions; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.provider.OpenableColumns; import; import; import; import; import android.view.ContextMenu; import android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo; import android.view.KeyEvent; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.widget.AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.TextView; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; public class CacheListActivity extends AbstractListActivity implements FilteredActivity, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks { private static final int MAX_LIST_ITEMS = 1000; private static final int REQUEST_CODE_IMPORT_GPX = 1; private CacheListType type = null; private Geopoint coords = null; private SearchResult search = null; /** The list of shown caches shared with Adapter. Don't manipulate outside of main thread only with Handler */ private final List cacheList = new ArrayList<>(); private CacheListAdapter adapter = null; private View listFooter = null; private TextView listFooterText = null; private final Progress progress = new Progress(); private String title = ""; private int detailTotal = 0; private final AtomicInteger detailProgress = new AtomicInteger(0); private long detailProgressTime = 0L; private int listId =; // Only meaningful for the OFFLINE type private final GeoDirHandler geoDirHandler = new GeoDirHandler() { @Override public void updateDirection(final float direction) { if (Settings.isLiveList()) { adapter.setActualHeading(AngleUtils.getDirectionNow(direction)); } } @Override public void updateGeoData(final GeoData geoData) { adapter.setActualCoordinates(geoData.getCoords()); } }; private ContextMenuInfo lastMenuInfo; private String contextMenuGeocode = ""; private Subscription resumeSubscription; private final ListNameMemento listNameMemento = new ListNameMemento(); // FIXME: This method has mostly been replaced by the loaders. But it still contains a license agreement check. public void handleCachesLoaded() { try { updateAdapter(); updateTitle(); showFooterMoreCaches(); if (search != null && search.getError() == StatusCode.UNAPPROVED_LICENSE) { final AlertDialog.Builder dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this); dialog.setTitle(res.getString(R.string.license)); dialog.setMessage(res.getString(R.string.err_license)); dialog.setCancelable(true); dialog.setNegativeButton(res.getString(R.string.license_dismiss), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int id) { Cookies.clearCookies(); dialog.cancel(); } }); dialog.setPositiveButton(res.getString(R.string.license_show), new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int id) { Cookies.clearCookies(); startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(""))); } }); final AlertDialog alert = dialog.create();; } else if (search != null && search.getError() != null) { showToast(res.getString(R.string.err_download_fail) + ' ' + search.getError().getErrorString(res) + '.'); hideLoading(); showProgress(false); finish(); return; } setAdapterCurrentCoordinates(false); } catch (final Exception e) { showToast(res.getString(R.string.err_detail_cache_find_any)); Log.e("CacheListActivity.loadCachesHandler", e); hideLoading(); showProgress(false); finish(); return; } try { hideLoading(); showProgress(false); } catch (final Exception e2) { Log.e("CacheListActivity.loadCachesHandler.2", e2); } adapter.setSelectMode(false); } private final Handler loadCachesHandler = new LoadCachesHandler(this); private static class LoadCachesHandler extends WeakReferenceHandler { protected LoadCachesHandler(final CacheListActivity activity) { super(activity); } @Override public void handleMessage(final Message msg) { final CacheListActivity activity = getActivity(); if (activity == null) { return; } activity.handleCachesLoaded(); } } /** * Loads the caches and fills the {@link #cacheList} according to {@link #search} content. * * If {@link #search} is null, this does nothing. */ private void replaceCacheListFromSearch() { if (search != null) { runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { cacheList.clear(); // The database search was moved into the UI call intentionally. If this is done before the runOnUIThread, // then we have 2 sets of caches in memory. This can lead to OOM for huge cache lists. final Set cachesFromSearchResult = search.getCachesFromSearchResult(LoadFlags.LOAD_CACHE_OR_DB); cacheList.addAll(cachesFromSearchResult); adapter.reFilter(); updateTitle(); showFooterMoreCaches(); } }); } } private static String getCacheNumberString(final Resources res, final int count) { return res.getQuantityString(R.plurals.cache_counts, count, count); } protected void updateTitle() { setTitle(title); getSupportActionBar().setSubtitle(getCurrentSubtitle()); refreshSpinnerAdapter(); } private class LoadDetailsHandler extends CancellableHandler { @Override public void handleRegularMessage(final Message msg) { updateAdapter(); if (msg.what == DownloadProgress.MSG_LOADED) { ((Geocache) msg.obj).setStatusChecked(false); adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); final int dp = detailProgress.get(); final int secondsElapsed = (int) ((System.currentTimeMillis() - detailProgressTime) / 1000); final int minutesRemaining = ((detailTotal - dp) * secondsElapsed / ((dp > 0) ? dp : 1) / 60); progress.setProgress(dp); if (minutesRemaining < 1) { progress.setMessage(res.getString(R.string.caches_downloading) + " " + res.getString(R.string.caches_eta_ltm)); } else { progress.setMessage(res.getString(R.string.caches_downloading) + " " + res.getQuantityString(R.plurals.caches_eta_mins, minutesRemaining, minutesRemaining)); } } else { new AsyncTask>() { @Override protected Set doInBackground(final Void... params) { return search != null ? search.getCachesFromSearchResult(LoadFlags.LOAD_CACHE_OR_DB) : null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(final Set result) { if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(result)) { cacheList.clear(); cacheList.addAll(result); } setAdapterCurrentCoordinates(false); showProgress(false); progress.dismiss(); } }.execute(); } } } /** * TODO Possibly parts should be a Thread not a Handler */ private class DownloadFromWebHandler extends CancellableHandler { @Override public void handleRegularMessage(final Message msg) { updateAdapter(); adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); switch (msg.what) { case DownloadProgress.MSG_WAITING: //no caches progress.setMessage(res.getString(R.string.web_import_waiting)); break; case DownloadProgress.MSG_LOADING: //cache downloading progress.setMessage(res.getString(R.string.web_downloading) + " " + msg.obj + '…'); break; case DownloadProgress.MSG_LOADED: //Cache downloaded progress.setMessage(res.getString(R.string.web_downloaded) + " " + msg.obj + '…'); refreshCurrentList(); break; case DownloadProgress.MSG_SERVER_FAIL: progress.dismiss(); showToast(res.getString(R.string.sendToCgeo_download_fail)); finish(); break; case DownloadProgress.MSG_NO_REGISTRATION: progress.dismiss(); showToast(res.getString(R.string.sendToCgeo_no_registration)); finish(); break; default: // MSG_DONE adapter.setSelectMode(false); replaceCacheListFromSearch(); progress.dismiss(); break; } } } private final CancellableHandler clearOfflineLogsHandler = new CancellableHandler() { @Override public void handleRegularMessage(final Message msg) { adapter.setSelectMode(false); refreshCurrentList(); replaceCacheListFromSearch(); progress.dismiss(); } }; private final Handler importGpxAttachementFinishedHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(final Message msg) { refreshCurrentList(); } }; private AbstractSearchLoader currentLoader; public CacheListActivity() { super(true); } @Override public void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setTheme(); setContentView(R.layout.cacheslist_activity); // get parameters Bundle extras = getIntent().getExtras(); if (extras != null) { type = Intents.getListType(getIntent()); coords = extras.getParcelable(Intents.EXTRA_COORDS); } else { extras = new Bundle(); } if (isInvokedFromAttachment()) { type = CacheListType.OFFLINE; if (coords == null) { coords = Geopoint.ZERO; } } if (type == CacheListType.NEAREST) { coords = Sensors.getInstance().currentGeo().getCoords(); } setTitle(title); initAdapter(); prepareFilterBar(); if (type.canSwitch) { initActionBarSpinner(); } currentLoader = (AbstractSearchLoader) getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(type.getLoaderId(), extras, this); // init if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(cacheList)) { // currentLoader can be null if this activity is created from a map, as onCreateLoader() will return null. if (currentLoader != null && currentLoader.isStarted()) { showFooterLoadingCaches(); } else { showFooterMoreCaches(); } } if (isInvokedFromAttachment()) { importGpxAttachement(); } else { presentShowcase(); } } /** * Action bar spinner adapter. {@code null} for list types that don't allow switching (search results, ...). */ CacheListSpinnerAdapter mCacheListSpinnerAdapter; /** * remember current filter when switching between lists, so it can be re-applied afterwards */ private IFilter currentFilter = null; private SortActionProvider sortProvider; private void initActionBarSpinner() { mCacheListSpinnerAdapter = new CacheListSpinnerAdapter(this, R.layout.support_simple_spinner_dropdown_item); getSupportActionBar().setNavigationMode(ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST); getSupportActionBar().setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false); getSupportActionBar().setListNavigationCallbacks(mCacheListSpinnerAdapter, new ActionBar.OnNavigationListener() { @Override public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(final int i, final long l) { final int newListId = mCacheListSpinnerAdapter.getItem(i).id; if (newListId != listId) { switchListById(newListId); } return true; } }); } private void refreshSpinnerAdapter() { /* If the activity does not use the Spinner this will be null */ if (mCacheListSpinnerAdapter==null) { return; } mCacheListSpinnerAdapter.clear(); final AbstractList list = AbstractList.getListById(listId); for (final AbstractList l: StoredList.UserInterface.getMenuLists(false, { mCacheListSpinnerAdapter.add(l); } getSupportActionBar().setSelectedNavigationItem(mCacheListSpinnerAdapter.getPosition(list)); } @Override public void onConfigurationChanged(final Configuration newConfig) { super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); if (currentLoader != null && currentLoader.isLoading()) { showFooterLoadingCaches(); } } private boolean isConcreteList() { return type == CacheListType.OFFLINE && (listId == StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID || listId >= DataStore.customListIdOffset); } private boolean isInvokedFromAttachment() { final Intent intent = getIntent(); return Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction()) && intent.getData() != null; } private void importGpxAttachement() { new StoredList.UserInterface(this).promptForListSelection(R.string.gpx_import_select_list_title, new Action1() { @Override public void call(final Integer listId) { new GPXImporter(CacheListActivity.this, listId, importGpxAttachementFinishedHandler).importGPX(); switchListById(listId); } }, true, 0); } @Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); resumeSubscription = geoDirHandler.start(GeoDirHandler.UPDATE_GEODATA | GeoDirHandler.UPDATE_DIRECTION | GeoDirHandler.LOW_POWER, 250, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); adapter.setSelectMode(false); setAdapterCurrentCoordinates(true); if (search != null) { replaceCacheListFromSearch(); loadCachesHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0); } // refresh standard list if it has changed (new caches downloaded) if (type == CacheListType.OFFLINE && (listId >= StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID || listId == && search != null) { final SearchResult newSearch = DataStore.getBatchOfStoredCaches(coords, Settings.getCacheType(), listId); if (newSearch.getTotalCountGC() != search.getTotalCountGC()) { refreshCurrentList(); } } } private void setAdapterCurrentCoordinates(final boolean forceSort) { adapter.setActualCoordinates(Sensors.getInstance().currentGeo().getCoords()); if (forceSort) { adapter.forceSort(); } } @Override public void onPause() { resumeSubscription.unsubscribe(); super.onPause(); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(final Menu menu) { getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); sortProvider = (SortActionProvider) MenuItemCompat.getActionProvider(menu.findItem(; assert sortProvider != null; // We set it in the XML file sortProvider.setSelection(adapter.getCacheComparator()); sortProvider.setClickListener(new Action1() { @Override public void call(final CacheComparator selectedComparator) { final CacheComparator oldComparator = adapter.getCacheComparator(); // selecting the same sorting twice will toggle the order if (selectedComparator != null && oldComparator != null && selectedComparator.getClass().equals(oldComparator.getClass())) { adapter.toggleInverseSort(); } else { // always reset the inversion for a new sorting criteria adapter.resetInverseSort(); } setComparator(selectedComparator); sortProvider.setSelection(selectedComparator); } }); ListNavigationSelectionActionProvider.initialize(menu.findItem(, new ListNavigationSelectionActionProvider.Callback() { @Override public void onListNavigationSelected(final CacheListApp app) { app.invoke(cacheList, CacheListActivity.this, getFilteredSearch()); } }); return true; } private static void setVisible(final Menu menu, final int itemId, final boolean visible) { menu.findItem(itemId).setVisible(visible); } @Override public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(final Menu menu) { super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu); final boolean isHistory = type == CacheListType.HISTORY; final boolean isOffline = type == CacheListType.OFFLINE; final boolean isEmpty = cacheList.isEmpty(); final boolean isConcrete = isConcreteList(); try { if (adapter.isSelectMode()) { menu.findItem( .setIcon(R.drawable.ic_menu_clear_playlist); } else { menu.findItem( .setIcon(R.drawable.ic_menu_agenda); } menu.findItem(; setVisible(menu,, !isEmpty); setVisible(menu,, isOffline); setVisible(menu,, !isEmpty && !isHistory); setVisible(menu,, !isEmpty && (isConcrete || type != CacheListType.OFFLINE)); setVisible(menu,, !isEmpty && isOffline); setVisible(menu,, isConcrete && !isEmpty && containsPastEvents()); setVisible(menu,, isOffline && !isEmpty); setVisible(menu,, !isEmpty && isHistory); setVisible(menu,, !isEmpty && (isHistory || isOffline) && containsOfflineLogs()); setVisible(menu,, isOffline); setVisible(menu,, isOffline); setVisible(menu,, isOffline); setVisible(menu,, !isEmpty); if (!isOffline && !isHistory) { menu.findItem(; } final boolean isNonDefaultList = isConcrete && listId != StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID; if (isOffline || type == CacheListType.HISTORY) { // only offline list setMenuItemLabel(menu,, R.string.caches_remove_selected, R.string.caches_remove_all); setMenuItemLabel(menu,, R.string.caches_refresh_selected, R.string.caches_refresh_all); setMenuItemLabel(menu,, R.string.caches_move_selected, R.string.caches_move_all); } else { // search and global list (all other than offline and history) setMenuItemLabel(menu,, R.string.caches_store_selected, R.string.caches_store_offline); } menu.findItem(; menu.findItem(; setMenuItemLabel(menu,, R.string.cache_remove_from_history, R.string.cache_clear_history); menu.findItem( && isOffline); final List listNavigationApps = CacheListApps.getActiveApps(); menu.findItem( > 1); menu.findItem( == 1); } catch (final RuntimeException e) { Log.e("CacheListActivity.onPrepareOptionsMenu", e); } return true; } private boolean containsPastEvents() { for (final Geocache cache : adapter.getCheckedOrAllCaches()) { if (CalendarUtils.isPastEvent(cache)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean containsOfflineLogs() { for (final Geocache cache : adapter.getCheckedOrAllCaches()) { if (cache.isLogOffline()) { return true; } } return false; } private void setMenuItemLabel(final Menu menu, final int menuId, final int resIdSelection, final int resId) { final MenuItem menuItem = menu.findItem(menuId); if (menuItem == null) { return; } final boolean hasSelection = adapter != null && adapter.getCheckedCount() > 0; if (hasSelection) { menuItem.setTitle(res.getString(resIdSelection) + " (" + adapter.getCheckedCount() + ")"); } else { menuItem.setTitle(res.getString(resId)); } } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(final MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case goMap(); return true; case adapter.switchSelectMode(); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); return true; case refreshStored(adapter.getCheckedOrAllCaches()); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); return true; case dropStored(); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); return true; case importGpx(); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); return true; case importGpxFromAndroid(); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); return true; case new StoredList.UserInterface(this).promptForListCreation(getListSwitchingRunnable(), listNameMemento.getTerm()); refreshSpinnerAdapter(); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); return true; case removeList(false); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); return true; case renameList(); return true; case adapter.invertSelection(); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); return true; case showFilterMenu(null); return true; case importWeb(); return true; case new GpxExport().export(adapter.getCheckedOrAllCaches(), this); return true; case new FieldnoteExport().export(adapter.getCheckedOrAllCaches(), this); return true; case removeFromHistoryCheck(); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); return true; case moveCachesToOtherList(); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); return true; case deletePastEvents(); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); return true; case clearOfflineLogs(); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); return true; case if (cacheToShow()) { CacheListApps.getActiveApps().get(0).invoke(cacheList, this, getFilteredSearch()); } return true; } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } private boolean cacheToShow() { if (search == null || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(cacheList)) { showToast(res.getString(R.string.warn_no_cache_coord)); return false; } return true; } private SearchResult getFilteredSearch() { return new SearchResult(Geocache.getGeocodes(adapter.getFilteredList())); } private void deletePastEvents() { final List deletion = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Geocache cache : adapter.getCheckedOrAllCaches()) { if (CalendarUtils.isPastEvent(cache)) { deletion.add(cache); } } new DropDetailsTask(0).execute(deletion.toArray(new Geocache[deletion.size()])); } private void clearOfflineLogs() { Dialogs.confirmYesNo(this, R.string.caches_clear_offlinelogs, R.string.caches_clear_offlinelogs_message, new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int which) {, null, res.getString(R.string.caches_clear_offlinelogs_progress), true, clearOfflineLogsHandler.cancelMessage()); clearOfflineLogs(clearOfflineLogsHandler, adapter.getCheckedOrAllCaches()); } }); } /** * called from the filter bar view */ @Override public void showFilterMenu(final View view) { FilterActivity.selectFilter(this); } private void setComparator(final CacheComparator comparator) { adapter.setComparator(comparator); } @Override public void onCreateContextMenu(final ContextMenu menu, final View view, final ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo info) { super.onCreateContextMenu(menu, view, info); AdapterContextMenuInfo adapterInfo = null; try { adapterInfo = (AdapterContextMenuInfo) info; } catch (final Exception e) { Log.w("CacheListActivity.onCreateContextMenu", e); } if (adapterInfo == null || adapterInfo.position >= adapter.getCount()) { return; } final Geocache cache = adapter.getItem(adapterInfo.position); menu.setHeaderTitle(StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(cache.getName(), cache.getGeocode())); contextMenuGeocode = cache.getGeocode(); getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); menu.findItem(; final boolean hasCoords = cache.getCoords() != null; menu.findItem(; menu.findItem(; menu.findItem(; final boolean isOffline = cache.isOffline(); menu.findItem(; menu.findItem(; menu.findItem(; menu.findItem(!isOffline); LoggingUI.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu, cache); } private void moveCachesToOtherList() { new StoredList.UserInterface(this).promptForListSelection(R.string.cache_menu_move_list, new Action1() { @Override public void call(final Integer newListId) { DataStore.moveToList(adapter.getCheckedOrAllCaches(), newListId); adapter.setSelectMode(false); refreshCurrentList(); } }, true, listId); } @Override public boolean onContextItemSelected(final MenuItem item) { ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo info = item.getMenuInfo(); // restore menu info for sub menu items, see // if (info == null) { info = lastMenuInfo; lastMenuInfo = null; } AdapterContextMenuInfo adapterInfo = null; try { adapterInfo = (AdapterContextMenuInfo) info; } catch (final Exception e) { Log.w("CacheListActivity.onContextItemSelected", e); } final Geocache cache = adapterInfo != null ? getCacheFromAdapter(adapterInfo) : null; // just in case the list got resorted while we are executing this code if (cache == null) { return true; } switch (item.getItemId()) { case NavigationAppFactory.startDefaultNavigationApplication(1, this, cache); break; case NavigationAppFactory.showNavigationMenu(this, cache, null, null); break; case CacheDetailActivity.startActivity(this, cache.getGeocode(), cache.getName()); break; case final int lastListPosition = getListView().getFirstVisiblePosition(); cache.drop(new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(final Message msg) { adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); refreshCurrentList(); getListView().setSelection(lastListPosition); } }); break; case new StoredList.UserInterface(this).promptForListSelection(R.string.cache_menu_move_list, new Action1() { @Override public void call(final Integer newListId) { DataStore.moveToList(Collections.singletonList(cache), newListId); adapter.setSelectMode(false); refreshCurrentList(); } }, true, listId, listNameMemento); break; case case refreshStored(Collections.singletonList(cache)); break; default: // we must remember the menu info for the sub menu, there is a bug // in Android: // lastMenuInfo = info; LoggingUI.onMenuItemSelected(item, this, cache); } return true; } /** * Extract a cache from adapter data. * * @param adapterInfo * an adapterInfo * @return the pointed cache */ private Geocache getCacheFromAdapter(final AdapterContextMenuInfo adapterInfo) { final Geocache cache = adapter.getItem(adapterInfo.position); if (cache.getGeocode().equalsIgnoreCase(contextMenuGeocode)) { return cache; } return adapter.findCacheByGeocode(contextMenuGeocode); } private boolean setFilter(final IFilter filter) { currentFilter = filter; adapter.setFilter(filter); prepareFilterBar(); updateTitle(); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); return true; } @Override public boolean onKeyDown(final int keyCode, final KeyEvent event) { if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) { if (adapter.isSelectMode()) { adapter.setSelectMode(false); return true; } } return super.onKeyDown(keyCode, event); } private void initAdapter() { final ListView listView = getListView(); registerForContextMenu(listView); adapter = new CacheListAdapter(this, cacheList, type); adapter.setFilter(currentFilter); if (listFooter == null) { listFooter = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.cacheslist_footer, listView, false); listFooter.setClickable(true); listFooter.setOnClickListener(new MoreCachesListener()); listFooterText = ButterKnife.findById(listFooter,; listView.addFooterView(listFooter); } setListAdapter(adapter); adapter.forceSort(); } private void updateAdapter() { adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); adapter.reFilter(); adapter.checkEvents(); adapter.forceSort(); } private void showFooterLoadingCaches() { // no footer for offline lists if (listFooter == null) { return; } listFooterText.setText(res.getString(R.string.caches_more_caches_loading)); listFooter.setClickable(false); listFooter.setOnClickListener(null); } private void showFooterMoreCaches() { // no footer in offline lists if (listFooter == null) { return; } boolean enableMore = type != CacheListType.OFFLINE && cacheList.size() < MAX_LIST_ITEMS; if (enableMore && search != null) { final int count = search.getTotalCountGC(); enableMore = count > 0 && cacheList.size() < count; } listFooter.setClickable(enableMore); if (enableMore) { listFooterText.setText(res.getString(R.string.caches_more_caches) + " (" + res.getString(R.string.caches_more_caches_currently) + ": " + cacheList.size() + ")"); listFooter.setOnClickListener(new MoreCachesListener()); } else if (type != CacheListType.OFFLINE) { listFooterText.setText(res.getString(CollectionUtils.isEmpty(cacheList) ? R.string.caches_no_cache : R.string.caches_more_caches_no)); listFooter.setOnClickListener(null); } else { // hiding footer for offline list is not possible, it must be removed instead // getListView().removeFooterView(listFooter); } } private void importGpx() { GpxFileListActivity.startSubActivity(this, listId); } private void importGpxFromAndroid() { Compatibility.importGpxFromStorageAccessFramework(this, REQUEST_CODE_IMPORT_GPX); } @Override protected void onActivityResult(final int requestCode, final int resultCode, final Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_IMPORT_GPX && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { // The document selected by the user won't be returned in the intent. // Instead, a URI to that document will be contained in the return intent // provided to this method as a parameter. Pull that uri using "resultData.getData()" if (data != null) { final Uri uri = data.getData(); new GPXImporter(this, listId, importGpxAttachementFinishedHandler).importGPX(uri, null, getDisplayName(uri)); } } else if (requestCode == FilterActivity.REQUEST_SELECT_FILTER && resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { final int[] filterIndex = data.getIntArrayExtra(FilterActivity.EXTRA_FILTER_RESULT); setFilter(FilterActivity.getFilterFromPosition(filterIndex[0], filterIndex[1])); } if (type == CacheListType.OFFLINE) { refreshCurrentList(); } } private String getDisplayName(final Uri uri) { Cursor cursor = null; try { cursor = getContentResolver().query(uri, new String[] { OpenableColumns.DISPLAY_NAME }, null, null, null); if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) { return cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.DISPLAY_NAME)); } } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } } return null; } public void refreshStored(final List caches) { detailTotal = caches.size(); if (detailTotal == 0) { return; } if (!Network.isNetworkConnected()) { showToast(getString(R.string.err_server)); return; } if (Settings.getChooseList() && (type != CacheListType.OFFLINE && type != CacheListType.HISTORY)) { // let user select list to store cache in new StoredList.UserInterface(this).promptForListSelection(R.string.list_title, new Action1() { @Override public void call(final Integer selectedListId) { // in case of online lists, set the list id to a concrete list now for (final Geocache geocache : caches) { geocache.setListId(selectedListId); } refreshStoredInternal(caches); } }, true,, listNameMemento); } else { if (type != CacheListType.OFFLINE) { for (final Geocache geocache : caches) { if (geocache.getListId() == { geocache.setListId(StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID); } } } refreshStoredInternal(caches); } } private void refreshStoredInternal(final List caches) { detailProgress.set(0); showProgress(false); final int etaTime = ((detailTotal * 25) / 60); final String message; if (etaTime < 1) { message = res.getString(R.string.caches_downloading) + " " + res.getString(R.string.caches_eta_ltm); } else { message = res.getString(R.string.caches_downloading) + " " + res.getQuantityString(R.plurals.caches_eta_mins, etaTime, etaTime); } final LoadDetailsHandler loadDetailsHandler = new LoadDetailsHandler();, null, message, ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, loadDetailsHandler.cancelMessage()); progress.setMaxProgressAndReset(detailTotal); detailProgressTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); loadDetails(loadDetailsHandler, caches); } public void removeFromHistoryCheck() { final int message = (adapter != null && adapter.getCheckedCount() > 0) ? R.string.cache_remove_from_history : R.string.cache_clear_history; Dialogs.confirmYesNo(this, R.string.caches_removing_from_history, message, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int id) { removeFromHistory(); dialog.cancel(); } }); } private void removeFromHistory() { final List caches = adapter.getCheckedOrAllCaches(); final String[] geocodes = new String[caches.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < geocodes.length; i++) { geocodes[i] = caches.get(i).getGeocode(); } DataStore.clearVisitDate(geocodes); refreshCurrentList(); } private void importWeb() { // menu is also shown with no device connected if (!Settings.isRegisteredForSend2cgeo()) { Dialogs.confirm(this, R.string.web_import_title, R.string.init_sendToCgeo_description, new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int which) { SettingsActivity.openForScreen(R.string.preference_screen_sendtocgeo, CacheListActivity.this); } }); return; } detailProgress.set(0); showProgress(false); final DownloadFromWebHandler downloadFromWebHandler = new DownloadFromWebHandler();, null, res.getString(R.string.web_import_waiting), true, downloadFromWebHandler.cancelMessage()); Send2CgeoDownloader.loadFromWeb(downloadFromWebHandler, listId); } private void dropStored() { final int titleId = (adapter.getCheckedCount() > 0) ? R.string.caches_remove_selected : R.string.caches_remove_all; final int count = adapter.getCheckedOrAllCount(); final String message = res.getQuantityString(adapter.getCheckedCount() > 0 ? R.plurals.caches_remove_selected_confirm : R.plurals.caches_remove_all_confirm, count, count); Dialogs.confirmYesNo(this, titleId, message, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int id) { final List selected = adapter.getCheckedOrAllCaches(); final int lastListPosition = getListView().getFirstVisiblePosition(); new DropDetailsTask(lastListPosition).execute(selected.toArray(new Geocache[selected.size()])); dialog.cancel(); } }); } /** * Method to asynchronously refresh the caches details. */ private void loadDetails(final CancellableHandler handler, final List caches) { final Observable allCaches; final Subscription generator; if (Settings.isStoreOfflineMaps()) { // The list of caches will be generated in the background, putting the caches without static maps first. final ReplaySubject withStaticMaps = ReplaySubject.create(caches.size()); final ReplaySubject withoutStaticMaps = ReplaySubject.create(caches.size()); final Worker worker =; generator = worker.schedule(new Action0() { @Override public void call() { for (final Geocache cache : caches) { if (worker.isUnsubscribed()) { // Do not continue to check for static maps if the user pressed cancel. return; } if (cache.hasStaticMap()) { withStaticMaps.onNext(cache); } else { withoutStaticMaps.onNext(cache); } } withStaticMaps.onCompleted(); withoutStaticMaps.onCompleted(); } }); allCaches = Observable.concat(withoutStaticMaps, withStaticMaps); } else { allCaches = Observable.from(caches); generator = Subscriptions.empty(); } final Observable loaded = allCaches.flatMap(new Func1>() { @Override public Observable call(final Geocache cache) { return Observable.create(new OnSubscribe() { @Override public void call(final Subscriber subscriber) { cache.refreshSynchronous(null); detailProgress.incrementAndGet(); handler.obtainMessage(DownloadProgress.MSG_LOADED, cache).sendToTarget(); subscriber.onCompleted(); } }).subscribeOn(RxUtils.refreshScheduler); } }).doOnCompleted(new Action0() { @Override public void call() { handler.sendEmptyMessage(DownloadProgress.MSG_DONE); } }); handler.unsubscribeIfCancelled(new CompositeSubscription(generator, loaded.subscribe())); } private class DropDetailsTask extends AsyncTaskWithProgress { private final int lastListPosition; public DropDetailsTask(final int lastListPosition) { super(CacheListActivity.this, null, res.getString(R.string.caches_remove_progress), true); this.lastListPosition = lastListPosition; } @Override protected Void doInBackgroundInternal(final Geocache[] caches) { DataStore.markDropped(Arrays.asList(caches)); return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecuteInternal(final Void result) { adapter.setSelectMode(false); refreshCurrentList(); replaceCacheListFromSearch(); getListView().setSelection(lastListPosition); } } private static void clearOfflineLogs(final Handler handler, final List selectedCaches) { Action0() { @Override public void call() { DataStore.clearLogsOffline(selectedCaches); handler.sendEmptyMessage(DownloadProgress.MSG_DONE); } }); } private class MoreCachesListener implements View.OnClickListener { @Override public void onClick(final View arg0) { showProgress(true); showFooterLoadingCaches(); getSupportLoaderManager().restartLoader(CacheListLoaderType.NEXT_PAGE.getLoaderId(), null, CacheListActivity.this); } } private void hideLoading() { final ListView list = getListView(); if (list.getVisibility() == View.GONE) { list.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); final View loading = findViewById(; loading.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } @NonNull private Action1 getListSwitchingRunnable() { return new Action1() { @Override public void call(final Integer selectedListId) { switchListById(selectedListId); } }; } private void switchListById(final int id) { if (id < 0) { return; } if (id == { startActivity(CacheListActivity.getHistoryIntent(this)); finish(); return; } if (id == { listId = id; title = res.getString(R.string.list_all_lists); } else { final StoredList list = DataStore.getList(id); listId =; title = list.title; } type = CacheListType.OFFLINE; Settings.saveLastList(listId); initAdapter(); showProgress(true); showFooterLoadingCaches(); DataStore.moveToList(adapter.getCheckedCaches(), listId); adapter.setSelectMode(false); currentLoader = (OfflineGeocacheListLoader) getSupportLoaderManager().restartLoader(CacheListType.OFFLINE.getLoaderId(), OfflineGeocacheListLoader.getBundleForList(listId), this); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); } private void renameList() { new StoredList.UserInterface(this).promptForListRename(listId, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { refreshCurrentList(); } }); } private void removeListInternal() { if (DataStore.removeList(listId)) { showToast(res.getString(R.string.list_dialog_remove_ok)); refreshSpinnerAdapter(); switchListById(StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID); } else { showToast(res.getString(R.string.list_dialog_remove_err)); } } private void removeList(final boolean askForConfirmation) { // if there are no caches on this list, don't bother the user with questions. // there is no harm in deleting the list, he could recreate it easily if (!askForConfirmation && CollectionUtils.isEmpty(cacheList)) { removeListInternal(); return; } // ask him, if there are caches on the list Dialogs.confirm(this, R.string.list_dialog_remove_title, R.string.list_dialog_remove_description, R.string.list_dialog_remove, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(final DialogInterface dialog, final int whichButton) { removeListInternal(); } }); } public void goMap() { if (!cacheToShow()) { return; } // apply filter settings (if there's a filter) final SearchResult searchToUse = getFilteredSearch(); CGeoMap.startActivitySearch(this, searchToUse, title); } private void refreshCurrentList() { refreshSpinnerAdapter(); switchListById(listId); } public static void startActivityOffline(final Context context) { final Intent cachesIntent = new Intent(context, CacheListActivity.class); Intents.putListType(cachesIntent, CacheListType.OFFLINE); context.startActivity(cachesIntent); } public static void startActivityOwner(final Activity context, final String userName) { if (!isValidUsername(context, userName)) { return; } final Intent cachesIntent = new Intent(context, CacheListActivity.class); Intents.putListType(cachesIntent, CacheListType.OWNER); cachesIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_USERNAME, userName); context.startActivity(cachesIntent); } private static boolean isValidUsername(final Activity context, final String username) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(username)) { ActivityMixin.showToast(context, R.string.warn_no_username); return false; } return true; } public static void startActivityFinder(final Activity context, final String userName) { if (!isValidUsername(context, userName)) { return; } final Intent cachesIntent = new Intent(context, CacheListActivity.class); Intents.putListType(cachesIntent, CacheListType.FINDER); cachesIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_USERNAME, userName); context.startActivity(cachesIntent); } private void prepareFilterBar() { if (Settings.getCacheType() != CacheType.ALL || adapter.isFiltered()) { final StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(Settings.getCacheType().getL10n()); if (adapter.isFiltered()) { output.append(", ").append(adapter.getFilterName()); } ((TextView) findViewById(; findViewById(; } else { findViewById(; } } public static Intent getNearestIntent(final Activity context) { return Intents.putListType(new Intent(context, CacheListActivity.class), CacheListType.NEAREST); } public static Intent getHistoryIntent(final Context context) { return Intents.putListType(new Intent(context, CacheListActivity.class), CacheListType.HISTORY); } public static void startActivityAddress(final Context context, final Geopoint coords, final String address) { final Intent addressIntent = new Intent(context, CacheListActivity.class); Intents.putListType(addressIntent, CacheListType.ADDRESS); addressIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_COORDS, coords); addressIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_ADDRESS, address); context.startActivity(addressIntent); } /** * start list activity, by searching around the given point. * * @param name * name of coordinates, will lead to a title like "Around ..." instead of directly showing the * coordinates as title */ public static void startActivityCoordinates(final AbstractActivity context, final Geopoint coords, @Nullable final String name) { if (!isValidCoords(context, coords)) { return; } final Intent cachesIntent = new Intent(context, CacheListActivity.class); Intents.putListType(cachesIntent, CacheListType.COORDINATE); cachesIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_COORDS, coords); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(name)) { cachesIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_TITLE, context.getString(R.string.around, name)); } context.startActivity(cachesIntent); } private static boolean isValidCoords(final AbstractActivity context, final Geopoint coords) { if (coords == null) { context.showToast(CgeoApplication.getInstance().getString(R.string.warn_no_coordinates)); return false; } return true; } public static void startActivityKeyword(final AbstractActivity context, final String keyword) { if (keyword == null) { context.showToast(CgeoApplication.getInstance().getString(R.string.warn_no_keyword)); return; } final Intent cachesIntent = new Intent(context, CacheListActivity.class); Intents.putListType(cachesIntent, CacheListType.KEYWORD); cachesIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_KEYWORD, keyword); context.startActivity(cachesIntent); } public static void startActivityMap(final Context context, final SearchResult search) { final Intent cachesIntent = new Intent(context, CacheListActivity.class); cachesIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_SEARCH, search); Intents.putListType(cachesIntent, CacheListType.MAP); context.startActivity(cachesIntent); } public static void startActivityPocket(final AbstractActivity context, final @NonNull PocketQueryList pq) { final String guid = pq.getGuid(); if (guid == null) { context.showToast(CgeoApplication.getInstance().getString(R.string.warn_pocket_query_select)); return; } final Intent cachesIntent = new Intent(context, CacheListActivity.class); Intents.putListType(cachesIntent, CacheListType.POCKET); cachesIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_NAME, pq.getName()); cachesIntent.putExtra(Intents.EXTRA_POCKET_GUID, guid); context.startActivity(cachesIntent); } // Loaders @Override public Loader onCreateLoader(final int type, final Bundle extras) { if (type >= CacheListLoaderType.values().length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid loader type " + type); } final CacheListLoaderType enumType = CacheListLoaderType.values()[type]; AbstractSearchLoader loader = null; switch (enumType) { case OFFLINE: // open either the requested or the last list if (extras.containsKey(Intents.EXTRA_LIST_ID)) { listId = extras.getInt(Intents.EXTRA_LIST_ID); } else { listId = Settings.getLastList(); } if (listId == { title = res.getString(R.string.list_all_lists); } else if (listId <= { listId = StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID; title = res.getString(R.string.stored_caches_button); } else { final StoredList list = DataStore.getList(listId); // may be different if listId was not valid if ( != listId) { showToast(getString(R.string.list_not_available)); } listId =; title = list.title; } loader = new OfflineGeocacheListLoader(getBaseContext(), coords, listId); break; case HISTORY: title = res.getString(R.string.caches_history); listId =; loader = new HistoryGeocacheListLoader(app, coords); break; case NEAREST: title = res.getString(R.string.caches_nearby); loader = new CoordsGeocacheListLoader(app, coords); break; case COORDINATE: title = coords.toString(); loader = new CoordsGeocacheListLoader(app, coords); break; case KEYWORD: final String keyword = extras.getString(Intents.EXTRA_KEYWORD); title = listNameMemento.rememberTerm(keyword); loader = new KeywordGeocacheListLoader(app, keyword); break; case ADDRESS: final String address = extras.getString(Intents.EXTRA_ADDRESS); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(address)) { title = listNameMemento.rememberTerm(address); } else { title = coords.toString(); } loader = new CoordsGeocacheListLoader(app, coords); break; case FINDER: final String username = extras.getString(Intents.EXTRA_USERNAME); title = listNameMemento.rememberTerm(username); loader = new FinderGeocacheListLoader(app, username); break; case OWNER: final String ownerName = extras.getString(Intents.EXTRA_USERNAME); title = listNameMemento.rememberTerm(ownerName); loader = new OwnerGeocacheListLoader(app, ownerName); break; case MAP: //TODO Build Null loader title = res.getString(R.string.map_map); search = (SearchResult) extras.get(Intents.EXTRA_SEARCH); replaceCacheListFromSearch(); loadCachesHandler.sendMessage(Message.obtain()); break; case NEXT_PAGE: loader = new NextPageGeocacheListLoader(app, search); break; case POCKET: final String guid = extras.getString(Intents.EXTRA_POCKET_GUID); title = extras.getString(Intents.EXTRA_NAME); loader = new PocketGeocacheListLoader(app, guid); break; } // if there is a title given in the activity start request, use this one instead of the default if (extras != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(extras.getString(Intents.EXTRA_TITLE))) { title = extras.getString(Intents.EXTRA_TITLE); } updateTitle(); showProgress(true); showFooterLoadingCaches(); if (loader != null) { loader.setRecaptchaHandler(new RecaptchaHandler(this, loader)); } return loader; } @Override public void onLoadFinished(final Loader arg0, final SearchResult searchIn) { // The database search was moved into the UI call intentionally. If this is done before the runOnUIThread, // then we have 2 sets of caches in memory. This can lead to OOM for huge cache lists. if (searchIn != null) { cacheList.clear(); final Set cachesFromSearchResult = searchIn.getCachesFromSearchResult(LoadFlags.LOAD_CACHE_OR_DB); cacheList.addAll(cachesFromSearchResult); search = searchIn; adapter.reFilter(); adapter.checkEvents(); adapter.forceSort(); adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); updateTitle(); showFooterMoreCaches(); } showProgress(false); hideLoading(); invalidateOptionsMenuCompatible(); } @Override public void onLoaderReset(final Loader arg0) { //Not interesting } /** * Allow the title bar spinner to show the same subtitle like the activity itself would show. * */ public CharSequence getCacheListSubtitle(@NonNull final AbstractList list) { // if this is the current list, be aware of filtering if ( == listId) { return getCurrentSubtitle(); } // otherwise return the overall number final int numberOfCaches = list.getNumberOfCaches(); if (numberOfCaches < 0) { return StringUtils.EMPTY; } return getCacheNumberString(getResources(), numberOfCaches); } /** * Calculate the subtitle of the current list depending on (optional) filters. * */ private CharSequence getCurrentSubtitle() { final ArrayList numbers = new ArrayList<>(); if (adapter.isFiltered()) { numbers.add(getCacheNumberString(getResources(), adapter.getCount())); } if (search != null) { numbers.add(getCacheNumberString(getResources(), search.getCount())); } return numbers.isEmpty() ? null : StringUtils.join(numbers, '/'); } @Override public ShowcaseViewBuilder getShowcase() { if (mCacheListSpinnerAdapter != null) { return new ShowcaseViewBuilder(this) .setTarget(new ActionViewTarget(this, Type.SPINNER)) .setContent(R.string.showcase_cachelist_title, R.string.showcase_cachelist_text); } return null; } }