package cgeo.geocaching; import cgeo.geocaching.concurrent.BlockingThreadPool; import cgeo.geocaching.files.LocalStorage; import cgeo.geocaching.geopoint.GeopointFormatter.Format; import; import; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.Log; import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.HttpResponse; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.view.Display; import android.view.WindowManager; import; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class StaticMapsProvider { private static final String PREFIX_PREVIEW = "preview"; private static final String GOOGLE_STATICMAP_URL = ""; private static final String SATELLITE = "satellite"; private static final String ROADMAP = "roadmap"; private static final String WAYPOINT_PREFIX = "wp"; private static final String MAP_FILENAME_PREFIX = "map_"; private static final String MARKERS_URL = ""; /** In my tests the "no image available" image had 5470 bytes, while "street only" maps had at least 20000 bytes */ private static final int MIN_MAP_IMAGE_BYTES = 6000; /** ThreadPool restricting this to 1 Thread. **/ private static final BlockingThreadPool pool = new BlockingThreadPool(1, Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); private static File getMapFile(final String geocode, String prefix, final boolean createDirs) { return LocalStorage.getStorageFile(geocode, MAP_FILENAME_PREFIX + prefix, false, createDirs); } private static void downloadDifferentZooms(final String geocode, String markerUrl, String prefix, String latlonMap, int edge, final Parameters waypoints) { downloadMap(geocode, 20, SATELLITE, markerUrl, prefix + '1', "", latlonMap, edge, edge, waypoints); downloadMap(geocode, 18, SATELLITE, markerUrl, prefix + '2', "", latlonMap, edge, edge, waypoints); downloadMap(geocode, 16, ROADMAP, markerUrl, prefix + '3', "", latlonMap, edge, edge, waypoints); downloadMap(geocode, 14, ROADMAP, markerUrl, prefix + '4', "", latlonMap, edge, edge, waypoints); downloadMap(geocode, 11, ROADMAP, markerUrl, prefix + '5', "", latlonMap, edge, edge, waypoints); } private static void downloadMap(String geocode, int zoom, String mapType, String markerUrl, String prefix, String shadow, String latlonMap, int width, int height, final Parameters waypoints) { final Parameters params = new Parameters( "center", latlonMap, "zoom", String.valueOf(zoom), "size", String.valueOf(width) + 'x' + String.valueOf(height), "maptype", mapType, "markers", "icon:" + markerUrl + '|' + shadow + latlonMap, "sensor", "false"); if (waypoints != null) { params.addAll(waypoints); } final HttpResponse httpResponse = Network.getRequest(GOOGLE_STATICMAP_URL, params); if (httpResponse != null) { if (httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) { final File file = getMapFile(geocode, prefix, true); if (LocalStorage.saveEntityToFile(httpResponse, file)) { // Delete image if it has no contents final long fileSize = file.length(); if (fileSize < MIN_MAP_IMAGE_BYTES) { file.delete(); } } } else { Log.d("StaticMapsProvider.downloadMap: httpResponseCode = " + httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } } else { Log.e("StaticMapsProvider.downloadMap: httpResponse is null"); } } public static void downloadMaps(cgCache cache) { final Display display = ((WindowManager) cgeoapplication.getInstance().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay(); downloadMaps(cache, display); } private static void downloadMaps(cgCache cache, Display display) { if (cache == null) { Log.e("downloadMaps - missing input parameter cache"); return; } if ((!Settings.isStoreOfflineMaps() && !Settings.isStoreOfflineWpMaps()) || StringUtils.isBlank(cache.getGeocode())) { return; } int edge = guessMaxDisplaySide(display); if (Settings.isStoreOfflineMaps() && cache.getCoords() != null) { storeCachePreviewMap(cache); storeCacheStaticMap(cache, edge, false); } // download static map for current waypoints if (Settings.isStoreOfflineWpMaps() && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(cache.getWaypoints())) { // remove all waypoint static map files due to origin cache waypoint id changed on saveCache LocalStorage.deleteFilesWithPrefix(cache.getGeocode(), MAP_FILENAME_PREFIX + WAYPOINT_PREFIX); for (cgWaypoint waypoint : cache.getWaypoints()) { storeWaypointStaticMap(cache.getGeocode(), edge, waypoint, false); } } } public static void storeWaypointStaticMap(cgCache cache, Activity activity, cgWaypoint waypoint, boolean waitForResult) { int edge = StaticMapsProvider.guessMaxDisplaySide(activity); storeWaypointStaticMap(cache.getGeocode(), edge, waypoint, waitForResult); } private static void storeWaypointStaticMap(final String geocode, int edge, cgWaypoint waypoint, final boolean waitForResult) { if (geocode == null) { Log.e("storeWaypointStaticMap - missing input parameter geocode"); return; } if (waypoint == null) { Log.e("storeWaypointStaticMap - missing input parameter waypoint"); return; } if (waypoint.getCoords() == null) { return; } String wpLatlonMap = waypoint.getCoords().format(Format.LAT_LON_DECDEGREE_COMMA); String wpMarkerUrl = getWpMarkerUrl(waypoint); // download map images in separate background thread for higher performance downloadMaps(geocode, wpMarkerUrl, WAYPOINT_PREFIX + waypoint.getId() + '_', wpLatlonMap, edge, null, waitForResult); } public static void storeCacheStaticMap(cgCache cache, Activity activity, final boolean waitForResult) { int edge = guessMaxDisplaySide(activity); storeCacheStaticMap(cache, edge, waitForResult); } private static void storeCacheStaticMap(final cgCache cache, final int edge, final boolean waitForResult) { final String latlonMap = cache.getCoords().format(Format.LAT_LON_DECDEGREE_COMMA); final Parameters waypoints = new Parameters(); for (final cgWaypoint waypoint : cache.getWaypoints()) { if (waypoint.getCoords() == null) { continue; } final String wpMarkerUrl = getWpMarkerUrl(waypoint); waypoints.put("markers", "icon:" + wpMarkerUrl + '|' + waypoint.getCoords().format(Format.LAT_LON_DECDEGREE_COMMA)); } // download map images in separate background thread for higher performance final String cacheMarkerUrl = getCacheMarkerUrl(cache); downloadMaps(cache.getGeocode(), cacheMarkerUrl, "", latlonMap, edge, waypoints, waitForResult); } public static void storeCachePreviewMap(final cgCache cache) { if (cache == null) { Log.e("storeCachePreviewMap - missing input parameter cache"); return; } final String latlonMap = cache.getCoords().format(Format.LAT_LON_DECDEGREE_COMMA); final String markerUrl = MARKERS_URL + "my_location_mdpi.png"; final Display display = ((WindowManager) cgeoapplication.getInstance().getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay(); DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics(); display.getMetrics(metrics); final int width = metrics.widthPixels; final int height = (int) (110 * metrics.density); downloadMap(cache.getGeocode(), 15, ROADMAP, markerUrl, PREFIX_PREVIEW, "shadow:false|", latlonMap, width, height, null); } private static int guessMaxDisplaySide(Display display) { final int maxWidth = display.getWidth() - 25; final int maxHeight = display.getHeight() - 25; if (maxWidth > maxHeight) { return maxWidth; } return maxHeight; } private static int guessMaxDisplaySide(Activity activity) { return guessMaxDisplaySide(((WindowManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE)).getDefaultDisplay()); } private static void downloadMaps(final String geocode, final String markerUrl, final String prefix, final String latlonMap, final int edge, final Parameters waypoints, boolean waitForResult) { if (waitForResult) { downloadDifferentZooms(geocode, markerUrl, prefix, latlonMap, edge, waypoints); } else { final Runnable currentTask = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { downloadDifferentZooms(geocode, markerUrl, prefix, latlonMap, edge, waypoints); } }; try { pool.add(currentTask, 20, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.e("StaticMapsProvider.downloadMaps error adding task: " + e.toString()); } } } private static String getCacheMarkerUrl(final cgCache cache) { StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(MARKERS_URL); url.append("marker_cache_").append(cache.getType().id); if (cache.isFound()) { url.append("_found"); } else if (cache.isDisabled()) { url.append("_disabled"); } url.append(".png"); return url.toString(); } private static String getWpMarkerUrl(final cgWaypoint waypoint) { String type = waypoint.getWaypointType() != null ? waypoint.getWaypointType().id : null; return MARKERS_URL + "marker_waypoint_" + type + ".png"; } public static void removeWpStaticMaps(int wp_id, final String geocode) { if (wp_id <= 0) { return; } for (int level = 1; level <= 5; level++) { try { StaticMapsProvider.getMapFile(geocode, WAYPOINT_PREFIX + wp_id + '_' + level, false).delete(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("StaticMapsProvider.removeWpStaticMaps: " + e.toString()); } } } /** * Check if at least one map file exists for the given geocode. * * @param geocode * @return true if at least one mapfile exists; false otherwise */ public static boolean hasStaticMapForCache(String geocode) { for (int level = 1; level <= 5; level++) { File mapFile = StaticMapsProvider.getMapFile(geocode, String.valueOf(level), false); if (mapFile != null && mapFile.exists()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks if at least one map file exists for the given geocode and waypoint ID. * * @param geocode * @param waypointId * @return true if at least one mapfile exists; false otherwise */ public static boolean hasStaticMapForWaypoint(String geocode, int waypointId) { for (int level = 1; level <= 5; level++) { File mapFile = StaticMapsProvider.getMapFile(geocode, WAYPOINT_PREFIX + waypointId + "_" + level, false); if (mapFile != null && mapFile.exists()) { return true; } } return false; } public static Bitmap getPreviewMap(final String geocode) { return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(StaticMapsProvider.getMapFile(geocode, PREFIX_PREVIEW, false).getPath()); } public static Bitmap getWaypointMap(final String geocode, int waypoint_id, int level) { return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(StaticMapsProvider.getMapFile(geocode, WAYPOINT_PREFIX + waypoint_id + "_" + level, false).getPath()); } public static Bitmap getCacheMap(final String geocode, int level) { return BitmapFactory.decodeFile(StaticMapsProvider.getMapFile(geocode, String.valueOf(level), false).getPath()); } }