package cgeo.geocaching; import cgeo.geocaching.cgData.StorageLocation; import cgeo.geocaching.activity.IAbstractActivity; import cgeo.geocaching.connector.ConnectorFactory; import cgeo.geocaching.connector.IConnector; import cgeo.geocaching.connector.gc.GCBase; import cgeo.geocaching.connector.gc.GCConnector; import cgeo.geocaching.connector.gc.Tile; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.CacheSize; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.CacheType; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.LoadFlags.RemoveFlag; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.LogType; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.WaypointType; import cgeo.geocaching.geopoint.Geopoint; import cgeo.geocaching.geopoint.GeopointParser; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.CancellableHandler; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.Log; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.LogTemplateProvider; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.text.Spannable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Internal c:geo representation of a "cache" */ public class cgCache implements ICache, IWaypoint { private long updated = 0; private long detailedUpdate = 0; private long visitedDate = 0; private int listId = StoredList.TEMPORARY_LIST_ID; private boolean detailed = false; private String geocode = ""; private String cacheId = ""; private String guid = ""; private CacheType cacheType = CacheType.UNKNOWN; private String name = ""; private Spannable nameSp = null; private String owner = ""; private String ownerReal = ""; private Date hidden = null; private String hint = ""; private CacheSize size = CacheSize.UNKNOWN; private float difficulty = 0; private float terrain = 0; private Float direction = null; private Float distance = null; private String latlon = ""; private String location = ""; private Geopoint coords = null; private boolean reliableLatLon = false; private Double elevation = null; private String personalNote = null; private String shortdesc = ""; private String description = null; private boolean disabled = false; private boolean archived = false; private boolean premiumMembersOnly = false; private boolean found = false; private boolean favorite = false; private boolean own = false; private int favoritePoints = 0; private float rating = 0; // valid ratings are larger than zero private int votes = 0; private float myVote = 0; // valid ratings are larger than zero private int inventoryItems = 0; private boolean onWatchlist = false; private List attributes = null; private List waypoints = null; private ArrayList spoilers = null; private List logs = null; private List inventory = null; private Map logCounts = new HashMap(); private boolean logOffline = false; private boolean userModifiedCoords = false; // temporary values private boolean statusChecked = false; private boolean statusCheckedView = false; private String directionImg = ""; private String nameForSorting; private final EnumSet storageLocation = EnumSet.of(StorageLocation.HEAP); private boolean finalDefined = false; private int zoomlevel = Tile.ZOOMLEVEL_MAX; private static final Pattern NUMBER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\d+"); private Handler changeNotificationHandler = null; public void setChangeNotificationHandler(Handler newNotificationHandler) { changeNotificationHandler = newNotificationHandler; } /** * Sends a change notification to interested parties */ private void notifyChange() { if (changeNotificationHandler != null) { changeNotificationHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0); } } /** * Gather missing information from another cache object. * * @param other * the other version, or null if non-existent * @return true if this cache is "equal" to the other version */ public boolean gatherMissingFrom(final cgCache other) { if (other == null) { return false; } updated = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (!detailed && other.detailed) { detailed = true; detailedUpdate = other.detailedUpdate; coords = other.coords; // boolean values must be enumerated here. Other types are assigned outside this if-statement premiumMembersOnly = other.premiumMembersOnly; reliableLatLon = other.reliableLatLon; archived = other.archived; found = other.found; own = other.own; disabled = other.disabled; favorite = other.favorite; onWatchlist = other.onWatchlist; logOffline = other.logOffline; finalDefined = other.finalDefined; } /* * No gathering for boolean members if a cache is not-detailed * - found * - own * - disabled * - favorite * - onWatchlist * - logOffline */ if (visitedDate == 0) { visitedDate = other.visitedDate; } if (listId == StoredList.TEMPORARY_LIST_ID) { listId = other.listId; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { geocode = other.geocode; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(cacheId)) { cacheId = other.cacheId; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(guid)) { guid = other.guid; } if (null == cacheType || CacheType.UNKNOWN == cacheType) { cacheType = other.cacheType; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) { name =; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(nameSp)) { nameSp = other.nameSp; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(owner)) { owner = other.owner; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(ownerReal)) { ownerReal = other.ownerReal; } if (hidden == null) { hidden = other.hidden; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(hint)) { hint = other.hint; } if (size == null || CacheSize.UNKNOWN == size) { size = other.size; } if (difficulty == 0) { difficulty = other.difficulty; } if (terrain == 0) { terrain = other.terrain; } if (direction == null) { direction = other.direction; } if (distance == null) { distance = other.distance; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(latlon)) { latlon = other.latlon; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(location)) { location = other.location; } if (coords == null) { coords = other.coords; } if (zoomlevel < other.zoomlevel) { zoomlevel = other.zoomlevel; coords = other.coords; } if (elevation == null) { elevation = other.elevation; } if (personalNote == null) { // don't use StringUtils.isBlank here. Otherwise we cannot recognize a note which was deleted on GC personalNote = other.personalNote; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(shortdesc)) { shortdesc = other.shortdesc; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(description)) { description = other.description; } if (favoritePoints == 0) { favoritePoints = other.favoritePoints; } if (rating == 0) { rating = other.rating; } if (votes == 0) { votes = other.votes; } if (myVote == 0) { myVote = other.myVote; } if (attributes == null) { attributes = other.attributes; } if (waypoints == null) { waypoints = other.waypoints; } else { cgWaypoint.mergeWayPoints(waypoints, other.getWaypoints(), waypoints == null || waypoints.isEmpty()); } if (spoilers == null) { spoilers = other.spoilers; } if (inventory == null) { // If inventoryItems is 0, it can mean both // "don't know" or "0 items". Since we cannot distinguish // them here, only populate inventoryItems from // old data when we have to do it for inventory. inventory = other.inventory; inventoryItems = other.inventoryItems; } if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(logs)) { // keep last known logs if none logs = other.logs; } if (logCounts.size() == 0) { logCounts = other.logCounts; } if (!userModifiedCoords) { userModifiedCoords = other.userModifiedCoords; } if (!reliableLatLon) { reliableLatLon = other.reliableLatLon; } if (zoomlevel == -1) { zoomlevel = other.zoomlevel; } boolean isEqual = isEqualTo(other); if (!isEqual) { notifyChange(); } return isEqual; } /** * Compare two caches quickly. For map and list fields only the references are compared ! * * @param other * @return true if both caches have the same content */ private boolean isEqualTo(final cgCache other) { return detailed == other.detailed && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(geocode, other.geocode) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(name, && cacheType == other.cacheType && size == other.size && found == other.found && own == other.own && premiumMembersOnly == other.premiumMembersOnly && difficulty == other.difficulty && terrain == other.terrain && (coords != null ? coords.isEqualTo(other.coords) : null == other.coords) && reliableLatLon == other.reliableLatLon && disabled == other.disabled && archived == other.archived && listId == other.listId && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(owner, other.owner) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(ownerReal, other.ownerReal) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(description, other.description) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(personalNote, other.personalNote) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(shortdesc, other.shortdesc) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(latlon, other.latlon) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(location, other.location) && favorite == other.favorite && favoritePoints == other.favoritePoints && onWatchlist == other.onWatchlist && (hidden != null ? hidden.equals(other.hidden) : null == other.hidden) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(guid, other.guid) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(hint, other.hint) && StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(cacheId, other.cacheId) && (direction != null ? direction.equals(other.direction) : null == other.direction) && (distance != null ? distance.equals(other.distance) : null == other.distance) && (elevation != null ? elevation.equals(other.elevation) : null == other.elevation) && nameSp == other.nameSp && rating == other.rating && votes == other.votes && myVote == other.myVote && inventoryItems == other.inventoryItems && attributes == other.attributes && waypoints == other.waypoints && spoilers == other.spoilers && logs == other.logs && inventory == other.inventory && logCounts == other.logCounts && logOffline == other.logOffline && finalDefined == other.finalDefined; } public boolean hasTrackables() { return inventoryItems > 0; } public boolean canBeAddedToCalendar() { // is event type? if (!isEventCache()) { return false; } // has event date set? if (hidden == null) { return false; } // is not in the past? final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(new Date()); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); if (hidden.compareTo(cal.getTime()) < 0) { return false; } return true; } /** * checks if a page contains the guid of a cache * * @param cache * the cache to look for * @param page * the page to search in * * @return true: page contains guid of cache, false: otherwise */ boolean isGuidContainedInPage(final String page) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(page)) { return false; } // check if the guid of the cache is anywhere in the page if (StringUtils.isBlank(guid)) { return false; } Pattern patternOk = Pattern.compile(guid, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcherOk = patternOk.matcher(page); if (matcherOk.find()) { Log.i(Settings.tag, "cgCache.isGuidContainedInPage: guid '" + guid + "' found"); return true; } else { Log.i(Settings.tag, "cgCache.isGuidContainedInPage: guid '" + guid + "' not found"); return false; } } public boolean isEventCache() { return CacheType.EVENT == cacheType || CacheType.MEGA_EVENT == cacheType || CacheType.CITO == cacheType || CacheType.LOSTANDFOUND == cacheType; } public boolean logVisit(IAbstractActivity fromActivity) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(cacheId)) { fromActivity.showToast(((Activity) fromActivity).getResources().getString(R.string.err_cannot_log_visit)); return true; } Intent logVisitIntent = new Intent((Activity) fromActivity, VisitCacheActivity.class); logVisitIntent.putExtra(VisitCacheActivity.EXTRAS_ID, cacheId); logVisitIntent.putExtra(VisitCacheActivity.EXTRAS_GEOCODE, geocode.toUpperCase()); logVisitIntent.putExtra(VisitCacheActivity.EXTRAS_FOUND, found); ((Activity) fromActivity).startActivity(logVisitIntent); return true; } public boolean logOffline(final IAbstractActivity fromActivity, final LogType logType) { String log = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(Settings.getSignature()) && Settings.isAutoInsertSignature()) { log = LogTemplateProvider.applyTemplates(Settings.getSignature(), true); } logOffline(fromActivity, log, Calendar.getInstance(), logType); return true; } void logOffline(final IAbstractActivity fromActivity, final String log, Calendar date, final LogType logType) { if (logType == LogType.LOG_UNKNOWN) { return; } cgeoapplication app = (cgeoapplication) ((Activity) fromActivity).getApplication(); final boolean status = app.saveLogOffline(geocode, date.getTime(), logType, log); Resources res = ((Activity) fromActivity).getResources(); if (status) { fromActivity.showToast(res.getString(R.string.info_log_saved)); app.saveVisitDate(geocode); logOffline = true; notifyChange(); } else { fromActivity.showToast(res.getString(R.string.err_log_post_failed)); } } public List getPossibleLogTypes() { boolean isOwner = owner != null && owner.equalsIgnoreCase(Settings.getUsername()); List logTypes = new ArrayList(); if (isEventCache()) { logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_WILL_ATTEND); logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_NOTE); logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_ATTENDED); logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_NEEDS_ARCHIVE); if (isOwner) { logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_ANNOUNCEMENT); } } else if (CacheType.WEBCAM == cacheType) { logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_WEBCAM_PHOTO_TAKEN); logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_DIDNT_FIND_IT); logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_NOTE); logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_NEEDS_ARCHIVE); logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_NEEDS_MAINTENANCE); } else { logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_FOUND_IT); logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_DIDNT_FIND_IT); logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_NOTE); logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_NEEDS_ARCHIVE); logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_NEEDS_MAINTENANCE); } if (isOwner) { logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_OWNER_MAINTENANCE); logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_TEMP_DISABLE_LISTING); logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_ENABLE_LISTING); logTypes.add(LogType.LOG_ARCHIVE); logTypes.remove(LogType.LOG_UPDATE_COORDINATES); } return logTypes; } public void openInBrowser(Activity fromActivity) { fromActivity.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(getCacheUrl()))); } private String getCacheUrl() { return getConnector().getCacheUrl(this); } private IConnector getConnector() { return ConnectorFactory.getConnector(this); } public boolean canOpenInBrowser() { return getCacheUrl() != null; } public boolean supportsRefresh() { return getConnector().supportsRefreshCache(this); } public boolean supportsWatchList() { return getConnector().supportsWatchList(); } public boolean supportsLogging() { return getConnector().supportsLogging(); } @Override public float getDifficulty() { return difficulty; } @Override public String getGeocode() { return geocode; } @Override public String getOwner() { return owner; } @Override public CacheSize getSize() { if (size == null) { return CacheSize.UNKNOWN; } return size; } @Override public float getTerrain() { return terrain; } @Override public boolean isArchived() { return archived; } @Override public boolean isDisabled() { return disabled; } @Override public boolean isPremiumMembersOnly() { return premiumMembersOnly; } public void setPremiumMembersOnly(boolean members) { this.premiumMembersOnly = members; } @Override public boolean isOwn() { return own; } @Override public String getOwnerReal() { return ownerReal; } @Override public String getHint() { return hint; } @Override public String getDescription() { if (description == null) { description = StringUtils.defaultString(cgeoapplication.getInstance().getCacheDescription(geocode)); } return description; } @Override public String getShortDescription() { return shortdesc; } @Override public String getName() { return name; } @Override public String getCacheId() { if (StringUtils.isBlank(cacheId) && getConnector().equals(GCConnector.getInstance())) { return String.valueOf(GCBase.gccodeToGCId(geocode)); } return cacheId; } @Override public String getGuid() { return guid; } @Override public String getLocation() { return location; } @Override public String getPersonalNote() { // non premium members have no personal notes, premium members have an empty string by default. // map both to null, so other code doesn't need to differentiate if (StringUtils.isBlank(personalNote)) { return null; } return personalNote; } public boolean supportsUserActions() { return getConnector().supportsUserActions(); } public boolean supportsCachesAround() { return getConnector().supportsCachesAround(); } public void shareCache(Activity fromActivity, Resources res) { if (geocode == null) { return; } StringBuilder subject = new StringBuilder("Geocache "); subject.append(geocode.toUpperCase()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) { subject.append(" - ").append(name); } final Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND); intent.setType("text/plain"); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, subject.toString()); intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, getUrl()); fromActivity.startActivity(Intent.createChooser(intent, res.getText(R.string.action_bar_share_title))); } public String getUrl() { return getConnector().getCacheUrl(this); } public boolean supportsGCVote() { return StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(geocode, "GC"); } public void setDescription(final String description) { this.description = description; } @Override public boolean isFound() { return found; } @Override public boolean isFavorite() { return favorite; } public void setFavorite(boolean favourite) { this.favorite = favourite; } @Override public boolean isWatchlist() { return onWatchlist; } @Override public Date getHiddenDate() { return hidden; } @Override public List getAttributes() { if (attributes == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(attributes); } @Override public List getInventory() { return inventory; } @Override public ArrayList getSpoilers() { return spoilers; } @Override public Map getLogCounts() { return logCounts; } @Override public int getFavoritePoints() { return favoritePoints; } @Override public String getNameForSorting() { if (null == nameForSorting) { final Matcher matcher = NUMBER_PATTERN.matcher(name); if (matcher.find()) { nameForSorting = name.replace(, StringUtils.leftPad(, 6, '0')); } else { nameForSorting = name; } } return nameForSorting; } public boolean isVirtual() { return CacheType.VIRTUAL == cacheType || CacheType.WEBCAM == cacheType || CacheType.EARTH == cacheType; } public boolean showSize() { return !((isEventCache() || isVirtual()) && size == CacheSize.NOT_CHOSEN); } public long getUpdated() { return updated; } public void setUpdated(long updated) { this.updated = updated; } public long getDetailedUpdate() { return detailedUpdate; } public void setDetailedUpdate(long detailedUpdate) { this.detailedUpdate = detailedUpdate; } public long getVisitedDate() { return visitedDate; } public void setVisitedDate(long visitedDate) { this.visitedDate = visitedDate; } public int getListId() { return listId; } public void setListId(int listId) { this.listId = listId; } public boolean isDetailed() { return detailed; } public void setDetailed(boolean detailed) { this.detailed = detailed; } public Spannable getNameSp() { return nameSp; } public void setNameSp(Spannable nameSp) { this.nameSp = nameSp; } public void setHidden(final Date hidden) { if (hidden == null) { this.hidden = null; } else { this.hidden = new Date(hidden.getTime()); // avoid storing the external reference in this object } } public Float getDirection() { return direction; } public void setDirection(Float direction) { this.direction = direction; } public Float getDistance() { return distance; } public void setDistance(Float distance) { this.distance = distance; } public String getLatlon() { return latlon; } public void setLatlon(String latlon) { this.latlon = latlon; } public Geopoint getCoords() { return coords; } public void setCoords(Geopoint coords) { this.coords = coords; } /** * @return true if the coords are from the cache details page and the user has been logged in */ public boolean isReliableLatLon() { return getConnector().isReliableLatLon(reliableLatLon); } public void setReliableLatLon(boolean reliableLatLon) { this.reliableLatLon = reliableLatLon; } public Double getElevation() { return elevation; } public void setElevation(Double elevation) { this.elevation = elevation; } public String getShortdesc() { return shortdesc; } public void setShortdesc(String shortdesc) { this.shortdesc = shortdesc; } public void setFavoritePoints(int favoriteCnt) { this.favoritePoints = favoriteCnt; } public float getRating() { return rating; } public void setRating(float rating) { this.rating = rating; } public int getVotes() { return votes; } public void setVotes(int votes) { this.votes = votes; } public float getMyVote() { return myVote; } public void setMyVote(float myVote) { this.myVote = myVote; } public int getInventoryItems() { return inventoryItems; } public void setInventoryItems(int inventoryItems) { this.inventoryItems = inventoryItems; } public boolean isOnWatchlist() { return onWatchlist; } public void setOnWatchlist(boolean onWatchlist) { this.onWatchlist = onWatchlist; } /** * return an immutable list of waypoints. * * @return always non null */ public List getWaypoints() { if (waypoints == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(waypoints); } /** * @param waypoints * List of waypoints to set for cache * @param saveToDatabase * Indicates whether to add the waypoints to the database. Should be false if * called while loading or building a cache * @return true if waypoints successfully added to waypoint database */ public boolean setWaypoints(List waypoints, boolean saveToDatabase) { this.waypoints = waypoints; finalDefined = false; if (waypoints != null) { for (cgWaypoint waypoint : waypoints) { waypoint.setGeocode(geocode); if (waypoint.isFinalWithCoords()) { finalDefined = true; } } } if (saveToDatabase) { return cgeoapplication.getInstance().saveWaypoints(geocode, waypoints, false); } return false; } public List getLogs() { return getLogs(true); } /** * @param allLogs * true for all logs, false for friend logs only * @return the logs with all entries or just the entries of the friends, never null */ public List getLogs(boolean allLogs) { if (logs == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (allLogs) { return logs; } ArrayList friendLogs = new ArrayList(); for (cgLog log : logs) { if (log.friend) { friendLogs.add(log); } } return friendLogs; } /** * @param logs * the log entries */ public void setLogs(List logs) { this.logs = logs; } public boolean isLogOffline() { return logOffline; } public void setLogOffline(boolean logOffline) { this.logOffline = logOffline; } public boolean isStatusChecked() { return statusChecked; } public void setStatusChecked(boolean statusChecked) { this.statusChecked = statusChecked; } public boolean isStatusCheckedView() { return statusCheckedView; } public void setStatusCheckedView(boolean statusCheckedView) { this.statusCheckedView = statusCheckedView; } public String getDirectionImg() { return directionImg; } public void setDirectionImg(String directionImg) { this.directionImg = directionImg; } public void setGeocode(String geocode) { this.geocode = geocode; } public void setCacheId(String cacheId) { this.cacheId = cacheId; } public void setGuid(String guid) { this.guid = guid; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public void setOwner(String owner) { this.owner = owner; } public void setOwnerReal(String ownerReal) { this.ownerReal = ownerReal; } public void setHint(String hint) { this.hint = hint; } public void setSize(CacheSize size) { if (size == null) { this.size = CacheSize.UNKNOWN; } else { this.size = size; } } public void setDifficulty(float difficulty) { this.difficulty = difficulty; } public void setTerrain(float terrain) { this.terrain = terrain; } public void setLocation(String location) { this.location = location; } public void setPersonalNote(String personalNote) { this.personalNote = personalNote; } public void setDisabled(boolean disabled) { this.disabled = disabled; } public void setArchived(boolean archived) { this.archived = archived; } public void setFound(boolean found) { this.found = found; } public void setOwn(boolean own) { this.own = own; } public void setAttributes(List attributes) { this.attributes = attributes; } public void setSpoilers(ArrayList spoilers) { this.spoilers = spoilers; } public void setInventory(List inventory) { this.inventory = inventory; } public void setLogCounts(Map logCounts) { this.logCounts = logCounts; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see cgeo.geocaching.IBasicCache#getType() * * @returns Never null */ @Override public CacheType getType() { return cacheType; } public void setType(CacheType cacheType) { if (cacheType == null || CacheType.ALL == cacheType) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal cache type"); } this.cacheType = cacheType; } public boolean hasDifficulty() { return difficulty > 0f; } public boolean hasTerrain() { return terrain > 0f; } /** * @return the storageLocation */ public EnumSet getStorageLocation() { return storageLocation; } /** * @param storageLocation * the storageLocation to set */ public void addStorageLocation(StorageLocation sl) { this.storageLocation.add(sl); } /** * @param waypoint * Waypoint to add to the cache * @param saveToDatabase * Indicates whether to add the waypoint to the database. Should be false if * called while loading or building a cache * @return true if waypoint successfully added to waypoint database */ public boolean addWaypoint(final cgWaypoint waypoint, boolean saveToDatabase) { if (null == waypoints) { waypoints = new ArrayList(); } waypoint.setGeocode(geocode); if (waypoint.getId() <= 0) { // this is a new waypoint waypoints.add(waypoint); if (waypoint.isFinalWithCoords()) { finalDefined = true; } } else { // this is a waypoint being edited final int index = getWaypointIndex(waypoint); if (index >= 0) { waypoints.remove(index); } waypoints.add(waypoint); // when waypoint was edited, finalDefined may have changed resetFinalDefined(); } if (saveToDatabase) { return cgeoapplication.getInstance().saveOwnWaypoint(waypoint.getId(), geocode, waypoint); } return false; } public boolean hasWaypoints() { return CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(waypoints); } public boolean hasFinalDefined() { return finalDefined; } // Only for loading public void setFinalDefined(boolean finalDefined) { this.finalDefined = finalDefined; } /** * Reset finalDefined based on current list of stored waypoints */ private void resetFinalDefined() { finalDefined = false; for (cgWaypoint wp : waypoints) { if (wp.isFinalWithCoords()) { finalDefined = true; break; } } } public boolean hasUserModifiedCoords() { return userModifiedCoords; } public void setUserModifiedCoords(boolean coordsChanged) { this.userModifiedCoords = coordsChanged; } /** * @param index * @return true, if the waypoint was duplicated */ public boolean duplicateWaypoint(int index) { if (!isValidWaypointIndex(index)) { return false; } final cgWaypoint copy = new cgWaypoint(waypoints.get(index)); copy.setUserDefined(); copy.setName(cgeoapplication.getInstance().getString(R.string.waypoint_copy_of) + " " + copy.getName()); waypoints.add(index + 1, copy); return cgeoapplication.getInstance().saveOwnWaypoint(-1, geocode, copy); } private boolean isValidWaypointIndex(int index) { if (!hasWaypoints()) { return false; } if (index < 0 || index >= waypoints.size()) { return false; } return true; } /** * delete a user defined waypoint * * @param index * of the waypoint in cache's waypoint list * @return true, if the waypoint was deleted */ public boolean deleteWaypoint(int index) { if (!isValidWaypointIndex(index)) { return false; } final cgWaypoint waypoint = waypoints.get(index); if (waypoint.isUserDefined()) { waypoints.remove(index); cgeoapplication.getInstance().deleteWaypoint(waypoint.getId()); cgeoapplication.getInstance().removeCache(geocode, EnumSet.of(RemoveFlag.REMOVE_CACHE)); // Check status if Final is defined if (waypoint.isFinalWithCoords()) { resetFinalDefined(); } return true; } return false; } /** * delete a user defined waypoint * * @param waypoint * to be removed from cache * @return true, if the waypoint was deleted */ public boolean deleteWaypoint(cgWaypoint waypoint) { if (waypoint.getId() <= 0) { return false; } final int index = getWaypointIndex(waypoint); if (index >= 0) { return deleteWaypoint(index); } return false; } /** * Find index of given waypoint in cache's waypoints list * * @param waypoint * to find index for * @return index in waypoints if found, else -1 */ private int getWaypointIndex(cgWaypoint waypoint) { int index = 0; for (cgWaypoint wp : waypoints) { if (wp.getId() == waypoint.getId()) { return index; } index++; } return -1; } /** * @param index * @return waypoint or null */ public cgWaypoint getWaypoint(int index) { if (!isValidWaypointIndex(index)) { return null; } return waypoints.get(index); } /** * @param index * @return waypoint or null */ public cgWaypoint getWaypointById(int id) { for (cgWaypoint waypoint : waypoints) { if (waypoint.getId() == id) { return waypoint; } } return null; } public void parseWaypointsFromNote() { try { if (StringUtils.isBlank(getPersonalNote())) { return; } final Pattern coordPattern = Pattern.compile("\\b[nNsS]{1}\\s*\\d"); // begin of coordinates int count = 1; String note = getPersonalNote(); Matcher matcher = coordPattern.matcher(note); while (matcher.find()) { try { final Geopoint point = GeopointParser.parse(note.substring(matcher.start())); // coords must have non zero latitude and longitude and at least one part shall have fractional degrees if (point != null && point.getLatitudeE6() != 0 && point.getLongitudeE6() != 0 && ((point.getLatitudeE6() % 1000) != 0 || (point.getLongitudeE6() % 1000) != 0)) { final String name = cgeoapplication.getInstance().getString(R.string.cache_personal_note) + " " + count; final cgWaypoint waypoint = new cgWaypoint(name, WaypointType.WAYPOINT, false); waypoint.setCoords(point); addWaypoint(waypoint, false); count++; } } catch (GeopointParser.ParseException e) { // ignore } note = note.substring(matcher.start() + 1); matcher = coordPattern.matcher(note); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(Settings.tag, "cgCache.parseWaypointsFromNote: " + e.toString()); } } public void addAttribute(final String attribute) { if (attributes == null) { attributes = new ArrayList(); } attributes.add(attribute); } public boolean hasAttributes() { return attributes != null && attributes.size() > 0; } public void prependLog(final cgLog log) { if (logs == null) { logs = new ArrayList(); } logs.add(0, log); } public void appendLog(final cgLog log) { if (logs == null) { logs = new ArrayList(); } logs.add(log); } /* * For working in the debugger * (non-Javadoc) * * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return this.geocode + " " +; } @Override public int hashCode() { return geocode.hashCode() * name.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof cgCache)) { return false; } // just compare the geocode even if that is not what "equals" normally does return StringUtils.isNotBlank(geocode) ? geocode.equals(((cgCache) obj).geocode) : false; } public void store(Activity activity, CancellableHandler handler) { final int listId = Math.max(getListId(), StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID); cgBase.storeCache(activity, this, null, listId, false, handler); } public int getZoomlevel() { return this.zoomlevel; } public void setZoomlevel(int zoomlevel) { this.zoomlevel = zoomlevel; } @Override public int getId() { return 0; } @Override public WaypointType getWaypointType() { return null; } @Override public String getCoordType() { return "cache"; } }