package cgeo.geocaching; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.CacheSize; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.CacheType; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.LoadFlags; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.LoadFlags.LoadFlag; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.LoadFlags.RemoveFlag; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.LoadFlags.SaveFlag; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.LogType; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.WaypointType; import cgeo.geocaching.files.LocalStorage; import cgeo.geocaching.geopoint.Geopoint; import cgeo.geocaching.geopoint.Viewport; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.Log; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.ContextWrapper; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.DatabaseUtils; import android.database.DatabaseUtils.InsertHelper; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDoneException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class cgData { public enum StorageLocation { HEAP, CACHE, DATABASE, } /** The list of fields needed for mapping. */ private static final String[] CACHE_COLUMNS = new String[] { "_id", "updated", "reason", "detailed", "detailedupdate", "visiteddate", "geocode", "cacheid", "guid", "type", "name", "own", "owner", "owner_real", "hidden", "hint", "size", "difficulty", "distance", "direction", "terrain", "latlon", "location", "latitude", "longitude", "elevation", "shortdesc", "favourite_cnt", "rating", "votes", "myvote", "disabled", "archived", "members", "found", "favourite", "inventorycoins", "inventorytags", "inventoryunknown", "onWatchlist", "personal_note", "reliable_latlon", "coordsChanged", "finalDefined" // reason is replaced by listId in cgCache }; /** The list of fields needed for mapping. */ private static final String[] WAYPOINT_COLUMNS = new String[] { "_id", "geocode", "updated", "type", "prefix", "lookup", "name", "latlon", "latitude", "longitude", "note", "own" }; /** Number of days (as ms) after temporarily saved caches are deleted */ private final static long DAYS_AFTER_CACHE_IS_DELETED = 3 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; /** * holds the column indexes of the cache table to avoid lookups */ private static int[] cacheColumnIndex; private CacheCache cacheCache = new CacheCache(); private SQLiteDatabase database = null; private static final int dbVersion = 64; public static final int customListIdOffset = 10; private static final String dbName = "data"; private static final String dbTableCaches = "cg_caches"; private static final String dbTableLists = "cg_lists"; private static final String dbTableAttributes = "cg_attributes"; private static final String dbTableWaypoints = "cg_waypoints"; private static final String dbTableSpoilers = "cg_spoilers"; private static final String dbTableLogs = "cg_logs"; private static final String dbTableLogCount = "cg_logCount"; private static final String dbTableLogImages = "cg_logImages"; private static final String dbTableLogsOffline = "cg_logs_offline"; private static final String dbTableTrackables = "cg_trackables"; private static final String dbTableSearchDestionationHistory = "cg_search_destination_history"; private static final String dbCreateCaches = "" + "create table " + dbTableCaches + " (" + "_id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "updated long not null, " + "detailed integer not null default 0, " + "detailedupdate long, " + "visiteddate long, " + "geocode text unique not null, " + "reason integer not null default 0, " // cached, favourite... + "cacheid text, " + "guid text, " + "type text, " + "name text, " + "own integer not null default 0, " + "owner text, " + "owner_real text, " + "hidden long, " + "hint text, " + "size text, " + "difficulty float, " + "terrain float, " + "latlon text, " + "location text, " + "direction double, " + "distance double, " + "latitude double, " + "longitude double, " + "reliable_latlon integer, " + "elevation double, " + "personal_note text, " + "shortdesc text, " + "description text, " + "favourite_cnt integer, " + "rating float, " + "votes integer, " + "myvote float, " + "disabled integer not null default 0, " + "archived integer not null default 0, " + "members integer not null default 0, " + "found integer not null default 0, " + "favourite integer not null default 0, " + "inventorycoins integer default 0, " + "inventorytags integer default 0, " + "inventoryunknown integer default 0, " + "onWatchlist integer default 0, " + "coordsChanged integer default 0, " + "finalDefined integer default 0" + "); "; private static final String dbCreateLists = "" + "create table " + dbTableLists + " (" + "_id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "title text not null, " + "updated long not null, " + "latitude double, " + "longitude double " + "); "; private static final String dbCreateAttributes = "" + "create table " + dbTableAttributes + " (" + "_id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "geocode text not null, " + "updated long not null, " // date of save + "attribute text " + "); "; private final static int ATTRIBUTES_GEOCODE = 2; private final static int ATTRIBUTES_UPDATED = 3; private final static int ATTRIBUTES_ATTRIBUTE = 4; private static final String dbCreateWaypoints = "" + "create table " + dbTableWaypoints + " (" + "_id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "geocode text not null, " + "updated long not null, " // date of save + "type text not null default 'waypoint', " + "prefix text, " + "lookup text, " + "name text, " + "latlon text, " + "latitude double, " + "longitude double, " + "note text, " + "own integer default 0" + "); "; private static final String dbCreateSpoilers = "" + "create table " + dbTableSpoilers + " (" + "_id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "geocode text not null, " + "updated long not null, " // date of save + "url text, " + "title text, " + "description text " + "); "; private static final String dbCreateLogs = "" + "create table " + dbTableLogs + " (" + "_id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "geocode text not null, " + "updated long not null, " // date of save + "type integer not null default 4, " + "author text, " + "log text, " + "date long, " + "found integer not null default 0, " + "friend integer " + "); "; private final static int LOGS_GEOCODE = 2; private final static int LOGS_UPDATED = 3; private final static int LOGS_TYPE = 4; private final static int LOGS_AUTHOR = 5; private final static int LOGS_LOG = 6; private final static int LOGS_DATE = 7; private final static int LOGS_FOUND = 8; private final static int LOGS_FRIEND = 9; private static final String dbCreateLogCount = "" + "create table " + dbTableLogCount + " (" + "_id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "geocode text not null, " + "updated long not null, " // date of save + "type integer not null default 4, " + "count integer not null default 0 " + "); "; private static final String dbCreateLogImages = "" + "create table " + dbTableLogImages + " (" + "_id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "log_id integer not null, " + "title text not null, " + "url text not null" + "); "; private static final String dbCreateLogsOffline = "" + "create table " + dbTableLogsOffline + " (" + "_id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "geocode text not null, " + "updated long not null, " // date of save + "type integer not null default 4, " + "log text, " + "date long " + "); "; private static final String dbCreateTrackables = "" + "create table " + dbTableTrackables + " (" + "_id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "updated long not null, " // date of save + "tbcode text not null, " + "guid text, " + "title text, " + "owner text, " + "released long, " + "goal text, " + "description text, " + "geocode text " + "); "; private static final String dbCreateSearchDestinationHistory = "" + "create table " + dbTableSearchDestionationHistory + " (" + "_id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "date long not null, " + "latitude double, " + "longitude double " + "); "; private HashMap statements = new HashMap(); private static boolean newlyCreatedDatabase = false; public synchronized void init() { if (database != null) { return; } try { final DbHelper dbHelper = new DbHelper(new DBContext(cgeoapplication.getInstance())); database = dbHelper.getWritableDatabase(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("cgData.init: unable to open database for R/W", e); } } public void closeDb() { if (database == null) { return; } cacheCache.removeAllFromCache(); clearPreparedStatements(); database.close(); database = null; } private void clearPreparedStatements() { for (SQLiteStatement statement : statements.values()) { statement.close(); } statements.clear(); } private static File backupFile() { return new File(LocalStorage.getStorage(), "cgeo.sqlite"); } public String backupDatabase() { if (!LocalStorage.isExternalStorageAvailable()) { Log.w("Database wasn't backed up: no external memory"); return null; } final File target = backupFile(); closeDb(); final boolean backupDone = LocalStorage.copy(databasePath(), target); init(); if (!backupDone) { Log.e("Database could not be copied to " + target); return null; } Log.i("Database was copied to " + target); return target.getPath(); } public boolean moveDatabase() { if (!LocalStorage.isExternalStorageAvailable()) { Log.w("Database was not moved: external memory not available"); return false; } closeDb(); final File source = databasePath(); final File target = databaseAlternatePath(); if (!LocalStorage.copy(source, target)) { Log.e("Database could not be moved to " + target); init(); return false; } source.delete(); Settings.setDbOnSDCard(!Settings.isDbOnSDCard()); Log.i("Database was moved to " + target); init(); return true; } private static File databasePath(final boolean internal) { return new File(internal ? LocalStorage.getInternalDbDirectory() : LocalStorage.getExternalDbDirectory(), dbName); } private static File databasePath() { return databasePath(!Settings.isDbOnSDCard()); } private static File databaseAlternatePath() { return databasePath(Settings.isDbOnSDCard()); } public static File isRestoreFile() { final File fileSourceFile = backupFile(); return fileSourceFile.exists() ? fileSourceFile : null; } public boolean restoreDatabase() { if (!LocalStorage.isExternalStorageAvailable()) { Log.w("Database wasn't restored: no external memory"); return false; } final File sourceFile = backupFile(); closeDb(); final boolean restoreDone = LocalStorage.copy(sourceFile, databasePath()); init(); if (restoreDone) { Log.i("Database succesfully restored from " + sourceFile.getPath()); } else { Log.e("Could not restore database from " + sourceFile.getPath()); } return restoreDone; } private static class DBContext extends ContextWrapper { public DBContext(Context base) { super(base); } /** * We override the default open/create as it doesn't work on OS 1.6 and * causes issues on other devices too. */ @Override public SQLiteDatabase openOrCreateDatabase(String name, int mode, CursorFactory factory) { final File file = new File(name); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); return SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase(file, factory); } } private static class DbHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper { DbHelper(Context context) { super(context, databasePath().getPath(), null, dbVersion); } @Override public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { newlyCreatedDatabase = true; db.execSQL(dbCreateCaches); db.execSQL(dbCreateLists); db.execSQL(dbCreateAttributes); db.execSQL(dbCreateWaypoints); db.execSQL(dbCreateSpoilers); db.execSQL(dbCreateLogs); db.execSQL(dbCreateLogCount); db.execSQL(dbCreateLogImages); db.execSQL(dbCreateLogsOffline); db.execSQL(dbCreateTrackables); db.execSQL(dbCreateSearchDestinationHistory); createIndices(db); } static private void createIndices(final SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_caches_geo on " + dbTableCaches + " (geocode)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_caches_guid on " + dbTableCaches + " (guid)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_caches_lat on " + dbTableCaches + " (latitude)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_caches_lon on " + dbTableCaches + " (longitude)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_caches_reason on " + dbTableCaches + " (reason)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_caches_detailed on " + dbTableCaches + " (detailed)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_caches_type on " + dbTableCaches + " (type)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_caches_visit_detail on " + dbTableCaches + " (visiteddate, detailedupdate)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_attr_geo on " + dbTableAttributes + " (geocode)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_wpts_geo on " + dbTableWaypoints + " (geocode)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_wpts_geo_type on " + dbTableWaypoints + " (geocode, type)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_spoil_geo on " + dbTableSpoilers + " (geocode)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_logs_geo on " + dbTableLogs + " (geocode)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_logcount_geo on " + dbTableLogCount + " (geocode)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_logsoff_geo on " + dbTableLogsOffline + " (geocode)"); db.execSQL("create index if not exists in_trck_geo on " + dbTableTrackables + " (geocode)"); } @Override public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { Log.i("Upgrade database from ver. " + oldVersion + " to ver. " + newVersion + ": start"); try { if (db.isReadOnly()) { return; } db.beginTransaction(); if (oldVersion <= 0) { // new table dropDatabase(db); onCreate(db); Log.i("Database structure created."); } if (oldVersion > 0) { db.execSQL("delete from " + dbTableCaches + " where reason = 0"); if (oldVersion < 52) { // upgrade to 52 try { db.execSQL(dbCreateSearchDestinationHistory); Log.i("Added table " + dbTableSearchDestionationHistory + "."); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Failed to upgrade to ver. 52", e); } } if (oldVersion < 53) { // upgrade to 53 try { db.execSQL("alter table " + dbTableCaches + " add column onWatchlist integer"); Log.i("Column onWatchlist added to " + dbTableCaches + "."); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Failed to upgrade to ver. 53", e); } } if (oldVersion < 54) { // update to 54 try { db.execSQL(dbCreateLogImages); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Failed to upgrade to ver. 54: " + e.toString()); } } if (oldVersion < 55) { // update to 55 try { db.execSQL("alter table " + dbTableCaches + " add column personal_note text"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Failed to upgrade to ver. 55: " + e.toString()); } } // make all internal attribute names lowercase // @see issue #299 if (oldVersion < 56) { // update to 56 try { db.execSQL("update " + dbTableAttributes + " set attribute = " + "lower(attribute) where attribute like \"%_yes\" " + "or attribute like \"%_no\""); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Failed to upgrade to ver. 56: " + e.toString()); } } // Create missing indices. See issue #435 if (oldVersion < 57) { // update to 57 try { db.execSQL("drop index in_a"); db.execSQL("drop index in_b"); db.execSQL("drop index in_c"); db.execSQL("drop index in_d"); db.execSQL("drop index in_e"); db.execSQL("drop index in_f"); createIndices(db); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Failed to upgrade to ver. 57: " + e.toString()); } } if (oldVersion < 58) { // upgrade to 58 try { db.beginTransaction(); final String dbTableCachesTemp = dbTableCaches + "_temp"; final String dbCreateCachesTemp = "" + "create table " + dbTableCachesTemp + " (" + "_id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "updated long not null, " + "detailed integer not null default 0, " + "detailedupdate long, " + "visiteddate long, " + "geocode text unique not null, " + "reason integer not null default 0, " + "cacheid text, " + "guid text, " + "type text, " + "name text, " + "own integer not null default 0, " + "owner text, " + "owner_real text, " + "hidden long, " + "hint text, " + "size text, " + "difficulty float, " + "terrain float, " + "latlon text, " + "location text, " + "direction double, " + "distance double, " + "latitude double, " + "longitude double, " + "reliable_latlon integer, " + "elevation double, " + "personal_note text, " + "shortdesc text, " + "description text, " + "favourite_cnt integer, " + "rating float, " + "votes integer, " + "myvote float, " + "disabled integer not null default 0, " + "archived integer not null default 0, " + "members integer not null default 0, " + "found integer not null default 0, " + "favourite integer not null default 0, " + "inventorycoins integer default 0, " + "inventorytags integer default 0, " + "inventoryunknown integer default 0, " + "onWatchlist integer default 0 " + "); "; db.execSQL(dbCreateCachesTemp); db.execSQL("insert into " + dbTableCachesTemp + " select _id,updated,detailed,detailedupdate,visiteddate,geocode,reason,cacheid,guid,type,name,own,owner,owner_real," + "hidden,hint,size,difficulty,terrain,latlon,location,direction,distance,latitude,longitude, 0,elevation," + "personal_note,shortdesc,description,favourite_cnt,rating,votes,myvote,disabled,archived,members,found,favourite,inventorycoins," + "inventorytags,inventoryunknown,onWatchlist from " + dbTableCaches); db.execSQL("drop table " + dbTableCaches); db.execSQL("alter table " + dbTableCachesTemp + " rename to " + dbTableCaches); final String dbTableWaypointsTemp = dbTableWaypoints + "_temp"; final String dbCreateWaypointsTemp = "" + "create table " + dbTableWaypointsTemp + " (" + "_id integer primary key autoincrement, " + "geocode text not null, " + "updated long not null, " // date of save + "type text not null default 'waypoint', " + "prefix text, " + "lookup text, " + "name text, " + "latlon text, " + "latitude double, " + "longitude double, " + "note text " + "); "; db.execSQL(dbCreateWaypointsTemp); db.execSQL("insert into " + dbTableWaypointsTemp + " select _id, geocode, updated, type, prefix, lookup, name, latlon, latitude, longitude, note from " + dbTableWaypoints); db.execSQL("drop table " + dbTableWaypoints); db.execSQL("alter table " + dbTableWaypointsTemp + " rename to " + dbTableWaypoints); createIndices(db); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); Log.i("Removed latitude_string and longitude_string columns"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Failed to upgrade to ver. 58", e); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } if (oldVersion < 59) { try { // Add new indices and remove obsolete cache files createIndices(db); removeObsoleteCacheDirectories(db); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Failed to upgrade to ver. 59", e); } } if (oldVersion < 60) { try { removeSecEmptyDirs(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Failed to upgrade to ver. 60", e); } } if (oldVersion < 61) { try { db.execSQL("alter table " + dbTableLogs + " add column friend integer"); db.execSQL("alter table " + dbTableCaches + " add column coordsChanged integer default 0"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Failed to upgrade to ver. 61: " + e.toString()); } } // Introduces finalDefined on caches and own on waypoints if (oldVersion < 62) { try { db.execSQL("alter table " + dbTableCaches + " add column finalDefined integer default 0"); db.execSQL("alter table " + dbTableWaypoints + " add column own integer default 0"); db.execSQL("update " + dbTableWaypoints + " set own = 1 where type = 'own'"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Failed to upgrade to ver. 62: " + e.toString()); } } if (oldVersion < 63) { try { removeDoubleUnderscoreMapFiles(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Failed to upgrade to ver. 63: " + e.toString()); } } if (oldVersion < 64) { try { // No cache should ever be stored into the ALL_CACHES list. Here we use hardcoded list ids // rather than symbolic ones because the fix must be applied with the values at the time // of the problem. The problem was introduced in release 2012.06.01. db.execSQL("update " + dbTableCaches + " set reason=1 where reason=2"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Failed to upgrade to ver. 64", e); } } } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } Log.i("Upgrade database from ver. " + oldVersion + " to ver. " + newVersion + ": completed"); } /** * Method to remove static map files with double underscore due to issue#1670 * introduced with release on 2012-05-24. */ private static void removeDoubleUnderscoreMapFiles() { File[] geocodeDirs = LocalStorage.getStorage().listFiles(); final FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) { return (filename.startsWith("map_") && filename.contains("__")); } }; for (File dir : geocodeDirs) { File[] wrongFiles = dir.listFiles(filter); for (File wrongFile : wrongFiles) { wrongFile.delete(); } } } } /** * Remove obsolete cache directories in c:geo private storage. * * @param db * the read-write database to use */ private static void removeObsoleteCacheDirectories(final SQLiteDatabase db) { final Pattern oldFilePattern = Pattern.compile("^[GC|TB|O][A-Z0-9]{4,7}$"); final SQLiteStatement select = db.compileStatement("select count(*) from " + dbTableCaches + " where geocode = ?"); final File[] files = LocalStorage.getStorage().listFiles(); final ArrayList toRemove = new ArrayList(files.length); for (final File file : files) { if (file.isDirectory()) { final String geocode = file.getName(); if (oldFilePattern.matcher(geocode).find()) { select.bindString(1, geocode); if (select.simpleQueryForLong() == 0) { toRemove.add(file); } } } } // Use a background thread for the real removal to avoid keeping the database locked // if we are called from within a transaction. new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (final File dir : toRemove) { Log.i("Removing obsolete cache directory for " + dir.getName()); LocalStorage.deleteDirectory(dir); } } }).start(); } /* * Remove empty directories created in the secondary storage area. */ private static void removeSecEmptyDirs() { for (final File file : LocalStorage.getStorageSec().listFiles()) { if (file.isDirectory()) { // This will silently fail if the directory is not empty. file.delete(); } } } private static void dropDatabase(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL("drop table if exists " + dbTableCaches); db.execSQL("drop table if exists " + dbTableAttributes); db.execSQL("drop table if exists " + dbTableWaypoints); db.execSQL("drop table if exists " + dbTableSpoilers); db.execSQL("drop table if exists " + dbTableLogs); db.execSQL("drop table if exists " + dbTableLogCount); db.execSQL("drop table if exists " + dbTableLogsOffline); db.execSQL("drop table if exists " + dbTableTrackables); } public String[] allDetailedThere() { init(); Cursor cursor = null; List list = new ArrayList(); try { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - DAYS_AFTER_CACHE_IS_DELETED; cursor = database.query( dbTableCaches, new String[]{"geocode"}, "(detailed = 1 and detailedupdate > ?) or reason > 0", new String[]{Long.toString(timestamp)}, null, null, "detailedupdate desc", "100"); if (cursor != null) { int index; if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); index = cursor.getColumnIndex("geocode"); do { list.add(cursor.getString(index)); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } else { cursor.close(); return null; } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("cgData.allDetailedThere: " + e.toString()); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } public boolean isThere(String geocode, String guid, boolean detailed, boolean checkTime) { init(); Cursor cursor = null; int cnt = 0; long dataUpdated = 0; long dataDetailedUpdate = 0; int dataDetailed = 0; try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(geocode)) { cursor = database.query( dbTableCaches, new String[]{"detailed", "detailedupdate", "updated"}, "geocode = ?", new String[]{geocode}, null, null, null, "1"); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(guid)) { cursor = database.query( dbTableCaches, new String[]{"detailed", "detailedupdate", "updated"}, "guid = ?", new String[]{guid}, null, null, null, "1"); } else { return false; } if (cursor != null) { int index; cnt = cursor.getCount(); if (cnt > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); index = cursor.getColumnIndex("updated"); dataUpdated = cursor.getLong(index); index = cursor.getColumnIndex("detailedupdate"); dataDetailedUpdate = cursor.getLong(index); index = cursor.getColumnIndex("detailed"); dataDetailed = cursor.getInt(index); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("cgData.isThere: " + e.toString()); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } if (cnt > 0) { if (detailed && dataDetailed == 0) { // we want details, but these are not stored return false; } if (checkTime && detailed && dataDetailedUpdate < (System.currentTimeMillis() - DAYS_AFTER_CACHE_IS_DELETED)) { // we want to check time for detailed cache, but data are older than 3 hours return false; } if (checkTime && !detailed && dataUpdated < (System.currentTimeMillis() - DAYS_AFTER_CACHE_IS_DELETED)) { // we want to check time for short cache, but data are older than 3 hours return false; } // we have some cache return true; } // we have no such cache stored in cache return false; } /** is cache stored in one of the lists (not only temporary) */ public boolean isOffline(String geocode, String guid) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode) && StringUtils.isBlank(guid)) { return false; } init(); try { final SQLiteStatement listId; final String value; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(geocode)) { listId = getStatementListIdFromGeocode(); value = geocode; } else { listId = getStatementListIdFromGuid(); value = guid; } synchronized (listId) { listId.bindString(1, value); return listId.simpleQueryForLong() != StoredList.TEMPORARY_LIST_ID; } } catch (SQLiteDoneException e) { // Do nothing, it only means we have no information on the cache } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("cgData.isOffline", e); } return false; } public String getGeocodeForGuid(String guid) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(guid)) { return null; } init(); try { final SQLiteStatement description = getStatementGeocode(); synchronized (description) { description.bindString(1, guid); return description.simpleQueryForString(); } } catch (SQLiteDoneException e) { // Do nothing, it only means we have no information on the cache } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("cgData.getGeocodeForGuid", e); } return null; } public String getCacheidForGeocode(String geocode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { return null; } init(); try { final SQLiteStatement description = getStatementCacheId(); synchronized (description) { description.bindString(1, geocode); return description.simpleQueryForString(); } } catch (SQLiteDoneException e) { // Do nothing, it only means we have no information on the cache } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("cgData.getCacheidForGeocode", e); } return null; } /** * Save/store a cache to the CacheCache * * @param cache * the Cache to save in the CacheCache/DB * @param saveFlags * * @return true = cache saved successfully to the CacheCache/DB */ public boolean saveCache(cgCache cache, EnumSet saveFlags) { if (cache == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cache must not be null"); } // merge always with data already stored in the CacheCache or DB if (saveFlags.contains(SaveFlag.SAVE_CACHE)) { cache.gatherMissingFrom(cacheCache.getCacheFromCache(cache.getGeocode())); cacheCache.putCacheInCache(cache); } if (!saveFlags.contains(SaveFlag.SAVE_DB)) { return true; } boolean updateRequired = !cache.gatherMissingFrom(loadCache(cache.getGeocode(), LoadFlags.LOAD_ALL_DB_ONLY)); // only save a cache to the database if // - the cache is detailed // - there are changes // - the cache is only stored in the CacheCache so far if ((!updateRequired || !cache.isDetailed()) && cache.getStorageLocation().contains(StorageLocation.DATABASE)) { return false; } cache.addStorageLocation(StorageLocation.DATABASE); cacheCache.putCacheInCache(cache); Log.d("Saving " + cache.toString() + " (" + cache.getListId() + ") to DB"); ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); if (cache.getUpdated() == 0) { values.put("updated", System.currentTimeMillis()); } else { values.put("updated", cache.getUpdated()); } values.put("reason", cache.getListId()); values.put("detailed", cache.isDetailed() ? 1 : 0); values.put("detailedupdate", cache.getDetailedUpdate()); values.put("visiteddate", cache.getVisitedDate()); values.put("geocode", cache.getGeocode()); values.put("cacheid", cache.getCacheId()); values.put("guid", cache.getGuid()); values.put("type", cache.getType().id); values.put("name", cache.getName()); values.put("own", cache.isOwn() ? 1 : 0); values.put("owner", cache.getOwnerDisplayName()); values.put("owner_real", cache.getOwnerUserId()); if (cache.getHiddenDate() == null) { values.put("hidden", 0); } else { values.put("hidden", cache.getHiddenDate().getTime()); } values.put("hint", cache.getHint()); values.put("size", cache.getSize() == null ? "" : cache.getSize().id); values.put("difficulty", cache.getDifficulty()); values.put("terrain", cache.getTerrain()); values.put("latlon", cache.getLatlon()); values.put("location", cache.getLocation()); values.put("distance", cache.getDistance()); values.put("direction", cache.getDirection()); putCoords(values, cache.getCoords()); values.put("reliable_latlon", cache.isReliableLatLon() ? 1 : 0); values.put("elevation", cache.getElevation()); values.put("shortdesc", cache.getShortdesc()); values.put("personal_note", cache.getPersonalNote()); values.put("description", cache.getDescription()); values.put("favourite_cnt", cache.getFavoritePoints()); values.put("rating", cache.getRating()); values.put("votes", cache.getVotes()); values.put("myvote", cache.getMyVote()); values.put("disabled", cache.isDisabled() ? 1 : 0); values.put("archived", cache.isArchived() ? 1 : 0); values.put("members", cache.isPremiumMembersOnly() ? 1 : 0); values.put("found", cache.isFound() ? 1 : 0); values.put("favourite", cache.isFavorite() ? 1 : 0); values.put("inventoryunknown", cache.getInventoryItems()); values.put("onWatchlist", cache.isOnWatchlist() ? 1 : 0); values.put("coordsChanged", cache.hasUserModifiedCoords() ? 1 : 0); values.put("finalDefined", cache.hasFinalDefined() ? 1 : 0); boolean result = false; init(); //try to update record else insert fresh.. database.beginTransaction(); try { saveAttributesWithoutTransaction(cache); saveOriginalWaypointsWithoutTransaction(cache); saveSpoilersWithoutTransaction(cache); saveLogsWithoutTransaction(cache.getGeocode(), cache.getLogs()); saveLogCountsWithoutTransaction(cache); saveInventoryWithoutTransaction(cache.getGeocode(), cache.getInventory()); int rows = database.update(dbTableCaches, values, "geocode = ?", new String[] { cache.getGeocode() }); if (rows == 0) { // cache is not in the DB, insert it /* long id = */ database.insert(dbTableCaches, null, values); } database.setTransactionSuccessful(); result = true; } catch (Exception e) { // nothing } finally { database.endTransaction(); } return result; } private void saveAttributesWithoutTransaction(final cgCache cache) { String geocode = cache.getGeocode(); database.delete(dbTableAttributes, "geocode = ?", new String[]{geocode}); if (cache.getAttributes().isNotEmpty()) { InsertHelper helper = new InsertHelper(database, dbTableAttributes); long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (String attribute : cache.getAttributes()) { helper.prepareForInsert(); helper.bind(ATTRIBUTES_GEOCODE, geocode); helper.bind(ATTRIBUTES_UPDATED, timeStamp); helper.bind(ATTRIBUTES_ATTRIBUTE, attribute); helper.execute(); } helper.close(); } } /** * Persists the given destination into the database. * * @param destination * a destination to save */ public void saveSearchedDestination(final Destination destination) { init(); database.beginTransaction(); try { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("date", destination.getDate()); putCoords(values, destination.getCoords()); database.insert(dbTableSearchDestionationHistory, null, values); database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Updating searchedDestinations db failed", e); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } } public boolean saveWaypoints(final cgCache cache) { boolean result = false; init(); database.beginTransaction(); try { saveOriginalWaypointsWithoutTransaction(cache); database.setTransactionSuccessful(); result = true; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("saveWaypoints", e); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } return result; } private void saveOriginalWaypointsWithoutTransaction(final cgCache cache) { String geocode = cache.getGeocode(); database.delete(dbTableWaypoints, "geocode = ? and type <> ? and own = 0", new String[]{geocode, "own"}); List waypoints = cache.getWaypoints(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(waypoints)) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (cgWaypoint oneWaypoint : waypoints) { if (oneWaypoint.isUserDefined()) { continue; } values.clear(); values.put("geocode", geocode); values.put("updated", timeStamp); values.put("type", oneWaypoint.getWaypointType() != null ? oneWaypoint.getWaypointType().id : null); values.put("prefix", oneWaypoint.getPrefix()); values.put("lookup", oneWaypoint.getLookup()); values.put("name", oneWaypoint.getName()); values.put("latlon", oneWaypoint.getLatlon()); putCoords(values, oneWaypoint.getCoords()); values.put("note", oneWaypoint.getNote()); values.put("own", oneWaypoint.isUserDefined() ? 1 : 0); final long rowId = database.insert(dbTableWaypoints, null, values); oneWaypoint.setId((int) rowId); } } } /** * Save coordinates into a ContentValues * * @param values * a ContentValues to save coordinates in * @param oneWaypoint * coordinates to save, or null to save empty coordinates */ private static void putCoords(final ContentValues values, final Geopoint coords) { values.put("latitude", coords == null ? null : coords.getLatitude()); values.put("longitude", coords == null ? null : coords.getLongitude()); } /** * Retrieve coordinates from a Cursor * * @param cursor * a Cursor representing a row in the database * @param indexLat * index of the latitude column * @param indexLon * index of the longitude column * @return the coordinates, or null if latitude or longitude is null or the coordinates are invalid */ private static Geopoint getCoords(final Cursor cursor, final int indexLat, final int indexLon) { if (cursor.isNull(indexLat) || cursor.isNull(indexLon)) { return null; } return new Geopoint(cursor.getDouble(indexLat), cursor.getDouble(indexLon)); } public boolean saveWaypoint(int id, String geocode, cgWaypoint waypoint) { if ((StringUtils.isBlank(geocode) && id <= 0) || waypoint == null) { return false; } init(); boolean ok = false; database.beginTransaction(); try { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("geocode", geocode); values.put("updated", System.currentTimeMillis()); values.put("type", waypoint.getWaypointType() != null ? waypoint.getWaypointType().id : null); values.put("prefix", waypoint.getPrefix()); values.put("lookup", waypoint.getLookup()); values.put("name", waypoint.getName()); values.put("latlon", waypoint.getLatlon()); putCoords(values, waypoint.getCoords()); values.put("note", waypoint.getNote()); values.put("own", waypoint.isUserDefined() ? 1 : 0); if (id <= 0) { final long rowId = database.insert(dbTableWaypoints, null, values); waypoint.setId((int) rowId); ok = true; } else { final int rows = database.update(dbTableWaypoints, values, "_id = " + id, null); ok = rows > 0; } database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } return ok; } public boolean deleteWaypoint(int id) { if (id == 0) { return false; } init(); return database.delete(dbTableWaypoints, "_id = " + id, null) > 0; } private void saveSpoilersWithoutTransaction(final cgCache cache) { String geocode = cache.getGeocode(); database.delete(dbTableSpoilers, "geocode = ?", new String[]{geocode}); List spoilers = cache.getSpoilers(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(spoilers)) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (cgImage spoiler : spoilers) { values.clear(); values.put("geocode", geocode); values.put("updated", timeStamp); values.put("url", spoiler.getUrl()); values.put("title", spoiler.getTitle()); values.put("description", spoiler.getDescription()); database.insert(dbTableSpoilers, null, values); } } } private void saveLogsWithoutTransaction(final String geocode, final Iterable logs) { // TODO delete logimages referring these logs database.delete(dbTableLogs, "geocode = ?", new String[]{geocode}); if (!logs.iterator().hasNext()) { return; } InsertHelper helper = new InsertHelper(database, dbTableLogs); long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (LogEntry log : logs) { helper.prepareForInsert(); helper.bind(LOGS_GEOCODE, geocode); helper.bind(LOGS_UPDATED, timeStamp); helper.bind(LOGS_TYPE,; helper.bind(LOGS_AUTHOR,; helper.bind(LOGS_LOG, log.log); helper.bind(LOGS_DATE,; helper.bind(LOGS_FOUND, log.found); helper.bind(LOGS_FRIEND, log.friend); long log_id = helper.execute(); if (log.hasLogImages()) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); for (cgImage img : log.getLogImages()) { values.clear(); values.put("log_id", log_id); values.put("title", img.getTitle()); values.put("url", img.getUrl()); database.insert(dbTableLogImages, null, values); } } } helper.close(); } private void saveLogCountsWithoutTransaction(final cgCache cache) { String geocode = cache.getGeocode(); database.delete(dbTableLogCount, "geocode = ?", new String[]{geocode}); Map logCounts = cache.getLogCounts(); if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(logCounts)) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); Set> logCountsItems = logCounts.entrySet(); long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (Entry pair : logCountsItems) { values.clear(); values.put("geocode", geocode); values.put("updated", timeStamp); values.put("type", pair.getKey().id); values.put("count", pair.getValue()); database.insert(dbTableLogCount, null, values); } } } public boolean saveTrackable(final cgTrackable trackable) { init(); database.beginTransaction(); try { saveInventoryWithoutTransaction(null, Collections.singletonList(trackable)); database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } return true; } private void saveInventoryWithoutTransaction(final String geocode, final List trackables) { if (geocode != null) { database.delete(dbTableTrackables, "geocode = ?", new String[]{geocode}); } if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(trackables)) { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (cgTrackable trackable : trackables) { final String tbCode = trackable.getGeocode(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tbCode)) { database.delete(dbTableTrackables, "tbcode = ?", new String[] { tbCode }); } values.clear(); if (geocode != null) { values.put("geocode", geocode); } values.put("updated", timeStamp); values.put("tbcode", tbCode); values.put("guid", trackable.getGuid()); values.put("title", trackable.getName()); values.put("owner", trackable.getOwner()); if (trackable.getReleased() != null) { values.put("released", trackable.getReleased().getTime()); } else { values.put("released", 0L); } values.put("goal", trackable.getGoal()); values.put("description", trackable.getDetails()); database.insert(dbTableTrackables, null, values); saveLogsWithoutTransaction(tbCode, trackable.getLogs()); } } } public Viewport getBounds(final Set geocodes) { if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(geocodes)) { return null; } final Set caches = loadCaches(geocodes, LoadFlags.LOAD_CACHE_OR_DB); return Viewport.containing(caches); } /** * Load a single Cache. * * @param geocode * The Geocode GCXXXX * @return the loaded cache (if found). Can be null */ public cgCache loadCache(final String geocode, final EnumSet loadFlags) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("geocode must not be empty"); } final Set caches = loadCaches(Collections.singleton(geocode), loadFlags); return caches.isEmpty() ? null : caches.iterator().next(); } /** * Load caches. * * @param geocodes * @return Set of loaded caches. Never null. */ public Set loadCaches(final Set geocodes, final EnumSet loadFlags) { if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(geocodes)) { return new HashSet(); } Set result = new HashSet(); Set remaining = new HashSet(geocodes); if (loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_CACHE_BEFORE)) { for (String geocode : new HashSet(remaining)) { cgCache cache = cacheCache.getCacheFromCache(geocode); if (cache != null) { result.add(cache); remaining.remove(cache.getGeocode()); } } } if (loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_DB_MINIMAL) || loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_ATTRIBUTES) || loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_WAYPOINTS) || loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_SPOILERS) || loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_LOGS) || loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_INVENTORY) || loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_OFFLINE_LOG)) { final Set cachesFromDB = loadCachesFromGeocodes(remaining, loadFlags); result.addAll(cachesFromDB); for (final cgCache cache : cachesFromDB) { remaining.remove(cache.getGeocode()); } } if (loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_CACHE_AFTER)) { for (String geocode : new HashSet(remaining)) { cgCache cache = cacheCache.getCacheFromCache(geocode); if (cache != null) { result.add(cache); remaining.remove(cache.getGeocode()); } } } if (remaining.size() >= 1) { Log.e("cgData.loadCaches(" + remaining.toString() + ") failed"); } return result; } /** * Load caches. * * @param geocodes * @param loadFlags * @return Set of loaded caches. Never null. */ private Set loadCachesFromGeocodes(final Set geocodes, final EnumSet loadFlags) { if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(geocodes)) { return Collections.emptySet(); } Log.d("cgData.loadCachesFromGeocodes(" + geocodes.toString() + ") from DB"); init(); final StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT "); for (int i = 0; i < CACHE_COLUMNS.length; i++) { query.append(i > 0 ? ", " : "").append(dbTableCaches).append('.').append(CACHE_COLUMNS[i]).append(' '); } if (loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_OFFLINE_LOG)) { query.append(',').append(dbTableLogsOffline).append(".log"); } query.append(" FROM ").append(dbTableCaches); if (loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_OFFLINE_LOG)) { query.append(" LEFT OUTER JOIN ").append(dbTableLogsOffline).append(" ON ( ").append(dbTableCaches).append(".geocode == ").append(dbTableLogsOffline).append(".geocode) "); } query.append(" WHERE ").append(dbTableCaches).append('.'); query.append(cgData.whereGeocodeIn(geocodes)); Cursor cursor = database.rawQuery(query.toString(), null); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } final Set caches = new HashSet(); int logIndex = -1; do { //Extracted Method = LOADDBMINIMAL cgCache cache = cgData.createCacheFromDatabaseContent(cursor); if (loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_ATTRIBUTES)) { cache.setAttributes(loadAttributes(cache.getGeocode())); } if (loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_WAYPOINTS)) { final List waypoints = loadWaypoints(cache.getGeocode()); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(waypoints)) { cache.setWaypoints(waypoints, false); } } if (loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_SPOILERS)) { final List spoilers = loadSpoilers(cache.getGeocode()); cache.setSpoilers(spoilers); } if (loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_LOGS)) { cache.setLogs(loadLogs(cache.getGeocode())); final Map logCounts = loadLogCounts(cache.getGeocode()); if (MapUtils.isNotEmpty(logCounts)) { cache.getLogCounts().clear(); cache.getLogCounts().putAll(logCounts); } } if (loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_INVENTORY)) { final List inventory = loadInventory(cache.getGeocode()); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(inventory)) { if (cache.getInventory() == null) { cache.setInventory(new ArrayList()); } else { cache.getInventory().clear(); } cache.getInventory().addAll(inventory); } } if (loadFlags.contains(LoadFlag.LOAD_OFFLINE_LOG)) { if (logIndex < 0) { logIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex("log"); } cache.setLogOffline(!cursor.isNull(logIndex)); } cache.addStorageLocation(StorageLocation.DATABASE); cacheCache.putCacheInCache(cache); caches.add(cache); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); return caches; } finally { cursor.close(); } } /** * Builds a where for a viewport with the size enhanced by 50%. * * @param dbTable * @param viewport * @return */ private static String buildCoordinateWhere(final String dbTable, final Viewport viewport) { return viewport.resize(1.5).sqlWhere(dbTable); } /** * creates a Cache from the cursor. Doesn't next. * * @param cursor * @return Cache from DB */ private static cgCache createCacheFromDatabaseContent(Cursor cursor) { int index; cgCache cache = new cgCache(); if (cacheColumnIndex == null) { int[] local_cci = new int[41]; // use a local variable to avoid having the not yet fully initialized array be visible to other threads local_cci[0] = cursor.getColumnIndex("updated"); local_cci[1] = cursor.getColumnIndex("reason"); local_cci[2] = cursor.getColumnIndex("detailed"); local_cci[3] = cursor.getColumnIndex("detailedupdate"); local_cci[4] = cursor.getColumnIndex("visiteddate"); local_cci[5] = cursor.getColumnIndex("geocode"); local_cci[6] = cursor.getColumnIndex("cacheid"); local_cci[7] = cursor.getColumnIndex("guid"); local_cci[8] = cursor.getColumnIndex("type"); local_cci[9] = cursor.getColumnIndex("name"); local_cci[10] = cursor.getColumnIndex("own"); local_cci[11] = cursor.getColumnIndex("owner"); local_cci[12] = cursor.getColumnIndex("owner_real"); local_cci[13] = cursor.getColumnIndex("hidden"); local_cci[14] = cursor.getColumnIndex("hint"); local_cci[15] = cursor.getColumnIndex("size"); local_cci[16] = cursor.getColumnIndex("difficulty"); local_cci[17] = cursor.getColumnIndex("direction"); local_cci[18] = cursor.getColumnIndex("distance"); local_cci[19] = cursor.getColumnIndex("terrain"); local_cci[20] = cursor.getColumnIndex("latlon"); local_cci[21] = cursor.getColumnIndex("location"); local_cci[22] = cursor.getColumnIndex("elevation"); local_cci[23] = cursor.getColumnIndex("personal_note"); local_cci[24] = cursor.getColumnIndex("shortdesc"); local_cci[25] = cursor.getColumnIndex("favourite_cnt"); local_cci[26] = cursor.getColumnIndex("rating"); local_cci[27] = cursor.getColumnIndex("votes"); local_cci[28] = cursor.getColumnIndex("myvote"); local_cci[29] = cursor.getColumnIndex("disabled"); local_cci[30] = cursor.getColumnIndex("archived"); local_cci[31] = cursor.getColumnIndex("members"); local_cci[32] = cursor.getColumnIndex("found"); local_cci[33] = cursor.getColumnIndex("favourite"); local_cci[34] = cursor.getColumnIndex("inventoryunknown"); local_cci[35] = cursor.getColumnIndex("onWatchlist"); local_cci[36] = cursor.getColumnIndex("reliable_latlon"); local_cci[37] = cursor.getColumnIndex("coordsChanged"); local_cci[38] = cursor.getColumnIndex("latitude"); local_cci[39] = cursor.getColumnIndex("longitude"); local_cci[40] = cursor.getColumnIndex("finalDefined"); cacheColumnIndex = local_cci; } cache.setUpdated(cursor.getLong(cacheColumnIndex[0])); cache.setListId(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[1])); cache.setDetailed(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[2]) == 1); cache.setDetailedUpdate(cursor.getLong(cacheColumnIndex[3])); cache.setVisitedDate(cursor.getLong(cacheColumnIndex[4])); cache.setGeocode(cursor.getString(cacheColumnIndex[5])); cache.setCacheId(cursor.getString(cacheColumnIndex[6])); cache.setGuid(cursor.getString(cacheColumnIndex[7])); cache.setType(CacheType.getById(cursor.getString(cacheColumnIndex[8]))); cache.setName(cursor.getString(cacheColumnIndex[9])); cache.setOwn(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[10]) == 1); cache.setOwnerDisplayName(cursor.getString(cacheColumnIndex[11])); cache.setOwnerUserId(cursor.getString(cacheColumnIndex[12])); long dateValue = cursor.getLong(cacheColumnIndex[13]); if (dateValue != 0) { cache.setHidden(new Date(dateValue)); } cache.setHint(cursor.getString(cacheColumnIndex[14])); cache.setSize(CacheSize.getById(cursor.getString(cacheColumnIndex[15]))); cache.setDifficulty(cursor.getFloat(cacheColumnIndex[16])); index = cacheColumnIndex[17]; if (cursor.isNull(index)) { cache.setDirection(null); } else { cache.setDirection(cursor.getFloat(index)); } index = cacheColumnIndex[18]; if (cursor.isNull(index)) { cache.setDistance(null); } else { cache.setDistance(cursor.getFloat(index)); } cache.setTerrain(cursor.getFloat(cacheColumnIndex[19])); cache.setLatlon(cursor.getString(cacheColumnIndex[20])); cache.setLocation(cursor.getString(cacheColumnIndex[21])); cache.setCoords(getCoords(cursor, cacheColumnIndex[38], cacheColumnIndex[39])); index = cacheColumnIndex[22]; if (cursor.isNull(index)) { cache.setElevation(null); } else { cache.setElevation(cursor.getDouble(index)); } cache.setPersonalNote(cursor.getString(cacheColumnIndex[23])); cache.setShortdesc(cursor.getString(cacheColumnIndex[24])); // do not set cache.description ! cache.setFavoritePoints(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[25])); cache.setRating(cursor.getFloat(cacheColumnIndex[26])); cache.setVotes(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[27])); cache.setMyVote(cursor.getFloat(cacheColumnIndex[28])); cache.setDisabled(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[29]) == 1); cache.setArchived(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[30]) == 1); cache.setPremiumMembersOnly(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[31]) == 1); cache.setFound(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[32]) == 1); cache.setFavorite(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[33]) == 1); cache.setInventoryItems(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[34])); cache.setOnWatchlist(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[35]) == 1); cache.setReliableLatLon(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[36]) > 0); cache.setUserModifiedCoords(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[37]) > 0); cache.setFinalDefined(cursor.getInt(cacheColumnIndex[40]) > 0); Log.d("Loading " + cache.toString() + " (" + cache.getListId() + ") from DB"); return cache; } public List loadAttributes(String geocode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { return null; } init(); ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList(); Cursor cursor = database.query( dbTableAttributes, new String[]{"attribute"}, "geocode = ?", new String[]{geocode}, null, null, null, "100"); if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); int index = cursor.getColumnIndex("attribute"); do { attributes.add(cursor.getString(index)); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return attributes; } public cgWaypoint loadWaypoint(int id) { if (id == 0) { return null; } init(); cgWaypoint waypoint = null; Cursor cursor = database.query( dbTableWaypoints, WAYPOINT_COLUMNS, "_id = ?", new String[]{Integer.toString(id)}, null, null, null, "1"); Log.d("cgData.loadWaypoint(" + id + ")"); if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); waypoint = createWaypointFromDatabaseContent(cursor); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return waypoint; } public List loadWaypoints(final String geocode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { return null; } init(); List waypoints = new ArrayList(); Cursor cursor = database.query( dbTableWaypoints, WAYPOINT_COLUMNS, "geocode = ?", new String[]{geocode}, null, null, "_id", "100"); if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); do { cgWaypoint waypoint = createWaypointFromDatabaseContent(cursor); waypoints.add(waypoint); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return waypoints; } private static cgWaypoint createWaypointFromDatabaseContent(Cursor cursor) { String name = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("name")); WaypointType type = WaypointType.findById(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("type"))); boolean own = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("own")) != 0; cgWaypoint waypoint = new cgWaypoint(name, type, own); waypoint.setId(cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("_id"))); waypoint.setGeocode(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("geocode"))); waypoint.setPrefix(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("prefix"))); waypoint.setLookup(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("lookup"))); waypoint.setLatlon(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("latlon"))); waypoint.setCoords(getCoords(cursor, cursor.getColumnIndex("latitude"), cursor.getColumnIndex("longitude"))); waypoint.setNote(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("note"))); return waypoint; } private List loadSpoilers(String geocode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { return null; } init(); List spoilers = new ArrayList(); Cursor cursor = database.query( dbTableSpoilers, new String[]{"url", "title", "description"}, "geocode = ?", new String[]{geocode}, null, null, null, "100"); if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); int indexUrl = cursor.getColumnIndex("url"); int indexTitle = cursor.getColumnIndex("title"); int indexDescription = cursor.getColumnIndex("description"); do { cgImage spoiler = new cgImage(cursor.getString(indexUrl), cursor.getString(indexTitle), cursor.getString(indexDescription)); spoilers.add(spoiler); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return spoilers; } /** * Loads the history of previously entered destinations from * the database. If no destinations exist, an {@link Collections#emptyList()} will be returned. * * @return A list of previously entered destinations or an empty list. */ public List loadHistoryOfSearchedLocations() { init(); Cursor cursor = database.query(dbTableSearchDestionationHistory, new String[]{"_id", "date", "latitude", "longitude"}, null, null, null, null, "date desc", "100"); final List destinations = new LinkedList(); if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); int indexId = cursor.getColumnIndex("_id"); int indexDate = cursor.getColumnIndex("date"); int indexLatitude = cursor.getColumnIndex("latitude"); int indexLongitude = cursor.getColumnIndex("longitude"); do { final Destination dest = new Destination(cursor.getLong(indexId), cursor.getLong(indexDate), getCoords(cursor, indexLatitude, indexLongitude)); // If coordinates are non-existent or invalid, do not consider // this point. if (dest.getCoords() != null) { destinations.add(dest); } } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return destinations; } public boolean clearSearchedDestinations() { boolean success = true; init(); database.beginTransaction(); try { database.delete(dbTableSearchDestionationHistory, null, null); database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Exception e) { success = false; Log.e("Unable to clear searched destinations", e); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } return success; } public List loadLogs(String geocode) { List logs = new ArrayList(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { return logs; } init(); Cursor cursor = database.rawQuery( "SELECT cg_logs._id as cg_logs_id, type, author, log, date, found, friend, " + dbTableLogImages + "._id as cg_logImages_id, log_id, title, url FROM " + dbTableLogs + " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + dbTableLogImages + " ON ( cg_logs._id = log_id ) WHERE geocode = ? ORDER BY date desc, cg_logs._id asc", new String[]{geocode}); if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0) { LogEntry log = null; int indexLogsId = cursor.getColumnIndex("cg_logs_id"); int indexType = cursor.getColumnIndex("type"); int indexAuthor = cursor.getColumnIndex("author"); int indexLog = cursor.getColumnIndex("log"); int indexDate = cursor.getColumnIndex("date"); int indexFound = cursor.getColumnIndex("found"); int indexFriend = cursor.getColumnIndex("friend"); int indexLogImagesId = cursor.getColumnIndex("cg_logImages_id"); int indexTitle = cursor.getColumnIndex("title"); int indexUrl = cursor.getColumnIndex("url"); while (cursor.moveToNext() && logs.size() < 100) { if (log == null || != cursor.getInt(indexLogsId)) { log = new LogEntry( cursor.getString(indexAuthor), cursor.getLong(indexDate), LogType.getById(cursor.getInt(indexType)), cursor.getString(indexLog)); = cursor.getInt(indexLogsId); log.found = cursor.getInt(indexFound); log.friend = cursor.getInt(indexFriend) == 1; logs.add(log); } if (!cursor.isNull(indexLogImagesId)) { String title = cursor.getString(indexTitle); String url = cursor.getString(indexUrl); log.addLogImage(new cgImage(url, title)); } } } if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return logs; } public Map loadLogCounts(String geocode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { return null; } init(); Map logCounts = new HashMap(); Cursor cursor = database.query( dbTableLogCount, new String[]{"type", "count"}, "geocode = ?", new String[]{geocode}, null, null, null, "100"); if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); int indexType = cursor.getColumnIndex("type"); int indexCount = cursor.getColumnIndex("count"); do { LogType type = LogType.getById(cursor.getInt(indexType)); Integer count = cursor.getInt(indexCount); logCounts.put(type, count); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return logCounts; } private List loadInventory(String geocode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { return null; } init(); List trackables = new ArrayList(); Cursor cursor = database.query( dbTableTrackables, new String[]{"_id", "updated", "tbcode", "guid", "title", "owner", "released", "goal", "description"}, "geocode = ?", new String[]{geocode}, null, null, "title COLLATE NOCASE ASC", "100"); if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); do { cgTrackable trackable = createTrackableFromDatabaseContent(cursor); trackables.add(trackable); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return trackables; } public cgTrackable loadTrackable(String geocode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { return null; } init(); cgTrackable trackable = new cgTrackable(); Cursor cursor = database.query( dbTableTrackables, new String[]{"updated", "tbcode", "guid", "title", "owner", "released", "goal", "description"}, "tbcode = ?", new String[]{geocode}, null, null, null, "1"); if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); trackable = createTrackableFromDatabaseContent(cursor); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return trackable; } private cgTrackable createTrackableFromDatabaseContent(Cursor cursor) { cgTrackable trackable = new cgTrackable(); trackable.setGeocode(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("tbcode"))); trackable.setGuid(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("guid"))); trackable.setName(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("title"))); trackable.setOwner(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("owner"))); String released = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("released")); if (released != null) { try { long releaseMilliSeconds = Long.parseLong(released); trackable.setReleased(new Date(releaseMilliSeconds)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e("createTrackableFromDatabaseContent", e); } } trackable.setGoal(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("goal"))); trackable.setDetails(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("description"))); trackable.setLogs(loadLogs(trackable.getGeocode())); return trackable; } /** * Number of caches stored. The number is shown on the starting activity of c:geo * * @param detailedOnly * @param cacheType * @param list * @return */ public int getAllStoredCachesCount(final boolean detailedOnly, final CacheType cacheType, final int list) { if (cacheType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cacheType must not be null"); } init(); String listSql; String listSqlW; if (list == 0) { listSql = " where reason >= 1"; listSqlW = " and reason >= 1"; } else if (list >= 1) { listSql = " where reason = " + list; listSqlW = " and reason = " + list; } else { return 0; } int count = 0; try { String sql; if (!detailedOnly) { if (cacheType == CacheType.ALL) { sql = "select count(_id) from " + dbTableCaches + listSql; } else { sql = "select count(_id) from " + dbTableCaches + " where type = " + DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString( + listSqlW; } } else { if (cacheType == CacheType.ALL) { sql = "select count(_id) from " + dbTableCaches + " where detailed = 1" + listSqlW; } else { sql = "select count(_id) from " + dbTableCaches + " where detailed = 1 and type = " + DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString( + listSqlW; } } SQLiteStatement compiledStmnt = database.compileStatement(sql); count = (int) compiledStmnt.simpleQueryForLong(); compiledStmnt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("cgData.loadAllStoredCachesCount: " + e.toString()); } return count; } public int getAllHistoricCachesCount() { init(); int count = 0; try { SQLiteStatement sqlCount = database.compileStatement("select count(_id) from " + dbTableCaches + " where visiteddate > 0"); count = (int) sqlCount.simpleQueryForLong(); sqlCount.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("cgData.getAllHistoricCachesCount: " + e.toString()); } return count; } /** * Return a batch of stored geocodes. * * @param detailedOnly * @param coords * the current coordinates to sort by distance, or null to sort by geocode * @param cacheType * @param listId * @return */ public Set loadBatchOfStoredGeocodes(final boolean detailedOnly, final Geopoint coords, final CacheType cacheType, final int listId) { if (cacheType == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cacheType must not be null"); } init(); Set geocodes = new HashSet(); StringBuilder specifySql = new StringBuilder(); specifySql.append("reason "); specifySql.append(listId != StoredList.ALL_LIST_ID ? "=" + Math.max(listId, 1) : ">= " + StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID); if (detailedOnly) { specifySql.append(" and detailed = 1 "); } if (cacheType != CacheType.ALL) { specifySql.append(" and type = "); specifySql.append(DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(; } try { Cursor cursor; if (coords != null) { cursor = database.query( dbTableCaches, new String[]{"geocode", "(abs(latitude-" + String.format((Locale) null, "%.6f", coords.getLatitude()) + ") + abs(longitude-" + String.format((Locale) null, "%.6f", coords.getLongitude()) + ")) as dif"}, specifySql.toString(), null, null, null, "dif", null); } else { cursor = database.query( dbTableCaches, new String[]{"geocode"}, specifySql.toString(), null, null, null, "geocode"); } if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { final int index = cursor.getColumnIndex("geocode"); do { geocodes.add(cursor.getString(index)); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("cgData.loadBatchOfStoredGeocodes: " + e.toString()); } return geocodes; } public Set loadBatchOfHistoricGeocodes(final boolean detailedOnly, final CacheType cacheType) { init(); Set geocodes = new HashSet(); StringBuilder specifySql = new StringBuilder(); specifySql.append("visiteddate > 0"); if (detailedOnly) { specifySql.append(" and detailed = 1"); } if (cacheType != CacheType.ALL) { specifySql.append(" and type = "); specifySql.append(DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(; } try { Cursor cursor = database.query( dbTableCaches, new String[]{"geocode"}, specifySql.toString(), null, null, null, "visiteddate", null); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); int index = cursor.getColumnIndex("geocode"); do { geocodes.add(cursor.getString(index)); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } else { cursor.close(); return null; } cursor.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("cgData.loadBatchOfHistoricGeocodes: " + e.toString()); } return geocodes; } /** Retrieve all stored caches from DB */ public Set loadCachedInViewport(final Viewport viewport, final CacheType cacheType) { return loadInViewport(false, viewport, cacheType); } /** Retrieve stored caches from DB with listId >= 1 */ public Set loadStoredInViewport(final Viewport viewport, final CacheType cacheType) { return loadInViewport(true, viewport, cacheType); } /** * Loads the geocodes of caches in a viewport from CacheCache and/or Database * * @param stored * True - query only stored caches, False - query cached ones as well * @param centerLat * @param centerLon * @param spanLat * @param spanLon * @param cacheType * @return Set with geocodes */ private Set loadInViewport(final boolean stored, final Viewport viewport, final CacheType cacheType) { init(); final Set geocodes = new HashSet(); // if not stored only, get codes from CacheCache as well if (!stored) { geocodes.addAll(cacheCache.getInViewport(viewport, cacheType)); } // viewport limitation final StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(buildCoordinateWhere(dbTableCaches, viewport)); // cacheType limitation if (cacheType != CacheType.ALL) { where.append(" and type = "); where.append(DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(; } // offline caches only if (stored) { where.append(" and reason >= " + StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID); } try { final Cursor cursor = database.query( dbTableCaches, new String[]{"geocode"}, where.toString(), null, null, null, null, "500"); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { final int index = cursor.getColumnIndex("geocode"); do { geocodes.add(cursor.getString(index)); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("cgData.loadInViewport: " + e.toString()); } return geocodes; } /** delete caches from the DB store 3 days or more before */ public void clean() { clean(false); } /** * Remove caches with listId = 0 * * @param more * true = all caches false = caches stored 3 days or more before */ public void clean(boolean more) { init(); Log.d("Database clean: started"); Cursor cursor; Set geocodes = new HashSet(); try { if (more) { cursor = database.query( dbTableCaches, new String[]{"geocode"}, "reason = 0", null, null, null, null, null); } else { long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - DAYS_AFTER_CACHE_IS_DELETED; String timestampString = Long.toString(timestamp); cursor = database.query( dbTableCaches, new String[]{"geocode"}, "reason = 0 and detailed < ? and detailedupdate < ? and visiteddate < ?", new String[]{timestampString, timestampString, timestampString}, null, null, null, null); } if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); final int index = cursor.getColumnIndex("geocode"); do { geocodes.add(cursor.getString(index)); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); } final int size = geocodes.size(); if (size > 0) { Log.d("Database clean: removing " + size + " geocaches from listId=0"); removeCaches(geocodes, LoadFlags.REMOVE_ALL); } final SQLiteStatement countSql = database.compileStatement("select count(_id) from " + dbTableCaches + " where reason = 0"); final int count = (int) countSql.simpleQueryForLong(); countSql.close(); Log.d("Database clean: " + count + " geocaches remaining for listId=0"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w("cgData.clean: " + e.toString()); } Log.d("Database clean: finished"); } public void removeAllFromCache() { // clean up CacheCache cacheCache.removeAllFromCache(); } public void removeCache(final String geocode, EnumSet removeFlags) { removeCaches(Collections.singleton(geocode), removeFlags); } /** * Drop caches from the tables they are stored into, as well as the cache files * * @param geocodes * list of geocodes to drop from cache */ public void removeCaches(final Set geocodes, EnumSet removeFlags) { if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(geocodes)) { return; } init(); if (removeFlags.contains(RemoveFlag.REMOVE_CACHE)) { for (final String geocode : geocodes) { cacheCache.removeCacheFromCache(geocode); } } if (removeFlags.contains(RemoveFlag.REMOVE_DB)) { // Drop caches from the database final ArrayList quotedGeocodes = new ArrayList(geocodes.size()); for (final String geocode : geocodes) { quotedGeocodes.add(DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(geocode)); } final String geocodeList = StringUtils.join(quotedGeocodes.toArray(), ','); final String baseWhereClause = "geocode in (" + geocodeList + ")"; database.beginTransaction(); try { database.delete(dbTableCaches, baseWhereClause, null); database.delete(dbTableAttributes, baseWhereClause, null); database.delete(dbTableSpoilers, baseWhereClause, null); database.delete(dbTableLogs, baseWhereClause, null); database.delete(dbTableLogCount, baseWhereClause, null); database.delete(dbTableLogsOffline, baseWhereClause, null); String wayPointClause = baseWhereClause; if (!removeFlags.contains(RemoveFlag.REMOVE_OWN_WAYPOINTS_ONLY_FOR_TESTING)) { wayPointClause += " and type <> 'own'"; } database.delete(dbTableWaypoints, wayPointClause, null); database.delete(dbTableTrackables, baseWhereClause, null); database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } // Delete cache directories for (final String geocode : geocodes) { LocalStorage.deleteDirectory(LocalStorage.getStorageDir(geocode)); } } } public boolean saveLogOffline(String geocode, Date date, LogType type, String log) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { Log.e("cgData.saveLogOffline: cannot log a blank geocode"); return false; } if (LogType.UNKNOWN == type && StringUtils.isBlank(log)) { Log.e("cgData.saveLogOffline: cannot log an unknown log type and no message"); return false; } init(); final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("geocode", geocode); values.put("updated", System.currentTimeMillis()); values.put("type",; values.put("log", log); values.put("date", date.getTime()); if (hasLogOffline(geocode)) { final int rows = database.update(dbTableLogsOffline, values, "geocode = ?", new String[] { geocode }); return rows > 0; } final long id = database.insert(dbTableLogsOffline, null, values); return id != -1; } public LogEntry loadLogOffline(String geocode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { return null; } init(); LogEntry log = null; Cursor cursor = database.query( dbTableLogsOffline, new String[]{"_id", "type", "log", "date"}, "geocode = ?", new String[]{geocode}, null, null, "_id desc", "1"); if (cursor != null && cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); log = new LogEntry( cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex("date")), LogType.getById(cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("type"))), cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("log"))); = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex("_id")); } if (cursor != null) { cursor.close(); } return log; } public void clearLogOffline(String geocode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { return; } init(); database.delete(dbTableLogsOffline, "geocode = ?", new String[]{geocode}); } private SQLiteStatement getStatementLogCount() { return getStatement("LogCountFromGeocode", "SELECT count(_id) FROM " + dbTableLogsOffline + " WHERE geocode = ?"); } private synchronized SQLiteStatement getStatement(final String key, final String query) { SQLiteStatement statement = statements.get(key); if (statement == null) { statement = database.compileStatement(query); statements.put(key, statement); } return statement; } private SQLiteStatement getStatementCountStandardList() { return getStatement("CountStandardList", "SELECT count(_id) FROM " + dbTableCaches + " WHERE reason = " + StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID); } private SQLiteStatement getStatementCountAllLists() { return getStatement("CountAllLists", "SELECT count(_id) FROM " + dbTableCaches + " WHERE reason >= " + StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID); } public boolean hasLogOffline(final String geocode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { return false; } init(); try { final SQLiteStatement logCount = getStatementLogCount(); synchronized (logCount) { logCount.bindString(1, geocode); return logCount.simpleQueryForLong() > 0; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("cgData.hasLogOffline", e); } return false; } public void setVisitDate(List geocodes, long visitedDate) { if (geocodes.isEmpty()) { return; } init(); database.beginTransaction(); try { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("visiteddate", visitedDate); for (String geocode : geocodes) { database.update(dbTableCaches, values, "geocode = ?", new String[]{geocode}); } database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } } public List getLists(Resources res) { init(); List lists = new ArrayList(); lists.add(new StoredList(StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID, res.getString(R.string.list_inbox), (int) getStatementCountStandardList().simpleQueryForLong())); try { String query = "SELECT l._id as _id, l.title as title, COUNT(c._id) as count" + " FROM " + dbTableLists + " l LEFT OUTER JOIN " + dbTableCaches + " c" + " ON l._id + " + customListIdOffset + " = c.reason" + " GROUP BY l._id" + " ORDER BY l.title COLLATE NOCASE ASC"; Cursor cursor = database.rawQuery(query, null); ArrayList storedLists = getListsFromCursor(cursor); lists.addAll(storedLists); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("cgData.readLists: " + e.toString()); } return lists; } private static ArrayList getListsFromCursor(Cursor cursor) { ArrayList result = new ArrayList(); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); int indexId = cursor.getColumnIndex("_id"); int indexTitle = cursor.getColumnIndex("title"); int indexCount = cursor.getColumnIndex("count"); do { int count = 0; if (indexCount >= 0) { count = cursor.getInt(indexCount); } StoredList list = new StoredList(cursor.getInt(indexId) + customListIdOffset, cursor.getString(indexTitle), count); result.add(list); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); } return result; } public StoredList getList(int id, Resources res) { init(); if (id >= customListIdOffset) { Cursor cursor = database.query( dbTableLists, new String[]{"_id", "title"}, "_id = " + (id - customListIdOffset), null, null, null, null); ArrayList lists = getListsFromCursor(cursor); if (!lists.isEmpty()) { return lists.get(0); } } if (id == StoredList.ALL_LIST_ID) { return new StoredList(StoredList.ALL_LIST_ID, res.getString(R.string.list_all_lists), (int) getStatementCountAllLists().simpleQueryForLong()); } // fall back to standard list in case of invalid list id if (id == StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID || id >= customListIdOffset) { return new StoredList(StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID, res.getString(R.string.list_inbox), (int) getStatementCountStandardList().simpleQueryForLong()); } return null; } /** * Create a new list * * @param name * Name * @return new listId */ public int createList(String name) { int id = -1; if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) { return id; } init(); database.beginTransaction(); try { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("title", name); values.put("updated", System.currentTimeMillis()); id = (int) database.insert(dbTableLists, null, values); database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } return id >= 0 ? id + customListIdOffset : -1; } /** * @param listId * List to change * @param name * New name of list * @return Number of lists changed */ public int renameList(final int listId, final String name) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(name) || StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID == listId) { return 0; } init(); int count = 0; database.beginTransaction(); try { ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("title", name); values.put("updated", System.currentTimeMillis()); count = database.update(dbTableLists, values, "_id = " + (listId - customListIdOffset), null); database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } return count; } /** * Remove a list. Caches in the list are moved to the standard list. * * @param listId * @return true if the list got deleted, false else */ public boolean removeList(int listId) { boolean status = false; if (listId < customListIdOffset) { return status; } init(); database.beginTransaction(); try { int cnt = database.delete(dbTableLists, "_id = " + (listId - customListIdOffset), null); if (cnt > 0) { // move caches from deleted list to standard list ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("reason", StoredList.STANDARD_LIST_ID); database.update(dbTableCaches, values, "reason = " + listId, null); status = true; } database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } return status; } public void moveToList(final List caches, final int listId) { if (listId == StoredList.ALL_LIST_ID) { return; } if (caches.isEmpty()) { return; } init(); final ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); values.put("reason", listId); database.beginTransaction(); try { for (cgCache cache : caches) { database.update(dbTableCaches, values, "geocode = ?", new String[]{cache.getGeocode()}); cache.setListId(listId); } database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { database.endTransaction(); } } public synchronized boolean status() { return database != null; } public boolean removeSearchedDestination(Destination destination) { boolean success = true; if (destination == null) { success = false; } else { init(); database.beginTransaction(); try { database.delete(dbTableSearchDestionationHistory, "_id = " + destination.getId(), null); database.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("Unable to remove searched destination", e); success = false; } finally { database.endTransaction(); } } return success; } private SQLiteStatement getStatementDescription() { return getStatement("descriptionFromGeocode", "SELECT description FROM " + dbTableCaches + " WHERE geocode = ?"); } private SQLiteStatement getStatementListIdFromGeocode() { return getStatement("listFromGeocode", "SELECT reason FROM " + dbTableCaches + " WHERE geocode = ?"); } private SQLiteStatement getStatementListIdFromGuid() { return getStatement("listFromGeocode", "SELECT reason FROM " + dbTableCaches + " WHERE guid = ?"); } private SQLiteStatement getStatementCacheId() { return getStatement("cacheIdFromGeocode", "SELECT cacheid FROM " + dbTableCaches + " WHERE geocode = ?"); } private SQLiteStatement getStatementGeocode() { return getStatement("geocodeFromGuid", "SELECT geocode FROM " + dbTableCaches + " WHERE guid = ?"); } public String getCacheDescription(String geocode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode)) { return null; } init(); try { final SQLiteStatement description = getStatementDescription(); synchronized (description) { description.bindString(1, geocode); return description.simpleQueryForString(); } } catch (SQLiteDoneException e) { // Do nothing, it only means we have no information on the cache } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("cgData.getCacheDescription", e); } return null; } /** * checks if this is a newly created database * * @return */ public static boolean isNewlyCreatedDatebase() { return newlyCreatedDatabase; } /** * resets flag for newly created database to avoid asking the user multiple times */ public static void resetNewlyCreatedDatabase() { newlyCreatedDatabase = false; } private static String whereGeocodeIn(Set geocodes) { final StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(); if (geocodes != null && geocodes.size() > 0) { StringBuilder all = new StringBuilder(); for (String geocode : geocodes) { if (all.length() > 0) { all.append(", "); } all.append(DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(geocode)); } where.append("geocode in (").append(all).append(')'); } return where.toString(); } /** * Loads all Waypoints in the coordinate rectangle. * * @param excludeDisabled * @param excludeMine * @param type * @return */ public Set loadWaypoints(final Viewport viewport, boolean excludeMine, boolean excludeDisabled, CacheType type) { final StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder(buildCoordinateWhere(dbTableWaypoints, viewport)); if (excludeMine) { where.append(" and ").append(dbTableCaches).append(".own == 0 and ").append(dbTableCaches).append(".found == 0"); } if (excludeDisabled) { where.append(" and ").append(dbTableCaches).append(".disabled == 0"); } if (type != CacheType.ALL) { where.append(" and ").append(dbTableCaches).append(".type == '").append("'"); } init(); final StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT "); for (int i = 0; i < WAYPOINT_COLUMNS.length; i++) { query.append(i > 0 ? ", " : "").append(dbTableWaypoints).append('.').append(WAYPOINT_COLUMNS[i]).append(' '); } query.append(" FROM ").append(dbTableWaypoints).append(", ").append(dbTableCaches).append(" WHERE ").append(dbTableWaypoints).append(".geocode == ").append(dbTableCaches).append(".geocode and ").append(where); final Cursor cursor = database.rawQuery(query.toString(), null); try { if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } final Set waypoints = new HashSet(); do { waypoints.add(createWaypointFromDatabaseContent(cursor)); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); return waypoints; } finally { cursor.close(); } } public String[] getTrackableCodes() { init(); final Cursor cursor = database.query( dbTableTrackables, new String[] { "tbcode" }, null, null, null, null, "updated DESC", "100"); final ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); if (cursor != null) { if (cursor.getCount() > 0) { cursor.moveToFirst(); final int index = cursor.getColumnIndex("tbcode"); do { list.add(cursor.getString(index)); } while (cursor.moveToNext()); } cursor.close(); } return list.toArray(new String[list.size()]); } }