package cgeo.geocaching.connector.gc; import cgeo.geocaching.LogEntry; import cgeo.geocaching.R; import cgeo.geocaching.SearchResult; import cgeo.geocaching.Settings; import cgeo.geocaching.TrackableLog; import cgeo.geocaching.cgCache; import cgeo.geocaching.cgImage; import cgeo.geocaching.cgTrackable; import cgeo.geocaching.cgWaypoint; import cgeo.geocaching.cgeoapplication; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.CacheSize; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.CacheType; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.LoadFlags; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.LoadFlags.SaveFlag; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.LogType; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.LogTypeTrackable; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.StatusCode; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.WaypointType; import cgeo.geocaching.files.LocParser; import cgeo.geocaching.gcvote.GCVote; import cgeo.geocaching.gcvote.GCVoteRating; import cgeo.geocaching.geopoint.DistanceParser; import cgeo.geocaching.geopoint.Geopoint; import; import; import cgeo.geocaching.ui.DirectionImage; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.BaseUtils; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.CancellableHandler; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.LazyInitializedList; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.Log; import ch.boye.httpclientandroidlib.HttpResponse; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import android.text.Html; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.Spanned; import; import; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; public abstract class GCParser { private final static SimpleDateFormat dateTbIn1 = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEEE, dd MMMMM yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); // Saturday, 28 March 2009 private final static SimpleDateFormat dateTbIn2 = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEEE, MMMMM dd, yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); // Saturday, March 28, 2009 private static SearchResult parseSearch(final String url, final String pageContent, final boolean showCaptcha) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(pageContent)) { Log.e("GCParser.parseSearch: No page given"); return null; } final List cids = new ArrayList(); String recaptchaChallenge = null; String recaptchaText = null; String page = pageContent; final SearchResult searchResult = new SearchResult(); searchResult.setUrl(url); searchResult.viewstates = Login.getViewstates(page); // recaptcha AbstractSearchThread thread = AbstractSearchThread.getCurrentInstance(); if (showCaptcha) { String recaptchaJsParam = BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_SEARCH_RECAPTCHA, false, null); if (recaptchaJsParam != null) { final Parameters params = new Parameters("k", recaptchaJsParam.trim()); final String recaptchaJs = Network.getResponseData(Network.getRequest("", params)); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(recaptchaJs)) { recaptchaChallenge = BaseUtils.getMatch(recaptchaJs, GCConstants.PATTERN_SEARCH_RECAPTCHACHALLENGE, true, 1, null, true); } } if (thread != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(recaptchaChallenge)) { thread.setChallenge(recaptchaChallenge); thread.notifyNeed(); } } if (!page.contains("SearchResultsTable")) { // there are no results. aborting here avoids a wrong error log in the next parsing step return searchResult; } int startPos = page.indexOf("
'); int endPos = page.indexOf("ctl00_ContentBody_UnitTxt"); if (startPos == -1 || endPos == -1) { Log.e("GCParser.parseSearch: ID \"ctl00_ContentBody_UnitTxt\" not found on page"); return null; } page = page.substring(startPos + 1, endPos - startPos + 1); // cut between and
final String[] rows = page.split(" 0) { cache.setGuid(; if ( != null) { cache.setName(Html.fromHtml(; } if ( != null) { cache.setLocation(Html.fromHtml(; } final String attr =; if (attr != null) { cache.setDisabled(attr.contains("Strike")); cache.setArchived(attr.contains("OldWarning")); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse GUID and/or Disabled Log.w("GCParser.parseSearch: Failed to parse GUID and/or Disabled data"); } if (Settings.isExcludeDisabledCaches() && (cache.isDisabled() || cache.isArchived())) { // skip disabled and archived caches continue; } String inventoryPre = null; cache.setGeocode(BaseUtils.getMatch(row, GCConstants.PATTERN_SEARCH_GEOCODE, true, 1, cache.getGeocode(), true).toUpperCase()); // cache type cache.setType(CacheType.getByPattern(BaseUtils.getMatch(row, GCConstants.PATTERN_SEARCH_TYPE, true, 1, null, true))); // cache direction - image if (Settings.getLoadDirImg()) { cache.setDirectionImg(URLDecoder.decode(BaseUtils.getMatch(row, GCConstants.PATTERN_SEARCH_DIRECTION, true, 1, cache.getDirectionImg(), true))); } // cache inventory final Matcher matcherTbs = GCConstants.PATTERN_SEARCH_TRACKABLES.matcher(row); while (matcherTbs.find()) { if (matcherTbs.groupCount() > 0) { cache.setInventoryItems(Integer.parseInt(; inventoryPre =; } } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(inventoryPre)) { final Matcher matcherTbsInside = GCConstants.PATTERN_SEARCH_TRACKABLESINSIDE.matcher(inventoryPre); while (matcherTbsInside.find()) { if (matcherTbsInside.groupCount() == 2 && != null && !"premium member only cache") && cache.getInventoryItems() <= 0) { cache.setInventoryItems(1); } } } // premium cache cache.setPremiumMembersOnly(row.contains("/images/icons/16/premium_only.png")); // found it cache.setFound(row.contains("/images/icons/16/found.png")); // own it cache.setOwn(row.contains("/images/icons/16/placed.png")); // id String result = BaseUtils.getMatch(row, GCConstants.PATTERN_SEARCH_ID, null); if (null != result) { cache.setCacheId(result); cids.add(cache.getCacheId()); } // favorite count try { result = BaseUtils.getMatch(row, GCConstants.PATTERN_SEARCH_FAVORITE, false, 1, null, true); if (null != result) { cache.setFavoritePoints(Integer.parseInt(result)); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.w("GCParser.parseSearch: Failed to parse favourite count"); } if (cache.getNameSp() == null) { cache.setNameSp((new Spannable.Factory()).newSpannable(cache.getName())); if (cache.isDisabled() || cache.isArchived()) { // strike cache.getNameSp().setSpan(new StrikethroughSpan(), 0, cache.getNameSp().toString().length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } if (cache.isArchived()) { cache.getNameSp().setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(cgeoapplication.getInstance().getResources().getColor(R.color.archived_cache_color)), 0, cache.getNameSp().toString().length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } } searchResult.addCache(cache); } // total caches found try { String result = BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_SEARCH_TOTALCOUNT, false, 1, null, true); if (null != result) { searchResult.setTotal(Integer.parseInt(result)); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.w("GCParser.parseSearch: Failed to parse cache count"); } if (thread != null && recaptchaChallenge != null) { if (thread.getText() == null) { thread.waitForUser(); } recaptchaText = thread.getText(); } if (cids.size() > 0 && (Settings.isPremiumMember() || showCaptcha) && (recaptchaChallenge == null || StringUtils.isNotBlank(recaptchaText))) { Log.i("Trying to get .loc for " + cids.size() + " caches"); try { // get coordinates for parsed caches final Parameters params = new Parameters( "__EVENTTARGET", "", "__EVENTARGUMENT", ""); if (ArrayUtils.isNotEmpty(searchResult.viewstates)) { params.put("__VIEWSTATE", searchResult.viewstates[0]); if (searchResult.viewstates.length > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < searchResult.viewstates.length; i++) { params.put("__VIEWSTATE" + i, searchResult.viewstates[i]); } params.put("__VIEWSTATEFIELDCOUNT", String.valueOf(searchResult.viewstates.length)); } } for (String cid : cids) { params.put("CID", cid); } if (recaptchaChallenge != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(recaptchaText)) { params.put("recaptcha_challenge_field", recaptchaChallenge); params.put("recaptcha_response_field", recaptchaText); } params.put("ctl00$ContentBody$uxDownloadLoc", "Download Waypoints"); final String coordinates = Network.getResponseData(Network.postRequest("", params), false); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(coordinates)) { if (coordinates.contains("You have not agreed to the license agreement. The license agreement is required before you can start downloading GPX or LOC files from")) { Log.i("User has not agreed to the license agreement. Can\'t download .loc file."); searchResult.setError(StatusCode.UNAPPROVED_LICENSE); return searchResult; } } LocParser.parseLoc(searchResult, coordinates); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("GCParser.parseSearch.CIDs: " + e.toString()); } } // get direction images if (Settings.getLoadDirImg()) { final Set caches = searchResult.getCachesFromSearchResult(LoadFlags.LOAD_CACHE_OR_DB); for (cgCache cache : caches) { if (cache.getCoords() == null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(cache.getDirectionImg())) { DirectionImage.getDrawable(cache.getGeocode(), cache.getDirectionImg()); } } } return searchResult; } static SearchResult parseCache(final String page, final CancellableHandler handler) { final SearchResult searchResult = parseCacheFromText(page, handler); if (searchResult != null && !searchResult.getGeocodes().isEmpty()) { final cgCache cache = searchResult.getFirstCacheFromResult(LoadFlags.LOAD_CACHE_OR_DB); getExtraOnlineInfo(cache, page, handler); cache.setUpdated(System.currentTimeMillis()); cache.setDetailedUpdate(cache.getUpdated()); cache.setDetailed(true); if (CancellableHandler.isCancelled(handler)) { return null; } // save full detailed caches CancellableHandler.sendLoadProgressDetail(handler, R.string.cache_dialog_loading_details_status_cache); cgeoapplication.getInstance().saveCache(cache, EnumSet.of(SaveFlag.SAVE_DB)); // update progress message so user knows we're still working. This is more of a place holder than // actual indication of what the program is doing CancellableHandler.sendLoadProgressDetail(handler, R.string.cache_dialog_loading_details_status_render); } return searchResult; } static SearchResult parseCacheFromText(final String page, final CancellableHandler handler) { CancellableHandler.sendLoadProgressDetail(handler, R.string.cache_dialog_loading_details_status_details); if (StringUtils.isBlank(page)) { Log.e("GCParser.parseCache: No page given"); return null; } final SearchResult searchResult = new SearchResult(); if (page.contains(GCConstants.STRING_UNPUBLISHED_OTHER) || page.contains(GCConstants.STRING_UNPUBLISHED_OWNER)) { searchResult.setError(StatusCode.UNPUBLISHED_CACHE); return searchResult; } if (page.contains(GCConstants.STRING_PREMIUMONLY_1) || page.contains(GCConstants.STRING_PREMIUMONLY_2)) { searchResult.setError(StatusCode.PREMIUM_ONLY); return searchResult; } final String cacheName = Html.fromHtml(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_NAME, true, "")).toString(); if (GCConstants.STRING_UNKNOWN_ERROR.equalsIgnoreCase(cacheName)) { searchResult.setError(StatusCode.UNKNOWN_ERROR); return searchResult; } final cgCache cache = new cgCache(); cache.setDisabled(page.contains(GCConstants.STRING_DISABLED)); cache.setArchived(page.contains(GCConstants.STRING_ARCHIVED)); cache.setPremiumMembersOnly(BaseUtils.matches(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_PREMIUMMEMBERS)); cache.setFavorite(BaseUtils.matches(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_FAVORITE)); // cache geocode cache.setGeocode(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_GEOCODE, true, cache.getGeocode())); // cache id cache.setCacheId(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_CACHEID, true, cache.getCacheId())); // cache guid cache.setGuid(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_GUID, true, cache.getGuid())); // name cache.setName(cacheName); // owner real name cache.setOwnerUserId(URLDecoder.decode(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_OWNER_USERID, true, cache.getOwnerUserId()))); cache.setOwn(StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(cache.getOwnerUserId(), Settings.getUsername())); String tableInside = page; int pos = tableInside.indexOf(GCConstants.STRING_CACHEDETAILS); if (pos == -1) { Log.e("GCParser.parseCache: ID \"cacheDetails\" not found on page"); return null; } tableInside = tableInside.substring(pos); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tableInside)) { // cache terrain String result = BaseUtils.getMatch(tableInside, GCConstants.PATTERN_TERRAIN, true, null); if (result != null) { cache.setTerrain(Float.parseFloat(StringUtils.replaceChars(result, '_', '.'))); } // cache difficulty result = BaseUtils.getMatch(tableInside, GCConstants.PATTERN_DIFFICULTY, true, null); if (result != null) { cache.setDifficulty(Float.parseFloat(StringUtils.replaceChars(result, '_', '.'))); } // owner cache.setOwnerDisplayName(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(BaseUtils.getMatch(tableInside, GCConstants.PATTERN_OWNER_DISPLAYNAME, true, cache.getOwnerDisplayName()))); // hidden try { String hiddenString = BaseUtils.getMatch(tableInside, GCConstants.PATTERN_HIDDEN, true, null); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(hiddenString)) { cache.setHidden(Login.parseGcCustomDate(hiddenString)); } if (cache.getHiddenDate() == null) { // event date hiddenString = BaseUtils.getMatch(tableInside, GCConstants.PATTERN_HIDDENEVENT, true, null); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(hiddenString)) { cache.setHidden(Login.parseGcCustomDate(hiddenString)); } } } catch (ParseException e) { // failed to parse cache hidden date Log.w("GCParser.parseCache: Failed to parse cache hidden (event) date"); } // favourite cache.setFavoritePoints(Integer.parseInt(BaseUtils.getMatch(tableInside, GCConstants.PATTERN_FAVORITECOUNT, true, "0"))); // cache size cache.setSize(CacheSize.getById(BaseUtils.getMatch(tableInside, GCConstants.PATTERN_SIZE, true,; } // cache found cache.setFound(BaseUtils.matches(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_FOUND) || BaseUtils.matches(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_FOUND_ALTERNATIVE)); // cache found date try { final String foundDateString = BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_FOUND_DATE, true, null); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(foundDateString)) { cache.setVisitedDate(Login.parseGcCustomDate(foundDateString).getTime()); } } catch (ParseException e) { // failed to parse cache found date Log.w("GCParser.parseCache: Failed to parse cache found date"); } // cache type cache.setType(CacheType.getByPattern(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TYPE, true, cache.getType().id))); // on watchlist cache.setOnWatchlist(BaseUtils.matches(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_WATCHLIST)); // latitude and longitude. Can only be retrieved if user is logged in cache.setLatlon(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_LATLON, true, cache.getLatlon())); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(cache.getLatlon())) { try { cache.setCoords(new Geopoint(cache.getLatlon())); cache.setReliableLatLon(true); } catch (Geopoint.GeopointException e) { Log.w("GCParser.parseCache: Failed to parse cache coordinates: " + e.toString()); } } // cache location cache.setLocation(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_LOCATION, true, cache.getLocation())); // cache hint String result = BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_HINT, false, null); if (result != null) { // replace linebreak and paragraph tags String hint = GCConstants.PATTERN_LINEBREAK.matcher(result).replaceAll("\n"); if (hint != null) { cache.setHint(StringUtils.replace(hint, "

", "").trim()); } } cache.checkFields(); // cache personal note cache.setPersonalNote(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_PERSONALNOTE, true, cache.getPersonalNote())); // cache short description cache.setShortdesc(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_SHORTDESC, true, cache.getShortdesc())); // cache description cache.setDescription(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_DESC, true, "")); // cache attributes try { final String attributesPre = BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_ATTRIBUTES, true, null); if (null != attributesPre) { final Matcher matcherAttributesInside = GCConstants.PATTERN_ATTRIBUTESINSIDE.matcher(attributesPre); final ArrayList attributes = new ArrayList(); while (matcherAttributesInside.find()) { if (matcherAttributesInside.groupCount() > 1 && !"blank")) { // by default, use the tooltip of the attribute String attribute =; // if the image name can be recognized, use the image name as attribute String imageName =; if (imageName.length() > 0) { int start = imageName.lastIndexOf('/'); int end = imageName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (start >= 0 && end >= 0) { attribute = imageName.substring(start + 1, end).replace('-', '_').toLowerCase(); } } attributes.add(attribute); } } cache.setAttributes(attributes); } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache attributes Log.w("GCParser.parseCache: Failed to parse cache attributes"); } // cache spoilers try { if (CancellableHandler.isCancelled(handler)) { return null; } CancellableHandler.sendLoadProgressDetail(handler, R.string.cache_dialog_loading_details_status_spoilers); final Matcher matcherSpoilersInside = GCConstants.PATTERN_SPOILER_IMAGE.matcher(page); while (matcherSpoilersInside.find()) { // the original spoiler URL (include .../display/... contains a low-resolution image // if we shorten the URL we get the original-resolution image // // Create a new string to avoid referencing the whole page though the matcher (@see BaseUtils.getMatch()) String url = new String("/display", "")); String title = null; if ( != null) { // Create a new string to avoid referencing the whole page though the matcher (@see BaseUtils.getMatch()) title = new String(; } String description = null; if ( != null) { // Create a new string to avoid referencing the whole page though the matcher (@see BaseUtils.getMatch()) description = new String(; } cache.addSpoiler(new cgImage(url, title, description)); } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache spoilers Log.w("GCParser.parseCache: Failed to parse cache spoilers"); } // cache inventory try { cache.setInventoryItems(0); final Matcher matcherInventory = GCConstants.PATTERN_INVENTORY.matcher(page); if (matcherInventory.find()) { if (cache.getInventory() == null) { cache.setInventory(new ArrayList()); } if (matcherInventory.groupCount() > 1) { final String inventoryPre =; if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(inventoryPre)) { final Matcher matcherInventoryInside = GCConstants.PATTERN_INVENTORYINSIDE.matcher(inventoryPre); while (matcherInventoryInside.find()) { if (matcherInventoryInside.groupCount() > 0) { final cgTrackable inventoryItem = new cgTrackable(); // Create a new string to avoid referencing the whole page though the matcher (@see BaseUtils.getMatch()) inventoryItem.setGuid(new String(; // Create a new string to avoid referencing the whole page though the matcher (@see BaseUtils.getMatch()) inventoryItem.setName(new String(; cache.getInventory().add(inventoryItem); cache.setInventoryItems(cache.getInventoryItems() + 1); } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse cache inventory Log.w("GCParser.parseCache: Failed to parse cache inventory (2)"); } // cache logs counts try { final String countlogs = BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_COUNTLOGS, true, null); if (null != countlogs) { final Matcher matcherLog = GCConstants.PATTERN_COUNTLOG.matcher(countlogs); while (matcherLog.find()) { String typeStr =; String countStr ="[.,]", ""); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(typeStr) && LogType.UNKNOWN != LogType.getByIconName(typeStr) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(countStr)) { cache.getLogCounts().put(LogType.getByIconName(typeStr), Integer.parseInt(countStr)); } } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse logs Log.w("GCParser.parseCache: Failed to parse cache log count"); } // waypoints - reset collection cache.setWaypoints(Collections. emptyList(), false); // add waypoint for original coordinates in case of user-modified listing-coordinates try { final String originalCoords = BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_LATLON_ORIG, false, null); if (null != originalCoords) { final cgWaypoint waypoint = new cgWaypoint(cgeoapplication.getInstance().getString(R.string.cache_coordinates_original), WaypointType.WAYPOINT, false); waypoint.setCoords(new Geopoint(originalCoords)); cache.addOrChangeWaypoint(waypoint, false); cache.setUserModifiedCoords(true); } } catch (Geopoint.GeopointException e) { } int wpBegin; int wpEnd; wpBegin = page.indexOf(""); if (wpBegin != -1) { // parse waypoints if (CancellableHandler.isCancelled(handler)) { return null; } CancellableHandler.sendLoadProgressDetail(handler, R.string.cache_dialog_loading_details_status_waypoints); String wpList = page.substring(wpBegin); wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("

"); if (wpEnd > -1 && wpEnd <= wpList.length()) { wpList = wpList.substring(0, wpEnd); } if (!wpList.contains("No additional waypoints to display.")) { wpEnd = wpList.indexOf("
"); wpList = wpList.substring(0, wpEnd); wpBegin = wpList.indexOf(""); wpEnd = wpList.indexOf(""); if (wpBegin >= 0 && wpEnd >= 0 && wpEnd <= wpList.length()) { wpList = wpList.substring(wpBegin + 7, wpEnd); } final String[] wpItems = wpList.split(" j) { wp = wpItems[j].split("(searchResult.getCachesFromSearchResult(LoadFlags.LOAD_CACHE_OR_DB))); // save to application search.setError(searchResult.getError()); search.setViewstates(searchResult.viewstates); for (String geocode : searchResult.getGeocodes()) { search.addGeocode(geocode); } return search; } /** * Possibly hide caches found or hidden by user. This mutates its params argument when possible. * * @param params * the parameters to mutate, or null to create a new Parameters if needed * @param my * @param addF * @return the original params if not null, maybe augmented with f=1, or a new Parameters with f=1 or null otherwise */ private static Parameters addFToParams(final Parameters params, final boolean my, final boolean addF) { if (!my && Settings.isExcludeMyCaches() && addF) { if (params == null) { return new Parameters("f", "1"); } params.put("f", "1"); Log.i("Skipping caches found or hidden by user."); } return params; } /** * @param cacheType * @param listId * @param showCaptcha * @param params * the parameters to add to the request URI * @return */ private static SearchResult searchByAny(final CacheType cacheType, final boolean my, final boolean showCaptcha, final Parameters params) { insertCacheType(params, cacheType); final String uri = ""; final String fullUri = uri + "?" + addFToParams(params, false, true); final String page = Login.getRequestLogged(uri, addFToParams(params, my, true)); if (StringUtils.isBlank(page)) { Log.e("GCParser.searchByAny: No data from server"); return null; } final SearchResult searchResult = parseSearch(fullUri, page, showCaptcha); if (searchResult == null || CollectionUtils.isEmpty(searchResult.getGeocodes())) { Log.e("GCParser.searchByAny: No cache parsed"); return searchResult; } final SearchResult search = searchResult.filterSearchResults(Settings.isExcludeDisabledCaches(), false, cacheType); Login.getLoginStatus(page); return search; } public static SearchResult searchByCoords(final Geopoint coords, final CacheType cacheType, final boolean showCaptcha) { final Parameters params = new Parameters("lat", Double.toString(coords.getLatitude()), "lng", Double.toString(coords.getLongitude())); return searchByAny(cacheType, false, showCaptcha, params); } public static SearchResult searchByKeyword(final String keyword, final CacheType cacheType, final boolean showCaptcha) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(keyword)) { Log.e("GCParser.searchByKeyword: No keyword given"); return null; } final Parameters params = new Parameters("key", keyword); return searchByAny(cacheType, false, showCaptcha, params); } public static SearchResult searchByUsername(final String userName, final CacheType cacheType, final boolean showCaptcha) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(userName)) { Log.e("GCParser.searchByUsername: No user name given"); return null; } final Parameters params = new Parameters("ul", userName); boolean my = false; if (userName.equalsIgnoreCase(Settings.getLogin().left)) { my = true; Log.i("GCParser.searchByUsername: Overriding users choice, downloading all caches."); } return searchByAny(cacheType, my, showCaptcha, params); } public static SearchResult searchByOwner(final String userName, final CacheType cacheType, final boolean showCaptcha) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(userName)) { Log.e("GCParser.searchByOwner: No user name given"); return null; } final Parameters params = new Parameters("u", userName); return searchByAny(cacheType, false, showCaptcha, params); } public static SearchResult searchByAddress(final String address, final CacheType cacheType, final boolean showCaptcha) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(address)) { Log.e("GCParser.searchByAddress: No address given"); return null; } try { JSONObject response = Network.requestJSON("", new Parameters("q", address)); if (response == null) { return null; } if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(response.getString("status"), "success")) { return null; } if (!response.has("data")) { return null; } JSONObject data = response.getJSONObject("data"); if (data == null) { return null; } return searchByCoords(new Geopoint(data.getDouble("lat"), data.getDouble("lng")), cacheType, showCaptcha); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.w("GCParser.searchByAddress", e); } return null; } public static cgTrackable searchTrackable(final String geocode, final String guid, final String id) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(geocode) && StringUtils.isBlank(guid) && StringUtils.isBlank(id)) { Log.w("GCParser.searchTrackable: No geocode nor guid nor id given"); return null; } cgTrackable trackable = new cgTrackable(); final Parameters params = new Parameters(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(geocode)) { params.put("tracker", geocode); trackable.setGeocode(geocode); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(guid)) { params.put("guid", guid); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(id)) { params.put("id", id); } final String page = Login.getRequestLogged("", params); if (StringUtils.isBlank(page)) { Log.e("GCParser.searchTrackable: No data from server"); return trackable; } trackable = parseTrackable(page, geocode); if (trackable == null) { Log.e("GCParser.searchTrackable: No trackable parsed"); return null; } return trackable; } public static StatusCode postLog(final String geocode, final String cacheid, final String[] viewstates, final LogType logType, final int year, final int month, final int day, final String log, final List trackables) { if (Login.isEmpty(viewstates)) { Log.e("GCParser.postLog: No viewstate given"); return StatusCode.LOG_POST_ERROR; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(log)) { Log.e("GCParser.postLog: No log text given"); return StatusCode.NO_LOG_TEXT; } // fix log (non-Latin characters converted to HTML entities) final int logLen = log.length(); final StringBuilder logUpdated = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < logLen; i++) { char c = log.charAt(i); if (c > 300) { logUpdated.append("&#"); logUpdated.append(Integer.toString(c)); logUpdated.append(';'); } else { logUpdated.append(c); } } final String logInfo = logUpdated.toString().replace("\n", "\r\n").trim(); // windows' eol and remove leading and trailing whitespaces if (trackables != null) { Log.i("Trying to post log for cache #" + cacheid + " - action: " + logType + "; date: " + year + "." + month + "." + day + ", log: " + logInfo + "; trackables: " + trackables.size()); } else { Log.i("Trying to post log for cache #" + cacheid + " - action: " + logType + "; date: " + year + "." + month + "." + day + ", log: " + logInfo + "; trackables: 0"); } final Parameters params = new Parameters( "__EVENTTARGET", "", "__EVENTARGUMENT", "", "__LASTFOCUS", "", "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$ddLogType", Integer.toString(, "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$DateTimeLogged", String.format("%02d", month) + "/" + String.format("%02d", day) + "/" + String.format("%04d", year), "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$DateTimeLogged$Month", Integer.toString(month), "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$DateTimeLogged$Day", Integer.toString(day), "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$DateTimeLogged$Year", Integer.toString(year), "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$uxLogInfo", logInfo, "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$LogButton", "Submit Log Entry", "ctl00$ContentBody$uxVistOtherListingGC", ""); Login.putViewstates(params, viewstates); if (trackables != null && !trackables.isEmpty()) { // we have some trackables to proceed final StringBuilder hdnSelected = new StringBuilder(); for (final TrackableLog tb : trackables) { if (tb.action != LogTypeTrackable.DO_NOTHING) { hdnSelected.append(Integer.toString(; hdnSelected.append(tb.action.action); hdnSelected.append(','); } } params.put("ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$uxTrackables$hdnSelectedActions", hdnSelected.toString(), // selected trackables "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$uxTrackables$hdnCurrentFilter", ""); } final String uri = new Uri.Builder().scheme("http").authority("").path("/seek/log.aspx").encodedQuery("ID=" + cacheid).build().toString(); String page = Login.postRequestLogged(uri, params); if (!Login.getLoginStatus(page)) { Log.e("GCParser.postLogTrackable: Can not log in geocaching"); return StatusCode.NOT_LOGGED_IN; } // maintenance, archived needs to be confirmed final Matcher matcher = GCConstants.PATTERN_MAINTENANCE.matcher(page); try { if (matcher.find() && matcher.groupCount() > 0) { final String[] viewstatesConfirm = Login.getViewstates(page); if (Login.isEmpty(viewstatesConfirm)) { Log.e("GCParser.postLog: No viewstate for confirm log"); return StatusCode.LOG_POST_ERROR; } params.clear(); Login.putViewstates(params, viewstatesConfirm); params.put("__EVENTTARGET", ""); params.put("__EVENTARGUMENT", ""); params.put("__LASTFOCUS", ""); params.put("ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$btnConfirm", "Yes"); params.put("ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$uxLogInfo", logInfo); params.put("ctl00$ContentBody$uxVistOtherListingGC", ""); if (trackables != null && !trackables.isEmpty()) { // we have some trackables to proceed final StringBuilder hdnSelected = new StringBuilder(); for (TrackableLog tb : trackables) { final String action = Integer.toString( + tb.action.action; final StringBuilder paramText = new StringBuilder("ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$uxTrackables$repTravelBugs$ctl"); if (tb.ctl < 10) { paramText.append('0'); } paramText.append(tb.ctl).append("$ddlAction"); params.put(paramText.toString(), action); if (tb.action != LogTypeTrackable.DO_NOTHING) { hdnSelected.append(action); hdnSelected.append(','); } } params.put("ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$uxTrackables$hdnSelectedActions", hdnSelected.toString()); // selected trackables params.put("ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$uxTrackables$hdnCurrentFilter", ""); } page = Network.getResponseData(Network.postRequest(uri, params)); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("GCParser.postLog.confim: " + e.toString()); } try { final Matcher matcherOk = GCConstants.PATTERN_OK1.matcher(page); if (matcherOk.find()) { Log.i("Log successfully posted to cache #" + cacheid); if (geocode != null) { cgeoapplication.getInstance().saveVisitDate(geocode); } Login.getLoginStatus(page); // the log-successful-page contains still the old value if (Login.getActualCachesFound() >= 0) { Login.setActualCachesFound(Login.getActualCachesFound() + 1); } return StatusCode.NO_ERROR; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("GCParser.postLog.check: " + e.toString()); } Log.e("GCParser.postLog: Failed to post log because of unknown error"); return StatusCode.LOG_POST_ERROR; } public static StatusCode postLogTrackable(final String tbid, final String trackingCode, final String[] viewstates, final LogType logType, final int year, final int month, final int day, final String log) { if (Login.isEmpty(viewstates)) { Log.e("GCParser.postLogTrackable: No viewstate given"); return StatusCode.LOG_POST_ERROR; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(log)) { Log.e("GCParser.postLogTrackable: No log text given"); return StatusCode.NO_LOG_TEXT; } Log.i("Trying to post log for trackable #" + trackingCode + " - action: " + logType + "; date: " + year + "." + month + "." + day + ", log: " + log); final String logInfo = log.replace("\n", "\r\n"); // windows' eol final Calendar currentDate = Calendar.getInstance(); final Parameters params = new Parameters( "__EVENTTARGET", "", "__EVENTARGUMENT", "", "__LASTFOCUS", "", "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$ddLogType", Integer.toString(, "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$tbCode", trackingCode); Login.putViewstates(params, viewstates); if (currentDate.get(Calendar.YEAR) == year && (currentDate.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1) == month && currentDate.get(Calendar.DATE) == day) { params.put("ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$DateTimeLogged", ""); } else { params.put("ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$DateTimeLogged", Integer.toString(month) + "/" + Integer.toString(day) + "/" + Integer.toString(year)); } params.put( "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$DateTimeLogged$Day", Integer.toString(day), "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$DateTimeLogged$Month", Integer.toString(month), "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$DateTimeLogged$Year", Integer.toString(year), "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$uxLogInfo", logInfo, "ctl00$ContentBody$LogBookPanel1$LogButton", "Submit Log Entry", "ctl00$ContentBody$uxVistOtherListingGC", ""); final String uri = new Uri.Builder().scheme("http").authority("").path("/track/log.aspx").encodedQuery("wid=" + tbid).build().toString(); final String page = Login.postRequestLogged(uri, params); if (!Login.getLoginStatus(page)) { Log.e("GCParser.postLogTrackable: Can not log in geocaching"); return StatusCode.NOT_LOGGED_IN; } try { final Matcher matcherOk = GCConstants.PATTERN_OK2.matcher(page); if (matcherOk.find()) { Log.i("Log successfully posted to trackable #" + trackingCode); return StatusCode.NO_ERROR; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("GCParser.postLogTrackable.check: " + e.toString()); } Log.e("GCParser.postLogTrackable: Failed to post log because of unknown error"); return StatusCode.LOG_POST_ERROR; } /** * Adds the cache to the watchlist of the user. * * @param cache * the cache to add * @return false if an error occurred, true otherwise */ static boolean addToWatchlist(final cgCache cache) { final String uri = "" + cache.getCacheId(); String page = Login.postRequestLogged(uri, null); if (StringUtils.isBlank(page)) { Log.e("GCParser.addToWatchlist: No data from server"); return false; // error } boolean guidOnPage = cache.isGuidContainedInPage(page); if (guidOnPage) { Log.i("GCParser.addToWatchlist: cache is on watchlist"); cache.setOnWatchlist(true); } else { Log.e("GCParser.addToWatchlist: cache is not on watchlist"); } return guidOnPage; // on watchlist (=added) / else: error } /** * Removes the cache from the watch list * * @param cache * the cache to remove * @return false if an error occurred, true otherwise */ static boolean removeFromWatchlist(final cgCache cache) { final String uri = "" + cache.getCacheId(); String page = Login.postRequestLogged(uri, null); if (StringUtils.isBlank(page)) { Log.e("GCParser.removeFromWatchlist: No data from server"); return false; // error } // removing cache from list needs approval by hitting "Yes" button final Parameters params = new Parameters( "__EVENTTARGET", "", "__EVENTARGUMENT", "", "ctl00$ContentBody$btnYes", "Yes"); Login.transferViewstates(page, params); page = Network.getResponseData(Network.postRequest(uri, params)); boolean guidOnPage = cache.isGuidContainedInPage(page); if (!guidOnPage) { Log.i("GCParser.removeFromWatchlist: cache removed from watchlist"); cache.setOnWatchlist(false); } else { Log.e("GCParser.removeFromWatchlist: cache not removed from watchlist"); } return !guidOnPage; // on watch list (=error) / not on watch list } static String requestHtmlPage(final String geocode, final String guid, final String log, final String numlogs) { final Parameters params = new Parameters("decrypt", "y"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(geocode)) { params.put("wp", geocode); } else if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(guid)) { params.put("guid", guid); } params.put("log", log); params.put("numlogs", numlogs); return Login.getRequestLogged("", params); } /** * Adds the cache to the favorites of the user. * * @param cache * the cache to add * @return false if an error occurred, true otherwise */ static boolean addToFavorites(final cgCache cache) { return changeFavorite(cache, true); } private static boolean changeFavorite(final cgCache cache, final boolean add) { final String page = requestHtmlPage(cache.getGeocode(), null, "n", "0"); final String userToken = BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_USERTOKEN, ""); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userToken)) { return false; } final String uri = "" + userToken + "&f=" + Boolean.toString(add); HttpResponse response = Network.postRequest(uri, null); if (response != null && response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() == 200) { Log.i("GCParser.changeFavorite: cache added/removed to/from favorites"); cache.setFavorite(add); cache.setFavoritePoints(cache.getFavoritePoints() + (add ? 1 : -1)); return true; } Log.e("GCParser.changeFavorite: cache not added/removed to/from favorites"); return false; } /** * Removes the cache from the Favorites * * @param cache * the cache to remove * @return false if an error occurred, true otherwise */ static boolean removeFromFavorites(final cgCache cache) { return changeFavorite(cache, false); } /** * Parse a trackable HTML description into a cgTrackable object * * @param page * the HTML page to parse, already processed through {@link BaseUtils#replaceWhitespace} * @param app * if not null, the application to use to save the trackable * @return the parsed trackable, or null if none could be parsed */ static cgTrackable parseTrackable(final String page, final String possibleTrackingcode) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(page)) { Log.e("GCParser.parseTrackable: No page given"); return null; } if (page.contains(GCConstants.ERROR_TB_DOES_NOT_EXIST) || page.contains(GCConstants.ERROR_TB_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW) || page.contains(GCConstants.ERROR_TB_ELEMENT_EXCEPTION)) { return null; } final cgTrackable trackable = new cgTrackable(); // trackable geocode trackable.setGeocode(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_GEOCODE, true, trackable.getGeocode()).toUpperCase()); // trackable id trackable.setGuid(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_GUID, true, trackable.getGuid())); // trackable icon trackable.setIconUrl(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_ICON, true, trackable.getIconUrl())); // trackable name trackable.setName(Html.fromHtml(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_NAME, true, "")).toString()); // trackable type if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(trackable.getName())) { trackable.setType(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_TYPE, true, trackable.getType())); } // trackable owner name try { final Matcher matcherOwner = GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_OWNER.matcher(page); if (matcherOwner.find() && matcherOwner.groupCount() > 0) { trackable.setOwnerGuid(; trackable.setOwner(; } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse trackable owner name Log.w("GCParser.parseTrackable: Failed to parse trackable owner name"); } // trackable origin trackable.setOrigin(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_ORIGIN, true, trackable.getOrigin())); // trackable spotted try { final Matcher matcherSpottedCache = GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_SPOTTEDCACHE.matcher(page); if (matcherSpottedCache.find() && matcherSpottedCache.groupCount() > 0) { trackable.setSpottedGuid(; trackable.setSpottedName(; trackable.setSpottedType(cgTrackable.SPOTTED_CACHE); } final Matcher matcherSpottedUser = GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_SPOTTEDUSER.matcher(page); if (matcherSpottedUser.find() && matcherSpottedUser.groupCount() > 0) { trackable.setSpottedGuid(; trackable.setSpottedName(; trackable.setSpottedType(cgTrackable.SPOTTED_USER); } if (BaseUtils.matches(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_SPOTTEDUNKNOWN)) { trackable.setSpottedType(cgTrackable.SPOTTED_UNKNOWN); } if (BaseUtils.matches(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_SPOTTEDOWNER)) { trackable.setSpottedType(cgTrackable.SPOTTED_OWNER); } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse trackable last known place Log.w("GCParser.parseTrackable: Failed to parse trackable last known place"); } // released date - can be missing on the page try { String releaseString = BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_RELEASES, false, null); if (releaseString != null) { trackable.setReleased(dateTbIn1.parse(releaseString)); if (trackable.getReleased() == null) { trackable.setReleased(dateTbIn2.parse(releaseString)); } } } catch (ParseException e1) { trackable.setReleased(null); } // trackable distance final String distance = BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_DISTANCE, false, null); if (null != distance) { trackable.setDistance(DistanceParser.parseDistance(distance, Settings.isUseMetricUnits())); } // trackable goal trackable.setGoal(convertLinks(BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_GOAL, true, trackable.getGoal()))); // trackable details & image try { final Matcher matcherDetailsImage = GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_DETAILSIMAGE.matcher(page); if (matcherDetailsImage.find() && matcherDetailsImage.groupCount() > 0) { final String image = StringUtils.trim(; final String details = StringUtils.trim(; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(image)) { trackable.setImage(image); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(details) && !StringUtils.equals(details, "No additional details available.")) { trackable.setDetails(convertLinks(details)); } } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse trackable details & image Log.w("GCParser.parseTrackable: Failed to parse trackable details & image"); } // trackable logs try { final Matcher matcherLogs = GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_LOG.matcher(page); /* * 1. Type (image) * 2. Date * 3. Author * 4. Cache-GUID * 5. (strike-through property for ancient caches) * 6. Cache-name * 7. Log text */ while (matcherLogs.find()) { long date = 0; try { date = Login.parseGcCustomDate(; } catch (ParseException e) { } final LogEntry logDone = new LogEntry( Html.fromHtml(, date, LogType.getByIconName(,; if ( != null && != null) { logDone.cacheGuid =; logDone.cacheName =; } // Apply the pattern for images in a trackable log entry against each full log (group(0)) final Matcher matcherLogImages = GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE_LOG_IMAGES.matcher(; /* * 1. Image URL * 2. Image title */ while (matcherLogImages.find()) { final cgImage logImage = new cgImage(,; logDone.addLogImage(logImage); } trackable.getLogs().add(logDone); } } catch (Exception e) { // failed to parse logs Log.w("GCParser.parseCache: Failed to parse cache logs" + e.toString()); } // tracking code if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(trackable.getGeocode(), possibleTrackingcode)) { trackable.setTrackingcode(possibleTrackingcode); } if (cgeoapplication.getInstance() != null) { cgeoapplication.getInstance().saveTrackable(trackable); } return trackable; } private static String convertLinks(String input) { if (input == null) { return null; } return StringUtils.replace(input, "../", GCConstants.GC_URL); } /** * Load logs from a cache details page. * * @param page * the text of the details page * @param cache * the cache object to put the logs in * @param friends * retrieve friend logs */ private static List loadLogsFromDetails(final String page, final cgCache cache, final boolean friends, final boolean getDataFromPage) { String rawResponse; if (!getDataFromPage) { final Matcher userTokenMatcher = GCConstants.PATTERN_USERTOKEN.matcher(page); if (!userTokenMatcher.find()) { Log.e("GCParser.loadLogsFromDetails: unable to extract userToken"); return null; } final String userToken =; final Parameters params = new Parameters( "tkn", userToken, "idx", "1", "num", String.valueOf(GCConstants.NUMBER_OF_LOGS), "decrypt", "true", // "sp", Boolean.toString(personal), // personal logs "sf", Boolean.toString(friends)); final HttpResponse response = Network.getRequest("", params); if (response == null) { Log.e("GCParser.loadLogsFromDetails: cannot log logs, response is null"); return null; } final int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (statusCode != 200) { Log.e("GCParser.loadLogsFromDetails: error " + statusCode + " when requesting log information"); return null; } rawResponse = Network.getResponseData(response); if (rawResponse == null) { Log.e("GCParser.loadLogsFromDetails: unable to read whole response"); return null; } } else { // extract embedded JSON data from page rawResponse = BaseUtils.getMatch(page, GCConstants.PATTERN_LOGBOOK, ""); } List logs = new ArrayList(); try { final JSONObject resp = new JSONObject(rawResponse); if (!resp.getString("status").equals("success")) { Log.e("GCParser.loadLogsFromDetails: status is " + resp.getString("status")); return null; } final JSONArray data = resp.getJSONArray("data"); for (int index = 0; index < data.length(); index++) { final JSONObject entry = data.getJSONObject(index); // FIXME: use the "LogType" field instead of the "LogTypeImage" one. final String logIconNameExt = entry.optString("LogTypeImage", ".gif"); final String logIconName = logIconNameExt.substring(0, logIconNameExt.length() - 4); long date = 0; try { date = Login.parseGcCustomDate(entry.getString("Visited")).getTime(); } catch (ParseException e) { Log.e("GCParser.loadLogsFromDetails: failed to parse log date."); } // TODO: we should update our log data structure to be able to record // proper coordinates, and make them clickable. In the meantime, it is // better to integrate those coordinates into the text rather than not // display them as all. final String latLon = entry.getString("LatLonString"); final LogEntry logDone = new LogEntry( entry.getString("UserName"), date, LogType.getByIconName(logIconName), (StringUtils.isEmpty(latLon) ? "" : (latLon + "

")) + entry.getString("LogText")); logDone.found = entry.getInt("GeocacheFindCount"); logDone.friend = friends; final JSONArray images = entry.getJSONArray("Images"); for (int i = 0; i < images.length(); i++) { final JSONObject image = images.getJSONObject(i); String url = "" + image.getString("FileName"); String title = image.getString("Name"); final cgImage logImage = new cgImage(url, title); logDone.addLogImage(logImage); } logs.add(logDone); } } catch (JSONException e) { // failed to parse logs Log.w("GCParser.loadLogsFromDetails: Failed to parse cache logs", e); } return logs; } public static List parseTypes(String page) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(page)) { return null; } final List types = new ArrayList(); final Matcher typeBoxMatcher = GCConstants.PATTERN_TYPEBOX.matcher(page); String typesText = null; if (typeBoxMatcher.find()) { if (typeBoxMatcher.groupCount() > 0) { typesText =; } } if (typesText != null) { final Matcher typeMatcher = GCConstants.PATTERN_TYPE2.matcher(typesText); while (typeMatcher.find()) { if (typeMatcher.groupCount() > 1) { final int type = Integer.parseInt(; if (type > 0) { types.add(LogType.getById(type)); } } } } return types; } public static List parseTrackableLog(final String page) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(page)) { return null; } String table = StringUtils.substringBetween(page, ""); // if no trackables are currently in the account, the table is not available, so return an empty list instead of null if (StringUtils.isBlank(table)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } table = StringUtils.substringBetween(table, "", ""); if (StringUtils.isBlank(table)) { Log.e("GCParser.parseTrackableLog: tbody not found on page"); return null; } final List trackableLogs = new ArrayList(); final Matcher trackableMatcher = GCConstants.PATTERN_TRACKABLE.matcher(page); while (trackableMatcher.find()) { if (trackableMatcher.groupCount() > 0) { final String trackCode =; final String name = Html.fromHtml(; try { final Integer ctl = Integer.valueOf(; final Integer id = Integer.valueOf(; if (trackCode != null && name != null && ctl != null && id != null) { final TrackableLog entry = new TrackableLog(trackCode, name, id, ctl); Log.i("Trackable in inventory (#" + entry.ctl + "/" + + "): " + entry.trackCode + " - " +; trackableLogs.add(entry); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e("GCParser.parseTrackableLog", e); } } } return trackableLogs; } /** * Insert the right cache type restriction in parameters * * @param params * the parameters to insert the restriction into * @param cacheType * the type of cache, or null to include everything */ static private void insertCacheType(final Parameters params, final CacheType cacheType) { params.put("tx", cacheType.guid); } private static void getExtraOnlineInfo(final cgCache cache, final String page, final CancellableHandler handler) { if (CancellableHandler.isCancelled(handler)) { return; } //cache.setLogs(loadLogsFromDetails(page, cache, false)); if (Settings.isFriendLogsWanted()) { CancellableHandler.sendLoadProgressDetail(handler, R.string.cache_dialog_loading_details_status_logs); LazyInitializedList allLogs = cache.getLogs(); List friendLogs = loadLogsFromDetails(page, cache, true, false); if (friendLogs != null) { for (LogEntry log : friendLogs) { if (allLogs.contains(log)) { allLogs.get(allLogs.indexOf(log)).friend = true; } else { cache.getLogs().add(log); } } } } if (Settings.isElevationWanted()) { if (CancellableHandler.isCancelled(handler)) { return; } CancellableHandler.sendLoadProgressDetail(handler, R.string.cache_dialog_loading_details_status_elevation); if (cache.getCoords() != null) { cache.setElevation(cache.getCoords().getElevation()); } } if (Settings.isRatingWanted()) { if (CancellableHandler.isCancelled(handler)) { return; } CancellableHandler.sendLoadProgressDetail(handler, R.string.cache_dialog_loading_details_status_gcvote); final GCVoteRating rating = GCVote.getRating(cache.getGuid(), cache.getGeocode()); if (rating != null) { cache.setRating(rating.getRating()); cache.setVotes(rating.getVotes()); cache.setMyVote(rating.getMyVote()); } } } }