package cgeo.geocaching.files; import cgeo.geocaching.DataStore; import cgeo.geocaching.Geocache; import cgeo.geocaching.R; import cgeo.geocaching.SearchResult; import cgeo.geocaching.StaticMapsProvider; import cgeo.geocaching.activity.ActivityMixin; import cgeo.geocaching.activity.Progress; import cgeo.geocaching.enumerations.LoadFlags; import cgeo.geocaching.settings.Settings; import cgeo.geocaching.ui.dialog.Dialogs; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.CancellableHandler; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.Log; import cgeo.geocaching.utils.RxUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull; import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException; import; import; public class GPXImporter { static final int IMPORT_STEP_START = 0; static final int IMPORT_STEP_READ_FILE = 1; static final int IMPORT_STEP_READ_WPT_FILE = 2; static final int IMPORT_STEP_STORE_STATIC_MAPS = 4; static final int IMPORT_STEP_FINISHED = 5; static final int IMPORT_STEP_FINISHED_WITH_ERROR = 6; static final int IMPORT_STEP_CANCEL = 7; static final int IMPORT_STEP_CANCELED = 8; static final int IMPORT_STEP_STATIC_MAPS_SKIPPED = 9; public static final String GPX_FILE_EXTENSION = ".gpx"; public static final String LOC_FILE_EXTENSION = ".loc"; public static final String ZIP_FILE_EXTENSION = ".zip"; public static final String WAYPOINTS_FILE_SUFFIX = "-wpts"; public static final String WAYPOINTS_FILE_SUFFIX_AND_EXTENSION = WAYPOINTS_FILE_SUFFIX + GPX_FILE_EXTENSION; private static final List GPX_MIME_TYPES = Arrays.asList("text/xml", "application/xml"); private static final List ZIP_MIME_TYPES = Arrays.asList("application/zip", "application/x-compressed", "application/x-zip-compressed", "application/x-zip", "application/octet-stream"); private final Progress progress = new Progress(true); private final Resources res; private final int listId; private final Activity fromActivity; private final Handler importFinishedHandler; public GPXImporter(final Activity fromActivity, final int listId, final Handler importFinishedHandler) { this.listId = listId; this.fromActivity = fromActivity; res = fromActivity.getResources(); this.importFinishedHandler = importFinishedHandler; } /** * Import GPX file. Currently supports *.gpx, *.zip (containing gpx files, e.g. PQ queries) or *.loc files. * * @param file * the file to import */ public void importGPX(final File file) { if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(file.getName(), GPX_FILE_EXTENSION)) { new ImportGpxFileThread(file, listId, importStepHandler, progressHandler).start(); } else if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(file.getName(), ZIP_FILE_EXTENSION)) { new ImportGpxZipFileThread(file, listId, importStepHandler, progressHandler).start(); } else { new ImportLocFileThread(file, listId, importStepHandler, progressHandler).start(); } } /** * Import GPX file from URI. * * @param uri * URI of the file to import */ public void importGPX(final Uri uri, final @Nullable String mimeType, final @Nullable String pathName) { final ContentResolver contentResolver = fromActivity.getContentResolver(); Log.i("importGPX: " + uri + ", mimetype=" + mimeType); @NonNull FileType fileType = new FileTypeDetector(uri, contentResolver) .getFileType(); if (fileType == FileType.UNKNOWN) { fileType = getFileTypeFromPathName(pathName); } if (fileType == FileType.UNKNOWN) { fileType = getFileTypeFromMimeType(mimeType); } final ImportThread importer = getImporterFromFileType(uri, contentResolver, fileType); if (importer != null) { importer.start(); } else { importFinished(); } } private static @NonNull FileType getFileTypeFromPathName( final String pathName) { if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(pathName, GPX_FILE_EXTENSION)) { return FileType.GPX; } if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(pathName, LOC_FILE_EXTENSION)) { return FileType.LOC; } return FileType.UNKNOWN; } private static @NonNull FileType getFileTypeFromMimeType( final String mimeType) { if (GPX_MIME_TYPES.contains(mimeType)) { return FileType.GPX; } if (ZIP_MIME_TYPES.contains(mimeType)) { return FileType.ZIP; } return FileType.UNKNOWN; } private ImportThread getImporterFromFileType(final Uri uri, final ContentResolver contentResolver, final FileType fileType) { switch (fileType) { case ZIP: return new ImportGpxZipAttachmentThread(uri, contentResolver, listId, importStepHandler, progressHandler); case GPX: return new ImportGpxAttachmentThread(uri, contentResolver, listId, importStepHandler, progressHandler); case LOC: return new ImportLocAttachmentThread(uri, contentResolver, listId, importStepHandler, progressHandler); default: return null; } } /** * Import GPX provided via intent of activity that instantiated this * GPXImporter. */ public void importGPX() { final Intent intent = fromActivity.getIntent(); final Uri uri = intent.getData(); final String mimeType = intent.getType(); importGPX(uri, mimeType, null); } static abstract class ImportThread extends Thread { final int listId; final Handler importStepHandler; final CancellableHandler progressHandler; protected ImportThread(final int listId, final Handler importStepHandler, final CancellableHandler progressHandler) { this.listId = listId; this.importStepHandler = importStepHandler; this.progressHandler = progressHandler; } @Override public void run() { try { importStepHandler.sendMessage(importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_START)); final Collection caches = doImport(); Log.i("Imported successfully " + caches.size() + " caches."); final SearchResult search = new SearchResult(caches); // Do not put imported caches into the cachecache. That would consume lots of memory for no benefit. if (Settings.isStoreOfflineMaps() || Settings.isStoreOfflineWpMaps()) { importStepHandler.sendMessage(importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_STORE_STATIC_MAPS, R.string.gpx_import_store_static_maps, search.getCount())); final boolean finishedWithoutCancel = importStaticMaps(search); // Skip last message if static maps where canceled if (!finishedWithoutCancel) { return; } } importStepHandler.sendMessage(importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_FINISHED, search.getCount(), 0, search)); } catch (final IOException e) { Log.i("Importing caches failed - error reading data: ", e); importStepHandler.sendMessage(importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_FINISHED_WITH_ERROR, R.string.gpx_import_error_io, 0, e.getLocalizedMessage())); } catch (final ParserException e) { Log.i("Importing caches failed - data format error", e); importStepHandler.sendMessage(importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_FINISHED_WITH_ERROR, R.string.gpx_import_error_parser, 0, e.getLocalizedMessage())); } catch (final CancellationException ignored) { Log.i("Importing caches canceled"); importStepHandler.sendMessage(importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_CANCELED)); } catch (final Exception e) { Log.e("Importing caches failed - unknown error: ", e); importStepHandler.sendMessage(importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_FINISHED_WITH_ERROR, R.string.gpx_import_error_unexpected, 0, e.getLocalizedMessage())); } } protected abstract Collection doImport() throws IOException, ParserException; private boolean importStaticMaps(final SearchResult importedCaches) { int storedCacheMaps = 0; for (final String geocode : importedCaches.getGeocodes()) { final Geocache cache = DataStore.loadCache(geocode, LoadFlags.LOAD_WAYPOINTS); if (cache != null) { Log.d("GPXImporter.ImportThread.importStaticMaps start downloadMaps for cache " + geocode); RxUtils.waitForCompletion(StaticMapsProvider.downloadMaps(cache)); } else { Log.d("GPXImporter.ImportThread.importStaticMaps: no data found for " + geocode); } storedCacheMaps++; if (progressHandler.isCancelled()) { return false; } progressHandler.sendMessage(progressHandler.obtainMessage(0, storedCacheMaps, 0)); } return true; } } static class ImportLocFileThread extends ImportThread { private final File file; public ImportLocFileThread(final File file, final int listId, final Handler importStepHandler, final CancellableHandler progressHandler) { super(listId, importStepHandler, progressHandler); this.file = file; } @Override protected Collection doImport() throws IOException, ParserException { Log.i("Import LOC file: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); importStepHandler.sendMessage(importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_READ_FILE, R.string.gpx_import_loading_caches, (int) file.length())); final LocParser parser = new LocParser(listId); return parser.parse(file, progressHandler); } } static class ImportLocAttachmentThread extends ImportThread { private final Uri uri; private final ContentResolver contentResolver; public ImportLocAttachmentThread(final Uri uri, final ContentResolver contentResolver, final int listId, final Handler importStepHandler, final CancellableHandler progressHandler) { super(listId, importStepHandler, progressHandler); this.uri = uri; this.contentResolver = contentResolver; } @Override protected Collection doImport() throws IOException, ParserException { Log.i("Import LOC from uri: " + uri); importStepHandler.sendMessage(importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_READ_FILE, R.string.gpx_import_loading_caches, -1)); final InputStream is = contentResolver.openInputStream(uri); final LocParser parser = new LocParser(listId); try { return parser.parse(is, progressHandler); } finally { is.close(); } } } static abstract class ImportGpxThread extends ImportThread { protected ImportGpxThread(final int listId, final Handler importStepHandler, final CancellableHandler progressHandler) { super(listId, importStepHandler, progressHandler); } @Override protected Collection doImport() throws IOException, ParserException { try { // try to parse cache file as GPX 10 return doImport(new GPX10Parser(listId)); } catch (final ParserException ignored) { // didn't work -> lets try GPX11 return doImport(new GPX11Parser(listId)); } } protected abstract Collection doImport(GPXParser parser) throws IOException, ParserException; } static class ImportGpxFileThread extends ImportGpxThread { private final File cacheFile; public ImportGpxFileThread(final File file, final int listId, final Handler importStepHandler, final CancellableHandler progressHandler) { super(listId, importStepHandler, progressHandler); this.cacheFile = file; } @Override protected Collection doImport(final GPXParser parser) throws IOException, ParserException { Log.i("Import GPX file: " + cacheFile.getAbsolutePath()); importStepHandler.sendMessage(importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_READ_FILE, R.string.gpx_import_loading_caches, (int) cacheFile.length())); Collection caches = parser.parse(cacheFile, progressHandler); final String wptsFilename = getWaypointsFileNameForGpxFile(cacheFile); if (wptsFilename != null) { final File wptsFile = new File(cacheFile.getParentFile(), wptsFilename); if (wptsFile.canRead()) { Log.i("Import GPX waypoint file: " + wptsFile.getAbsolutePath()); importStepHandler.sendMessage(importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_READ_WPT_FILE, R.string.gpx_import_loading_waypoints, (int) wptsFile.length())); caches = parser.parse(wptsFile, progressHandler); } } return caches; } } public static class ImportGpxAttachmentThread extends ImportGpxThread { private final Uri uri; private final ContentResolver contentResolver; public ImportGpxAttachmentThread(final Uri uri, final ContentResolver contentResolver, final int listId, final Handler importStepHandler, final CancellableHandler progressHandler) { super(listId, importStepHandler, progressHandler); this.uri = uri; this.contentResolver = contentResolver; } @Override protected Collection doImport(final GPXParser parser) throws IOException, ParserException { Log.i("Import GPX from uri: " + uri); final InputStream is = contentResolver.openInputStream(uri); int streamSize = is.available(); if (streamSize == 0) { streamSize = -1; } importStepHandler.sendMessage(importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_READ_FILE, R.string.gpx_import_loading_caches, streamSize)); try { return parser.parse(is, progressHandler); } finally { is.close(); } } } static abstract class ImportGpxZipThread extends ImportGpxThread { protected ImportGpxZipThread(final int listId, final Handler importStepHandler, final CancellableHandler progressHandler) { super(listId, importStepHandler, progressHandler); } @Override protected Collection doImport(final GPXParser parser) throws IOException, ParserException { Collection caches = Collections.emptySet(); // can't assume that GPX file comes before waypoint file in zip -> so we need two passes // 1. parse GPX files ZipInputStream zis = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(getInputStream())); try { for (ZipEntry zipEntry = zis.getNextEntry(); zipEntry != null; zipEntry = zis.getNextEntry()) { if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(zipEntry.getName(), GPX_FILE_EXTENSION)) { if (!StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(zipEntry.getName(), WAYPOINTS_FILE_SUFFIX_AND_EXTENSION)) { importStepHandler.sendMessage(importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_READ_FILE, R.string.gpx_import_loading_caches, (int) zipEntry.getSize())); caches = parser.parse(new NoCloseInputStream(zis), progressHandler); } } else { throw new ParserException("Imported zip is not a GPX zip file."); } zis.closeEntry(); } } finally { zis.close(); } // 2. parse waypoint files zis = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(getInputStream())); try { for (ZipEntry zipEntry = zis.getNextEntry(); zipEntry != null; zipEntry = zis.getNextEntry()) { if (StringUtils.endsWithIgnoreCase(zipEntry.getName(), WAYPOINTS_FILE_SUFFIX_AND_EXTENSION)) { importStepHandler.sendMessage(importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_READ_WPT_FILE, R.string.gpx_import_loading_waypoints, (int) zipEntry.getSize())); caches = parser.parse(new NoCloseInputStream(zis), progressHandler); } zis.closeEntry(); } } finally { zis.close(); } return caches; } protected abstract InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException; } static class ImportGpxZipFileThread extends ImportGpxZipThread { private final File cacheFile; public ImportGpxZipFileThread(final File file, final int listId, final Handler importStepHandler, final CancellableHandler progressHandler) { super(listId, importStepHandler, progressHandler); this.cacheFile = file; Log.i("Import zipped GPX: " + file); } @Override protected InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return new FileInputStream(cacheFile); } } static class ImportGpxZipAttachmentThread extends ImportGpxZipThread { private final Uri uri; private final ContentResolver contentResolver; public ImportGpxZipAttachmentThread(final Uri uri, final ContentResolver contentResolver, final int listId, final Handler importStepHandler, final CancellableHandler progressHandler) { super(listId, importStepHandler, progressHandler); this.uri = uri; this.contentResolver = contentResolver; Log.i("Import zipped GPX from uri: " + uri); } @Override protected InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { return contentResolver.openInputStream(uri); } } final private CancellableHandler progressHandler = new CancellableHandler() { @Override public void handleRegularMessage(final Message msg) { progress.setProgress(msg.arg1); } }; final private Handler importStepHandler = new Handler() { @Override public void handleMessage(final Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case IMPORT_STEP_START: final Message cancelMessage = importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_CANCEL);, res.getString(R.string.gpx_import_title_reading_file), res.getString(R.string.gpx_import_loading_caches), ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, cancelMessage); break; case IMPORT_STEP_READ_FILE: case IMPORT_STEP_READ_WPT_FILE: progress.setMessage(res.getString(msg.arg1)); progress.setMaxProgressAndReset(msg.arg2); break; case IMPORT_STEP_STORE_STATIC_MAPS: progress.dismiss(); final Message skipMessage = importStepHandler.obtainMessage(IMPORT_STEP_STATIC_MAPS_SKIPPED, msg.arg2, 0);, res.getString(R.string.gpx_import_title_static_maps), res.getString(R.string.gpx_import_store_static_maps), ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL, skipMessage); progress.setMaxProgressAndReset(msg.arg2); break; case IMPORT_STEP_STATIC_MAPS_SKIPPED: progress.dismiss(); progressHandler.cancel(); final StringBuilder bufferSkipped = new StringBuilder(20); bufferSkipped.append(res.getString(R.string.gpx_import_static_maps_skipped)).append(", ").append(msg.arg1).append(' ').append(res.getString(R.string.gpx_import_caches_imported)); Dialogs.message(fromActivity, R.string.gpx_import_title_caches_imported, bufferSkipped.toString()); importFinished(); break; case IMPORT_STEP_FINISHED: progress.dismiss(); Dialogs.message(fromActivity, R.string.gpx_import_title_caches_imported, msg.arg1 + " " + res.getString(R.string.gpx_import_caches_imported)); importFinished(); break; case IMPORT_STEP_FINISHED_WITH_ERROR: progress.dismiss(); Dialogs.message(fromActivity, R.string.gpx_import_title_caches_import_failed, res.getString(msg.arg1) + "\n\n" + msg.obj); importFinished(); break; case IMPORT_STEP_CANCEL: progress.dismiss(); progressHandler.cancel(); break; case IMPORT_STEP_CANCELED: final StringBuilder bufferCanceled = new StringBuilder(20); bufferCanceled.append(res.getString(R.string.gpx_import_canceled)); ActivityMixin.showShortToast(fromActivity, bufferCanceled.toString()); importFinished(); break; default: break; } } }; /** * @param gpxfile * the gpx file * @return the expected file name of the waypoints file */ static String getWaypointsFileNameForGpxFile(final File gpxfile) { if (gpxfile == null || !gpxfile.canRead()) { return null; } final String gpxFileName = gpxfile.getName(); final File dir = gpxfile.getParentFile(); final String[] filenameList = dir.list(); for (final String filename : filenameList) { if (!StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(filename, WAYPOINTS_FILE_SUFFIX)) { continue; } final String expectedGpxFileName = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(filename, WAYPOINTS_FILE_SUFFIX) + StringUtils.substringAfterLast(filename, WAYPOINTS_FILE_SUFFIX); if (gpxFileName.equals(expectedGpxFileName)) { return filename; } } return null; } protected void importFinished() { if (importFinishedHandler != null) { importFinishedHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0); } } }