package cgeo.geocaching.geopoint; import cgeo.geocaching.ICoordinates; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; public class Viewport { public final Geopoint center; public final Geopoint bottomLeft; public final Geopoint topRight; public Viewport(final ICoordinates point1, final ICoordinates point2) { final Geopoint gp1 = point1.getCoords(); final Geopoint gp2 = point2.getCoords(); this.bottomLeft = new Geopoint(Math.min(gp1.getLatitude(), gp2.getLatitude()), Math.min(gp1.getLongitude(), gp2.getLongitude())); this.topRight = new Geopoint(Math.max(gp1.getLatitude(), gp2.getLatitude()), Math.max(gp1.getLongitude(), gp2.getLongitude())); = new Geopoint((gp1.getLatitude() + gp2.getLatitude()) / 2, (gp1.getLongitude() + gp2.getLongitude()) / 2); } public Viewport(final ICoordinates center, final double latSpan, final double lonSpan) { = center.getCoords(); final double centerLat =; final double centerLon =; final double latHalfSpan = Math.abs(latSpan) / 2; final double lonHalfSpan = Math.abs(lonSpan) / 2; bottomLeft = new Geopoint(centerLat - latHalfSpan, centerLon - lonHalfSpan); topRight = new Geopoint(centerLat + latHalfSpan, centerLon + lonHalfSpan); } public double getLatitudeMin() { return bottomLeft.getLatitude(); } public double getLatitudeMax() { return topRight.getLatitude(); } public double getLongitudeMin() { return bottomLeft.getLongitude(); } public double getLongitudeMax() { return topRight.getLongitude(); } public Geopoint getCenter() { return center; } public double getLatitudeSpan() { return getLatitudeMax() - getLatitudeMin(); } public double getLongitudeSpan() { return getLongitudeMax() - getLongitudeMin(); } /** * Check whether a point is contained in this viewport. * * @param point * the coordinates to check * @return true if the point is contained in this viewport, false otherwise or if the point contains no coordinates */ public boolean contains(final ICoordinates point) { final Geopoint coords = point.getCoords(); return coords != null && coords.getLongitudeE6() >= bottomLeft.getLongitudeE6() && coords.getLongitudeE6() <= topRight.getLongitudeE6() && coords.getLatitudeE6() >= bottomLeft.getLatitudeE6() && coords.getLatitudeE6() <= topRight.getLatitudeE6(); } @Override public String toString() { return "(" + bottomLeft.toString() + "," + topRight.toString() + ")"; } /** * Check whether another viewport is fully included into the current one. * * @param vp * the other viewport * @return true if the vp is fully included into this one, false otherwise */ public boolean includes(final Viewport vp) { return contains(vp.bottomLeft) && contains(vp.topRight); } /** * Return the "where" part of the string appropriate for a SQL query. * * @param dbTable * the database table to use as prefix, or null if no prefix is required * @return the string without the "where" keyword */ public String sqlWhere(final String dbTable) { final String prefix = dbTable == null ? "" : (dbTable + "."); return String.format((Locale) null, "%slatitude >= %s and %slatitude <= %s and %slongitude >= %s and %slongitude <= %s", prefix, getLatitudeMin(), prefix, getLatitudeMax(), prefix, getLongitudeMin(), prefix, getLongitudeMax()); } /** * Return a widened or shrunk viewport. * * @param factor * multiplicative factor for the latitude and longitude span (> 1 to widen, < 1 to shrink) * @return a widened or shrunk viewport */ public Viewport resize(final double factor) { return new Viewport(getCenter(), getLatitudeSpan() * factor, getLongitudeSpan() * factor); } /** * Return a viewport that contains the current viewport as well as another point. * * @param point * the point we want in the viewport * @return either the same or an expanded viewport */ public Viewport expand(final ICoordinates point) { if (contains(point)) { return this; } final Geopoint coords = point.getCoords(); final double latitude = coords.getLatitude(); final double longitude = coords.getLongitude(); final double latMin = Math.min(getLatitudeMin(), latitude); final double latMax = Math.max(getLatitudeMax(), latitude); final double lonMin = Math.min(getLongitudeMin(), longitude); final double lonMax = Math.max(getLongitudeMax(), longitude); return new Viewport(new Geopoint(latMin, lonMin), new Geopoint(latMax, lonMax)); } /** * Return the smallest viewport containing all the given points. * * @param points * a set of points. Point with null coordinates (or null themselves) will be ignored * @return the smallest viewport containing the non-null coordinates, or null if no coordinates are non-null */ static public Viewport containing(final Set points) { Viewport viewport = null; for (final ICoordinates point : points) { if (point != null && point.getCoords() != null) { if (viewport == null) { viewport = new Viewport(point, point); } else { viewport = viewport.expand(point); } } } return viewport; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object other) { if (this == other) { return true; } if (!(other instanceof Viewport)) { return false; } final Viewport vp = (Viewport) other; return bottomLeft.equals(vp.bottomLeft) && topRight.equals(vp.topRight); } @Override public int hashCode() { return bottomLeft.hashCode() ^ topRight.hashCode(); } }