diff options
mode: <>2009-02-24 22:06:22 +0000 <>2009-02-24 22:06:22 +0000
commit50613309535025abb3bb030d5f13fac2fff235c6 (patch)
parentd5c4f386029ab19cec0f4d76bede0c4d2975d431 (diff)
Converted the browser focus interactive ui tests to be in process.
Some testing I did as part of my in-progress focus refactoring seemed to indicate they are flacky. With this CL, they now mostly use the blocking calls when simulating UI actions (instead of relying on timers). BUG=None TEST=Run the tests BrowserFocusTest.* in the interactive tests. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
7 files changed, 433 insertions, 246 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ b/chrome/browser/
index ca68034..2c97e26 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/
+++ b/chrome/browser/
@@ -2,157 +2,187 @@
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/automation/ui_controls.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/dom_operation_notification_details.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/web_contents.h"
#include "chrome/browser/view_ids.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_view.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/views/location_bar_view.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_details.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_observer.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_service.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_source.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_type.h"
+#include "chrome/views/focus_manager.h"
#include "chrome/views/view.h"
-#include "chrome/test/automation/browser_proxy.h"
-#include "chrome/test/automation/window_proxy.h"
-#include "chrome/test/automation/tab_proxy.h"
-#include "chrome/test/ui/ui_test.h"
-#include "net/url_request/url_request_unittest.h"
+#include "chrome/views/window.h"
+#include "chrome/test/in_process_browser_test.h"
+#include "chrome/test/ui_test_utils.h"
namespace {
-// The delay waited after sending an OS simulated event.
+// The delay waited in some cases where we don't have a notifications for an
+// action we take.
const int kActionDelayMs = 500;
-const wchar_t kDocRoot[] = L"chrome/test/data";
const wchar_t kSimplePage[] = L"files/focus/page_with_focus.html";
const wchar_t kStealFocusPage[] = L"files/focus/page_steals_focus.html";
const wchar_t kTypicalPage[] = L"files/focus/typical_page.html";
-class BrowserFocusTest : public UITest {
+class BrowserFocusTest : public InProcessBrowserTest {
BrowserFocusTest() {
- show_window_ = true;
- dom_automation_enabled_ = true;
+ set_show_window(true);
+ EnableDOMAutomation();
+ protected:
+ virtual bool show_window() const { return true; }
+ virtual bool enable_dom_automation() const { return true; }
-// Activate a tab by clicking on it. Returns true if the call was successful
-// (meaning the messages were correctly sent, but does not guarantee the tab
-// has been changed).
-bool ActivateTabByClick(AutomationProxy* automation,
- WindowProxy* browser_window,
- int tab_index) {
- // Click on the tab.
- gfx::Rect bounds;
+class JavaScriptRunner : public NotificationObserver {
+ public:
+ JavaScriptRunner(WebContents* web_contents,
+ const std::wstring& frame_xpath,
+ const std::wstring& jscript)
+ : web_contents_(web_contents),
+ frame_xpath_(frame_xpath),
+ jscript_(jscript) {
+ NotificationService::current()->
+ AddObserver(this, NotificationType::DOM_OPERATION_RESPONSE,
+ Source<WebContents>(web_contents));
+ }
+ virtual void Observe(NotificationType type,
+ const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details) {
+ Details<DomOperationNotificationDetails> dom_op_details(details);
+ result_ = dom_op_details->json();
+ // The Jasonified response has quotes, remove them.
+ if (result_.length() > 1 && result_[0] == '"')
+ result_ = result_.substr(1, result_.length() - 2);
+ NotificationService::current()->
+ RemoveObserver(this, NotificationType::DOM_OPERATION_RESPONSE,
+ Source<WebContents>(web_contents_));
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ }
- if (!browser_window->GetViewBounds(VIEW_ID_TAB_0 + tab_index, &bounds, true))
- return false;
+ std::string Run() {
+ // The DOMAutomationController requires an automation ID, eventhough we are
+ // not using it in this case.
+ web_contents_->render_view_host()->ExecuteJavascriptInWebFrame(
+ frame_xpath_, L"window.domAutomationController.setAutomationId(0);");
- POINT click(bounds.CenterPoint().ToPOINT());
- if (!browser_window->SimulateOSClick(click,
- views::Event::EF_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN))
- return false;
+ web_contents_->render_view_host()->ExecuteJavascriptInWebFrame(frame_xpath_,
+ jscript_);
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
+ return result_;
+ }
- // Wait a bit to let the click be processed.
- ::Sleep(kActionDelayMs);
+ private:
+ WebContents* web_contents_;
+ std::wstring frame_xpath_;
+ std::wstring jscript_;
+ std::string result_;
- return true;
} // namespace
-TEST_F(BrowserFocusTest, BrowsersRememberFocus) {
- scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server =
- HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot, NULL);
- ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(BrowserFocusTest, BrowsersRememberFocus) {
+ HTTPTestServer* server = StartHTTPServer();
// First we navigate to our test page.
GURL url = server->TestServerPageW(kSimplePage);
- scoped_ptr<TabProxy> tab(GetActiveTab());
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), url);
// The focus should be on the Tab contents.
- scoped_ptr<WindowProxy> window(automation()->GetActiveWindow());
- ASSERT_TRUE(window.get() != NULL);
- scoped_ptr<BrowserProxy> browser(window->GetBrowser());
- ASSERT_TRUE(browser.get() != NULL);
+ HWND hwnd = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(browser()->window()->GetNativeHandle());
+ BrowserView* browser_view = BrowserView::GetBrowserViewForHWND(hwnd);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_view);
+ views::FocusManager* focus_manager =
+ views::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(hwnd);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(focus_manager);
- int focused_view_id;
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
- EXPECT_EQ(VIEW_ID_TAB_CONTAINER, focused_view_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(browser_view->GetContentsView(), focus_manager->GetFocusedView());
// Now hide the window, show it again, the focus should not have changed.
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->SetVisible(false));
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->SetVisible(true));
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
- EXPECT_EQ(VIEW_ID_TAB_CONTAINER, focused_view_id);
+ // TODO(jcampan): retrieve the WidgetWin and show/hide on it instead of
+ // using Windows API.
+ ::ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE);
+ ::ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOW);
+ EXPECT_EQ(browser_view->GetContentsView(), focus_manager->GetFocusedView());
// Click on the location bar.
- gfx::Rect bounds;
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetViewBounds(VIEW_ID_LOCATION_BAR, &bounds, false));
- POINT click(bounds.CenterPoint().ToPOINT());
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->SimulateOSClick(click,
- views::Event::EF_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN));
- ::Sleep(kActionDelayMs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
- EXPECT_EQ(VIEW_ID_LOCATION_BAR, focused_view_id);
+ LocationBarView* location_bar = browser_view->GetLocationBarView();
+ ui_controls::MoveMouseToCenterAndPress(location_bar,
+ ui_controls::LEFT,
+ ui_controls::DOWN | ui_controls::UP,
+ new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
+ // Location bar should have focus.
+ EXPECT_EQ(location_bar, focus_manager->GetFocusedView());
// Hide the window, show it again, the focus should not have changed.
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->SetVisible(false));
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->SetVisible(true));
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
- EXPECT_EQ(VIEW_ID_LOCATION_BAR, focused_view_id);
+ ::ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_HIDE);
+ ::ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOW);
+ EXPECT_EQ(location_bar, focus_manager->GetFocusedView());
// Open a new browser window.
- EXPECT_TRUE(automation()->OpenNewBrowserWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL));
- scoped_ptr<WindowProxy> new_window(automation()->GetActiveWindow());
- ASSERT_TRUE(new_window.get() != NULL);
- scoped_ptr<BrowserProxy> new_browser(new_window->GetBrowser());
- ASSERT_TRUE(new_browser.get() != NULL);
- // Let's make sure we have 2 different browser windows.
- EXPECT_TRUE(browser->handle() != new_browser->handle());
- tab.reset(new_browser->GetActiveTab());
- EXPECT_TRUE(tab.get());
- tab->NavigateToURL(url);
+ Browser* browser2 = Browser::Create(browser()->profile());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser2);
+ browser2->AddBlankTab(true);
+ browser2->window()->Show();
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser2, url);
+ HWND hwnd2 = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(browser2->window()->GetNativeHandle());
+ BrowserView* browser_view2 = BrowserView::GetBrowserViewForHWND(hwnd2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_view2);
+ views::FocusManager* focus_manager2 =
+ views::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(hwnd2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(focus_manager2);
+ EXPECT_EQ(browser_view2->GetContentsView(), focus_manager2->GetFocusedView());
// Switch to the 1st browser window, focus should still be on the location
// bar and the second browser should have nothing focused.
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->Activate());
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
- EXPECT_EQ(VIEW_ID_LOCATION_BAR, focused_view_id);
- EXPECT_TRUE(new_window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
- EXPECT_EQ(-1, focused_view_id);
+ browser()->window()->Activate();
+ EXPECT_EQ(location_bar, focus_manager->GetFocusedView());
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, focus_manager2->GetFocusedView());
// Switch back to the second browser, focus should still be on the page.
- EXPECT_TRUE(new_window->Activate());
- EXPECT_TRUE(new_window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
- EXPECT_EQ(VIEW_ID_TAB_CONTAINER, focused_view_id);
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
- EXPECT_EQ(-1, focused_view_id);
+ browser2->window()->Activate();
+ EXPECT_EQ(NULL, focus_manager->GetFocusedView());
+ EXPECT_EQ(browser_view2->GetContentsView(), focus_manager2->GetFocusedView());
+ // Close the 2nd browser to avoid a DCHECK().
+ browser_view2->Close();
// Tabs remember focus.
-TEST_F(BrowserFocusTest, TabsRememberFocus) {
- scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server =
- HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot, NULL);
- ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get());
- scoped_ptr<WindowProxy> window(automation()->GetActiveWindow());
- ASSERT_TRUE(window.get() != NULL);
- scoped_ptr<BrowserProxy> browser(window->GetBrowser());
- ASSERT_TRUE(browser.get() != NULL);
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(BrowserFocusTest, TabsRememberFocus) {
+ HTTPTestServer* server = StartHTTPServer();
// First we navigate to our test page.
GURL url = server->TestServerPageW(kSimplePage);
- scoped_ptr<TabProxy> tab(GetActiveTab());
- tab->NavigateToURL(url);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), url);
- // Create several tabs.
- EXPECT_TRUE(browser->AppendTab(url));
- EXPECT_TRUE(browser->AppendTab(url));
- EXPECT_TRUE(browser->AppendTab(url));
- EXPECT_TRUE(browser->AppendTab(url));
+ HWND hwnd = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(browser()->window()->GetNativeHandle());
+ BrowserView* browser_view = BrowserView::GetBrowserViewForHWND(hwnd);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_view);
+ views::FocusManager* focus_manager =
+ views::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(hwnd);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(focus_manager);
- int tab_count;
- EXPECT_TRUE(browser->GetTabCount(&tab_count));
- ASSERT_EQ(5, tab_count);
+ // Create several tabs.
+ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+ browser()->AddTabWithURL(url, GURL(), PageTransition::TYPED, true, NULL);
// Alternate focus for the tab.
const bool kFocusPage[3][5] = {
@@ -163,234 +193,256 @@ TEST_F(BrowserFocusTest, TabsRememberFocus) {
for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
- // Click on the tab.
- ActivateTabByClick(automation(), window.get(), j);
+ // Activate the tab.
+ browser()->SelectTabContentsAt(j, true);
// Activate the location bar or the page.
- int view_id = kFocusPage[i][j] ? VIEW_ID_TAB_CONTAINER :
- gfx::Rect bounds;
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetViewBounds(view_id, &bounds, true));
- POINT click(bounds.CenterPoint().ToPOINT());
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->SimulateOSClick(click,
- views::Event::EF_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN));
- ::Sleep(kActionDelayMs);
+ views::View* view_to_focus = kFocusPage[i][j] ?
+ browser_view->GetContentsView() :
+ browser_view->GetLocationBarView();
+ ui_controls::MoveMouseToCenterAndPress(view_to_focus,
+ ui_controls::LEFT,
+ ui_controls::DOWN |
+ ui_controls::UP,
+ new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
// Now come back to the tab and check the right view is focused.
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
- // Click on the tab.
- ActivateTabByClick(automation(), window.get(), j);
+ // Activate the tab.
+ browser()->SelectTabContentsAt(j, true);
// Activate the location bar or the page.
- int exp_view_id = kFocusPage[i][j] ? VIEW_ID_TAB_CONTAINER :
- int focused_view_id;
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
- EXPECT_EQ(exp_view_id, focused_view_id);
+ views::View* view = kFocusPage[i][j] ?
+ browser_view->GetContentsView() :
+ browser_view->GetLocationBarView();
+ EXPECT_EQ(view, focus_manager->GetFocusedView());
// Background window does not steal focus.
-TEST_F(BrowserFocusTest, BackgroundBrowserDontStealFocus) {
- scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server =
- HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot, NULL);
- ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(BrowserFocusTest, BackgroundBrowserDontStealFocus) {
+ HTTPTestServer* server = StartHTTPServer();
// First we navigate to our test page.
- GURL simple_page_url = server->TestServerPageW(kSimplePage);
- scoped_ptr<TabProxy> tab(GetActiveTab());
- tab->NavigateToURL(simple_page_url);
- scoped_ptr<WindowProxy> window(automation()->GetActiveWindow());
- ASSERT_TRUE(window.get() != NULL);
- scoped_ptr<BrowserProxy> browser(window->GetBrowser());
- ASSERT_TRUE(browser.get() != NULL);
+ GURL url = server->TestServerPageW(kSimplePage);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), url);
// Open a new browser window.
- EXPECT_TRUE(automation()->OpenNewBrowserWindow(SW_SHOWNORMAL));
- scoped_ptr<WindowProxy> new_window(automation()->GetActiveWindow());
- ASSERT_TRUE(window.get() != NULL);
- scoped_ptr<BrowserProxy> new_browser(new_window->GetBrowser());
- ASSERT_TRUE(new_browser.get() != NULL);
+ Browser* browser2 = Browser::Create(browser()->profile());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser2);
+ browser2->AddBlankTab(true);
+ browser2->window()->Show();
GURL steal_focus_url = server->TestServerPageW(kStealFocusPage);
- new_browser->AppendTab(steal_focus_url);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser2, steal_focus_url);
- // Make the first browser active
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->Activate());
+ // Activate the first browser.
+ browser()->window()->Activate();
// Wait for the focus to be stolen by the other browser.
- // Make sure the 1st browser window is still active.
- bool is_active = false;
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->IsActive(&is_active));
- EXPECT_TRUE(is_active);
+ // Make sure the first browser is still active.
+ HWND hwnd = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(browser()->window()->GetNativeHandle());
+ BrowserView* browser_view = BrowserView::GetBrowserViewForHWND(hwnd);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(browser_view);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(browser_view->frame()->GetWindow()->IsActive());
+ // Close the 2nd browser to avoid a DCHECK().
+ HWND hwnd2 = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(browser2->window()->GetNativeHandle());
+ BrowserView* browser_view2 = BrowserView::GetBrowserViewForHWND(hwnd2);
+ browser_view2->Close();
// Page cannot steal focus when focus is on location bar.
-TEST_F(BrowserFocusTest, LocationBarLockFocus) {
- scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server =
- HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot, NULL);
- ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(BrowserFocusTest, LocationBarLockFocus) {
+ HTTPTestServer* server = StartHTTPServer();
// Open the page that steals focus.
GURL url = server->TestServerPageW(kStealFocusPage);
- scoped_ptr<TabProxy> tab(GetActiveTab());
- tab->NavigateToURL(url);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), url);
- scoped_ptr<WindowProxy> window(automation()->GetActiveWindow());
- ASSERT_TRUE(window.get() != NULL);
- scoped_ptr<BrowserProxy> browser(window->GetBrowser());
- ASSERT_TRUE(browser.get() != NULL);
+ HWND hwnd = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(browser()->window()->GetNativeHandle());
+ BrowserView* browser_view = BrowserView::GetBrowserViewForHWND(hwnd);
+ views::FocusManager* focus_manager =
+ views::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(hwnd);
// Click on the location bar.
- gfx::Rect bounds;
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetViewBounds(VIEW_ID_LOCATION_BAR, &bounds, true));
- POINT click(bounds.CenterPoint().ToPOINT());
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->SimulateOSClick(click,
- views::Event::EF_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN));
- ::Sleep(kActionDelayMs);
+ LocationBarView* location_bar = browser_view->GetLocationBarView();
+ ui_controls::MoveMouseToCenterAndPress(location_bar,
+ ui_controls::LEFT,
+ ui_controls::DOWN | ui_controls::UP,
+ new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
// Wait for the page to steal focus.
// Make sure the location bar is still focused.
- int focused_view_id;
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
- EXPECT_EQ(VIEW_ID_LOCATION_BAR, focused_view_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(location_bar, focus_manager->GetFocusedView());
// Focus traversal
-TEST_F(BrowserFocusTest, FocusTraversal) {
- scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server =
- HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot, NULL);
- ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(BrowserFocusTest, FocusTraversal) {
+ HTTPTestServer* server = StartHTTPServer();
- // Open the page the test page.
+ // First we navigate to our test page.
GURL url = server->TestServerPageW(kTypicalPage);
- scoped_ptr<TabProxy> tab(GetActiveTab());
- tab->NavigateToURL(url);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), url);
- scoped_ptr<WindowProxy> window(automation()->GetActiveWindow());
- ASSERT_TRUE(window.get() != NULL);
- scoped_ptr<BrowserProxy> browser(window->GetBrowser());
- ASSERT_TRUE(browser.get() != NULL);
+ HWND hwnd = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(browser()->window()->GetNativeHandle());
+ BrowserView* browser_view = BrowserView::GetBrowserViewForHWND(hwnd);
+ views::FocusManager* focus_manager =
+ views::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(hwnd);
// Click on the location bar.
- gfx::Rect bounds;
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetViewBounds(VIEW_ID_LOCATION_BAR, &bounds, true));
- POINT click(bounds.CenterPoint().ToPOINT());
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->SimulateOSClick(click,
- views::Event::EF_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN));
- ::Sleep(kActionDelayMs);
- const wchar_t* kExpElementIDs[] = {
- L"", // Initially no element in the page should be focused
- // (the location bar is focused).
- L"textEdit", L"searchButton", L"luckyButton", L"googleLink", L"gmailLink",
- L"gmapLink"
+ LocationBarView* location_bar = browser_view->GetLocationBarView();
+ ui_controls::MoveMouseToCenterAndPress(location_bar,
+ ui_controls::LEFT,
+ ui_controls::DOWN | ui_controls::UP,
+ new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
+ const char* kExpElementIDs[] = {
+ "", // Initially no element in the page should be focused
+ // (the location bar is focused).
+ "textEdit", "searchButton", "luckyButton", "googleLink", "gmailLink",
+ "gmapLink"
// Test forward focus traversal.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// Location bar should be focused.
- int focused_view_id;
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
- EXPECT_EQ(VIEW_ID_LOCATION_BAR, focused_view_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(location_bar, focus_manager->GetFocusedView());
// Now let's press tab to move the focus.
for (int j = 0; j < 7; ++j) {
// Let's make sure the focus is on the expected element in the page.
- std::wstring actual;
- ASSERT_TRUE(tab->ExecuteAndExtractString(L"",
- L"window.domAutomationController.send(getFocusedElement());",
- &actual));
+ JavaScriptRunner js_runner(
+ browser()->GetSelectedTabContents()->AsWebContents(),
+ L"",
+ L"window.domAutomationController.send(getFocusedElement());");
+ std::string actual = js_runner.Run();
ASSERT_STREQ(kExpElementIDs[j], actual.c_str());
- window->SimulateOSKeyPress(L'\t', 0);
+ ui_controls::SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(L'\t', false, false, false,
+ new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
+ // Ideally, we wouldn't sleep here and instead would use the event
+ // processed ack nofification from the renderer. I am reluctant to create
+ // a new notification/callback for that purpose just for this test.
+ // At this point the renderer has sent us a message asking to advance the
+ // focus (as the end of the focus loop was reached in the renderer).
+ // We need to run the message loop to process it.
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
// Now let's try reverse focus traversal.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
// Location bar should be focused.
- int focused_view_id;
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
- EXPECT_EQ(VIEW_ID_LOCATION_BAR, focused_view_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(location_bar, focus_manager->GetFocusedView());
- // Now let's press tab to move the focus.
+ // Now let's press shift-tab to move the focus in reverse.
for (int j = 0; j < 7; ++j) {
- window->SimulateOSKeyPress(L'\t', views::Event::EF_SHIFT_DOWN);
+ ui_controls::SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(L'\t', false, true, false,
+ new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
// Let's make sure the focus is on the expected element in the page.
- std::wstring actual;
- ASSERT_TRUE(tab->ExecuteAndExtractString(L"",
- L"window.domAutomationController.send(getFocusedElement());",
- &actual));
+ JavaScriptRunner js_runner(
+ browser()->GetSelectedTabContents()->AsWebContents(),
+ L"",
+ L"window.domAutomationController.send(getFocusedElement());");
+ std::string actual = js_runner.Run();
ASSERT_STREQ(kExpElementIDs[6 - j], actual.c_str());
+ // At this point the renderer has sent us a message asking to advance the
+ // focus (as the end of the focus loop was reached in the renderer).
+ // We need to run the message loop to process it.
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
// Make sure Find box can request focus, even when it is already open.
-TEST_F(BrowserFocusTest, FindFocusTest) {
- scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> server =
- HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot, NULL);
- ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get());
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(BrowserFocusTest, FindFocusTest) {
+ HTTPTestServer* server = StartHTTPServer();
// Open some page (any page that doesn't steal focus).
GURL url = server->TestServerPageW(kTypicalPage);
- scoped_ptr<TabProxy> tab(GetActiveTab());
- tab->NavigateToURL(url);
+ ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), url);
- scoped_ptr<WindowProxy> window(automation()->GetActiveWindow());
- ASSERT_TRUE(window.get() != NULL);
- scoped_ptr<BrowserProxy> browser(window->GetBrowser());
- ASSERT_TRUE(browser.get() != NULL);
+ HWND hwnd = reinterpret_cast<HWND>(browser()->window()->GetNativeHandle());
+ BrowserView* browser_view = BrowserView::GetBrowserViewForHWND(hwnd);
+ views::FocusManager* focus_manager =
+ views::FocusManager::GetFocusManager(hwnd);
+ LocationBarView* location_bar = browser_view->GetLocationBarView();
// Press Ctrl+F, which will make the Find box open and request focus.
static const int VK_F = 0x46;
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->SimulateOSKeyPress(VK_F, views::Event::EF_CONTROL_DOWN));
+ ui_controls::SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(L'F', true, false, false,
+ new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
+ // Ideally, we wouldn't sleep here and instead would intercept the
+ // RenderViewHostDelegate::HandleKeyboardEvent() callback. To do that, we
+ // could create a RenderViewHostDelegate wrapper and hook-it up by either:
+ // - creating a factory used to create the delegate
+ // - making the test a private and overwriting the delegate member directly.
- int focused_view_id;
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
+ views::View* focused_view = focus_manager->GetFocusedView();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(focused_view != NULL);
// Click on the location bar.
- gfx::Rect bounds;
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetViewBounds(VIEW_ID_LOCATION_BAR, &bounds, true));
- POINT click(bounds.CenterPoint().ToPOINT());
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->SimulateOSClick(click,
- views::Event::EF_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN));
- ::Sleep(kActionDelayMs);
+ ui_controls::MoveMouseToCenterAndPress(location_bar,
+ ui_controls::LEFT,
+ ui_controls::DOWN | ui_controls::UP,
+ new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
// Make sure the location bar is focused.
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
- EXPECT_EQ(VIEW_ID_LOCATION_BAR, focused_view_id);
+ EXPECT_EQ(location_bar, focus_manager->GetFocusedView());
// Now press Ctrl+F again and focus should move to the Find box.
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->SimulateOSKeyPress(VK_F, views::Event::EF_CONTROL_DOWN));
- ::Sleep(kActionDelayMs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
+ ui_controls::SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(L'F', true, false, false,
+ new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
+ focused_view = focus_manager->GetFocusedView();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(focused_view != NULL);
// Set focus to the page.
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetViewBounds(VIEW_ID_TAB_CONTAINER, &bounds, true));
- click = bounds.CenterPoint().ToPOINT();
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->SimulateOSClick(click,
- views::Event::EF_LEFT_BUTTON_DOWN));
- ::Sleep(kActionDelayMs);
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
- EXPECT_EQ(VIEW_ID_TAB_CONTAINER, focused_view_id);
+ ui_controls::MoveMouseToCenterAndPress(browser_view->GetContentsView(),
+ ui_controls::LEFT,
+ ui_controls::DOWN | ui_controls::UP,
+ new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
+ EXPECT_EQ(browser_view->GetContentsView(), focus_manager->GetFocusedView());
// Now press Ctrl+F again and focus should move to the Find box.
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->SimulateOSKeyPress(VK_F, views::Event::EF_CONTROL_DOWN));
+ ui_controls::SendKeyPressNotifyWhenDone(VK_F, true, false, false,
+ new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
+ // See remark above on why we wait.
- EXPECT_TRUE(window->GetFocusedViewID(&focused_view_id));
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new MessageLoop::QuitTask());
+ ui_test_utils::RunMessageLoop();
+ focused_view = focus_manager->GetFocusedView();
+ ASSERT_TRUE(focused_view != NULL);
diff --git a/chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_view.h b/chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_view.h
index c228246..b1f70a8 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_view.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_view.h
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ class BrowserView : public BrowserWindow,
virtual ~BrowserView();
void set_frame(BrowserFrame* frame) { frame_ = frame; }
+ BrowserFrame* frame() const { return frame_; }
// Returns a pointer to the BrowserView* interface implementation (an
// instance of this object, typically) for a given HWND, or NULL if there is
diff --git a/chrome/test/ b/chrome/test/
index dd1f919..aae695b 100644
--- a/chrome/test/
+++ b/chrome/test/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "chrome/browser/browser_shutdown.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profile_manager.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host.h"
#include "chrome/browser/views/frame/browser_view.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
@@ -43,7 +44,10 @@ bool DieFileDie(const std::wstring& file, bool recurse) {
} // namespace
-InProcessBrowserTest::InProcessBrowserTest() : browser_(NULL) {
+ : browser_(NULL),
+ show_window_(false),
+ dom_automation_enabled_(false) {
void InProcessBrowserTest::SetUp() {
@@ -68,15 +72,23 @@ void InProcessBrowserTest::SetUp() {
CommandLine* command_line = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcessMutable();
// Hide windows on show.
- if (!command_line->HasSwitch(kUnitTestShowWindows))
+ if (!command_line->HasSwitch(kUnitTestShowWindows) && !show_window_)
+ if (dom_automation_enabled_)
+ command_line->AppendSwitch(switches::kDomAutomationController);
command_line->AppendSwitchWithValue(switches::kUserDataDir, user_data_dir);
// For some reason the sandbox wasn't happy running in test mode. These
// tests aren't intended to test the sandbox, so we turn it off.
+ // Single-process mode is not set in BrowserMain so it needs to be processed
+ // explicitlty.
+ if (command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kSingleProcess))
+ RenderProcessHost::set_run_renderer_in_process(true);
// Explicitly set the path of the exe used for the renderer, otherwise it'll
// try to use unit_test.exe.
std::wstring renderer_path;
diff --git a/chrome/test/in_process_browser_test.h b/chrome/test/in_process_browser_test.h
index 230b8df..90dcdc9 100644
--- a/chrome/test/in_process_browser_test.h
+++ b/chrome/test/in_process_browser_test.h
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
-#include "chrome/app/scoped_ole_initializer.h"
#include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h"
#include "chrome/common/notification_observer.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_unittest.h"
@@ -74,6 +73,11 @@ class InProcessBrowserTest : public testing::Test, public NotificationObserver {
// This is invoked from Setup.
virtual Browser* CreateBrowser(Profile* profile);
+ // Sets some test states (see below for comments). Call this in your test
+ // constructor.
+ void set_show_window(bool show) { show_window_ = show; }
+ void EnableDOMAutomation() { dom_automation_enabled_ = true; }
// Invokes CreateBrowser to create a browser, then RunTestOnMainThread, and
// destroys the browser.
@@ -88,7 +92,13 @@ class InProcessBrowserTest : public testing::Test, public NotificationObserver {
// HTTPServer, created when StartHTTPServer is invoked.
scoped_refptr<HTTPTestServer> http_server_;
- ScopedOleInitializer ole_initializer_;
+ // Whether this test requires the browser windows to be shown (interactive
+ // tests for example need the windows shown).
+ bool show_window_;
+ // Whether the JavaScript can access the DOMAutomationController (a JS object
+ // that can send messages back to the browser).
+ bool dom_automation_enabled_;
diff --git a/chrome/test/interactive_ui/interactive_ui.vcproj b/chrome/test/interactive_ui/interactive_ui.vcproj
index a4863ee..5047175 100644
--- a/chrome/test/interactive_ui/interactive_ui.vcproj
+++ b/chrome/test/interactive_ui/interactive_ui.vcproj
@@ -12,12 +12,16 @@
+ <ToolFile
+ RelativePath="..\..\tools\build\win\version.rules"
+ />
+ OutputDirectory="$(SolutionDir)$(ConfigurationName)"
- InheritedPropertySheets="$(SolutionDir)..\build\common.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)..\build\debug.vsprops;..\..\tools\build\win\precompiled_wtl.vsprops;..\..\tools\build\win\unit_test.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)..\third_party\libpng\using_libpng.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)..\third_party\zlib\using_zlib.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)..\skia\using_skia.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)..\third_party\libxml\build\using_libxml.vsprops;..\..\..\third_party\icu38\build\using_icu.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)..\testing\using_gtest.vsprops;..\..\third_party\hunspell\using_hunspell.vsprops"
+ InheritedPropertySheets="$(SolutionDir)..\build\common.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)..\build\debug.vsprops;..\..\tools\build\win\precompiled_wtl.vsprops;..\..\tools\build\win\unit_test.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)..\third_party\libpng\using_libpng.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)..\third_party\zlib\using_zlib.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)..\skia\using_skia.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)..\third_party\libxml\build\using_libxml.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)..\third_party\icu38\build\using_icu.vsprops;$(SolutionDir)..\testing\using_gtest.vsprops;..\..\third_party\hunspell\using_hunspell.vsprops;..\..\installer\util\using_util.vsprops;..\..\..\third_party\npapi\using_npapi.vsprops"
@@ -26,6 +30,9 @@
+ Name="Version"
+ />
+ <Tool
@@ -42,12 +49,14 @@
+ AdditionalIncludeDirectories="$(SolutionDir)..;&quot;$(IntDir)&quot;;&quot;$(IntDir)&quot;;&quot;$(SolutionDir)&quot;;&quot;$(IntDir)\..\&quot;"
+ AdditionalDependencies="winmm.lib"
@@ -86,6 +95,9 @@
+ Name="Version"
+ />
+ <Tool
@@ -143,6 +155,14 @@
+ RelativePath="..\"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\in_process_browser_test.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
@@ -191,6 +211,14 @@
+ RelativePath="..\"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\ui_test_utils.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
@@ -200,6 +228,86 @@
+ Name="resources"
+ >
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\..\webkit\glue\resources\aliasb.cur"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="$(OutDir)\grit_derived_sources\browser_resources.rc"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\..\webkit\glue\resources\cell.cur"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\app\chrome_dll.rc"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\app\chrome_dll_resource.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\app\chrome_dll_version.rc.version"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\..\webkit\glue\resources\col_resize.cur"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="$(OutDir)\grit_derived_sources\common_resources.rc"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\..\webkit\glue\resources\copy.cur"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="$(OutDir)\grit_derived_sources\debugger_resources.rc"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="$(OutDir)\grit_derived_sources\net_resources.rc"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="$(OutDir)\grit_derived_sources\renderer_resources.rc"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\data\resource.h"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\data\resource.rc"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\..\webkit\glue\resources\row_resize.cur"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\..\webkit\glue\resources\vertical_text.cur"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="$(OutDir)\grit_derived_sources\webkit_resources.rc"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\..\webkit\glue\resources\zoom_in.cur"
+ >
+ </File>
+ <File
+ RelativePath="..\..\..\webkit\glue\resources\zoom_out.cur"
+ >
+ </File>
+ </Filter>
+ <Filter
diff --git a/chrome/test/ b/chrome/test/
index 1293f72..7471711 100644
--- a/chrome/test/
+++ b/chrome/test/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/web_contents.h"
#include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h"
#include "chrome/common/notification_service.h"
+#include "chrome/views/accelerator_handler.h"
#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
namespace ui_test_utils {
@@ -59,7 +60,8 @@ void RunMessageLoop() {
MessageLoopForUI* loop = MessageLoopForUI::current();
bool did_allow_task_nesting = loop->NestableTasksAllowed();
- loop->Run(NULL);
+ views::AcceleratorHandler handler;
+ loop->Run(&handler);
diff --git a/chrome/test/unit/chrome_test_suite.h b/chrome/test/unit/chrome_test_suite.h
index 79c5e19..3382d972 100644
--- a/chrome/test/unit/chrome_test_suite.h
+++ b/chrome/test/unit/chrome_test_suite.h
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h"
#include "base/test_suite.h"
+#include "chrome/app/scoped_ole_initializer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
@@ -78,11 +79,12 @@ protected:
// Tear down shared StatsTable; prevents unit_tests from leaking it.
delete stats_table_;
StatsTable* stats_table_;
+ ScopedOleInitializer ole_initializer_;