diff options
mode: <>2011-06-27 19:49:31 +0000 <>2011-06-27 19:49:31 +0000
commitbc3f2a780ae85393475564c77afcfa682e63260a (patch)
parentdee810ea1b9b58410399bbc42637ffba79fde1c6 (diff)
Add chrome://quota-internals/ resources
(split from issue 7038034) BUG=84397 TEST=None Committed: Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
13 files changed, 830 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals/event_handler.js b/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals/event_handler.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10b6bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals/event_handler.js
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// require cr.js
+// require cr/event_target.js
+// require cr/ui.js
+// require cr/ui/tabs.js
+// require cr/ui/tree.js
+// require cr/util.js
+(function() {
+'use strict';
+ * @param {Object} object Object to be checked.
+ * @return {boolean} true if |object| is {}.
+ * @private
+ */
+function isEmptyObject_(object) {
+ for (var i in object)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ * Copy properties from |source| to |destination|.
+ * @param {Object} source Source of the copy.
+ * @param {Object} destination Destination of the copy.
+ * @return {Object} |destination|.
+ * @private
+ */
+function copyAttributes_(source, destination) {
+ for (var i in source)
+ destination[i] = source[i];
+ return destination;
+ * Apply localization to |element| with i18n_template.js if available.
+ * @param {Element} element Element to be localized.
+ * @private
+ */
+function localize_(element) {
+ if (window.i18nTemplate && window.templateData)
+ i18nTemplate.process(element, templateData);
+ * Returns 'N/A' (Not Available) text if |value| is undefined.
+ * @param {Object} value Object to print.
+ * @return {string} 'N/A' or ''.
+ * @private
+ */
+function checkIfAvailable_(value) {
+ return value === undefined ? 'N/A' : '';
+ * Returns |value| itself if |value| is not undefined,
+ * else returns 'N/A' text.
+ * @param {?string} value String to print.
+ * @return {string} 'N/A' or |value|.
+ * @private
+ */
+function stringToText_(value) {
+ return checkIfAvailable_(value) || value;
+ * Separates |value| into segments.
+ * The length of first segment is at most |maxLength|.
+ * Length of other following segments are just |maxLength|.
+ * e.g. separateBackward_('abcdefghijk', 4) == ['abc','defg','hijk'];
+ * @param {string} value String to be separated.
+ * @param {number} maxLength Max length of segments.
+ * @return {Array.<string>} Array of segments.
+ * @private
+ */
+function separateBackward_(value, maxLength) {
+ var result = [];
+ while (value.length > maxLength) {
+ result.unshift(value.slice(-3));
+ value = value.slice(0, -3);
+ }
+ result.unshift(value);
+ return result;
+ * Returns formatted string from number as number of bytes.
+ * e.g. numBytesToText(123456789) = '123.45 MB (123,456,789 B)'.
+ * If |value| is undefined, this function returns 'N/A'.
+ * @param {?number} value Number to print.
+ * @return {string} 'N/A' or formatted |value|.
+ * @private
+ */
+function numBytesToText_(value) {
+ var result = checkIfAvailable_(value);
+ if (result)
+ return result;
+ var segments = separateBackward_(value.toString(), 3);
+ result = segments.join(',') + ' B';
+ if (segments.length > 1) {
+ var UNIT = [' B', ' KB', ' MB', ' GB', ' TB', ' PB'];
+ result = segments[0] + '.' + segments[1].slice(0, 2) +
+ UNIT[Math.min(segments.length, UNIT.length) - 1] +
+ ' (' + result + ')';
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Return formatted date |value| if |value| is not undefined.
+ * If |value| is undefined, this function returns 'N/A'.
+ * @param {?number} value Number of milliseconds since
+ * UNIX epoch time (0:00, Jan 1, 1970, UTC).
+ * @return {string} Formatted text of date or 'N/A'.
+ * @private
+ */
+function dateToText(value) {
+ var result = checkIfAvailable_(value);
+ if (result)
+ return result;
+ var lastAccessTime = new Date(value);
+ var now = new Date();
+ var delta = - value;
+ var SECOND = 1000;
+ var MINUTE = 60 * SECOND;
+ var HOUR = 60 * MINUTE;
+ var DAY = 23 * HOUR;
+ var WEEK = 7 * DAY;
+ var SHOW_MINUTE = 5 * HOUR;
+ var SHOW_HOUR = 3 * DAY;
+ var SHOW_DAY = 2 * WEEK;
+ var SHOW_WEEK = 3 * 30 * DAY;
+ if (delta < 0) {
+ result = 'access from future ';
+ } else if (delta < SHOW_SECOND) {
+ result = Math.ceil(delta / SECOND) + ' sec ago ';
+ } else if (delta < SHOW_MINUTE) {
+ result = Math.ceil(delta / MINUTE) + ' min ago ';
+ } else if (delta < SHOW_HOUR) {
+ result = Math.ceil(delta / HOUR) + ' hr ago ';
+ } else if (delta < SHOW_WEEK) {
+ result = Math.ceil(delta / DAY) + ' day ago ';
+ }
+ result += '(' + lastAccessTime.toString() + ')';
+ return result;
+ * Available disk space.
+ * @type {number|undefined}
+ */
+var availableSpace = undefined;
+ * Root of the quota data tree,
+ * holding userdata as |treeViewObject.detail|.
+ * @type {cr.ui.Tree}
+ */
+var treeViewObject = undefined;
+ * Key-value styled statistics data.
+ * This WebUI does not touch contents, just show.
+ * The value is hold as |statistics[key].detail|.
+ * @type {Object<string,Element>}
+ */
+var statistics = {};
+ * Initialize and return |treeViewObject|.
+ * @return {cr.ui.Tree} Initialized |treeViewObject|.
+ */
+function getTreeViewObject() {
+ if (!treeViewObject) {
+ treeViewObject = $('tree-view');
+ cr.ui.decorate(treeViewObject, cr.ui.Tree);
+ treeViewObject.detail = {payload: {}, children: {}};
+ treeViewObject.addEventListener('change', updateDescription);
+ }
+ return treeViewObject;
+ * Initialize and return a tree item, that represents specified storage type.
+ * @param {!string} type Storage type.
+ * @return {cr.ui.TreeItem} Initialized |storageObject|.
+ */
+function getStorageObject(type) {
+ var treeViewObject = getTreeViewObject();
+ var storageObject = treeViewObject.detail.children[type];
+ if (!storageObject) {
+ storageObject = new cr.ui.TreeItem({
+ label: type,
+ detail: {payload: {}, children: {}}
+ });
+ storageObject.mayHaveChildren_ = true;
+ treeViewObject.detail.children[type] = storageObject;
+ treeViewObject.add(storageObject);
+ }
+ return storageObject;
+ * Initialize and return a tree item, that represents specified
+ * storage type and hostname.
+ * @param {!string} type Storage type.
+ * @param {!string} host Hostname.
+ * @return {cr.ui.TreeItem} Initialized |hostObject|.
+ */
+function getHostObject(type, host) {
+ var storageObject = getStorageObject(type);
+ var hostObject = storageObject.detail.children[host];
+ if (!hostObject) {
+ hostObject = new cr.ui.TreeItem({
+ label: host,
+ detail: {payload: {}, children: {}}
+ });
+ hostObject.mayHaveChildren_ = true;
+ storageObject.detail.children[host] = hostObject;
+ storageObject.add(hostObject);
+ }
+ return hostObject;
+ * Initialize and return a tree item, that represents specified
+ * storage type, hostname and origin url.
+ * @param {!string} type Storage type.
+ * @param {!string} host Hostname.
+ * @param {!string} origin Origin URL.
+ * @return {cr.ui.TreeItem} Initialized |originObject|.
+ */
+function getOriginObject(type, host, origin) {
+ var hostObject = getHostObject(type, host);
+ var originObject = hostObject.detail.children[origin];
+ if (!originObject) {
+ originObject = new cr.ui.TreeItem({
+ label: origin,
+ detail: {payload: {}, children: {}}
+ });
+ originObject.mayHaveChildren_ = false;
+ hostObject.detail.children[origin] = originObject;
+ hostObject.add(originObject);
+ }
+ return originObject;
+ * Event Handler for |cr.quota.onAvailableSpaceUpdated|.
+ * |event.detail| contains |availableSpace|.
+ * |availableSpace| represents total available disk space.
+ * @param {CustomEvent} event AvailableSpaceUpdated event.
+ */
+function handleAvailableSpace(event) {
+ /**
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+ availableSpace = event.detail;
+ $('diskspace-entry').innerHTML = numBytesToText_(availableSpace);
+ * Event Handler for |cr.quota.onGlobalDataUpdated|.
+ * |event.detail| contains a record which has:
+ * |type|:
+ * Storage type, that is either 'temporary' or 'persistent'.
+ * |usage|:
+ * Total storage usage of all hosts.
+ * |unlimitedUsage|:
+ * Total storage usage of unlimited-quota origins.
+ * |quota|:
+ * Total quota of the storage.
+ *
+ * |usage|, |unlimitedUsage| and |quota| can be missing,
+ * and some additional fields can be included.
+ * @param {CustomEvent} event GlobalDataUpdated event.
+ */
+function handleGlobalData(event) {
+ /**
+ * @type {{
+ * type: {!string},
+ * usage: {?number},
+ * unlimitedUsage: {?number}
+ * quota: {?string}
+ * }}
+ */
+ var data = event.detail;
+ var storageObject = getStorageObject(data.type);
+ copyAttributes_(data, storageObject.detail.payload);
+ storageObject.reveal();
+ * Event Handler for |cr.quota.onHostDataUpdated|.
+ * |event.detail| contains records which have:
+ * |host|:
+ * Hostname of the entry. (e.g. '')
+ * |type|:
+ * Storage type. 'temporary' or 'persistent'
+ * |usage|:
+ * Total storage usage of the host.
+ * |quota|:
+ * Per-host quota.
+ *
+ * |usage| and |quota| can be missing,
+ * and some additional fields can be included.
+ * @param {CustomEvent} event HostDataUpdated event.
+ */
+function handleHostData(event) {
+ /**
+ * @type {Array<{
+ * host: {!string},
+ * type: {!string},
+ * usage: {?number},
+ * quota: {?number}
+ * }}
+ */
+ var dataArray = event.detail;
+ for (var i = 0; i < dataArray.length; ++i) {
+ var data = dataArray[i];
+ var hostObject = getHostObject(data.type,;
+ copyAttributes_(data, hostObject.detail.payload);
+ hostObject.reveal();
+ }
+ * Event Handler for |cr.quota.onOriginDataUpdated|.
+ * |event.detail| contains records which have:
+ * |origin|:
+ * Origin URL of the entry.
+ * |type|:
+ * Storage type of the entry. 'temporary' or 'persistent'.
+ * |host|:
+ * Hostname of the entry.
+ * |inUse|:
+ * true if the origin is in use.
+ * |usedCount|:
+ * Used count of the storage from the origin.
+ * |lastAccessTime|:
+ * Last storage access time from the origin.
+ * Number of milliseconds since UNIX epoch (Jan 1, 1970, 0:00:00 UTC).
+ *
+ * |inUse|, |usedCount| and |lastAccessTime| can be missing,
+ * and some additional fields can be included.
+ * @param {CustomEvent} event OriginDataUpdated event.
+ */
+function handleOriginData(event) {
+ /**
+ * @type {Array<{
+ * origin: {!string},
+ * type: {!string},
+ * host: {!string},
+ * inUse: {?boolean},
+ * usedCount: {?number},
+ * lastAccessTime: {?number}
+ * }>}
+ */
+ var dataArray = event.detail;
+ for (var i = 0; i < dataArray.length; ++i) {
+ var data = dataArray[i];
+ var originObject = getOriginObject(data.type,, data.origin);
+ copyAttributes_(data, originObject.detail.payload);
+ originObject.reveal();
+ }
+ * Event Handler for |cr.quota.onStatisticsUpdated|.
+ * |event.detail| contains misc statistics data as dictionary.
+ * @param {CustomEvent} event StatisticsUpdated event.
+ */
+function handleStatistics(event) {
+ /**
+ * @type {Object.<string>}
+ */
+ var data = event.detail;
+ for (var key in data) {
+ var entry = statistics[key];
+ if (!entry) {
+ entry = cr.doc.createElement('tr');
+ $('stat-entries').appendChild(entry);
+ statistics[key] = entry;
+ }
+ entry.detail = data[key];
+ entry.innerHTML =
+ '<td>' + stringToText_(key) + '</td>' +
+ '<td>' + stringToText_(entry.detail) + '</td>';
+ localize_(entry);
+ }
+ * Update description on 'tree-item-description' field with
+ * selected item in tree view.
+ */
+function updateDescription() {
+ var item = getTreeViewObject().selectedItem;
+ var tbody = $('tree-item-description');
+ tbody.innerHTML = '';
+ if (item) {
+ var keyAndLabel = [['type', 'Storage Type'],
+ ['host', 'Host Name'],
+ ['origin', 'Origin URL'],
+ ['usage', 'Total Storage Usage', numBytesToText_],
+ ['unlimitedUsage', 'Usage of Unlimited Origins',
+ numBytesToText_],
+ ['quota', 'Quota', numBytesToText_],
+ ['inUse', 'Origin is in use?'],
+ ['usedCount', 'Used count'],
+ ['lastAccessTime', 'Last Access Time',
+ dateToText]
+ ];
+ for (var i = 0; i < keyAndLabel.length; ++i) {
+ var key = keyAndLabel[i][0];
+ var label = keyAndLabel[i][1];
+ var entry = item.detail.payload[key];
+ if (entry === undefined)
+ continue;
+ var normalize = keyAndLabel[i][2] || stringToText_;
+ var row = cr.doc.createElement('tr');
+ row.innerHTML =
+ '<td>' + label + '</td>' +
+ '<td>' + normalize(entry) + '</td>';
+ localize_(row);
+ tbody.appendChild(row);
+ }
+ }
+ * Dump |treeViewObject| or subtree to a object.
+ * @param {?{cr.ui.Tree|cr.ui.TreeItem}} opt_treeitem
+ * @return {Object} Dump result object from |treeViewObject|.
+ */
+function dumpTreeToObj(opt_treeitem) {
+ var treeitem = opt_treeitem || getTreeViewObject();
+ var res = {};
+ res.payload = treeitem.detail.payload;
+ res.children = [];
+ for (var i in treeitem.detail.children) {
+ var child = treeitem.detail.children[i];
+ res.children.push(dumpTreeToObj(child));
+ }
+ if (isEmptyObject_(res.payload))
+ delete res.payload;
+ if (res.children.length == 0)
+ delete res.children;
+ return res;
+ * Dump |statistics| to a object.
+ * @return {Object} Dump result object from |statistics|.
+ */
+function dumpStatisticsToObj() {
+ var result = {};
+ for (var key in statistics)
+ result[key] = statistics[key].detail;
+ return result;
+ * Event handler for 'dump-button' 'click'ed.
+ * Dump and show all data from WebUI page to 'dump-field' element.
+ */
+function dump() {
+ var separator = '========\n';
+ $('dump-field').textContent =
+ separator +
+ 'Summary\n' +
+ separator +
+ JSON.stringify({availableSpace: availableSpace}, null, 2) + '\n' +
+ separator +
+ 'Usage And Quota\n' +
+ separator +
+ JSON.stringify(dumpTreeToObj(), null, 2) + '\n' +
+ separator +
+ 'Misc Statistics\n' +
+ separator +
+ JSON.stringify(dumpStatisticsToObj(), null, 2);
+function onLoad() {
+ cr.ui.decorate('tabbox', cr.ui.TabBox);
+ localize_(document);
+ cr.quota.onAvailableSpaceUpdated.addEventListener('update',
+ handleAvailableSpace);
+ cr.quota.onGlobalDataUpdated.addEventListener('update', handleGlobalData);
+ cr.quota.onHostDataUpdated.addEventListener('update', handleHostData);
+ cr.quota.onOriginDataUpdated.addEventListener('update', handleOriginData);
+ cr.quota.onStatisticsUpdated.addEventListener('update', handleStatistics);
+ cr.quota.requestData();
+ $('refresh-button').addEventListener('click', cr.quota.requestData, false);
+ $('dump-button').addEventListener('click', dump, false);
+cr.doc.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', onLoad, false);
diff --git a/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals/main.css b/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals/main.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5753406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals/main.css
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+found in the LICENSE file.
+th, td {
+ padding-left: 0.5em;
+ padding-right: 0.5em;
+ text-align: center;
+#tree-view-container {
+ float: left;
+ min-width: 15em;
+ width: 20%;
+tr:nth-child(odd) {
+ background: #eeeeff;
+.tree-item:not([may-have-children]) > .tree-row > .tree-label {
+ background-image: url("../shared/images/icon_file.png");
diff --git a/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals/main.html b/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals/main.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4293da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals/main.html
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+found in the LICENSE file.
+<html i18n-values="dir:textdirection;">
+<title>Quota Internals</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="main.css"/>
+<script src="chrome://resources/js/util.js"></script>
+<script src="chrome://resources/js/cr.js"></script>
+<script src="chrome://resources/js/cr/event_target.js"></script>
+<script src="chrome://resources/js/i18n_template.js"></script>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="chrome://resources/css/tabs.css">
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="chrome://resources/css/tree.css">
+<script src="chrome://resources/js/cr/ui.js"></script>
+<script src="chrome://resources/js/cr/ui/tabs.js"></script>
+<script src="chrome://resources/js/cr/ui/tree.js"></script>
+<script src="chrome://resources/css/tree.css.js"></script>
+<script src="chrome://resources/js/cr/ui/focus_outline_manager.js"></script>
+<script src="message_dispatcher.js"></script>
+<script src="event_handler.js"></script>
+<body i18n-values=".style.fontFamily:fontfamily;.style.fontSize:fontsize">
+ <tabs>
+ <tab>Summary</tab>
+ <tab>Usage &amp; Quota</tab>
+ <tab>Data</tab>
+ </tabs>
+ <tabpanels>
+ <tabpanel>
+ <!-- Summary -->
+ <h2>Summary</h2>
+ <table>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Free disk space for the profile directory.</td>
+ <td id="diskspace-entry">N/A</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <h2>Misc Statistics</h2>
+ <table>
+ <tbody id="stat-entries" class="entries"></tbody>
+ </table>
+ </tabpanel>
+ <tabpanel>
+ <!-- Usage and Quota -->
+ <h2>Usage and Quota Database Browser</h2>
+ <div id="tree-view-container">
+ <button id="refresh-button">Refresh</button>
+ <tree id="tree-view"></tree>
+ </div>
+ <table>
+ <thead></thead>
+ <tbody id="tree-item-description"></tbody>
+ </table>
+ </tabpanel>
+ <tabpanel>
+ <!-- Data -->
+ <button id="dump-button">Dump</button>
+ <pre id="dump-field"></pre>
+ </tabpanel>
+ </tabpanels>
diff --git a/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals/message_dispatcher.js b/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals/message_dispatcher.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37e5e94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals/message_dispatcher.js
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// require cr.js
+// require cr/event_target.js
+// require cr/util.js
+ * Bridge between the browser and the page.
+ * In this file:
+ * * define EventTargets to recieve message from the browser,
+ * * dispatch browser messages to EventTarget,
+ * * define interface to request data to the browser.
+ */
+cr.define('cr.quota', function() {
+ 'use strict';
+ /**
+ * Post requestData message to Browser.
+ */
+ function requestData() {
+ chrome.send('requestData');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Callback entry point from Browser.
+ * Messages are Dispatched as Event to:
+ * * onAvailableSpaceUpdated,
+ * * onGlobalDataUpdated,
+ * * onHostDataUpdated,
+ * * onOriginDataUpdated,
+ * * onStatisticsUpdated.
+ * @param {string} message Message label. Possible Values are:
+ * * 'AvailableSpaceUpdated',
+ * * 'GlobalDataUpdated',
+ * * 'HostDataUpdated',
+ * * 'OriginDataUpdated',
+ * * 'StatisticsUpdated'.
+ * @param {Object} detail Message specific additional data.
+ */
+ function messageHandler(message, detail) {
+ var target = null;
+ switch (message) {
+ case 'AvailableSpaceUpdated':
+ target = cr.quota.onAvailableSpaceUpdated;
+ break;
+ case 'GlobalDataUpdated':
+ target = cr.quota.onGlobalDataUpdated;
+ break;
+ case 'HostDataUpdated':
+ target = cr.quota.onHostDataUpdated;
+ break;
+ case 'OriginDataUpdated':
+ target = cr.quota.onOriginDataUpdated;
+ break;
+ case 'StatisticsUpdated':
+ target = cr.quota.onStatisticsUpdated;
+ break;
+ default:
+ console.error('Unknown Message');
+ break;
+ }
+ if (target) {
+ var event = cr.doc.createEvent('CustomEvent');
+ event.initCustomEvent('update', false, false, detail);
+ target.dispatchEvent(event);
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ onAvailableSpaceUpdated: new cr.EventTarget(),
+ onGlobalDataUpdated: new cr.EventTarget(),
+ onHostDataUpdated: new cr.EventTarget(),
+ onOriginDataUpdated: new cr.EventTarget(),
+ onStatisticsUpdated: new cr.EventTarget(),
+ requestData: requestData,
+ messageHandler: messageHandler
+ };
diff --git a/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals_resources.grd b/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals_resources.grd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81f44f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals_resources.grd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<grit latest_public_release="0" current_release="1">
+ <outputs>
+ <output filename="grit/quota_internals_resources.h" type="rc_header">
+ <emit emit_type='prepend'></emit>
+ </output>
+ <output filename="grit/" type="resource_file_map_source" />
+ <output filename="grit/quota_internals_resources_map.h" type="resource_map_header" />
+ <output filename="quota_internals_resources.pak" type="data_package" />
+ </outputs>
+ <release seq="1">
+ <includes>
+ <include name="IDR_QUOTA_INTERNALS_MAIN_HTML" file="quota_internals/main.html" flattenhtml="true" type="BINDATA" />
+ </includes>
+ </release>
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ui/webui/ b/chrome/browser/ui/webui/
index 0848820..2e2ecd1 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/ui/webui/
+++ b/chrome/browser/ui/webui/
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/options/options_ui.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/plugins_ui.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/print_preview_ui.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/quota_internals_ui.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/sessions_ui.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/sync_internals_ui.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/test_chrome_web_ui_factory.h"
@@ -179,6 +180,8 @@ static WebUIFactoryFunction GetWebUIFactoryFunction(Profile* profile,
return &NewWebUI<SyncInternalsUI>;
if ( == chrome::kChromeUISettingsHost)
return &NewWebUI<OptionsUI>;
+ if ( == chrome::kChromeUIQuotaInternalsHost)
+ return &NewWebUI<QuotaInternalsUI>;
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
if ( == chrome::kChromeUIChooseMobileNetworkHost)
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ui/webui/ b/chrome/browser/ui/webui/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d4fcab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/ui/webui/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/quota_internals_ui.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <string>
+#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
+#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
+#include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h"
+#include "content/common/json_value_serializer.h"
+#include "grit/quota_internals_resources.h"
+#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
+#include "ui/base/resource/resource_bundle.h"
+QuotaInternalsUI::QuotaInternalsUI(TabContents* contents)
+ : ChromeWebUI(contents) {
+ // TODO(tzik): implement and attach message handler
+ contents->profile()->GetChromeURLDataManager()->
+ AddDataSource(new quota_internals::QuotaInternalsHTMLSource);
+namespace quota_internals {
+const char QuotaInternalsHTMLSource::kStringsJSPath[] = "strings.js";
+ : ChromeWebUIDataSource(chrome::kChromeUIQuotaInternalsHost) {
+void QuotaInternalsHTMLSource::StartDataRequest(const std::string& path,
+ bool is_incognito,
+ int request_id) {
+ if (path == kStringsJSPath)
+ SendLocalizedStringsAsJSON(request_id);
+ else
+ SendFromResourceBundle(request_id, IDR_QUOTA_INTERNALS_MAIN_HTML);
+std::string QuotaInternalsHTMLSource::GetMimeType(
+ const std::string& path) const {
+ if (path == kStringsJSPath)
+ return "application/javascript";
+ else
+ return "text/html";
+} // namespace quota_internals
diff --git a/chrome/browser/ui/webui/quota_internals_ui.h b/chrome/browser/ui/webui/quota_internals_ui.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d954fdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/ui/webui/quota_internals_ui.h
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/chrome_web_ui.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/ui/webui/chrome_web_ui_data_source.h"
+class QuotaInternalsUI : public ChromeWebUI {
+ public:
+ explicit QuotaInternalsUI(TabContents* contents);
+ virtual ~QuotaInternalsUI() {}
+ private:
+namespace quota_internals {
+class QuotaInternalsHTMLSource : public ChromeWebUIDataSource {
+ public:
+ static const char kStringsJSPath[];
+ QuotaInternalsHTMLSource();
+ virtual void StartDataRequest(const std::string& path,
+ bool is_incognito,
+ int request_id) OVERRIDE;
+ virtual std::string GetMimeType(const std::string& path) const;
+ private:
+ virtual ~QuotaInternalsHTMLSource() {}
+} // namespace quota_internals
diff --git a/chrome/chrome.gyp b/chrome/chrome.gyp
index b7fb389..9c1c272 100644
--- a/chrome/chrome.gyp
+++ b/chrome/chrome.gyp
@@ -315,6 +315,13 @@
'includes': [ '../build/grit_action.gypi' ],
+ 'action_name': 'quota_internals_resources',
+ 'variables': {
+ 'grit_grd_file': 'browser/resources/quota_internals_resources.grd',
+ },
+ 'includes': [ '../build/grit_action.gypi' ],
+ },
+ {
'action_name': 'shared_resources',
'variables': {
'grit_grd_file': 'browser/resources/shared_resources.grd',
@@ -1242,6 +1249,7 @@
+ '<(grit_out_dir)/quota_internals_resources.pak',
diff --git a/chrome/chrome_browser.gypi b/chrome/chrome_browser.gypi
index 5e62e81..c14e628 100644
--- a/chrome/chrome_browser.gypi
+++ b/chrome/chrome_browser.gypi
@@ -3515,6 +3515,8 @@
+ 'browser/ui/webui/',
+ 'browser/ui/webui/quota_internals_ui.h',
diff --git a/chrome/common/ b/chrome/common/
index 39bc22f..44aef6d 100644
--- a/chrome/common/
+++ b/chrome/common/
@@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ const char kChromeUINetworkViewCacheHost[] = "view-http-cache";
const char kChromeUINewTabHost[] = "newtab";
const char kChromeUIPluginsHost[] = "plugins";
const char kChromeUIPrintHost[] = "print";
+const char kChromeUIQuotaInternalsHost[] = "quota-internals";
const char kChromeUIResourcesHost[] = "resources";
const char kChromeUISessionsHost[] = "sessions";
const char kChromeUISettingsHost[] = "settings";
diff --git a/chrome/common/url_constants.h b/chrome/common/url_constants.h
index 81b4838..9a954a9 100644
--- a/chrome/common/url_constants.h
+++ b/chrome/common/url_constants.h
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ extern const char kChromeUINetworkViewCacheHost[];
extern const char kChromeUINewTabHost[];
extern const char kChromeUIPluginsHost[];
extern const char kChromeUIPrintHost[];
+extern const char kChromeUIQuotaInternalsHost[];
extern const char kChromeUIResourcesHost[];
extern const char kChromeUISessionsHost[];
extern const char kChromeUISettingsHost[];
diff --git a/tools/grit/resource_ids b/tools/grit/resource_ids
index ec35cb4..879bb13 100644
--- a/tools/grit/resource_ids
+++ b/tools/grit/resource_ids
@@ -148,4 +148,7 @@
"cloud_print/virtual_driver/win/install/virtual_driver_setup_resources.grd": {
"messages": [22500],
+ "chrome/browser/resources/quota_internals_resources.grd": {
+ "includes": [23000],
+ },