diff options
mode: <>2009-09-09 22:56:28 +0000 <>2009-09-09 22:56:28 +0000
commit198bcfe93dd75609fd50caca76f702b28934f48c (patch)
parentbcc9ae958d2f957a8deb766f994b3039758e4ee6 (diff)
Added chrome.i18n extension API.
The API proposal doc is This CL only adds the getter of accept languages: chrome.i18n.getAcceptLanguages(). The setter of accept languages will be added in a separate CL. BUG= TEST=TEST=There is an extension in chrome\test\data\extensions\samples\i18n. Load this extension. It creates a toolstrip button. Click this button, you should get chrome's accept languages. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
14 files changed, 191 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
index d0281c3..276dd16 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_bookmarks_module.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_bookmarks_module_constants.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_function.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_i18n_api.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_message_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_page_actions_module.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_page_actions_module_constants.h"
@@ -69,6 +70,7 @@ void FactoryRegistry::ResetFunctions() {
// Register all functions here.
namespace bookmarks = extension_bookmarks_module_constants;
+ namespace i18n = extension_i18n_api_functions;
namespace page_actions = extension_page_actions_module_constants;
namespace tabs = extension_tabs_module_constants;
namespace test = extension_test_api_functions;
@@ -142,6 +144,10 @@ void FactoryRegistry::ResetFunctions() {
factories_[toolstrip::kCollapseFunction] =
+ // I18N.
+ factories_[i18n::kGetAcceptLanguagesFunction] =
+ &NewExtensionFunction<GetAcceptLanguagesFunction>;
// Test.
factories_[test::kPassFunction] =
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01048e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_i18n_api.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
+#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
+namespace extension_i18n_api_functions {
+ const char kGetAcceptLanguagesFunction[] = "i18n.getAcceptLanguages";
+} // namespace extension_i18n_api_functions
+namespace {
+ // Errors.
+ const char kEmptyAcceptLanguagesError[] = "accept-languages is empty.";
+} // namespace
+bool GetAcceptLanguagesFunction::RunImpl() {
+ std::wstring acceptLanguages =
+ profile()->GetPrefs()->GetString(prefs::kAcceptLanguages);
+ // Currently, there are 2 ways to set browser's accept-languages: through UI
+ // or directly modify the preference file. The accept-languages set through
+ // UI is guranteed to be valid, and the accept-languages string returned from
+ // profile()->GetPrefs()->GetString(prefs::kAcceptLanguages) is guranteed to
+ // be valid and well-formed, which means each accept-langauge is a valid
+ // code, and accept-languages are seperatd by "," without surrrounding
+ // spaces. But we do not do any validation (either the format or the validity
+ // of the language code) on accept-languages set through editing preference
+ // file directly. So, here, we're adding extra checks to be resistant to
+ // crashes caused by data corruption.
+ result_.reset(new ListValue());
+ if (acceptLanguages.empty()) {
+ error_ = kEmptyAcceptLanguagesError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ size_t begin = 0;
+ size_t end;
+ std::wstring acceptLang;
+ while (1) {
+ end = acceptLanguages.find(',', begin);
+ if (end > begin) {
+ // Guard against a malformed value with multiple "," in a row.
+ acceptLang = acceptLanguages.substr(begin, end - begin);
+ static_cast<ListValue*>(result_.get())->
+ Append(Value::CreateStringValue(acceptLang));
+ }
+ begin = end + 1;
+ // 'begin >= acceptLanguages.length()' to guard against a value
+ // ending with ','.
+ if (end == std::wstring::npos || begin >= acceptLanguages.length())
+ break;
+ }
+ if (static_cast<ListValue*>(result_.get())->GetSize() == 0) {
+ error_ = kEmptyAcceptLanguagesError;
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/extension_i18n_api.h b/chrome/browser/extensions/extension_i18n_api.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8fc18ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/extension_i18n_api.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_function.h"
+namespace extension_i18n_api_functions {
+ extern const char kGetAcceptLanguagesFunction[];
+}; // namespace extension_i18n_api_functions
+class GetAcceptLanguagesFunction : public SyncExtensionFunction {
+ virtual bool RunImpl();
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2798a72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_apitest.h"
+IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(ExtensionApiTest, I18N) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(RunExtensionTest("i18n")) << message_;
diff --git a/chrome/chrome.gyp b/chrome/chrome.gyp
index 9260fdd..8f592ac 100644
--- a/chrome/chrome.gyp
+++ b/chrome/chrome.gyp
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
+ 'browser/extensions/',
# TODO(jam): These tests fail on Linux and Mac.
@@ -1140,6 +1141,8 @@
+ 'browser/extensions/',
+ 'browser/extensions/extension_i18n_api.h',
diff --git a/chrome/common/common_resources.grd b/chrome/common/common_resources.grd
index ed07464..6f3b735 100644
--- a/chrome/common/common_resources.grd
+++ b/chrome/common/common_resources.grd
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This comment is only here because changes to resources are not picked up
-without changes to the corresponding grd file. rw2 -->
+without changes to the corresponding grd file. xji -->
<grit latest_public_release="0" current_release="1">
<output filename="grit/common_resources.h" type="rc_header">
diff --git a/chrome/common/extensions/api/extension_api.json b/chrome/common/extensions/api/extension_api.json
index 91ceeba4..ffbae24 100755
--- a/chrome/common/extensions/api/extension_api.json
+++ b/chrome/common/extensions/api/extension_api.json
@@ -1019,6 +1019,28 @@
"events": []
+ "namespace": "i18n",
+ "types": [],
+ "functions": [
+ {
+ "name": "getAcceptLanguages",
+ "type": "function",
+ "description": "Get accept languages of browser",
+ "parameters": [
+ {
+ "type": "function",
+ "name": "callback",
+ "parameters": [
+ {"name": "languages", "type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}, "description": "Array of the accept languages of the browser, such as en-US,en,zh-CN"}
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "events": [
+ ]
+ },
+ {
"namespace": "devtools",
"types": [
diff --git a/chrome/common/extensions/docs/i18n.html b/chrome/common/extensions/docs/i18n.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cfcd5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/common/extensions/docs/i18n.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><!-- This page is a placeholder for generated extensions api doc. Note: 1) The <head> information in this page is significant, should be uniform across api docs and should be edited only with knowledge of the templating mechanism. 2) The <body> tag *must* retain id="body" 3) All <body>.innerHTML is genereated as an rendering step. If viewed in a browser, it will be re-generated from the template, json schema and authored overview content. 4) The <body>.innerHTML is also generated by an offline step so that this page may easily be indexed by search engines. 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"> <a name="properties" jstcache="0"></a> <h3 id="properties" jstcache="0">Properties</h3> <div jsselect="getPropertyListFromObject($this)" jstcache="10"> <a jsvalues=".name:'property-' + name" jstcache="15"></a> <h4 jscontent="name" jstcache="16">getLastError</h4> <div class="summary" jstcache="0"> <!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns --> <span jscontent="getModuleName() + '.'" jstcache="23">chrome.extension</span><span jscontent="$" jstcache="24">lastError</span> </div> <div transclude="valueTemplate" jstcache="17"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /apiGroup --> <!-- METHODS --> <div jsdisplay="functions &amp;&amp; functions.length &gt; 0" class="apiGroup" id="methods" jstcache="6"> <a name="methods" jstcache="0"></a> <h3 jstcache="0">Methods</h3> <!-- iterates over all functions --> <div class="apiItem" jsselect="functions" jstcache="11" jsinstance="*0"> <a jsvalues=".name:'method-' + name" jstcache="18" name="method-getAcceptLanguages"></a> <!-- method-anchor --> <h4 jscontent="name" jstcache="16">getAcceptLanguages</h4> <div class="summary" jstcache="0"><span jsdisplay="returns" jscontent="getTypeName(returns)" jstcache="25" style="display: none; ">void</span> <!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns --> <span jscontent="getFullyQualifiedFunctionName($this)" jstcache="26">chrome.i18n.getAcceptLanguages</span>(<span jsselect="parameters" jsvalues="class:optional ? 'optional' : ''" jstcache="27" jsinstance="*0" class="null"><span jsdisplay="$index" jstcache="33" style="display: none; ">, </span><span jscontent="getTypeName($this)" jstcache="34">function</span> <var jstcache="0"><span jscontent="name" jstcache="16">callback</span></var></span>)</div> <div class="description" jstcache="0"> <p class="todo" jsdisplay="!description" jstcache="28" style="display: none; ">Undocumented.</p> <p jsdisplay="description" jsvalues=".innerHTML:description" jstcache="29">Get accept languages of browser</p> <!-- PARAMETERS --> <h4 jstcache="0">Parameters</h4> <dl jstcache="0"> <div jsselect="parameters" jstcache="35" jsinstance="*0"> <!-- VALUE: This is a subtemplate that is used elsewhere via jsTemplate *transclude* --> <div id="valueTemplate" jstcache="0"> <dt jstcache="0"> <var jsdisplay="$" jscontent="$" jstcache="45">callback</var> <em jstcache="0"> <!-- TYPE --> <div style="display:inline" jstcache="0"> ( <span class="optional" jsdisplay="optional" jstcache="46" style="display: none; ">optional</span> <span id="typeTemplate" jstcache="0"> <span jsdisplay="getTypeRef($this)" jstcache="47" style="display: none; "> <a jsvalues=".href: getTypeRefPage($this) + '#type-' + getTypeRef($this)" jscontent="getTypeRef($this)" jstcache="49"> Type</a> </span> <span jsdisplay="!getTypeRef($this)" jstcache="48"> <span jsdisplay="isArray($this)" jstcache="50" style="display: none; "> array of <span jsselect="items" jstcache="52"><span transclude="typeTemplate" jstcache="53"></span></span> </span> <span jsdisplay="!isArray($this)" jscontent="getTypeName($this)" jstcache="51">function</span> </span> </span> ) </div> </em> </dt> <dd class="todo" jsdisplay="!$this.description" jstcache="38"> Undocumented. </dd> <dd jsdisplay="$this.description" jsvalues=".innerHTML:$this.description" jstcache="39" style="display: none; "> Description of this parameter from the json schema. </dd> <!-- OBJECT PROPERTIES --> <dd jsdisplay="shouldExpandObject($this)" jstcache="40" style="display: none; "> <dl jstcache="0"> <div jsselect="getPropertyListFromObject($this)" jstcache="10"> <div transclude="valueTemplate" jstcache="17"> </div> </div> </dl> </dd> </div> <!-- /VALUE --> </div> </dl> <!-- RETURNS --> <h4 jsdisplay="returns" jstcache="30" style="display: none; ">Returns</h4> <dl jstcache="0"> <div jsselect="returns" jstcache="36" style="display: none; "> <div transclude="valueTemplate" jstcache="17"> </div> </div> </dl> <!-- CALLBACK --> <div jsdisplay="hasCallback(parameters)" jstcache="31"> <div jsselect="getCallbackParameters(parameters)" jstcache="37"> <h4 jstcache="0">Callback function</h4> <p jstcache="0"> If you specify the <em jstcache="0">callback</em> parameter, it should specify a function that looks like this: </p> <!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns --> <pre jstcache="0">function(<span jscontent="getSignatureString(parameters)" jstcache="32">array of string languages</span>) <span class="subdued" jstcache="0">{...}</span>);</pre> <dl jstcache="0"> <div jsselect="parameters" jstcache="35" jsinstance="*0"> <div jstcache="0"> <dt jstcache="0"> <var jsdisplay="$" jscontent="$" jstcache="45">languages</var> <em jstcache="0"> <!-- TYPE --> <div style="display:inline" jstcache="0"> ( <span class="optional" jsdisplay="optional" jstcache="46" style="display: none; ">optional</span> <span id="typeTemplate" jstcache="0"> <span jsdisplay="getTypeRef($this)" jstcache="47" style="display: none; "> <a jsvalues=".href: getTypeRefPage($this) + '#type-' + getTypeRef($this)" jscontent="getTypeRef($this)" jstcache="49"> Type</a> </span> <span jsdisplay="!getTypeRef($this)" jstcache="48"> <span jsdisplay="isArray($this)" jstcache="50" style=""> array of <span jsselect="items" jstcache="52"><span jstcache="0"> <span jsdisplay="getTypeRef($this)" jstcache="47" style="display: none; "> <a jsvalues=".href: getTypeRefPage($this) + '#type-' + getTypeRef($this)" jscontent="getTypeRef($this)" jstcache="49"> Type</a> </span> <span jsdisplay="!getTypeRef($this)" jstcache="48"> <span jsdisplay="isArray($this)" jstcache="50" style="display: none; "> array of <span jsselect="items" jstcache="52"><span transclude="typeTemplate" jstcache="53"></span></span> </span> <span jsdisplay="!isArray($this)" jscontent="getTypeName($this)" jstcache="51">string</span> </span> </span></span> </span> <span jsdisplay="!isArray($this)" jscontent="getTypeName($this)" jstcache="51" style="display: none; ">function</span> </span> </span> ) </div> </em> </dt> <dd class="todo" jsdisplay="!$this.description" jstcache="38" style="display: none; "> Undocumented. </dd> <dd jsdisplay="$this.description" jsvalues=".innerHTML:$this.description" jstcache="39" style="">Array of the accept languages of the browser, such as en-US,en,zh-CN</dd> <!-- OBJECT PROPERTIES --> <dd jsdisplay="shouldExpandObject($this)" jstcache="40" style="display: none; "> <dl jstcache="0"> <div jsselect="getPropertyListFromObject($this)" jstcache="10"> <div transclude="valueTemplate" jstcache="17"> </div> </div> </dl> </dd> </div> </div> </dl> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /description --> </div> <!-- /apiItem --> </div> <!-- /apiGroup --> <!-- EVENTS --> <div jsdisplay="events &amp;&amp; events.length &gt; 0" class="apiGroup" jstcache="7" style="display: none; "> <a name="events" jstcache="0"></a> <h3 id="events" jstcache="0">Events</h3> <!-- iterates over all events --> <div jsselect="events" class="apiItem" jstcache="12"> <a jsvalues=".name:'event-' + name" jstcache="19"></a> <h4 jscontent="name" jstcache="16">event name</h4> <div class="summary" jstcache="0"> <!-- Note: intentionally longer 80 columns --> <span jscontent="getModuleName() + '.'" class="subdued" jstcache="23">chrome.bookmarks</span><span jscontent="name" jstcache="16">onEvent</span><span class="subdued" jstcache="0">.addListener</span>(function(<span jscontent="getSignatureString(parameters)" jstcache="32">Type param1, Type param2</span>) <span class="subdued" jstcache="0">{...}</span>); </div> <div class="description" jstcache="0"> <p class="todo" jsdisplay="!description" jstcache="28">Undocumented.</p> <p jsdisplay="description" jsvalues=".innerHTML:description" jstcache="29"> A description from the json schema def of the event goes here. </p> <!-- PARAMETERS --> <h4 jstcache="0">Parameters</h4> <dl jstcache="0"> <div jsselect="parameters" jstcache="35"> <div transclude="valueTemplate" jstcache="17"> </div> </div> </dl> </div> <!-- /decription --> </div> <!-- /apiItem --> </div> <!-- /apiGroup --> <!-- TYPES --> <div jsdisplay="types &amp;&amp; types.length &gt; 0" class="apiGroup" jstcache="8" style="display: none; "> <a name="types" jstcache="0"></a> <h3 id="types" jstcache="0">Types</h3> <!-- iterates over all types --> <div jsselect="types" class="apiItem" jstcache="13"> <a jsvalues=".name:'type-' + id" jstcache="20"></a> <h4 jscontent="id" jstcache="21">type name</h4> <div transclude="valueTemplate" jstcache="17"> </div> </div> <!-- /apiItem --> </div> <!-- /apiGroup --> </div> <!-- /apiPage --> </div> <!-- /mainColumn --> </div> <!-- /pageContent --> <div id="pageFooter" --="" jstcache="0"> <p jstcache="0"> Except as otherwise <a href="" jstcache="0">noted</a>, the content of this page is licensed under the <a rel="license" href="" jstcache="0">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License</a>, and code samples are licensed under the <a rel="license" href="" jstcache="0">BSD License</a>. </p> <p jstcache="0"> ©2009 Google </p> </div> <!-- /pageFooter --> </div> <!-- /container --> </body></html>
diff --git a/chrome/renderer/extensions/ b/chrome/renderer/extensions/
index 874f2bf..f248460 100644
--- a/chrome/renderer/extensions/
+++ b/chrome/renderer/extensions/
@@ -588,3 +588,19 @@ TEST_F(ExtensionAPIClientTest, CollapseToolstrip) {
"Uncaught Error: Invalid value for argument 1. "
"Expected 'function' but got 'integer'.");
+// I18N API
+TEST_F(ExtensionAPIClientTest, GetAcceptLanguages) {
+ ExpectJsFail("chrome.i18n.getAcceptLanguages(32, function(){})",
+ "Uncaught Error: Too many arguments.");
+ ExpectJsFail("chrome.i18n.getAcceptLanguages()",
+ "Uncaught Error: Parameter 0 is required.");
+ ExpectJsFail("chrome.i18n.getAcceptLanguages('abc')",
+ "Uncaught Error: Invalid value for argument 0. "
+ "Expected 'function' but got 'string'.");
+ ExpectJsPass("chrome.i18n.getAcceptLanguages(function(){})",
+ "i18n.getAcceptLanguages", "null");
diff --git a/chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/i18n/manifest.json b/chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/i18n/manifest.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3653d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/i18n/manifest.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "name": "chrome.i18n",
+ "version": "0.1",
+ "description": "end-to-end browser test for chrome.i18n API",
+ "background_page": "test.html"
diff --git a/chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/i18n/test.html b/chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/i18n/test.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46f4d74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/i18n/test.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<script src="test.js"></script>
diff --git a/chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/i18n/test.js b/chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/i18n/test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab12d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/test/data/extensions/api_test/i18n/test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// i18n api test
+// browser_tests.exe --gtest_filter=ExtensionApiTest.I18N
+var testCallback = chrome.test.testCallback;
+ function getAcceptLanguages() {
+ chrome.i18n.getAcceptLanguages(chrome.test.callbackPass(function(results) {
+ chrome.test.assertEq(results.length, 2);
+ chrome.test.assertEq(results[0], "en-US");
+ chrome.test.assertEq(results[1], "en");
+ }));
+ }
diff --git a/chrome/test/data/extensions/samples/i18n/manifest.json b/chrome/test/data/extensions/samples/i18n/manifest.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec642b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/test/data/extensions/samples/i18n/manifest.json
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ "name": "AcceptLanguage",
+ "description": "Returns accept languages of the browser",
+ "version": "0.1",
+ "toolstrips": ["toolstrip.html"]
diff --git a/chrome/test/data/extensions/samples/i18n/toolstrip.html b/chrome/test/data/extensions/samples/i18n/toolstrip.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a11625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/test/data/extensions/samples/i18n/toolstrip.html
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this
+source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the
+LICENSE file.
+ <head>
+ <script>
+ function getAcceptLanguages() {
+ chrome.i18n.getAcceptLanguages(function(languageList) {
+ var languages = "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < languageList.length; i++) {
+ if (i == languageList.length - 1)
+ languages += languageList[i];
+ else
+ languages += languageList[i] + ",";
+ }
+ document.getElementById("languageSpan").innerHTML = languages;
+ })
+ }
+ </script>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <div class="toolstrip-button" onclick="getAcceptLanguages();">
+ <span id="languageSpan">GetAcceptLanguage</span>
+ </div>
+ </body>