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mode: <>2009-11-24 16:40:58 +0000 <>2009-11-24 16:40:58 +0000
commitd044861386e0fad2a2a3bba31a52a43607afacf8 (patch)
parentc2114e1e80f54d6c9a46e9a0a2419a7920448978 (diff)
Mac: improve hover/clicked state appearance of bookmark bar buttons.
I more or less implemented things as per discussion with Cole and Glen. (This does not re-create the appearance on Win Chrome, which is not exactly right either.) BUG=28477 TEST=Load various themes (in particular, "Karim Rashid") and make sure bookmark bar buttons look good and legible in hover and pressed states. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index 6af6689..d0aaed9 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
return self;
-- (NSGradient *)gradientForHoverAlpha:(CGFloat)hoverAlpha
- isThemed:(BOOL)themed {
+- (NSGradient*)gradientForHoverAlpha:(CGFloat)hoverAlpha
+ isThemed:(BOOL)themed {
CGFloat startAlpha = 0.6 + 0.3 * hoverAlpha;
CGFloat endAlpha = 0.333 * hoverAlpha;
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
NSColor* endColor =
[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:1.0 - 0.15 * hoverAlpha
- NSGradient *gradient = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithColorsAndLocations:
+ NSGradient* gradient = [[NSGradient alloc] initWithColorsAndLocations:
startColor, hoverAlpha * 0.33,
endColor, 1.0, nil];
@@ -115,15 +115,16 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
- (NSBackgroundStyle)interiorBackgroundStyle {
- return [self isHighlighted] ?
- NSBackgroundStyleLowered : NSBackgroundStyleRaised;
+ // Never lower the interior, since that just leads to a weird shadow which can
+ // often interact badly with the theme.
+ return NSBackgroundStyleRaised;
-- (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
+- (void)mouseEntered:(NSEvent*)theEvent {
[self setMouseInside:YES animate:YES];
-- (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
+- (void)mouseExited:(NSEvent*)theEvent {
[self setMouseInside:NO animate:YES];
@@ -157,6 +158,7 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
+// TODO(viettrungluu): clean up/reorganize.
- (void)drawBorderAndFillForTheme:(GTMTheme*)theme
@@ -167,12 +169,37 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
defaultGradient:(NSGradient*)defaultGradient {
- NSImage* backgroundImage =
- [theme backgroundImageForStyle:GTMThemeStyleToolBarButton state:YES];
+ BOOL isFlatButton = [self showsBorderOnlyWhileMouseInside];
+ // For flat (unbordered when not hovered) buttons, never use the toolbar
+ // button background image, but the modest gradient used for themed buttons.
+ // To make things even more modest, scale the hover alpha down by 40 percent
+ // unless clicked.
+ NSImage* backgroundImage;
+ BOOL useThemeGradient;
+ if (isFlatButton) {
+ backgroundImage = nil;
+ useThemeGradient = YES;
+ if (!showClickedGradient)
+ hoverAlpha *= 0.6;
+ } else {
+ backgroundImage = [theme backgroundImageForStyle:GTMThemeStyleToolBarButton
+ state:YES];
+ useThemeGradient = backgroundImage ? YES : NO;
+ }
- if (!defaultGradient)
- defaultGradient = gradient_;
+ // The basic gradient shown inside; see above.
+ NSGradient* gradient;
+ if (hoverAlpha == 0 && !useThemeGradient) {
+ gradient = defaultGradient ? defaultGradient
+ : gradient_;
+ } else {
+ gradient = [self gradientForHoverAlpha:hoverAlpha
+ isThemed:useThemeGradient];
+ }
+ // If we're drawing a background image, show that; else possibly show the
+ // clicked gradient.
if (backgroundImage) {
NSColor* patternColor = [NSColor colorWithPatternImage:backgroundImage];
[patternColor set];
@@ -183,15 +210,19 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
[innerPath fill];
} else {
if (showClickedGradient) {
- NSGradient* gradient =
- [theme gradientForStyle:GTMThemeStyleToolBarButtonPressed
- state:active];
- [gradient drawInBezierPath:innerPath angle:90.0];
+ NSGradient* clickedGradient;
+ if (isFlatButton) {
+ clickedGradient = gradient;
+ } else {
+ clickedGradient =
+ [theme gradientForStyle:GTMThemeStyleToolBarButtonPressed
+ state:active];
+ }
+ [clickedGradient drawInBezierPath:innerPath angle:90.0];
- BOOL isCustomTheme = backgroundImage != nil;
+ // Visually indicate unclicked, enabled buttons.
if (!showClickedGradient && [self isEnabled]) {
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
[innerPath addClip];
@@ -211,25 +242,17 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
[[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:1.0 alpha:0.2] setStroke];
[highlightPath stroke];
- NSGradient *gradient = nil;
- if (hoverAlpha == 0 && !isCustomTheme) {
- gradient = defaultGradient;
- } else {
- gradient = [self gradientForHoverAlpha:hoverAlpha isThemed:isCustomTheme];
- }
+ // Draw the gradient inside.
[gradient drawInBezierPath:innerPath angle:90.0];
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
- // Draw the outer stroke
- NSColor* stroke = [theme strokeColorForStyle:GTMThemeStyleToolBarButton
- state:active];
- if (showClickedGradient) {
- stroke = [NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.0 alpha:0.3];
- }
- [stroke setStroke];
+ // Draw the outer stroke.
+ NSColor* strokeColor = showClickedGradient ?
+ [NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.0 alpha:0.3] :
+ [theme strokeColorForStyle:GTMThemeStyleToolBarButton state:active];
+ [strokeColor setStroke];
[innerPath setLineWidth:1];
[innerPath stroke];
@@ -263,7 +286,7 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
NSWindow* window = [controlView window];
BOOL active = [window isKeyWindow] || [window isMainWindow];
- GTMTheme *theme = [controlView gtm_theme];
+ GTMTheme* theme = [controlView gtm_theme];
NSBezierPath* innerPath =
[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:drawFrame
@@ -322,7 +345,7 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
if (isTemplate) {
scoped_nsobject<NSShadow> shadow([[NSShadow alloc] init]);
- NSColor *shadowColor = [color gtm_legibleTextColor];
+ NSColor* shadowColor = [color gtm_legibleTextColor];
shadowColor = [shadowColor colorWithAlphaComponent:0.25];
[shadow.get() setShadowColor:shadowColor];
[shadow.get() setShadowOffset:NSMakeSize(0, -1.0)];