diff options
mode: <>2010-04-07 21:45:34 +0000 <>2010-04-07 21:45:34 +0000
commit9d7a5dded02f75bbf4dce8857d871d8d18d9c9ac (patch)
parentf0dfb8223d5a73cacd2dbaafdd890adec101d5c7 (diff)
Modified effect.js to emit glsl as well as the original o3d shader language. Also got primitives.html working and added it to o3d-webgl-samples directory.
Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
3 files changed, 1006 insertions, 303 deletions
diff --git a/o3d/samples/o3d-webgl-samples/primitives.html b/o3d/samples/o3d-webgl-samples/primitives.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93fd1cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/o3d/samples/o3d-webgl-samples/primitives.html
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+Copyright 2009, Google Inc.
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+ * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
+contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+this software without specific prior written permission.
+O3D Primitives
+This sample shows how to use the functions in the primitives utility library
+to make various shapes.
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+ "">
+<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<script type="text/javascript" src="../o3d-webgl/base.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="../o3djs/base.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" id="o3dscript">
+o3djs.base.o3d = o3d;
+// global variables
+var g_o3dElement;
+var g_client;
+var g_o3d;
+var g_math;
+var g_pack;
+var g_viewInfo;
+var g_eyePosition = [3, 4, 14];
+ * Creates the client area.
+ */
+function initClient() {
+ window.g_finished = false; // for selenium testing.
+ o3djs.webgl.makeClients(main);
+ * Initializes global variables, positions camera, draws shapes.
+ * @param {Array} clientElements Array of o3d object elements.
+ */
+function main(clientElements) {
+ // Init global variables.
+ initGlobals(clientElements);
+ // Set up the view and projection transformations.
+ initContext();
+ // Add the shapes to the transform heirarchy.
+ createShapes();
+ window.g_finished = true; // for selenium testing.
+ * Initializes global variables and libraries.
+ */
+function initGlobals(clientElements) {
+ g_o3dElement = clientElements[0];
+ window.g_client = g_client = g_o3dElement.client;
+ g_o3d = g_o3dElement.o3d;
+ g_math = o3djs.math;
+ // Create a pack to manage the objects created.
+ g_pack = g_client.createPack();
+ // Create the render graph for a view.
+ g_viewInfo = o3djs.rendergraph.createBasicView(
+ g_pack,
+ g_client.root,
+ g_client.renderGraphRoot);
+ * Sets up reasonable view and projection matrices.
+ */
+function initContext() {
+ // Set up a perspective transformation for the projection.
+ g_viewInfo.drawContext.projection = g_math.matrix4.perspective(
+ g_math.degToRad(30), // 30 degree frustum.
+ g_o3dElement.clientWidth / g_o3dElement.clientHeight, // Aspect ratio.
+ 1, // Near plane.
+ 5000); // Far plane.
+ // Set up our view transformation to look towards the world origin where the
+ // primitives are located.
+ g_viewInfo.drawContext.view = g_math.matrix4.lookAt(
+ g_eyePosition, // eye
+ [0, 0, 0], // target
+ [0, 1, 0]); // up
+ * Creates a material based on the given single color.
+ * @param {!o3djs.math.Vector4} baseColor A 4-component vector with
+ * the R,G,B, and A components of a color.
+ * @return {!o3d.Material} A phong material whose overall pigment is
+ * baseColor.
+ */
+function createMaterial(baseColor) {
+ // Create a new, empty Material object.
+ return o3djs.material.createBasicMaterial(g_pack, g_viewInfo, baseColor);
+ * Creates shapes using the primitives utility library, and adds them to the
+ * transform graph at the root node.
+ */
+function createShapes() {
+ var cube = o3djs.primitives.createCube(
+ g_pack,
+ createMaterial([0,1,0,1]), // A green phong-shaded material.
+ Math.sqrt(2)); // The length of each side of the cube.
+ var sphere = o3djs.primitives.createSphere(
+ g_pack,
+ createMaterial([1,0,0,1]),
+ 1.0, // Radius of the sphere.
+ 30, // Number of meridians.
+ 20); // Number of parallels.
+ var cylinder = o3djs.primitives.createCylinder(
+ g_pack,
+ createMaterial([1,0,1,1]),
+ 0.5, // Radius.
+ 1.5, // Height.
+ 20, // Number of radial subdivisions.
+ 20); // Number of vertical subdivisions.
+ var truncatedCone = o3djs.primitives.createTruncatedCone(
+ g_pack,
+ createMaterial([0,0,1,1]),
+ 0.3, // Bottom radius.
+ 0.5, // Top radius.
+ 1.5, // Height.
+ 20, // Number of radial subdivisions.
+ 20); // Number of vertical subdivisions.
+ var cone = o3djs.primitives.createTruncatedCone(
+ g_pack,
+ createMaterial([0,1,0,1]),
+ 0.5, // Bottom radius.
+ 0.0, // Top radius.
+ 1.5, // Height.
+ 20, // Number of radial subdivisions.
+ 20); // Number of vertical subdivisions.
+ var plane = o3djs.primitives.createPlane(
+ g_pack,
+ createMaterial([0,1,1,1]),
+ 1, // Width.
+ 1.618, // Depth.
+ 3, // Horizontal subdivisions.
+ 3); // Vertical subdivisions.
+ // Make a polygon to extrude for the prism.
+ var polygon = [];
+ var n = 10;
+ for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ var theta = 2.0 * i * Math.PI / n;
+ var radius = (i % 2) ? 1 : 0.382;
+ polygon.push([radius * Math.cos(theta), radius * Math.sin(theta)]);
+ }
+ var prism = o3djs.primitives.createPrism(
+ g_pack,
+ createMaterial([1,1,0,1]),
+ polygon, // The profile polygon to be extruded.
+ 1); // The depth of the extrusion.
+ var disc = o3djs.primitives.createDisc(
+ g_pack,
+ createMaterial([1,0,0,1]),
+ 1, // Radius.
+ 7, // Divisions.
+ 2, // Stacks (optional).
+ 0, // Start Stack (optional).
+ 2); // Stack Power (optional).
+ // Add the shapes to the transforms.
+ var transformTable = [
+ {shape: cube, translation: [-3, 1, 0]},
+ {shape: sphere, translation: [-1, 1, 0]},
+ {shape: cylinder, translation: [1, 1, 0]},
+ {shape: truncatedCone, translation: [3, 1, 0]},
+ {shape: plane, translation: [-3, -1, 0]},
+ {shape: prism, translation: [-1, -1, 0]},
+ {shape: disc, translation: [1, -1, 0]},
+ {shape: cone, translation: [3, -1, 0]},
+ ];
+ for (var tt = 0; tt < transformTable.length; ++tt) {
+ var transform = g_pack.createObject('Transform');
+ transform.addShape(transformTable[tt].shape);
+ transform.translate(transformTable[tt].translation);
+ transform.parent = g_client.root;
+ }
+<body onload="initClient()">
+This example shows how to use the primitives utility library to make various
+<!-- Start of O3D plugin -->
+<div id="o3d" width="600px" height="600px"></div>
+<!-- End of O3D plugin -->
diff --git a/o3d/samples/o3djs/effect.js b/o3d/samples/o3djs/effect.js
index 2a12520..7b458474 100644
--- a/o3d/samples/o3djs/effect.js
+++ b/o3d/samples/o3djs/effect.js
@@ -53,66 +53,571 @@ o3djs.effect = o3djs.effect || {};
* The name of standard 2 color checker effect.
* @type {string}
+ * An object containing string constants and functions which are specific to
+ * the o3d shading language. When setLanguage gets called the properties of
+ * this object get coppied into the o3djs.effect namespace and then get used
+ * in shader generation code.
+ * @type {namespace}
+ */
+o3djs.effect.o3d = {
+ FLOAT2: 'float2',
+ FLOAT3: 'float3',
+ FLOAT4: 'float4',
+ MATRIX4: 'float4x4',
+ MATRIX3: 'float3x3',
+ MOD: 'fmod',
+ VARYING: ' ',
+ BEGIN_IN_STRUCT: 'struct InVertex {\n',
+ BEGIN_OUT_STRUCT: 'struct OutVertex {\n',
+ END_STRUCT: '};\n'
+ * An object containing string constants and functions which are specific to
+ * the o3d shading language. When setLanguage gets called the properties of
+ * this object get coppied into the o3djs.effect namespace and then get used
+ * in shader generation code.
+ * @type {namespace}
+ */
+o3djs.effect.glsl = {
+ FLOAT2: 'vec2',
+ FLOAT3: 'vec3',
+ FLOAT4: 'vec4',
+ MATRIX4: 'mat4',
+ MATRIX3: 'mat3',
+ MOD: 'mod',
+ ATTRIBUTE: 'attribute ',
+ VARYING: 'varying ',
+ * The string that goes between the stream name and the semicolon too indicate
+ * the semantic.
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+o3djs.effect.glsl.semanticSuffix = function(name) {
+ return '';
+ * The string that goes between the stream name and the semicolon too indicate
+ * the semantic.
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+o3djs.effect.o3d.semanticSuffix = function(name) {
+ return ' : ' + name;
+ * Generates code to multiply two things.
+ * @param {string} a One multiplicand.
+ * @param {string} b The other multiplicand.
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+o3djs.effect.glsl.mul = function(a, b) {
+ return '(' + b + ' * ' + a + ')';
+ * Generates code to multiply two things.
+ * @param {string} a One multiplicand.
+ * @param {string} b The other multiplicand.
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+o3djs.effect.o3d.mul = function(a, b) {
+ return 'mul(' + a + ', ' + b + ')';
+ * Generates code for some utility functions
+ * (functions defined in cg but not glsl).
+ * @return {string} The code for the utility functions.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.glsl.utilityFunctions = function() {
+ return 'vec4 lit(float l ,float h, float m) {\n' +
+ ' return vec4(1.0,\n' +
+ ' max(l, 0.0),\n' +
+ ' (l > 0.0) ? pow(max(0.0, h), m) : 0.0,\n' +
+ ' 1.0);\n' +
+ '}\n';
+ * Generates code for some utility functions
+ * (functions defined in cg but not glsl).
+ * @return {string} The code for the utility functions.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.o3d.utilityFunctions = function() {
+ return '';
+ * The string that starts the vertex shader main function.
+ * @return {string} The effect code for the start of the main.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.glsl.beginVertexShaderMain = function() {
+ return 'void main() {\n';
+ * The string that starts the vertex shader main function.
+ * @return {string} The effect code for the start of the main.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.o3d.beginVertexShaderMain = function() {
+ return 'OutVertex vertexShaderFunction(InVertex input) {\n' +
+ ' OutVertex output;\n';
+ * The string that ends the vertex main function.
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+o3djs.effect.glsl.endVertexShaderMain = function() {
+ return ' gl_Position = ' + o3djs.effect.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX +
+ 'position;\n}\n';
+ * The string that ends the vertex main function.
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+o3djs.effect.o3d.endVertexShaderMain = function() {
+ return ' return output;\n}\n';
+ * The string that goes infront of the pixel shader main.
+ * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect.
+ * @param {boolean} diffuse Whether to include stuff for diffuse calculations.
+ * @param {boolean} specular Whether to include stuff for diffuse
+ * calculations.
+ * @param {boolean} bumpSampler Whether there is a bumpSampler.
+ * @return {string} The header.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.glsl.pixelShaderHeader =
+ function(material, diffuse, specular, bumpSampler) {
+ return '\n// #o3d SplitMarker\n';
+ * The string that goes infront of the pixel shader main.
+ * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect.
+ * @param {boolean} diffuse Whether to include stuff for diffuse calculations.
+ * @param {boolean} specular Whether to include stuff for diffuse
+ * calculations.
+ * @param {boolean} bumpSampler Whether there is a bumpSampler.
+ * @return {string} The header.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.o3d.pixelShaderHeader =
+ function(material, diffuse, specular, bumpSampler) {
+ return '';
- * An effect string for a 2 color checker effect.
+ * Repeats the declarations for the varying parameters if necessary.
+ * @param {string} opt_decls The declarations if you know them already.
+ * @return {string} Code for the parameter declarations.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.glsl.repeatVaryingDecls = function(opt_decls) {
+ return (opt_decls ||
+ o3djs.effect.varying_decls_ ||
+ o3djs.buildVaryingDecls()) +
+ '\n';
+ * Repeats the declarations for the varying parameters if necessary.
+ * @param {string} opt_decls The declarations if you know them already.
+ * @return {string} Code for the parameter declarations.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.o3d.repeatVaryingDecls = function(opt_decls) {
+ return '';
+ * The string that goes infront of the pixel shader main.
+ * @return {string} The effect code for the start of the main.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.glsl.beginPixelShaderMain = function() {
+ return 'void main() {\n';
+ * The string that goes infront of the pixel shader main.
+ * @return {string} The effect code for the start of the main.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.o3d.beginPixelShaderMain = function() {
+ return 'float4 pixelShaderFunction(OutVertex input) : COLOR {\n';
+ * The string that goes at the end of the pixel shader main.
+ * @param {string} color The code for the color to return.
+ * @return {string} The effect code for the end of the main.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.o3d.endPixelShaderMain = function(color) {
+ return ' return ' + color + ';\n}\n';
+ * The string that goes at the end of the pixel shader main.
+ * @param {string} color The code for the color to return.
+ * @return {string} The effect code for the end of the main.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.glsl.endPixelShaderMain = function(color) {
+ return ' gl_FragColor = ' + color + ';\n}\n';
+ * The vertex and fragment shader entry point in the format that
+ * o3d parses.
+ * @return {string}
+ */
+o3djs.effect.o3d.entryPoints = function() {
+ return '// #o3d VertexShaderEntryPoint vertexShaderFunction\n' +
+ '// #o3d PixelShaderEntryPoint pixelShaderFunction\n' +
+ '// #o3d MatrixLoadOrder RowMajor\n';
+ * The vertex and fragment shader entry points. In glsl, this is unnecessary.
* @type {string}
-o3djs.effect.TWO_COLOR_CHECKER_FXSTRING = '' +
- 'float4x4 worldViewProjection : WORLDVIEWPROJECTION;\n' +
- 'float4x4 worldInverseTranspose : WORLDINVERSETRANSPOSE;\n' +
- 'float4x4 world : WORLD;\n' +
- 'float4 color1;\n' +
- 'float4 color2;\n' +
- 'float checkSize;\n' +
- 'float3 lightWorldPos;\n' +
- 'float3 lightColor;\n' +
- '\n' +
- 'struct VertexShaderInput {\n' +
- ' float4 position : POSITION;\n' +
- ' float4 normal : NORMAL;\n' +
- ' float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;\n' +
- '};\n' +
- '\n' +
- 'struct PixelShaderInput {\n' +
- ' float4 position : POSITION;\n' +
- ' float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;\n' +
- ' float3 normal : TEXCOORD1;\n' +
- ' float3 worldPosition : TEXCOORD2;\n' +
- '};\n' +
+o3djs.effect.glsl.entryPoints = function() {
+ return '';
+ * Sets the shader language used. Passing 'glsl' will cause all generated
+ * shader code to be in glsl. Passing anything else will result in the
+ * default o3d hlsl/cg based shader language.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.setLanguage = function(language) {
+ var language_namespace = o3djs.effect.o3d;
+ if (language == 'glsl') {
+ language_namespace = o3djs.effect.glsl;
+ }
+ for (var f in o3djs.effect.glsl) {
+ o3djs.effect[f] = language_namespace[f];
+ }
+ o3djs.effect.buildCheckerShaderString();
+ * Builds the vertex attribute declarations for a given material.
+ * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect.
+ * @param {boolean} diffuse Whether to include stuff for diffuse calculations.
+ * @param {boolean} specular Whether to include stuff for diffuse
+ * calculations.
+ * @param {boolean} bumpSampler Whether there is a bumpSampler.
+ * @return {string} The code for the declarations.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.buildAttributeDecls =
+ function(material, diffuse, specular, bumpSampler) {
+ var str = o3djs.effect.BEGIN_IN_STRUCT +
+ o3djs.effect.ATTRIBUTE + o3djs.effect.FLOAT4 + ' ' + 'position' +
+ o3djs.effect.semanticSuffix('POSITION') + ';\n';
+ if (diffuse || specular) {
+ str += o3djs.effect.ATTRIBUTE + o3djs.effect.FLOAT3 + ' ' + 'normal' +
+ o3djs.effect.semanticSuffix('NORMAL') + ';\n';
+ }
+ str += o3djs.effect.buildTexCoords(material) +
+ o3djs.effect.buildBumpInputCoords(bumpSampler) +
+ o3djs.effect.END_STRUCT;
+ return str;
+ * Caches the varying parameter declarations to be repeated in the case that
+ * we're in glsl and need to declare the varying parameters in both shaders.
+ * @type {string}
+ */
+o3djs.effect.varying_decls_ = '';
+ * Builds the varying parameter declarations for a given material.
+ * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect.
+ * @param {boolean} diffuse Whether to include stuff for diffuse calculations.
+ * @param {boolean} specular Whether to include stuff for diffuse
+ * calculations.
+ * @param {boolean} bumpSampler Whether there is a bumpSampler.
+ * @return {string} The code for the declarations.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.buildVaryingDecls =
+ function(material, diffuse, specular, bumpSampler) {
+ var p = o3djs.effect;
+ var str = p.BEGIN_OUT_STRUCT +
+ p.VARYING + p.FLOAT4 + ' ' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('POSITION') + ';\n' +
+ p.buildTexCoords(material) +
+ p.buildBumpOutputCoords(bumpSampler);
+ if (diffuse || specular) {
+ str += p.VARYING + p.FLOAT3 + ' ' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('TEXCOORD' +
+ p.interpolant_++ + '') + ';\n' +
+ p.VARYING + p.FLOAT3 + ' ' +
+ p.semanticSuffix(
+ 'TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++ + '') + ';\n';
+ }
+ if (specular) {
+ str += p.VARYING + p.FLOAT3 + ' ' +
+ p.semanticSuffix(
+ 'TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++ + '') + ';\n';
+ }
+ str += p.END_STRUCT;
+ p.varying_decls_ = str;
+ return str;
+ * An integer value which keeps track of the next available interpolant.
+ * @type {number}
+ * @private
+ */
+o3djs.effect.interpolant_ = 0;
+ * Builds the texture coordinate declaration for a given color input
+ * (usually emissive, anmbient, diffuse or specular). If the color
+ * input does not have a sampler, no TEXCOORD declaration is built.
+ * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect.
+ * @param {string} name The name of the color input.
+ * @return {string} The code for the texture coordinate declaration.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.buildTexCoord = function(material, name) {
+ var p = o3djs.effect;
+ if (material.getParam(name + 'Sampler')) {
+ return ' ' + p.FLOAT2 + ' ' + name + 'UV' +
+ p.semanticSuffix(
+ 'TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++ + '') + ';\n';
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ * Builds all the texture coordinate declarations for a vertex attribute
+ * declaration.
+ * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect.
+ * @return {string} The code for the texture coordinate declarations.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.buildTexCoords = function(material) {
+ var p = o3djs.effect;
+ p.interpolant_ = 0;
+ return p.buildTexCoord(material, 'emissive') +
+ p.buildTexCoord(material, 'ambient') +
+ p.buildTexCoord(material, 'diffuse') +
+ p.buildTexCoord(material, 'specular');
+ * Builds the texture coordinate passthrough statement for a given
+ * color input (usually emissive, ambient, diffuse or specular). These
+ * assigments are used in the vertex shader to pass the texcoords to be
+ * interpolated to the rasterizer. If the color input does not have
+ * a sampler, no code is generated.
+ * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect.
+ * @param {string} name The name of the color input.
+ * @return {string} The code for the texture coordinate passthrough statement.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.buildUVPassthrough = function(material, name) {
+ var p = o3djs.effect;
+ if (material.getParam(name + 'Sampler')) {
+ return ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + name + 'UV = ' +
+ p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + name + 'UV;\n';
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ * Builds all the texture coordinate passthrough statements for the
+ * vertex shader.
+ * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect.
+ * @return {string} The code for the texture coordinate passthrough
+ * statements.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.buildUVPassthroughs = function(material) {
+ var p = o3djs.effect;
+ return p.buildUVPassthrough(material, 'emissive') +
+ p.buildUVPassthrough(material, 'ambient') +
+ p.buildUVPassthrough(material, 'diffuse') +
+ p.buildUVPassthrough(material, 'specular') +
+ p.buildUVPassthrough(material, 'bump');
+ * Builds bump input coords if needed.
+ * @param {bumpSampler} Whether there is a bump sampler.
+ * @return {string} The code for bump input coords.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.buildBumpInputCoords = function(bumpSampler) {
+ var p = o3djs.effect;
+ return bumpSampler ?
+ (' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' tangent' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('TANGENT') + ';\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' binormal' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('BINORMAL') + ';\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT2 + ' bumpUV' +
+ p.semanticSuffix(
+ 'TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++) + ';\n') : '';
+ * Builds bump output coords if needed.
+ * @param {boolean} bumpSampler Whether there is a bumpSampler.
+ * @return {string} The code for bump input coords.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.buildBumpOutputCoords = function(bumpSampler) {
+ var p = o3djs.effect;
+ return bumpSampler ?
+ (' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' tangent' +
+ p.semanticSuffix(
+ 'TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++) + ';\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' binormal' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('TEXCOORD' +
+ p.interpolant_++) + ';\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT2 + ' bumpUV' +
+ p.semanticSuffix(
+ 'TEXCOORD' + p.interpolant_++) + ';\n') : '';
+ * Builds vertex and fragment shader string for a 2-color checker effect.
+ * @return {string} The effect code for the shader, ready to be parsed.
+ */
+o3djs.effect.buildCheckerShaderString = function() {
+ var p = o3djs.effect;
+ var varyingDecls = p.BEGIN_OUT_STRUCT +
+ p.VARYING + p.FLOAT4 + ' ' +
+ p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'position' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('POSITION') + ';\n' +
+ p.VARYING + p.FLOAT2 + ' ' +
+ p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'texCoord' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('TEXCOORD0') + ';\n' +
+ p.VARYING + p.FLOAT3 + ' ' +
+ p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'normal' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('TEXCOORD1') + ';\n' +
+ p.VARYING + p.FLOAT3 + ' ' +
+ p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'worldPosition' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('TEXCOORD2') + ';\n' +
+ return 'uniform ' + p.MATRIX4 + ' worldViewProjection' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('WORLDVIEWPROJECTION') + ';\n' +
+ 'uniform ' + p.MATRIX4 + ' worldInverseTranspose' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('WORLDINVERSETRANSPOSE') + ';\n' +
+ 'uniform ' + p.MATRIX4 + ' world' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('WORLD') + ';\n' +
'\n' +
- 'float4 checker(float2 uv) {\n' +
- ' float fmodResult = fmod(floor(checkSize * uv.x) + \n' +
- ' floor(checkSize * uv.y), 2.0);\n' +
- ' return (fmodResult < 1) ? color1 : color2;\n' +
- '}\n' +
+ p.ATTRIBUTE + p.FLOAT4 + ' position' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('POSITION') + ';\n' +
+ p.ATTRIBUTE + p.FLOAT3 + ' normal' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('NORMAL') + ';\n' +
+ p.ATTRIBUTE + p.FLOAT2 + ' texCoord0' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('TEXCOORD0') + ';\n' +
'\n' +
- 'PixelShaderInput vertexShaderFunction(VertexShaderInput input) {\n' +
- ' PixelShaderInput output;\n' +
+ varyingDecls +
'\n' +
- ' output.position = mul(input.position, worldViewProjection);\n' +
- ' output.normal = mul(input.normal, worldInverseTranspose).xyz;\n' +
- ' output.worldPosition = mul(input.position, world).xyz;\n' +
- ' output.texcoord = input.texcoord;\n' +
- ' return output;\n' +
- '}\n' +
+ p.beginVertexShaderMain() +
+ ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'position = ' +
+ p.mul(p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'position',
+ 'worldViewProjection') + ';\n' +
+ ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'normal = ' +
+ p.mul(p.FLOAT4 + '(' +
+ p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'normal, 0.0)',
+ 'worldInverseTranspose') + '.xyz;\n' +
+ ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'worldPosition = ' +
+ p.mul(p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'position', 'world') +
+ '.xyz;\n' +
+ ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'texCoord = ' +
+ p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'texCoord0;\n' +
+ p.endVertexShaderMain() +
'\n' +
- 'float4 pixelShaderFunction(PixelShaderInput input): COLOR {\n' +
- ' float3 surfaceToLight = \n' +
- ' normalize(lightWorldPos - input.worldPosition);\n' +
- ' float3 worldNormal = normalize(input.normal);\n' +
- ' float4 check = checker(input.texcoord);\n' +
- ' float4 directionalIntensity = \n' +
- ' saturate(dot(worldNormal, surfaceToLight));\n' +
- ' float4 outColor = directionalIntensity * check;\n' +
- ' return float4(outColor.rgb, check.a);\n' +
- '}\n' +
+ p.pixelShaderHeader() +
+ 'uniform ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' color1;\n' +
+ 'uniform ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' color2;\n' +
+ 'uniform float checkSize;\n' +
+ 'uniform ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' lightWorldPos;\n' +
+ 'uniform ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' lightColor;\n' +
'\n' +
- '// #o3d VertexShaderEntryPoint vertexShaderFunction\n' +
- '// #o3d PixelShaderEntryPoint pixelShaderFunction\n' +
- '// #o3d MatrixLoadOrder RowMajor\n';
+ p.repeatVaryingDecls(varyingDecls) +
+ p.FLOAT4 + ' checker(' + p.FLOAT2 + ' uv) {\n' +
+ ' float fmodResult = ' + p.MOD + '(' +
+ ' floor(checkSize * uv.x) + \n' +
+ ' floor(checkSize * uv.y), 2.0);\n' +
+ ' return (fmodResult < 1.0) ? color1 : color2;\n' +
+ '}\n\n' +
+ p.beginPixelShaderMain() +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' surfaceToLight = \n' +
+ ' normalize(lightWorldPos - ' +
+ p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'worldPosition);\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' worldNormal = normalize(' +
+ p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'normal);\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' check = checker(' +
+ p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'texCoord);\n' +
+ ' float directionalIntensity = \n' +
+ ' clamp(dot(worldNormal, surfaceToLight), 0.0, 1.0);\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT4 +
+ ' outColor = directionalIntensity * check;\n' +
+ p.endPixelShaderMain(
+ p.FLOAT4 + '(outColor.rgb, check.a)') +
+ '\n' + p.entryPoints();
* The name of the parameter on a material if it's a collada standard
@@ -151,15 +656,14 @@ o3djs.effect.COLLADA_SAMPLER_PARAMETER_PREFIXES = ['emissive',
* @return {boolean} true if it's a collada lighting type.
o3djs.effect.isColladaLightingType = function(lightingType) {
- return o3djs.effect.COLLADA_LIGHTING_TYPES[lightingType.toLowerCase()] ==
- 1;
+ return o3djs.effect.COLLADA_LIGHTING_TYPES[lightingType.toLowerCase()] == 1;
* Returns the collada lighting type of a collada standard material.
* @param {!o3d.Material} material Material to get lighting type from.
* @return {string} The lighting type or "" if it's not a collada standard
- * material.
+ * material.
o3djs.effect.getColladaLightingType = function(material) {
var lightingTypeParam = material.getParam(
@@ -180,11 +684,12 @@ o3djs.effect.getColladaLightingType = function(material) {
* @return {number} The number oc TEXCOORD streams needed.
o3djs.effect.getNumTexCoordStreamsNeeded = function(material) {
- var lightingType = o3djs.effect.getColladaLightingType(material);
- if (!o3djs.effect.isColladaLightingType(lightingType)) {
+ var p = o3djs.effect;
+ var lightingType = p.getColladaLightingType(material);
+ if (!p.isColladaLightingType(lightingType)) {
throw 'not a collada standard material';
- var colladaSamplers = o3djs.effect.COLLADA_SAMPLER_PARAMETER_PREFIXES;
var numTexCoordStreamsNeeded = 0
for (var cc = 0; cc < colladaSamplers.length; ++cc) {
var samplerPrefix = colladaSamplers[cc];
@@ -214,10 +719,11 @@ o3djs.effect.loadEffect = function(effect, url) {
* @return {!o3d.Effect} The effect.
o3djs.effect.createEffectFromFile = function(pack, url) {
+ var p = o3djs.effect;
var effect = pack.getObjects(url, 'o3d.Effect')[0];
if (!effect) {
effect = pack.createObject('Effect');
- o3djs.effect.loadEffect(effect, url);
+ p.loadEffect(effect, url); = url;
return effect;
@@ -234,6 +740,7 @@ o3djs.effect.createEffectFromFile = function(pack, url) {
o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
effectType) {
+ var p = o3djs.effect;
var bumpSampler = material.getParam('bumpSampler');
var bumpUVInterpolant;
@@ -276,10 +783,18 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
* Builds uniform variables common to all standard lighting types.
* @return {string} The effect code for the common shader uniforms.
- var buildCommonUniforms = function() {
- return 'uniform float4x4 worldViewProjection : WORLDVIEWPROJECTION;\n' +
- 'uniform float3 lightWorldPos;\n' +
- 'uniform float4 lightColor;\n'
+ var buildCommonVertexUniforms = function() {
+ return 'uniform ' + p.MATRIX4 + ' worldViewProjection' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('WORLDVIEWPROJECTION') + ';\n' +
+ 'uniform ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' lightWorldPos;\n';
+ };
+ /**
+ * Builds uniform variables common to all standard lighting types.
+ * @return {string} The effect code for the common shader uniforms.
+ */
+ var buildCommonPixelUniforms = function() {
+ return 'uniform ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' lightColor;\n';
@@ -287,9 +802,12 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
* @return {string} The effect code for the common shader uniforms.
var buildLightingUniforms = function() {
- return 'uniform float4x4 world : WORLD;\n' +
- 'uniform float4x4 viewInverse : VIEWINVERSE;\n' +
- 'uniform float4x4 worldInverseTranspose : WORLDINVERSETRANSPOSE;\n';
+ return 'uniform ' + p.MATRIX4 + ' world' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('WORLD') + ';\n' +
+ 'uniform ' + p.MATRIX4 +
+ ' viewInverse' + p.semanticSuffix('VIEWINVERSE') + ';\n' +
+ 'uniform ' + p.MATRIX4 + ' worldInverseTranspose' +
+ p.semanticSuffix('WORLDINVERSETRANSPOSE') + ';\n';
@@ -299,7 +817,7 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
* @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect.
* @param {!Array.<string>} descriptions Array to add descriptions too.
* @param {string} name The name of the parameter to look for. Usually
- * emissive, ambient, diffuse or specular.
+ * emissive, ambient, diffuse or specular.
* @param {boolean} opt_addColorParam Whether to add a color param if no
* sampler exists. Default = true.
* @return {string} The effect code for the uniform parameter.
@@ -316,7 +834,7 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
return 'sampler' + type + ' ' + name + 'Sampler;\n'
} else if (opt_addColorParam) {
descriptions.push(name + 'Color');
- return 'uniform float4 ' + name + ';\n';
+ return 'uniform ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' ' + name + ';\n';
} else {
return '';
@@ -336,25 +854,15 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
var samplerParam = material.getParam(name + 'Sampler');
if (samplerParam) {
var type = getSamplerType(samplerParam);
- return ' float4 ' + name + ' = tex' + type +
- '(' + name + 'Sampler, input.' + name + 'UV);\n'
+ return ' ' + p.FLOAT4 + ' ' + name + ' = tex' + type +
+ '(' + name + 'Sampler, ' +
+ p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + name + 'UV);\n'
} else {
return '';
- * Builds the vertex and fragment shader entry point in the format that
- * o3d can parse.
- * @return {string} The effect code for the entry points.
- */
- var buildEntryPoints = function() {
- return ' // #o3d VertexShaderEntryPoint vertexShaderFunction\n' +
- ' // #o3d PixelShaderEntryPoint pixelShaderFunction\n' +
- ' // #o3d MatrixLoadOrder RowMajor\n';
- };
- /**
* Builds vertex and fragment shader string for the Constant lighting type.
* @param {!o3d.Material} material The material for which to build
* shaders.
@@ -363,21 +871,20 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
var buildConstantShaderString = function(material, descriptions) {
- return buildCommonUniforms() +
- buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'emissive') +
+ return buildCommonVertexUniforms() +
buildVertexDecls(material, false, false) +
- 'OutVertex vertexShaderFunction(InVertex input) {\n' +
- ' OutVertex output;\n' +
+ p.beginVertexShaderMain() +
positionVertexShaderCode() +
- buildUVPassthroughs(material) +
- ' return output;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- 'float4 pixelShaderFunction(OutVertex input) : COLOR {\n' +
+ p.buildUVPassthroughs(material) +
+ p.endVertexShaderMain() +
+ p.pixelShaderHeader(material, false, false, bumpSampler) +
+ buildCommonPixelUniforms() +
+ p.glsl.repeatVaryingDecls() +
+ buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'emissive') +
+ p.beginPixelShaderMain() +
getColorParam(material, 'emissive') +
- ' return emissive;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '\n' +
- buildEntryPoints();
+ p.endPixelShaderMain('emissive') +
+ p.entryPoints();
@@ -389,37 +896,39 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
var buildLambertShaderString = function(material, descriptions) {
- return buildCommonUniforms() +
+ return buildCommonVertexUniforms() +
buildLightingUniforms() +
- buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'emissive') +
- buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'ambient') +
- buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'diffuse') +
- buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'bump', false) +
buildVertexDecls(material, true, false) +
- 'OutVertex vertexShaderFunction(InVertex input) {\n' +
- ' OutVertex output;\n' +
- buildUVPassthroughs(material) +
+ p.beginVertexShaderMain() +
+ p.buildUVPassthroughs(material) +
positionVertexShaderCode() +
normalVertexShaderCode() +
surfaceToLightVertexShaderCode() +
bumpVertexShaderCode() +
- ' return output;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- 'float4 pixelShaderFunction(OutVertex input) : COLOR\n' +
- '{\n' +
+ p.endVertexShaderMain() +
+ p.pixelShaderHeader(material, true, false) +
+ buildCommonPixelUniforms() +
+ p.glsl.repeatVaryingDecls() +
+ buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'emissive') +
+ buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'ambient') +
+ buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'diffuse') +
+ buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'bump', false) +
+ p.utilityFunctions() +
+ p.beginPixelShaderMain() +
getColorParam(material, 'emissive') +
getColorParam(material, 'ambient') +
getColorParam(material, 'diffuse') +
getNormalShaderCode() +
- ' float3 surfaceToLight = normalize(input.surfaceToLight);\n' +
- ' float4 litR = lit(dot(normal, surfaceToLight), 0, 0);\n' +
- ' return float4((emissive +\n' +
- ' lightColor * (ambient * diffuse + diffuse * litR.y)).rgb,' +
- ' diffuse.a);\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '\n' +
- buildEntryPoints();
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' surfaceToLight = normalize(' +
+ p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'surfaceToLight);\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT4 +
+ ' litR = lit(dot(normal, surfaceToLight), 0.0, 0.0);\n' +
+ p.endPixelShaderMain(p.FLOAT4 +
+ '((emissive +\n' +
+ ' lightColor *' +
+ ' (ambient * diffuse + diffuse * litR.y)).rgb,\n' +
+ ' diffuse.a)') +
+ p.entryPoints();
@@ -432,9 +941,21 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
* Change to Blinn.
var buildBlinnShaderString = function(material, descriptions) {
- descriptions.push('blinn');
- return buildCommonUniforms() +
+ descriptions.push('phong');
+ return buildCommonVertexUniforms() +
buildLightingUniforms() +
+ buildVertexDecls(material, true, true) +
+ p.beginVertexShaderMain() +
+ p.buildUVPassthroughs(material) +
+ positionVertexShaderCode() +
+ normalVertexShaderCode() +
+ surfaceToLightVertexShaderCode() +
+ surfaceToViewVertexShaderCode() +
+ bumpVertexShaderCode() +
+ p.endVertexShaderMain() +
+ p.pixelShaderHeader(material, true, true) +
+ buildCommonPixelUniforms() +
+ p.glsl.repeatVaryingDecls() +
buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'emissive') +
buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'ambient') +
buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'diffuse') +
@@ -442,36 +963,31 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'bump', false) +
'uniform float shininess;\n' +
'uniform float specularFactor;\n' +
- buildVertexDecls(material, true, true) +
- 'OutVertex vertexShaderFunction(InVertex input) {\n' +
- ' OutVertex output;\n' +
- buildUVPassthroughs(material) +
- positionVertexShaderCode() +
- normalVertexShaderCode() +
- surfaceToLightVertexShaderCode() +
- surfaceToViewVertexShaderCode() +
- bumpVertexShaderCode() +
- ' return output;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- 'float4 pixelShaderFunction(OutVertex input) : COLOR\n' +
- '{\n' +
+ p.utilityFunctions() +
+ p.beginPixelShaderMain() +
getColorParam(material, 'emissive') +
getColorParam(material, 'ambient') +
getColorParam(material, 'diffuse') +
getColorParam(material, 'specular') +
getNormalShaderCode() +
- ' float3 surfaceToLight = normalize(input.surfaceToLight);\n' +
- ' float3 surfaceToView = normalize(input.surfaceToView);\n' +
- ' float3 halfVector = normalize(surfaceToLight + surfaceToView);\n' +
- ' float4 litR = lit(dot(normal, surfaceToLight), \n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' surfaceToLight = normalize(' +
+ p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'surfaceToLight);\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' surfaceToView = normalize(' +
+ p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'surfaceToView);\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT3 +
+ ' halfVector = normalize(surfaceToLight + ' +
+ p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'surfaceToView);\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT4 +
+ ' litR = lit(dot(normal, surfaceToLight), \n' +
' dot(normal, halfVector), shininess);\n' +
- ' return float4((emissive +\n' +
- ' lightColor * (ambient * diffuse + diffuse * litR.y +\n' +
- ' + specular * litR.z * specularFactor)).rgb,' +
- ' diffuse.a);\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '\n' +
- buildEntryPoints();
+ p.endPixelShaderMain( p.FLOAT4 +
+ '((emissive +\n' +
+ ' lightColor *' +
+ ' (ambient * diffuse + diffuse * litR.y +\n' +
+ ' + specular * litR.z *' +
+ ' specularFactor)).rgb,\n' +
+ ' diffuse.a)') +
+ p.entryPoints();
@@ -483,8 +999,20 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
var buildPhongShaderString = function(material, descriptions) {
- return buildCommonUniforms() +
+ return buildCommonVertexUniforms() +
buildLightingUniforms() +
+ buildVertexDecls(material, true, true) +
+ p.beginVertexShaderMain() +
+ p.buildUVPassthroughs(material) +
+ positionVertexShaderCode() +
+ normalVertexShaderCode() +
+ surfaceToLightVertexShaderCode() +
+ surfaceToViewVertexShaderCode() +
+ bumpVertexShaderCode() +
+ p.endVertexShaderMain() +
+ p.pixelShaderHeader(material, true, true) +
+ buildCommonPixelUniforms() +
+ p.glsl.repeatVaryingDecls() +
buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'emissive') +
buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'ambient') +
buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'diffuse') +
@@ -492,124 +1020,29 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
buildColorParam(material, descriptions, 'bump', false) +
'uniform float shininess;\n' +
'uniform float specularFactor;\n' +
- buildVertexDecls(material, true, true) +
- 'OutVertex vertexShaderFunction(InVertex input) {\n' +
- ' OutVertex output;\n' +
- buildUVPassthroughs(material) +
- positionVertexShaderCode() +
- normalVertexShaderCode() +
- surfaceToLightVertexShaderCode() +
- surfaceToViewVertexShaderCode() +
- bumpVertexShaderCode() +
- ' return output;\n' +
- '}\n' +
- 'float4 pixelShaderFunction(OutVertex input) : COLOR\n' +
- '{\n' +
+ p.utilityFunctions() +
+ p.beginPixelShaderMain() +
getColorParam(material, 'emissive') +
getColorParam(material, 'ambient') +
getColorParam(material, 'diffuse') +
getColorParam(material, 'specular') +
getNormalShaderCode() +
- ' float3 surfaceToLight = normalize(input.surfaceToLight);\n' +
- ' float3 surfaceToView = normalize(input.surfaceToView);\n' +
- ' float3 halfVector = normalize(surfaceToLight + surfaceToView);\n' +
- ' float4 litR = lit(dot(normal, surfaceToLight), \n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' surfaceToLight = normalize(' +
+ p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'surfaceToLight);\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' surfaceToView = normalize(' +
+ p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'surfaceToView);\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT3 +
+ ' halfVector = normalize(surfaceToLight + surfaceToView);\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT4 +
+ ' litR = lit(dot(normal, surfaceToLight), \n' +
' dot(normal, halfVector), shininess);\n' +
- ' return float4((emissive +\n' +
+ p.endPixelShaderMain(p.FLOAT4 +
+ '((emissive +\n' +
' lightColor * (ambient * diffuse + diffuse * litR.y +\n' +
- ' + specular * litR.z * specularFactor)).rgb,' +
- ' diffuse.a);\n' +
- '}\n' +
- '\n' +
- buildEntryPoints();
- };
- // An integer value which keeps track of the next available interpolant.
- var interpolant;
- /**
- * Builds the texture coordinate declaration for a given color input
- * (usually emissive, anmbient, diffuse or specular). If the color
- * input does not have a sampler, no TEXCOORD declaration is built.
- * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect.
- * @param {string} name The name of the color input.
- * @return {string} The code for the texture coordinate declaration.
- */
- var buildTexCoord = function(material, name) {
- if (material.getParam(name + 'Sampler')) {
- return ' float2 ' + name + 'UV : TEXCOORD' + interpolant++ + ';\n';
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- };
- /**
- * Builds all the texture coordinate declarations for a vertex attribute
- * declaration.
- * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect.
- * @return {string} The code for the texture coordinate declarations.
- */
- var buildTexCoords = function(material) {
- interpolant = 0;
- return buildTexCoord(material, 'emissive') +
- buildTexCoord(material, 'ambient') +
- buildTexCoord(material, 'diffuse') +
- buildTexCoord(material, 'specular');
- };
- /**
- * Builds the texture coordinate passthrough statement for a given
- * color input (usually emissive, ambient, diffuse or specular). These
- * assigments are used in the vertex shader to pass the texcoords to be
- * interpolated to the rasterizer. If the color input does not have
- * a sampler, no code is generated.
- * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect.
- * @param {string} name The name of the color input.
- * @return {string} The code for the texture coordinate passthrough statement.
- */
- var buildUVPassthrough = function(material, name) {
- if (material.getParam(name + 'Sampler')) {
- return ' output.' + name + 'UV = input.' + name + 'UV;\n';
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- };
- /**
- * Builds all the texture coordinate passthrough statements for the
- * vertex shader.
- * @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect.
- * @return {string} The code for the texture coordinate passthrough
- * statements.
- */
- var buildUVPassthroughs = function(material) {
- return buildUVPassthrough(material, 'emissive') +
- buildUVPassthrough(material, 'ambient') +
- buildUVPassthrough(material, 'diffuse') +
- buildUVPassthrough(material, 'specular') +
- buildUVPassthrough(material, 'bump');
- };
- /**
- * Builds bump input coords if needed.
- * @return {string} The code for bump input coords.
- */
- var buildBumpInputCoords = function() {
- return bumpSampler ?
- (' float3 tangent : TANGENT;\n' +
- ' float3 binormal : BINORMAL;\n' +
- ' float2 bumpUV : TEXCOORD' + interpolant++ + ';\n') : '';
- };
- /**
- * Builds bump output coords if needed.
- * @return {string} The code for bump input coords.
- */
- var buildBumpOutputCoords = function() {
- return bumpSampler ?
- (' float3 tangent : TEXCOORD' + interpolant++ + ';\n' +
- ' float3 binormal : TEXCOORD' + interpolant++ + ';\n' +
- ' float2 bumpUV : TEXCOORD' + interpolant++ + ';\n') : '';
+ ' + specular * litR.z *' +
+ ' specularFactor)).rgb,\n' +
+ ' diffuse.a)') +
+ p.entryPoints();
@@ -617,7 +1050,9 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
* @return {string} The code for the vertex shader.
var positionVertexShaderCode = function() {
- return ' output.position = mul(input.position, worldViewProjection);\n';
+ return ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'position = ' +
+ 'position', 'worldViewProjection') + ';\n';
@@ -625,8 +1060,10 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
* @return {string} The code for the vertex shader.
var normalVertexShaderCode = function() {
- return ' output.normal = mul(float4(input.normal, 0),\n' +
- ' worldInverseTranspose).xyz;\n';
+ return ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'normal = ' +
+ p.mul(p.FLOAT4 + '(' +
+ 'normal, 0)', 'worldInverseTranspose') + '.xyz;\n';
@@ -634,8 +1071,11 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
* @return {string} The code for the vertex shader.
var surfaceToLightVertexShaderCode = function() {
- return ' output.surfaceToLight = lightWorldPos - \n' +
- ' mul(input.position, world).xyz;\n';
+ return ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX +
+ 'surfaceToLight = lightWorldPos - \n' +
+ ' ' +
+ p.mul(p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'position',
+ 'world') + '.xyz;\n';
@@ -643,20 +1083,26 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
* @return {string} The code for the vertex shader.
var surfaceToViewVertexShaderCode = function() {
- return ' output.surfaceToView = (viewInverse[3] - mul(input.position,\n' +
- ' world)).xyz;\n';
+ return ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX +
+ 'surfaceToView = (viewInverse[3] - ' +
+ p.mul(p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'position', 'world') + ').xyz;\n';
* Builds the normal map part of the vertex shader.
+ * @param {boolean} bumpSampler Whether there is a bump sampler.
* @return {string} The code for normal mapping in the vertex shader.
- var bumpVertexShaderCode = function() {
+ var bumpVertexShaderCode = function(bumpSampler) {
return bumpSampler ?
- (' output.binormal = ' +
- 'mul(float4(input.binormal, 0), worldInverseTranspose).xyz;\n' +
- ' output.tangent = ' +
- 'mul(float4(input.tangent, 0), worldInverseTranspose).xyz;\n') : '';
+ (' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'binormal = ' +
+ p.mul(p.FLOAT4 + '(' +
+ p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'binormal, 0)',
+ 'worldInverseTranspose') + '.xyz;\n' +
+ ' ' + p.VERTEX_VARYING_PREFIX + 'tangent = ' +
+ p.mul(p.FLOAT4 +
+ '(' + p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'tangent, 0)',
+ 'worldInverseTranspose') + '.xyz;\n') : '';
@@ -665,48 +1111,39 @@ o3djs.effect.buildStandardShaderString = function(material,
var getNormalShaderCode = function() {
return bumpSampler ?
- ('float3x3 tangentToWorld = float3x3(input.tangent,\n' +
- ' input.binormal,\n' +
- ' input.normal);\n' +
- 'float3 tangentNormal = tex2D(bumpSampler, input.bumpUV.xy).xyz -\n' +
- ' float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n' +
- 'float3 normal = mul(tangentNormal, tangentToWorld);\n' +
- 'normal = normalize(normal);\n') :
- ' float3 normal = normalize(input.normal);\n';
+ (p.MATRIX3 + ' tangentToWorld = ' + p.MATRIX3 +
+ '(' + p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'tangent,\n' +
+ ' ' +
+ p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'binormal,\n' +
+ ' ' +
+ p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'normal);\n' +
+ p.FLOAT3 + ' tangentNormal = tex2D(bumpSampler, ' +
+ p.ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX + 'bumpUV.xy).xyz -\n' +
+ ' ' + p.FLOAT3 +
+ '(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n' + p.FLOAT3 + ' normal = ' +
+ p.mul('tangentNormal', 'tangentToWorld') + ';\n' +
+ 'normal = normalize(' + p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX +
+ 'normal);\n') : ' ' + p.FLOAT3 + ' normal = normalize(' +
+ p.PIXEL_VARYING_PREFIX + 'normal);\n';
* Builds the vertex declarations for a given material.
* @param {!o3d.Material} material The material to inspect.
- * @param {boolean} diffuse Whether to include stuff for diffuse calculations.
+ * @param {boolean} diffuse Whether to include stuff for diffuse
+ * calculations.
* @param {boolean} specular Whether to include stuff for diffuse
* calculations.
* @return {string} The code for the vertex declarations.
var buildVertexDecls = function(material, diffuse, specular) {
- var str = 'struct InVertex {\n' +
- ' float4 position : POSITION;\n';
- if (diffuse || specular) {
- str += ' float3 normal : NORMAL;\n';
- }
- str += buildTexCoords(material) +
- buildBumpInputCoords() +
- '};\n' +
- 'struct OutVertex {\n' +
- ' float4 position : POSITION;\n' +
- buildTexCoords(material) +
- buildBumpOutputCoords();
- if (diffuse || specular) {
- str += ' float3 normal : TEXCOORD' + interpolant++ + ';\n' +
- ' float3 surfaceToLight: TEXCOORD' + interpolant++ + ';\n';
- }
- if (specular) {
- str += ' float3 surfaceToView : TEXCOORD' + interpolant++ + ';\n';
- }
- str += '};\n'
- return str;
+ return p.buildAttributeDecls(
+ material, diffuse, specular, bumpSampler) +
+ p.buildVaryingDecls(
+ material, diffuse, specular, bumpSampler);
// Create a shader string of the appropriate type, based on the
// effectType.
var str;
@@ -762,7 +1199,8 @@ o3djs.effect.getStandardShader = function(pack,
- * Attaches a shader for a given standard COLLADA material type to the material.
+ * Attaches a shader for a given standard COLLADA material type to the
+ * material.
* Looks at the material passed in and assigns it an Effect that matches its
* Params. If a suitable Effect already exists in pack it will use that Effect.
@@ -853,3 +1291,10 @@ o3djs.effect.createCheckerEffect = function(pack) { = o3djs.effect.TWO_COLOR_CHECKER_EFFECT_NAME;
return effect;
+// For compatability with o3d code, the default language is o3d shading
+// language.
diff --git a/o3d/samples/o3djs/webgl.js b/o3d/samples/o3djs/webgl.js
index 1bbe168..3f4c1f5 100644
--- a/o3d/samples/o3djs/webgl.js
+++ b/o3d/samples/o3djs/webgl.js
@@ -38,8 +38,10 @@
* A Module with various utilities.
* @namespace
@@ -52,11 +54,12 @@ o3djs.webgl = o3djs.webgl || {};
* under them with o3d client object and the o3d namespace.
o3djs.webgl.makeClients = function(callback,
- opt_features,
- opt_requiredVersion,
- opt_failureCallback,
- opt_id,
- opt_tag) {
+ opt_features,
+ opt_requiredVersion,
+ opt_failureCallback,
+ opt_id,
+ opt_tag,
+ opt_debug) {
opt_failureCallback = opt_failureCallback || o3djs.webgl.informPluginFailure;
var clientElements = [];
@@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ o3djs.webgl.makeClients = function(callback,
features = '';
- var objElem = o3djs.webgl.createClient(element, features);
+ var objElem = o3djs.webgl.createClient(element, features, opt_debug);
@@ -92,12 +95,14 @@ o3djs.webgl.createGLErrorWrapper = function(context, fname) {
return function() {
var rv = context[fname].apply(context, arguments);
var err = context.getError();
- if (err != 0)
+ if (err != 0) {
throw "GL error " + err + " in " + fname;
+ }
return rv;
* Adds a wrapper object to a webgl context that checks for errors
* before each function call.
@@ -108,7 +113,7 @@ o3djs.webgl.addDebuggingWrapper = function(context) {
var wrap = {};
for (var i in context) {
if (typeof context[i] == 'function') {
- wrap[i] = createGLErrorWrapper(context, i);
+ wrap[i] = o3djs.webgl.createGLErrorWrapper(context, i);
} else {
wrap[i] = context[i];
@@ -133,13 +138,19 @@ o3djs.webgl.createClient = function(element, opt_features, opt_debug) {
opt_features = opt_features || '';
opt_debug = opt_debug || false;
+ // If we're creating a webgl client, the assumption is we're using webgl,
+ // in which case the only acceptable shader language is glsl. So, here
+ // we set the shader language to glsl.
+ o3djs.effect.setLanguage('glsl');
var canvas;
canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.setAttribute('width', element.getAttribute('width'));
canvas.setAttribute('height', element.getAttribute('height'));
- canvas.client = new o3d.Client;
- canvas.client.initWithCanvas(canvas);
+ var client = new o3d.Client;
+ client.initWithCanvas(canvas);
+ canvas.client = client;
canvas.o3d = o3d;
if (opt_debug) {