diff options
mode: <>2009-12-16 21:36:10 +0000 <>2009-12-16 21:36:10 +0000
commitc47ee3fe8eb962680d1597bc1e63c666833f1a57 (patch)
parent56c4456f31726d89bcaba8471ff71e097066907d (diff)
Mac: fix/implement app windows (not app mode), popups, drawing; refactor code.
1. Properly display app windows, including Developer Tools window (no location bar). Also check using --app= 2. Lay out popup windows (in particular, location bar) better. Check using, e.g., <>; make sure it looks good (with a variety of themes). 3. Properly draw border to Omnibox -- so that its border matches the surrounding buttons. Check (looking very closely/zooming) using various themes (Google and artist, light and dark). 4. Re-organize/refactor code in the BrowserWindowController (esp. the layout code). Check that (in a normal window) it still displays the toolbar, bookmark bar (normal and NTP), infobar, and download shelf correctly. BUG=13148,20244,26757,29103 TEST=See above. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
16 files changed, 384 insertions, 219 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index 5afcf10..1cb9d96 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -405,6 +405,48 @@ CGFloat WidthForKeyword(NSAttributedString* keywordString) {
+- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView*)controlView {
+ [NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
+ GTMTheme* theme = [controlView gtm_theme];
+ NSRect drawFrame = NSInsetRect(cellFrame, 0.5, 1.5);
+ // TODO(viettrungluu): It's hard to do pixel-perfect drawing in Cocoa 'cause
+ // rounding kills you (obviously, the constants below should be 0.5, but then
+ // it doesn't draw correctly).
+ NSRect innerFrame = NSInsetRect(drawFrame, 0.5001, 0.5001);
+ NSBezierPath* innerPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:drawFrame];
+ // Paint button background image if there is one (otherwise the border won't
+ // look right).
+ NSImage* backgroundImage =
+ [theme backgroundImageForStyle:GTMThemeStyleToolBarButton state:YES];
+ if (backgroundImage) {
+ NSColor* patternColor = [NSColor colorWithPatternImage:backgroundImage];
+ [patternColor set];
+ // Set the phase to match window.
+ NSRect trueRect = [controlView convertRectToBase:cellFrame];
+ [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext]
+ setPatternPhase:NSMakePoint(NSMinX(trueRect), NSMaxY(trueRect))];
+ [innerPath fill];
+ }
+ // Draw the outer stroke (over the background).
+ [[theme strokeColorForStyle:GTMThemeStyleToolBarButton state:YES] setStroke];
+ [innerPath setLineWidth:1];
+ [innerPath stroke];
+ // Fill the inside if we're told to.
+ if ([self drawsBackground]) {
+ [[self backgroundColor] setFill];
+ [NSBezierPath fillRect:innerFrame];
+ }
+ [NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
+ [self drawInteriorWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView];
- (void)drawInteriorWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView*)controlView {
if (hintString_) {
[self drawHintWithFrame:cellFrame inView:controlView];
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index 3f92b6e..a46584f 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -452,8 +452,10 @@ const NSTimeInterval kBookmarkBarAnimationDuration = 0.12;
- (void)setBookmarkBarEnabled:(BOOL)enabled {
- barIsEnabled_ = enabled;
- [self updateVisibility];
+ if (enabled != barIsEnabled_) {
+ barIsEnabled_ = enabled;
+ [self updateVisibility];
+ }
- (CGFloat)getDesiredToolbarHeightCompression {
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index dc7566b..3849510 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ void BrowserWindowCocoa::ConfirmAddSearchProvider(
LocationBar* BrowserWindowCocoa::GetLocationBar() const {
- return [controller_ locationBar];
+ return [controller_ locationBarBridge];
void BrowserWindowCocoa::SetFocusToLocationBar() {
@@ -223,8 +223,8 @@ bool BrowserWindowCocoa::IsBookmarkBarVisible() const {
bool BrowserWindowCocoa::IsToolbarVisible() const {
- return true;
+ return browser_->SupportsWindowFeature(Browser::FEATURE_TOOLBAR) ||
+ browser_->SupportsWindowFeature(Browser::FEATURE_LOCATIONBAR);
// This is called from Browser, which in turn is called directly from
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_window_controller.h b/chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_window_controller.h
index 091babb..a273e8f 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_window_controller.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/browser_window_controller.h
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class TabStripModelObserverBridge;
- (BrowserWindow*)browserWindow;
// Access the C++ bridge object representing the location bar.
-- (LocationBar*)locationBar;
+- (LocationBar*)locationBarBridge;
// Access the C++ bridge object representing the status bubble for the window.
- (StatusBubbleMac*)statusBubble;
@@ -131,6 +131,33 @@ class TabStripModelObserverBridge;
// Make the location bar the first responder, if possible.
- (void)focusLocationBar;
+// Determines whether this controller's window supports a given feature (i.e.,
+// whether a given feature is or can be shown in the window).
+// TODO(viettrungluu): |feature| is really should be |Browser::Feature|, but I
+// don't want to include browser.h (and you can't forward declare enums).
+- (BOOL)supportsWindowFeature:(int)feature;
+// Called to check whether or not this window has a normal title bar (YES if it
+// does, NO otherwise). (E.g., normal browser windows do not, pop-ups do.)
+- (BOOL)hasTitleBar;
+// Called to check whether or not this window has a toolbar (YES if it does, NO
+// otherwise). (E.g., normal browser windows do, pop-ups do not.)
+- (BOOL)hasToolbar;
+// Called to check whether or not this window has a location bar (YES if it
+// does, NO otherwise). (E.g., normal browser windows do, pop-ups may or may
+// not.)
+- (BOOL)hasLocationBar;
+// Called to check whether or not this window can have bookmark bar (YES if it
+// does, NO otherwise). (E.g., normal browser windows may, pop-ups may not.)
+- (BOOL)supportsBookmarkBar;
+// Called to check if this controller's window is a normal window (e.g., not a
+// pop-up window). Returns YES if it is, NO otherwise.
+- (BOOL)isNormalWindow;
- (BOOL)isBookmarkBarVisible;
// Called after bookmark bar visibility changes (due to pref change or change in
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index 3af0816..0d13ce1 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -53,6 +53,25 @@
#include "grit/theme_resources.h"
#import "third_party/GTM/AppKit/GTMTheme.h"
+// ORGANIZATION: This is a big file. It is (in principle) organized as follows
+// (in order):
+// 1. Interfaces, including for our private methods. Very short, one-time-use
+// classes may include an implementation immediately after their interface.
+// 2. The general implementation section, ordered as follows:
+// i. Public methods and overrides.
+// ii. Overrides/implementations of undocumented methods.
+// iii. Delegate methods for various protocols, formal and informal, to which
+// |BrowserWindowController| conforms.
+// 3. The private implementation section (|BrowserWindowController (Private)|).
+// 4. Implementation for |GTMTheme (BrowserThemeProviderInitialization)|.
+// Not all of the above guidelines are followed and more (re-)organization is
+// needed. BUT PLEASE TRY TO KEEP THIS FILE ORGANIZED. I'd rather re-organize as
+// little as possible, since doing so messes up the file's history.
+// TODO(viettrungluu): (re-)organize some more, possibly split into separate
+// files?
// Notes on self-inflicted (not user-inflicted) window resizing and moving:
// When the bookmark bar goes from hidden to shown (on a non-NTP) page, or when
@@ -127,9 +146,42 @@ willPositionSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet
// Assign a theme to the window.
- (void)setTheme;
-// Repositions the windows subviews.
+// Repositions the window's subviews. From the top down: toolbar, normal
+// bookmark bar (if shown), infobar, NTP detached bookmark bar (if shown),
+// content area, download shelf (if any).
- (void)layoutSubviews;
+// Lays out the toolbar (or just location bar for popups) at the given maximum
+// y-coordinate, with the given width; returns the new maximum y (below the
+// toolbar).
+- (CGFloat)layoutToolbarAtMaxY:(CGFloat)maxY width:(CGFloat)width;
+// Lays out the bookmark bar at the given maximum y-coordinate, with the given
+// width; returns the new maximum y (below the bookmark bar). Note that one must
+// call it with the appropriate |maxY| which depends on whether or not the
+// bookmark bar is shown as the NTP bubble or not (use
+// |-placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar|).
+- (CGFloat)layoutBookmarkBarAtMaxY:(CGFloat)maxY width:(CGFloat)width;
+// Lays out the infobar at the given maximum y-coordinate, with the given width;
+// returns the new maximum y (below the infobar).
+- (CGFloat)layoutInfoBarAtMaxY:(CGFloat)maxY width:(CGFloat)width;
+// Returns YES if the bookmark bar should be placed below the infobar, NO
+// otherwise.
+- (BOOL)placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar;
+// Lays out the download shelf, if there is one, at the given minimum
+// y-coordinate, with the given width; returns the new minimum y (above the
+// download shelf). This is safe to call even if there is no download shelf.
+- (CGFloat)layoutDownloadShelfAtMinY:(CGFloat)minY width:(CGFloat)width;
+// Lays out the tab content area between the given minimum and maximum
+// y-coordinates, with the given width.
+- (void)layoutTabContentAreaAtMinY:(CGFloat)minY
+ maxY:(CGFloat)maxY
+ width:(CGFloat)width;
// Should we show the normal bookmark bar?
- (BOOL)shouldShowBookmarkBar;
@@ -233,11 +285,8 @@ willPositionSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet
- // If we are a pop-up, we have a titlebar and no toolbar.
- if (!browser_->SupportsWindowFeature(Browser::FEATURE_TOOLBAR) &&
- browser_->SupportsWindowFeature(Browser::FEATURE_TITLEBAR)) {
- [toolbarController_ setHasToolbar:NO];
- }
+ [toolbarController_ setHasToolbar:[self hasToolbar]
+ hasLocationBar:[self hasLocationBar]];
[[[self window] contentView] addSubview:[toolbarController_ view]];
// Create a sub-controller for the bookmark bar.
@@ -248,18 +297,14 @@ willPositionSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet
- // Add bookmark bar to the view hierarchy. This also triggers the
- // nib load. The bookmark bar is defined (in the nib) to be
- // bottom-aligned to it's parent view (among other things), so
- // position and resize properties don't need to be set.
+ // Add bookmark bar to the view hierarchy, which also triggers the nib load.
+ // The bookmark bar is defined (in the nib) to be bottom-aligned to its
+ // parent view (among other things), so position and resize properties don't
+ // need to be set.
[[[self window] contentView] addSubview:[bookmarkBarController_ view]
relativeTo:[toolbarController_ view]];
- // Disable the bookmark bar if this window doesn't support them.
- if (!browser_->SupportsWindowFeature(Browser::FEATURE_BOOKMARKBAR)) {
- [bookmarkBarController_ setBookmarkBarEnabled:NO];
- }
+ [bookmarkBarController_ setBookmarkBarEnabled:[self supportsBookmarkBar]];
// We don't want to try and show the bar before it gets placed in its parent
// view, so this step shoudn't be inside the bookmark bar controller's
@@ -752,7 +797,7 @@ willPositionSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet
NSInteger tag = [item tag];
if (browser_->command_updater()->SupportsCommand(tag)) {
// Generate return value (enabled state)
- enable = browser_->command_updater()->IsCommandEnabled(tag) ? YES : NO;
+ enable = browser_->command_updater()->IsCommandEnabled(tag);
switch (tag) {
// Disable "close tab" if we're not the key window or if there's only
@@ -809,7 +854,7 @@ willPositionSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet
// for Windows (ToolbarView::ButtonPressed()), this function handles
// both reload button press event and Command+r press event. Thus the
// 'isKindofClass' check is necessary.
- [self locationBar]->Revert();
+ [self locationBarBridge]->Revert();
@@ -841,8 +886,8 @@ willPositionSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet
return [tabStripController_ sheetController];
-- (LocationBar*)locationBar {
- return [toolbarController_ locationBar];
+- (LocationBar*)locationBarBridge {
+ return [toolbarController_ locationBarBridge];
- (StatusBubbleMac*)statusBubble {
@@ -1116,9 +1161,7 @@ willPositionSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet
} else {
[[[self window] contentView] addSubview:[toolbarController_ view]];
- if (browser_->SupportsWindowFeature(Browser::FEATURE_BOOKMARKBAR)) {
- [bookmarkBarController_ setBookmarkBarEnabled:YES];
- }
+ [bookmarkBarController_ setBookmarkBarEnabled:[self supportsBookmarkBar]];
// Force a relayout.
@@ -1187,11 +1230,34 @@ willPositionSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet
return base::SysUTF16ToNSString(contents->GetTitle());
-// TYPE_POPUP is not normal (e.g. no tab strip)
+- (BOOL)supportsWindowFeature:(int)feature {
+ return browser_->SupportsWindowFeature(
+ static_cast<Browser::WindowFeature>(feature));
+// (Override of |TabWindowController| method.)
+- (BOOL)hasTabStrip {
+ return [self supportsWindowFeature:Browser::FEATURE_TABSTRIP];
+- (BOOL)hasTitleBar {
+ return [self supportsWindowFeature:Browser::FEATURE_TITLEBAR];
+- (BOOL)hasToolbar {
+ return [self supportsWindowFeature:Browser::FEATURE_TOOLBAR];
+- (BOOL)hasLocationBar {
+ return [self supportsWindowFeature:Browser::FEATURE_LOCATIONBAR];
+- (BOOL)supportsBookmarkBar {
+ return [self supportsWindowFeature:Browser::FEATURE_BOOKMARKBAR];
- (BOOL)isNormalWindow {
- if (browser_->type() == Browser::TYPE_NORMAL)
- return YES;
- return NO;
+ return browser_->type() == Browser::TYPE_NORMAL;
- (void)selectTabWithContents:(TabContents*)newContents
@@ -1330,6 +1396,68 @@ willPositionSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet
+// If the browser is in incognito mode, install the image view to decorate
+// the window at the upper right. Use the same base y coordinate as the
+// tab strip.
+- (void)installIncognitoBadge {
+ if (!browser_->profile()->IsOffTheRecord())
+ return;
+ // Don't install if we're not a normal browser (ie, a popup).
+ if (![self isNormalWindow])
+ return;
+ static const float kOffset = 4;
+ NSString* incognitoPath = [mac_util::MainAppBundle()
+ pathForResource:@"otr_icon"
+ ofType:@"pdf"];
+ scoped_nsobject<NSImage> incognitoImage(
+ [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:incognitoPath]);
+ const NSSize imageSize = [incognitoImage size];
+ NSRect tabFrame = [[self tabStripView] frame];
+ NSRect incognitoFrame = tabFrame;
+ incognitoFrame.origin.x = NSMaxX(incognitoFrame) - imageSize.width -
+ kOffset;
+ incognitoFrame.size = imageSize;
+ scoped_nsobject<IncognitoImageView> incognitoView(
+ [[IncognitoImageView alloc] initWithFrame:incognitoFrame]);
+ [incognitoView setImage:incognitoImage.get()];
+ [incognitoView setWantsLayer:YES];
+ [incognitoView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin | NSViewMinYMargin];
+ scoped_nsobject<NSShadow> shadow([[NSShadow alloc] init]);
+ [shadow.get() setShadowColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.0
+ alpha:0.5]];
+ [shadow.get() setShadowOffset:NSMakeSize(0, -1)];
+ [shadow setShadowBlurRadius:2.0];
+ [incognitoView setShadow:shadow];
+ // Shrink the tab strip's width so there's no overlap and install the
+ // view.
+ tabFrame.size.width -= incognitoFrame.size.width + kOffset;
+ [[self tabStripView] setFrame:tabFrame];
+ [[[[self window] contentView] superview] addSubview:incognitoView.get()];
+// Undocumented method for multi-touch gestures in 10.5. Future OS's will
+// likely add a public API, but the worst that will happen is that this will
+// turn into dead code and just won't get called.
+- (void)swipeWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
+ // Map forwards and backwards to history; left is positive, right is negative.
+ unsigned int command = 0;
+ if ([event deltaX] > 0.5)
+ command = IDC_BACK;
+ else if ([event deltaX] < -0.5)
+ command = IDC_FORWARD;
+ else if ([event deltaY] > 0.5)
+ ; // TODO(pinkerton): figure out page-up
+ else if ([event deltaY] < -0.5)
+ ; // TODO(pinkerton): figure out page-down
+ // Ensure the command is valid first (ExecuteCommand() won't do that) and
+ // then make it so.
+ if (browser_->command_updater()->IsCommandEnabled(command))
+ browser_->ExecuteCommand(command);
// Delegate method called when window is resized.
- (void)windowDidResize:(NSNotification*)notification {
// Resize (and possibly move) the status bubble. Note that we may get called
@@ -1383,6 +1511,13 @@ willPositionSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet
return frameSize;
+// Delegate method: see |NSWindowDelegate| protocol.
+- (id)windowWillReturnFieldEditor:(NSWindow*)sender toObject:(id)obj {
+ // Ask the toolbar controller if it wants to return a custom field editor
+ // for the specific object.
+ return [toolbarController_ customFieldEditorForObject:obj];
// (Needed for |BookmarkBarControllerDelegate| protocol.)
- (void)bookmarkBar:(BookmarkBarController*)controller
@@ -1428,47 +1563,6 @@ willAnimateFromState:(bookmarks::VisualState)oldState
@implementation BrowserWindowController (Private)
-// If the browser is in incognito mode, install the image view to decorate
-// the window at the upper right. Use the same base y coordinate as the
-// tab strip.
-- (void)installIncognitoBadge {
- if (!browser_->profile()->IsOffTheRecord())
- return;
- // Don't install if we're not a normal browser (ie, a popup).
- if (![self isNormalWindow])
- return;
- static const float kOffset = 4;
- NSString* incognitoPath = [mac_util::MainAppBundle()
- pathForResource:@"otr_icon"
- ofType:@"pdf"];
- scoped_nsobject<NSImage> incognitoImage(
- [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:incognitoPath]);
- const NSSize imageSize = [incognitoImage size];
- NSRect tabFrame = [[self tabStripView] frame];
- NSRect incognitoFrame = tabFrame;
- incognitoFrame.origin.x = NSMaxX(incognitoFrame) - imageSize.width -
- kOffset;
- incognitoFrame.size = imageSize;
- scoped_nsobject<IncognitoImageView> incognitoView(
- [[IncognitoImageView alloc] initWithFrame:incognitoFrame]);
- [incognitoView setImage:incognitoImage.get()];
- [incognitoView setWantsLayer:YES];
- [incognitoView setAutoresizingMask:NSViewMinXMargin | NSViewMinYMargin];
- scoped_nsobject<NSShadow> shadow([[NSShadow alloc] init]);
- [shadow.get() setShadowColor:[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.0
- alpha:0.5]];
- [shadow.get() setShadowOffset:NSMakeSize(0, -1)];
- [shadow setShadowBlurRadius:2.0];
- [incognitoView setShadow:shadow];
- // Shrink the tab strip's width so there's no overlap and install the
- // view.
- tabFrame.size.width -= incognitoFrame.size.width + kOffset;
- [[self tabStripView] setFrame:tabFrame];
- [[[[self window] contentView] superview] addSubview:incognitoView.get()];
- (void)saveWindowPositionIfNeeded {
if (browser_ != BrowserList::GetLastActive())
@@ -1537,33 +1631,6 @@ willPositionSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet
return defaultSheetRect;
-// Undocumented method for multi-touch gestures in 10.5. Future OS's will
-// likely add a public API, but the worst that will happen is that this will
-// turn into dead code and just won't get called.
-- (void)swipeWithEvent:(NSEvent*)event {
- // Map forwards and backwards to history; left is positive, right is negative.
- unsigned int command = 0;
- if ([event deltaX] > 0.5)
- command = IDC_BACK;
- else if ([event deltaX] < -0.5)
- command = IDC_FORWARD;
- else if ([event deltaY] > 0.5)
- ; // TODO(pinkerton): figure out page-up
- else if ([event deltaY] < -0.5)
- ; // TODO(pinkerton): figure out page-down
- // Ensure the command is valid first (ExecuteCommand() won't do that) and
- // then make it so.
- if (browser_->command_updater()->IsCommandEnabled(command))
- browser_->ExecuteCommand(command);
-- (id)windowWillReturnFieldEditor:(NSWindow*)sender toObject:(id)obj {
- // Ask the toolbar controller if it wants to return a custom field editor
- // for the specific object.
- return [toolbarController_ customFieldEditorForObject:obj];
- (void)setTheme {
ThemeProvider* theme_provider = browser_->profile()->GetThemeProvider();
BrowserThemeProvider* browser_theme_provider =
@@ -1577,113 +1644,147 @@ willPositionSheet:(NSWindow*)sheet
-// Private method to layout browser window subviews. Positions the toolbar and
-// the infobar above the tab content area. Positions the download shelf below
-// the tab content area. If the toolbar is not a child of the contentview, this
-// method will not leave room for it. If we are currently running in fullscreen
-// mode, or if the tabstrip is not a descendant of the window, this method fills
-// the entire content area. Otherwise, this method places the topmost view
-// directly beneath the tabstrip.
- (void)layoutSubviews {
NSWindow* window = [self window];
NSView* contentView = [window contentView];
NSRect contentFrame = [contentView frame];
- int maxY = NSMaxY(contentFrame);
- int minY = NSMinY(contentFrame);
- if (![self isFullscreen] && [self isNormalWindow]) {
+ CGFloat maxY = NSMaxY(contentFrame);
+ CGFloat minY = NSMinY(contentFrame);
+ CGFloat width = NSWidth(contentFrame);
+ if ([self hasTabStrip])
maxY = NSMinY([[self tabStripView] frame]);
- }
DCHECK_GE(maxY, minY);
- // Suppress title drawing for normal windows (popups use normal
- // window title bars).
- if ([window respondsToSelector:@selector(setShouldHideTitle:)]) {
- [(id)window setShouldHideTitle:[self isNormalWindow]];
- }
+ // Suppress title drawing if necessary.
+ if ([window respondsToSelector:@selector(setShouldHideTitle:)])
+ [(id)window setShouldHideTitle:![self hasTitleBar]];
+ // Place the toolbar at the top of the reserved area.
+ maxY = [self layoutToolbarAtMaxY:maxY width:width];
+ // If we're not displaying the bookmark bar below the infobar, then it goes
+ // immediately below the toolbar.
+ BOOL placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar = [self placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar];
+ if (!placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar)
+ maxY = [self layoutBookmarkBarAtMaxY:maxY width:width];
+ // Place the infobar container in place below the toolbar.
+ maxY = [self layoutInfoBarAtMaxY:maxY width:width];
+ // If the bookmark bar is detached, place it at the bottom of the stack.
+ if (placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar)
+ maxY = [self layoutBookmarkBarAtMaxY:maxY width:width];
+ // Place the download shelf, if any, at the bottom of the view.
+ minY = [self layoutDownloadShelfAtMinY:minY width:width];
- // Place the toolbar at the top of the reserved area, but only if we're not in
- // fullscreen mode.
+ // Finally, the content area takes up all of the remaining space.
+ [self layoutTabContentAreaAtMinY:minY maxY:maxY width:width];
+ // Position the find bar relative to the infobar container.
+ [findBarCocoaController_
+ positionFindBarView:[infoBarContainerController_ view]];
+ // Place the status bubble at the bottom of the content area.
+ verticalOffsetForStatusBubble_ = minY;
+ // Normally, we don't need to tell the toolbar whether or not to show the
+ // divider, but things break down during animation.
+ [toolbarController_
+ setDividerOpacity:[bookmarkBarController_ toolbarDividerOpacity]];
+- (CGFloat)layoutToolbarAtMaxY:(CGFloat)maxY width:(CGFloat)width {
NSView* toolbarView = [toolbarController_ view];
NSRect toolbarFrame = [toolbarView frame];
- if (![self isFullscreen]) {
+ if ([self hasToolbar]) {
// The toolbar is present in the window, so we make room for it.
+ DCHECK(![toolbarView isHidden]);
toolbarFrame.origin.x = 0;
toolbarFrame.origin.y = maxY - NSHeight(toolbarFrame);
- toolbarFrame.size.width = NSWidth(contentFrame);
+ toolbarFrame.size.width = width;
maxY -= NSHeight(toolbarFrame);
+ } else {
+ if ([self hasLocationBar]) {
+ // Location bar is present with no toolbar. Put a border of
+ // |kLocBar...Inset| pixels around the location bar.
+ // TODO(viettrungluu): This is moderately ridiculous. The toolbar should
+ // really be aware of what its height should be (the way the toolbar
+ // compression stuff is currently set up messes things up).
+ DCHECK(![toolbarView isHidden]);
+ // TODO(viettrungluu): We can argue about the "correct" insetting; I like
+ // the following best, though arguably 0 inset is better/more correct.
+ const CGFloat kLocBarLeftRightInset = 1;
+ const CGFloat kLocBarTopInset = 0;
+ const CGFloat kLocBarBottomInset = 1;
+ toolbarFrame.origin.x = kLocBarLeftRightInset;
+ toolbarFrame.origin.y = maxY - NSHeight(toolbarFrame) - kLocBarTopInset;
+ toolbarFrame.size.width = width - 2 * kLocBarLeftRightInset;
+ maxY -= kLocBarTopInset + NSHeight(toolbarFrame) + kLocBarBottomInset;
+ } else {
+ DCHECK([toolbarView isHidden]);
+ }
[toolbarView setFrame:toolbarFrame];
+ return maxY;
- // If we are currently displaying the NTP detached bookmark bar or animating
- // to/from it (from/to anything else), we display the bookmark bar below the
- // infobar.
- BOOL placeBookmarkBarBelowInfobar =
- [bookmarkBarController_ isInState:bookmarks::kDetachedState] ||
- [bookmarkBarController_ isAnimatingToState:bookmarks::kDetachedState] ||
- [bookmarkBarController_ isAnimatingFromState:bookmarks::kDetachedState];
+- (CGFloat)layoutBookmarkBarAtMaxY:(CGFloat)maxY width:(CGFloat)width {
+ NSView* bookmarkBarView = [bookmarkBarController_ view];
+ [bookmarkBarView setHidden:NO];
+ NSRect bookmarkBarFrame = [bookmarkBarView frame];
+ bookmarkBarFrame.origin.y = maxY - NSHeight(bookmarkBarFrame);
+ bookmarkBarFrame.size.width = width;
+ [bookmarkBarView setFrame:bookmarkBarFrame];
+ maxY -= NSHeight(bookmarkBarFrame);
- // If we're not displaying the bookmark bar below the infobar, then it goes
- // immediately below the toolbar.
- if (!placeBookmarkBarBelowInfobar) {
- NSView* bookmarkBarView = [bookmarkBarController_ view];
- [bookmarkBarView setHidden:NO];
- NSRect bookmarkBarFrame = [bookmarkBarView frame];
- bookmarkBarFrame.origin.y = maxY - NSHeight(bookmarkBarFrame);
- bookmarkBarFrame.size.width = NSWidth(contentFrame);
- [bookmarkBarView setFrame:bookmarkBarFrame];
- maxY -= NSHeight(bookmarkBarFrame);
- }
+ // TODO(viettrungluu): Does this really belong here? Calling it shouldn't be
+ // necessary in the non-NTP case.
+ [bookmarkBarController_ layoutSubviews];
- // Place the infobar container in place below the toolbar.
+ return maxY;
+- (CGFloat)layoutInfoBarAtMaxY:(CGFloat)maxY width:(CGFloat)width {
NSView* infoBarView = [infoBarContainerController_ view];
NSRect infoBarFrame = [infoBarView frame];
infoBarFrame.origin.y = maxY - NSHeight(infoBarFrame);
- infoBarFrame.size.width = NSWidth(contentFrame);
+ infoBarFrame.size.width = width;
[infoBarView setFrame:infoBarFrame];
maxY -= NSHeight(infoBarFrame);
+ return maxY;
- // If the bookmark bar is detached, place it at the bottom of the stack.
- if (placeBookmarkBarBelowInfobar) {
- NSView* bookmarkBarView = [bookmarkBarController_ view];
- [bookmarkBarView setHidden:NO];
- NSRect bookmarkBarFrame = [bookmarkBarView frame];
- bookmarkBarFrame.origin.y = maxY - NSHeight(bookmarkBarFrame);
- bookmarkBarFrame.size.width = NSWidth(contentFrame);
- [bookmarkBarView setFrame:bookmarkBarFrame];
- maxY -= NSHeight(bookmarkBarFrame);
- // TODO(viettrungluu): this really doesn't belong here.
- [bookmarkBarController_ layoutSubviews];
- }
+- (BOOL)placeBookmarkBarBelowInfoBar {
+ // If we are currently displaying the NTP detached bookmark bar or animating
+ // to/from it (from/to anything else), we display the bookmark bar below the
+ // infobar.
+ return [bookmarkBarController_ isInState:bookmarks::kDetachedState] ||
+ [bookmarkBarController_ isAnimatingToState:bookmarks::kDetachedState] ||
+ [bookmarkBarController_ isAnimatingFromState:bookmarks::kDetachedState];
- // If there's a download shelf, place it at the bottom of the view.
+- (CGFloat)layoutDownloadShelfAtMinY:(CGFloat)minY width:(CGFloat)width {
if (downloadShelfController_.get()) {
NSView* downloadView = [downloadShelfController_ view];
NSRect downloadFrame = [downloadView frame];
downloadFrame.origin.y = minY;
- downloadFrame.size.width = NSWidth(contentFrame);
+ downloadFrame.size.width = width;
[downloadView setFrame:downloadFrame];
minY += NSHeight(downloadFrame);
+ return minY;
- // Finally, the tabContentArea takes up all of the remaining space.
+- (void)layoutTabContentAreaAtMinY:(CGFloat)minY
+ maxY:(CGFloat)maxY
+ width:(CGFloat)width {
NSView* tabContentView = [self tabContentArea];
NSRect tabContentFrame = [tabContentView frame];
tabContentFrame.origin.y = minY;
tabContentFrame.size.height = maxY - minY;
- tabContentFrame.size.width = NSWidth(contentFrame);
+ tabContentFrame.size.width = width;
[tabContentView setFrame:tabContentFrame];
- // Position the find bar relative to the infobar container.
- [findBarCocoaController_
- positionFindBarView:[infoBarContainerController_ view]];
- verticalOffsetForStatusBubble_ = minY;
- // Normally, we don't need to tell the toolbar whether or not to show the
- // divider, but things break down during animation.
- [toolbarController_
- setDividerOpacity:[bookmarkBarController_ toolbarDividerOpacity]];
- (BOOL)shouldShowBookmarkBar {
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index 5ad4050..4c16404 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ TEST_F(BrowserWindowControllerTest, TestNormal) {
// Make sure a normal BrowserWindowController is, uh, normal.
EXPECT_TRUE([controller_ isNormalWindow]);
+ EXPECT_TRUE([controller_ hasTabStrip]);
+ EXPECT_FALSE([controller_ hasTitleBar]);
EXPECT_TRUE([controller_ isBookmarkBarVisible]);
// And make sure a controller for a pop-up window is not normal.
@@ -114,6 +116,8 @@ TEST_F(BrowserWindowControllerTest, TestNormal) {
static_cast<BrowserWindowController*>([cocoaWindow windowController]);
ASSERT_TRUE([controller isKindOfClass:[BrowserWindowController class]]);
EXPECT_FALSE([controller isNormalWindow]);
+ EXPECT_FALSE([controller hasTabStrip]);
+ EXPECT_TRUE([controller hasTitleBar]);
EXPECT_FALSE([controller isBookmarkBarVisible]);
[controller close];
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index c4b503b..1030bc8 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ namespace {
closeButton_ = [NSWindow standardWindowButton:NSWindowCloseButton
NSRect closeButtonFrame = [closeButton_ frame];
- CGFloat yOffset = [browserController isNormalWindow] ?
+ CGFloat yOffset = [browserController hasTabStrip] ?
kChromeWindowButtonsWithTabStripOffsetFromTop :
closeButtonFrame.origin =
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index 6ac0a8f..4ab4a2a 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -120,8 +120,11 @@ TEST_F(ChromeBrowserWindowTest, WindowWidgetLocation) {
// Then with a tabstrip.
id controller = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[BrowserWindowController class]];
BOOL yes = YES;
+ BOOL no = NO;
[[[controller stub] andReturnValue:OCMOCK_VALUE(yes)]
isKindOfClass:[BrowserWindowController class]];
+ [[[controller expect] andReturnValue:OCMOCK_VALUE(yes)] hasTabStrip];
+ [[[controller expect] andReturnValue:OCMOCK_VALUE(no)] hasTitleBar];
[[[controller expect] andReturnValue:OCMOCK_VALUE(yes)] isNormalWindow];
[window_ setWindowController:controller];
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index 57d79e3..267fb0f 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -397,20 +397,12 @@ const int kCompleteAnimationDuration = 2.5;
NSBezierPath* buttonInnerPath = [self
leftRoundedPath:radius inRect:buttonDrawRect];
- NSBezierPath* buttonOuterPath = [self
- leftRoundedPath:(radius + 1)
- inRect:NSInsetRect(buttonDrawRect, -1, -1)];
NSBezierPath* dropdownInnerPath = [self
rightRoundedPath:radius inRect:dropdownDrawRect];
- NSBezierPath* dropdownOuterPath = [self
- rightRoundedPath:(radius + 1)
- inRect:NSInsetRect(dropdownDrawRect, -1, -1)];
// Stroke the borders and appropriate fill gradient.
[self drawBorderAndFillForTheme:theme
- outerPath:buttonOuterPath
showClickedGradient:[self isButtonPartPressed]
showHighlightGradient:[self isMouseOverButtonPart]
@@ -421,7 +413,6 @@ const int kCompleteAnimationDuration = 2.5;
[self drawBorderAndFillForTheme:theme
- outerPath:dropdownOuterPath
showClickedGradient:[self isDropdownPartPressed]
showHighlightGradient:[self isMouseOverDropdownPart]
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/gradient_button_cell.h b/chrome/browser/cocoa/gradient_button_cell.h
index e9d09bd..27909a0 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/gradient_button_cell.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/gradient_button_cell.h
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ typedef NSInteger ButtonType;
- (void)drawBorderAndFillForTheme:(GTMTheme*)theme
- outerPath:(NSBezierPath*)outerPath
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index 838397c8..43b865f 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
- outerPath:(NSBezierPath**)returnOuterPath
@@ -176,7 +175,6 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
// TODO(viettrungluu): clean up/reorganize.
- (void)drawBorderAndFillForTheme:(GTMTheme*)theme
- outerPath:(NSBezierPath*)outerPath
@@ -279,7 +277,6 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
- outerPath:(NSBezierPath**)returnOuterPath
clipPath:(NSBezierPath**)returnClipPath {
// Constants from Cole. Will kConstant them once the feedback loop
// is complete.
@@ -316,13 +313,6 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
- if (returnOuterPath) {
- DCHECK(*returnOuterPath == nil);
- NSRect outerPathRect = NSInsetRect(drawFrame, -1, -1);
- *returnOuterPath = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:outerPathRect
- xRadius:radius + 1
- yRadius:radius + 1];
- }
if (returnClipPath) {
DCHECK(*returnClipPath == nil);
NSRect clipPathRect = NSInsetRect(drawFrame, -0.5, -0.5);
@@ -336,12 +326,10 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
- (void)drawWithFrame:(NSRect)cellFrame inView:(NSView*)controlView {
NSRect innerFrame;
NSBezierPath* innerPath = nil;
- NSBezierPath* outerPath = nil;
[self getDrawParamsForFrame:cellFrame
- outerPath:&outerPath
BOOL pressed = [self isHighlighted];
@@ -358,7 +346,6 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
[self drawBorderAndFillForTheme:theme
- outerPath:outerPath
showHighlightGradient:[self isHighlighted]
@@ -456,7 +443,6 @@ static const NSTimeInterval kAnimationHideDuration = 0.4;
- outerPath:NULL
return boundingPath;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_window_controller.h b/chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_window_controller.h
index c9c2589..850b203 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_window_controller.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/tab_window_controller.h
@@ -115,10 +115,9 @@
// The title of the selected tab.
- (NSString*)selectedTabTitle;
-// Called to check if we are a normal window (e.g. not a pop-up) and
-// want normal behavior (e.g. a tab strip). Return YES if so. The
-// default implementation returns YES.
-- (BOOL)isNormalWindow;
+// Called to check whether or not this controller's window has a tab strip (YES
+// if it does, NO otherwise). The default implementation returns YES.
+- (BOOL)hasTabStrip;
// Get/set whether a particular tab is draggable between windows.
- (BOOL)isTabDraggable:(NSView*)tabView;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index c8e881c..984ab35f 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
- (void)windowDidLoad {
- if ([self isNormalWindow]) {
+ if ([self hasTabStrip]) {
// Place the tab bar above the content box and add it to the view hierarchy
// as a sibling of the content view so it can overlap with the window frame.
NSRect tabFrame = [tabContentArea_ frame];
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
return @"";
-- (BOOL)isNormalWindow {
- // subclass must implement
+- (BOOL)hasTabStrip {
+ // Subclasses should implement this.
return YES;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/toolbar_controller.h b/chrome/browser/cocoa/toolbar_controller.h
index 0b96569..83a1b81 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/toolbar_controller.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/toolbar_controller.h
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ class ToolbarModel;
scoped_ptr<BubblePositioner> bubblePositioner_;
BooleanPrefMember showHomeButton_;
BooleanPrefMember showPageOptionButtons_;
- BOOL hasToolbar_; // if NO, we only have the location bar.
+ BOOL hasToolbar_; // If NO, we may have only the location bar.
+ BOOL hasLocationBar_; // If |hasToolbar_| is YES, this must also be YES.
// We have an extra retain in the locationBar_.
// See comments in awakeFromNib for more info.
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ class ToolbarModel;
// Get the C++ bridge object representing the location bar for this tab.
-- (LocationBar*)locationBar;
+- (LocationBar*)locationBarBridge;
// Called by the Window delegate so we can provide a custom field editor if
// needed.
@@ -138,10 +139,10 @@ class ToolbarModel;
// state.
- (void)setIsLoading:(BOOL)isLoading;
-// Allow turning off the toolbar (but we keep the location bar
-// around). This changes the behavior of other methods, like
-// [self view].
-- (void)setHasToolbar:(BOOL)toolbar;
+// Allow turning off the toolbar (but we may keep the location bar without a
+// surrounding toolbar). If |toolbar| is YES, the value of |hasLocationBar| is
+// ignored. This changes the behavior of other methods, like |-view|.
+- (void)setHasToolbar:(BOOL)toolbar hasLocationBar:(BOOL)locBar;
// The bookmark bubble (when you click the star) needs to know where to go.
// Somewhere near the star button seems like a good start.
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index 05a70b7..cb78971 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -149,6 +149,7 @@ class PrefObserverBridge : public NotificationObserver {
browser_ = browser;
resizeDelegate_ = resizeDelegate;
hasToolbar_ = YES;
+ hasLocationBar_ = YES;
// Register for notifications about state changes for the toolbar buttons
commandObserver_.reset(new CommandObserverBridge(self, commands));
@@ -165,6 +166,7 @@ class PrefObserverBridge : public NotificationObserver {
// Make sure any code in the base class which assumes [self view] is
// the "parent" view continues to work.
hasToolbar_ = YES;
+ hasLocationBar_ = YES;
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
@@ -293,7 +295,7 @@ class PrefObserverBridge : public NotificationObserver {
[self mouseMoved:event];
-- (LocationBar*)locationBar {
+- (LocationBar*)locationBarBridge {
return locationBarView_.get();
@@ -377,15 +379,20 @@ class PrefObserverBridge : public NotificationObserver {
[goButton_ setTag:tag];
-- (void)setHasToolbar:(BOOL)toolbar {
- [self view]; // force nib loading
+- (void)setHasToolbar:(BOOL)toolbar hasLocationBar:(BOOL)locBar {
+ [self view]; // Force nib loading.
hasToolbar_ = toolbar;
- // App mode allows turning off the location bar as well.
- // TODO(???): add more code here when implementing app mode to allow
- // turning off both toolbar AND location bar.
+ // If there's a toolbar, there must be a location bar.
+ DCHECK((toolbar && locBar) || !toolbar);
+ hasLocationBar_ = toolbar ? YES : locBar;
+ // Decide whether to hide/show based on whether there's a location bar.
+ [[self view] setHidden:!hasLocationBar_];
// Make location bar not editable when in a pop-up.
+ // TODO(viettrungluu): is this right (all the time)?
[locationBar_ setEditable:toolbar];
@@ -582,7 +589,9 @@ class PrefObserverBridge : public NotificationObserver {
- (CGFloat)desiredHeightForCompression:(CGFloat)compressByHeight {
- return kBaseToolbarHeight - compressByHeight;
+ // With no toolbar, just ignore the compression.
+ return hasToolbar_ ? kBaseToolbarHeight - compressByHeight :
+ NSHeight([locationBar_ frame]);
- (void)setDividerOpacity:(CGFloat)opacity {
@@ -613,7 +622,7 @@ class PrefObserverBridge : public NotificationObserver {
// It is 'go', so see what it would do...
// Fetch the EditView and EditModel
- LocationBar* locationBar = [self locationBar];
+ LocationBar* locationBar = [self locationBarBridge];
AutocompleteEditView* editView = locationBar->location_entry();
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index f7a2310..5ce499b 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ TEST_F(ToolbarControllerTest, InitialState) {
CompareState(updater, [bar_ toolbarViews]);
-// Make sure a "titlebar only" toolbar works
+// Make sure a "titlebar only" toolbar with location bar works.
TEST_F(ToolbarControllerTest, TitlebarOnly) {
NSView* view = [bar_ view];
- [bar_ setHasToolbar:NO];
+ [bar_ setHasToolbar:NO hasLocationBar:YES];
EXPECT_NE(view, [bar_ view]);
// Simulate a popup going fullscreen and back.
@@ -110,13 +110,14 @@ TEST_F(ToolbarControllerTest, TitlebarOnly) {
[view removeFromSuperview];
[superview addSubview:view];
- [bar_ setHasToolbar:YES];
+ [bar_ setHasToolbar:YES hasLocationBar:YES];
EXPECT_EQ(view, [bar_ view]);
// Leave it off to make sure that's fine
- [bar_ setHasToolbar:NO];
+ [bar_ setHasToolbar:NO hasLocationBar:YES];
+// TODO(viettrungluu): make a version of above without location bar.
// Make some changes to the enabled state of a few of the buttons and ensure
// that we're still in sync.
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ TEST_F(ToolbarControllerTest, TogglePageWrench) {
// having the full toolbar. Also ensure that the location bar doesn't change
// size.
TEST_F(ToolbarControllerTest, DontToggleWhenNoToolbar) {
- [bar_ setHasToolbar:NO];
+ [bar_ setHasToolbar:NO hasLocationBar:YES];
NSView* homeButton = [[bar_ toolbarViews] objectAtIndex:kHomeIndex];
NSView* pageButton = [[bar_ toolbarViews] objectAtIndex:kPageIndex];
NSView* wrenchButton = [[bar_ toolbarViews] objectAtIndex:kWrenchIndex];