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mode: <>2008-10-06 20:27:06 +0000 <>2008-10-06 20:27:06 +0000
commitc1d30c3b23ee24c2932a94ba19089d404822b4c1 (patch)
parent8c46a646092ee205bf10312e9d5f1eac822a3a59 (diff)
port RenderTheme
Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
2 files changed, 514 insertions, 145 deletions
diff --git a/webkit/pending/RenderThemeMac.h b/webkit/pending/RenderThemeMac.h
index f6fe7fe..19f424a 100644
--- a/webkit/pending/RenderThemeMac.h
+++ b/webkit/pending/RenderThemeMac.h
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#define RenderThemeMac_h
#import "RenderTheme.h"
+#import <wtf/HashMap.h>
#import <wtf/RetainPtr.h>
#ifdef __OBJC__
@@ -44,7 +45,7 @@ public:
// A method to obtain the baseline position for a "leaf" control. This will only be used if a baseline
// position cannot be determined by examining child content. Checkboxes and radio buttons are examples of
// controls that need to do this.
- virtual short baselinePosition(const RenderObject*) const;
+ virtual int baselinePosition(const RenderObject*) const;
// A method asking if the control changes its tint when the window has focus or not.
virtual bool controlSupportsTints(const RenderObject*) const;
@@ -55,16 +56,16 @@ public:
virtual void adjustRepaintRect(const RenderObject*, IntRect&);
virtual bool isControlStyled(const RenderStyle*, const BorderData&,
- const BackgroundLayer&, const Color& backgroundColor) const;
- virtual void paintResizeControl(GraphicsContext*, const IntRect&);
+ const FillLayer&, const Color& backgroundColor) const;
virtual Color platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const;
virtual Color platformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const;
virtual Color activeListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const;
+ virtual void platformColorsDidChange();
// System fonts.
- virtual void systemFont(int cssValueId, Document*, FontDescription&) const;
+ virtual void systemFont(int cssValueId, Document* document, FontDescription&) const;
virtual int minimumMenuListSize(RenderStyle*) const;
@@ -77,6 +78,8 @@ public:
virtual bool paintCapsLockIndicator(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
+ virtual Color systemColor(int cssValueId) const;
// Methods for each appearance value.
virtual bool paintCheckbox(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
@@ -131,12 +134,12 @@ protected:
virtual bool paintMediaSliderThumb(RenderObject*, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect&);
- IntRect inflateRect(const IntRect&, const IntSize&, const int* margins) const;
+ IntRect inflateRect(const IntRect&, const IntSize&, const int* margins, float zoomLevel = 1.0f) const;
// Get the control size based off the font. Used by some of the controls (like buttons).
NSControlSize controlSizeForFont(RenderStyle*) const;
NSControlSize controlSizeForSystemFont(RenderStyle*) const;
- void setControlSize(NSCell*, const IntSize* sizes, const IntSize& minSize);
+ void setControlSize(NSCell*, const IntSize* sizes, const IntSize& minSize, float zoomLevel = 1.0f);
void setSizeFromFont(RenderStyle*, const IntSize* sizes) const;
IntSize sizeForFont(RenderStyle*, const IntSize* sizes) const;
IntSize sizeForSystemFont(RenderStyle*, const IntSize* sizes) const;
@@ -182,7 +185,6 @@ private:
NSMenu* searchMenuTemplate() const;
NSSliderCell* sliderThumbHorizontal() const;
NSSliderCell* sliderThumbVertical() const;
- Image* resizeCornerImage() const;
mutable RetainPtr<NSButtonCell> m_checkbox;
@@ -193,11 +195,12 @@ private:
mutable RetainPtr<NSMenu> m_searchMenuTemplate;
mutable RetainPtr<NSSliderCell> m_sliderThumbHorizontal;
mutable RetainPtr<NSSliderCell> m_sliderThumbVertical;
- mutable Image* m_resizeCornerImage;
bool m_isSliderThumbHorizontalPressed;
bool m_isSliderThumbVerticalPressed;
+ mutable HashMap<int, RGBA32> m_systemColorCache;
RetainPtr<WebCoreRenderThemeNotificationObserver> m_notificationObserver;
diff --git a/webkit/port/rendering/ b/webkit/port/rendering/
index e44862f..6abe73f 100644
--- a/webkit/port/rendering/
+++ b/webkit/port/rendering/
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@
#import <math.h>
+typedef int NSInteger;
typedef unsigned NSUInteger;
@@ -50,8 +51,7 @@ using std::min;
// The methods in this file are specific to the Mac OS X platform.
-// FIXME: The platform-independent code in this class should be factored out and
-// merged with RenderThemeSafari.
+// FIXME: The platform-independent code in this class should be factored out and merged with RenderThemeSafari.
@interface WebCoreRenderThemeNotificationObserver : NSObject
@@ -106,8 +106,7 @@ RenderTheme* theme()
- : m_resizeCornerImage(0)
- , m_isSliderThumbHorizontalPressed(false)
+ : m_isSliderThumbHorizontalPressed(false)
, m_isSliderThumbVerticalPressed(false)
, m_notificationObserver(AdoptNS, [[WebCoreRenderThemeNotificationObserver alloc] initWithTheme:this])
@@ -120,7 +119,6 @@ RenderThemeMac::RenderThemeMac()
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:m_notificationObserver.get()];
- delete m_resizeCornerImage;
Color RenderThemeMac::platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const
@@ -141,7 +139,34 @@ Color RenderThemeMac::activeListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const
return Color(static_cast<int>(255.0 * [color redComponent]), static_cast<int>(255.0 * [color greenComponent]), static_cast<int>(255.0 * [color blueComponent]));
-void RenderThemeMac::systemFont(int cssValueId, Document*, FontDescription& fontDescription) const
+static FontWeight toFontWeight(NSInteger appKitFontWeight)
+ ASSERT(appKitFontWeight > 0 && appKitFontWeight < 15);
+ if (appKitFontWeight > 14)
+ appKitFontWeight = 14;
+ else if (appKitFontWeight < 1)
+ appKitFontWeight = 1;
+ static FontWeight fontWeights[] = {
+ FontWeight100,
+ FontWeight100,
+ FontWeight200,
+ FontWeight300,
+ FontWeight400,
+ FontWeight500,
+ FontWeight600,
+ FontWeight600,
+ FontWeight700,
+ FontWeight800,
+ FontWeight800,
+ FontWeight900,
+ FontWeight900,
+ FontWeight900
+ };
+ return fontWeights[appKitFontWeight - 1];
+void RenderThemeMac::systemFont(int cssValueId, Document* document, FontDescription& fontDescription) const
static FontDescription systemFont;
static FontDescription smallSystemFont;
@@ -154,32 +179,32 @@ void RenderThemeMac::systemFont(int cssValueId, Document*, FontDescription& font
FontDescription* cachedDesc;
NSFont* font = nil;
switch (cssValueId) {
+ case CSSValueSmallCaption:
cachedDesc = &smallSystemFont;
if (!smallSystemFont.isAbsoluteSize())
font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]];
- case CSS_VAL_MENU:
+ case CSSValueMenu:
cachedDesc = &menuFont;
if (!menuFont.isAbsoluteSize())
font = [NSFont menuFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSize]];
+ case CSSValueStatusBar:
cachedDesc = &labelFont;
if (!labelFont.isAbsoluteSize())
font = [NSFont labelFontOfSize:[NSFont labelFontSize]];
+ case CSSValueWebkitMiniControl:
cachedDesc = &miniControlFont;
if (!miniControlFont.isAbsoluteSize())
font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSMiniControlSize]];
+ case CSSValueWebkitSmallControl:
cachedDesc = &smallControlFont;
if (!smallControlFont.isAbsoluteSize())
font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSSmallControlSize]];
+ case CSSValueWebkitControl:
cachedDesc = &controlFont;
if (!controlFont.isAbsoluteSize())
font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:NSRegularControlSize]];
@@ -191,34 +216,213 @@ void RenderThemeMac::systemFont(int cssValueId, Document*, FontDescription& font
if (font) {
+ NSFontManager *fontManager = [NSFontManager sharedFontManager];
cachedDesc->firstFamily().setFamily([font familyName]);
cachedDesc->setSpecifiedSize([font pointSize]);
- NSFontTraitMask traits = [[NSFontManager sharedFontManager] traitsOfFont:font];
- cachedDesc->setBold(traits & NSBoldFontMask);
- cachedDesc->setItalic(traits & NSItalicFontMask);
+ cachedDesc->setWeight(toFontWeight([fontManager weightOfFont:font]));
+ cachedDesc->setItalic([fontManager traitsOfFont:font] & NSItalicFontMask);
fontDescription = *cachedDesc;
+static RGBA32 convertNSColorToColor(NSColor *color)
+ NSColor *colorInColorSpace = [color colorUsingColorSpaceName:NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace];
+ if (colorInColorSpace) {
+ static const double scaleFactor = nextafter(256.0, 0.0);
+ return makeRGB(static_cast<int>(scaleFactor * [colorInColorSpace redComponent]),
+ static_cast<int>(scaleFactor * [colorInColorSpace greenComponent]),
+ static_cast<int>(scaleFactor * [colorInColorSpace blueComponent]));
+ }
+ // This conversion above can fail if the NSColor in question is an NSPatternColor
+ // (as many system colors are). These colors are actually a repeating pattern
+ // not just a solid color. To work around this we simply draw a 1x1 image of
+ // the color and use that pixel's color. It might be better to use an average of
+ // the colors in the pattern instead.
+ NSBitmapImageRep *offscreenRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithBitmapDataPlanes:nil
+ pixelsWide:1
+ pixelsHigh:1
+ bitsPerSample:8
+ samplesPerPixel:4
+ hasAlpha:YES
+ isPlanar:NO
+ colorSpaceName:NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace
+ bytesPerRow:4
+ bitsPerPixel:32];
+ [NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
+ [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep:offscreenRep]];
+ NSEraseRect(NSMakeRect(0, 0, 1, 1));
+ [color drawSwatchInRect:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 1, 1)];
+ [NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
+ NSUInteger pixel[4];
+ [offscreenRep getPixel:pixel atX:0 y:0];
+ [offscreenRep release];
+ return makeRGB(pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2]);
+static RGBA32 menuBackgroundColor()
+ NSBitmapImageRep *offscreenRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithBitmapDataPlanes:nil
+ pixelsWide:1
+ pixelsHigh:1
+ bitsPerSample:8
+ samplesPerPixel:4
+ hasAlpha:YES
+ isPlanar:NO
+ colorSpaceName:NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace
+ bytesPerRow:4
+ bitsPerPixel:32];
+ CGContextRef context = static_cast<CGContextRef>([[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep:offscreenRep] graphicsPort]);
+ CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ HIThemeMenuDrawInfo drawInfo;
+ drawInfo.version = 0;
+ drawInfo.menuType = kThemeMenuTypePopUp;
+ HIThemeDrawMenuBackground(&rect, &drawInfo, context, kHIThemeOrientationInverted);
+ NSUInteger pixel[4];
+ [offscreenRep getPixel:pixel atX:0 y:0];
+ [offscreenRep release];
+ return makeRGB(pixel[0], pixel[1], pixel[2]);
+void RenderThemeMac::platformColorsDidChange()
+ m_systemColorCache.clear();
+ RenderTheme::platformColorsDidChange();
+Color RenderThemeMac::systemColor(int cssValueId) const
+ if (m_systemColorCache.contains(cssValueId))
+ return m_systemColorCache.get(cssValueId);
+ Color color;
+ switch (cssValueId) {
+ case CSSValueActiveborder:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor keyboardFocusIndicatorColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueActivecaption:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor windowFrameTextColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueAppworkspace:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor headerColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueBackground:
+ // Use theme independent default
+ break;
+ case CSSValueButtonface:
+ // We use this value instead of NSColor's controlColor to avoid website incompatibilities.
+ // We may want to change this to use the NSColor in future.
+ color = 0xFFC0C0C0;
+ break;
+ case CSSValueButtonhighlight:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor controlHighlightColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueButtonshadow:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor controlShadowColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueButtontext:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor controlTextColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueCaptiontext:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor textColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueGraytext:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor disabledControlTextColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueHighlight:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor selectedTextBackgroundColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueHighlighttext:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor selectedTextColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueInactiveborder:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor controlBackgroundColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueInactivecaption:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor controlBackgroundColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueInactivecaptiontext:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor textColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueInfobackground:
+ // There is no corresponding NSColor for this so we use a hard coded value.
+ color = 0xFFFBFCC5;
+ break;
+ case CSSValueInfotext:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor textColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueMenu:
+ color = menuBackgroundColor();
+ break;
+ case CSSValueMenutext:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor selectedMenuItemTextColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueScrollbar:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor scrollBarColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueText:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor textColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueThreeddarkshadow:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor controlDarkShadowColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueThreedshadow:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor shadowColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueThreedface:
+ // We use this value instead of NSColor's controlColor to avoid website incompatibilities.
+ // We may want to change this to use the NSColor in future.
+ color = 0xFFC0C0C0;
+ break;
+ case CSSValueThreedhighlight:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor highlightColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueThreedlightshadow:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor controlLightHighlightColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueWindow:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor windowBackgroundColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueWindowframe:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor windowFrameColor]);
+ break;
+ case CSSValueWindowtext:
+ color = convertNSColorToColor([NSColor windowFrameTextColor]);
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!color.isValid())
+ color = RenderTheme::systemColor(cssValueId);
+ if (color.isValid())
+ m_systemColorCache.set(cssValueId, color.rgb());
+ return color;
bool RenderThemeMac::isControlStyled(const RenderStyle* style, const BorderData& border,
- const BackgroundLayer& background, const Color& backgroundColor) const
+ const FillLayer& background, const Color& backgroundColor) const
if (style->appearance() == TextFieldAppearance || style->appearance() == TextAreaAppearance || style->appearance() == ListboxAppearance)
return style->border() != border;
return RenderTheme::isControlStyled(style, border, background, backgroundColor);
-void RenderThemeMac::paintResizeControl(GraphicsContext* c, const IntRect& r)
- Image* resizeCornerImage = this->resizeCornerImage();
- IntPoint imagePoint(r.right() - resizeCornerImage->width(), r.bottom() - resizeCornerImage->height());
- c->drawImage(resizeCornerImage, imagePoint);
void RenderThemeMac::adjustRepaintRect(const RenderObject* o, IntRect& r)
+ float zoomLevel = o->style()->effectiveZoom();
switch (o->style()->appearance()) {
case CheckboxAppearance: {
// Since we query the prototype cell, we need to update its state to match.
@@ -226,7 +430,10 @@ void RenderThemeMac::adjustRepaintRect(const RenderObject* o, IntRect& r)
// We inflate the rect as needed to account for padding included in the cell to accommodate the checkbox
// shadow" and the check. We don't consider this part of the bounds of the control in WebKit.
- r = inflateRect(r, checkboxSizes()[[checkbox() controlSize]], checkboxMargins());
+ IntSize size = checkboxSizes()[[checkbox() controlSize]];
+ size.setHeight(size.height() * zoomLevel);
+ size.setWidth(size.width() * zoomLevel);
+ r = inflateRect(r, size, checkboxMargins(), zoomLevel);
case RadioAppearance: {
@@ -235,23 +442,34 @@ void RenderThemeMac::adjustRepaintRect(const RenderObject* o, IntRect& r)
// We inflate the rect as needed to account for padding included in the cell to accommodate the checkbox
// shadow" and the check. We don't consider this part of the bounds of the control in WebKit.
- r = inflateRect(r, radioSizes()[[radio() controlSize]], radioMargins());
+ IntSize size = radioSizes()[[radio() controlSize]];
+ size.setHeight(size.height() * zoomLevel);
+ size.setWidth(size.width() * zoomLevel);
+ r = inflateRect(r, size, radioMargins(), zoomLevel);
case PushButtonAppearance:
+ case DefaultButtonAppearance:
case ButtonAppearance: {
// Since we query the prototype cell, we need to update its state to match.
setButtonCellState(o, r);
// We inflate the rect as needed to account for padding included in the cell to accommodate the checkbox
// shadow" and the check. We don't consider this part of the bounds of the control in WebKit.
- if ([button() bezelStyle] == NSRoundedBezelStyle)
- r = inflateRect(r, buttonSizes()[[button() controlSize]], buttonMargins());
+ if ([button() bezelStyle] == NSRoundedBezelStyle) {
+ IntSize size = buttonSizes()[[button() controlSize]];
+ size.setHeight(size.height() * zoomLevel);
+ size.setWidth(r.width());
+ r = inflateRect(r, size, buttonMargins(), zoomLevel);
+ }
case MenulistAppearance: {
setPopupButtonCellState(o, r);
- r = inflateRect(r, popupButtonSizes()[[popupButton() controlSize]], popupButtonMargins());
+ IntSize size = popupButtonSizes()[[popupButton() controlSize]];
+ size.setHeight(size.height() * zoomLevel);
+ size.setWidth(r.width());
+ r = inflateRect(r, size, popupButtonMargins(), zoomLevel);
@@ -259,19 +477,19 @@ void RenderThemeMac::adjustRepaintRect(const RenderObject* o, IntRect& r)
-IntRect RenderThemeMac::inflateRect(const IntRect& r, const IntSize& size, const int* margins) const
+IntRect RenderThemeMac::inflateRect(const IntRect& r, const IntSize& size, const int* margins, float zoomLevel) const
// Only do the inflation if the available width/height are too small. Otherwise try to
// fit the glow/check space into the available box's width/height.
- int widthDelta = r.width() - (size.width() + margins[leftMargin] + margins[rightMargin]);
- int heightDelta = r.height() - (size.height() + margins[topMargin] + margins[bottomMargin]);
+ int widthDelta = r.width() - (size.width() + margins[leftMargin] * zoomLevel + margins[rightMargin] * zoomLevel);
+ int heightDelta = r.height() - (size.height() + margins[topMargin] * zoomLevel + margins[bottomMargin] * zoomLevel);
IntRect result(r);
if (widthDelta < 0) {
- result.setX(result.x() - margins[leftMargin]);
+ result.setX(result.x() - margins[leftMargin] * zoomLevel);
result.setWidth(result.width() - widthDelta);
if (heightDelta < 0) {
- result.setY(result.y() - margins[topMargin]);
+ result.setY(result.y() - margins[topMargin] * zoomLevel);
result.setHeight(result.height() - heightDelta);
return result;
@@ -317,10 +535,10 @@ void RenderThemeMac::updatePressedState(NSCell* cell, const RenderObject* o)
[cell setHighlighted:pressed];
-short RenderThemeMac::baselinePosition(const RenderObject* o) const
+int RenderThemeMac::baselinePosition(const RenderObject* o) const
if (o->style()->appearance() == CheckboxAppearance || o->style()->appearance() == RadioAppearance)
- return o->marginTop() + o->height() - 2; // The baseline is 2px up from the bottom of the checkbox/radio in AppKit.
+ return o->marginTop() + o->height() - 2 * o->style()->effectiveZoom(); // The baseline is 2px up from the bottom of the checkbox/radio in AppKit.
return RenderTheme::baselinePosition(o);
@@ -352,14 +570,14 @@ NSControlSize RenderThemeMac::controlSizeForFont(RenderStyle* style) const
return NSMiniControlSize;
-void RenderThemeMac::setControlSize(NSCell* cell, const IntSize* sizes, const IntSize& minSize)
+void RenderThemeMac::setControlSize(NSCell* cell, const IntSize* sizes, const IntSize& minSize, float zoomLevel)
NSControlSize size;
- if (minSize.width() >= sizes[NSRegularControlSize].width() &&
- minSize.height() >= sizes[NSRegularControlSize].height())
+ if (minSize.width() >= static_cast<int>(sizes[NSRegularControlSize].width() * zoomLevel) &&
+ minSize.height() >= static_cast<int>(sizes[NSRegularControlSize].height() * zoomLevel))
size = NSRegularControlSize;
- else if (minSize.width() >= sizes[NSSmallControlSize].width() &&
- minSize.height() >= sizes[NSSmallControlSize].height())
+ else if (minSize.width() >= static_cast<int>(sizes[NSSmallControlSize].width() * zoomLevel) &&
+ minSize.height() >= static_cast<int>(sizes[NSSmallControlSize].height() * zoomLevel))
size = NSSmallControlSize;
size = NSMiniControlSize;
@@ -369,11 +587,19 @@ void RenderThemeMac::setControlSize(NSCell* cell, const IntSize* sizes, const In
IntSize RenderThemeMac::sizeForFont(RenderStyle* style, const IntSize* sizes) const
+ if (style->effectiveZoom() != 1.0f) {
+ IntSize result = sizes[controlSizeForFont(style)];
+ return IntSize(result.width() * style->effectiveZoom(), result.height() * style->effectiveZoom());
+ }
return sizes[controlSizeForFont(style)];
IntSize RenderThemeMac::sizeForSystemFont(RenderStyle* style, const IntSize* sizes) const
+ if (style->effectiveZoom() != 1.0f) {
+ IntSize result = sizes[controlSizeForSystemFont(style)];
+ return IntSize(result.width() * style->effectiveZoom(), result.height() * style->effectiveZoom());
+ }
return sizes[controlSizeForSystemFont(style)];
@@ -395,8 +621,8 @@ void RenderThemeMac::setFontFromControlSize(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderSt
NSFont* font = [NSFont systemFontOfSize:[NSFont systemFontSizeForControlSize:controlSize]];
fontDescription.firstFamily().setFamily([font familyName]);
- fontDescription.setComputedSize([font pointSize]);
- fontDescription.setSpecifiedSize([font pointSize]);
+ fontDescription.setComputedSize([font pointSize] * style->effectiveZoom());
+ fontDescription.setSpecifiedSize([font pointSize] * style->effectiveZoom());
// Reset line height
@@ -415,22 +641,37 @@ NSControlSize RenderThemeMac::controlSizeForSystemFont(RenderStyle* style) const
return NSMiniControlSize;
-bool RenderThemeMac::paintCheckbox(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect& r)
+bool RenderThemeMac::paintCheckbox(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& r)
- struct HIThemeButtonDrawInfo button_info = {
- 0, kThemeStateActive, kThemeCheckBox, 0, kThemeAdornmentNone, { 0 }
- };
- // Determine the width and height needed for the control and prepare the cell for painting.
- setCheckboxCellState(o, r);
- // We inflate the rect as needed to account for padding included in the cell to accommodate the checkbox
- // shadow" and the check. We don't consider this part of the bounds of the control in WebKit.
- IntRect inflatedRect = inflateRect(r, checkboxSizes()[NSSmallControlSize], checkboxMargins());
- // draw the button
- HIRect bounds = { { inflatedRect.x(), inflatedRect.y() }, { inflatedRect.width(), inflatedRect.height() } };
- HIRect label = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };
- HIThemeDrawButton(&bounds, &button_info, static_cast<CGContextRef>([[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort]), kHIThemeOrientationNormal, &label);
+ // Determine the width and height needed for the control and prepare the cell for painting.
+ setCheckboxCellState(o, r);
+ paintInfo.context->save();
- return false;
+ float zoomLevel = o->style()->effectiveZoom();
+ // We inflate the rect as needed to account for padding included in the cell to accommodate the checkbox
+ // shadow" and the check. We don't consider this part of the bounds of the control in WebKit.
+ NSButtonCell* checkbox = this->checkbox();
+ IntSize size = checkboxSizes()[[checkbox controlSize]];
+ size.setWidth(size.width() * zoomLevel);
+ size.setHeight(size.height() * zoomLevel);
+ IntRect inflatedRect = inflateRect(r, size, checkboxMargins(), zoomLevel);
+ if (zoomLevel != 1.0f) {
+ inflatedRect.setWidth(inflatedRect.width() / zoomLevel);
+ inflatedRect.setHeight(inflatedRect.height() / zoomLevel);
+ paintInfo.context->translate(inflatedRect.x(), inflatedRect.y());
+ paintInfo.context->scale(FloatSize(zoomLevel, zoomLevel));
+ paintInfo.context->translate(-inflatedRect.x(), -inflatedRect.y());
+ }
+ [checkbox drawWithFrame:NSRect(inflatedRect) inView:o->view()->frameView()->documentView()];
+ [checkbox setControlView:nil];
+ paintInfo.context->restore();
+ return false;
const IntSize* RenderThemeMac::checkboxSizes() const
@@ -455,7 +696,7 @@ void RenderThemeMac::setCheckboxCellState(const RenderObject* o, const IntRect&
NSButtonCell* checkbox = this->checkbox();
// Set the control size based off the rectangle we're painting into.
- setControlSize(checkbox, checkboxSizes(), r.size());
+ setControlSize(checkbox, checkboxSizes(), r.size(), o->style()->effectiveZoom());
// Update the various states we respond to.
updateCheckedState(checkbox, o);
@@ -474,22 +715,37 @@ void RenderThemeMac::setCheckboxSize(RenderStyle* style) const
setSizeFromFont(style, checkboxSizes());
-bool RenderThemeMac::paintRadio(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo&, const IntRect& r)
+bool RenderThemeMac::paintRadio(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& r)
- struct HIThemeButtonDrawInfo button_info = {
- 0, kThemeStateActive, kThemeRadioButton, 0, kThemeAdornmentNone, { 0 }
- };
- // Determine the width and height needed for the control and prepare the cell for painting.
- setRadioCellState(o, r);
- // We inflate the rect as needed to account for padding included in the cell to accommodate the checkbox
- // shadow" and the check. We don't consider this part of the bounds of the control in WebKit.
- IntRect inflatedRect = inflateRect(r, radioSizes()[NSSmallControlSize], radioMargins());
- // draw the button
- HIRect bounds = { { inflatedRect.x(), inflatedRect.y() }, { inflatedRect.width(), inflatedRect.height() } };
- HIRect label = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };
- HIThemeDrawButton(&bounds, &button_info, static_cast<CGContextRef>([[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort]), kHIThemeOrientationNormal, &label);
- return false;
+ // Determine the width and height needed for the control and prepare the cell for painting.
+ setRadioCellState(o, r);
+ paintInfo.context->save();
+ float zoomLevel = o->style()->effectiveZoom();
+ // We inflate the rect as needed to account for padding included in the cell to accommodate the checkbox
+ // shadow" and the check. We don't consider this part of the bounds of the control in WebKit.
+ NSButtonCell* radio = this->radio();
+ IntSize size = radioSizes()[[radio controlSize]];
+ size.setWidth(size.width() * zoomLevel);
+ size.setHeight(size.height() * zoomLevel);
+ IntRect inflatedRect = inflateRect(r, size, radioMargins(), zoomLevel);
+ if (zoomLevel != 1.0f) {
+ inflatedRect.setWidth(inflatedRect.width() / zoomLevel);
+ inflatedRect.setHeight(inflatedRect.height() / zoomLevel);
+ paintInfo.context->translate(inflatedRect.x(), inflatedRect.y());
+ paintInfo.context->scale(FloatSize(zoomLevel, zoomLevel));
+ paintInfo.context->translate(-inflatedRect.x(), -inflatedRect.y());
+ }
+ [radio drawWithFrame:NSRect(inflatedRect) inView:o->view()->frameView()->documentView()];
+ [radio setControlView:nil];
+ paintInfo.context->restore();
+ return false;
const IntSize* RenderThemeMac::radioSizes() const
@@ -514,7 +770,7 @@ void RenderThemeMac::setRadioCellState(const RenderObject* o, const IntRect& r)
NSButtonCell* radio = this->radio();
// Set the control size based off the rectangle we're painting into.
- setControlSize(radio, radioSizes(), r.size());
+ setControlSize(radio, radioSizes(), r.size(), o->style()->effectiveZoom());
// Update the various states we respond to.
updateCheckedState(radio, o);
@@ -541,7 +797,7 @@ void RenderThemeMac::setButtonPaddingFromControlSize(RenderStyle* style, NSContr
// by definition constrained, since we select mini only for small cramped environments.
// This also guarantees the HTML4 <button> will match our rendering by default, since we're using a consistent
// padding.
- const int padding = 8;
+ const int padding = 8 * style->effectiveZoom();
style->setPaddingLeft(Length(padding, Fixed));
style->setPaddingRight(Length(padding, Fixed));
style->setPaddingTop(Length(0, Fixed));
@@ -584,7 +840,7 @@ void RenderThemeMac::adjustButtonStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle*
setFontFromControlSize(selector, style, controlSize);
} else {
// Set a min-height so that we can't get smaller than the mini button.
- style->setMinHeight(Length(15, Fixed));
+ style->setMinHeight(Length(static_cast<int>(15 * style->effectiveZoom()), Fixed));
// Reset the top and bottom borders.
@@ -627,14 +883,18 @@ void RenderThemeMac::setButtonCellState(const RenderObject* o, const IntRect& r)
// Set the control size based off the rectangle we're painting into.
if (o->style()->appearance() == SquareButtonAppearance ||
- r.height() > buttonSizes()[NSRegularControlSize].height()) {
+ r.height() > buttonSizes()[NSRegularControlSize].height() * o->style()->effectiveZoom()) {
// Use the square button
if ([button bezelStyle] != NSShadowlessSquareBezelStyle)
[button setBezelStyle:NSShadowlessSquareBezelStyle];
} else if ([button bezelStyle] != NSRoundedBezelStyle)
[button setBezelStyle:NSRoundedBezelStyle];
- setControlSize(button, buttonSizes(), r.size());
+ setControlSize(button, buttonSizes(), r.size(), o->style()->effectiveZoom());
+ NSWindow *window = [o->view()->frameView()->documentView() window];
+ BOOL isDefaultButton = (isDefault(o) && [window isKeyWindow]);
+ [button setKeyEquivalent:(isDefaultButton ? @"\r" : @"")];
// Update the various states we respond to.
updateCheckedState(button, o);
@@ -645,20 +905,59 @@ void RenderThemeMac::setButtonCellState(const RenderObject* o, const IntRect& r)
bool RenderThemeMac::paintButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& r)
- struct HIThemeButtonDrawInfo button_info = {
- 0, kThemeStateActive, kThemePushButton, 0, kThemeAdornmentNone, { 0 }
- };
- // Determine the width and height needed for the control and prepare the cell for painting.
- setButtonCellState(o, r);
- // We inflate the rect as needed to account for padding included in the cell to accommodate the checkbox
- // shadow" and the check. We don't consider this part of the bounds of the control in WebKit.
- IntRect inflatedRect = inflateRect(r, radioSizes()[NSSmallControlSize], radioMargins());
- // draw the button
- HIRect bounds = { { inflatedRect.x(), inflatedRect.y() }, { inflatedRect.width(), inflatedRect.height() } };
- HIRect label = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };
- HIThemeDrawButton(&bounds, &button_info, static_cast<CGContextRef>([[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort]), kHIThemeOrientationNormal, &label);
+ NSButtonCell* button = this->button();
+ LocalCurrentGraphicsContext localContext(paintInfo.context);
+ // Determine the width and height needed for the control and prepare the cell for painting.
+ setButtonCellState(o, r);
+ paintInfo.context->save();
+ // We inflate the rect as needed to account for padding included in the cell to accommodate the button
+ // shadow. We don't consider this part of the bounds of the control in WebKit.
+ float zoomLevel = o->style()->effectiveZoom();
+ IntSize size = buttonSizes()[[button controlSize]];
+ size.setWidth(r.width());
+ size.setHeight(size.height() * zoomLevel);
+ IntRect inflatedRect = r;
+ if ([button bezelStyle] == NSRoundedBezelStyle) {
+ // Center the button within the available space.
+ if (inflatedRect.height() > size.height()) {
+ inflatedRect.setY(inflatedRect.y() + (inflatedRect.height() - size.height()) / 2);
+ inflatedRect.setHeight(size.height());
+ }
- return false;
+ // Now inflate it to account for the shadow.
+ inflatedRect = inflateRect(inflatedRect, size, buttonMargins(), zoomLevel);
+ if (zoomLevel != 1.0f) {
+ inflatedRect.setWidth(inflatedRect.width() / zoomLevel);
+ inflatedRect.setHeight(inflatedRect.height() / zoomLevel);
+ paintInfo.context->translate(inflatedRect.x(), inflatedRect.y());
+ paintInfo.context->scale(FloatSize(zoomLevel, zoomLevel));
+ paintInfo.context->translate(-inflatedRect.x(), -inflatedRect.y());
+ }
+ }
+ NSView *view = o->view()->frameView()->documentView();
+ NSWindow *window = [view window];
+ NSButtonCell *previousDefaultButtonCell = [window defaultButtonCell];
+ if (isDefault(o) && [window isKeyWindow]) {
+ [window setDefaultButtonCell:button];
+ wkAdvanceDefaultButtonPulseAnimation(button);
+ } else if ([previousDefaultButtonCell isEqual:button])
+ [window setDefaultButtonCell:nil];
+ [button drawWithFrame:NSRect(inflatedRect) inView:view];
+ [button setControlView:nil];
+ if (![previousDefaultButtonCell isEqual:button])
+ [window setDefaultButtonCell:previousDefaultButtonCell];
+ paintInfo.context->restore();
+ return false;
bool RenderThemeMac::paintTextField(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& r)
@@ -728,26 +1027,35 @@ bool RenderThemeMac::paintMenuList(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInf
NSPopUpButtonCell* popupButton = this->popupButton();
- IntRect inflatedRect = r;
+ float zoomLevel = o->style()->effectiveZoom();
IntSize size = popupButtonSizes()[[popupButton controlSize]];
+ size.setHeight(size.height() * zoomLevel);
// Now inflate it to account for the shadow.
+ IntRect inflatedRect = r;
if (r.width() >= minimumMenuListSize(o->style()))
- inflatedRect = inflateRect(inflatedRect, size, popupButtonMargins());
+ inflatedRect = inflateRect(inflatedRect, size, popupButtonMargins(), zoomLevel);
+ paintInfo.context->save();
// On Leopard, the cell will draw outside of the given rect, so we have to clip to the rect
- paintInfo.context->save();
-// [popupButton drawWithFrame:inflatedRect inView:o->view()->frameView()->getDocumentView()];
+ if (zoomLevel != 1.0f) {
+ inflatedRect.setWidth(inflatedRect.width() / zoomLevel);
+ inflatedRect.setHeight(inflatedRect.height() / zoomLevel);
+ paintInfo.context->translate(inflatedRect.x(), inflatedRect.y());
+ paintInfo.context->scale(FloatSize(zoomLevel, zoomLevel));
+ paintInfo.context->translate(-inflatedRect.x(), -inflatedRect.y());
+ }
+ [popupButton drawWithFrame:inflatedRect inView:o->view()->frameView()->documentView()];
[popupButton setControlView:nil];
return false;
@@ -883,10 +1191,10 @@ bool RenderThemeMac::paintMenuListButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::Pa
float centerY = bounds.y() + bounds.height() / 2.0f;
float arrowHeight = baseArrowHeight * fontScale;
float arrowWidth = baseArrowWidth * fontScale;
- float leftEdge = bounds.right() - arrowPaddingRight - arrowWidth;
+ float leftEdge = bounds.right() - arrowPaddingRight * o->style()->effectiveZoom() - arrowWidth;
float spaceBetweenArrows = baseSpaceBetweenArrows * fontScale;
- if (bounds.width() < arrowWidth + arrowPaddingLeft)
+ if (bounds.width() < arrowWidth + arrowPaddingLeft * o->style()->effectiveZoom())
return false;
@@ -912,11 +1220,11 @@ bool RenderThemeMac::paintMenuListButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::Pa
Color rightSeparatorColor(255, 255, 255, 40);
// FIXME: Should the separator thickness and space be scaled up by fontScale?
- int separatorSpace = 2;
- int leftEdgeOfSeparator = static_cast<int>(leftEdge - arrowPaddingLeft); // FIXME: Round?
+ int separatorSpace = 2; // Deliberately ignores zoom since it looks nicer if it stays thin.
+ int leftEdgeOfSeparator = static_cast<int>(leftEdge - arrowPaddingLeft * o->style()->effectiveZoom()); // FIXME: Round?
// Draw the separator to the left of the arrows
- paintInfo.context->setStrokeThickness(1.0f);
+ paintInfo.context->setStrokeThickness(1.0f); // Deliberately ignores zoom since it looks nicer if it stays thin.
paintInfo.context->drawLine(IntPoint(leftEdgeOfSeparator, bounds.y()),
@@ -961,20 +1269,20 @@ void RenderThemeMac::adjustMenuListStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderStyle
int RenderThemeMac::popupInternalPaddingLeft(RenderStyle* style) const
if (style->appearance() == MenulistAppearance)
- return popupButtonPadding(controlSizeForFont(style))[leftPadding];
+ return popupButtonPadding(controlSizeForFont(style))[leftPadding] * style->effectiveZoom();
if (style->appearance() == MenulistButtonAppearance)
- return styledPopupPaddingLeft;
+ return styledPopupPaddingLeft * style->effectiveZoom();
return 0;
int RenderThemeMac::popupInternalPaddingRight(RenderStyle* style) const
if (style->appearance() == MenulistAppearance)
- return popupButtonPadding(controlSizeForFont(style))[rightPadding];
+ return popupButtonPadding(controlSizeForFont(style))[rightPadding] * style->effectiveZoom();
if (style->appearance() == MenulistButtonAppearance) {
float fontScale = style->fontSize() / baseFontSize;
float arrowWidth = baseArrowWidth * fontScale;
- return static_cast<int>(ceilf(arrowWidth + arrowPaddingLeft + arrowPaddingRight + paddingBeforeSeparator));
+ return static_cast<int>(ceilf(arrowWidth + (arrowPaddingLeft + arrowPaddingRight + paddingBeforeSeparator) * style->effectiveZoom()));
return 0;
@@ -982,18 +1290,18 @@ int RenderThemeMac::popupInternalPaddingRight(RenderStyle* style) const
int RenderThemeMac::popupInternalPaddingTop(RenderStyle* style) const
if (style->appearance() == MenulistAppearance)
- return popupButtonPadding(controlSizeForFont(style))[topPadding];
+ return popupButtonPadding(controlSizeForFont(style))[topPadding] * style->effectiveZoom();
if (style->appearance() == MenulistButtonAppearance)
- return styledPopupPaddingTop;
+ return styledPopupPaddingTop * style->effectiveZoom();
return 0;
int RenderThemeMac::popupInternalPaddingBottom(RenderStyle* style) const
if (style->appearance() == MenulistAppearance)
- return popupButtonPadding(controlSizeForFont(style))[bottomPadding];
+ return popupButtonPadding(controlSizeForFont(style))[bottomPadding] * style->effectiveZoom();
if (style->appearance() == MenulistButtonAppearance)
- return styledPopupPaddingBottom;
+ return styledPopupPaddingBottom * style->effectiveZoom();
return 0;
@@ -1015,7 +1323,7 @@ void RenderThemeMac::setPopupButtonCellState(const RenderObject* o, const IntRec
NSPopUpButtonCell* popupButton = this->popupButton();
// Set the control size based off the rectangle we're painting into.
- setControlSize(popupButton, popupButtonSizes(), r.size());
+ setControlSize(popupButton, popupButtonSizes(), r.size(), o->style()->effectiveZoom());
// Update the various states we respond to.
updateCheckedState(popupButton, o);
@@ -1046,13 +1354,15 @@ void RenderThemeMac::adjustSliderTrackStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderSt
bool RenderThemeMac::paintSliderTrack(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& r)
IntRect bounds = r;
+ float zoomLevel = o->style()->effectiveZoom();
+ float zoomedTrackWidth = trackWidth * zoomLevel;
if (o->style()->appearance() == SliderHorizontalAppearance || o->style()->appearance() == MediaSliderAppearance) {
- bounds.setHeight(trackWidth);
- bounds.setY(r.y() + r.height() / 2 - trackWidth / 2);
+ bounds.setHeight(zoomedTrackWidth);
+ bounds.setY(r.y() + r.height() / 2 - zoomedTrackWidth / 2);
} else if (o->style()->appearance() == SliderVerticalAppearance) {
- bounds.setWidth(trackWidth);
- bounds.setX(r.x() + r.width() / 2 - trackWidth / 2);
+ bounds.setWidth(zoomedTrackWidth);
+ bounds.setX(r.x() + r.width() / 2 - zoomedTrackWidth / 2);
LocalCurrentGraphicsContext localContext(paintInfo.context);
@@ -1125,11 +1435,25 @@ bool RenderThemeMac::paintSliderThumb(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::Paint
FloatRect bounds = r;
// Make the height of the vertical slider slightly larger so NSSliderCell will draw a vertical slider.
if (o->style()->appearance() == SliderThumbVerticalAppearance)
- bounds.setHeight(bounds.height() + verticalSliderHeightPadding);
+ bounds.setHeight(bounds.height() + verticalSliderHeightPadding * o->style()->effectiveZoom());
-// [sliderThumbCell drawWithFrame:NSRect(bounds) inView:o->view()->frameView()->getDocumentView()];
+ paintInfo.context->save();
+ float zoomLevel = o->style()->effectiveZoom();
+ FloatRect unzoomedRect = bounds;
+ if (zoomLevel != 1.0f) {
+ unzoomedRect.setWidth(unzoomedRect.width() / zoomLevel);
+ unzoomedRect.setHeight(unzoomedRect.height() / zoomLevel);
+ paintInfo.context->translate(unzoomedRect.x(), unzoomedRect.y());
+ paintInfo.context->scale(FloatSize(zoomLevel, zoomLevel));
+ paintInfo.context->translate(-unzoomedRect.x(), -unzoomedRect.y());
+ }
+ [sliderThumbCell drawWithFrame:unzoomedRect inView:o->view()->frameView()->documentView()];
[sliderThumbCell setControlView:nil];
+ paintInfo.context->restore();
return false;
@@ -1140,9 +1464,10 @@ const int mediaSliderThumbHeight = 14;
void RenderThemeMac::adjustSliderThumbSize(RenderObject* o) const
+ float zoomLevel = o->style()->effectiveZoom();
if (o->style()->appearance() == SliderThumbHorizontalAppearance || o->style()->appearance() == SliderThumbVerticalAppearance) {
- o->style()->setWidth(Length(sliderThumbWidth, Fixed));
- o->style()->setHeight(Length(sliderThumbHeight, Fixed));
+ o->style()->setWidth(Length(static_cast<int>(sliderThumbWidth * zoomLevel), Fixed));
+ o->style()->setHeight(Length(static_cast<int>(sliderThumbHeight * zoomLevel), Fixed));
} else if (o->style()->appearance() == MediaSliderThumbAppearance) {
o->style()->setWidth(Length(mediaSliderThumbWidth, Fixed));
o->style()->setHeight(Length(mediaSliderThumbHeight, Fixed));
@@ -1156,18 +1481,34 @@ bool RenderThemeMac::paintSearchField(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::Paint
setSearchCellState(o, r);
+ paintInfo.context->save();
+ float zoomLevel = o->style()->effectiveZoom();
+ IntRect unzoomedRect = r;
+ if (zoomLevel != 1.0f) {
+ unzoomedRect.setWidth(unzoomedRect.width() / zoomLevel);
+ unzoomedRect.setHeight(unzoomedRect.height() / zoomLevel);
+ paintInfo.context->translate(unzoomedRect.x(), unzoomedRect.y());
+ paintInfo.context->scale(FloatSize(zoomLevel, zoomLevel));
+ paintInfo.context->translate(-unzoomedRect.x(), -unzoomedRect.y());
+ }
// Set the search button to nil before drawing. Then reset it so we can draw it later.
[search setSearchButtonCell:nil];
-// [search drawWithFrame:NSRect(r) inView:o->view()->frameView()->getDocumentView()];
+ [search drawWithFrame:NSRect(unzoomedRect) inView:o->view()->frameView()->documentView()];
if ([search showsFirstResponder])
- wkDrawTextFieldCellFocusRing(search, NSRect(r));
+ wkDrawTextFieldCellFocusRing(search, NSRect(unzoomedRect));
[search setControlView:nil];
[search resetSearchButtonCell];
+ paintInfo.context->restore();
return false;
@@ -1202,7 +1543,7 @@ void RenderThemeMac::adjustSearchFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderSt
// Override border.
- const short borderWidth = 2;
+ const short borderWidth = 2 * style->effectiveZoom();
@@ -1217,7 +1558,7 @@ void RenderThemeMac::adjustSearchFieldStyle(CSSStyleSelector* selector, RenderSt
// Override padding size to match AppKit text positioning.
- const int padding = 1;
+ const int padding = 1 * style->effectiveZoom();
style->setPaddingLeft(Length(padding, Fixed));
style->setPaddingRight(Length(padding, Fixed));
style->setPaddingTop(Length(padding, Fixed));
@@ -1238,10 +1579,25 @@ bool RenderThemeMac::paintSearchFieldCancelButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderO
updatePressedState([search cancelButtonCell], o);
+ paintInfo.context->save();
+ float zoomLevel = o->style()->effectiveZoom();
NSRect bounds = [search cancelButtonRectForBounds:NSRect(input->renderer()->absoluteBoundingBoxRect())];
-// [[search cancelButtonCell] drawWithFrame:bounds inView:o->view()->frameView()->getDocumentView()];
+ IntRect unzoomedRect(bounds);
+ if (zoomLevel != 1.0f) {
+ unzoomedRect.setWidth(unzoomedRect.width() / zoomLevel);
+ unzoomedRect.setHeight(unzoomedRect.height() / zoomLevel);
+ paintInfo.context->translate(unzoomedRect.x(), unzoomedRect.y());
+ paintInfo.context->scale(FloatSize(zoomLevel, zoomLevel));
+ paintInfo.context->translate(-unzoomedRect.x(), -unzoomedRect.y());
+ }
+ [[search cancelButtonCell] drawWithFrame:unzoomedRect inView:o->view()->frameView()->documentView()];
[[search cancelButtonCell] setControlView:nil];
+ paintInfo.context->restore();
return false;
@@ -1298,7 +1654,7 @@ bool RenderThemeMac::paintSearchFieldResultsDecoration(RenderObject* o, const Re
[search setSearchMenuTemplate:nil];
NSRect bounds = [search searchButtonRectForBounds:NSRect(input->renderer()->absoluteBoundingBoxRect())];
-// [[search searchButtonCell] drawWithFrame:bounds inView:o->view()->frameView()->getDocumentView()];
+ [[search searchButtonCell] drawWithFrame:bounds inView:o->view()->frameView()->documentView()];
[[search searchButtonCell] setControlView:nil];
return false;
@@ -1322,9 +1678,26 @@ bool RenderThemeMac::paintSearchFieldResultsButton(RenderObject* o, const Render
if (![search searchMenuTemplate])
[search setSearchMenuTemplate:searchMenuTemplate()];
+ paintInfo.context->save();
+ float zoomLevel = o->style()->effectiveZoom();
NSRect bounds = [search searchButtonRectForBounds:NSRect(input->renderer()->absoluteBoundingBoxRect())];
-// [[search searchButtonCell] drawWithFrame:bounds inView:o->view()->frameView()->getDocumentView()];
+ IntRect unzoomedRect(bounds);
+ if (zoomLevel != 1.0f) {
+ unzoomedRect.setWidth(unzoomedRect.width() / zoomLevel);
+ unzoomedRect.setHeight(unzoomedRect.height() / zoomLevel);
+ paintInfo.context->translate(unzoomedRect.x(), unzoomedRect.y());
+ paintInfo.context->scale(FloatSize(zoomLevel, zoomLevel));
+ paintInfo.context->translate(-unzoomedRect.x(), -unzoomedRect.y());
+ }
+ [[search searchButtonCell] drawWithFrame:unzoomedRect inView:o->view()->frameView()->documentView()];
[[search searchButtonCell] setControlView:nil];
+ paintInfo.context->restore();
return false;
@@ -1341,12 +1714,12 @@ bool RenderThemeMac::paintMediaFullscreenButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObj
bool RenderThemeMac::paintMediaMuteButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& r)
Node* node = o->element();
Node* mediaNode = node ? node->shadowAncestorNode() : 0;
if (!mediaNode || (!mediaNode->hasTagName(videoTag) && !mediaNode->hasTagName(audioTag)))
return false;
HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = static_cast<HTMLMediaElement*>(mediaNode);
if (!mediaElement)
return false;
@@ -1362,12 +1735,12 @@ bool RenderThemeMac::paintMediaMuteButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::P
bool RenderThemeMac::paintMediaPlayButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& r)
Node* node = o->element();
Node* mediaNode = node ? node->shadowAncestorNode() : 0;
if (!mediaNode || (!mediaNode->hasTagName(videoTag) && !mediaNode->hasTagName(audioTag)))
return false;
HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = static_cast<HTMLMediaElement*>(mediaNode);
if (!mediaElement)
return false;
@@ -1376,7 +1749,7 @@ bool RenderThemeMac::paintMediaPlayButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::P
if (mediaElement->canPlay())
wkDrawMediaPlayButton(paintInfo.context->platformContext(), r, node->active());
- wkDrawMediaPauseButton(paintInfo.context->platformContext(), r, node->active());
+ wkDrawMediaPauseButton(paintInfo.context->platformContext(), r, node->active());
return false;
@@ -1405,12 +1778,12 @@ bool RenderThemeMac::paintMediaSeekForwardButton(RenderObject* o, const RenderOb
bool RenderThemeMac::paintMediaSliderTrack(RenderObject* o, const RenderObject::PaintInfo& paintInfo, const IntRect& r)
Node* node = o->element();
Node* mediaNode = node ? node->shadowAncestorNode() : 0;
if (!mediaNode || (!mediaNode->hasTagName(videoTag) && !mediaNode->hasTagName(audioTag)))
return false;
HTMLMediaElement* mediaElement = static_cast<HTMLMediaElement*>(mediaNode);
if (!mediaElement)
return false;
@@ -1530,11 +1903,4 @@ NSSliderCell* RenderThemeMac::sliderThumbVertical() const
return m_sliderThumbVertical.get();
-Image* RenderThemeMac::resizeCornerImage() const
- if (!m_resizeCornerImage)
- m_resizeCornerImage = Image::loadPlatformResource("textAreaResizeCorner");
- return m_resizeCornerImage;
} // namespace WebCore