diff options
mode: <>2009-07-01 14:40:38 +0000 <>2009-07-01 14:40:38 +0000
commite86ea64fa7841e2affe68a8d078c87ad5ea76ca9 (patch)
parentb13439c303823dec983400462f4eb22ad547deb5 (diff)
Added unit tests for ClearBrowsingDataController.
Fixed a bug in ClearBrowsingDataController: checking Delete Form Data would end up deleting passwords instead. Patch from Jens Alfke ( BUG=12902 TEST=deleting form data should actually delete the form data. git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
3 files changed, 23 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/clear_browsing_data_controller.h b/chrome/browser/cocoa/clear_browsing_data_controller.h
index 78ef39c..d954981 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/clear_browsing_data_controller.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/clear_browsing_data_controller.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class Profile;
scoped_ptr<ClearBrowsingObserver> observer_;
BOOL isClearing_; // YES while clearing data is ongoing.
IBOutlet ThrobberView* progress_;
// Values for checkboxes, kept in sync with bindings. These values get
// persisted into prefs if the user accepts the dialog.
BOOL clearBrowsingHistory_;
@@ -64,4 +64,10 @@ class Profile;
+@interface ClearBrowsingDataController (ExposedForUnitTests)
+@property (readonly) int removeMask;
+- (void)persistToPrefs;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/cocoa/ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
index f8ca39a..9910d28 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/cocoa/
+++ b/chrome/browser/cocoa/
@@ -78,16 +78,7 @@ class ClearBrowsingObserver : public BrowsingDataRemover::Observer {
[[NSApplication sharedApplication] runModalForWindow:[self window]];
-// Called when the user clicks the "clear" button. Do the work and persist
-// the prefs for next time. We don't stop the modal session until we get
-// the callback from the BrowsingDataRemover so the window stays on the screen.
-// While we're working, dim the buttons so the user can't click them.
-- (IBAction)clearData:(id)sender {
- // Set that we're working so that the buttons disable.
- [self setIsClearing:YES];
- [self persistToPrefs];
+- (int)removeMask {
int removeMask = 0L;
if (clearBrowsingHistory_)
removeMask |= BrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_HISTORY;
@@ -100,14 +91,26 @@ class ClearBrowsingObserver : public BrowsingDataRemover::Observer {
if (clearSavedPasswords_)
removeMask |= BrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_PASSWORDS;
if (clearFormData_)
- removeMask |= BrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_PASSWORDS;
+ removeMask |= BrowsingDataRemover::REMOVE_FORM_DATA;
+ return removeMask;
+// Called when the user clicks the "clear" button. Do the work and persist
+// the prefs for next time. We don't stop the modal session until we get
+// the callback from the BrowsingDataRemover so the window stays on the screen.
+// While we're working, dim the buttons so the user can't click them.
+- (IBAction)clearData:(id)sender {
+ // Set that we're working so that the buttons disable.
+ [self setIsClearing:YES];
+ [self persistToPrefs];
// BrowsingDataRemover deletes itself when done.
remover_ = new BrowsingDataRemover(profile_,
- remover_->Remove(removeMask);
+ remover_->Remove([self removeMask]);
// Called when the user clicks the cancel button. All we need to do is stop
diff --git a/chrome/browser/history/ b/chrome/browser/history/
index 1734499..b5a2905 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/history/
+++ b/chrome/browser/history/
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@ class ExpireHistoryTest : public testing::Test,
FilePath temp_dir;
PathService::Get(base::DIR_TEMP, &temp_dir);
dir_ = temp_dir.Append(kTestDir);
+LOG(ERROR) << dir_.ToWStringHack();
file_util::Delete(dir_, true);