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mode: <>2013-10-23 08:15:10 +0000 <>2013-10-23 08:15:10 +0000
commit3a26676b8391879d763174c8ea4aeb4364c34aca (patch)
parentdac595ec7bee240e876a49342488af8576e7cd64 (diff)
Add closing handshake timeout.
If either the Close message or socket close fails to arrive within 4 minutes, we should close the connection outselves. Also add tests for the closing handshake timeout (using a 1ms timeout). BUG=230756 TEST=net_unittests --gtest_filter=WebSocketChannel* Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
3 files changed, 255 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/net/websockets/ b/net/websockets/
index c370bd7..5e8d8d6 100644
--- a/net/websockets/
+++ b/net/websockets/
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/safe_numerics.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "net/base/big_endian.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/net_log.h"
@@ -26,6 +27,9 @@ namespace {
const int kDefaultSendQuotaLowWaterMark = 1 << 16;
const int kDefaultSendQuotaHighWaterMark = 1 << 17;
const size_t kWebSocketCloseCodeLength = 2;
+// This timeout is based on TCPMaximumSegmentLifetime * 2 from
+// MainThreadWebSocketChannel.cpp in Blink.
+const int kClosingHandshakeTimeoutSeconds = 2 * 2 * 60;
} // namespace
@@ -89,6 +93,7 @@ WebSocketChannel::WebSocketChannel(
+ timeout_(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kClosingHandshakeTimeoutSeconds)),
@@ -96,6 +101,9 @@ WebSocketChannel::~WebSocketChannel() {
// The stream may hold a pointer to read_frames_, and so it needs to be
// destroyed first.
+ // The timer may have a callback pointing back to us, so stop it just in case
+ // someone decides to run the event loop from their destructor.
+ timer_.Stop();
void WebSocketChannel::SendAddChannelRequest(
@@ -181,7 +189,6 @@ void WebSocketChannel::StartClosingHandshake(uint16 code,
// TODO(ricea): Validate |code|? Check that |reason| is valid UTF-8?
- // TODO(ricea): There should be a timeout for the closing handshake.
SendClose(code, reason); // Sets state_ to SEND_CLOSED
@@ -190,10 +197,13 @@ void WebSocketChannel::SendAddChannelRequestForTesting(
const std::vector<std::string>& requested_subprotocols,
const GURL& origin,
const WebSocketStreamFactory& factory) {
- SendAddChannelRequestWithFactory(socket_url,
- requested_subprotocols,
- origin,
- factory);
+ SendAddChannelRequestWithFactory(
+ socket_url, requested_subprotocols, origin, factory);
+void WebSocketChannel::SetClosingHandshakeTimeoutForTesting(
+ base::TimeDelta delay) {
+ timeout_ = delay;
void WebSocketChannel::SendAddChannelRequestWithFactory(
@@ -482,6 +492,10 @@ void WebSocketChannel::HandleFrame(const WebSocketFrameHeader::OpCode opcode,
+ // Give them another few minutes to actually close the connection.
+ DCHECK(timer_.IsRunning());
+ timer_.Reset();
state_ = CLOSE_WAIT;
// From RFC6455 section 7.1.5: "Each endpoint
// will see the status code sent by the other end as _The WebSocket
@@ -577,6 +591,12 @@ void WebSocketChannel::SendClose(uint16 code, const std::string& reason) {
reason.begin(), reason.end(), body->data() + kWebSocketCloseCodeLength);
+ // This use of base::Unretained() is safe because we stop the timer in the
+ // destructor.
+ timer_.Start(
+ timeout_,
+ base::Bind(&WebSocketChannel::CloseTimeout, base::Unretained(this)));
SendIOBuffer(true, WebSocketFrameHeader::kOpCodeClose, body, size);
state_ = (state_ == CONNECTED) ? SEND_CLOSED : CLOSE_WAIT;
@@ -618,4 +638,15 @@ void WebSocketChannel::ParseClose(const scoped_refptr<IOBuffer>& buffer,
+void WebSocketChannel::CloseTimeout() {
+ stream_->Close();
+ // TODO(ricea): This becomes a DCHECK() once
+ // has landed.
+ if (state_ != CLOSED) {
+ state_ = CLOSED;
+ event_interface_->OnDropChannel(kWebSocketErrorAbnormalClosure,
+ "Abnormal Closure");
+ }
} // namespace net
diff --git a/net/websockets/websocket_channel.h b/net/websockets/websocket_channel.h
index d391f0e..5016fb2 100644
--- a/net/websockets/websocket_channel.h
+++ b/net/websockets/websocket_channel.h
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
+#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/websockets/websocket_frame.h"
#include "net/websockets/websocket_stream.h"
@@ -93,6 +95,11 @@ class NET_EXPORT WebSocketChannel {
const GURL& origin,
const WebSocketStreamFactory& factory);
+ // The default timout for the closing handshake is a sensible value (see
+ // kClosingHandshakeTimeoutSeconds in However, we can
+ // set it to a very small value for testing purposes.
+ void SetClosingHandshakeTimeoutForTesting(base::TimeDelta delay);
// The object passes through a linear progression of states from
@@ -209,6 +216,10 @@ class NET_EXPORT WebSocketChannel {
uint16* code,
std::string* reason);
+ // Called if the closing handshake times out. Closes the connection and
+ // informs the |event_interface_| if appropriate.
+ void CloseTimeout();
// The URL of the remote server.
GURL socket_url_;
@@ -248,6 +259,12 @@ class NET_EXPORT WebSocketChannel {
// on this logical channel (quota units).
int current_send_quota_;
+ // Timer for the closing handshake.
+ base::OneShotTimer<WebSocketChannel> timer_;
+ // Timeout for the closing handshake.
+ base::TimeDelta timeout_;
// Storage for the status code and reason from the time the Close frame
// arrives until the connection is closed and they are passed to
// OnDropChannel().
diff --git a/net/websockets/ b/net/websockets/
index e584860..6bc2a54 100644
--- a/net/websockets/
+++ b/net/websockets/
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include "base/safe_numerics.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
+#include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h"
#include "net/websockets/websocket_errors.h"
#include "net/websockets/websocket_event_interface.h"
@@ -84,6 +85,8 @@ std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
namespace {
+using ::base::TimeDelta;
using ::testing::AnyNumber;
using ::testing::InSequence;
using ::testing::MockFunction;
@@ -116,6 +119,10 @@ const size_t kDefaultInitialQuota = 1 << 17;
// kDefaultSendQuotaLowWaterMark change.
const size_t kDefaultQuotaRefreshTrigger = (1 << 16) + 1;
+// TestTimeouts::tiny_timeout() is 100ms! I could run halfway around the world
+// in that time! I would like my tests to run a bit quicker.
+const int kVeryTinyTimeoutMillis = 1;
// This mock is for testing expectations about how the EventInterface is used.
class MockWebSocketEventInterface : public WebSocketEventInterface {
@@ -353,6 +360,21 @@ template <size_t N>
return ::testing::MakeMatcher(new EqualsFramesMatcher<N>(&frames));
+// TestClosure works like TestCompletionCallback, but doesn't take an argument.
+class TestClosure {
+ public:
+ base::Closure closure() { return base::Bind(callback_.callback(), OK); }
+ void WaitForResult() { callback_.WaitForResult(); }
+ private:
+ // Delegate to TestCompletionCallback for the implementation.
+ TestCompletionCallback callback_;
+// A GoogleMock action to run a Closure.
+ACTION_P(InvokeClosure, closure) { closure.Run(); }
// A FakeWebSocketStream whose ReadFrames() function returns data.
class ReadableFakeWebSocketStream : public FakeWebSocketStream {
@@ -1366,6 +1388,69 @@ TEST_F(WebSocketChannelEventInterfaceTest, AsyncProtocolErrorGivesStatus1002) {
+// The closing handshake times out and sends an OnDropChannel event if no
+// response to the client Close message is received.
+ ClientInitiatedClosingHandshakeTimesOut) {
+ scoped_ptr<ReadableFakeWebSocketStream> stream(
+ new ReadableFakeWebSocketStream);
+ stream->PrepareReadFramesError(ReadableFakeWebSocketStream::SYNC,
+ set_stream(stream.Pass());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*event_interface_, OnAddChannelResponse(false, _));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*event_interface_, OnFlowControl(_));
+ // This checkpoint object verifies that the OnDropChannel message comes after
+ // the timeout.
+ MockFunction<void(int)> checkpoint;
+ TestClosure completion;
+ {
+ InSequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(checkpoint, Call(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*event_interface_,
+ OnDropChannel(kWebSocketErrorAbnormalClosure, _))
+ .WillOnce(InvokeClosure(completion.closure()));
+ }
+ CreateChannelAndConnectSuccessfully();
+ // OneShotTimer is not very friendly to testing; there is no apparent way to
+ // set an expectation on it. Instead the tests need to infer that the timeout
+ // was fired by the behaviour of the WebSocketChannel object.
+ channel_->SetClosingHandshakeTimeoutForTesting(
+ TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kVeryTinyTimeoutMillis));
+ channel_->StartClosingHandshake(kWebSocketNormalClosure, "");
+ checkpoint.Call(1);
+ completion.WaitForResult();
+// The closing handshake times out and sends an OnDropChannel event if a Close
+// message is received but the connection isn't closed by the remote host.
+ ServerInitiatedClosingHandshakeTimesOut) {
+ scoped_ptr<ReadableFakeWebSocketStream> stream(
+ new ReadableFakeWebSocketStream);
+ static const InitFrame frames[] = {
+ {FINAL_FRAME, WebSocketFrameHeader::kOpCodeClose,
+ stream->PrepareReadFrames(ReadableFakeWebSocketStream::ASYNC, OK, frames);
+ set_stream(stream.Pass());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*event_interface_, OnAddChannelResponse(false, _));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*event_interface_, OnFlowControl(_));
+ MockFunction<void(int)> checkpoint;
+ TestClosure completion;
+ {
+ InSequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(checkpoint, Call(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*event_interface_, OnClosingHandshake());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*event_interface_,
+ OnDropChannel(kWebSocketErrorAbnormalClosure, _))
+ .WillOnce(InvokeClosure(completion.closure()));
+ }
+ CreateChannelAndConnectSuccessfully();
+ channel_->SetClosingHandshakeTimeoutForTesting(
+ TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kVeryTinyTimeoutMillis));
+ checkpoint.Call(1);
+ completion.WaitForResult();
// RFC6455 5.1 "a client MUST mask all frames that it sends to the server".
// WebSocketChannel actually only sets the mask bit in the header, it doesn't
// perform masking itself (not all transports actually use masking).
@@ -1733,5 +1818,122 @@ TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTest, ProtocolError) {
+// Set the closing handshake timeout to a very tiny value before connecting.
+class WebSocketChannelStreamTimeoutTest : public WebSocketChannelStreamTest {
+ protected:
+ WebSocketChannelStreamTimeoutTest() {}
+ virtual void CreateChannelAndConnectSuccessfully() OVERRIDE {
+ set_stream(mock_stream_.Pass());
+ CreateChannelAndConnect();
+ channel_->SetClosingHandshakeTimeoutForTesting(
+ TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kVeryTinyTimeoutMillis));
+ connect_data_.factory.connect_delegate->OnSuccess(stream_.Pass());
+ }
+// In this case the server initiates the closing handshake with a Close
+// message. WebSocketChannel responds with a matching Close message, and waits
+// for the server to close the TCP/IP connection. The server never closes the
+// connection, so the closing handshake times out and WebSocketChannel closes
+// the connection itself.
+TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTimeoutTest, ServerInitiatedCloseTimesOut) {
+ static const InitFrame frames[] = {
+ {FINAL_FRAME, WebSocketFrameHeader::kOpCodeClose,
+ static const InitFrame expected[] = {
+ {FINAL_FRAME, WebSocketFrameHeader::kOpCodeClose,
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream_, GetSubProtocol()).Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream_, ReadFrames(_, _))
+ .WillOnce(ReturnFrames(&frames))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(ERR_IO_PENDING));
+ MockFunction<void(int)> checkpoint;
+ TestClosure completion;
+ {
+ InSequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream_, WriteFrames(EqualsFrames(expected), _))
+ .WillOnce(Return(OK));
+ EXPECT_CALL(checkpoint, Call(1));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream_, Close())
+ .WillOnce(InvokeClosure(completion.closure()));
+ }
+ CreateChannelAndConnectSuccessfully();
+ checkpoint.Call(1);
+ completion.WaitForResult();
+// In this case the client initiates the closing handshake by sending a Close
+// message. WebSocketChannel waits for a Close message in response from the
+// server. The server never responds to the Close message, so the closing
+// handshake times out and WebSocketChannel closes the connection.
+TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTimeoutTest, ClientInitiatedCloseTimesOut) {
+ static const InitFrame expected[] = {
+ {FINAL_FRAME, WebSocketFrameHeader::kOpCodeClose,
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream_, GetSubProtocol()).Times(AnyNumber());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream_, ReadFrames(_, _))
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(ERR_IO_PENDING));
+ TestClosure completion;
+ {
+ InSequence s;
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream_, WriteFrames(EqualsFrames(expected), _))
+ .WillOnce(Return(OK));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream_, Close())
+ .WillOnce(InvokeClosure(completion.closure()));
+ }
+ CreateChannelAndConnectSuccessfully();
+ channel_->StartClosingHandshake(kWebSocketNormalClosure, "OK");
+ completion.WaitForResult();
+// In this case the client initiates the closing handshake and the server
+// responds with a matching Close message. WebSocketChannel waits for the server
+// to close the TCP/IP connection, but it never does. The closing handshake
+// times out and WebSocketChannel closes the connection.
+TEST_F(WebSocketChannelStreamTimeoutTest, ConnectionCloseTimesOut) {
+ static const InitFrame expected[] = {
+ {FINAL_FRAME, WebSocketFrameHeader::kOpCodeClose,
+ static const InitFrame frames[] = {
+ {FINAL_FRAME, WebSocketFrameHeader::kOpCodeClose,
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream_, GetSubProtocol()).Times(AnyNumber());
+ TestClosure completion;
+ ScopedVector<WebSocketFrame>* read_frames = NULL;
+ CompletionCallback read_callback;
+ {
+ InSequence s;
+ // Copy the arguments to ReadFrames so that the test can call the callback
+ // after it has send the close message.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream_, ReadFrames(_, _))
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(SaveArg<0>(&read_frames),
+ SaveArg<1>(&read_callback),
+ Return(ERR_IO_PENDING)));
+ // The first real event that happens is the client sending the Close
+ // message.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream_, WriteFrames(EqualsFrames(expected), _))
+ .WillOnce(Return(OK));
+ // The |read_frames| callback is called (from this test case) at this
+ // point. ReadFrames is called again by WebSocketChannel, waiting for
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream_, ReadFrames(_, _))
+ .WillOnce(Return(ERR_IO_PENDING));
+ // The timeout happens and so WebSocketChannel closes the stream.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*mock_stream_, Close())
+ .WillOnce(InvokeClosure(completion.closure()));
+ }
+ CreateChannelAndConnectSuccessfully();
+ channel_->StartClosingHandshake(kWebSocketNormalClosure, "OK");
+ ASSERT_TRUE(read_frames);
+ // Provide the "Close" message from the server.
+ *read_frames = CreateFrameVector(frames);
+ read_callback.Run(OK);
+ completion.WaitForResult();
} // namespace
} // namespace net