diff options
mode: <>2013-01-10 19:35:14 +0000 <>2013-01-10 19:35:14 +0000
commiteccc2d43117b75eecf57e02f692c57b8654ff118 (patch)
parent7dcba24fc1cb60d917831e4b7bb0f36dde8547c9 (diff)
Revert 176126 - the reverted change depends on another CL, so reverting it breaks the build. Undoing the revert.
> Revert 175648 because it causes > > > Connect to DesktopEnvironment's stubs only when audio/video schedulers are about to be created. > > > > This CL localizes usage of DesktopEnvironment to a single method that creates audio/video schedulers and hook up the event executor. This prepares further refactoring of DesktopEnvironment that should become a factory for classes interacting with the specific desktop environment. > > > > Related changes in this CL: > > - MouseClampingFilter receives screen size on the proper thread. > > - ClientSessionTest.* tests now run asynchronously to support MouseClampingFilter change. > > - ClientSession does not expose DesktopEnvironment. > > - InputEventTracker can be re-attached to a different InputStub. > > > > BUG=104544 > > > > > > Review URL: > > > BUG=104544,169126 > Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
8 files changed, 290 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/remoting/capturer/ b/remoting/capturer/
index bdb6fda..8cdff43 100644
--- a/remoting/capturer/
+++ b/remoting/capturer/
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ namespace remoting {
// VideoFrameCapturerFake generates a white picture of size kWidth x kHeight
// with a rectangle of size kBoxWidth x kBoxHeight. The rectangle moves kSpeed
// pixels per frame along both axes, and bounces off the sides of the screen.
-static const int kWidth = 800;
-static const int kHeight = 600;
+static const int kWidth = VideoFrameCapturerFake::kWidth;
+static const int kHeight = VideoFrameCapturerFake::kHeight;
static const int kBoxWidth = 140;
static const int kBoxHeight = 140;
static const int kSpeed = 20;
diff --git a/remoting/capturer/video_frame_capturer_fake.h b/remoting/capturer/video_frame_capturer_fake.h
index 8b39a32..b116967 100644
--- a/remoting/capturer/video_frame_capturer_fake.h
+++ b/remoting/capturer/video_frame_capturer_fake.h
@@ -17,6 +17,10 @@ namespace remoting {
// See remoting/host/video_frame_capturer.h.
class VideoFrameCapturerFake : public VideoFrameCapturer {
+ // VideoFrameCapturerFake generates a picture of size kWidth x kHeight.
+ static const int kWidth = 800;
+ static const int kHeight = 600;
virtual ~VideoFrameCapturerFake();
diff --git a/remoting/host/ b/remoting/host/
index 6e7c326..0235512 100644
--- a/remoting/host/
+++ b/remoting/host/
@@ -244,8 +244,6 @@ class ChromotingHostTest : public testing::Test {
- connection_ptr->set_input_stub(
- client->desktop_environment()->event_executor());
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&ChromotingHostTest::AddClientToHost,
diff --git a/remoting/host/ b/remoting/host/
index f172259..58320c9 100644
--- a/remoting/host/
+++ b/remoting/host/
@@ -41,13 +41,10 @@ ClientSession::ClientSession(
- host_clipboard_stub_(desktop_environment_->event_executor()),
- host_input_stub_(desktop_environment_->event_executor()),
- input_tracker_(host_input_stub_),
+ input_tracker_(&host_input_filter_),
- mouse_clamping_filter_(desktop_environment_->video_capturer(),
- &remote_input_filter_),
- disable_input_filter_(&mouse_clamping_filter_),
+ mouse_clamping_filter_(&remote_input_filter_, connection_->video_stub()),
+ disable_input_filter_(mouse_clamping_filter_.input_filter()),
@@ -66,7 +63,6 @@ ClientSession::ClientSession(
- clipboard_echo_filter_.set_host_stub(host_clipboard_stub_);
// |auth_*_filter_|'s states reflect whether the session is authenticated.
@@ -127,6 +123,11 @@ void ClientSession::OnConnectionChannelsConnected(
protocol::ConnectionToClient* connection) {
DCHECK_EQ(connection_.get(), connection);
+ // Connect the host clipboard and input stubs.
+ host_input_filter_.set_input_stub(desktop_environment_->event_executor());
+ clipboard_echo_filter_.set_host_stub(desktop_environment_->event_executor());
// Let the desktop environment notify us of local clipboard changes.
@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ void ClientSession::OnConnectionChannelsConnected(
- connection_->video_stub());
+ &mouse_clamping_filter_);
// Create an AudioScheduler if audio is enabled, to pump audio samples.
diff --git a/remoting/host/client_session.h b/remoting/host/client_session.h
index c4e0657..f61cb53 100644
--- a/remoting/host/client_session.h
+++ b/remoting/host/client_session.h
@@ -133,10 +133,6 @@ class ClientSession
return connection_.get();
- DesktopEnvironment* desktop_environment() const {
- return desktop_environment_.get();
- }
const std::string& client_jid() { return client_jid_; }
bool is_authenticated() { return auth_input_filter_.enabled(); }
@@ -181,11 +177,8 @@ class ClientSession
std::string client_jid_;
- // The host clipboard and input stubs to which this object delegates.
- // These are the final elements in the clipboard & input pipelines, which
- // appear in order below.
- protocol::ClipboardStub* host_clipboard_stub_;
- protocol::InputStub* host_input_stub_;
+ // Filter used as the final element in the input pipeline.
+ protocol::InputFilter host_input_filter_;
// Tracker used to release pressed keys and buttons when disconnecting.
protocol::InputEventTracker input_tracker_;
@@ -197,7 +190,8 @@ class ClientSession
MouseClampingFilter mouse_clamping_filter_;
// Filter to used to stop clipboard items sent from the client being echoed
- // back to it.
+ // back to it. It is the final element in the clipboard (client -> host)
+ // pipeline.
protocol::ClipboardEchoFilter clipboard_echo_filter_;
// Filters used to manage enabling & disabling of input & clipboard.
diff --git a/remoting/host/ b/remoting/host/
index 050304c..285bf4a 100644
--- a/remoting/host/
+++ b/remoting/host/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "remoting/base/auto_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "remoting/base/constants.h"
#include "remoting/capturer/video_capturer_mock_objects.h"
+#include "remoting/capturer/video_frame_capturer_fake.h"
#include "remoting/host/audio_capturer.h"
#include "remoting/host/client_session.h"
#include "remoting/host/desktop_environment.h"
@@ -26,111 +27,68 @@ using protocol::SessionConfig;
using testing::_;
using testing::AnyNumber;
using testing::DeleteArg;
+using testing::DoAll;
using testing::Expectation;
using testing::InSequence;
using testing::Return;
using testing::ReturnRef;
+namespace {
+ACTION_P2(InjectClipboardEvent, connection, event) {
+ connection->clipboard_stub()->InjectClipboardEvent(event);
+ACTION_P2(InjectKeyEvent, connection, event) {
+ connection->input_stub()->InjectKeyEvent(event);
+ACTION_P2(InjectMouseEvent, connection, event) {
+ connection->input_stub()->InjectMouseEvent(event);
+ACTION_P2(LocalMouseMoved, client_session, event) {
+ client_session->LocalMouseMoved(SkIPoint::Make(event.x(), event.y()));
+} // namespace
class ClientSessionTest : public testing::Test {
- ClientSessionTest() : event_executor_(NULL) {}
- virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE {
- ui_task_runner_ = new AutoThreadTaskRunner(
- message_loop_.message_loop_proxy(),
- base::Bind(&ClientSessionTest::QuitMainMessageLoop,
- base::Unretained(this)));
- client_jid_ = "user@domain/rest-of-jid";
- desktop_environment_factory_.reset(new MockDesktopEnvironmentFactory());
- EXPECT_CALL(*desktop_environment_factory_, CreatePtr())
- .Times(AnyNumber())
- .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(this,
- &ClientSessionTest::CreateDesktopEnvironment));
- // Set up a large default screen size that won't affect most tests.
- screen_size_.set(1000, 1000);
- session_config_ = SessionConfig::ForTest();
- // Mock protocol::Session APIs called directly by ClientSession.
- protocol::MockSession* session = new MockSession();
- EXPECT_CALL(*session, config()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(session_config_));
- EXPECT_CALL(*session, jid()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(client_jid_));
- EXPECT_CALL(*session, SetEventHandler(_));
- // Mock protocol::ConnectionToClient APIs called directly by ClientSession.
- // HostStub is not touched by ClientSession, so we can safely pass NULL.
- scoped_ptr<MockConnectionToClient> connection(
- new MockConnectionToClient(session, NULL));
- EXPECT_CALL(*connection, session()).WillRepeatedly(Return(session));
- EXPECT_CALL(*connection, client_stub())
- .WillRepeatedly(Return(&client_stub_));
- EXPECT_CALL(*connection, video_stub()).WillRepeatedly(Return(&video_stub_));
- EXPECT_CALL(*connection, Disconnect());
- connection_ = connection.get();
- client_session_ = new ClientSession(
- &session_event_handler_,
- ui_task_runner_, // Audio thread.
- ui_task_runner_, // Capture thread.
- ui_task_runner_, // Encode thread.
- ui_task_runner_, // Network thread.
- connection.PassAs<protocol::ConnectionToClient>(),
- desktop_environment_factory_.get(),
- base::TimeDelta());
- }
+ ClientSessionTest()
+ : client_jid_("user@domain/rest-of-jid"),
+ event_executor_(NULL) {}
- virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE {
- // MockClientSessionEventHandler won't trigger Stop, so fake it.
- client_session_->Stop(base::Bind(
- &ClientSessionTest::OnClientStopped, base::Unretained(this)));
+ virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE;
- // Run message loop before destroying because the session is destroyed
- // asynchronously.
- ui_task_runner_ = NULL;
- message_loop_.Run();
+ // Disconnects the client session.
+ void DisconnectClientSession();
- // Verify that the client session has been stopped.
- EXPECT_TRUE(client_session_.get() == NULL);
- }
+ // Asynchronously stops the client session. OnClientStopped() will be called
+ // once the client session is fully stopped.
+ void StopClientSession();
- DesktopEnvironment* CreateDesktopEnvironment() {
- MockVideoFrameCapturer* capturer = new MockVideoFrameCapturer();
- EXPECT_CALL(*capturer, Start(_));
- EXPECT_CALL(*capturer, Stop());
- EXPECT_CALL(*capturer, InvalidateRegion(_)).Times(AnyNumber());
- EXPECT_CALL(*capturer, CaptureFrame()).Times(AnyNumber());
- EXPECT_CALL(*capturer, size_most_recent())
- .WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(screen_size_));
- EXPECT_TRUE(!event_executor_);
- event_executor_ = new MockEventExecutor();
- return new DesktopEnvironment(scoped_ptr<AudioCapturer>(NULL),
- scoped_ptr<EventExecutor>(event_executor_),
- scoped_ptr<VideoFrameCapturer>(capturer));
- }
+ // Creates a DesktopEnvironment with a fake VideoFrameCapturer, to mock
+ // DesktopEnvironmentFactory::Create().
+ DesktopEnvironment* CreateDesktopEnvironment();
- void DisconnectClientSession() {
- client_session_->Disconnect();
- // MockSession won't trigger OnConnectionClosed, so fake it.
- client_session_->OnConnectionClosed(client_session_->connection(),
- protocol::OK);
- }
+ // Notifies the client session that the client connection has been
+ // authenticated and channels have been connected. This effectively enables
+ // the input pipe line and starts video capturing.
+ void ConnectClientSession();
- void QuitMainMessageLoop() {
- message_loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, MessageLoop::QuitClosure());
- }
+ // Invoked when the last reference to the AutoThreadTaskRunner has been
+ // released and quits the message loop to finish the test.
+ void QuitMainMessageLoop();
- void OnClientStopped() {
- client_session_ = NULL;
- }
+ // Releases the ClientSession when it has been fully stopped, allowing
+ // the MessageLoop to quit.
+ void OnClientStopped();
// Message loop passed to |client_session_| to perform all functions on.
MessageLoop message_loop_;
- scoped_refptr<AutoThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner_;
// ClientSession instance under test.
scoped_refptr<ClientSession> client_session_;
@@ -138,12 +96,9 @@ class ClientSessionTest : public testing::Test {
// ClientSession::EventHandler mock for use in tests.
MockClientSessionEventHandler session_event_handler_;
- // Screen size that the fake VideoFrameCapturer should report.
- SkISize screen_size_;
// Storage for values to be returned by the protocol::Session mock.
SessionConfig session_config_;
- std::string client_jid_;
+ const std::string client_jid_;
// Stubs returned to |client_session_| components by |connection_|.
MockClientStub client_stub_;
@@ -159,6 +114,90 @@ class ClientSessionTest : public testing::Test {
scoped_ptr<MockDesktopEnvironmentFactory> desktop_environment_factory_;
+void ClientSessionTest::SetUp() {
+ // Arrange to run |message_loop_| until no components depend on it.
+ scoped_refptr<AutoThreadTaskRunner> ui_task_runner = new AutoThreadTaskRunner(
+ message_loop_.message_loop_proxy(),
+ base::Bind(&ClientSessionTest::QuitMainMessageLoop,
+ base::Unretained(this)));
+ desktop_environment_factory_.reset(new MockDesktopEnvironmentFactory());
+ EXPECT_CALL(*desktop_environment_factory_, CreatePtr())
+ .Times(AnyNumber())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Invoke(this,
+ &ClientSessionTest::CreateDesktopEnvironment));
+ session_config_ = SessionConfig::ForTest();
+ // Mock protocol::Session APIs called directly by ClientSession.
+ protocol::MockSession* session = new MockSession();
+ EXPECT_CALL(*session, config()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(session_config_));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*session, jid()).WillRepeatedly(ReturnRef(client_jid_));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*session, SetEventHandler(_));
+ // Mock protocol::ConnectionToClient APIs called directly by ClientSession.
+ // HostStub is not touched by ClientSession, so we can safely pass NULL.
+ scoped_ptr<MockConnectionToClient> connection(
+ new MockConnectionToClient(session, NULL));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*connection, session()).WillRepeatedly(Return(session));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*connection, client_stub())
+ .WillRepeatedly(Return(&client_stub_));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*connection, video_stub()).WillRepeatedly(Return(&video_stub_));
+ EXPECT_CALL(*connection, Disconnect());
+ connection_ = connection.get();
+ client_session_ = new ClientSession(
+ &session_event_handler_,
+ ui_task_runner, // Audio thread.
+ ui_task_runner, // Capture thread.
+ ui_task_runner, // Encode thread.
+ ui_task_runner, // Network thread.
+ connection.PassAs<protocol::ConnectionToClient>(),
+ desktop_environment_factory_.get(),
+ base::TimeDelta());
+void ClientSessionTest::TearDown() {
+ // Verify that the client session has been stopped.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(client_session_.get() == NULL);
+void ClientSessionTest::DisconnectClientSession() {
+ client_session_->Disconnect();
+ // MockSession won't trigger OnConnectionClosed, so fake it.
+ client_session_->OnConnectionClosed(client_session_->connection(),
+ protocol::OK);
+void ClientSessionTest::StopClientSession() {
+ // MockClientSessionEventHandler won't trigger Stop, so fake it.
+ client_session_->Stop(base::Bind(
+ &ClientSessionTest::OnClientStopped, base::Unretained(this)));
+DesktopEnvironment* ClientSessionTest::CreateDesktopEnvironment() {
+ scoped_ptr<VideoFrameCapturer> video_capturer(new VideoFrameCapturerFake());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(!event_executor_);
+ event_executor_ = new MockEventExecutor();
+ return new DesktopEnvironment(scoped_ptr<AudioCapturer>(NULL),
+ scoped_ptr<EventExecutor>(event_executor_),
+ video_capturer.Pass());
+void ClientSessionTest::ConnectClientSession() {
+ client_session_->OnConnectionAuthenticated(client_session_->connection());
+ client_session_->OnConnectionChannelsConnected(client_session_->connection());
+void ClientSessionTest::QuitMainMessageLoop() {
+ message_loop_.PostTask(FROM_HERE, MessageLoop::QuitClosure());
+void ClientSessionTest::OnClientStopped() {
+ client_session_ = NULL;
MATCHER_P2(EqualsClipboardEvent, m, d, "") {
return (strcmp(arg.mime_type().c_str(), m) == 0 &&
memcmp(, d, == 0);
@@ -181,6 +220,19 @@ TEST_F(ClientSessionTest, ClipboardStubFilter) {
EXPECT_CALL(session_event_handler_, OnSessionAuthenticated(_));
EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_, StartPtr(_));
EXPECT_CALL(session_event_handler_, OnSessionChannelsConnected(_));
+ // Wait for the first video packet to be captured to make sure that
+ // the injected input will go though. Otherwise mouse events will be blocked
+ // by the mouse clamping filter.
+ EXPECT_CALL(video_stub_, ProcessVideoPacketPtr(_, _))
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(
+ // This event should get through to the clipboard stub.
+ InjectClipboardEvent(connection_, clipboard_event2),
+ InvokeWithoutArgs(this, &ClientSessionTest::DisconnectClientSession),
+ // This event should not get through to the clipboard stub,
+ // because the client has disconnected.
+ InjectClipboardEvent(connection_, clipboard_event3),
+ InvokeWithoutArgs(this, &ClientSessionTest::StopClientSession)));
EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_, InjectClipboardEvent(EqualsClipboardEvent(
kMimeTypeTextUtf8, "b")));
EXPECT_CALL(session_event_handler_, OnSessionClosed(_));
@@ -188,14 +240,9 @@ TEST_F(ClientSessionTest, ClipboardStubFilter) {
// This event should not get through to the clipboard stub,
// because the client isn't authenticated yet.
- client_session_->OnConnectionAuthenticated(client_session_->connection());
- client_session_->OnConnectionChannelsConnected(client_session_->connection());
- // This event should get through to the clipboard stub.
- connection_->clipboard_stub()->InjectClipboardEvent(clipboard_event2);
- DisconnectClientSession();
- // This event should not get through to the clipboard stub,
- // because the client has disconnected.
- connection_->clipboard_stub()->InjectClipboardEvent(clipboard_event3);
+ ConnectClientSession();
+ message_loop_.Run();
MATCHER_P2(EqualsUsbEvent, usb_keycode, pressed, "") {
@@ -244,6 +291,22 @@ TEST_F(ClientSessionTest, InputStubFilter) {
EXPECT_CALL(session_event_handler_, OnSessionAuthenticated(_));
EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_, StartPtr(_));
EXPECT_CALL(session_event_handler_, OnSessionChannelsConnected(_));
+ // Wait for the first video packet to be captured to make sure that
+ // the injected input will go though. Otherwise mouse events will be blocked
+ // by the mouse clamping filter.
+ EXPECT_CALL(video_stub_, ProcessVideoPacketPtr(_, _))
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(
+ // These events should get through to the input stub.
+ InjectKeyEvent(connection_, key_event2_down),
+ InjectKeyEvent(connection_, key_event2_up),
+ InjectMouseEvent(connection_, mouse_event2),
+ InvokeWithoutArgs(this, &ClientSessionTest::DisconnectClientSession),
+ // These events should not get through to the input stub,
+ // because the client has disconnected.
+ InjectKeyEvent(connection_, key_event3),
+ InjectMouseEvent(connection_, mouse_event3),
+ InvokeWithoutArgs(this, &ClientSessionTest::StopClientSession)));
EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_, InjectKeyEvent(EqualsUsbEvent(2, true)));
EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_, InjectKeyEvent(EqualsUsbEvent(2, false)));
EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_, InjectMouseEvent(EqualsMouseEvent(200, 201)));
@@ -253,17 +316,9 @@ TEST_F(ClientSessionTest, InputStubFilter) {
// because the client isn't authenticated yet.
- client_session_->OnConnectionAuthenticated(client_session_->connection());
- client_session_->OnConnectionChannelsConnected(client_session_->connection());
- // These events should get through to the input stub.
- connection_->input_stub()->InjectKeyEvent(key_event2_down);
- connection_->input_stub()->InjectKeyEvent(key_event2_up);
- connection_->input_stub()->InjectMouseEvent(mouse_event2);
- DisconnectClientSession();
- // These events should not get through to the input stub,
- // because the client has disconnected.
- connection_->input_stub()->InjectKeyEvent(key_event3);
- connection_->input_stub()->InjectMouseEvent(mouse_event3);
+ ConnectClientSession();
+ message_loop_.Run();
TEST_F(ClientSessionTest, LocalInputTest) {
@@ -281,25 +336,30 @@ TEST_F(ClientSessionTest, LocalInputTest) {
EXPECT_CALL(session_event_handler_, OnSessionAuthenticated(_));
EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_, StartPtr(_));
EXPECT_CALL(session_event_handler_, OnSessionChannelsConnected(_));
+ // Wait for the first video packet to be captured to make sure that
+ // the injected input will go though. Otherwise mouse events will be blocked
+ // by the mouse clamping filter.
+ EXPECT_CALL(video_stub_, ProcessVideoPacketPtr(_, _))
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(
+ // This event should get through to the input stub.
+ InjectMouseEvent(connection_, mouse_event1),
+ // This one should too because the local event echoes the remote one.
+ LocalMouseMoved(client_session_.get(), mouse_event1),
+ InjectMouseEvent(connection_, mouse_event2),
+ // This one should not.
+ LocalMouseMoved(client_session_.get(), mouse_event1),
+ InjectMouseEvent(connection_, mouse_event3),
+ // TODO(jamiewalch): Verify that remote inputs are re-enabled
+ // eventually (via dependency injection, not sleep!)
+ InvokeWithoutArgs(this, &ClientSessionTest::DisconnectClientSession),
+ InvokeWithoutArgs(this, &ClientSessionTest::StopClientSession)));
EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_, InjectMouseEvent(EqualsMouseEvent(100, 101)));
EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_, InjectMouseEvent(EqualsMouseEvent(200, 201)));
EXPECT_CALL(session_event_handler_, OnSessionClosed(_));
- client_session_->OnConnectionAuthenticated(client_session_->connection());
- client_session_->OnConnectionChannelsConnected(client_session_->connection());
- // This event should get through to the input stub.
- connection_->input_stub()->InjectMouseEvent(mouse_event1);
- // This one should too because the local event echoes the remote one.
- client_session_->LocalMouseMoved(SkIPoint::Make(mouse_event1.x(),
- mouse_event1.y()));
- connection_->input_stub()->InjectMouseEvent(mouse_event2);
- // This one should not.
- client_session_->LocalMouseMoved(SkIPoint::Make(mouse_event1.x(),
- mouse_event1.y()));
- connection_->input_stub()->InjectMouseEvent(mouse_event3);
- // TODO(jamiewalch): Verify that remote inputs are re-enabled eventually
- // (via dependency injection, not sleep!)
- DisconnectClientSession();
+ ConnectClientSession();
+ message_loop_.Run();
TEST_F(ClientSessionTest, RestoreEventState) {
@@ -319,6 +379,17 @@ TEST_F(ClientSessionTest, RestoreEventState) {
EXPECT_CALL(session_event_handler_, OnSessionAuthenticated(_));
EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_, StartPtr(_));
EXPECT_CALL(session_event_handler_, OnSessionChannelsConnected(_));
+ // Wait for the first video packet to be captured to make sure that
+ // the injected input will go though. Otherwise mouse events will be blocked
+ // by the mouse clamping filter.
+ EXPECT_CALL(video_stub_, ProcessVideoPacketPtr(_, _))
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(
+ InjectKeyEvent(connection_, key1),
+ InjectKeyEvent(connection_, key2),
+ InjectMouseEvent(connection_, mousedown),
+ InvokeWithoutArgs(this, &ClientSessionTest::DisconnectClientSession),
+ InvokeWithoutArgs(this, &ClientSessionTest::StopClientSession)));
EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_, InjectKeyEvent(EqualsUsbEvent(1, true)));
EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_, InjectKeyEvent(EqualsUsbEvent(2, true)));
EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_, InjectMouseEvent(EqualsMouseButtonEvent(
@@ -329,48 +400,62 @@ TEST_F(ClientSessionTest, RestoreEventState) {
protocol::MouseEvent::BUTTON_LEFT, false)));
EXPECT_CALL(session_event_handler_, OnSessionClosed(_));
- client_session_->OnConnectionAuthenticated(client_session_->connection());
- client_session_->OnConnectionChannelsConnected(client_session_->connection());
- connection_->input_stub()->InjectKeyEvent(key1);
- connection_->input_stub()->InjectKeyEvent(key2);
- connection_->input_stub()->InjectMouseEvent(mousedown);
- DisconnectClientSession();
+ ConnectClientSession();
+ message_loop_.Run();
TEST_F(ClientSessionTest, ClampMouseEvents) {
- screen_size_.set(200, 100);
EXPECT_CALL(session_event_handler_, OnSessionAuthenticated(_));
EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_, StartPtr(_));
Expectation connected =
EXPECT_CALL(session_event_handler_, OnSessionChannelsConnected(_));
EXPECT_CALL(session_event_handler_, OnSessionClosed(_));
- client_session_->OnConnectionAuthenticated(client_session_->connection());
- client_session_->OnConnectionChannelsConnected(client_session_->connection());
int input_x[3] = { -999, 100, 999 };
- int expected_x[3] = { 0, 100, 199 };
+ int expected_x[3] = { 0, 100, VideoFrameCapturerFake::kWidth - 1 };
int input_y[3] = { -999, 50, 999 };
- int expected_y[3] = { 0, 50, 99 };
- protocol::MouseEvent event;
+ int expected_y[3] = { 0, 50, VideoFrameCapturerFake::kHeight - 1 };
+ // Inject the 1st event once a video packet has been received.
+ protocol::MouseEvent injected_event;
+ injected_event.set_x(input_x[0]);
+ injected_event.set_y(input_y[0]);
+ connected =
+ EXPECT_CALL(video_stub_, ProcessVideoPacketPtr(_, _))
+ .After(connected)
+ .WillOnce(InjectMouseEvent(connection_, injected_event));
+ protocol::MouseEvent expected_event;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- event.set_x(input_x[i]);
- event.set_y(input_y[j]);
- connected =
- EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_,
- InjectMouseEvent(EqualsMouseEvent(expected_x[i],
- expected_y[j])))
- .After(connected);
- connection_->input_stub()->InjectMouseEvent(event);
+ // Skip the first iteration since the 1st event has been injected already.
+ if (i > 0 || j > 0) {
+ injected_event.set_x(input_x[i]);
+ injected_event.set_y(input_y[j]);
+ connected =
+ EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_,
+ InjectMouseEvent(EqualsMouseEvent(expected_event.x(),
+ expected_event.y())))
+ .After(connected)
+ .WillOnce(InjectMouseEvent(connection_, injected_event));
+ }
+ expected_event.set_x(expected_x[i]);
+ expected_event.set_y(expected_y[j]);
- DisconnectClientSession();
+ // Shutdown the connection once the last event has been received.
+ EXPECT_CALL(*event_executor_,
+ InjectMouseEvent(EqualsMouseEvent(expected_event.x(),
+ expected_event.y())))
+ .After(connected)
+ .WillOnce(DoAll(
+ InvokeWithoutArgs(this, &ClientSessionTest::DisconnectClientSession),
+ InvokeWithoutArgs(this, &ClientSessionTest::StopClientSession)));
+ ConnectClientSession();
+ message_loop_.Run();
} // namespace remoting
diff --git a/remoting/host/ b/remoting/host/
index 04ee46c..3fdecbd 100644
--- a/remoting/host/
+++ b/remoting/host/
@@ -4,24 +4,34 @@
#include "remoting/host/mouse_clamping_filter.h"
-#include "remoting/capturer/video_frame_capturer.h"
#include "remoting/proto/event.pb.h"
+#include "remoting/proto/video.pb.h"
namespace remoting {
-MouseClampingFilter::MouseClampingFilter(VideoFrameCapturer* capturer,
- protocol::InputStub* input_stub)
- : MouseInputFilter(input_stub), capturer_(capturer) {
+ protocol::InputStub* input_stub,
+ protocol::VideoStub* video_stub)
+ : input_filter_(input_stub),
+ video_stub_(video_stub) {
MouseClampingFilter::~MouseClampingFilter() {
-void MouseClampingFilter::InjectMouseEvent(const protocol::MouseEvent& event) {
- // Ensure that the MouseInputFilter is clamping to the current dimensions.
- set_output_size(capturer_->size_most_recent());
- set_input_size(capturer_->size_most_recent());
- MouseInputFilter::InjectMouseEvent(event);
+void MouseClampingFilter::ProcessVideoPacket(
+ scoped_ptr<VideoPacket> video_packet,
+ const base::Closure& done) {
+ // Configure the MouseInputFilter to clamp to the video dimensions.
+ if (video_packet->format().has_screen_width() &&
+ video_packet->format().has_screen_height()) {
+ SkISize screen_size = SkISize::Make(video_packet->format().screen_width(),
+ video_packet->format().screen_height());
+ input_filter_.set_input_size(screen_size);
+ input_filter_.set_output_size(screen_size);
+ }
+ video_stub_->ProcessVideoPacket(video_packet.Pass(), done);
} // namespace remoting
diff --git a/remoting/host/mouse_clamping_filter.h b/remoting/host/mouse_clamping_filter.h
index 02ff17a..9d8503cb 100644
--- a/remoting/host/mouse_clamping_filter.h
+++ b/remoting/host/mouse_clamping_filter.h
@@ -7,25 +7,30 @@
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/mouse_input_filter.h"
+#include "remoting/protocol/video_stub.h"
namespace remoting {
-class VideoFrameCapturer;
-// Filtering InputStub implementation which clamps mouse each mouse event to
-// the current dimensions of a VideoFrameCapturer instance before passing
-// them on to the target |input_stub|.
-class MouseClampingFilter : public protocol::MouseInputFilter {
+// Filtering VideoStub implementation which configures a MouseInputFilter to
+// clamp mouse events to fall within the dimensions of the most-recently
+// received video frame.
+class MouseClampingFilter : public protocol::VideoStub {
- MouseClampingFilter(VideoFrameCapturer* capturer,
- protocol::InputStub* input_stub);
+ MouseClampingFilter(protocol::InputStub* input_stub,
+ protocol::VideoStub* video_stub);
virtual ~MouseClampingFilter();
- // InputStub overrides.
- virtual void InjectMouseEvent(const protocol::MouseEvent& event) OVERRIDE;
+ protocol::InputStub* input_filter() { return &input_filter_; }
+ // protocol::VideoStub implementation.
+ virtual void ProcessVideoPacket(scoped_ptr<VideoPacket> video_packet,
+ const base::Closure& done) OVERRIDE;
- VideoFrameCapturer* capturer_;
+ // Clamps mouse event coordinates to the video dimensions.
+ protocol::MouseInputFilter input_filter_;
+ protocol::VideoStub* video_stub_;