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mode: <>2008-11-12 19:39:42 +0000 <>2008-11-12 19:39:42 +0000
commitfbe9feca244761a0c88436effdaaf7282b404cad (patch)
parenta4ffa8cf38d76e3ed86f55e5abe5bb9650fb6383 (diff)
Rewrite the glib UI pump. Although the previous pump was correct in terms of test coverage, it was mis-handling the concept of idle work. This meant we were effectively polling the pump, causing full CPU usage. The new pump is greatly simplified, and follows the pattern used on Windows. All tests still pass.
Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
2 files changed, 130 insertions, 258 deletions
diff --git a/base/ b/base/
index f837f597..e4efd8b 100644
--- a/base/
+++ b/base/
@@ -11,47 +11,79 @@
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/platform_thread.h"
-namespace base {
-static const char kWorkScheduled = '\0';
-static const char kDelayedWorkScheduled = '\1';
+namespace {
-// I wish these could be const, but g_source_new wants a non-const GSourceFunc
-// pointer.
-// static
-GSourceFuncs MessagePumpForUI::WorkSourceFuncs = {
- WorkSourcePrepare,
- WorkSourceCheck,
- WorkSourceDispatch,
+// We send a byte across a pipe to wakeup the event loop.
+const char kWorkScheduled = '\0';
-// static
-GSourceFuncs MessagePumpForUI::IdleSourceFuncs = {
- IdleSourcePrepare,
- IdleSourceCheck,
- IdleSourceDispatch,
-static int GetTimeIntervalMilliseconds(Time from) {
+// Return a timeout suitable for the glib loop, -1 to block forever,
+// 0 to return right away, or a timeout in milliseconds from now.
+int GetTimeIntervalMilliseconds(base::Time from) {
if (from.is_null())
return -1;
// Be careful here. TimeDelta has a precision of microseconds, but we want a
// value in milliseconds. If there are 5.5ms left, should the delay be 5 or
// 6? It should be 6 to avoid executing delayed work too early.
- double timeout = ceil((from - Time::Now()).InMillisecondsF());
+ int delay = static_cast<int>(
+ ceil((from - base::Time::Now()).InMillisecondsF()));
// If this value is negative, then we need to run delayed work soon.
- int delay = static_cast<int>(timeout);
- if (delay < 0)
- delay = 0;
+ return delay < 0 ? 0 : delay;
- return delay;
+// A brief refresher on GLib:
+// GLib sources have four callbacks: Prepare, Check, Dispatch and Finalize.
+// On each iteration of the GLib pump, it calls each source's Prepare function.
+// This function should return TRUE if it wants GLib to call its Dispatch, and
+// FALSE otherwise. It can also set a timeout in this case for the next time
+// Prepare should be called again (it may be called sooner).
+// After the Prepare calls, GLib does a poll to check for events from the
+// system. File descriptors can be attached to the sources. The poll may block
+// if none of the Prepare calls returned TRUE. It will block indefinitely, or
+// by the minimum time returned by a source in Prepare.
+// After the poll, GLib calls Check for each source that returned FALSE
+// from Prepare. The return value of Check has the same meaning as for Prepare,
+// making Check a second chance to tell GLib we are ready for Dispatch.
+// Finally, GLib calls Dispatch for each source that is ready. If Dispatch
+// returns FALSE, GLib will destroy the source. Dispatch calls may be recursive
+// (i.e., you can call Run from them), but Prepare and Check cannot.
+// Finalize is called when the source is destroyed.
+struct WorkSource : public GSource {
+ int timeout_ms;
+gboolean WorkSourcePrepare(GSource* source,
+ gint* timeout_ms) {
+ *timeout_ms = static_cast<WorkSource*>(source)->timeout_ms;
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean WorkSourceCheck(GSource* source) {
+ return FALSE;
+gboolean WorkSourceDispatch(GSource* source,
+ GSourceFunc unused_func,
+ gpointer unused_data) {
+ return TRUE;
+// I wish these could be const, but g_source_new wants non-const.
+GSourceFuncs WorkSourceFuncs = {
+ WorkSourcePrepare,
+ WorkSourceCheck,
+ WorkSourceDispatch,
+} // namespace
+namespace base {
: state_(NULL),
@@ -70,8 +102,12 @@ MessagePumpForUI::MessagePumpForUI()
"Could not set file descriptor to non-blocking!";
work_source_poll_fd_->fd = read_fd_work_scheduled_;
work_source_poll_fd_->events = G_IO_IN | G_IO_HUP | G_IO_ERR;
- work_source_ = AddSource(&WorkSourceFuncs, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,
- work_source_poll_fd_.get());
+ work_source_ = g_source_new(&WorkSourceFuncs, sizeof(WorkSource));
+ // This is needed to allow Run calls inside Dispatch.
+ g_source_set_can_recurse(work_source_, TRUE);
+ g_source_add_poll(work_source_, work_source_poll_fd_.get());
+ g_source_attach(work_source_, context_);
MessagePumpForUI::~MessagePumpForUI() {
@@ -81,50 +117,77 @@ MessagePumpForUI::~MessagePumpForUI() {
-struct ThreadIdTraits {
- static void New(void* instance) {
- int* thread_id = static_cast<int*>(instance);
- *thread_id = PlatformThread::CurrentId();
- }
- static void Delete(void* instance) {
- }
void MessagePumpForUI::Run(Delegate* delegate) {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
// Make sure we only run this on one thread. GTK only has one message pump
// so we can only have one UI loop per process.
- static LazyInstance<int, ThreadIdTraits> thread_id(base::LINKER_INITIALIZED);
- DCHECK(thread_id.Get() == PlatformThread::CurrentId()) <<
+ static int thread_id = PlatformThread::CurrentId();
+ DCHECK(thread_id == PlatformThread::CurrentId()) <<
"Running MessagePumpForUI on two different threads; "
"this is unsupported by GLib!";
RunState state;
state.delegate = delegate;
- state.keep_running = true;
- // We emulate the behavior of MessagePumpDefault and try to do work at once.
- state.should_do_work = true;
- state.should_do_idle_work = false;
- state.idle_source = NULL;
+ state.should_quit = false;
+ state.run_depth = state_ ? state_->run_depth + 1 : 1;
RunState* previous_state = state_;
state_ = &state;
- while (state.keep_running)
- g_main_context_iteration(context_, true);
- if (state.idle_source) {
- // This removes the source from the context and releases GLib's hold on it.
- g_source_destroy(state.idle_source);
- // This releases our hold and destroys the source.
- g_source_unref(state.idle_source);
+ // We really only do a single task for each iteration of the loop. If we
+ // have done something, assume there is likely something more to do. This
+ // will mean that we don't block on the message pump until there was nothing
+ // more to do. We also set this to true to make sure not to block on the
+ // first iteration of the loop, so RunAllPending() works correctly.
+ bool more_work_is_plausible = true;
+ for (;;) {
+ // Set up our timeout for any delayed work.
+ static_cast<WorkSource*>(work_source_)->timeout_ms =
+ GetTimeIntervalMilliseconds(delayed_work_time_);
+ // Process a single iteration of the event loop.
+ g_main_context_iteration(context_, !more_work_is_plausible);
+ if (state_->should_quit)
+ break;
+ more_work_is_plausible = false;
+ // Drain our wakeup pipe, this is a non-blocking read.
+ char tempbuf[16];
+ while (read(read_fd_work_scheduled_, tempbuf, sizeof(tempbuf)) > 0) { }
+ if (state_->delegate->DoWork())
+ more_work_is_plausible = true;
+ if (state_->should_quit)
+ break;
+ if (state_->delegate->DoDelayedWork(&delayed_work_time_))
+ more_work_is_plausible = true;
+ if (state_->should_quit)
+ break;
+ // Don't do idle work if we think there are more important things
+ // that we could be doing.
+ if (more_work_is_plausible)
+ continue;
+ if (state_->delegate->DoIdleWork())
+ more_work_is_plausible = true;
+ if (state_->should_quit)
+ break;
state_ = previous_state;
void MessagePumpForUI::Quit() {
- DCHECK(state_) << "Quit called outside Run!";
- state_->keep_running = false;
+ if (state_) {
+ state_->should_quit = true;
+ } else {
+ NOTREACHED() << "Quit called outside Run!";
+ }
void MessagePumpForUI::ScheduleWork() {
@@ -132,174 +195,16 @@ void MessagePumpForUI::ScheduleWork() {
// variables as we would then need locks all over. This ensures that if
// we are sleeping in a poll that we will wake up, and we check the pipe
// so we know when work was scheduled.
- CHECK(1 == write(write_fd_work_scheduled_, &kWorkScheduled, 1)) <<
- "Could not write to pipe!";
+ if (write(write_fd_work_scheduled_, &kWorkScheduled, 1) != 1) {
+ NOTREACHED() << "Could not write to the UI message loop wakeup pipe!";
+ }
void MessagePumpForUI::ScheduleDelayedWork(const Time& delayed_work_time) {
+ // We need to wake up the loop in case the poll timeout needs to be
+ // adjusted. This will cause us to try to do work, but that's ok.
delayed_work_time_ = delayed_work_time;
- // This is an optimization. Delayed work may not be imminent, we may just
- // need to update our timeout to poll. Hence we don't want to go overkill
- // with kWorkScheduled.
- CHECK(1 == write(write_fd_work_scheduled_, &kDelayedWorkScheduled, 1)) <<
- "Could not write to pipe!";
-// A brief refresher on GLib:
-// GLib sources have four callbacks: Prepare, Check, Dispatch and Finalize.
-// On each iteration of the GLib pump, it calls each source's Prepare function.
-// This function should return TRUE if it wants GLib to call its Dispatch, and
-// FALSE otherwise. It can also set a timeout in this case for the next time
-// Prepare should be called again (it may be called sooner).
-// After the Prepare calls, GLib does a poll to check for events from the
-// system. File descriptors can be attached to the sources. The poll may block
-// if none of the Prepare calls returned TRUE. It will block indefinitely, or
-// by the minimum time returned by a source in Prepare.
-// After the poll, GLib calls Check for each source that returned FALSE
-// from Prepare. The return value of Check has the same meaning as for Prepare,
-// making Check a second chance to tell GLib we are ready for Dispatch.
-// Finally, GLib calls Dispatch for each source that is ready. If Dispatch
-// returns FALSE, GLib will destroy the source. Dispatch calls may be recursive
-// (i.e., you can call Run from them), but Prepare and Check cannot.
-// Finalize is called when the source is destroyed.
-// static
-gboolean MessagePumpForUI::WorkSourcePrepare(GSource* source,
- gint* timeout_ms) {
- MessagePumpForUI* self = static_cast<WorkSource*>(source)->self;
- RunState* state = self->state_;
- if (state->should_do_work) {
- state->should_do_idle_work = false;
- *timeout_ms = 0;
- return TRUE;
- }
- *timeout_ms = GetTimeIntervalMilliseconds(self->delayed_work_time_);
- state->should_do_idle_work = true;
- // We want to do idle work right before poll goes to sleep. Obviously
- // we are not currently asleep, but we may be about to since we have
- // no work to do. If we don't have an idle source ready to go it's
- // probably because it fired already (or we just started and it hasn't
- // been added yet) and we should add one for when we are ready. Note
- // that this new source will get Prepare called on this current pump
- // iteration since it gets added at the end of the source list.
- if (!state->idle_source) {
- state->idle_source =
- self->AddSource(&IdleSourceFuncs, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_IDLE, NULL);
- }
- return FALSE;
-// static
-gboolean MessagePumpForUI::WorkSourceCheck(GSource* source) {
- MessagePumpForUI* self = static_cast<WorkSource*>(source)->self;
- RunState* state = self->state_;
- // Make sure we don't attempt idle work until we are really sure we don't
- // have other work to do. We'll know this in the call to Prepare.
- state->should_do_idle_work = false;
- // Check if ScheduleWork or ScheduleDelayedWork was called. This is a
- // non-blocking read.
- char byte;
- while (0 < read(self->read_fd_work_scheduled_, &byte, 1)) {
- // Don't assume we actually have work yet unless the stronger ScheduleWork
- // was called.
- if (byte == kWorkScheduled)
- state->should_do_work = true;
- }
- if (state->should_do_work)
- return TRUE;
- if (!self->delayed_work_time_.is_null())
- return self->delayed_work_time_ <= Time::Now();
- return FALSE;
-// static
-gboolean MessagePumpForUI::WorkSourceDispatch(GSource* source,
- GSourceFunc unused_func,
- gpointer unused_data) {
- MessagePumpForUI* self = static_cast<WorkSource*>(source)->self;
- RunState* state = self->state_;
- DCHECK(!state->should_do_idle_work) <<
- "Idle work should not be flagged while regular work exists.";
- // Note that in this function we never return FALSE. This source is owned
- // by GLib and shared by multiple calls to Run. It will only finally get
- // destroyed when the loop is destroyed.
- state->should_do_work = state->delegate->DoWork();
- if (!state->keep_running)
- return TRUE;
- state->should_do_work |=
- state->delegate->DoDelayedWork(&self->delayed_work_time_);
- return TRUE;
-// static
-gboolean MessagePumpForUI::IdleSourcePrepare(GSource* source,
- gint* timeout_ms) {
- RunState* state = static_cast<WorkSource*>(source)->self->state_;
- *timeout_ms = 0;
- return state->should_do_idle_work;
-// static
-gboolean MessagePumpForUI::IdleSourceCheck(GSource* source) {
- RunState* state = static_cast<WorkSource*>(source)->self->state_;
- return state->should_do_idle_work;
-// static
-gboolean MessagePumpForUI::IdleSourceDispatch(GSource* source,
- GSourceFunc unused_func,
- gpointer unused_data) {
- RunState* state = static_cast<WorkSource*>(source)->self->state_;
- // We should not do idle work unless we didn't have other work to do.
- DCHECK(!state->should_do_work) << "Doing idle work in non-idle time!";
- state->should_do_idle_work = false;
- state->should_do_work = state->delegate->DoIdleWork();
- // This is an optimization. We could always remove ourselves right now,
- // but we will just get re-added when WorkSourceCheck eventually returns
- // FALSE.
- if (!state->should_do_work) {
- // This is so that when we return FALSE, GLib will not only remove us
- // from the context, but since it holds the last reference, it will
- // destroy us as well.
- g_source_unref(source);
- state->idle_source = NULL;
- }
- return state->should_do_work;
-GSource* MessagePumpForUI::AddSource(GSourceFuncs* funcs, gint priority,
- GPollFD *optional_poll_fd) {
- GSource* source = g_source_new(funcs, sizeof(WorkSource));
- // Setting the priority is actually a bit expensive since it causes GLib
- // to resort an internal list.
- if (priority != G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT)
- g_source_set_priority(source, priority);
- // This is needed to allow Run calls inside Dispatch.
- g_source_set_can_recurse(source, TRUE);
- static_cast<WorkSource*>(source)->self = this;
- if (optional_poll_fd)
- g_source_add_poll(source, optional_poll_fd);
- g_source_attach(source, context_);
- return source;
+ ScheduleWork();
} // namespace base
diff --git a/base/message_pump_glib.h b/base/message_pump_glib.h
index 01cd4b6..26aec49 100644
--- a/base/message_pump_glib.h
+++ b/base/message_pump_glib.h
@@ -29,47 +29,14 @@ class MessagePumpForUI : public MessagePump {
// We may make recursive calls to Run, so we save state that needs to be
// separate between them in this structure type.
struct RunState {
- // This is the delegate argument passed to Run.
Delegate* delegate;
- // This tells us when to exit the event pump.
- bool keep_running;
- // This tells our work source when to dispatch DoWork and DoDelayedWork.
- bool should_do_work;
- // This tells our idle source when to dispatch DoIdleWork.
- bool should_do_idle_work;
- // Unlike the work source, which is shared by all calls to Run, each Run
- // call gets its own idle source because we need to destroy it when we have
- // no idle work, and we don't want to destroy someone else's source.
- GSource* idle_source;
- };
- struct WorkSource : GSource {
- MessagePumpForUI* self;
- };
+ // Used to flag that the current Run() invocation should return ASAP.
+ bool should_quit;
- // The source with these callbacks remain in the main loop forever. They
- // will dispatch DoWork and DoDelayedWork, and calculate when and how long
- // to block when GLib calls poll internally.
- static GSourceFuncs WorkSourceFuncs;
- static gboolean WorkSourcePrepare(GSource* source, gint* timeout_ms);
- static gboolean WorkSourceCheck(GSource* source);
- static gboolean WorkSourceDispatch(GSource* source, GSourceFunc unused_func,
- gpointer unused_data);
- // The source that uses these callbacks is added as an idle source, which
- // means GLib will call it when there is no other work to do. We continue
- // doing work as long as DoIdleWork or the other work functions return true.
- // Once no work remains, we remove the idle source so GLib will block instead
- // of firing it. Then we re-add it when we wake up.
- static GSourceFuncs IdleSourceFuncs;
- static gboolean IdleSourcePrepare(GSource* source, gint* timeout_ms);
- static gboolean IdleSourceCheck(GSource* source);
- static gboolean IdleSourceDispatch(GSource* source, GSourceFunc unused_func,
- gpointer unused_data);
- // This adds a GLib source to the main loop.
- GSource* AddSource(GSourceFuncs* funcs, gint priority,
- GPollFD* optional_poll_fd);
+ // Used to count how many Run() invocations are on the stack.
+ int run_depth;
+ };
RunState* state_;