path: root/base/
diff options
mode: <>2008-08-26 11:04:55 +0000 <>2008-08-26 11:04:55 +0000
commit8d5db3be7fa1e561fc0a515bd0fb9933917806ee (patch)
tree71661b2b1c7359791a0a477ff92a266e94f1b9f5 /base/
parent501a7b4f0fcfe3e96b8e309ed765a620106a3f80 (diff)
Move to to make way for posix.
git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'base/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 587 deletions
diff --git a/base/ b/base/
deleted file mode 100644
index 940ee77..0000000
--- a/base/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "base/process_util.h"
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <winternl.h>
-#include <psapi.h>
-#include "base/histogram.h"
-#include "base/logging.h"
-#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
-namespace {
-// System pagesize. This value remains constant on x86/64 architectures.
-const int PAGESIZE_KB = 4;
-// HeapSetInformation function pointer.
-} // namespace
-namespace process_util {
-int GetCurrentProcId() {
- return ::GetCurrentProcessId();
-// Helper for GetProcId()
-bool GetProcIdViaGetProcessId(ProcessHandle process, DWORD* id) {
- // Dynamically get a pointer to GetProcessId().
- typedef DWORD (WINAPI *GetProcessIdFunction)(HANDLE);
- static GetProcessIdFunction GetProcessIdPtr = NULL;
- static bool initialize_get_process_id = true;
- if (initialize_get_process_id) {
- initialize_get_process_id = false;
- HMODULE kernel32_handle = GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll");
- if (!kernel32_handle) {
- return false;
- }
- GetProcessIdPtr = reinterpret_cast<GetProcessIdFunction>(GetProcAddress(
- kernel32_handle, "GetProcessId"));
- }
- if (!GetProcessIdPtr)
- return false;
- // Ask for the process ID.
- *id = (*GetProcessIdPtr)(process);
- return true;
-// Helper for GetProcId()
-bool GetProcIdViaNtQueryInformationProcess(ProcessHandle process, DWORD* id) {
- // Dynamically get a pointer to NtQueryInformationProcess().
- typedef NTSTATUS (WINAPI *NtQueryInformationProcessFunction)(
- static NtQueryInformationProcessFunction NtQueryInformationProcessPtr = NULL;
- static bool initialize_query_information_process = true;
- if (initialize_query_information_process) {
- initialize_query_information_process = false;
- // According to nsylvain, ntdll.dll is guaranteed to be loaded, even though
- // the Windows docs seem to imply that you should LoadLibrary() it.
- HMODULE ntdll_handle = GetModuleHandle(L"ntdll.dll");
- if (!ntdll_handle) {
- return false;
- }
- NtQueryInformationProcessPtr =
- reinterpret_cast<NtQueryInformationProcessFunction>(GetProcAddress(
- ntdll_handle, "NtQueryInformationProcess"));
- }
- if (!NtQueryInformationProcessPtr)
- return false;
- // Ask for the process ID.
- ULONG bytes_returned;
- NTSTATUS status = (*NtQueryInformationProcessPtr)(process,
- ProcessBasicInformation,
- &info, sizeof info,
- &bytes_returned);
- if (!SUCCEEDED(status) || (bytes_returned != (sizeof info)))
- return false;
- *id = static_cast<DWORD>(info.UniqueProcessId);
- return true;
-int GetProcId(ProcessHandle process) {
- // Get a handle to |process| that has PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION rights.
- HANDLE current_process = GetCurrentProcess();
- HANDLE process_with_query_rights;
- if (DuplicateHandle(current_process, process, current_process,
- &process_with_query_rights, PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION,
- false, 0)) {
- // Try to use GetProcessId(), if it exists. Fall back on
- // NtQueryInformationProcess() otherwise (< Win XP SP1).
- DWORD id;
- bool success =
- GetProcIdViaGetProcessId(process_with_query_rights, &id) ||
- GetProcIdViaNtQueryInformationProcess(process_with_query_rights, &id);
- CloseHandle(process_with_query_rights);
- if (success)
- return id;
- }
- // We're screwed.
- return 0;
-bool LaunchApp(const std::wstring& cmdline,
- bool wait, bool start_hidden, ProcessHandle* process_handle) {
- STARTUPINFO startup_info = {0};
- startup_info.cb = sizeof(startup_info);
- if (start_hidden) {
- startup_info.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW;
- startup_info.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
- }
- if (!CreateProcess(NULL,
- const_cast<wchar_t*>(cmdline.c_str()), NULL, NULL,
- &startup_info, &process_info))
- return false;
- // Handles must be closed or they will leak
- CloseHandle(process_info.hThread);
- if (wait)
- WaitForSingleObject(process_info.hProcess, INFINITE);
- // If the caller wants the process handle, we won't close it.
- if (process_handle) {
- *process_handle = process_info.hProcess;
- } else {
- CloseHandle(process_info.hProcess);
- }
- return true;
-// Attempts to kill the process identified by the given process
-// entry structure, giving it the specified exit code.
-// Returns true if this is successful, false otherwise.
-bool KillProcess(int process_id, int exit_code, bool wait) {
- bool result = false;
- FALSE, // Don't inherit handle
- process_id);
- if (process) {
- result = !!TerminateProcess(process, exit_code);
- if (result && wait) {
- // The process may not end immediately due to pending I/O
- if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject(process, 60 * 1000))
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Error waiting for process exit: " << GetLastError();
- } else {
- DLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to terminate process: " << GetLastError();
- }
- CloseHandle(process);
- }
- return result;
-bool DidProcessCrash(ProcessHandle handle) {
- DWORD exitcode = 0;
- BOOL success = ::GetExitCodeProcess(handle, &exitcode);
- DCHECK(success);
- DCHECK(exitcode != STILL_ACTIVE);
- if (exitcode == 0 || // Normal termination.
- exitcode == 1 || // Killed by task manager.
- exitcode == 0xC0000354 || // STATUS_DEBUGGER_INACTIVE
- exitcode == 0xC000013A || // Control-C/end session.
- exitcode == 0x40010004) { // Debugger terminated process/end session.
- return false;
- }
- // All other exit codes indicate crashes.
- // TODO(jar): Remove histogramming code when UMA stats are consistent with
- // other crash metrics.
- // Histogram the low order 3 nibbles for UMA
- const int kLeastValue = 0;
- const int kMaxValue = 0xFFF;
- const int kBucketCount = kMaxValue - kLeastValue + 1;
- static LinearHistogram least_significant_histogram(L"ExitCodes.LSNibbles",
- kLeastValue + 1, kMaxValue, kBucketCount);
- least_significant_histogram.SetFlags(kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag |
- LinearHistogram::kHexRangePrintingFlag);
- least_significant_histogram.Add(exitcode & 0xFFF);
- // Histogram the high order 3 nibbles
- static LinearHistogram most_significant_histogram(L"ExitCodes.MSNibbles",
- kLeastValue + 1, kMaxValue, kBucketCount);
- most_significant_histogram.SetFlags(kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag |
- LinearHistogram::kHexRangePrintingFlag);
- // Avoid passing in negative numbers by shifting data into low end of dword.
- most_significant_histogram.Add((exitcode >> 20) & 0xFFF);
- // Histogram the middle order 2 nibbles
- static LinearHistogram mid_significant_histogram(L"ExitCodes.MidNibbles",
- 1, 0xFF, 0x100);
- mid_significant_histogram.SetFlags(kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag |
- LinearHistogram::kHexRangePrintingFlag);
- mid_significant_histogram.Add((exitcode >> 12) & 0xFF);
- return true;
-NamedProcessIterator::NamedProcessIterator(const std::wstring& executable_name,
- const ProcessFilter* filter) :
- started_iteration_(false),
- executable_name_(executable_name),
- filter_(filter) {
- snapshot_ = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
- }
-NamedProcessIterator::~NamedProcessIterator() {
- CloseHandle(snapshot_);
-const ProcessEntry* NamedProcessIterator::NextProcessEntry() {
- bool result = false;
- do {
- result = CheckForNextProcess();
- } while (result && !IncludeEntry());
- if (result) {
- return &entry_;
- }
- return NULL;
-bool NamedProcessIterator::CheckForNextProcess() {
- InitProcessEntry(&entry_);
- if (!started_iteration_) {
- started_iteration_ = true;
- return !!Process32First(snapshot_, &entry_);
- }
- return !!Process32Next(snapshot_, &entry_);
-bool NamedProcessIterator::IncludeEntry() {
- return _wcsicmp(executable_name_.c_str(), entry_.szExeFile) == 0 &&
- (!filter_ || filter_->Includes(entry_.th32ProcessID,
- entry_.th32ParentProcessID));
-void NamedProcessIterator::InitProcessEntry(ProcessEntry* entry) {
- memset(entry, 0, sizeof(*entry));
- entry->dwSize = sizeof(*entry);
-int GetProcessCount(const std::wstring& executable_name,
- const ProcessFilter* filter) {
- int count = 0;
- NamedProcessIterator iter(executable_name, filter);
- while (iter.NextProcessEntry())
- ++count;
- return count;
-bool KillProcesses(const std::wstring& executable_name, int exit_code,
- const ProcessFilter* filter) {
- bool result = true;
- const ProcessEntry* entry;
- NamedProcessIterator iter(executable_name, filter);
- while (entry = iter.NextProcessEntry())
- result = KillProcess((*entry).th32ProcessID, exit_code, true) && result;
- return result;
-bool WaitForProcessesToExit(const std::wstring& executable_name,
- int wait_milliseconds,
- const ProcessFilter* filter) {
- const ProcessEntry* entry;
- bool result = true;
- DWORD start_time = GetTickCount();
- NamedProcessIterator iter(executable_name, filter);
- while (entry = iter.NextProcessEntry()) {
- DWORD remaining_wait =
- std::max(0, wait_milliseconds -
- static_cast<int>(GetTickCount() - start_time));
- HANDLE process = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE,
- entry->th32ProcessID);
- DWORD wait_result = WaitForSingleObject(process, remaining_wait);
- CloseHandle(process);
- result = result && (wait_result == WAIT_OBJECT_0);
- }
- return result;
-bool CleanupProcesses(const std::wstring& executable_name,
- int wait_milliseconds,
- int exit_code,
- const ProcessFilter* filter) {
- bool exited_cleanly =
- process_util::WaitForProcessesToExit(executable_name, wait_milliseconds,
- filter);
- if (!exited_cleanly)
- process_util::KillProcesses(executable_name, exit_code, filter);
- return exited_cleanly;
-// ProcesMetrics
-ProcessMetrics::ProcessMetrics(ProcessHandle process) : process_(process),
- last_time_(0),
- last_system_time_(0) {
- SYSTEM_INFO system_info;
- GetSystemInfo(&system_info);
- processor_count_ = system_info.dwNumberOfProcessors;
-// static
-ProcessMetrics* ProcessMetrics::CreateProcessMetrics(ProcessHandle process) {
- return new ProcessMetrics(process);
-ProcessMetrics::~ProcessMetrics() { }
-size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPagefileUsage() {
- if (GetProcessMemoryInfo(process_, &pmc, sizeof(pmc))) {
- return pmc.PagefileUsage;
- }
- return 0;
-// Returns the peak space allocated for the pagefile, in bytes.
-size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPeakPagefileUsage() {
- if (GetProcessMemoryInfo(process_, &pmc, sizeof(pmc))) {
- return pmc.PeakPagefileUsage;
- }
- return 0;
-// Returns the current working set size, in bytes.
-size_t ProcessMetrics::GetWorkingSetSize() {
- if (GetProcessMemoryInfo(process_, &pmc, sizeof(pmc))) {
- return pmc.WorkingSetSize;
- }
- return 0;
-size_t ProcessMetrics::GetPrivateBytes() {
- // PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX is not supported until XP SP2.
- // GetProcessMemoryInfo() will simply fail on prior OS. So the requested
- // information is simply not available. Hence, we will return 0 on unsupported
- // OSes. Unlike most Win32 API, we don't need to initialize the "cb" member.
- if (GetProcessMemoryInfo(process_,
- reinterpret_cast<PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS*>(&pmcx),
- sizeof(pmcx))) {
- return pmcx.PrivateUsage;
- }
- return 0;
-void ProcessMetrics::GetCommittedKBytes(CommittedKBytes* usage) {
- size_t committed_private = 0;
- size_t committed_mapped = 0;
- size_t committed_image = 0;
- void* base_address = NULL;
- while (VirtualQueryEx(process_, base_address, &mbi,
- if (mbi.State == MEM_COMMIT) {
- if (mbi.Type == MEM_PRIVATE) {
- committed_private += mbi.RegionSize;
- } else if (mbi.Type == MEM_MAPPED) {
- committed_mapped += mbi.RegionSize;
- } else if (mbi.Type == MEM_IMAGE) {
- committed_image += mbi.RegionSize;
- } else {
- }
- }
- base_address = (static_cast<BYTE*>(mbi.BaseAddress)) + mbi.RegionSize;
- }
- usage->image = committed_image / 1024;
- usage->mapped = committed_mapped / 1024;
- usage->priv = committed_private / 1024;
-bool ProcessMetrics::GetWorkingSetKBytes(WorkingSetKBytes* ws_usage) {
- size_t ws_private = 0;
- size_t ws_shareable = 0;
- size_t ws_shared = 0;
- DCHECK(ws_usage);
- memset(ws_usage, 0, sizeof(*ws_usage));
- DWORD number_of_entries = 4096; // Just a guess.
- int retries = 5;
- for (;;) {
- (number_of_entries * sizeof(PSAPI_WORKING_SET_BLOCK));
- // if we can't expand the buffer, don't leak the previous
- // contents or pass a NULL pointer to QueryWorkingSet
- realloc(buffer, buffer_size));
- if (!new_buffer) {
- free(buffer);
- return false;
- }
- buffer = new_buffer;
- // Call the function once to get number of items
- if (QueryWorkingSet(process_, buffer, buffer_size))
- break; // Success
- if (GetLastError() != ERROR_BAD_LENGTH) {
- free(buffer);
- return false;
- }
- number_of_entries = static_cast<DWORD>(buffer->NumberOfEntries);
- // Maybe some entries are being added right now. Increase the buffer to
- // take that into account.
- number_of_entries = static_cast<DWORD>(number_of_entries * 1.25);
- if (--retries == 0) {
- free(buffer); // If we're looping, eventually fail.
- return false;
- }
- }
- // On windows 2000 the function returns 1 even when the buffer is too small.
- // The number of entries that we are going to parse is the minimum between the
- // size we allocated and the real number of entries.
- number_of_entries =
- std::min(number_of_entries, static_cast<DWORD>(buffer->NumberOfEntries));
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < number_of_entries; i++) {
- if (buffer->WorkingSetInfo[i].Shared) {
- ws_shareable++;
- if (buffer->WorkingSetInfo[i].ShareCount > 1)
- ws_shared++;
- } else {
- ws_private++;
- }
- }
- ws_usage->priv = ws_private * PAGESIZE_KB;
- ws_usage->shareable = ws_shareable * PAGESIZE_KB;
- ws_usage->shared = ws_shared * PAGESIZE_KB;
- free(buffer);
- return true;
-static uint64 FileTimeToUTC(const FILETIME& ftime) {
- li.LowPart = ftime.dwLowDateTime;
- li.HighPart = ftime.dwHighDateTime;
- return li.QuadPart;
-int ProcessMetrics::GetCPUUsage() {
- FILETIME creation_time;
- FILETIME exit_time;
- FILETIME kernel_time;
- FILETIME user_time;
- GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&now);
- if (!GetProcessTimes(process_, &creation_time, &exit_time,
- &kernel_time, &user_time)) {
- // We don't assert here because in some cases (such as in the Task Manager)
- // we may call this function on a process that has just exited but we have
- // not yet received the notification.
- return 0;
- }
- int64 system_time = (FileTimeToUTC(kernel_time) + FileTimeToUTC(user_time)) /
- processor_count_;
- int64 time = FileTimeToUTC(now);
- if ((last_system_time_ == 0) || (last_time_ == 0)) {
- // First call, just set the last values.
- last_system_time_ = system_time;
- last_time_ = time;
- return 0;
- }
- int64 system_time_delta = system_time - last_system_time_;
- int64 time_delta = time - last_time_;
- DCHECK(time_delta != 0);
- if (time_delta == 0)
- return 0;
- // We add time_delta / 2 so the result is rounded.
- int cpu = static_cast<int>((system_time_delta * 100 + time_delta / 2) /
- time_delta);
- last_system_time_ = system_time;
- last_time_ = time;
- return cpu;
-bool ProcessMetrics::GetIOCounters(IO_COUNTERS* io_counters) {
- return GetProcessIoCounters(process_, io_counters) != FALSE;
-bool ProcessMetrics::CalculateFreeMemory(FreeMBytes* free) {
- const SIZE_T kTopAdress = 0x7F000000;
- const SIZE_T kMegabyte = 1024 * 1024;
- SIZE_T accumulated = 0;
- UINT_PTR scan = 0;
- while (scan < kTopAdress) {
- if (!::VirtualQueryEx(process_, reinterpret_cast<void*>(scan),
- &info, sizeof(info)))
- return false;
- if (info.State == MEM_FREE) {
- accumulated += info.RegionSize;
- UINT_PTR end = scan + info.RegionSize;
- if (info.RegionSize > (largest.RegionSize))
- largest = info;
- }
- scan += info.RegionSize;
- }
- free->largest = largest.RegionSize / kMegabyte;
- free->largest_ptr = largest.BaseAddress;
- free->total = accumulated / kMegabyte;
- return true;
-bool EnableLowFragmentationHeap() {
- HMODULE kernel32 = GetModuleHandle(L"kernel32.dll");
- HeapSetFn heap_set = reinterpret_cast<HeapSetFn>(GetProcAddress(
- kernel32,
- "HeapSetInformation"));
- // On Windows 2000, the function is not exported. This is not a reason to
- // fail.
- if (!heap_set)
- return true;
- unsigned number_heaps = GetProcessHeaps(0, NULL);
- if (!number_heaps)
- return false;
- // Gives us some extra space in the array in case a thread is creating heaps
- // at the same time we're querying them.
- static const int MARGIN = 8;
- scoped_array<HANDLE> heaps(new HANDLE[number_heaps + MARGIN]);
- number_heaps = GetProcessHeaps(number_heaps + MARGIN, heaps.get());
- if (!number_heaps)
- return false;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < number_heaps; ++i) {
- ULONG lfh_flag = 2;
- // Don't bother with the result code. It may fails on heaps that have the
- // HEAP_NO_SERIALIZE flag. This is expected and not a problem at all.
- heap_set(heaps[i],
- HeapCompatibilityInformation,
- &lfh_flag,
- sizeof(lfh_flag));
- }
- return true;
-} // namespace process_util