path: root/build/
diff options
mode: <>2012-03-15 19:05:18 +0000 <>2012-03-15 19:05:18 +0000
commit757c2962c2124c88aa73661ff698f04b6355cf4d (patch)
tree315b0f58521b79590470b4d55a1013e4849319a7 /build/
parent102254f64ebe8da176ddde114ef32f9b35adc881 (diff)
Lots of tweaks to the and
script to make them more userfriendly. In particular, we now recognize systems that have multiple filesystems (e.g. /home on NFS) and offer to do the right thing. We also have better support for new Ubuntu distributions (both as host and as guest). This means, we can now test on "precise". Added a lot of extra error handling to catch common problems and either fix them or offer suggestions on how the user can fix them. For example, we now detect if the user tries to re-install the same chroot environment multiple times; and we then offer to delete or overwrite the old installation. We also detect if a chroot environment is still in active use, and then refuse to damage it. In order to help users, who accidentally left an old chroot enviroment running, we have added a "clean up" option to the wrapper script. We automatically invoke from, so users only need to run and then answer a couple of questions. BUG=none TEST=run on a Ubuntu machine and install both lucid32 and precise32. Verify that afterwards, we can build Chrome inside the chroot. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'build/')
1 files changed, 513 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/build/ b/build/
index 0464cd2..bad2680 100755
--- a/build/
+++ b/build/
@@ -10,10 +10,20 @@
# N. B. it is unlikely that this script will ever work on anything other than a
# Debian-derived system.
+# Older Debian based systems had both "admin" and "adm" groups, with "admin"
+# apparently being used in more places. Newer distributions have standardized
+# on just the "adm" group. Check /etc/group for the prefered name of the
+# administrator group.
+admin=$(grep '^admin:' /etc/group >&/dev/null && echo admin || echo adm)
usage() {
echo "usage: ${0##*/} [-m mirror] [-g group,...] [-s] [-c]"
+ echo "-b dir additional directories that should be bind mounted,"
+ echo ' or "NONE".'
+ echo " Default: if local filesystems present, ask user for help"
echo "-g group,... groups that can use the chroot unauthenticated"
- echo " Default: 'admin' and current user's group ('$(id -gn)')"
+ echo " Default: '${admin}' and current user's group ('$(id -gn)')"
+ echo "-l List all installed chroot environments"
echo "-m mirror an alternate repository mirror for package downloads"
echo "-s configure default deb-srcs"
echo "-c always copy 64bit helper binaries to 32bit chroot"
@@ -22,12 +32,30 @@ usage() {
process_opts() {
- while getopts ":g:m:sch" OPTNAME; do
+ while getopts ":b:g:lm:sch" OPTNAME; do
case "$OPTNAME" in
+ b)
+ if [ "${OPTARG}" = "NONE" -a -z "${bind_mounts}" ]; then
+ bind_mounts="${OPTARG}"
+ else
+ if [ "${bind_mounts}" = "NONE" -o "${OPTARG}" = "${OPTARG#/}" -o \
+ ! -d "${OPTARG}" ]; then
+ echo "Invalid -b option(s)"
+ usage
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ bind_mounts="${bind_mounts}
+${OPTARG} ${OPTARG} none rw,bind 0 0"
+ fi
+ ;;
[ -n "${OPTARG}" ] &&
+ l)
+ list_all_chroots
+ exit
+ ;;
if [ -n "${mirror}" ]; then
echo "You can only specify exactly one mirror location"
@@ -66,6 +94,38 @@ process_opts() {
+list_all_chroots() {
+ for i in /var/lib/chroot/*; do
+ i="${i##*/}"
+ [ "${i}" = "*" ] && continue
+ [ -x "/usr/local/bin/${i%bit}" ] || continue
+ grep -qs "^\[${i%bit}\]\$" /etc/schroot/schroot.conf || continue
+ [ -r "/etc/schroot/script-${i}" -a \
+ -r "/etc/schroot/mount-${i}" ] || continue
+ echo "${i%bit}"
+ done
+getkey() {
+ (
+ trap 'stty echo -iuclc icanon 2>/dev/null' EXIT INT TERM QUIT HUP
+ stty -echo iuclc -icanon 2>/dev/null
+ dd count=1 bs=1 2>/dev/null
+ )
+chr() {
+ printf "\\$(printf '%03o' "$1")"
+ord() {
+ printf '%d' $(printf '%c' "$1" | od -tu1 -An)
+is_network_drive() {
+ stat -c %T -f "$1/" 2>/dev/null |
+ egrep -qs '^nfs|cifs|smbfs'
# Check that we are running as a regular user
[ "$(id -nu)" = root ] && {
@@ -73,12 +133,16 @@ process_opts() {
"password if requested" >&2
exit 1
-mkdir -p "$HOME/chroot/"
process_opts "$@"
+echo "This script will help you through the process of installing a"
+echo "Debian or Ubuntu distribution in a chroot environment. You will"
+echo "have to provide your \"sudo\" password when requested."
# Error handler
-trap 'exit 1' INT TERM QUIT
+trap 'exit 1' INT TERM QUIT HUP
trap 'sudo apt-get clean; tput bel; echo; echo Failed' EXIT
# Install any missing applications that this script relies on. If these packages
@@ -87,7 +151,7 @@ trap 'sudo apt-get clean; tput bel; echo; echo Failed' EXIT
# And as this script only needs the packages once, there is no good reason to
# introduce a hard dependency on things such as dchroot and debootstrap.
-for i in dchroot debootstrap; do
+for i in dchroot debootstrap libwww-perl; do
[ -d /usr/share/doc/"$i" ] || dep="$dep $i"
[ -n "$dep" ] && sudo apt-get -y install $dep
@@ -115,6 +179,7 @@ j=1; for i in $targets; do
[ "$j" -eq "$n" ] && { distname="$i"; break; }
# On x86-64, ask whether the user wants to install x86-32 or x86-64
@@ -129,23 +194,45 @@ if [ "$(uname -m)" = x86_64 ]; then
[ "${arch}" == 32 ] && archflag="--arch i386" || archflag="--arch amd64"
+ echo
-# Don't overwrite an existing installation
+# Don't accidentally overwrite an existing installation
[ -d /var/lib/chroot/"${target}" ] && {
- echo "This chroot already exists on your machine." >&2
- echo "Delete /var/lib/chroot/${target} if you want to start over." >&2
- exit 1
+ while :; do
+ echo "This chroot already exists on your machine."
+ if schroot -l --all-sessions 2>&1 |
+ sed 's/^session://' |
+ grep -qs "^${target%bit}-"; then
+ echo "And it appears to be in active use. Terminate all programs that"
+ echo "are currently using the chroot environment and then re-run this"
+ echo "script."
+ echo "If you still get an error message, you might have stale mounts"
+ echo "that you forgot to delete. You can always clean up mounts by"
+ echo "executing \"${target%bit} -c\"."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ echo "I can abort installation, I can overwrite the existing chroot,"
+ echo "or I can delete the old one and then exit. What would you like to"
+ printf "do (a/o/d)? "
+ read choice
+ case "${choice}" in
+ a|A) exit 1;;
+ o|O) sudo rm -rf "/var/lib/chroot/${target}"; break;;
+ d|D) sudo rm -rf "/var/lib/chroot/${target}"; exit 0;;
+ esac
+ done
+ echo
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/chroot/"${target}"
# Offer to include additional standard repositories for Ubuntu-based chroots.
-grep /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/"${distname}" >&/dev/null && {
+grep -qs /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/"${distname}" && {
while :; do
echo "Would you like to add ${distname}-updates and ${distname}-security "
- echo -n "to the chroot's sources.list (y/n)? "
+ printf "to the chroot's sources.list (y/n)? "
read alt_repos
case "${alt_repos}" in
@@ -157,8 +244,75 @@ grep /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/"${distname}" >&/dev/null && {
+ echo
+# Check for non-standard file system mount points and ask the user whether
+# they should be imported into the chroot environment
+# We limit to the first 26 mount points that much some basic heuristics,
+# because a) that allows us to enumerate choices with a single character,
+# and b) if we find more than 26 mount points, then these are probably
+# false-positives and something is very unusual about the system's
+# configuration. No need to spam the user with even more information that
+# is likely completely irrelevant.
+if [ -z "${bind_mounts}" ]; then
+ mounts="$(awk '$2 != "/" && $2 !~ "^/boot" && $2 !~ "^/home" &&
+ $2 !~ "^/media" && $2 !~ "^/run" &&
+ ($3 ~ "ext[2-4]" || $3 == "reiserfs" || $3 == "btrfs" ||
+ $3 == "xfs" || $3 == "jfs" || $3 == "u?msdos" ||
+ $3 == "v?fat" || $3 == "hfs" || $3 == "ntfs" ||
+ $3 ~ "nfs[4-9]?" || $3 == "smbfs" || $3 == "cifs") {
+ print $2
+ }' /proc/mounts |
+ head -n26)"
+ if [ -n "${mounts}" ]; then
+ echo "You appear to have non-standard mount points that you"
+ echo "might want to import into the chroot environment:"
+ echo
+ sel=
+ while :; do
+ # Print a menu, listing all non-default mounts of local or network
+ # file systems.
+ j=1; for m in ${mounts}; do
+ c="$(printf $(printf '\\%03o' $((64+$j))))"
+ echo "$sel" | grep -qs $c &&
+ state="mounted in chroot" || state="$(tput el)"
+ printf " $c) %-40s${state}\n" "$m"
+ j=$(($j+1))
+ done
+ # Allow user to interactively (de-)select any of the entries
+ echo
+ printf "Select mount points that you want to be included or press %s" \
+ "SPACE to continue"
+ c="$(getkey | tr a-z A-Z)"
+ [ "$c" == " " ] && { echo; echo; break; }
+ if [ -z "$c" ] ||
+ [ "$c" '<' 'A' -o $(ord "$c") -gt $((64 + $(ord "$j"))) ]; then
+ # Invalid input, ring the console bell
+ tput bel
+ else
+ # Toggle the selection for the given entry
+ if echo "$sel" | grep -qs $c; then
+ sel="$(printf "$sel" | sed "s/$c//")"
+ else
+ sel="$sel$c"
+ fi
+ fi
+ # Reposition cursor to the top of the list of entries
+ tput cuu $(($j + 1))
+ echo
+ done
+ fi
+ j=1; for m in ${mounts}; do
+ c="$(chr $(($j + 64)))"
+ if echo "$sel" | grep -qs $c; then
+ bind_mounts="${bind_mounts}$m $m none rw,bind 0 0
+ fi
+ j=$(($j+1))
+ done
# Remove stale entry from /etc/schroot/schroot.conf. Entries start
# with the target name in square brackets, followed by an arbitrary
# number of lines. The entry stops when either the end of file has
@@ -171,7 +325,7 @@ sudo sed -ni '/^[[]'"${target%bit}"']$/,${:1;n;/^[[]/b2;b1;:2;p;n;b2};p' \
# Download base system. This takes some time
if [ -z "${mirror}" ]; then
- grep /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/"${distname}" >&/dev/null &&
+ grep -qs /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/"${distname}" &&
mirror="" ||
@@ -179,47 +333,177 @@ fi
# Add new entry to /etc/schroot/schroot.conf
-grep /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/"${distname}" >&/dev/null &&
+grep -qs /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/"${distname}" &&
brand="Ubuntu" || brand="Debian"
if [ -z "${chroot_groups}" ]; then
- chroot_groups="admin,$(id -gn)"
+ chroot_groups="${admin},$(id -gn)"
+# Older versions of schroot wanted a "priority=" line, whereas recent
+# versions deprecate "priority=" and warn if they see it. We don't have
+# a good feature test, but scanning for the string "priority=" in the
+# existing "schroot.conf" file is a good indication of what to do.
+priority=$(grep -qs 'priority=' /etc/schroot/schroot.conf &&
+ echo 'priority=3' || :)
sudo sh -c 'cat >>/etc/schroot/schroot.conf' <<EOF
description=${brand} ${distname} ${arch}
personality=linux$([ "${arch}" != 64bit ] && echo 32)
-# Set up a special directory that changes contents depending on the target
-# that is executing.
-sed '/^FSTAB=/s,/mount-defaults",/mount-'"${target}"'",' \
+# Set up a list of mount points that is specific to this
+# chroot environment.
+sed '/^FSTAB=/s,"[^"]*","/etc/schroot/mount-'"${target}"'",' \
/etc/schroot/script-defaults |
sudo sh -c 'cat >/etc/schroot/script-'"${target}"
sed '\,^/home[/[:space:]],s/\([,[:space:]]\)bind[[:space:]]/\1rbind /' \
/etc/schroot/mount-defaults |
sudo sh -c 'cat > /etc/schroot/mount-'"${target}"
-echo "$HOME/chroot/.${target} $HOME/chroot none rw,bind 0 0" |
+# Add the extra mount points that the user told us about
+[ -n "${bind_mounts}" -a "${bind_mounts}" != "NONE" ] &&
+ printf "${bind_mounts}" |
+ sudo sh -c 'cat >>/etc/schroot/mount-'"${target}"
+# If this system has a "/media" mountpoint, import it into the chroot
+# environment. Most modern distributions use this mount point to
+# automatically mount devices such as CDROMs, USB sticks, etc...
+if [ -d /media ] &&
+ ! grep -qs '^/media' /etc/schroot/mount-"${target}"; then
+ echo '/media /media none rw,rbind 0 0' |
+ sudo sh -c 'cat >>/etc/schroot/mount-'"${target}"
+# Share /dev/shm and possibly /run/shm
+grep -qs '^/dev/shm' /etc/schroot/mount-"${target}" ||
+ echo '/dev/shm /dev/shm none rw,bind 0 0' |
+ sudo sh -c 'cat >>/etc/schroot/mount-'"${target}"
+if [ -d "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/run" ] &&
+ ! grep -qs '^/run/shm' /etc/schroot/mount-"${target}"; then
+ { [ -d /run ] && echo '/run/shm /run/shm none rw,bind 0 0' ||
+ echo '/dev/shm /run/shm none rw,bind 0 0'; } |
+ sudo sh -c 'cat >>/etc/schroot/mount-'"${target}"
+# Set up a special directory that changes contents depending on the target
+# that is executing.
+d="$(readlink -f "${HOME}/chroot" 2>/dev/null || echo "${HOME}/chroot")"
+echo "${s} ${d} none rw,bind 0 0" |
sudo sh -c 'cat >>/etc/schroot/mount-'"${target}"
-mkdir -p "$HOME/chroot/.${target}"
+mkdir -p "${s}"
# Install a helper script to launch commands in the chroot
-sudo sh -c 'cat >/usr/local/bin/'"${target%bit}" <<EOF
+sudo sh -c 'cat >/usr/local/bin/'"${target%bit}" <<'EOF'
-if [ \$# -eq 0 ]; then
- exec schroot -c ${target%bit} -p
+wrap() {
+ # Word-wrap the text passed-in on stdin. Optionally, on continuation lines
+ # insert the same number of spaces as the number of characters in the
+ # parameter(s) passed to this function.
+ # If the "fold" program cannot be found, or if the actual width of the
+ # terminal cannot be determined, this function doesn't attempt to do any
+ # wrapping.
+ local f="$(type -P fold)"
+ [ -z "${f}" ] && { cat; return; }
+ local c="$(stty -a </dev/tty 2>/dev/null |
+ sed 's/.*columns[[:space:]]*\([0-9]*\).*/\1/;t;d')"
+ [ -z "${c}" ] && { cat; return; }
+ local i="$(echo "$*"|sed 's/./ /g')"
+ local j="$(printf %s "${i}"|wc -c)"
+ if [ "${c}" -gt "${j}" ]; then
+ dd bs=1 count="${j}" 2>/dev/null
+ "${f}" -sw "$((${c}-${j}))" | sed '2,$s/^/'"${i}"'/'
+ else
+ "${f}" -sw "${c}"
+ fi
+help() {
+ echo "Usage ${0##*/} [-h|--help] [-c|--clean] [-C|--clean-all] [-l|--list] [--] args" | wrap "Usage ${0##*/} "
+ echo " help: print this message" | wrap " "
+ echo " list: list all known chroot environments" | wrap " "
+ echo " clean: remove all old chroot sessions for \"${chroot}\"" | wrap " "
+ echo " clean-all: remove all old chroot sessions for all environments" | wrap " "
+ exit 0
+clean() {
+ local s t rc
+ rc=0
+ for s in $(schroot -l --all-sessions); do
+ if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+ t="${s#session:}"
+ [ "${t#${chroot}-}" == "${t}" ] && continue
+ fi
+ if ls -l /proc/*/{cwd,fd} 2>/dev/null |
+ fgrep -qs "/var/lib/schroot/mount/${t}"; then
+ echo "Session \"${t}\" still has active users, not cleaning up" | wrap
+ rc=1
+ continue
+ fi
+ schroot -c "${s}" -e || rc=1
+ done
+ exit ${rc}
+list() {
+ for e in $(schroot -l); do
+ e="${e#chroot:}"
+ [ -x "/usr/local/bin/${e}" ] || continue
+ if schroot -l --all-sessions 2>/dev/null |
+ sed 's/^session://' |
+ grep -qs "^${e}-"; then
+ echo "${e} is currently active"
+ else
+ echo "${e}"
+ fi
+ done
+ exit 0
+while [ "$#" -ne 0 ]; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --) shift; break;;
+ -h|--help) shift; help;;
+ -l|--list) shift; list;;
+ -c|--clean) shift; clean "${chroot}";;
+ -C|--clean-all) shift; clean;;
+ *) break;;
+ esac
+session="$(schroot -c "${chroot}" -b)"
+if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+ schroot -c "${session}" -r -p
- p="\$1"; shift
- exec schroot -c ${target%bit} -p "\$p" -- "\$@"
+ p="$1"; shift
+ schroot -c "${session}" -r -p "$p" -- "$@"
-exit 1
+i=$(schroot -c "${session}" -r -p ls -- -id /proc/self/root/. |
+ awk '{ print $1 }') 2>/dev/null
+while [ -n "$i" ]; do
+ pids=$(ls -id1 /proc/*/root/. 2>/dev/null |
+ sed -e 's,^[^0-9]*'$i'.*/\([1-9][0-9]*\)/.*$,\1,
+ t
+ d') >/dev/null 2>&1
+ [ -z "$pids" ] && break
+ kill -9 $pids
+schroot -c "${session}" -e
+exit $rc
sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/"${target%bit}"
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/"${target%bit}"
@@ -237,40 +521,62 @@ sudo sed -i '/^deb .* [^ -]\+ main$/p
d' "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list"
# Add a few more repositories to the chroot
+[ -r "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list" ] &&
+sudo sed -i 's/ main$/ main restricted universe multiverse/' \
+ "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list"
+# Add the Ubuntu "partner" repository, if available
+if [ -r "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list" ] &&
+ HEAD "${distname}/partner" \
+ >&/dev/null; then
+ sudo sh -c '
+ echo "deb" \
+ "'"${distname}"' partner" \
+ >>"/var/lib/chroot/'"${target}"'/etc/apt/sources.list"'
+# Add source repositories, if the user requested we do so
[ "${add_srcs}" = "y" -a \
-r "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list" ] &&
-sudo sed -i 's/ main$/ main restricted universe multiverse/
- p
- t1
- d
- :1;s/^deb/deb-src/
- t
- d' "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list"
+sudo sed -i '/^deb[^-]/p
+ s/^deb\([^-]\)/deb-src\1/' \
+ "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list"
# Update packages
-sudo schroot -c "${target%bit}" -p -- /bin/sh -c '
+sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" /bin/sh -c '
apt-get update; apt-get -y dist-upgrade' || :
# Install a couple of missing packages
for i in debian-keyring ubuntu-keyring locales sudo; do
[ -d "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/share/doc/$i" ] ||
- sudo schroot -c "${target%bit}" -p -- apt-get -y install "$i" || :
+ sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" apt-get -y install "$i" || :
# Configure locales
-sudo schroot -c "${target%bit}" -p -- /bin/sh -c '
+sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" /bin/sh -c '
l='"${LANG:-en_US}"'; l="${l%%.*}"
[ -r /etc/locale.gen ] &&
sed -i "s/^# \($l\)/\1/" /etc/locale.gen
locale-gen $LANG en_US en_US.UTF-8' || :
+# Enable multi-arch support, if available
+sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" dpkg --assert-multi-arch >&/dev/null &&
+ [ -r "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list" ] && {
+ sudo sed -i 's/ / [arch=amd64,i386] /' \
+ "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/apt/sources.list"
+ [ -d /var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/ ] &&
+ echo foreign-architecture \
+ $([ "${arch}" = "32bit" ] && echo amd64 || echo i386) |
+ sudo sh -c "cat >'/var/lib/chroot/${target}/etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/multiarch'"
# Configure "sudo" package
-sudo schroot -c "${target%bit}" -p -- /bin/sh -c '
- egrep '"'^$(id -nu) '"' /etc/sudoers >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
+sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" /bin/sh -c '
+ egrep -qs '"'^$(id -nu) '"' /etc/sudoers ||
echo '"'$(id -nu) ALL=(ALL) ALL'"' >>/etc/sudoers'
# Install a few more commonly used packages
-sudo schroot -c "${target%bit}" -p -- apt-get -y install \
+sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" apt-get -y install \
autoconf automake1.9 dpkg-dev g++-multilib gcc-multilib gdb less libtool \
@@ -278,31 +584,165 @@ sudo schroot -c "${target%bit}" -p -- apt-get -y install \
# as 64bit. This is only done automatically if the chroot distro is the same as
# the host, otherwise there might be incompatibilities in build settings or
# runtime dependencies. The user can force it with the '-c' flag.
-host_distro=$(grep DISTRIB_CODENAME /etc/lsb-release 2>/dev/null | \
+host_distro=$(grep -s DISTRIB_CODENAME /etc/lsb-release | \
cut -d "=" -f 2)
if [ "${copy_64}" = "y" -o \
"${host_distro}" = "${distname}" -a "${arch}" = 32bit ] && \
file /bin/bash 2>/dev/null | grep -q x86-64; then
- readlinepkg=$(sudo schroot -c "${target%bit}" -p -- sh -c \
+ readlinepkg=$(sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" sh -c \
'apt-cache search "lib64readline.\$" | sort | tail -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1')
- sudo schroot -c "${target%bit}" -p -- apt-get -y install \
+ sudo "/usr/local/bin/${target%bit}" apt-get -y install \
lib64expat1 lib64ncurses5 ${readlinepkg} lib64z1
- for i in binutils gdb strace; do
+ for i in binutils gdb; do
[ -d /usr/share/doc/"$i" ] || dep="$dep $i"
[ -n "$dep" ] && sudo apt-get -y install $dep
- sudo cp /usr/bin/gdb "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/local/bin/"
- sudo cp /usr/bin/ld "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/local/bin/"
+ sudo mkdir -p "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/local/lib/amd64"
for i in libbfd libpython; do
lib="$({ ldd /usr/bin/ld; ldd /usr/bin/gdb; } |
- grep "$i" | awk '{ print $3 }')"
+ grep -s "$i" | awk '{ print $3 }')"
if [ -n "$lib" -a -r "$lib" ]; then
- sudo cp "$lib" "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/lib64/"
+ sudo cp "$lib" "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/local/lib/amd64"
for lib in libssl libcrypt; do
- sudo cp /usr/lib/$lib* "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/lib64/" || :
+ for path in /usr/lib /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu; do
+ sudo cp $path/$lib* \
+ "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/local/lib/amd64/" >&/dev/null || :
+ done
+ done
+ for i in gdb ld; do
+ sudo cp /usr/bin/$i "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/local/lib/amd64/"
+ sudo sh -c "cat >'/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/local/bin/$i'" <<EOF
+exec /lib64/ --library-path /usr/local/lib/amd64 \
+ /usr/local/lib/amd64/$i "\$@"
+ sudo chmod 755 "/var/lib/chroot/${target}/usr/local/bin/$i"
+ done
+# If the script can be found, offer to run it now
+script="$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))/"
+if [ -x "${script}" ]; then
+ while :; do
+ echo
+ echo "If you plan on building Chrome inside of the new chroot environment,"
+ echo "you now have to install the build dependencies. Do you want me to"
+ printf "start the script that does this for you (y/n)? "
+ read install_deps
+ case "${install_deps}" in
+ y|Y)
+ echo
+ # We prefer running the script in-place, but this might not be
+ # possible, if it lives on a network filesystem that denies
+ # access to root.
+ tmp_script=
+ if ! sudo "${target%bit}" sh -c "[ -x '${script}' ]" >&/dev/null; then
+ tmp_script="/tmp/${script##*/}"
+ cp "${script}" "${tmp_script}"
+ fi
+ # Some distributions automatically start an instance of the system-
+ # wide dbus daemon, when installing the Chrome build depencies. This
+ # prevents the chroot session from being closed. So, we always try
+ # to shut down any running instance of dbus.
+ sudo "${target%bit}" sh -c "${script} --no-lib32;
+ rc=$?;
+ /etc/init.d/dbus stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :;
+ exit $rc"
+ rc=$?
+ [ -n "${tmp_script}" ] && rm -f "${tmp_script}"
+ [ $rc -ne 0 ] && exit $rc
+ break
+ ;;
+ n|N)
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ echo
+# Check whether ~/chroot is on a (slow) network file system and offer to
+# relocate it. Also offer relocation, if the user appears to have multiple
+# spindles (as indicated by "${bind_mount}" being non-empty).
+# We only offer this option, if it doesn't look as if a chroot environment
+# is currently active. Otherwise, relocation is unlikely to work and it
+# can be difficult for the user to recover from the failed attempt to relocate
+# the ~/chroot directory.
+# We don't aim to solve this problem for every configuration,
+# but try to help with the common cases. For more advanced configuration
+# options, the user can always manually adjust things.
+mkdir -p "${HOME}/chroot/"
+if [ ! -h "${HOME}/chroot" ] &&
+ ! egrep -qs '^[^[:space:]]*/chroot' /etc/fstab &&
+ { [ -n "${bind_mounts}" -a "${bind_mounts}" != "NONE" ] ||
+ is_network_drive "${HOME}/chroot"; } &&
+ ! egrep -qs '/var/lib/[^/]*chroot/.*/chroot' /proc/mounts; then
+ echo "${HOME}/chroot is currently located on the same device as your"
+ echo "home directory."
+ echo "This might not be what you want. Do you want me to move it somewhere"
+ echo "else?"
+ # If the computer has multiple spindles, many users configure all or part of
+ # the secondary hard disk to be writable by the primary user of this machine.
+ # Make some reasonable effort to detect this type of configuration and
+ # then offer a good location for where to put the ~/chroot directory.
+ suggest=
+ for i in $(echo "${bind_mounts}"|cut -d ' ' -f 1); do
+ if [ -d "$i" -a -w "$i" -a \( ! -a "$i/chroot" -o -w "$i/chroot/." \) ] &&
+ ! is_network_drive "$i"; then
+ suggest="$i"
+ else
+ for j in "$i/"*; do
+ if [ -d "$j" -a -w "$j" -a \
+ \( ! -a "$j/chroot" -o -w "$j/chroot/." \) ] &&
+ ! is_network_drive "$j"; then
+ suggest="$j"
+ else
+ for k in "$j/"*; do
+ if [ -d "$k" -a -w "$k" -a \
+ \( ! -a "$k/chroot" -o -w "$k/chroot/." \) ] &&
+ ! is_network_drive "$k"; then
+ suggest="$k"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ [ -n "${suggest}" ] && break
+ done
+ fi
+ [ -n "${suggest}" ] && break
+ done
+ def_suggest="${HOME}"
+ if [ -n "${suggest}" ]; then
+ # For home directories that reside on network drives, make our suggestion
+ # the default option. For home directories that reside on a local drive,
+ # require that the user manually enters the new location.
+ if is_network_drive "${HOME}"; then
+ def_suggest="${suggest}"
+ else
+ echo "A good location would probably be in \"${suggest}\""
+ fi
+ fi
+ while :; do
+ printf "Physical location [${def_suggest}]: "
+ read dir
+ [ -z "${dir}" ] && dir="${def_suggest}"
+ [ "${dir%%/}" == "${HOME%%/}" ] && break
+ if ! [ -d "${dir}" -a -w "${dir}" ] ||
+ [ -a "${dir}/chroot" -a ! -w "${dir}/chroot/." ]; then
+ echo "Cannot write to ${dir}/chroot. Please try again"
+ else
+ mv "${HOME}/chroot" "${dir}/chroot"
+ ln -s "${dir}/chroot" "${HOME}/chroot"
+ for i in $(list_all_chroots); do
+ sudo "$i" mkdir -p "${dir}/chroot"
+ done
+ sudo sed -i "s,${HOME}/chroot,${dir}/chroot,g" /etc/schroot/mount-*
+ break
+ fi
@@ -310,9 +750,10 @@ fi
sudo schroot -c "${target%bit}" -p -- apt-get clean
sudo apt-get clean
-# Let the user know what we did
-trap '' INT TERM QUIT
trap '' EXIT
+# Let the user know what we did
cat <<EOF
@@ -321,7 +762,26 @@ Successfully installed ${distname} ${arch}
You can run programs inside of the chroot by invoking the "${target%bit}"
-Your home directory is shared between the host and the chroot. But I configured
-$HOME/chroot to be private to the chroot environment. You can use it
-for files that need to differ between environments.
+This command can be used with arguments, in order to just run a single
+program inside of the chroot environment (e.g. "${target%bit} make chrome")
+or without arguments, in order to run an interactive shell session inside
+of the chroot environment.
+If you need to run things as "root", you can use "sudo" (e.g. try
+"sudo ${target%bit} apt-get update").
+Your home directory is shared between the host and the chroot. But I
+configured "${HOME}/chroot" to be private to the chroot environment.
+You can use it for files that need to differ between environments. This
+would be a good place to store binaries that you have built from your
+source files.
+For Chrome, this probably means you want to make your "out" directory a
+symbolic link that points somewhere inside of "${HOME}/chroot".
+You still need to run "gclient runhooks" whenever you switch from building
+outside of the chroot to inside of the chroot. But you will find that you
+don't have to repeatedly erase and then completely rebuild all your object
+and binary files.