path: root/cc/TiledLayerChromium.cpp
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mode: <>2012-08-25 00:09:14 +0000 <>2012-08-25 00:09:14 +0000
commit94f206c1c75eb8cc4df2225a1c5c9c7b6fc96679 (patch)
tree530f51d5c75459999e4adf2a6895884ce1c15ce0 /cc/TiledLayerChromium.cpp
parent56235947f2b023fc63cfad692c56df4e92199848 (diff)
Here are gyp targets and stubs for compiling libcc and the webkit_compositor bindings in chromium. Everything is guarded behind the off-by-default use_libcc_for_compositor gyp variable. I haven't included the actual code here, but there are scripts to sync. I plan to land + manually sync the code into place until we're ready to flip the gyp switch.
Snapshot from r126652 BUG= Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'cc/TiledLayerChromium.cpp')
1 files changed, 791 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cc/TiledLayerChromium.cpp b/cc/TiledLayerChromium.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a6e4b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cc/TiledLayerChromium.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,791 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "TiledLayerChromium.h"
+#include "CCLayerImpl.h"
+#include "CCLayerTreeHost.h"
+#include "CCOverdrawMetrics.h"
+#include "CCTextureUpdateQueue.h"
+#include "CCTiledLayerImpl.h"
+#include "GraphicsContext3D.h"
+#include "Region.h"
+#include "TextStream.h"
+#include <wtf/CurrentTime.h>
+#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
+using namespace std;
+using WebKit::WebTransformationMatrix;
+namespace WebCore {
+class UpdatableTile : public CCLayerTilingData::Tile {
+ static PassOwnPtr<UpdatableTile> create(PassOwnPtr<LayerTextureUpdater::Texture> texture)
+ {
+ return adoptPtr(new UpdatableTile(texture));
+ }
+ LayerTextureUpdater::Texture* texture() { return m_texture.get(); }
+ CCPrioritizedTexture* managedTexture() { return m_texture->texture(); }
+ bool isDirty() const { return !dirtyRect.isEmpty(); }
+ // Reset update state for the current frame. This should occur before painting
+ // for all layers. Since painting one layer can invalidate another layer
+ // after it has already painted, mark all non-dirty tiles as valid before painting
+ // such that invalidations during painting won't prevent them from being pushed.
+ void resetUpdateState()
+ {
+ updateRect = IntRect();
+ occluded = false;
+ partialUpdate = false;
+ validForFrame = !isDirty();
+ }
+ // This promises to update the tile and therefore also guarantees the tile
+ // will be valid for this frame. dirtyRect is copied into updateRect so
+ // we can continue to track re-entrant invalidations that occur during painting.
+ void markForUpdate()
+ {
+ validForFrame = true;
+ updateRect = dirtyRect;
+ dirtyRect = IntRect();
+ }
+ IntRect dirtyRect;
+ IntRect updateRect;
+ bool partialUpdate;
+ bool validForFrame;
+ bool occluded;
+ bool isInUseOnImpl;
+ explicit UpdatableTile(PassOwnPtr<LayerTextureUpdater::Texture> texture)
+ : partialUpdate(false)
+ , validForFrame(false)
+ , occluded(false)
+ , isInUseOnImpl(false)
+ , m_texture(texture)
+ {
+ }
+ OwnPtr<LayerTextureUpdater::Texture> m_texture;
+ : LayerChromium()
+ , m_textureFormat(GraphicsContext3D::INVALID_ENUM)
+ , m_skipsDraw(false)
+ , m_failedUpdate(false)
+ , m_sampledTexelFormat(LayerTextureUpdater::SampledTexelFormatInvalid)
+ , m_tilingOption(AutoTile)
+ m_tiler = CCLayerTilingData::create(IntSize(), CCLayerTilingData::HasBorderTexels);
+PassOwnPtr<CCLayerImpl> TiledLayerChromium::createCCLayerImpl()
+ return CCTiledLayerImpl::create(id());
+void TiledLayerChromium::updateTileSizeAndTilingOption()
+ ASSERT(layerTreeHost());
+ const IntSize& defaultTileSize = layerTreeHost()->settings().defaultTileSize;
+ const IntSize& maxUntiledLayerSize = layerTreeHost()->settings().maxUntiledLayerSize;
+ int layerWidth = contentBounds().width();
+ int layerHeight = contentBounds().height();
+ const IntSize tileSize(min(defaultTileSize.width(), layerWidth), min(defaultTileSize.height(), layerHeight));
+ // Tile if both dimensions large, or any one dimension large and the other
+ // extends into a second tile but the total layer area isn't larger than that
+ // of the largest possible untiled layer. This heuristic allows for long skinny layers
+ // (e.g. scrollbars) that are Nx1 tiles to minimize wasted texture space but still avoids
+ // creating very large tiles.
+ const bool anyDimensionLarge = layerWidth > maxUntiledLayerSize.width() || layerHeight > maxUntiledLayerSize.height();
+ const bool anyDimensionOneTile = (layerWidth <= defaultTileSize.width() || layerHeight <= defaultTileSize.height())
+ && (layerWidth * layerHeight) <= (maxUntiledLayerSize.width() * maxUntiledLayerSize.height());
+ const bool autoTiled = anyDimensionLarge && !anyDimensionOneTile;
+ bool isTiled;
+ if (m_tilingOption == AlwaysTile)
+ isTiled = true;
+ else if (m_tilingOption == NeverTile)
+ isTiled = false;
+ else
+ isTiled = autoTiled;
+ IntSize requestedSize = isTiled ? tileSize : contentBounds();
+ const int maxSize = layerTreeHost()->rendererCapabilities().maxTextureSize;
+ IntSize clampedSize = requestedSize.shrunkTo(IntSize(maxSize, maxSize));
+ setTileSize(clampedSize);
+void TiledLayerChromium::updateBounds()
+ IntSize oldBounds = m_tiler->bounds();
+ IntSize newBounds = contentBounds();
+ if (oldBounds == newBounds)
+ return;
+ m_tiler->setBounds(newBounds);
+ // Invalidate any areas that the new bounds exposes.
+ Region oldRegion(IntRect(IntPoint(), oldBounds));
+ Region newRegion(IntRect(IntPoint(), newBounds));
+ newRegion.subtract(oldRegion);
+ Vector<IntRect> rects = newRegion.rects();
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < rects.size(); ++i)
+ invalidateContentRect(rects[i]);
+void TiledLayerChromium::setTileSize(const IntSize& size)
+ m_tiler->setTileSize(size);
+void TiledLayerChromium::setBorderTexelOption(CCLayerTilingData::BorderTexelOption borderTexelOption)
+ m_tiler->setBorderTexelOption(borderTexelOption);
+bool TiledLayerChromium::drawsContent() const
+ if (!LayerChromium::drawsContent())
+ return false;
+ bool hasMoreThanOneTile = m_tiler->numTilesX() > 1 || m_tiler->numTilesY() > 1;
+ if (m_tilingOption == NeverTile && hasMoreThanOneTile)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool TiledLayerChromium::needsContentsScale() const
+ return true;
+IntSize TiledLayerChromium::contentBounds() const
+ return IntSize(lroundf(bounds().width() * contentsScale()), lroundf(bounds().height() * contentsScale()));
+void TiledLayerChromium::setTilingOption(TilingOption tilingOption)
+ m_tilingOption = tilingOption;
+void TiledLayerChromium::setIsMask(bool isMask)
+ setTilingOption(isMask ? NeverTile : AutoTile);
+void TiledLayerChromium::pushPropertiesTo(CCLayerImpl* layer)
+ LayerChromium::pushPropertiesTo(layer);
+ CCTiledLayerImpl* tiledLayer = static_cast<CCTiledLayerImpl*>(layer);
+ tiledLayer->setSkipsDraw(m_skipsDraw);
+ tiledLayer->setContentsSwizzled(m_sampledTexelFormat != LayerTextureUpdater::SampledTexelFormatRGBA);
+ tiledLayer->setTilingData(*m_tiler);
+ Vector<UpdatableTile*> invalidTiles;
+ for (CCLayerTilingData::TileMap::const_iterator iter = m_tiler->tiles().begin(); iter != m_tiler->tiles().end(); ++iter) {
+ int i = iter->first.first;
+ int j = iter->first.second;
+ UpdatableTile* tile = static_cast<UpdatableTile*>(iter->second.get());
+ // FIXME: This should not ever be null.
+ if (!tile)
+ continue;
+ tile->isInUseOnImpl = false;
+ if (!tile->managedTexture()->haveBackingTexture()) {
+ invalidTiles.append(tile);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!tile->validForFrame)
+ continue;
+ tiledLayer->pushTileProperties(i, j, tile->managedTexture()->resourceId(), tile->opaqueRect());
+ tile->isInUseOnImpl = true;
+ }
+ for (Vector<UpdatableTile*>::const_iterator iter = invalidTiles.begin(); iter != invalidTiles.end(); ++iter)
+ m_tiler->takeTile((*iter)->i(), (*iter)->j());
+CCPrioritizedTextureManager* TiledLayerChromium::textureManager() const
+ if (!layerTreeHost())
+ return 0;
+ return layerTreeHost()->contentsTextureManager();
+void TiledLayerChromium::setLayerTreeHost(CCLayerTreeHost* host)
+ if (host && host != layerTreeHost()) {
+ for (CCLayerTilingData::TileMap::const_iterator iter = m_tiler->tiles().begin(); iter != m_tiler->tiles().end(); ++iter) {
+ UpdatableTile* tile = static_cast<UpdatableTile*>(iter->second.get());
+ // FIXME: This should not ever be null.
+ if (!tile)
+ continue;
+ tile->managedTexture()->setTextureManager(host->contentsTextureManager());
+ }
+ }
+ LayerChromium::setLayerTreeHost(host);
+UpdatableTile* TiledLayerChromium::tileAt(int i, int j) const
+ return static_cast<UpdatableTile*>(m_tiler->tileAt(i, j));
+UpdatableTile* TiledLayerChromium::createTile(int i, int j)
+ createTextureUpdaterIfNeeded();
+ OwnPtr<UpdatableTile> tile(UpdatableTile::create(textureUpdater()->createTexture(textureManager())));
+ tile->managedTexture()->setDimensions(m_tiler->tileSize(), m_textureFormat);
+ UpdatableTile* addedTile = tile.get();
+ m_tiler->addTile(tile.release(), i, j);
+ addedTile->dirtyRect = m_tiler->tileRect(addedTile);
+ // Temporary diagnostic crash.
+ if (!addedTile)
+ CRASH();
+ if (!tileAt(i, j))
+ CRASH();
+ return addedTile;
+void TiledLayerChromium::setNeedsDisplayRect(const FloatRect& dirtyRect)
+ float contentsWidthScale = static_cast<float>(contentBounds().width()) / bounds().width();
+ float contentsHeightScale = static_cast<float>(contentBounds().height()) / bounds().height();
+ FloatRect scaledDirtyRect(dirtyRect);
+ scaledDirtyRect.scale(contentsWidthScale, contentsHeightScale);
+ IntRect dirty = enclosingIntRect(scaledDirtyRect);
+ invalidateContentRect(dirty);
+ LayerChromium::setNeedsDisplayRect(dirtyRect);
+void TiledLayerChromium::setUseLCDText(bool useLCDText)
+ LayerChromium::setUseLCDText(useLCDText);
+ CCLayerTilingData::BorderTexelOption borderTexelOption;
+ // Always want border texels and GL_LINEAR due to pinch zoom.
+ borderTexelOption = CCLayerTilingData::HasBorderTexels;
+ borderTexelOption = useLCDText ? CCLayerTilingData::NoBorderTexels : CCLayerTilingData::HasBorderTexels;
+ setBorderTexelOption(borderTexelOption);
+void TiledLayerChromium::invalidateContentRect(const IntRect& contentRect)
+ updateBounds();
+ if (m_tiler->isEmpty() || contentRect.isEmpty() || m_skipsDraw)
+ return;
+ for (CCLayerTilingData::TileMap::const_iterator iter = m_tiler->tiles().begin(); iter != m_tiler->tiles().end(); ++iter) {
+ UpdatableTile* tile = static_cast<UpdatableTile*>(iter->second.get());
+ ASSERT(tile);
+ // FIXME: This should not ever be null.
+ if (!tile)
+ continue;
+ IntRect bound = m_tiler->tileRect(tile);
+ bound.intersect(contentRect);
+ tile->dirtyRect.unite(bound);
+ }
+// Returns true if tile is dirty and only part of it needs to be updated.
+bool TiledLayerChromium::tileOnlyNeedsPartialUpdate(UpdatableTile* tile)
+ return !tile->dirtyRect.contains(m_tiler->tileRect(tile));
+// Dirty tiles with valid textures needs buffered update to guarantee that
+// we don't modify textures currently used for drawing by the impl thread.
+bool TiledLayerChromium::tileNeedsBufferedUpdate(UpdatableTile* tile)
+ if (!tile->managedTexture()->haveBackingTexture())
+ return false;
+ if (!tile->isDirty())
+ return false;
+ if (!tile->isInUseOnImpl)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+bool TiledLayerChromium::updateTiles(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, CCTextureUpdateQueue& queue, const CCOcclusionTracker* occlusion, CCRenderingStats& stats, bool& didPaint)
+ didPaint = false;
+ createTextureUpdaterIfNeeded();
+ bool ignoreOcclusions = !occlusion;
+ if (!haveTexturesForTiles(left, top, right, bottom, ignoreOcclusions)) {
+ m_failedUpdate = true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ IntRect paintRect = markTilesForUpdate(left, top, right, bottom, ignoreOcclusions);
+ if (occlusion)
+ occlusion->overdrawMetrics().didPaint(paintRect);
+ if (paintRect.isEmpty())
+ return true;
+ didPaint = true;
+ updateTileTextures(paintRect, left, top, right, bottom, queue, occlusion, stats);
+ return true;
+void TiledLayerChromium::markOcclusionsAndRequestTextures(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, const CCOcclusionTracker* occlusion)
+ // There is some difficult dependancies between occlusions, recording occlusion metrics
+ // and requesting memory so those are encapsulated in this function:
+ // - We only want to call requestLate on unoccluded textures (to preserve
+ // memory for other layers when near OOM).
+ // - We only want to record occlusion metrics if all memory requests succeed.
+ int occludedTileCount = 0;
+ bool succeeded = true;
+ for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) {
+ for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) {
+ UpdatableTile* tile = tileAt(i, j);
+ ASSERT(tile); // Did setTexturePriorities get skipped?
+ // FIXME: This should not ever be null.
+ if (!tile)
+ continue;
+ ASSERT(!tile->occluded); // Did resetUpdateState get skipped? Are we doing more than one occlusion pass?
+ IntRect visibleTileRect = intersection(m_tiler->tileBounds(i, j), visibleContentRect());
+ if (occlusion && occlusion->occluded(this, visibleTileRect)) {
+ tile->occluded = true;
+ occludedTileCount++;
+ } else {
+ succeeded &= tile->managedTexture()->requestLate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!succeeded)
+ return;
+ // FIXME: Remove the loop and just pass the count!
+ for (int i = 0; i < occludedTileCount; i++)
+ occlusion->overdrawMetrics().didCullTileForUpload();
+bool TiledLayerChromium::haveTexturesForTiles(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, bool ignoreOcclusions)
+ for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) {
+ for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) {
+ UpdatableTile* tile = tileAt(i, j);
+ ASSERT(tile); // Did setTexturePriorites get skipped?
+ // FIXME: This should not ever be null.
+ if (!tile)
+ continue;
+ // Ensure the entire tile is dirty if we don't have the texture.
+ if (!tile->managedTexture()->haveBackingTexture())
+ tile->dirtyRect = m_tiler->tileRect(tile);
+ // If using occlusion and the visible region of the tile is occluded,
+ // don't reserve a texture or update the tile.
+ if (tile->occluded && !ignoreOcclusions)
+ continue;
+ if (!tile->managedTexture()->canAcquireBackingTexture())
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+IntRect TiledLayerChromium::markTilesForUpdate(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, bool ignoreOcclusions)
+ IntRect paintRect;
+ for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) {
+ for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) {
+ UpdatableTile* tile = tileAt(i, j);
+ ASSERT(tile); // Did setTexturePriorites get skipped?
+ // FIXME: This should not ever be null.
+ if (!tile)
+ continue;
+ if (tile->occluded && !ignoreOcclusions)
+ continue;
+ paintRect.unite(tile->dirtyRect);
+ tile->markForUpdate();
+ }
+ }
+ return paintRect;
+void TiledLayerChromium::updateTileTextures(const IntRect& paintRect, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, CCTextureUpdateQueue& queue, const CCOcclusionTracker* occlusion, CCRenderingStats& stats)
+ // The updateRect should be in layer space. So we have to convert the paintRect from content space to layer space.
+ m_updateRect = FloatRect(paintRect);
+ float widthScale = bounds().width() / static_cast<float>(contentBounds().width());
+ float heightScale = bounds().height() / static_cast<float>(contentBounds().height());
+ m_updateRect.scale(widthScale, heightScale);
+ // Calling prepareToUpdate() calls into WebKit to paint, which may have the side
+ // effect of disabling compositing, which causes our reference to the texture updater to be deleted.
+ // However, we can't free the memory backing the SkCanvas until the paint finishes,
+ // so we grab a local reference here to hold the updater alive until the paint completes.
+ RefPtr<LayerTextureUpdater> protector(textureUpdater());
+ IntRect paintedOpaqueRect;
+ textureUpdater()->prepareToUpdate(paintRect, m_tiler->tileSize(), 1 / widthScale, 1 / heightScale, paintedOpaqueRect, stats);
+ for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) {
+ for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) {
+ UpdatableTile* tile = tileAt(i, j);
+ ASSERT(tile); // Did setTexturePriorites get skipped?
+ // FIXME: This should not ever be null.
+ if (!tile)
+ continue;
+ IntRect tileRect = m_tiler->tileBounds(i, j);
+ // Use updateRect as the above loop copied the dirty rect for this frame to updateRect.
+ const IntRect& dirtyRect = tile->updateRect;
+ if (dirtyRect.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ // Save what was painted opaque in the tile. Keep the old area if the paint didn't touch it, and didn't paint some
+ // other part of the tile opaque.
+ IntRect tilePaintedRect = intersection(tileRect, paintRect);
+ IntRect tilePaintedOpaqueRect = intersection(tileRect, paintedOpaqueRect);
+ if (!tilePaintedRect.isEmpty()) {
+ IntRect paintInsideTileOpaqueRect = intersection(tile->opaqueRect(), tilePaintedRect);
+ bool paintInsideTileOpaqueRectIsNonOpaque = !tilePaintedOpaqueRect.contains(paintInsideTileOpaqueRect);
+ bool opaquePaintNotInsideTileOpaqueRect = !tilePaintedOpaqueRect.isEmpty() && !tile->opaqueRect().contains(tilePaintedOpaqueRect);
+ if (paintInsideTileOpaqueRectIsNonOpaque || opaquePaintNotInsideTileOpaqueRect)
+ tile->setOpaqueRect(tilePaintedOpaqueRect);
+ }
+ // sourceRect starts as a full-sized tile with border texels included.
+ IntRect sourceRect = m_tiler->tileRect(tile);
+ sourceRect.intersect(dirtyRect);
+ // Paint rect not guaranteed to line up on tile boundaries, so
+ // make sure that sourceRect doesn't extend outside of it.
+ sourceRect.intersect(paintRect);
+ tile->updateRect = sourceRect;
+ if (sourceRect.isEmpty())
+ continue;
+ tile->texture()->prepareRect(sourceRect, stats);
+ if (occlusion)
+ occlusion->overdrawMetrics().didUpload(WebTransformationMatrix(), sourceRect, tile->opaqueRect());
+ const IntPoint anchor = m_tiler->tileRect(tile).location();
+ // Calculate tile-space rectangle to upload into.
+ IntSize destOffset(sourceRect.x() - anchor.x(), sourceRect.y() - anchor.y());
+ if (destOffset.width() < 0)
+ CRASH();
+ if (destOffset.height() < 0)
+ CRASH();
+ // Offset from paint rectangle to this tile's dirty rectangle.
+ IntPoint paintOffset(sourceRect.x() - paintRect.x(), sourceRect.y() - paintRect.y());
+ if (paintOffset.x() < 0)
+ CRASH();
+ if (paintOffset.y() < 0)
+ CRASH();
+ if (paintOffset.x() + sourceRect.width() > paintRect.width())
+ CRASH();
+ if (paintOffset.y() + sourceRect.height() > paintRect.height())
+ CRASH();
+ TextureUploader::Parameters upload = { tile->texture(), sourceRect, destOffset };
+ if (tile->partialUpdate)
+ queue.appendPartialUpload(upload);
+ else
+ queue.appendFullUpload(upload);
+ }
+ }
+namespace {
+// This picks a small animated layer to be anything less than one viewport. This
+// is specifically for page transitions which are viewport-sized layers. The extra
+// 64 pixels is due to these layers being slightly larger than the viewport in some cases.
+bool isSmallAnimatedLayer(TiledLayerChromium* layer)
+ if (!layer->drawTransformIsAnimating() && !layer->screenSpaceTransformIsAnimating())
+ return false;
+ IntSize viewportSize = layer->layerTreeHost() ? layer->layerTreeHost()->deviceViewportSize() : IntSize();
+ IntRect contentRect(IntPoint::zero(), layer->contentBounds());
+ return contentRect.width() <= viewportSize.width() + 64
+ && contentRect.height() <= viewportSize.height() + 64;
+// FIXME: Remove this and make this based on distance once distance can be calculated
+// for offscreen layers. For now, prioritize all small animated layers after 512
+// pixels of pre-painting.
+void setPriorityForTexture(const CCPriorityCalculator& priorityCalc,
+ const IntRect& visibleRect,
+ const IntRect& tileRect,
+ bool drawsToRoot,
+ bool isSmallAnimatedLayer,
+ CCPrioritizedTexture* texture)
+ int priority = CCPriorityCalculator::lowestPriority();
+ if (!visibleRect.isEmpty())
+ priority = priorityCalc.priorityFromDistance(visibleRect, tileRect, drawsToRoot);
+ if (isSmallAnimatedLayer)
+ priority = CCPriorityCalculator::maxPriority(priority, priorityCalc.priorityFromDistance(512, drawsToRoot));
+ if (priority != CCPriorityCalculator::lowestPriority())
+ texture->setRequestPriority(priority);
+void TiledLayerChromium::setTexturePriorities(const CCPriorityCalculator& priorityCalc)
+ updateBounds();
+ resetUpdateState();
+ if (m_tiler->hasEmptyBounds())
+ return;
+ bool drawsToRoot = !renderTarget()->parent();
+ bool smallAnimatedLayer = isSmallAnimatedLayer(this);
+ // Minimally create the tiles in the desired pre-paint rect.
+ IntRect createTilesRect = idlePaintRect();
+ if (!createTilesRect.isEmpty()) {
+ int left, top, right, bottom;
+ m_tiler->contentRectToTileIndices(createTilesRect, left, top, right, bottom);
+ for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) {
+ for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) {
+ if (!tileAt(i, j))
+ createTile(i, j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Also, minimally create all tiles for small animated layers and also
+ // double-buffer them since we have limited their size to be reasonable.
+ IntRect doubleBufferedRect = visibleContentRect();
+ if (smallAnimatedLayer)
+ doubleBufferedRect = IntRect(IntPoint::zero(), contentBounds());
+ // Create additional textures for double-buffered updates when needed.
+ // These textures must stay alive while the updated textures are incrementally
+ // uploaded, swapped atomically via pushProperties, and finally deleted
+ // after the commit is complete, after which they can be recycled.
+ if (!doubleBufferedRect.isEmpty()) {
+ int left, top, right, bottom;
+ m_tiler->contentRectToTileIndices(doubleBufferedRect, left, top, right, bottom);
+ for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) {
+ for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) {
+ UpdatableTile* tile = tileAt(i, j);
+ if (!tile)
+ tile = createTile(i, j);
+ // We need an additional texture if the tile needs a buffered-update and it's not a partial update.
+ // FIXME: Decide if partial update should be allowed based on cost
+ // of update.
+ if (!layerTreeHost() || !layerTreeHost()->bufferedUpdates() || !tileNeedsBufferedUpdate(tile))
+ continue;
+ if (tileOnlyNeedsPartialUpdate(tile) && layerTreeHost()->requestPartialTextureUpdate()) {
+ tile->partialUpdate = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ IntRect tileRect = m_tiler->tileRect(tile);
+ tile->dirtyRect = tileRect;
+ LayerTextureUpdater::Texture* backBuffer = tile->texture();
+ setPriorityForTexture(priorityCalc, visibleContentRect(), tile->dirtyRect, drawsToRoot, smallAnimatedLayer, backBuffer->texture());
+ OwnPtr<CCPrioritizedTexture> frontBuffer = CCPrioritizedTexture::create(backBuffer->texture()->textureManager(),
+ backBuffer->texture()->size(),
+ backBuffer->texture()->format());
+ // Swap backBuffer into frontBuffer and add it to delete after commit queue.
+ backBuffer->swapTextureWith(frontBuffer);
+ layerTreeHost()->deleteTextureAfterCommit(frontBuffer.release());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Now update priorities on all tiles we have in the layer, no matter where they are.
+ for (CCLayerTilingData::TileMap::const_iterator iter = m_tiler->tiles().begin(); iter != m_tiler->tiles().end(); ++iter) {
+ UpdatableTile* tile = static_cast<UpdatableTile*>(iter->second.get());
+ // FIXME: This should not ever be null.
+ if (!tile)
+ continue;
+ IntRect tileRect = m_tiler->tileRect(tile);
+ setPriorityForTexture(priorityCalc, visibleContentRect(), tileRect, drawsToRoot, smallAnimatedLayer, tile->managedTexture());
+ }
+Region TiledLayerChromium::visibleContentOpaqueRegion() const
+ if (m_skipsDraw)
+ return Region();
+ if (opaque())
+ return visibleContentRect();
+ return m_tiler->opaqueRegionInContentRect(visibleContentRect());
+void TiledLayerChromium::resetUpdateState()
+ m_skipsDraw = false;
+ m_failedUpdate = false;
+ CCLayerTilingData::TileMap::const_iterator end = m_tiler->tiles().end();
+ for (CCLayerTilingData::TileMap::const_iterator iter = m_tiler->tiles().begin(); iter != end; ++iter) {
+ UpdatableTile* tile = static_cast<UpdatableTile*>(iter->second.get());
+ // FIXME: This should not ever be null.
+ if (!tile)
+ continue;
+ tile->resetUpdateState();
+ }
+void TiledLayerChromium::update(CCTextureUpdateQueue& queue, const CCOcclusionTracker* occlusion, CCRenderingStats& stats)
+ ASSERT(!m_skipsDraw && !m_failedUpdate); // Did resetUpdateState get skipped?
+ updateBounds();
+ if (m_tiler->hasEmptyBounds() || !drawsContent())
+ return;
+ bool didPaint = false;
+ // Animation pre-paint. If the layer is small, try to paint it all
+ // immediately whether or not it is occluded, to avoid paint/upload
+ // hiccups while it is animating.
+ if (isSmallAnimatedLayer(this)) {
+ int left, top, right, bottom;
+ m_tiler->contentRectToTileIndices(IntRect(IntPoint::zero(), contentBounds()), left, top, right, bottom);
+ updateTiles(left, top, right, bottom, queue, 0, stats, didPaint);
+ if (didPaint)
+ return;
+ // This was an attempt to paint the entire layer so if we fail it's okay,
+ // just fallback on painting visible etc. below.
+ m_failedUpdate = false;
+ }
+ if (visibleContentRect().isEmpty())
+ return;
+ // Visible painting. First occlude visible tiles and paint the non-occluded tiles.
+ int left, top, right, bottom;
+ m_tiler->contentRectToTileIndices(visibleContentRect(), left, top, right, bottom);
+ markOcclusionsAndRequestTextures(left, top, right, bottom, occlusion);
+ m_skipsDraw = !updateTiles(left, top, right, bottom, queue, occlusion, stats, didPaint);
+ if (m_skipsDraw)
+ m_tiler->reset();
+ if (m_skipsDraw || didPaint)
+ return;
+ // If we have already painting everything visible. Do some pre-painting while idle.
+ IntRect idlePaintContentRect = idlePaintRect();
+ if (idlePaintContentRect.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ // Prepaint anything that was occluded but inside the layer's visible region.
+ if (!updateTiles(left, top, right, bottom, queue, 0, stats, didPaint) || didPaint)
+ return;
+ int prepaintLeft, prepaintTop, prepaintRight, prepaintBottom;
+ m_tiler->contentRectToTileIndices(idlePaintContentRect, prepaintLeft, prepaintTop, prepaintRight, prepaintBottom);
+ // Then expand outwards from the visible area until we find a dirty row or column to update.
+ while (left > prepaintLeft || top > prepaintTop || right < prepaintRight || bottom < prepaintBottom) {
+ if (bottom < prepaintBottom) {
+ ++bottom;
+ if (!updateTiles(left, bottom, right, bottom, queue, 0, stats, didPaint) || didPaint)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (top > prepaintTop) {
+ --top;
+ if (!updateTiles(left, top, right, top, queue, 0, stats, didPaint) || didPaint)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (left > prepaintLeft) {
+ --left;
+ if (!updateTiles(left, top, left, bottom, queue, 0, stats, didPaint) || didPaint)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (right < prepaintRight) {
+ ++right;
+ if (!updateTiles(right, top, right, bottom, queue, 0, stats, didPaint) || didPaint)
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+bool TiledLayerChromium::needsIdlePaint()
+ // Don't trigger more paints if we failed (as we'll just fail again).
+ if (m_failedUpdate || visibleContentRect().isEmpty() || m_tiler->hasEmptyBounds() || !drawsContent())
+ return false;
+ IntRect idlePaintContentRect = idlePaintRect();
+ if (idlePaintContentRect.isEmpty())
+ return false;
+ int left, top, right, bottom;
+ m_tiler->contentRectToTileIndices(idlePaintContentRect, left, top, right, bottom);
+ for (int j = top; j <= bottom; ++j) {
+ for (int i = left; i <= right; ++i) {
+ UpdatableTile* tile = tileAt(i, j);
+ ASSERT(tile); // Did setTexturePriorities get skipped?
+ if (!tile)
+ continue;
+ bool updated = !tile->updateRect.isEmpty();
+ bool canAcquire = tile->managedTexture()->canAcquireBackingTexture();
+ bool dirty = tile->isDirty() || !tile->managedTexture()->haveBackingTexture();
+ if (!updated && canAcquire && dirty)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+IntRect TiledLayerChromium::idlePaintRect()
+ // Don't inflate an empty rect.
+ if (visibleContentRect().isEmpty())
+ return IntRect();
+ // FIXME: This can be made a lot larger now! We should increase
+ // this slowly while insuring it doesn't cause any perf issues.
+ IntRect prepaintRect = visibleContentRect();
+ prepaintRect.inflateX(m_tiler->tileSize().width());
+ prepaintRect.inflateY(m_tiler->tileSize().height() * 2);
+ IntRect contentRect(IntPoint::zero(), contentBounds());
+ prepaintRect.intersect(contentRect);
+ return prepaintRect;