path: root/chrome/browser/apps/
diff options
mode: <>2013-12-18 23:34:03 +0000 <>2013-12-18 23:34:03 +0000
commit617342a4d1d8c52a788b35a44f0f504d39b2f2cd (patch)
tree55d1a90a5305dbe5a04eaf962e7efab999475e22 /chrome/browser/apps/
parent02ddb19c121577813ae51887fe357e2134183d3e (diff)
Implement replacement policies for the ephemeral apps cache
Garbage collect inactive ephemeral apps. The app's data will be removed at the same time for now. The policies of the cache are: 1. If the app is currently running, it will not be removed. 2. If the app has been launched within 1 day, it will not be removed. 3. If the app has not been launched for more than 10 days, it will be removed. 4. For apps that have been launched between 1 and 10 days, the least recently launched excess will be removed if the cache exceeds 30 apps. BUG=312460 TEST=unit_tests (EphemeralAppServiceTest.*) browser_tests (EphemeralAppServiceBrowserTest.*) Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/apps/')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/apps/ b/chrome/browser/apps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff0306e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/apps/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "base/rand_util.h"
+#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
+#include "base/time/time.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/apps/ephemeral_app_service.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace {
+// Generate a time N number of days before the reference time.
+// The generated time can be randomized.
+base::Time GetPastTime(const base::Time& reference_time,
+ int days_before,
+ bool randomize_time = false) {
+ base::Time generated_time =
+ reference_time - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(days_before);
+ // Add an hour so that the time is well within the number of days before.
+ generated_time += base::TimeDelta::FromHours(1);
+ // Add a random number of seconds between 0 - 10 hours.
+ if (randomize_time)
+ generated_time += base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(base::RandInt(0, 36000));
+ return generated_time;
+} // namespace
+class EphemeralAppServiceTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ typedef EphemeralAppService::LaunchTimeAppMap LaunchTimeAppMap;
+ EphemeralAppServiceTest() {}
+ virtual ~EphemeralAppServiceTest() {}
+ void RunTest(int ephemeral_app_count,
+ const LaunchTimeAppMap& launch_times,
+ const std::set<std::string>& expected_removed_ids) {
+ std::set<std::string> remove_app_ids;
+ EphemeralAppService::GetAppsToRemove(ephemeral_app_count,
+ launch_times,
+ &remove_app_ids);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_removed_ids, remove_app_ids);
+ }
+ void RunTestCheckLRU(int ephemeral_app_count,
+ LaunchTimeAppMap& launch_times,
+ int expected_removed_count) {
+ std::set<std::string> remove_app_ids;
+ EphemeralAppService::GetAppsToRemove(ephemeral_app_count,
+ launch_times,
+ &remove_app_ids);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_removed_count, (int) remove_app_ids.size());
+ // Move the launch times of removed apps to another map.
+ LaunchTimeAppMap removed_apps;
+ for (LaunchTimeAppMap::iterator it = launch_times.begin();
+ it != launch_times.end(); ) {
+ if (remove_app_ids.find(it->second) != remove_app_ids.end()) {
+ removed_apps.insert(*it);
+ launch_times.erase(it++);
+ } else {
+ ++it;
+ }
+ }
+ if (launch_times.empty())
+ return;
+ // Verify that the removed apps have launch times earlier than all retained
+ // apps. We can actually just compare with the first entry in |launch_times|
+ // but will make no implementation assumptions.
+ for (LaunchTimeAppMap::const_iterator removed = removed_apps.begin();
+ removed != removed_apps.end(); ++removed) {
+ for (LaunchTimeAppMap::iterator retained = launch_times.begin();
+ retained != launch_times.end(); ++retained) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(removed->first < retained->first);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Generate X app launch times, N days before the reference time.
+ // If |generated_ids| is not NULL, the generated app IDs will be added
+ // to the set.
+ void GenerateLaunchTimes(const base::Time& reference_time,
+ int days_before,
+ int count,
+ LaunchTimeAppMap* launch_times,
+ std::set<std::string>* generated_ids = NULL) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ std::string app_id = base::IntToString(launch_times->size());
+ launch_times->insert(std::make_pair(
+ GetPastTime(reference_time, days_before, true),
+ app_id));
+ if (generated_ids)
+ generated_ids->insert(app_id);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add inactive apps that should always be removed by garbage collection.
+ void AddInactiveApps(const base::Time& reference_time,
+ int count,
+ LaunchTimeAppMap* launch_times,
+ std::set<std::string>* generated_ids = NULL) {
+ GenerateLaunchTimes(reference_time,
+ EphemeralAppService::kAppInactiveThreshold + 1,
+ count,
+ launch_times,
+ generated_ids);
+ }
+ // Add recently launched apps that should NOT be removed by garbage
+ // collection regardless of the number of cached ephemeral apps.
+ void AddRecentlyLaunchedApps(const base::Time& reference_time,
+ int count,
+ LaunchTimeAppMap* launch_times,
+ std::set<std::string>* generated_ids = NULL) {
+ GenerateLaunchTimes(reference_time,
+ EphemeralAppService::kAppKeepThreshold,
+ count,
+ launch_times,
+ generated_ids);
+ }
+ // Add apps launched between the kAppInactiveThreshold and kAppKeepThreshold,
+ // which may or may not be removed by garbage collection depending on the
+ // number of ephemeral apps in the cache.
+ void AddIntermediateApps(const base::Time& reference_time,
+ int count,
+ LaunchTimeAppMap* launch_times,
+ std::set<std::string>* generated_ids = NULL) {
+ int days_before = base::RandInt(EphemeralAppService::kAppKeepThreshold + 1,
+ EphemeralAppService::kAppInactiveThreshold);
+ GenerateLaunchTimes(reference_time,
+ days_before,
+ count,
+ launch_times,
+ generated_ids);
+ }
+// Verify that inactive apps are removed even if the cache has not reached
+// capacity.
+// Test case: | inactive |
+// Expected output: All inactive apps removed.
+TEST_F(EphemeralAppServiceTest, RemoveInactiveApps) {
+ base::Time time_now = base::Time::Now();
+ LaunchTimeAppMap launch_times;
+ std::set<std::string> expected_removed_ids;
+ AddInactiveApps(
+ time_now,
+ EphemeralAppService::kMaxEphemeralAppsCount / 5,
+ &launch_times,
+ &expected_removed_ids);
+ RunTest(launch_times.size(), launch_times, expected_removed_ids);
+// Verify that inactive apps are removed even if the cache has not reached
+// capacity.
+// Test case: | inactive | intermediate | recently launched |
+// Expected output: All inactive apps removed, other apps retained.
+TEST_F(EphemeralAppServiceTest, RemoveInactiveAppsKeepOthers) {
+ base::Time time_now = base::Time::Now();
+ LaunchTimeAppMap launch_times;
+ std::set<std::string> expected_removed_ids;
+ AddInactiveApps(
+ time_now,
+ EphemeralAppService::kMaxEphemeralAppsCount / 5,
+ &launch_times,
+ &expected_removed_ids);
+ AddIntermediateApps(
+ time_now,
+ EphemeralAppService::kMaxEphemeralAppsCount / 5,
+ &launch_times);
+ AddRecentlyLaunchedApps(
+ time_now,
+ EphemeralAppService::kMaxEphemeralAppsCount / 5,
+ &launch_times);
+ RunTest(launch_times.size(), launch_times, expected_removed_ids);
+// Verify that recently launched apps will not be removed, even when the cache
+// overflows.
+// Test case: | recently launched |
+// Expected output: All recently launched apps retained.
+TEST_F(EphemeralAppServiceTest, KeepRecentLaunch) {
+ base::Time time_now = base::Time::Now();
+ LaunchTimeAppMap launch_times;
+ AddRecentlyLaunchedApps(
+ time_now,
+ 3,
+ &launch_times);
+ RunTest(launch_times.size(), launch_times, std::set<std::string>());
+ AddRecentlyLaunchedApps(
+ time_now,
+ EphemeralAppService::kMaxEphemeralAppsCount,
+ &launch_times); // overflow
+ RunTest(launch_times.size(), launch_times, std::set<std::string>());
+// Verify that recently launched apps will not be removed, even when the cache
+// overflows.
+// Test case: | intermediate (overflow) | recently launched (overflow) |
+// Expected output: All recently launched apps retained, intermediate apps
+// removed.
+TEST_F(EphemeralAppServiceTest, KeepRecentLaunchRemoveOthers) {
+ base::Time time_now = base::Time::Now();
+ LaunchTimeAppMap launch_times;
+ std::set<std::string> expected_removed_ids;
+ AddRecentlyLaunchedApps(
+ time_now,
+ EphemeralAppService::kMaxEphemeralAppsCount + 3,
+ &launch_times); // overflow
+ AddIntermediateApps(
+ time_now,
+ 3,
+ &launch_times,
+ &expected_removed_ids); // overflow
+ RunTest(launch_times.size(), launch_times, expected_removed_ids);
+// Verify that the LRU algorithm is implemented correctly.
+// Test case: | intermediate (overflow) |
+// Expected output: The least recently launched apps are removed.
+TEST_F(EphemeralAppServiceTest, RemoveOverflow) {
+ base::Time time_now = base::Time::Now();
+ LaunchTimeAppMap launch_times;
+ const int kOverflow = 3;
+ AddIntermediateApps(
+ time_now,
+ EphemeralAppService::kMaxEphemeralAppsCount + kOverflow,
+ &launch_times); // overflow
+ RunTestCheckLRU(launch_times.size(), launch_times, kOverflow);
+// Verify that GetAppsToRemove() takes into account the number of running apps,
+// since they are not included in the launch times.
+// Test case: | intermediate (overflow) | running apps |
+// Expected output: The least recently launched apps are removed.
+TEST_F(EphemeralAppServiceTest, RemoveOverflowWithRunningApps) {
+ base::Time time_now = base::Time::Now();
+ LaunchTimeAppMap launch_times;
+ const int kRunningApps = 3;
+ AddIntermediateApps(
+ time_now,
+ EphemeralAppService::kMaxEphemeralAppsCount,
+ &launch_times); // overflow
+ RunTestCheckLRU(
+ launch_times.size() + kRunningApps,
+ launch_times,
+ kRunningApps);