path: root/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
diff options
mode: <>2008-09-10 19:35:52 +0000 <>2008-09-10 19:35:52 +0000
commit81c2122f16c82b52c19b474775d2a15aa065e77a (patch)
treebeee93270b997c49f83ba0233ac1dd12cebaf3a8 /chrome/browser/autocomplete/
parent8fbab00264861b95a99a8232ba75e0994c46c185 (diff)
First pass at splitting the AutocompleteEdit into Model and View. This was noticeably harder than with the Popup and I'm not at all sure I've made the right decisions :(. The View code is about 3x larger than the model.
BUG=1343512 Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/autocomplete/')
1 files changed, 916 insertions, 784 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
index 4c06a1c..a48d4e8 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
+++ b/chrome/browser/autocomplete/
@@ -39,22 +39,570 @@
#pragma comment(lib, "oleacc.lib") // Needed for accessibility support.
-// TODO (jcampan): these colors should be derived from the system colors to
-// ensure they show properly. Bug #948807.
-// Colors used to emphasize the scheme in the URL.
-static const COLORREF kSecureSchemeColor = RGB(0, 150, 20);
-static const COLORREF kInsecureSchemeColor = RGB(200, 0, 0);
+// AutocompleteEditModel
-// Colors used to strike-out the scheme when it is insecure.
-static const SkColor kSchemeStrikeoutColor = SkColorSetRGB(210, 0, 0);
-static const SkColor kSchemeSelectedStrikeoutColor =
- SkColorSetRGB(255, 255, 255);
+// A single AutocompleteController used solely for making synchronous calls to
+// determine how to deal with the clipboard contents for Paste And Go
+// functionality. We avoid using the popup's controller here because we don't
+// want to interrupt in-progress queries or modify the popup state just
+// because the user right-clicked the edit. We don't need a controller for
+// every edit because this will always be accessed on the main thread, so we
+// won't have thread-safety problems.
+static AutocompleteController* paste_and_go_controller = NULL;
+static int paste_and_go_controller_refcount = 0;
+ AutocompleteEditView* view,
+ AutocompleteEditController* controller,
+ Profile* profile)
+ : view_(view),
+ controller_(controller),
+ has_focus_(false),
+ user_input_in_progress_(false),
+ just_deleted_text_(false),
+ has_temporary_text_(false),
+ paste_state_(NONE),
+ control_key_state_(UP),
+ is_keyword_hint_(false),
+ disable_keyword_ui_(false),
+ show_search_hint_(true),
+ profile_(profile) {
+ if (++paste_and_go_controller_refcount == 1) {
+ // We don't have a controller yet, so create one. No listener is needed
+ // since we'll only be doing synchronous calls, and no profile is set since
+ // we'll set this before each call to the controller.
+ paste_and_go_controller = new AutocompleteController(NULL, NULL);
+ }
+AutocompleteEditModel::~AutocompleteEditModel() {
+ if (--paste_and_go_controller_refcount == 0)
+ delete paste_and_go_controller;
+void AutocompleteEditModel::SetProfile(Profile* profile) {
+ DCHECK(profile);
+ profile_ = profile;
+ popup_->SetProfile(profile);
+const AutocompleteEditModel::State
+ AutocompleteEditModel::GetStateForTabSwitch() {
+ // Like typing, switching tabs "accepts" the temporary text as the user
+ // text, because it makes little sense to have temporary text when the
+ // popup is closed.
+ if (user_input_in_progress_)
+ InternalSetUserText(UserTextFromDisplayText(view_->GetText()));
+ return State(user_input_in_progress_, user_text_,
+ popup_->manually_selected_match_, keyword_, is_keyword_hint_,
+ disable_keyword_ui_, show_search_hint_);
+void AutocompleteEditModel::RestoreState(const State& state) {
+ // Restore any user editing.
+ if (state.user_input_in_progress) {
+ // NOTE: Be sure and set keyword-related state BEFORE invoking
+ // DisplayTextFromUserText(), as its result depends upon this state.
+ keyword_ = state.keyword;
+ is_keyword_hint_ = state.is_keyword_hint;
+ disable_keyword_ui_ = state.disable_keyword_ui;
+ show_search_hint_ = state.show_search_hint;
+ view_->SetUserText(state.user_text,
+ DisplayTextFromUserText(state.user_text), false);
+ popup_->manually_selected_match_ = state.manually_selected_match;
+ }
+bool AutocompleteEditModel::UpdatePermanentText(
+ const std::wstring& new_permanent_text) {
+ // When there's a new URL, and the user is not editing anything or the edit
+ // doesn't have focus, we want to revert the edit to show the new URL. (The
+ // common case where the edit doesn't have focus is when the user has started
+ // an edit and then abandoned it and clicked a link on the page.)
+ const bool visibly_changed_permanent_text =
+ (permanent_text_ != new_permanent_text) &&
+ (!user_input_in_progress_ || !has_focus_);
+ permanent_text_ = new_permanent_text;
+ return visibly_changed_permanent_text;
+void AutocompleteEditModel::SetUserText(const std::wstring& text) {
+ SetInputInProgress(true);
+ InternalSetUserText(text);
+ paste_state_ = NONE;
+ has_temporary_text_ = false;
+ popup_->manually_selected_match_.Clear();
+void AutocompleteEditModel::GetDataForURLExport(GURL* url,
+ std::wstring* title,
+ SkBitmap* favicon) {
+ const std::wstring url_str(GetURLForCurrentText(NULL, NULL, NULL));
+ *url = GURL(url_str);
+ if (url_str == permanent_text_) {
+ *title = controller_->GetTitle();
+ *favicon = controller_->GetFavIcon();
+ }
+std::wstring AutocompleteEditModel::GetDesiredTLD() const {
+ return (control_key_state_ == DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE) ?
+ std::wstring(L"com") : std::wstring();
+bool AutocompleteEditModel::CurrentTextIsURL() {
+ // If !user_input_in_progress_, the permanent text is showing, which should
+ // always be a URL, so no further checking is needed. By avoiding checking in
+ // this case, we avoid calling into the autocomplete providers, and thus
+ // initializing the history system, as long as possible, which speeds startup.
+ if (!user_input_in_progress_)
+ return true;
+ PageTransition::Type transition = PageTransition::LINK;
+ GetURLForCurrentText(&transition, NULL, NULL);
+ return transition == PageTransition::TYPED;
+bool AutocompleteEditModel::GetURLForText(const std::wstring& text,
+ GURL* url) const {
+ url_parse::Parsed parts;
+ const AutocompleteInput::Type type = AutocompleteInput::Parse(
+ UserTextFromDisplayText(text), std::wstring(), &parts, NULL);
+ if (type != AutocompleteInput::URL)
+ return false;
+ *url = GURL(URLFixerUpper::FixupURL(text, std::wstring()));
+ return true;
+void AutocompleteEditModel::SetInputInProgress(bool in_progress) {
+ if (user_input_in_progress_ == in_progress)
+ return;
+ user_input_in_progress_ = in_progress;
+ controller_->OnInputInProgress(in_progress);
+void AutocompleteEditModel::Revert() {
+ SetInputInProgress(false);
+ paste_state_ = NONE;
+ InternalSetUserText(std::wstring());
+ keyword_.clear();
+ is_keyword_hint_ = false;
+ disable_keyword_ui_ = false;
+ show_search_hint_ = permanent_text_.empty();
+ has_temporary_text_ = false;
+ view_->SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(permanent_text_,
+ has_focus_ ? permanent_text_.length() : 0);
+void AutocompleteEditModel::StartAutocomplete(
+ bool prevent_inline_autocomplete) const {
+ popup_->StartAutocomplete(user_text_, GetDesiredTLD(),
+ prevent_inline_autocomplete || just_deleted_text_ ||
+ (paste_state_ != NONE));
+bool AutocompleteEditModel::CanPasteAndGo(const std::wstring& text) const {
+ // Reset local state.
+ paste_and_go_url_.clear();
+ paste_and_go_transition_ = PageTransition::TYPED;
+ paste_and_go_alternate_nav_url_.clear();
+ // See if the clipboard text can be parsed.
+ const AutocompleteInput input(text, std::wstring(), true);
+ if (input.type() == AutocompleteInput::INVALID)
+ return false;
+ // Ask the controller what do do with this input.
+ paste_and_go_controller->SetProfile(profile_);
+ // This is cheap, and since there's one
+ // paste_and_go_controller for many tabs which
+ // may all have different profiles, it ensures
+ // we're always using the right one.
+ const bool done = paste_and_go_controller->Start(input, false, true);
+ DCHECK(done);
+ AutocompleteResult result;
+ paste_and_go_controller->GetResult(&result);
+ if (result.empty())
+ return false;
+ // Set local state based on the default action for this input.
+ result.SetDefaultMatch(AutocompleteResult::Selection());
+ const AutocompleteResult::const_iterator match(result.default_match());
+ DCHECK(match != result.end());
+ paste_and_go_url_ = match->destination_url;
+ paste_and_go_transition_ = match->transition;
+ paste_and_go_alternate_nav_url_ = result.GetAlternateNavURL(input, match);
+ return !paste_and_go_url_.empty();
+void AutocompleteEditModel::PasteAndGo() {
+ // The final parameter to OpenURL, keyword, is not quite correct here: it's
+ // possible to "paste and go" a string that contains a keyword. This is
+ // enough of an edge case that we ignore this possibility.
+ view_->RevertAll();
+ view_->OpenURL(paste_and_go_url_, CURRENT_TAB, paste_and_go_transition_,
+ paste_and_go_alternate_nav_url_, AutocompletePopupModel::kNoMatch,
+ std::wstring());
+void AutocompleteEditModel::AcceptInput(WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
+ bool for_drop) {
+ // Get the URL and transition type for the selected entry.
+ PageTransition::Type transition;
+ bool is_history_what_you_typed_match;
+ std::wstring alternate_nav_url;
+ const std::wstring url(GetURLForCurrentText(&transition,
+ &is_history_what_you_typed_match,
+ &alternate_nav_url));
+ if (url.empty())
+ return;
+ if (url == permanent_text_) {
+ // When the user hit enter on the existing permanent URL, treat it like a
+ // reload for scoring purposes. We could detect this by just checking
+ // user_input_in_progress_, but it seems better to treat "edits" that end
+ // up leaving the URL unchanged (e.g. deleting the last character and then
+ // retyping it) as reloads too.
+ transition = PageTransition::RELOAD;
+ } else if (for_drop || ((paste_state_ != NONE) &&
+ is_history_what_you_typed_match)) {
+ // When the user pasted in a URL and hit enter, score it like a link click
+ // rather than a normal typed URL, so it doesn't get inline autocompleted
+ // as aggressively later.
+ transition = PageTransition::LINK;
+ }
+ view_->OpenURL(url, disposition, transition, alternate_nav_url,
+ AutocompletePopupModel::kNoMatch,
+ is_keyword_hint_ ? std::wstring() : keyword_);
+void AutocompleteEditModel::SendOpenNotification(size_t selected_line,
+ const std::wstring& keyword) {
+ // We only care about cases where there is a selection (i.e. the popup is
+ // open).
+ if (popup_->is_open()) {
+ scoped_ptr<AutocompleteLog> log(popup_->GetAutocompleteLog());
+ if (selected_line != AutocompletePopupModel::kNoMatch)
+ log->selected_index = selected_line;
+ else if (!has_temporary_text_)
+ log->inline_autocompleted_length = inline_autocomplete_text_.length();
+ NotificationService::current()->Notify(
+ NOTIFY_OMNIBOX_OPENED_URL, Source<Profile>(profile_),
+ Details<AutocompleteLog>(log.get()));
+ }
+ TemplateURLModel* template_url_model = profile_->GetTemplateURLModel();
+ if (keyword.empty() || !template_url_model)
+ return;
+ const TemplateURL* const template_url =
+ template_url_model->GetTemplateURLForKeyword(keyword);
+ if (template_url) {
+ UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"AcceptedKeyword", profile_);
+ template_url_model->IncrementUsageCount(template_url);
+ }
+ // NOTE: We purposefully don't increment the usage count of the default search
+ // engine, if applicable; see comments in template_url.h.
+void AutocompleteEditModel::AcceptKeyword() {
+ view_->OnBeforePossibleChange();
+ view_->SetWindowText(L"");
+ popup_->manually_selected_match_.Clear();
+ popup_->manually_selected_match_.provider_affinity =
+ popup_->autocomplete_controller()->keyword_provider();
+ is_keyword_hint_ = false;
+ disable_keyword_ui_ = false;
+ view_->OnAfterPossibleChange();
+ just_deleted_text_ = false; // OnAfterPossibleChange() erroneously sets this
+ // since the edit contents have disappeared. It
+ // doesn't really matter, but we clear it to be
+ // consistent.
+ UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"AcceptedKeywordHint", profile_);
+void AutocompleteEditModel::ClearKeyword(const std::wstring& visible_text) {
+ view_->OnBeforePossibleChange();
+ const std::wstring window_text(keyword_ + visible_text);
+ view_->SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(window_text.c_str(), keyword_.length());
+ popup_->manually_selected_match_.Clear();
+ keyword_.clear();
+ view_->OnAfterPossibleChange();
+ just_deleted_text_ = true; // OnAfterPossibleChange() fails to clear this
+ // since the edit contents have actually grown
+ // longer.
+bool AutocompleteEditModel::query_in_progress() const {
+ return popup_->query_in_progress();
+const AutocompleteResult* AutocompleteEditModel::latest_result() const {
+ return popup_->latest_result();
+void AutocompleteEditModel::OnSetFocus(bool control_down) {
+ has_focus_ = true;
+ control_key_state_ = control_down ? DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE : UP;
+void AutocompleteEditModel::OnKillFocus() {
+ has_focus_ = false;
+ control_key_state_ = UP;
+ paste_state_ = NONE;
+ // Like typing, killing focus "accepts" the temporary text as the user
+ // text, because it makes little sense to have temporary text when the
+ // popup is closed.
+ InternalSetUserText(UserTextFromDisplayText(view_->GetText()));
+ has_temporary_text_ = false;
+bool AutocompleteEditModel::OnEscapeKeyPressed() {
+ // Only do something when there is input in progress -- otherwise, if focus
+ // happens to be in the location bar, users can't still hit <esc> to stop a
+ // load.
+ if (!user_input_in_progress_)
+ return false;
+ if (!has_temporary_text_ ||
+ (popup_->URLsForCurrentSelection(NULL, NULL, NULL) == original_url_)) {
+ // The popup isn't open or the selection in it is still the default
+ // selection, so revert the box all the way back to its unedited state.
+ view_->RevertAll();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // The user typed something, then selected a different item. Restore the
+ // text they typed and change back to the default item.
+ // NOTE: This purposefully does not reset paste_state_.
+ just_deleted_text_ = false;
+ has_temporary_text_ = false;
+ popup_->manually_selected_match_ = original_selected_match_;
+ view_->OnRevertTemporaryText(user_text_ + inline_autocomplete_text_);
+ return true;
+void AutocompleteEditModel::OnControlKeyChanged(bool pressed) {
+ // Don't change anything unless the key state is actually toggling.
+ if (pressed == (control_key_state_ == UP)) {
+ control_key_state_ = pressed ? DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE : UP;
+ if (popup_->is_open()) {
+ // Autocomplete history provider results may change, so refresh the
+ // popup. This will force user_input_in_progress_ to true, but if the
+ // popup is open, that should have already been the case.
+ view_->UpdatePopup();
+ }
+ }
+void AutocompleteEditModel::OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(int count) {
+ // NOTE: This purposefully don't trigger any code that resets paste_state_.
+ disable_keyword_ui_ = false;
+ if (!popup_->is_open()) {
+ if (!popup_->query_in_progress()) {
+ // The popup is neither open nor working on a query already. So, start an
+ // autocomplete query for the current text. This also sets
+ // user_input_in_progress_ to true, which we want: if the user has started
+ // to interact with the popup, changing the permanent_text_ shouldn't
+ // change the displayed text.
+ // Note: This does not force the popup to open immediately.
+ if (!user_input_in_progress_)
+ InternalSetUserText(permanent_text_);
+ view_->UpdatePopup();
+ }
+ // Now go ahead and force the popup to open, and copy the text of the
+ // default item into the edit. We ignore |count|, since without the popup
+ // open, the user doesn't really know what they're interacting with. Since
+ // the user hit an arrow key to explicitly open the popup, we assume that
+ // they prefer the temporary text of the default item to their own text,
+ // like we do when they arrow around an already-open popup. In many cases
+ // the existing text in the edit and the new text will be the same, and the
+ // only visible effect will be to cancel any selection and place the cursor
+ // at the end of the edit.
+ popup_->Move(0);
+ } else {
+ // The popup is open, so the user should be able to interact with it
+ // normally.
+ popup_->Move(count);
+ }
+void AutocompleteEditModel::OnPopupDataChanged(
+ const std::wstring& text,
+ bool is_temporary_text,
+ const AutocompleteResult::Selection& previous_selected_match,
+ const std::wstring& keyword,
+ bool is_keyword_hint,
+ bool can_show_search_hint) {
+ // We don't want to show the search hint if we're showing a keyword hint or
+ // selected keyword, or (subtle!) if we would be showing a selected keyword
+ // but for disable_keyword_ui_.
+ can_show_search_hint &= keyword.empty();
+ // Update keyword/hint-related local state.
+ bool keyword_state_changed = (keyword_ != keyword) ||
+ ((is_keyword_hint_ != is_keyword_hint) && !keyword.empty()) ||
+ (show_search_hint_ != can_show_search_hint);
+ if (keyword_state_changed) {
+ keyword_ = keyword;
+ is_keyword_hint_ = is_keyword_hint;
+ show_search_hint_ = can_show_search_hint;
+ }
+ // Handle changes to temporary text.
+ if (is_temporary_text) {
+ const bool save_original_selection = !has_temporary_text_;
+ if (save_original_selection) {
+ // Save the original selection and URL so it can be reverted later.
+ has_temporary_text_ = true;
+ original_url_ = popup_->URLsForCurrentSelection(NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ original_selected_match_ = previous_selected_match;
+ }
+ view_->OnTemporaryTextMaybeChanged(DisplayTextFromUserText(text),
+ save_original_selection);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Handle changes to inline autocomplete text. Don't make changes if the user
+ // is showing temporary text. Making display changes would be obviously
+ // wrong; making changes to the inline_autocomplete_text_ itself turns out to
+ // be more subtlely wrong, because it means hitting esc will no longer revert
+ // to the original state before arrowing.
+ if (!has_temporary_text_) {
+ inline_autocomplete_text_ = text;
+ if (view_->OnInlineAutocompleteTextMaybeChanged(
+ DisplayTextFromUserText(user_text_ + inline_autocomplete_text_),
+ DisplayTextFromUserText(user_text_).length()))
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the above changes didn't warrant a text update but we did change keyword
+ // state, we have yet to notify the controller about it.
+ if (keyword_state_changed)
+ controller_->OnChanged();
+bool AutocompleteEditModel::OnAfterPossibleChange(const std::wstring& new_text,
+ bool selection_differs,
+ bool select_all_before_change,
+ bool text_differs,
+ bool just_deleted_text,
+ bool at_end_of_edit) {
+ // Update the paste state as appropriate: if we're just finishing a paste
+ // that replaced all the text, preserve that information; otherwise, if we've
+ // made some other edit, clear paste tracking.
+ if (paste_state_ == REPLACING_ALL)
+ paste_state_ = REPLACED_ALL;
+ else if (text_differs)
+ paste_state_ = NONE;
+ // If something has changed while the control key is down, prevent
+ // "ctrl-enter" until the control key is released. When we do this, we need
+ // to update the popup if it's open, since the desired_tld will have changed.
+ if ((text_differs || selection_differs) &&
+ (control_key_state_ == DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE)) {
+ control_key_state_ = DOWN_WITH_CHANGE;
+ if (!text_differs && !popup_->is_open())
+ return false; // Don't open the popup for no reason.
+ } else if (!text_differs &&
+ (inline_autocomplete_text_.empty() || !selection_differs)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const bool had_keyword = !is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty();
+ // Modifying the selection counts as accepting the autocompleted text.
+ InternalSetUserText(UserTextFromDisplayText(new_text));
+ has_temporary_text_ = false;
+ if (text_differs) {
+ // When the user has deleted text, don't allow inline autocomplete.
+ just_deleted_text_ = just_deleted_text;
+ // When the user doesn't have a selected keyword, deleting text or replacing
+ // all of it with something else should reset the provider affinity. The
+ // typical use case for deleting is that the user starts typing, sees that
+ // some entry is close to what he wants, arrows to it, and then deletes some
+ // unnecessary bit from the end of the string. In this case the user didn't
+ // actually want "provider X", he wanted the string from that entry for
+ // editing purposes, and he's no longer looking at the popup to notice that,
+ // despite deleting some text, the action we'll take on enter hasn't changed
+ // at all.
+ if (!had_keyword && (just_deleted_text_ || select_all_before_change)) {
+ popup_->manually_selected_match_.Clear();
+ }
+ }
+ // Disable the fancy keyword UI if the user didn't already have a visible
+ // keyword and is not at the end of the edit. This prevents us from showing
+ // the fancy UI (and interrupting the user's editing) if the user happens to
+ // have a keyword for 'a', types 'ab' then puts a space between the 'a' and
+ // the 'b'.
+ disable_keyword_ui_ = (is_keyword_hint_ || keyword_.empty()) &&
+ !at_end_of_edit;
+ view_->UpdatePopup();
+ if (!had_keyword && !is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty()) {
+ // Went from no selected keyword to a selected keyword. Set the affinity to
+ // the keyword provider. This forces the selected keyword to persist even
+ // if the user deletes all the text.
+ popup_->manually_selected_match_.Clear();
+ popup_->manually_selected_match_.provider_affinity =
+ popup_->autocomplete_controller()->keyword_provider();
+ }
+ return true;
+void AutocompleteEditModel::InternalSetUserText(const std::wstring& text) {
+ user_text_ = text;
+ just_deleted_text_ = false;
+ inline_autocomplete_text_.clear();
+std::wstring AutocompleteEditModel::DisplayTextFromUserText(
+ const std::wstring& text) const {
+ return (is_keyword_hint_ || keyword_.empty()) ?
+ text : KeywordProvider::SplitReplacementStringFromInput(text);
+std::wstring AutocompleteEditModel::UserTextFromDisplayText(
+ const std::wstring& text) const {
+ return (is_keyword_hint_ || keyword_.empty()) ?
+ text : (keyword_ + L" " + text);
+std::wstring AutocompleteEditModel::GetURLForCurrentText(
+ PageTransition::Type* transition,
+ bool* is_history_what_you_typed_match,
+ std::wstring* alternate_nav_url) {
+ return (popup_->is_open() || popup_->query_in_progress()) ?
+ popup_->URLsForCurrentSelection(transition,
+ is_history_what_you_typed_match,
+ alternate_nav_url) :
+ popup_->URLsForDefaultMatch(UserTextFromDisplayText(view_->GetText()),
+ GetDesiredTLD(), transition,
+ is_history_what_you_typed_match,
+ alternate_nav_url);
// Helper classes
-AutocompleteEdit::ScopedFreeze::ScopedFreeze(AutocompleteEdit* edit,
- ITextDocument* text_object_model)
+ AutocompleteEditView* edit,
+ ITextDocument* text_object_model)
: edit_(edit),
text_object_model_(text_object_model) {
// Freeze the screen.
@@ -64,7 +612,7 @@ AutocompleteEdit::ScopedFreeze::ScopedFreeze(AutocompleteEdit* edit,
-AutocompleteEdit::ScopedFreeze::~ScopedFreeze() {
+AutocompleteEditView::ScopedFreeze::~ScopedFreeze() {
// Unfreeze the screen.
// NOTE: If this destructor is reached while the edit is being destroyed (for
// example, because we double-clicked the edit of a popup and caused it to
@@ -83,7 +631,7 @@ AutocompleteEdit::ScopedFreeze::~ScopedFreeze() {
ITextDocument* text_object_model)
: text_object_model_(text_object_model) {
// Suspend Undo processing.
@@ -91,71 +639,60 @@ AutocompleteEdit::ScopedSuspendUndo::ScopedSuspendUndo(
text_object_model_->Undo(tomSuspend, NULL);
-AutocompleteEdit::ScopedSuspendUndo::~ScopedSuspendUndo() {
+AutocompleteEditView::ScopedSuspendUndo::~ScopedSuspendUndo() {
// Resume Undo processing.
if (text_object_model_)
text_object_model_->Undo(tomResume, NULL);
-// AutocompleteEdit
+// AutocompleteEditView
+// TODO (jcampan): these colors should be derived from the system colors to
+// ensure they show properly. Bug #948807.
+// Colors used to emphasize the scheme in the URL.
+static const COLORREF kSecureSchemeColor = RGB(0, 150, 20);
+static const COLORREF kInsecureSchemeColor = RGB(200, 0, 0);
+// Colors used to strike-out the scheme when it is insecure.
+static const SkColor kSchemeStrikeoutColor = SkColorSetRGB(210, 0, 0);
+static const SkColor kSchemeSelectedStrikeoutColor =
+ SkColorSetRGB(255, 255, 255);
// These are used to hook the CRichEditCtrl's calls to BeginPaint() and
// EndPaint() and provide a memory DC instead. See OnPaint().
static HWND edit_hwnd = NULL;
static PAINTSTRUCT paint_struct;
-// A single AutocompleteController used solely for making synchronous calls to
-// determine how to deal with the clipboard contents for Paste And Go
-// functionality. We avoid using the popup's controller here because we don't
-// want to interrupt in-progress queries or modify the popup state just
-// because the user right-clicked the edit. We don't need a controller for
-// every edit because this will always be accessed on the main thread, so we
-// won't have thread-safety problems.
-static AutocompleteController* paste_and_go_controller = NULL;
-static int paste_and_go_controller_refcount = 0;
-AutocompleteEdit::AutocompleteEdit(const ChromeFont& font,
- Controller* controller,
- ToolbarModel* model,
- ChromeViews::View* parent_view,
- HWND hwnd,
- Profile* profile,
- CommandController* command_controller,
- bool popup_window_mode)
- : controller_(controller),
- model_(model),
- popup_(new AutocompletePopupModel(font, this, profile)),
+ const ChromeFont& font,
+ AutocompleteEditController* controller,
+ ToolbarModel* toolbar_model,
+ ChromeViews::View* parent_view,
+ HWND hwnd,
+ Profile* profile,
+ CommandController* command_controller,
+ bool popup_window_mode)
+ : model_(new AutocompleteEditModel(this, controller, profile)),
+ popup_model_(new AutocompletePopupModel(font, this, model_.get(),
+ profile)),
+ controller_(controller),
+ parent_view_(parent_view),
+ toolbar_model_(toolbar_model),
+ command_controller_(command_controller),
- has_focus_(false),
- user_input_in_progress_(false),
- just_deleted_text_(false),
- has_temporary_text_(false),
- paste_state_(NONE),
- control_key_state_(UP),
- command_controller_(command_controller),
- parent_view_(parent_view),
- profile_(profile),
- is_keyword_hint_(false),
- disable_keyword_ui_(false),
- show_search_hint_(true),
scheme_security_level_(ToolbarModel::NORMAL) {
- if (!popup_window_mode_ && ++paste_and_go_controller_refcount == 1) {
- // We don't have a controller yet, so create one. No listener is needed
- // since we'll only be doing synchronous calls, and no profile is set since
- // we'll set this before each call to the controller.
- paste_and_go_controller = new AutocompleteController(NULL, NULL);
- }
+ model_->set_popup_model(popup_model_.get());
saved_selection_for_focus_change_.cpMin = -1;
@@ -256,35 +793,38 @@ AutocompleteEdit::AutocompleteEdit(const ChromeFont& font,
-AutocompleteEdit::~AutocompleteEdit() {
+AutocompleteEditView::~AutocompleteEditView() {
- Source<AutocompleteEdit>(this), NotificationService::NoDetails());
+ Source<AutocompleteEditView>(this), NotificationService::NoDetails());
- if (!popup_window_mode_ && --paste_and_go_controller_refcount == 0)
- delete paste_and_go_controller;
+void AutocompleteEditView::SaveStateToTab(TabContents* tab) {
+ DCHECK(tab);
+ const AutocompleteEditModel::State model_state(
+ model_->GetStateForTabSwitch());
+ CHARRANGE selection;
+ GetSelection(selection);
+ tab->set_saved_location_bar_state(new AutocompleteEditState(model_state,
+ State(selection, saved_selection_for_focus_change_)));
-void AutocompleteEdit::Update(const TabContents* tab_for_state_restoring) {
- // When there's a new URL, and the user is not editing anything or the edit
- // doesn't have focus, we want to revert the edit to show the new URL. (The
- // common case where the edit doesn't have focus is when the user has started
- // an edit and then abandoned it and clicked a link on the page.)
- std::wstring permanent_text = model_->GetText();
+void AutocompleteEditView::Update(const TabContents* tab_for_state_restoring) {
const bool visibly_changed_permanent_text =
- (permanent_text_ != permanent_text) &&
- (!user_input_in_progress_ || !has_focus_);
- permanent_text_ = permanent_text;
+ model_->UpdatePermanentText(toolbar_model_->GetText());
- COLORREF background_color =
- LocationBarView::kBackgroundColorByLevel[model_->GetSchemeSecurityLevel()];
+ const ToolbarModel::SecurityLevel security_level =
+ toolbar_model_->GetSchemeSecurityLevel();
+ const COLORREF background_color =
+ LocationBarView::kBackgroundColorByLevel[security_level];
+ const bool changed_security_level =
+ (security_level != scheme_security_level_);
// Bail early when no visible state will actually change (prevents an
// unnecessary ScopedFreeze, and thus UpdateWindow()).
- if ((background_color == background_color_) &&
- (model_->GetSchemeSecurityLevel() == scheme_security_level_) &&
- !visibly_changed_permanent_text &&
- !tab_for_state_restoring)
+ if ((background_color == background_color_) && !changed_security_level &&
+ !visibly_changed_permanent_text && !tab_for_state_restoring)
// Update our local state as desired. We set scheme_security_level_ here so
@@ -295,9 +835,7 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::Update(const TabContents* tab_for_state_restoring) {
background_color_ = background_color;
- const bool changed_security_level =
- (model_->GetSchemeSecurityLevel() != scheme_security_level_);
- scheme_security_level_ = model_->GetSchemeSecurityLevel();
+ scheme_security_level_ = security_level;
// When we're switching to a new tab, restore its state, if any.
if (tab_for_state_restoring) {
@@ -306,27 +844,16 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::Update(const TabContents* tab_for_state_restoring) {
// won't overwrite all our local state.
- const AutocompleteEdit::State* const state =
+ const AutocompleteEditState* const state =
if (state) {
- // Restore any user editing.
- if (state->user_input_in_progress) {
- // NOTE: Be sure and set keyword-related state BEFORE invoking
- // DisplayTextFromUserText(), as its result depends upon this state.
- keyword_ = state->keyword;
- is_keyword_hint_ = state->is_keyword_hint;
- disable_keyword_ui_ = state->disable_keyword_ui;
- show_search_hint_ = state->show_search_hint;
- SetUserText(state->user_text, DisplayTextFromUserText(state->user_text),
- false);
- popup_->manually_selected_match_ = state->manually_selected_match;
- }
+ model_->RestoreState(state->model_state);
// Restore user's selection. We do this after restoring the user_text
// above so we're selecting in the correct string.
- SetSelectionRange(state->selection);
+ SetSelectionRange(state->view_state.selection);
saved_selection_for_focus_change_ =
- state->saved_selection_for_focus_change;
+ state->view_state.saved_selection_for_focus_change;
} else if (visibly_changed_permanent_text) {
// Not switching tabs, just updating the permanent text. (In the case where
@@ -358,138 +885,103 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::Update(const TabContents* tab_for_state_restoring) {
-void AutocompleteEdit::SetProfile(Profile* profile) {
- DCHECK(profile);
- profile_ = profile;
- popup_->SetProfile(profile);
-void AutocompleteEdit::SaveStateToTab(TabContents* tab) {
- DCHECK(tab);
+void AutocompleteEditView::OpenURL(const std::wstring& url,
+ WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
+ PageTransition::Type transition,
+ const std::wstring& alternate_nav_url,
+ size_t selected_line,
+ const std::wstring& keyword) {
+ if (url.empty())
+ return;
- // Like typing, switching tabs "accepts" the temporary text as the user
- // text, because it makes little sense to have temporary text when the
- // popup is closed.
- if (user_input_in_progress_)
- InternalSetUserText(UserTextFromDisplayText(GetText()));
+ model_->SendOpenNotification(selected_line, keyword);
- CHARRANGE selection;
- GetSelection(selection);
- tab->set_saved_location_bar_state(new State(selection,
- saved_selection_for_focus_change_, user_input_in_progress_, user_text_,
- popup_->manually_selected_match_, keyword_, is_keyword_hint_,
- disable_keyword_ui_, show_search_hint_));
+ ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
+ if (disposition != NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB)
+ RevertAll(); // Revert the box to its unedited state
+ controller_->OnAutocompleteAccept(url, disposition, transition,
+ alternate_nav_url);
-std::wstring AutocompleteEdit::GetText() const {
+std::wstring AutocompleteEditView::GetText() const {
const int len = GetTextLength() + 1;
std::wstring str;
GetWindowText(WriteInto(&str, len), len);
return str;
-std::wstring AutocompleteEdit::GetURLForCurrentText(
- PageTransition::Type* transition,
- bool* is_history_what_you_typed_match,
- std::wstring* alternate_nav_url) {
- return (popup_->is_open() || popup_->query_in_progress()) ?
- popup_->URLsForCurrentSelection(transition,
- is_history_what_you_typed_match,
- alternate_nav_url) :
- popup_->URLsForDefaultMatch(UserTextFromDisplayText(GetText()),
- GetDesiredTLD(), transition,
- is_history_what_you_typed_match,
- alternate_nav_url);
+void AutocompleteEditView::SetUserText(const std::wstring& text,
+ const std::wstring& display_text,
+ bool update_popup) {
+ ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
+ model_->SetUserText(text);
+ saved_selection_for_focus_change_.cpMin = -1;
+ SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(display_text, display_text.length());
+ if (update_popup)
+ UpdatePopup();
+ TextChanged();
-void AutocompleteEdit::SelectAll(bool reversed) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(const std::wstring& text,
+ size_t caret_pos) {
+ SetWindowText(text.c_str());
+ PlaceCaretAt(caret_pos);
+void AutocompleteEditView::SelectAll(bool reversed) {
if (reversed)
SetSelection(GetTextLength(), 0);
SetSelection(0, GetTextLength());
-void AutocompleteEdit::RevertAll() {
+void AutocompleteEditView::RevertAll() {
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
- popup_->manually_selected_match_.Clear();
- SetInputInProgress(false);
- paste_state_ = NONE;
- InternalSetUserText(std::wstring());
- SetWindowText(permanent_text_.c_str());
- keyword_.clear();
- is_keyword_hint_ = false;
- disable_keyword_ui_ = false;
- show_search_hint_ = permanent_text_.empty();
- PlaceCaretAt(has_focus_ ? permanent_text_.length() : 0);
+ model_->Revert();
saved_selection_for_focus_change_.cpMin = -1;
- has_temporary_text_ = false;
-void AutocompleteEdit::AcceptInput(WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
- bool for_drop) {
- // Get the URL and transition type for the selected entry.
- PageTransition::Type transition;
- bool is_history_what_you_typed_match;
- std::wstring alternate_nav_url;
- const std::wstring url(GetURLForCurrentText(&transition,
- &is_history_what_you_typed_match,
- &alternate_nav_url));
- if (url.empty())
- return;
- if (url == permanent_text_) {
- // When the user hit enter on the existing permanent URL, treat it like a
- // reload for scoring purposes. We could detect this by just checking
- // user_input_in_progress_, but it seems better to treat "edits" that end
- // up leaving the URL unchanged (e.g. deleting the last character and then
- // retyping it) as reloads too.
- transition = PageTransition::RELOAD;
- } else if (for_drop || ((paste_state_ != NONE) &&
- is_history_what_you_typed_match)) {
- // When the user pasted in a URL and hit enter, score it like a link click
- // rather than a normal typed URL, so it doesn't get inline autocompleted
- // as aggressively later.
- transition = PageTransition::LINK;
- }
- OpenURL(url, disposition, transition, alternate_nav_url,
- AutocompletePopupModel::kNoMatch,
- is_keyword_hint_ ? std::wstring() : keyword_);
-void AutocompleteEdit::OpenURL(const std::wstring& url,
- WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
- PageTransition::Type transition,
- const std::wstring& alternate_nav_url,
- size_t selected_line,
- const std::wstring& keyword) {
- if (url.empty())
- return;
+void AutocompleteEditView::UpdatePopup() {
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
- SendOpenNotification(selected_line, keyword);
+ model_->SetInputInProgress(true);
- if (disposition != NEW_BACKGROUND_TAB)
- RevertAll(); // Revert the box to its unedited state
- controller_->OnAutocompleteAccept(url, disposition, transition,
- alternate_nav_url);
+ if (!model_->has_focus()) {
+ // When we're in the midst of losing focus, don't rerun autocomplete. This
+ // can happen when losing focus causes the IME to cancel/finalize a
+ // composition. We still want to note that user input is in progress, we
+ // just don't want to do anything else.
+ //
+ // Note that in this case the ScopedFreeze above was unnecessary; however,
+ // we're inside the callstack of OnKillFocus(), which has already frozen the
+ // edit, so this will never result in an unnecessary UpdateWindow() call.
+ return;
+ }
-void AutocompleteEdit::ClosePopup() {
- popup_->StopAutocomplete();
+ // Figure out whether the user is trying to compose something in an IME.
+ bool ime_composing = false;
+ HIMC context = ImmGetContext(m_hWnd);
+ if (context) {
+ ime_composing = !!ImmGetCompositionString(context, GCS_COMPSTR, NULL, 0);
+ ImmReleaseContext(m_hWnd, context);
+ }
-bool AutocompleteEdit::query_in_progress() const {
- return popup_->query_in_progress();
+ // Don't inline autocomplete when:
+ // * The user is deleting text
+ // * The caret/selection isn't at the end of the text
+ // * The user has just pasted in something that replaced all the text
+ // * The user is trying to compose something in an IME
+ GetSel(sel);
+ model_->StartAutocomplete((sel.cpMax < GetTextLength()) || ime_composing);
-const AutocompleteResult* AutocompleteEdit::latest_result() const {
- return popup_->latest_result();
+void AutocompleteEditView::ClosePopup() {
+ popup_model_->StopAutocomplete();
-IAccessible* AutocompleteEdit::GetIAccessible() {
+IAccessible* AutocompleteEditView::GetIAccessible() {
if (!autocomplete_accessibility_) {
CComObject<AutocompleteAccessibility>* accessibility = NULL;
if (!SUCCEEDED(CComObject<AutocompleteAccessibility>::CreateInstance(
@@ -510,7 +1002,7 @@ IAccessible* AutocompleteEdit::GetIAccessible() {
return autocomplete_accessibility_.Detach();
-void AutocompleteEdit::SetDropHighlightPosition(int position) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::SetDropHighlightPosition(int position) {
if (drop_highlight_position_ != position) {
drop_highlight_position_ = position;
@@ -518,7 +1010,7 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::SetDropHighlightPosition(int position) {
-void AutocompleteEdit::MoveSelectedText(int new_position) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::MoveSelectedText(int new_position) {
const std::wstring selected_text(GetSelectedText());
@@ -540,7 +1032,7 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::MoveSelectedText(int new_position) {
-void AutocompleteEdit::InsertText(int position, const std::wstring& text) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::InsertText(int position, const std::wstring& text) {
DCHECK((position >= 0) && (position <= GetTextLength()));
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
@@ -549,138 +1041,132 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::InsertText(int position, const std::wstring& text) {
-void AutocompleteEdit::PasteAndGo(const std::wstring& text) {
- if (CanPasteAndGo(text))
- PasteAndGo();
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnTemporaryTextMaybeChanged(
+ const std::wstring& display_text,
+ bool save_original_selection) {
+ if (save_original_selection)
+ GetSelection(original_selection_);
+ // Set new text and cursor position. Sometimes this does extra work (e.g.
+ // when the new text and the old text are identical), but it's only called
+ // when the user manually changes the selected line in the popup, so that's
+ // not really a problem. Also, even when the text hasn't changed we'd want to
+ // update the caret, because if the user had the cursor in the middle of the
+ // text and then arrowed to another entry with the same text, we'd still want
+ // to move the caret.
+ ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
+ SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(display_text, display_text.length());
+ TextChanged();
-bool AutocompleteEdit::OverrideAccelerator(
- const ChromeViews::Accelerator& accelerator) {
- // Only override <esc>, and only when there is input in progress -- otherwise,
- // if focus happens to be in the location bar, users can't still hit <esc> to
- // stop a load.
- if ((accelerator.GetKeyCode() != VK_ESCAPE) || accelerator.IsAltDown() ||
- !user_input_in_progress_)
+bool AutocompleteEditView::OnInlineAutocompleteTextMaybeChanged(
+ const std::wstring& display_text,
+ size_t user_text_length) {
+ // Update the text and selection. Because this can be called repeatedly while
+ // typing, we've careful not to freeze the edit unless we really need to.
+ // Also, unlike in the temporary text case above, here we don't want to update
+ // the caret/selection unless we have to, since this might make the user's
+ // caret position change without warning during typing.
+ if (display_text == GetText())
return false;
- if (!has_temporary_text_ ||
- (popup_->URLsForCurrentSelection(NULL, NULL, NULL) == original_url_)) {
- // The popup isn't open or the selection in it is still the default
- // selection, so revert the box all the way back to its unedited state.
- RevertAll();
- return true;
- }
+ ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
+ SetWindowText(display_text.c_str());
+ // Set a reversed selection to keep the caret in the same position, which
+ // avoids scrolling the user's text.
+ SetSelection(static_cast<LONG>(display_text.length()),
+ static_cast<LONG>(user_text_length));
+ TextChanged();
+ return true;
- // The user typed something, then selected a different item. Restore the
- // text they typed and change back to the default item.
- // NOTE: This purposefully does not reset paste_state_.
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnRevertTemporaryText(const std::wstring& text) {
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
- just_deleted_text_ = false;
- const std::wstring new_window_text(user_text_ +
- inline_autocomplete_text_);
- SetWindowText(new_window_text.c_str());
+ SetWindowText(text.c_str());
- has_temporary_text_ = false;
- popup_->manually_selected_match_ = original_selected_match_;
- return true;
-void AutocompleteEdit::HandleExternalMsg(UINT msg,
- UINT flags,
- const CPoint& screen_point) {
- if (msg == WM_CAPTURECHANGED) {
- SendMessage(msg, 0, NULL);
- return;
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnBeforePossibleChange() {
+ // Record our state.
+ text_before_change_ = GetText();
+ GetSelection(sel_before_change_);
+ select_all_before_change_ = IsSelectAll(sel_before_change_);
+bool AutocompleteEditView::OnAfterPossibleChange() {
+ // Prevent the user from selecting the "phantom newline" at the end of the
+ // edit. If they try, we just silently move the end of the selection back to
+ // the end of the real text.
+ CHARRANGE new_sel;
+ GetSelection(new_sel);
+ const int length = GetTextLength();
+ if ((new_sel.cpMin > length) || (new_sel.cpMax > length)) {
+ if (new_sel.cpMin > length)
+ new_sel.cpMin = length;
+ if (new_sel.cpMax > length)
+ new_sel.cpMax = length;
+ SetSelectionRange(new_sel);
+ const bool selection_differs = (new_sel.cpMin != sel_before_change_.cpMin) ||
+ (new_sel.cpMax != sel_before_change_.cpMax);
+ const bool at_end_of_edit =
+ (new_sel.cpMin == length) && (new_sel.cpMax == length);
- CPoint client_point(screen_point);
- ::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, &client_point, 1);
- SendMessage(msg, flags, MAKELPARAM(client_point.x, client_point.y));
+ // See if the text or selection have changed since OnBeforePossibleChange().
+ const std::wstring new_text(GetText());
+ const bool text_differs = (new_text != text_before_change_);
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnPopupDataChanged(
- const std::wstring& text,
- bool is_temporary_text,
- const AutocompleteResult::Selection& previous_selected_match,
- const std::wstring& keyword,
- bool is_keyword_hint,
- bool can_show_search_hint) {
- // We don't want to show the search hint if we're showing a keyword hint or
- // selected keyword, or (subtle!) if we would be showing a selected keyword
- // but for disable_keyword_ui_.
- can_show_search_hint &= keyword.empty();
+ // When the user has deleted text, we don't allow inline autocomplete. Make
+ // sure to not flag cases like selecting part of the text and then pasting
+ // (or typing) the prefix of that selection. (We detect these by making
+ // sure the caret, which should be after any insertion, hasn't moved
+ // forward of the old selection start.)
+ const bool just_deleted_text =
+ (text_before_change_.length() > new_text.length()) &&
+ (new_sel.cpMin <= std::min(sel_before_change_.cpMin,
+ sel_before_change_.cpMax));
- // Update keyword/hint-related local state.
- bool keyword_state_changed = (keyword_ != keyword) ||
- ((is_keyword_hint_ != is_keyword_hint) && !keyword.empty()) ||
- (show_search_hint_ != can_show_search_hint);
- if (keyword_state_changed) {
- keyword_ = keyword;
- is_keyword_hint_ = is_keyword_hint;
- show_search_hint_ = can_show_search_hint;
- }
- // Handle changes to temporary text.
- if (is_temporary_text) {
- if (!has_temporary_text_) {
- // Save the original selection and URL so it can be reverted later.
- has_temporary_text_ = true;
- GetSelection(original_selection_);
- original_url_ = popup_->URLsForCurrentSelection(NULL, NULL, NULL);
- original_selected_match_ = previous_selected_match;
- }
+ const bool something_changed = model_->OnAfterPossibleChange(new_text,
+ selection_differs, select_all_before_change_, text_differs,
+ just_deleted_text, at_end_of_edit);
- // Set new text and cursor position. Sometimes this does extra work (e.g.
- // when the new text and the old text are identical), but it's only called
- // when the user manually changes the selected line in the popup, so that's
- // not really a problem. Also, even when the text hasn't changed we'd want
- // to update the caret, because if the user had the cursor in the middle of
- // the text and then arrowed to another entry with the same text, we'd still
- // want to move the caret.
- const std::wstring display_text(DisplayTextFromUserText(text));
- ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
- SetWindowText(display_text.c_str());
- PlaceCaretAt(display_text.length());
+ if (something_changed && text_differs)
- return;
- }
- // Handle changes to inline autocomplete text. Don't make changes if the user
- // is showing temporary text. Making display changes would be obviously
- // wrong; making changes to the inline_autocomplete_text_ itself turns out to
- // be more subtlely wrong, because it means hitting esc will no longer revert
- // to the original state before arrowing.
- if (!has_temporary_text_) {
- inline_autocomplete_text_ = text;
- // Update the text and selection. Because this can be called repeatedly
- // while typing, we've careful not to freeze the edit unless we really need
- // to. Also, unlike in the temporary text case above, here we don't want to
- // update the caret/selection unless we have to, since this might make the
- // user's caret position change without warning during typing.
- const std::wstring display_text(
- DisplayTextFromUserText(user_text_ + inline_autocomplete_text_));
- if (display_text != GetText()) {
- ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
- SetWindowText(display_text.c_str());
- // Set a reversed selection to keep the caret in the same position, which
- // avoids scrolling the user's text.
- SetSelection(
- static_cast<LONG>(display_text.length()),
- static_cast<LONG>(DisplayTextFromUserText(user_text_).length()));
- TextChanged();
- return;
- }
+ return something_changed;
+void AutocompleteEditView::PasteAndGo(const std::wstring& text) {
+ if (CanPasteAndGo(text))
+ model_->PasteAndGo();
+bool AutocompleteEditView::OverrideAccelerator(
+ const ChromeViews::Accelerator& accelerator) {
+ // Only override <esc>.
+ if ((accelerator.GetKeyCode() != VK_ESCAPE) || accelerator.IsAltDown())
+ return false;
+ return model_->OnEscapeKeyPressed();
+void AutocompleteEditView::HandleExternalMsg(UINT msg,
+ UINT flags,
+ const CPoint& screen_point) {
+ if (msg == WM_CAPTURECHANGED) {
+ SendMessage(msg, 0, NULL);
+ return;
- // If the above changes didn't warrant a text update but we did change keyword
- // state, we have yet to notify the controller about it.
- if (keyword_state_changed)
- controller_->OnChanged();
+ CPoint client_point(screen_point);
+ ::MapWindowPoints(NULL, m_hWnd, &client_point, 1);
+ SendMessage(msg, flags, MAKELPARAM(client_point.x, client_point.y));
-bool AutocompleteEdit::IsCommandEnabled(int id) const {
+bool AutocompleteEditView::IsCommandEnabled(int id) const {
switch (id) {
case IDS_UNDO: return !!CanUndo();
case IDS_CUT: return !!CanCut();
@@ -694,23 +1180,23 @@ bool AutocompleteEdit::IsCommandEnabled(int id) const {
-bool AutocompleteEdit::GetContextualLabel(int id, std::wstring* out) const {
+bool AutocompleteEditView::GetContextualLabel(int id, std::wstring* out) const {
if ((id != IDS_PASTE_AND_GO) ||
- // No need to change the default IDS_PASTE_AND_GO label for a typed
- // destination (this is also the type set when Paste And Go is disabled).
- (paste_and_go_transition_ == PageTransition::TYPED))
+ // No need to change the default IDS_PASTE_AND_GO label unless this is a
+ // search.
+ !model_->is_paste_and_search())
return false;
return true;
-void AutocompleteEdit::ExecuteCommand(int id) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::ExecuteCommand(int id) {
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
if (id == IDS_PASTE_AND_GO) {
// This case is separate from the switch() below since we don't want to wrap
// it in OnBefore/AfterPossibleChange() calls.
- PasteAndGo();
+ model_->PasteAndGo();
@@ -748,10 +1234,10 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::ExecuteCommand(int id) {
// static
-int CALLBACK AutocompleteEdit::WordBreakProc(LPTSTR edit_text,
- int current_pos,
- int num_bytes,
- int action) {
+int CALLBACK AutocompleteEditView::WordBreakProc(LPTSTR edit_text,
+ int current_pos,
+ int num_bytes,
+ int action) {
// TODO(pkasting): http://b/1111308 We should let other people, like ICU and
// GURL, do the work for us here instead of writing all this ourselves.
@@ -866,9 +1352,9 @@ int CALLBACK AutocompleteEdit::WordBreakProc(LPTSTR edit_text,
// static
-bool AutocompleteEdit::SchemeEnd(LPTSTR edit_text,
- int current_pos,
- int length) {
+bool AutocompleteEditView::SchemeEnd(LPTSTR edit_text,
+ int current_pos,
+ int length) {
return (current_pos >= 0) &&
((length - current_pos) > 2) &&
(edit_text[current_pos] == ':') &&
@@ -877,7 +1363,8 @@ bool AutocompleteEdit::SchemeEnd(LPTSTR edit_text,
// static
-HDC AutocompleteEdit::BeginPaintIntercept(HWND hWnd, LPPAINTSTRUCT lpPaint) {
+HDC AutocompleteEditView::BeginPaintIntercept(HWND hWnd,
if (!edit_hwnd || (hWnd != edit_hwnd))
return ::BeginPaint(hWnd, lpPaint);
@@ -886,13 +1373,13 @@ HDC AutocompleteEdit::BeginPaintIntercept(HWND hWnd, LPPAINTSTRUCT lpPaint) {
// static
-BOOL AutocompleteEdit::EndPaintIntercept(HWND hWnd,
+BOOL AutocompleteEditView::EndPaintIntercept(HWND hWnd,
+ const PAINTSTRUCT* lpPaint) {
return (edit_hwnd && (hWnd == edit_hwnd)) ?
true : ::EndPaint(hWnd, lpPaint);
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnChar(TCHAR ch, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnChar(TCHAR ch, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
// Don't let alt-enter beep. Not sure this is necessary, as the standard
// alt-enter will hit DiscardWMSysChar() and get thrown away, and
// ctrl-alt-enter doesn't seem to reach here for some reason? At least not on
@@ -913,7 +1400,7 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnChar(TCHAR ch, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
HandleKeystroke(GetCurrentMessage()->message, ch, repeat_count, flags);
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnContextMenu(HWND window, const CPoint& point) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnContextMenu(HWND window, const CPoint& point) {
if (point.x == -1 || point.y == -1) {
@@ -924,7 +1411,7 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnContextMenu(HWND window, const CPoint& point) {
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnCopy() {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnCopy() {
const std::wstring text(GetSelectedText());
if (text.empty())
@@ -939,20 +1426,16 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnCopy() {
if (static_cast<int>(text.length()) < GetTextLength())
- // The entire control is selected. Let's see what the user typed. Usually
- // we'd use GetDesiredTLD() to figure out the TLD, but right now the user is
- // probably holding down control to cause the copy (which would make us always
- // think the user wanted ".com" added).
- url_parse::Parsed parts;
- const AutocompleteInput::Type type = AutocompleteInput::Parse(
- UserTextFromDisplayText(text), std::wstring(), &parts, NULL);
- if (type == AutocompleteInput::URL) {
- const GURL url(URLFixerUpper::FixupURL(text, std::wstring()));
+ // The entire control is selected. Let's see what the user typed. We can't
+ // use model_->CurrentTextIsURL() or model_->GetDataForURLExport() because
+ // right now the user is probably holding down control to cause the copy,
+ // which will screw up our calculation of the desired_tld.
+ GURL url;
+ if (model_->GetURLForText(text, &url))
clipboard->WriteHyperlink(text, url.spec());
- }
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnCut() {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnCut() {
// This replace selection will have no effect (even on the undo stack) if the
@@ -960,7 +1443,9 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnCut() {
ReplaceSel(L"", true);
-LRESULT AutocompleteEdit::OnGetObject(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) {
+LRESULT AutocompleteEditView::OnGetObject(UINT uMsg,
+ WPARAM wparam,
+ LPARAM lparam) {
// Accessibility readers will send an OBJID_CLIENT message.
if (lparam == OBJID_CLIENT) {
// Re-attach for internal re-usage of accessibility pointer.
@@ -974,7 +1459,7 @@ LRESULT AutocompleteEdit::OnGetObject(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) {
return 0;
-LRESULT AutocompleteEdit::OnImeComposition(UINT message,
+LRESULT AutocompleteEditView::OnImeComposition(UINT message,
WPARAM wparam,
LPARAM lparam) {
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
@@ -993,7 +1478,7 @@ LRESULT AutocompleteEdit::OnImeComposition(UINT message,
return result;
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnKeyDown(TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnKeyDown(TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
if (OnKeyDownAllModes(key, repeat_count, flags) || popup_window_mode_ ||
OnKeyDownOnlyWritable(key, repeat_count, flags))
@@ -1003,42 +1488,28 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnKeyDown(TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
HandleKeystroke(GetCurrentMessage()->message, key, repeat_count, flags);
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnKeyUp(TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
- if ((key == VK_CONTROL) && (control_key_state_ != UP)) {
- control_key_state_ = UP;
- if (popup_->is_open()) {
- // Autocomplete history provider results may change, so refresh the
- // popup. This will force user_input_in_progress_ to true, but if the
- // popup is open, that should have already been the case.
- UpdatePopup();
- }
- }
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnKeyUp(TCHAR key, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
+ if (key == VK_CONTROL)
+ model_->OnControlKeyChanged(false);
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnKillFocus(HWND focus_wnd) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnKillFocus(HWND focus_wnd) {
if (m_hWnd == focus_wnd) {
// Focus isn't actually leaving.
- has_focus_ = false;
- control_key_state_ = UP;
- paste_state_ = NONE;
// Close the popup.
// Save the user's existing selection to restore it later.
- // Like typing, killing focus "accepts" the temporary text as the user
- // text, because it makes little sense to have temporary text when the
- // popup is closed.
- InternalSetUserText(UserTextFromDisplayText(GetText()));
- has_temporary_text_ = false;
+ // Tell the model to reset itself.
+ model_->OnKillFocus();
// Let the CRichEditCtrl do its default handling. This will complete any
// in-progress IME composition. We must do this after setting has_focus_ to
@@ -1051,7 +1522,8 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnKillFocus(HWND focus_wnd) {
// the controller that input is in progress, which could cause the visible
// hints to change. (I don't know if there's a real scenario where they
// actually do change, but this is safest.)
- if (show_search_hint_ || (is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty()))
+ if (model_->show_search_hint() ||
+ (model_->is_keyword_hint() && !model_->keyword().empty()))
// Cancel any user selection and scroll the text back to the beginning of the
@@ -1061,7 +1533,7 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnKillFocus(HWND focus_wnd) {
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
// Save the double click info for later triple-click detection.
tracking_double_click_ = true;
double_click_point_ = point;
@@ -1079,7 +1551,7 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnLButtonDblClk(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
gaining_focus_.reset(); // See NOTE in OnMouseActivate().
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnLButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnLButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
if (gaining_focus_.get()) {
// This click is giving us focus, so we need to track how much the mouse
// moves to see if it's a drag or just a click. Clicks should select all
@@ -1129,7 +1601,7 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnLButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnLButtonUp(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnLButtonUp(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
// default processing should happen first so we can see the result of the
// selection
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
@@ -1149,9 +1621,9 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnLButtonUp(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
-LRESULT AutocompleteEdit::OnMouseActivate(HWND window,
- UINT hit_test,
- UINT mouse_message) {
+LRESULT AutocompleteEditView::OnMouseActivate(HWND window,
+ UINT hit_test,
+ UINT mouse_message) {
// First, give other handlers a chance to handle the message to see if we are
// actually going to activate and gain focus.
@@ -1162,7 +1634,7 @@ LRESULT AutocompleteEdit::OnMouseActivate(HWND window,
// reached before OnLButtonDown(), preventing us from detecting this properly
// there. Also in those cases, we need to already know in OnSetFocus() that
// we should not restore the saved selection.
- if (!has_focus_ && (mouse_message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) &&
+ if (!model_->has_focus() && (mouse_message == WM_LBUTTONDOWN) &&
(result == MA_ACTIVATE)) {
gaining_focus_.reset(new ScopedFreeze(this, GetTextObjectModel()));
@@ -1179,7 +1651,7 @@ LRESULT AutocompleteEdit::OnMouseActivate(HWND window,
return result;
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnMouseMove(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnMouseMove(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
if (possible_drag_) {
// Don't fall through to default mouse handling, otherwise a second
@@ -1252,7 +1724,7 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnMouseMove(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnPaint(HDC bogus_hdc) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnPaint(HDC bogus_hdc) {
// We need to paint over the top of the edit. If we simply let the edit do
// its default painting, then do ours into the window DC, the screen is
// updated in between and we can get flicker. To avoid this, we force the
@@ -1316,7 +1788,7 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnPaint(HDC bogus_hdc) {
edit_hwnd = old_edit_hwnd;
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnNonLButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnNonLButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
// Interestingly, the edit doesn't seem to cancel triple clicking when the
// x-buttons (which usually means "thumb buttons") are pressed, so we only
// call this for M and R down.
@@ -1327,14 +1799,14 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnNonLButtonDown(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnNonLButtonUp(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnNonLButtonUp(UINT keys, const CPoint& point) {
// Let default handler have a crack at this.
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnPaste() {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnPaste() {
// Replace the selection if we have something to paste.
const std::wstring text(GetClipboardText());
if (!text.empty()) {
@@ -1343,18 +1815,18 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnPaste() {
if (IsSelectAll(sel))
- paste_state_ = REPLACING_ALL;
+ model_->on_paste_replacing_all();
ReplaceSel(text.c_str(), true);
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnSetFocus(HWND focus_wnd) {
- has_focus_ = true;
- control_key_state_ = (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) ? DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE : UP;
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnSetFocus(HWND focus_wnd) {
+ model_->OnSetFocus(GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0);
// Notify controller if it needs to show hint UI of some kind.
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
- if (show_search_hint_ || (is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty()))
+ if (model_->show_search_hint() ||
+ (model_->is_keyword_hint() && !model_->keyword().empty()))
// Restore saved selection if available.
@@ -1366,7 +1838,7 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnSetFocus(HWND focus_wnd) {
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnSysChar(TCHAR ch, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnSysChar(TCHAR ch, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
// Nearly all alt-<xxx> combos result in beeping rather than doing something
// useful, so we discard most. Exceptions:
// * ctrl-alt-<xxx>, which is sometimes important, generates WM_CHAR instead
@@ -1378,17 +1850,19 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnSysChar(TCHAR ch, UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
-void AutocompleteEdit::HandleKeystroke(UINT message, TCHAR key,
- UINT repeat_count, UINT flags) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::HandleKeystroke(UINT message,
+ TCHAR key,
+ UINT repeat_count,
+ UINT flags) {
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
DefWindowProc(message, key, MAKELPARAM(repeat_count, flags));
-bool AutocompleteEdit::OnKeyDownOnlyWritable(TCHAR key,
- UINT repeat_count,
- UINT flags) {
+bool AutocompleteEditView::OnKeyDownOnlyWritable(TCHAR key,
+ UINT repeat_count,
+ UINT flags) {
// NOTE: Annoyingly, ctrl-alt-<key> generates WM_KEYDOWN rather than
// WM_SYSKEYDOWN, so we need to check (flags & KF_ALTDOWN) in various places
// in this function even with a WM_SYSKEYDOWN handler.
@@ -1396,8 +1870,8 @@ bool AutocompleteEdit::OnKeyDownOnlyWritable(TCHAR key,
int count = repeat_count;
switch (key) {
- false);
+ model_->AcceptInput((flags & KF_ALTDOWN) ?
return true;
case VK_UP:
@@ -1407,38 +1881,7 @@ bool AutocompleteEdit::OnKeyDownOnlyWritable(TCHAR key,
if (flags & KF_ALTDOWN)
return false;
- // NOTE: VK_DOWN/VK_UP purposefully don't trigger any code that resets
- // paste_state_.
- disable_keyword_ui_ = false;
- if (!popup_->is_open()) {
- if (!popup_->query_in_progress()) {
- // The popup is neither open nor working on a query already. So,
- // start an autocomplete query for the current text. This also sets
- // user_input_in_progress_ to true, which we want: if the user has
- // started to interact with the popup, changing the permanent_text_
- // shouldn't change the displayed text.
- // Note: This does not force the popup to open immediately.
- if (!user_input_in_progress_)
- InternalSetUserText(permanent_text_);
- DCHECK(user_text_ == UserTextFromDisplayText(GetText()));
- UpdatePopup();
- }
- // Now go ahead and force the popup to open, and copy the text of the
- // default item into the edit. We ignore |count|, since without the
- // popup open, the user doesn't really know what they're interacting
- // with. Since the user hit an arrow key to explicitly open the popup,
- // we assume that they prefer the temporary text of the default item
- // to their own text, like we do when they arrow around an already-open
- // popup. In many cases the existing text in the edit and the new text
- // will be the same, and the only visible effect will be to cancel any
- // selection and place the cursor at the end of the edit.
- popup_->Move(0);
- } else {
- // The popup is open, so the user should be able to interact with it
- // normally.
- popup_->Move(count);
- }
+ model_->OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(count);
return true;
// Hijacking Editing Commands
@@ -1463,7 +1906,7 @@ bool AutocompleteEdit::OnKeyDownOnlyWritable(TCHAR key,
if ((flags & KF_ALTDOWN) || GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >= 0)
return false;
- if (control_key_state_ == UP) {
+ if (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0) {
// Cut text if possible.
CHARRANGE selection;
@@ -1472,18 +1915,18 @@ bool AutocompleteEdit::OnKeyDownOnlyWritable(TCHAR key,
- } else if (popup_->is_open()) {
+ } else if (popup_model_->is_open()) {
// This is a bit overloaded, but we hijack Shift-Delete in this
// case to delete the current item from the pop-up. We prefer cutting
// to this when possible since that's the behavior more people expect
// from Shift-Delete, and it's more commonly useful.
- popup_->TryDeletingCurrentItem();
+ popup_model_->TryDeletingCurrentItem();
return true;
case 'X':
- if ((flags & KF_ALTDOWN) || (control_key_state_ == UP))
+ if ((flags & KF_ALTDOWN) || (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0))
return false;
if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >= 0) {
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
@@ -1495,11 +1938,10 @@ bool AutocompleteEdit::OnKeyDownOnlyWritable(TCHAR key,
case 'V':
- if ((flags & KF_ALTDOWN) || ((key == 'V') ?
- (control_key_state_ == UP) : (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >= 0)))
+ if ((flags & KF_ALTDOWN) ||
+ (GetKeyState((key == 'V') ? VK_CONTROL : VK_SHIFT) >= 0))
return false;
- if ((key == 'V') ?
- (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >= 0) : (control_key_state_ == UP)) {
+ if (GetKeyState((key == 'V') ? VK_SHIFT : VK_CONTROL) >= 0) {
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
@@ -1508,7 +1950,8 @@ bool AutocompleteEdit::OnKeyDownOnlyWritable(TCHAR key,
return true;
case VK_BACK: {
- if ((flags & KF_ALTDOWN) || is_keyword_hint_ || keyword_.empty())
+ if ((flags & KF_ALTDOWN) || model_->is_keyword_hint() ||
+ model_->keyword().empty())
return false;
@@ -1519,41 +1962,17 @@ bool AutocompleteEdit::OnKeyDownOnlyWritable(TCHAR key,
// We're showing a keyword and the user pressed backspace at the beginning
- // of the text. Delete the trailing space from the keyword forcing the
- // selected keyword to become empty.
+ // of the text. Delete the selected keyword.
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
- OnBeforePossibleChange();
- const std::wstring window_text(keyword_ + GetText());
- SetWindowText(window_text.c_str());
- PlaceCaretAt(keyword_.length());
- popup_->manually_selected_match_.Clear();
- keyword_.clear();
- OnAfterPossibleChange();
- just_deleted_text_ = true; // OnAfterPossibleChange() fails to clear this
- // since the edit contents have actually grown
- // longer.
+ model_->ClearKeyword(GetText());
return true;
case VK_TAB: {
- if (is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty()) {
+ if (model_->is_keyword_hint() && !model_->keyword().empty()) {
// Accept the keyword.
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
- OnBeforePossibleChange();
- SetWindowText(L"");
- popup_->manually_selected_match_.Clear();
- popup_->manually_selected_match_.provider_affinity =
- popup_->autocomplete_controller()->keyword_provider();
- is_keyword_hint_ = false;
- disable_keyword_ui_ = false;
- OnAfterPossibleChange();
- just_deleted_text_ = false; // OnAfterPossibleChange() erroneously sets
- // this since the edit contents have
- // disappeared. It doesn't really matter,
- // but we clear it to be consistent.
- // Send out notification (primarily for logging).
- UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"AcceptedKeywordHint", profile_);
+ model_->AcceptKeyword();
return true;
@@ -1566,28 +1985,19 @@ bool AutocompleteEdit::OnKeyDownOnlyWritable(TCHAR key,
-bool AutocompleteEdit::OnKeyDownAllModes(TCHAR key,
- UINT repeat_count,
- UINT flags) {
+bool AutocompleteEditView::OnKeyDownAllModes(TCHAR key,
+ UINT repeat_count,
+ UINT flags) {
// See KF_ALTDOWN comment atop OnKeyDownOnlyWriteable().
switch (key) {
- if (control_key_state_ == UP) {
- control_key_state_ = DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE;
- if (popup_->is_open()) {
- DCHECK(!popup_window_mode_); // How did the popup get open in read-only mode?
- // Autocomplete history provider results may change, so refresh the
- // popup. This will force user_input_in_progress_ to true, but if the
- // popup is open, that should have already been the case.
- UpdatePopup();
- }
- }
+ model_->OnControlKeyChanged(true);
return false;
case 'C':
// See more detailed comments in OnKeyDownOnlyWriteable().
- if ((flags & KF_ALTDOWN) || (control_key_state_ == UP))
+ if ((flags & KF_ALTDOWN) || (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0))
return false;
if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) >= 0)
@@ -1598,134 +2008,7 @@ bool AutocompleteEdit::OnKeyDownAllModes(TCHAR key,
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnBeforePossibleChange() {
- // Record our state.
- text_before_change_ = GetText();
- GetSelection(sel_before_change_);
- select_all_before_change_ = IsSelectAll(sel_before_change_);
-bool AutocompleteEdit::OnAfterPossibleChange() {
- // Prevent the user from selecting the "phantom newline" at the end of the
- // edit. If they try, we just silently move the end of the selection back to
- // the end of the real text.
- CHARRANGE new_sel;
- GetSelection(new_sel);
- const int length = GetTextLength();
- if ((new_sel.cpMin > length) || (new_sel.cpMax > length)) {
- if (new_sel.cpMin > length)
- new_sel.cpMin = length;
- if (new_sel.cpMax > length)
- new_sel.cpMax = length;
- SetSelectionRange(new_sel);
- }
- const bool selection_differs = (new_sel.cpMin != sel_before_change_.cpMin) ||
- (new_sel.cpMax != sel_before_change_.cpMax);
- // See if the text or selection have changed since OnBeforePossibleChange().
- const std::wstring new_text(GetText());
- const bool text_differs = (new_text != text_before_change_);
- // Update the paste state as appropriate: if we're just finishing a paste
- // that replaced all the text, preserve that information; otherwise, if we've
- // made some other edit, clear paste tracking.
- if (paste_state_ == REPLACING_ALL)
- paste_state_ = REPLACED_ALL;
- else if (text_differs)
- paste_state_ = NONE;
- // If something has changed while the control key is down, prevent
- // "ctrl-enter" until the control key is released. When we do this, we need
- // to update the popup if it's open, since the desired_tld will have changed.
- if ((text_differs || selection_differs) &&
- (control_key_state_ == DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE)) {
- control_key_state_ = DOWN_WITH_CHANGE;
- if (!text_differs && !popup_->is_open())
- return false; // Don't open the popup for no reason.
- } else if (!text_differs &&
- (inline_autocomplete_text_.empty() || !selection_differs)) {
- return false;
- }
- const bool had_keyword = !is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty();
- // Modifying the selection counts as accepting the autocompleted text.
- InternalSetUserText(UserTextFromDisplayText(new_text));
- has_temporary_text_ = false;
- if (text_differs) {
- // When the user has deleted text, don't allow inline autocomplete. Make
- // sure to not flag cases like selecting part of the text and then pasting
- // (or typing) the prefix of that selection. (We detect these by making
- // sure the caret, which should be after any insertion, hasn't moved
- // forward of the old selection start.)
- just_deleted_text_ = (text_before_change_.length() > new_text.length()) &&
- (new_sel.cpMin <= std::min(sel_before_change_.cpMin,
- sel_before_change_.cpMax));
- // When the user doesn't have a selected keyword, deleting text or replacing
- // all of it with something else should reset the provider affinity. The
- // typical use case for deleting is that the user starts typing, sees that
- // some entry is close to what he wants, arrows to it, and then deletes some
- // unnecessary bit from the end of the string. In this case the user didn't
- // actually want "provider X", he wanted the string from that entry for
- // editing purposes, and he's no longer looking at the popup to notice that,
- // despite deleting some text, the action we'll take on enter hasn't changed
- // at all.
- if (!had_keyword && (just_deleted_text_ || select_all_before_change_)) {
- popup_->manually_selected_match_.Clear();
- }
- }
- // Disable the fancy keyword UI if the user didn't already have a visible
- // keyword and is not at the end of the edit. This prevents us from showing
- // the fancy UI (and interrupting the user's editing) if the user happens to
- // have a keyword for 'a', types 'ab' then puts a space between the 'a' and
- // the 'b'.
- disable_keyword_ui_ = (is_keyword_hint_ || keyword_.empty()) &&
- ((new_sel.cpMax != length) || (new_sel.cpMin != length));
- UpdatePopup();
- if (!had_keyword && !is_keyword_hint_ && !keyword_.empty()) {
- // Went from no selected keyword to a selected keyword. Set the affinity to
- // the keyword provider. This forces the selected keyword to persist even
- // if the user deletes all the text.
- popup_->manually_selected_match_.Clear();
- popup_->manually_selected_match_.provider_affinity =
- popup_->autocomplete_controller()->keyword_provider();
- }
- if (text_differs)
- TextChanged();
- return true;
-void AutocompleteEdit::SetUserText(const std::wstring& text,
- const std::wstring& display_text,
- bool update_popup) {
- ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
- SetInputInProgress(true);
- paste_state_ = NONE;
- InternalSetUserText(text);
- SetWindowText(display_text.c_str());
- PlaceCaretAt(display_text.length());
- saved_selection_for_focus_change_.cpMin = -1;
- has_temporary_text_ = false;
- popup_->manually_selected_match_.Clear();
- if (update_popup)
- UpdatePopup();
- TextChanged();
-void AutocompleteEdit::InternalSetUserText(const std::wstring& text) {
- user_text_ = text;
- just_deleted_text_ = false;
- inline_autocomplete_text_.clear();
-void AutocompleteEdit::GetSelection(CHARRANGE& sel) const {
+void AutocompleteEditView::GetSelection(CHARRANGE& sel) const {
// See if we need to reverse the direction of the selection.
@@ -1738,7 +2021,7 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::GetSelection(CHARRANGE& sel) const {
std::swap(sel.cpMin, sel.cpMax);
-std::wstring AutocompleteEdit::GetSelectedText() const {
+std::wstring AutocompleteEditView::GetSelectedText() const {
// Figure out the length of the selection.
@@ -1749,7 +2032,7 @@ std::wstring AutocompleteEdit::GetSelectedText() const {
return str;
-void AutocompleteEdit::SetSelection(LONG start, LONG end) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::SetSelection(LONG start, LONG end) {
SetSel(start, end);
if (start <= end)
@@ -1762,18 +2045,18 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::SetSelection(LONG start, LONG end) {
-void AutocompleteEdit::PlaceCaretAt(std::wstring::size_type pos) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::PlaceCaretAt(std::wstring::size_type pos) {
SetSelection(static_cast<LONG>(pos), static_cast<LONG>(pos));
-bool AutocompleteEdit::IsSelectAll(const CHARRANGE& sel) const {
+bool AutocompleteEditView::IsSelectAll(const CHARRANGE& sel) const {
const int text_length = GetTextLength();
return ((sel.cpMin == 0) && (sel.cpMax >= text_length)) ||
((sel.cpMax == 0) && (sel.cpMin >= text_length));
-LONG AutocompleteEdit::ClipXCoordToVisibleText(LONG x,
- bool is_triple_click) const {
+LONG AutocompleteEditView::ClipXCoordToVisibleText(LONG x,
+ bool is_triple_click) const {
// Clip the X coordinate to the left edge of the text. Careful:
// PosFromChar(0) may return a negative X coordinate if the beginning of the
// text has scrolled off the edit, so don't go past the clip rect's edge.
@@ -1804,7 +2087,7 @@ LONG AutocompleteEdit::ClipXCoordToVisibleText(LONG x,
return is_triple_click ? (right_bound - 1) : right_bound;
-void AutocompleteEdit::EmphasizeURLComponents() {
+void AutocompleteEditView::EmphasizeURLComponents() {
ITextDocument* const text_object_model = GetTextObjectModel();
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, text_object_model);
ScopedSuspendUndo suspend_undo(text_object_model);
@@ -1814,31 +2097,20 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::EmphasizeURLComponents() {
// See whether the contents are a URL with a non-empty host portion, which we
- // should emphasize.
+ // should emphasize. To check for a URL, rather than using the type returned
+ // by Parse(), ask the model, which will check the desired page transition for
+ // this input. This can tell us whether an UNKNOWN input string is going to
+ // be treated as a search or a navigation, and is the same method the Paste
+ // And Go system uses.
url_parse::Parsed parts;
- AutocompleteInput::Parse(GetText(), GetDesiredTLD(), &parts, NULL);
- bool emphasize = ( > 0);
- // If !user_input_in_progress_, the permanent text is showing, which should
- // always be a URL, so no further checking is needed. By avoiding checking in
- // this case, we avoid calling into the autocomplete providers, and thus
- // initializing the history system, as long as possible, which speeds startup.
- if (user_input_in_progress_) {
- // Rather than using the type returned by Parse(), key off the desired page
- // transition for this input since that can tell us whether an UNKNOWN input
- // string is going to be treated as a search or a navigation. This is the
- // same method the Paste And Go system uses.
- PageTransition::Type transition = PageTransition::LINK;
- GetURLForCurrentText(&transition, NULL, NULL);
- if (transition != PageTransition::TYPED)
- emphasize = false;
- }
+ AutocompleteInput::Parse(GetText(), model_->GetDesiredTLD(), &parts, NULL);
+ const bool emphasize = model_->CurrentTextIsURL() && ( > 0);
// Set the baseline emphasis.
CHARFORMAT cf = {0};
cf.dwMask = CFM_COLOR;
cf.dwEffects = 0;
- cf.crTextColor = (emphasize ? GetSysColor(COLOR_GRAYTEXT) :
+ cf.crTextColor = GetSysColor(emphasize ? COLOR_GRAYTEXT : COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
@@ -1851,9 +2123,8 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::EmphasizeURLComponents() {
// Emphasize the scheme for security UI display purposes (if necessary).
- if (!user_input_in_progress_ && parts.scheme.is_nonempty() &&
- ((scheme_security_level_ == ToolbarModel::SECURE) ||
- (scheme_security_level_ == ToolbarModel::INSECURE))) {
+ if (!model_->user_input_in_progress() && parts.scheme.is_nonempty() &&
+ (scheme_security_level_ != ToolbarModel::NORMAL)) {
if (scheme_security_level_ == ToolbarModel::SECURE) {
cf.crTextColor = kSecureSchemeColor;
} else {
@@ -1869,9 +2140,9 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::EmphasizeURLComponents() {
-void AutocompleteEdit::EraseTopOfSelection(CDC* dc,
- const CRect& client_rect,
- const CRect& paint_clip_rect) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::EraseTopOfSelection(CDC* dc,
+ const CRect& client_rect,
+ const CRect& paint_clip_rect) {
// Find the area we care about painting. We could calculate the rect
// containing just the selected portion, but there's no harm in simply erasing
// the whole top of the client area, and at least once I saw us manage to
@@ -1886,7 +2157,7 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::EraseTopOfSelection(CDC* dc,
dc->FillSolidRect(&erase_rect, background_color_);
-void AutocompleteEdit::DrawSlashForInsecureScheme(
+void AutocompleteEditView::DrawSlashForInsecureScheme(
HDC hdc,
const CRect& client_rect,
const CRect& paint_clip_rect) {
@@ -1978,9 +2249,9 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::DrawSlashForInsecureScheme(, &canvas_paint_clip_rect);
-void AutocompleteEdit::DrawDropHighlight(HDC hdc,
- const CRect& client_rect,
- const CRect& paint_clip_rect) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::DrawDropHighlight(HDC hdc,
+ const CRect& client_rect,
+ const CRect& paint_clip_rect) {
DCHECK(drop_highlight_position_ != -1);
const int highlight_y = + font_y_adjustment_;
@@ -2002,65 +2273,13 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::DrawDropHighlight(HDC hdc,
DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdc, last_pen));
-std::wstring AutocompleteEdit::GetDesiredTLD() const {
- return (control_key_state_ == DOWN_WITHOUT_CHANGE) ? L"com" : L"";
-void AutocompleteEdit::UpdatePopup() {
- ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
- SetInputInProgress(true);
- if (!has_focus_) {
- // When we're in the midst of losing focus, don't rerun autocomplete. This
- // can happen when losing focus causes the IME to cancel/finalize a
- // composition. We still want to note that user input is in progress, we
- // just don't want to do anything else.
- //
- // Note that in this case the ScopedFreeze above was unnecessary; however,
- // we're inside the callstack of OnKillFocus(), which has already frozen the
- // edit, so this will never result in an unnecessary UpdateWindow() call.
- return;
- }
- // Figure out whether the user is trying to compose something in an IME.
- bool ime_composing = false;
- HIMC context = ImmGetContext(m_hWnd);
- if (context) {
- ime_composing = !!ImmGetCompositionString(context, GCS_COMPSTR, NULL, 0);
- ImmReleaseContext(m_hWnd, context);
- }
- // Don't inline autocomplete when:
- // * The user is deleting text
- // * The caret/selection isn't at the end of the text
- // * The user has just pasted in something that replaced all the text
- // * The user is trying to compose something in an IME
- GetSel(sel);
- popup_->StartAutocomplete(user_text_, GetDesiredTLD(),
- just_deleted_text_ || (sel.cpMax < GetTextLength()) ||
- (paste_state_ != NONE) || ime_composing);
-void AutocompleteEdit::TextChanged() {
+void AutocompleteEditView::TextChanged() {
ScopedFreeze freeze(this, GetTextObjectModel());
-std::wstring AutocompleteEdit::DisplayTextFromUserText(
- const std::wstring& text) const {
- return (is_keyword_hint_ || keyword_.empty()) ?
- text : KeywordProvider::SplitReplacementStringFromInput(text);
-std::wstring AutocompleteEdit::UserTextFromDisplayText(
- const std::wstring& text) const {
- return (is_keyword_hint_ || keyword_.empty()) ?
- text : (keyword_ + L" " + text);
-std::wstring AutocompleteEdit::GetClipboardText() const {
+std::wstring AutocompleteEditView::GetClipboardText() const {
// Try text format.
ClipboardService* clipboard = g_browser_process->clipboard_service();
if (clipboard->IsFormatAvailable(CF_UNICODETEXT)) {
@@ -2095,93 +2314,11 @@ std::wstring AutocompleteEdit::GetClipboardText() const {
return std::wstring();
-bool AutocompleteEdit::CanPasteAndGo(const std::wstring& text) const {
- if (popup_window_mode_)
- return false;
- // Reset local state.
- paste_and_go_url_.clear();
- paste_and_go_transition_ = PageTransition::TYPED;
- paste_and_go_alternate_nav_url_.clear();
- // See if the clipboard text can be parsed.
- const AutocompleteInput input(text, std::wstring(), true);
- if (input.type() == AutocompleteInput::INVALID)
- return false;
- // Ask the controller what do do with this input.
- paste_and_go_controller->SetProfile(profile_);
- // This is cheap, and since there's one
- // paste_and_go_controller for many tabs which
- // may all have different profiles, it ensures
- // we're always using the right one.
- const bool done = paste_and_go_controller->Start(input, false, true);
- DCHECK(done);
- AutocompleteResult result;
- paste_and_go_controller->GetResult(&result);
- if (result.empty())
- return false;
- // Set local state based on the default action for this input.
- result.SetDefaultMatch(AutocompleteResult::Selection());
- const AutocompleteResult::const_iterator match(result.default_match());
- DCHECK(match != result.end());
- paste_and_go_url_ = match->destination_url;
- paste_and_go_transition_ = match->transition;
- paste_and_go_alternate_nav_url_ = result.GetAlternateNavURL(input, match);
- return !paste_and_go_url_.empty();
-void AutocompleteEdit::PasteAndGo() {
- // The final parameter to OpenURL, keyword, is not quite correct here: it's
- // possible to "paste and go" a string that contains a keyword. This is
- // enough of an edge case that we ignore this possibility.
- RevertAll();
- OpenURL(paste_and_go_url_, CURRENT_TAB, paste_and_go_transition_,
- paste_and_go_alternate_nav_url_, AutocompletePopupModel::kNoMatch,
- std::wstring());
+bool AutocompleteEditView::CanPasteAndGo(const std::wstring& text) const {
+ return !popup_window_mode_ && model_->CanPasteAndGo(text);
-void AutocompleteEdit::SetInputInProgress(bool in_progress) {
- if (user_input_in_progress_ == in_progress)
- return;
- user_input_in_progress_ = in_progress;
- controller_->OnInputInProgress(in_progress);
-void AutocompleteEdit::SendOpenNotification(size_t selected_line,
- const std::wstring& keyword) {
- // We only care about cases where there is a selection (i.e. the popup is
- // open).
- if (popup_->is_open()) {
- scoped_ptr<AutocompleteLog> log(popup_->GetAutocompleteLog());
- if (selected_line != AutocompletePopupModel::kNoMatch)
- log->selected_index = selected_line;
- else if (!has_temporary_text_)
- log->inline_autocompleted_length = inline_autocomplete_text_.length();
- NotificationService::current()->Notify(
- NOTIFY_OMNIBOX_OPENED_URL, Source<Profile>(profile_),
- Details<AutocompleteLog>(log.get()));
- }
- TemplateURLModel* template_url_model = profile_->GetTemplateURLModel();
- if (keyword.empty() || !template_url_model)
- return;
- const TemplateURL* const template_url =
- template_url_model->GetTemplateURLForKeyword(keyword);
- if (template_url) {
- UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"AcceptedKeyword", profile_);
- template_url_model->IncrementUsageCount(template_url);
- }
- // NOTE: We purposefully don't increment the usage count of the default search
- // engine, if applicable; see comments in template_url.h.
-ITextDocument* AutocompleteEdit::GetTextObjectModel() const {
+ITextDocument* AutocompleteEditView::GetTextObjectModel() const {
if (!text_object_model_) {
// This is lazily initialized, instead of being initialized in the
// constructor, in order to avoid hurting startup performance.
@@ -2192,7 +2329,7 @@ ITextDocument* AutocompleteEdit::GetTextObjectModel() const {
return text_object_model_;
-void AutocompleteEdit::StartDragIfNecessary(const CPoint& point) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::StartDragIfNecessary(const CPoint& point) {
if (initiated_drag_ || !win_util::IsDrag(mouse_down_point_, point))
@@ -2220,21 +2357,17 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::StartDragIfNecessary(const CPoint& point) {
const std::wstring start_text(GetText());
if (IsSelectAll(sel)) {
// All the text is selected, export as URL.
- const std::wstring url(GetURLForCurrentText(NULL, NULL, NULL));
+ GURL url;
std::wstring title;
SkBitmap favicon;
- if (url == permanent_text_) {
- title = controller_->GetTitle();
- favicon = controller_->GetFavIcon();
- }
- const GURL gurl(url);
- drag_utils::SetURLAndDragImage(gurl, title, favicon, data.get());
- data->SetURL(gurl, title);
+ model_->GetDataForURLExport(&url, &title, &favicon);
+ drag_utils::SetURLAndDragImage(url, title, favicon, data.get());
+ data->SetURL(url, title);
supported_modes |= DROPEFFECT_LINK;
- UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"Omnibox_DragURL", profile_);
+ UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"Omnibox_DragURL", model_->profile());
} else {
supported_modes |= DROPEFFECT_MOVE;
- UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"Omnibox_DragString", profile_);
+ UserMetrics::RecordAction(L"Omnibox_DragString", model_->profile());
@@ -2284,7 +2417,7 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::StartDragIfNecessary(const CPoint& point) {
tracking_click_ = false;
-void AutocompleteEdit::OnPossibleDrag(const CPoint& point) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::OnPossibleDrag(const CPoint& point) {
if (possible_drag_)
@@ -2304,12 +2437,12 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::OnPossibleDrag(const CPoint& point) {
-void AutocompleteEdit::UpdateDragDone(UINT keys) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::UpdateDragDone(UINT keys) {
possible_drag_ = (possible_drag_ &&
((keys & (MK_LBUTTON | MK_MBUTTON | MK_RBUTTON)) != 0));
-void AutocompleteEdit::RepaintDropHighlight(int position) {
+void AutocompleteEditView::RepaintDropHighlight(int position) {
if ((position != -1) && (position <= GetTextLength())) {
const POINT min_loc(PosFromChar(position));
const RECT highlight_bounds = {min_loc.x - 1, font_y_adjustment_,
@@ -2317,4 +2450,3 @@ void AutocompleteEdit::RepaintDropHighlight(int position) {
InvalidateRect(&highlight_bounds, false);