path: root/chrome/browser/history/starred_url_database.h
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mode: <>2008-08-21 15:20:33 +0000 <>2008-08-21 15:20:33 +0000
commitf25387b62a3cccde48622d0b7fca57cd6fb16ab7 (patch)
tree06ac2c1972d6608fb65979c3a279a6d214fecc6c /chrome/browser/history/starred_url_database.h
parentbcc682fc4f5050ac911635ab649fbd30002fc2b4 (diff)
Moves bookmarks out of history into its own file (JSON).
Interesting points: . Migration was a bit atypical. Here is the approach I took: . If the URL db contains bookmarks it writes the bookmarks to a temporary file. . When the bookmark bar model is loaded it assumes bookmarks are stored in a file. If the bookmarks file doesn't exist it then attempts to load from history, after waiting for history to finish processing tasks. . I've broken having the omnibox query for starred only. This patch was already too ginormous for me to contemplate this too. I'll return to it after I land this. . Similarly the history page isn't searching for starred titles now. As we discussed with Glen, that is probably fine for now. . I've converted NOTIFY_STARRED_FAVICON_CHANGED to NOTIFY_FAVICON_CHANGED and it is notified ANY time a favicon changes. I'm mildly concerned about the extra notifications, but without having history know about starred it's the best I can do for now. . Autocomplete (specifically URLDatabase::AutocompleteForPrefix) previously sorted by starred. It can no longer do this. I don't think I can get this functionality back:( Luckily it only mattered if you had a starred and non-starred URL with the same type count that matched a query. Probably pretty rare. What's left: . Fix up HistoryContentsProvider to query for starred entries titles. . Clean up the delete all case. I basically just made it compile; it can be greatly simplified. . Rename BookmarkBarModel to BookmarksModel. BUG=1256202 TEST=this is a huge change to bookmarks. Thanfully it's pretty well covered by tests, none-the-less make sure you exercise bookmarks pretty heavily to make sure nothing is busted. git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/history/starred_url_database.h')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/history/starred_url_database.h b/chrome/browser/history/starred_url_database.h
index d58571d..e7a774f 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/history/starred_url_database.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/history/starred_url_database.h
@@ -44,12 +44,9 @@ class SqliteStatementCache;
namespace history {
-// Encapsulates a URL database plus starred information.
-// WARNING: many of the following methods allow you to update, delete or
-// insert starred entries specifying a visual order. These methods do NOT
-// adjust the visual order of surrounding entries. You must explicitly do
-// it yourself using AdjustStarredVisualOrder as appropriate.
+// Bookmarks were originally part of the url database, they have since been
+// moved to a separate file. This file exists purely for historical reasons and
+// contains just enough to allow migration.
class StarredURLDatabase : public URLDatabase {
// Must call InitStarTable() AND any additional init functions provided by
@@ -57,87 +54,22 @@ class StarredURLDatabase : public URLDatabase {
virtual ~StarredURLDatabase();
- // Returns the id of the starred entry. This does NOT return,
- // rather the database is queried for the id based on entry.url or
- // entry.group_id.
- StarID GetStarIDForEntry(const StarredEntry& entry);
- // Returns the internal star ID for the externally-generated group ID.
- StarID GetStarIDForGroupID(UIStarID group_id);
- // Gets the details for the specified star entry in entry.
- bool GetStarredEntry(StarID star_id, StarredEntry* entry);
- // Creates a starred entry with the requested information. The structure will
- // be updated with the ID of the newly created entry. The URL table will be
- // updated to point to the entry. The URL row will be created if it doesn't
- // exist.
- //
- // We currently only support one entry per URL. This URL should not already be
- // starred when calling this function or it will fail and will return 0.
- StarID CreateStarredEntry(StarredEntry* entry);
- // Returns starred entries.
- // This returns three different result types:
- // only_on_bookmark_bar == true: only those entries on the bookmark bar are
- // returned.
- // only_on_bookmark_bar == false and parent_id == 0: all starred
- // entries/groups.
- // otherwise only the direct children (groups and entries) of parent_id are
- // returned.
- bool GetStarredEntries(UIStarID parent_group_id,
- std::vector<StarredEntry>* entries);
- // Deletes a starred entry. This adjusts the visual order of all siblings
- // after the entry. The deleted entry(s) will be *appended* to
- // |*deleted_entries| (so delete can be called more than once with the same
- // list) and deleted URLs will additionally be added to the set.
- //
- // This function invokes DeleteStarredEntryImpl to do the actual work, which
- // recurses.
- void DeleteStarredEntry(StarID star_id,
- std::set<GURL>* unstarred_urls,
- std::vector<StarredEntry>* deleted_entries);
- // Implementation to update the database for UpdateStarredEntry. Returns true
- // on success. If successful, the parent_id, url_id, id and date_added fields
- // of the entry are reset from that of the database.
- bool UpdateStarredEntry(StarredEntry* entry);
- // Gets up to max_count starred entries of type URL adding them to entries.
- // The results are ordered by date added in descending order (most recent
- // first).
- void GetMostRecentStarredEntries(int max_count,
- std::vector<StarredEntry>* entries);
- // Gets the URLIDs for all starred entries of type URL whose title matches
- // the specified query.
- void GetURLsForTitlesMatching(const std::wstring& query,
- std::set<URLID>* ids);
- // Returns true if the starred table is in a sane state. If false, the starred
- // table is likely corrupt and shouldn't be used.
- bool is_starred_valid() const { return is_starred_valid_; }
- // Updates the URL ID for the given starred entry. This is used by the expirer
- // when URL IDs change. It can't use UpdateStarredEntry since that doesn't
- // set the URLID, and it does a bunch of other logic that we don't need.
- bool UpdateURLIDForStar(StarID star_id, URLID new_url_id);
// The unit tests poke our innards.
friend class HistoryTest;
+ friend class StarredURLDatabaseTest;
FRIEND_TEST(HistoryTest, CreateStarGroup);
+ // Writes bookmarks to the specified file.
+ bool MigrateBookmarksToFile(const std::wstring& path);
// Returns the database and statement cache for the functions in this
// interface. The decendent of this class implements these functions to
// return its objects.
virtual sqlite3* GetDB() = 0;
virtual SqliteStatementCache& GetStatementCache() = 0;
- // Creates the starred tables if necessary.
- bool InitStarTable();
+ private:
// Makes sure the starred table is in a sane state. This does the following:
// . Makes sure there is a bookmark bar and other nodes. If no bookmark bar
// node is found, the table is dropped and recreated.
@@ -155,17 +87,8 @@ class StarredURLDatabase : public URLDatabase {
// This should be invoked after migration.
bool EnsureStarredIntegrity();
- // Creates a starred entry with the specified parameters in the database.
- // Returns the newly created id, or 0 on failure.
- //
- // WARNING: Does not update the visual order.
- StarID CreateStarredEntryRow(URLID url_id,
- UIStarID group_id,
- UIStarID parent_group_id,
- const std::wstring& title,
- const Time& date_added,
- int visual_order,
- StarredEntry::Type type);
+ // Gets all the starred entries.
+ bool GetAllStarredEntries(std::vector<StarredEntry>* entries);
// Sets the title, parent_id, parent_group_id, visual_order and date_modifed
// of the specified star entry.
@@ -185,26 +108,39 @@ class StarredURLDatabase : public URLDatabase {
int start_visual_order,
int delta);
+ // Creates a starred entry with the specified parameters in the database.
+ // Returns the newly created id, or 0 on failure.
+ //
+ // WARNING: Does not update the visual order.
+ StarID CreateStarredEntryRow(URLID url_id,
+ UIStarID group_id,
+ UIStarID parent_group_id,
+ const std::wstring& title,
+ const Time& date_added,
+ int visual_order,
+ StarredEntry::Type type);
// Deletes the entry from the starred database base on the starred id (NOT
// the url id).
// WARNING: Does not update the visual order.
bool DeleteStarredEntryRow(StarID star_id);
- // Should the integrity of the starred table be checked on every mutation?
- // Default is true. Set to false when running tests that need to allow the
- // table to be in an invalid state while testing.
- bool check_starred_integrity_on_mutation_;
+ // Gets the details for the specified star entry in entry.
+ bool GetStarredEntry(StarID star_id, StarredEntry* entry);
+ // Creates a starred entry with the requested information. The structure will
+ // be updated with the ID of the newly created entry. The URL table will be
+ // updated to point to the entry. The URL row will be created if it doesn't
+ // exist.
+ //
+ // We currently only support one entry per URL. This URL should not already be
+ // starred when calling this function or it will fail and will return 0.
+ StarID CreateStarredEntry(StarredEntry* entry);
- private:
// Used when checking integrity of starred table.
typedef ChromeViews::TreeNodeWithValue<history::StarredEntry> StarredNode;
- // Implementation of DeleteStarredEntryImpl.
- void DeleteStarredEntryImpl(StarID star_id,
- std::set<GURL>* unstarred_urls,
- std::vector<StarredEntry>* deleted_entries);
// Returns the max group id, or 0 if there is an error.
UIStarID GetMaxGroupID();
@@ -262,24 +198,9 @@ class StarredURLDatabase : public URLDatabase {
// needs to be moved.
bool Move(StarredNode* source, StarredNode* new_parent);
- // Drops and recreates the starred table as well as marking all URLs as
- // unstarred. This is used as a last resort if the bookmarks table is
- // totally corrupt.
- bool RecreateStarredEntries();
- // Iterates through the children of node make sure the visual order matches
- // the order in node's children. DCHECKs if the order differs. This recurses.
- void CheckVisualOrder(StarredNode* node);
- // Makes sure the starred table is in a sane state, if not this DCHECKs.
- // This is invoked internally after any mutation to the starred table.
- //
- // This is a no-op in release builds.
- void CheckStarredIntegrity();
- // True if the starred table is valid. This is initialized in
- // EnsureStarredIntegrityImpl.
- bool is_starred_valid_;
+ // Does the work of migrating bookmarks to a temporary file that
+ // BookmarkStorage will read from.
+ bool MigrateBookmarksToFileImpl(const std::wstring& path);