path: root/chrome/browser/metrics/metrics_service.h
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mode: <>2010-07-19 08:00:42 +0000 <>2010-07-19 08:00:42 +0000
commit46f89e149da3971fcf52b778de939256fae4249a (patch)
tree24a85f97832b082072dd54035a89de4ca9cc86cf /chrome/browser/metrics/metrics_service.h
parenta110dd1ff6a3b8507ee164ababea537df52642cb (diff)
Compress and checksum pending logs that are going to be persisted. Persisted logs now have the following format:
[list_size, log1, log2, ..., log_n, checksum]. where each log is bzipped before being written. Upon reading the logs from disk, we verify the data and register whether we faced corruptions or not. r=jar Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/metrics/metrics_service.h')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/metrics/metrics_service.h b/chrome/browser/metrics/metrics_service.h
index 7e318f0..5066d82 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/metrics/metrics_service.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/metrics/metrics_service.h
@@ -80,6 +80,30 @@ class MetricsService : public NotificationObserver,
public URLFetcher::Delegate,
public MetricsServiceBase {
+ // Used to produce a historgram that keeps track of the status of recalling
+ // persisted per logs.
+ enum LogRecallStatus {
+ RECALL_SUCCESS, // We were able to correctly recall a persisted log.
+ LIST_EMPTY, // Attempting to recall from an empty list.
+ LIST_SIZE_MISSING, // Failed to recover list size using GetAsInteger().
+ LIST_SIZE_TOO_SMALL, // Too few elements in the list (less than 3).
+ LIST_SIZE_CORRUPTION, // List size is not as expected.
+ LOG_STRING_CORRUPTION, // Failed to recover log string using GetAsString().
+ CHECKSUM_CORRUPTION, // Failed to verify checksum.
+ CHECKSUM_STRING_CORRUPTION, // Failed to recover checksum string using
+ // GetAsString().
+ DECODE_FAIL, // Failed to decode log.
+ END_RECALL_STATUS // Number of bins to use to create the histogram.
+ };
+ // TODO(ziadh): This is here temporarily for a side experiment. Remove later
+ // on.
+ enum LogStoreStatus {
+ ENCODE_FAIL, // Failed to encode log.
+ COMPRESS_FAIL, // Failed to compress log.
+ END_STORE_STATUS // Number of bins to use to create the histogram.
+ };
virtual ~MetricsService();
@@ -263,7 +287,16 @@ class MetricsService : public NotificationObserver,
void PrepareInitialLog();
// Pull copies of unsent logs from prefs into instance variables.
void RecallUnsentLogs();
- // Convert pending_log_ to XML in pending_log_text_ for transmission.
+ // Decode and verify written pref log data.
+ static MetricsService::LogRecallStatus RecallUnsentLogsHelper(
+ const ListValue& list,
+ std::vector<std::string>* local_list);
+ // Encode and write list size and checksum for perf log data.
+ static void StoreUnsentLogsHelper(const std::vector<std::string>& local_list,
+ const size_t kMaxLocalListSize,
+ ListValue* list);
+ // Convert |pending_log_| to XML in |compressed_log_|, and compress it for
+ // transmission.
void PreparePendingLogText();
// Convert pending_log_ to XML, compress it, and prepare to pass to server.
@@ -489,6 +522,13 @@ class MetricsService : public NotificationObserver,
scoped_refptr<chromeos::ExternalMetrics> external_metrics_;
+ FRIEND_TEST(MetricsServiceTest, EmptyLogList);
+ FRIEND_TEST(MetricsServiceTest, SingleElementLogList);
+ FRIEND_TEST(MetricsServiceTest, OverLimitLogList);
+ FRIEND_TEST(MetricsServiceTest, SmallRecoveredListSize);
+ FRIEND_TEST(MetricsServiceTest, RemoveSizeFromLogList);
+ FRIEND_TEST(MetricsServiceTest, CorruptSizeOfLogList);
+ FRIEND_TEST(MetricsServiceTest, CorruptChecksumOfLogList);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(MetricsServiceTest, ClientIdGeneratesAllZeroes);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(MetricsServiceTest, ClientIdGeneratesCorrectly);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(MetricsServiceTest, ClientIdCorrectlyFormatted);