path: root/chrome/browser/net/
diff options
mode: <>2010-06-27 06:22:01 +0000 <>2010-06-27 06:22:01 +0000
commit3530cd9023fed0204e7df17b11f121d89ca6303a (patch)
treeb229d5401cecff76cad5738384246b930719c3e4 /chrome/browser/net/
parentc6c3877915cab1a18268dd21e4c6c3cf7b3863b1 (diff)
Rename Dns prefetching files to Predictor files
We are now doing more than DNS pre-resolution, and want to do TCP/IP pre-warming. This change uses the updated class names etc., and tries to use Predictor as the common element in most names. r=mbelshe Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser/net/')
1 files changed, 756 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/net/ b/chrome/browser/net/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06b7a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/net/
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/net/predictor_api.h"
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/singleton.h"
+#include "base/stats_counters.h"
+#include "base/stl_util-inl.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "base/thread.h"
+#include "base/waitable_event.h"
+#include "base/values.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/chrome_thread.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/io_thread.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/net/url_info.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/net/preconnect.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/net/referrer.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/pref_service.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/profile.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/session_startup_pref.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_registrar.h"
+#include "chrome/common/notification_service.h"
+#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
+#include "net/base/host_resolver.h"
+#include "net/base/host_resolver_impl.h"
+using base::Time;
+using base::TimeDelta;
+namespace chrome_browser_net {
+static void DnsMotivatedPrefetch(const GURL& url,
+ UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation);
+static void DnsPrefetchMotivatedList(const UrlList& urls,
+ UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation);
+static UrlList GetPredictedUrlListAtStartup(
+ PrefService* user_prefs, PrefService* local_state);
+// static
+const size_t PredictorInit::kMaxPrefetchConcurrentLookups = 8;
+// static
+const int PredictorInit::kMaxPrefetchQueueingDelayMs = 500;
+// A version number for prefs that are saved. This should be incremented when
+// we change the format so that we discard old data.
+static const int kPredictorStartupFormatVersion = 1;
+// Static helper functions
+// Put URL in canonical form, including a scheme, host, and port.
+// Returns GURL::EmptyGURL() if the scheme is not http/https or if the url
+// cannot be otherwise canonicalized.
+static GURL CanonicalizeUrl(const GURL& url) {
+ if (!url.has_host())
+ return GURL::EmptyGURL();
+ std::string scheme;
+ if (url.has_scheme()) {
+ scheme = url.scheme();
+ if (scheme != "http" && scheme != "https")
+ return GURL::EmptyGURL();
+ if (url.has_port())
+ return url.GetWithEmptyPath();
+ } else {
+ scheme = "http";
+ }
+ // If we omit a port, it will default to 80 or 443 as appropriate.
+ std::string colon_plus_port;
+ if (url.has_port())
+ colon_plus_port = ":" + url.port();
+ return GURL(scheme + "://" + + colon_plus_port);
+// This section contains all the globally accessable API entry points for the
+// DNS Prefetching feature.
+// Status of prefetch feature, controlling whether any prefetching is done.
+static bool dns_prefetch_enabled = true;
+// Cached inverted copy of the off_the_record pref.
+static bool on_the_record_switch = true;
+// Enable/disable Dns prefetch activity (either via command line, or via pref).
+void EnablePredictor(bool enable) {
+ // NOTE: this is invoked on the UI thread.
+ dns_prefetch_enabled = enable;
+void OnTheRecord(bool enable) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI));
+ if (on_the_record_switch == enable)
+ return;
+ on_the_record_switch = enable;
+ if (on_the_record_switch)
+ g_browser_process->io_thread()->ChangedToOnTheRecord();
+void RegisterPrefs(PrefService* local_state) {
+ local_state->RegisterListPref(prefs::kDnsStartupPrefetchList);
+ local_state->RegisterListPref(prefs::kDnsHostReferralList);
+void RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* user_prefs) {
+ user_prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kDnsPrefetchingEnabled, true);
+// When enabled, we use the following instance to service all requests in the
+// browser process.
+// TODO(willchan): Look at killing this.
+static Predictor* predictor = NULL;
+// This API is only used in the browser process.
+// It is called from an IPC message originating in the renderer. It currently
+// includes both Page-Scan, and Link-Hover prefetching.
+// TODO(jar): Separate out link-hover prefetching, and page-scan results.
+void DnsPrefetchList(const NameList& hostnames) {
+ // TODO(jar): Push GURL transport further back into renderer.
+ UrlList urls;
+ for (NameList::const_iterator it = hostnames.begin();
+ it < hostnames.end();
+ ++it) {
+ urls.push_back(GURL("http://" + *it + ":80"));
+ }
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ DnsPrefetchMotivatedList(urls, UrlInfo::PAGE_SCAN_MOTIVATED);
+static void DnsPrefetchMotivatedList(
+ const UrlList& urls,
+ UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI) ||
+ ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ if (!dns_prefetch_enabled || NULL == predictor)
+ return;
+ if (ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)) {
+ predictor->ResolveList(urls, motivation);
+ } else {
+ ChromeThread::PostTask(
+ ChromeThread::IO,
+ NewRunnableMethod(predictor,
+ &Predictor::ResolveList, urls, motivation));
+ }
+// This API is used by the autocomplete popup box (where URLs are typed).
+void AnticipateUrl(const GURL& url, bool preconnectable) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI));
+ if (!dns_prefetch_enabled || NULL == predictor)
+ return;
+ if (!url.is_valid())
+ return;
+ static std::string last_host;
+ std::string host = url.HostNoBrackets();
+ bool is_new_host_request = (host != last_host);
+ last_host = host;
+ // Omnibox tends to call in pairs (just a few milliseconds apart), and we
+ // really don't need to keep resolving a name that often.
+ // TODO(jar): A/B tests could check for perf impact of the early returns.
+ static base::TimeTicks last_prefetch_for_host;
+ base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now();
+ if (!is_new_host_request) {
+ const int kMinPreresolveSeconds(10);
+ if (kMinPreresolveSeconds > (now - last_prefetch_for_host).InSeconds())
+ return;
+ }
+ last_prefetch_for_host = now;
+ GURL canonical_url(CanonicalizeUrl(url));
+ if (predictor->preconnect_enabled() && preconnectable) {
+ static base::TimeTicks last_keepalive;
+ // TODO(jar): The wild guess of 30 seconds could be tuned/tested, but it
+ // currently is just a guess that most sockets will remain open for at least
+ // 30 seconds.
+ const int kMaxSearchKeepaliveSeconds(30);
+ if ((now - last_keepalive).InSeconds() < kMaxSearchKeepaliveSeconds)
+ return;
+ last_keepalive = now;
+ if (Preconnect::PreconnectOnUIThread(canonical_url))
+ return; // Skip pre-resolution, since we'll open a connection.
+ }
+ // Perform at least DNS pre-resolution.
+ DnsMotivatedPrefetch(canonical_url, UrlInfo::OMNIBOX_MOTIVATED);
+static void DnsMotivatedPrefetch(const GURL& url,
+ UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI));
+ if (!dns_prefetch_enabled || NULL == predictor || !url.has_host())
+ return;
+ ChromeThread::PostTask(
+ ChromeThread::IO,
+ NewRunnableMethod(predictor,
+ &Predictor::Resolve, url, motivation));
+// This section intermingles prefetch results with actual browser HTTP
+// network activity. It supports calculating of the benefit of a prefetch, as
+// well as recording what prefetched hostname resolutions might be potentially
+// helpful during the next chrome-startup.
+// This function determines if there was a saving by prefetching the hostname
+// for which the navigation_info is supplied.
+static bool AccruePrefetchBenefits(const GURL& referrer_url,
+ UrlInfo* navigation_info) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ if (!dns_prefetch_enabled || NULL == predictor)
+ return false;
+ DCHECK(referrer_url == referrer_url.GetWithEmptyPath());
+ return predictor->AccruePrefetchBenefits(referrer_url, navigation_info);
+void PredictSubresources(const GURL& url) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ if (!dns_prefetch_enabled || NULL == predictor)
+ return;
+ predictor->PredictSubresources(url);
+void PredictFrameSubresources(const GURL& url) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ if (!dns_prefetch_enabled || NULL == predictor)
+ return;
+ predictor->PredictFrameSubresources(url);
+void LearnFromNavigation(const GURL& referring_url, const GURL& target_url) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ if (!dns_prefetch_enabled || NULL == predictor)
+ return;
+ predictor->LearnFromNavigation(referring_url, target_url);
+// The observer class needs to connect starts and finishes of HTTP network
+// resolutions. We use the following type for that map.
+typedef std::map<int, UrlInfo> ObservedResolutionMap;
+// There will only be one instance ever created of the following Observer
+// class. The PrefetchObserver lives on the IO thread, and intercepts DNS
+// resolutions made by the network stack.
+class PrefetchObserver : public net::HostResolver::Observer {
+ public:
+ typedef std::map<GURL, UrlInfo> FirstResolutionMap;
+ // net::HostResolver::Observer implementation:
+ virtual void OnStartResolution(
+ int request_id,
+ const net::HostResolver::RequestInfo& request_info);
+ virtual void OnFinishResolutionWithStatus(
+ int request_id,
+ bool was_resolved,
+ const net::HostResolver::RequestInfo& request_info);
+ virtual void OnCancelResolution(
+ int request_id,
+ const net::HostResolver::RequestInfo& request_info);
+ void DnsGetFirstResolutionsHtml(std::string* output);
+ void GetInitialDnsResolutionList(ListValue* startup_list);
+ private:
+ void StartupListAppend(const UrlInfo& navigation_info);
+ // Map of pending resolutions seen by observer.
+ ObservedResolutionMap resolutions_;
+ // List of the first N hostname resolutions observed in this run.
+ FirstResolutionMap first_resolutions_;
+ // The number of hostnames we'll save for prefetching at next startup.
+ static const size_t kStartupResolutionCount = 10;
+// TODO(willchan): Look at killing this global.
+static PrefetchObserver* g_prefetch_observer = NULL;
+// Member definitions for above Observer class.
+void PrefetchObserver::OnStartResolution(
+ int request_id,
+ const net::HostResolver::RequestInfo& request_info) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ if (request_info.is_speculative())
+ return; // One of our own requests.
+ if (!request_info.hostname().length())
+ return; // PAC scripts may create queries without a hostname.
+ UrlInfo navigation_info;
+ // TODO(jar): Remove hack which guestimates ssl via port number, and perhaps
+ // have actual URL passed down in request_info instead.
+ bool is_ssl(443 == request_info.port());
+ std::string url_spec = is_ssl ? "https://" : "http://";
+ url_spec += request_info.hostname();
+ url_spec += ":";
+ url_spec += IntToString(request_info.port());
+ navigation_info.SetUrl(GURL(url_spec));
+ navigation_info.SetStartedState();
+ // This entry will be deleted either by OnFinishResolutionWithStatus(), or
+ // by OnCancelResolution().
+ resolutions_[request_id] = navigation_info;
+void PrefetchObserver::OnFinishResolutionWithStatus(
+ int request_id,
+ bool was_resolved,
+ const net::HostResolver::RequestInfo& request_info) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ if (request_info.is_speculative())
+ return; // One of our own requests.
+ if (!request_info.hostname().length())
+ return; // PAC scripts may create queries without a hostname.
+ UrlInfo navigation_info;
+ size_t startup_count = 0;
+ {
+ ObservedResolutionMap::iterator it = resolutions_.find(request_id);
+ if (resolutions_.end() == it) {
+ return;
+ }
+ navigation_info = it->second;
+ resolutions_.erase(it);
+ startup_count = first_resolutions_.size();
+ }
+ navigation_info.SetFinishedState(was_resolved); // Get timing info
+ AccruePrefetchBenefits(CanonicalizeUrl(request_info.referrer()),
+ &navigation_info);
+ // Handle sub-resource resolutions now that the critical navigational
+ // resolution has completed. This prevents us from in any way delaying that
+ // navigational resolution.
+ std::string url_spec;
+ StringAppendF(&url_spec, "http%s://%s:%d", "",
+ request_info.hostname().c_str(), request_info.port());
+ PredictSubresources(GURL(url_spec));
+ if (kStartupResolutionCount <= startup_count || !was_resolved)
+ return;
+ // TODO(jar): Don't add host to our list if it is a non-linked lookup, and
+ // instead rely on Referrers to pull this in automatically with the enclosing
+ // page load (once we start to persist elements of our referrer tree).
+ StartupListAppend(navigation_info);
+void PrefetchObserver::OnCancelResolution(
+ int request_id,
+ const net::HostResolver::RequestInfo& request_info) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ if (request_info.is_speculative())
+ return; // One of our own requests.
+ if (!request_info.hostname().length())
+ return; // PAC scripts may create queries without a hostname.
+ // Remove the entry from |resolutions| that was added by OnStartResolution().
+ ObservedResolutionMap::iterator it = resolutions_.find(request_id);
+ if (resolutions_.end() == it) {
+ return;
+ }
+ resolutions_.erase(it);
+void PrefetchObserver::StartupListAppend(const UrlInfo& navigation_info) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ if (!on_the_record_switch || NULL == predictor)
+ return;
+ if (kStartupResolutionCount <= first_resolutions_.size())
+ return; // Someone just added the last item.
+ if (ContainsKey(first_resolutions_, navigation_info.url()))
+ return; // We already have this hostname listed.
+ first_resolutions_[navigation_info.url()] = navigation_info;
+void PrefetchObserver::GetInitialDnsResolutionList(ListValue* startup_list) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ DCHECK(startup_list);
+ startup_list->Clear();
+ DCHECK_EQ(0u, startup_list->GetSize());
+ startup_list->Append(new FundamentalValue(kPredictorStartupFormatVersion));
+ for (FirstResolutionMap::iterator it = first_resolutions_.begin();
+ it != first_resolutions_.end();
+ ++it) {
+ DCHECK(it->first == CanonicalizeUrl(it->first));
+ startup_list->Append(new StringValue(it->first.spec()));
+ }
+void PrefetchObserver::DnsGetFirstResolutionsHtml(std::string* output) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ UrlInfo::DnsInfoTable resolution_list;
+ {
+ for (FirstResolutionMap::iterator it(first_resolutions_.begin());
+ it != first_resolutions_.end();
+ it++) {
+ resolution_list.push_back(it->second);
+ }
+ }
+ UrlInfo::GetHtmlTable(resolution_list,
+ "Future startups will prefetch DNS records for ", false, output);
+// Support observer to detect opening and closing of OffTheRecord windows.
+// This object lives on the UI thread.
+class OffTheRecordObserver : public NotificationObserver {
+ public:
+ void Register() {
+ // TODO(pkasting): This test should not be necessary. See
+ if (registrar_.IsEmpty()) {
+ registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::BROWSER_CLOSED,
+ NotificationService::AllSources());
+ registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::BROWSER_OPENED,
+ NotificationService::AllSources());
+ }
+ }
+ void Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source,
+ const NotificationDetails& details) {
+ switch (type.value) {
+ case NotificationType::BROWSER_OPENED:
+ if (!Source<Browser>(source)->profile()->IsOffTheRecord())
+ break;
+ ++count_off_the_record_windows_;
+ OnTheRecord(false);
+ break;
+ case NotificationType::BROWSER_CLOSED:
+ if (!Source<Browser>(source)->profile()->IsOffTheRecord())
+ break; // Ignore ordinary windows.
+ DCHECK_LT(0, count_off_the_record_windows_);
+ if (0 >= count_off_the_record_windows_) // Defensive coding.
+ break;
+ if (--count_off_the_record_windows_)
+ break; // Still some windows are incognito.
+ OnTheRecord(true);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<OffTheRecordObserver>;
+ OffTheRecordObserver() : count_off_the_record_windows_(0) {}
+ ~OffTheRecordObserver() {}
+ NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
+ int count_off_the_record_windows_;
+// This section supports the about:dns page.
+// Provide global support for the about:dns page.
+void PredictorGetHtmlInfo(std::string* output) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ output->append("<html><head><title>About DNS</title>"
+ // We'd like the following no-cache... but it doesn't work.
+ // "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Pragma\" CONTENT=\"no-cache\">"
+ "</head><body>");
+ if (!dns_prefetch_enabled || NULL == predictor) {
+ output->append("Dns Prefetching is disabled.");
+ } else {
+ if (!on_the_record_switch) {
+ output->append("Incognito mode is active in a window.");
+ } else {
+ predictor->GetHtmlInfo(output);
+ if (g_prefetch_observer)
+ g_prefetch_observer->DnsGetFirstResolutionsHtml(output);
+ predictor->GetHtmlReferrerLists(output);
+ }
+ }
+ output->append("</body></html>");
+// This section intializes global DNS prefetch services.
+static void InitNetworkPredictor(TimeDelta max_dns_queue_delay,
+ size_t max_concurrent, PrefService* user_prefs, PrefService* local_state,
+ bool preconnect_enabled) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI));
+ bool prefetching_enabled =
+ user_prefs->GetBoolean(prefs::kDnsPrefetchingEnabled);
+ // Gather the list of hostnames to prefetch on startup.
+ UrlList urls =
+ GetPredictedUrlListAtStartup(user_prefs, local_state);
+ ListValue* referral_list =
+ static_cast<ListValue*>(
+ local_state->GetMutableList(prefs::kDnsHostReferralList)->DeepCopy());
+ g_browser_process->io_thread()->InitNetworkPredictor(
+ prefetching_enabled, max_dns_queue_delay, max_concurrent, urls,
+ referral_list, preconnect_enabled);
+void FinalizePredictorInitialization(
+ Predictor* global_predictor,
+ net::HostResolver::Observer* global_prefetch_observer,
+ const UrlList& startup_urls,
+ ListValue* referral_list) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ predictor = global_predictor;
+ g_prefetch_observer =
+ static_cast<PrefetchObserver*>(global_prefetch_observer);
+ DLOG(INFO) << "DNS Prefetch service started";
+ // Prefetch these hostnames on startup.
+ DnsPrefetchMotivatedList(startup_urls,
+ predictor->DeserializeReferrersThenDelete(referral_list);
+void FreePredictorResources() {
+ predictor = NULL;
+ g_prefetch_observer = NULL;
+net::HostResolver::Observer* CreateResolverObserver() {
+ return new PrefetchObserver();
+// Functions to handle saving of hostnames from one session to the next, to
+// expedite startup times.
+static void SaveDnsPrefetchStateForNextStartupAndTrimOnIOThread(
+ ListValue* startup_list,
+ ListValue* referral_list,
+ base::WaitableEvent* completion) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO));
+ if (NULL == predictor) {
+ completion->Signal();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (g_prefetch_observer)
+ g_prefetch_observer->GetInitialDnsResolutionList(startup_list);
+ // TODO(jar): Trimming should be done more regularly, such as every 48 hours
+ // of physical time, or perhaps after 48 hours of running (excluding time
+ // between sessions possibly).
+ // For now, we'll just trim at shutdown.
+ predictor->TrimReferrers();
+ predictor->SerializeReferrers(referral_list);
+ completion->Signal();
+void SavePredictorStateForNextStartupAndTrim(PrefService* prefs) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI));
+ if (!dns_prefetch_enabled || predictor == NULL)
+ return;
+ base::WaitableEvent completion(true, false);
+ bool posted = ChromeThread::PostTask(
+ ChromeThread::IO,
+ NewRunnableFunction(SaveDnsPrefetchStateForNextStartupAndTrimOnIOThread,
+ prefs->GetMutableList(prefs::kDnsStartupPrefetchList),
+ prefs->GetMutableList(prefs::kDnsHostReferralList),
+ &completion));
+ DCHECK(posted);
+ if (posted)
+ completion.Wait();
+static UrlList GetPredictedUrlListAtStartup(PrefService* user_prefs,
+ PrefService* local_state) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI));
+ UrlList urls;
+ // Recall list of URLs we learned about during last session.
+ // This may catch secondary hostnames, pulled in by the homepages. It will
+ // also catch more of the "primary" home pages, since that was (presumably)
+ // rendered first (and will be rendered first this time too).
+ ListValue* startup_list =
+ local_state->GetMutableList(prefs::kDnsStartupPrefetchList);
+ if (startup_list) {
+ ListValue::iterator it = startup_list->begin();
+ int format_version = -1;
+ if (it != startup_list->end() &&
+ (*it)->GetAsInteger(&format_version) &&
+ format_version == kPredictorStartupFormatVersion) {
+ ++it;
+ for (; it != startup_list->end(); ++it) {
+ std::string url_spec;
+ if (!(*it)->GetAsString(&url_spec)) {
+ break; // Format incompatibility.
+ }
+ GURL url(url_spec);
+ if (!url.has_host() || !url.has_scheme()) {
+ break; // Format incompatibility.
+ }
+ urls.push_back(url);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Prepare for any static home page(s) the user has in prefs. The user may
+ // have a LOT of tab's specified, so we may as well try to warm them all.
+ SessionStartupPref tab_start_pref =
+ SessionStartupPref::GetStartupPref(user_prefs);
+ if (SessionStartupPref::URLS == tab_start_pref.type) {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < tab_start_pref.urls.size(); i++) {
+ GURL gurl = tab_start_pref.urls[i];
+ if (!gurl.is_valid() || gurl.SchemeIsFile() ||
+ continue;
+ if (gurl.SchemeIs("http") || gurl.SchemeIs("https"))
+ urls.push_back(gurl.GetWithEmptyPath());
+ }
+ }
+ if (urls.empty())
+ urls.push_back(GURL(""));
+ return urls;
+// Methods for the helper class that is used to startup and teardown the whole
+// predictor system (both DNS pre-resolution and TCP/IP connection prewarming).
+PredictorInit::PredictorInit(PrefService* user_prefs,
+ PrefService* local_state,
+ bool preconnect_enabled) {
+ DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI));
+ // Set up a field trial to see what disabling DNS pre-resolution does to
+ // latency of page loads.
+ FieldTrial::Probability kDivisor = 1000;
+ // For each option (i.e., non-default), we have a fixed probability.
+ FieldTrial::Probability kProbabilityPerGroup = 1; // 0.1% probability.
+ trial_ = new FieldTrial("DnsImpact", kDivisor);
+ // First option is to disable prefetching completely.
+ int disabled_prefetch = trial_->AppendGroup("_disabled_prefetch",
+ kProbabilityPerGroup);
+ // We're running two experiments at the same time. The first set of trials
+ // modulates the delay-time until we declare a congestion event (and purge
+ // our queue). The second modulates the number of concurrent resolutions
+ // we do at any time. Users are in exactly one trial (or the default) during
+ // any one run, and hence only one experiment at a time.
+ // Experiment 1:
+ // Set congestion detection at 250, 500, or 750ms, rather than the 1 second
+ // default.
+ int max_250ms_prefetch = trial_->AppendGroup("_max_250ms_queue_prefetch",
+ kProbabilityPerGroup);
+ int max_500ms_prefetch = trial_->AppendGroup("_max_500ms_queue_prefetch",
+ kProbabilityPerGroup);
+ int max_750ms_prefetch = trial_->AppendGroup("_max_750ms_queue_prefetch",
+ kProbabilityPerGroup);
+ // Set congestion detection at 2 seconds instead of the 1 second default.
+ int max_2s_prefetch = trial_->AppendGroup("_max_2s_queue_prefetch",
+ kProbabilityPerGroup);
+ // Experiment 2:
+ // Set max simultaneous resoultions to 2, 4, or 6, and scale the congestion
+ // limit proportionally (so we don't impact average probability of asserting
+ // congesion very much).
+ int max_2_concurrent_prefetch = trial_->AppendGroup(
+ "_max_2 concurrent_prefetch", kProbabilityPerGroup);
+ int max_4_concurrent_prefetch = trial_->AppendGroup(
+ "_max_4 concurrent_prefetch", kProbabilityPerGroup);
+ int max_6_concurrent_prefetch = trial_->AppendGroup(
+ "_max_6 concurrent_prefetch", kProbabilityPerGroup);
+ trial_->AppendGroup("_default_enabled_prefetch",
+ FieldTrial::kAllRemainingProbability);
+ // We will register the incognito observer regardless of whether prefetching
+ // is enabled, as it is also used to clear the host cache.
+ Singleton<OffTheRecordObserver>::get()->Register();
+ if (trial_->group() != disabled_prefetch) {
+ // Initialize the DNS prefetch system.
+ size_t max_concurrent = kMaxPrefetchConcurrentLookups;
+ int max_queueing_delay_ms = kMaxPrefetchQueueingDelayMs;
+ if (trial_->group() == max_250ms_prefetch)
+ max_queueing_delay_ms = 250;
+ else if (trial_->group() == max_500ms_prefetch)
+ max_queueing_delay_ms = 500;
+ else if (trial_->group() == max_750ms_prefetch)
+ max_queueing_delay_ms = 750;
+ else if (trial_->group() == max_2s_prefetch)
+ max_queueing_delay_ms = 2000;
+ if (trial_->group() == max_2_concurrent_prefetch)
+ max_concurrent = 2;
+ else if (trial_->group() == max_4_concurrent_prefetch)
+ max_concurrent = 4;
+ else if (trial_->group() == max_6_concurrent_prefetch)
+ max_concurrent = 6;
+ // Scale acceptable delay so we don't cause congestion limits to fire as
+ // we modulate max_concurrent (*if* we are modulating it at all).
+ max_queueing_delay_ms = (kMaxPrefetchQueueingDelayMs *
+ kMaxPrefetchConcurrentLookups) / max_concurrent;
+ TimeDelta max_queueing_delay(
+ TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(max_queueing_delay_ms));
+ DCHECK(!predictor);
+ InitNetworkPredictor(max_queueing_delay, max_concurrent, user_prefs,
+ local_state, preconnect_enabled);
+ }
+} // namespace chrome_browser_net