path: root/chrome/browser
diff options
mode: <>2009-08-06 20:37:12 +0000 <>2009-08-06 20:37:12 +0000
commit4be51be54f1fce60e93b8eb659dc91088c219e13 (patch)
tree78fa6b368cef8bdd2a7ee54ab043c18951422634 /chrome/browser
parentb8f3226183827ed2296c1b521790e041c88ef688 (diff)
Revert "GTK: Rounded corner on status bubble."
This reverts commit d98d01314c8b0905ac236d98dc39508ad8acfd05 (r22644). This should make the linux ui tests green. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/browser')
2 files changed, 28 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/gtk/ b/chrome/browser/gtk/
index 621edf9..fb5fcc3 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/gtk/
+++ b/chrome/browser/gtk/
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "app/gfx/text_elider.h"
-#include "app/l10n_util.h"
#include "base/gfx/gtk_util.h"
#include "base/message_loop.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
@@ -19,70 +18,19 @@
namespace {
+const GdkColor kTextColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(100, 100, 100);
+const GdkColor kBackgroundColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0xe6, 0xed, 0xf4);
const GdkColor kFrameBorderColor = GDK_COLOR_RGB(0xbe, 0xc8, 0xd4);
// Inner padding between the border and the text label.
const int kInternalTopBottomPadding = 1;
const int kInternalLeftRightPadding = 2;
-// The radius of the edges of our bubble.
-const int kCornerSize = 4;
+// Border of color kFrameBorderColor around the status bubble.
+const int kBorderPadding = 1;
// Milliseconds before we hide the status bubble widget when you mouseout.
-const int kHideDelay = 250;
-// Number of times that the background color should be counted when trying to
-// calculate the border color in GTK theme mode.
-const int kBgWeight = 3;
-// Reverses a point in RTL mode.
-GdkPoint MakeBidiGdkPoint(gint x, gint y, gint width, bool ltr) {
- GdkPoint point = {ltr ? x : width - x, y};
- return point;
-enum FrameType {
-// Returns a list of points that either form the outline of the status bubble
-// (|type| == FRAME_MASK) or form the inner border around the inner edge
-// (|type| == FRAME_STROKE).
-std::vector<GdkPoint> MakeFramePolygonPoints(int width,
- int height,
- FrameType type) {
- std::vector<GdkPoint> points;
- bool ltr = l10n_util::GetTextDirection() == l10n_util::LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
- // If we have a stroke, we have to offset some of our points by 1 pixel.
- // We have to inset by 1 pixel when we draw horizontal lines that are on the
- // bottom or when we draw vertical lines that are closer to the end (end is
- // right for ltr).
- int y_off = (type == FRAME_MASK) ? 0 : -1;
- // We use this one for LTR.
- int x_off_l = ltr ? y_off : 0;
- // Top left corner.
- points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint(0, 0, width, ltr));
- // Top right (rounded) corner.
- points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint(
- width - kCornerSize + 1 + x_off_l, 0, width, ltr));
- points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint(
- width + x_off_l, kCornerSize - 1, width, ltr));
- // Bottom right corner.
- points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint(
- width + x_off_l, height + y_off, width, ltr));
- if (type == FRAME_MASK) {
- // Bottom left corner.
- points.push_back(MakeBidiGdkPoint(0, height + y_off, width, ltr));
- }
- return points;
+static const int kHideDelay = 250;
} // namespace
@@ -190,18 +138,16 @@ void StatusBubbleGtk::InitWidgets() {
GtkWidget* padding = gtk_alignment_new(0, 0, 1, 1);
kInternalTopBottomPadding, kInternalTopBottomPadding,
- kInternalLeftRightPadding,
- kInternalLeftRightPadding + kCornerSize);
+ kInternalLeftRightPadding, kInternalLeftRightPadding);
gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(padding), label_);
- container_.Own(gtk_event_box_new());
+ bg_box_ = gtk_event_box_new();
+ gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(bg_box_), padding);
+ container_.Own(gtk_util::CreateGtkBorderBin(bg_box_, &kFrameBorderColor,
+ kBorderPadding, kBorderPadding, kBorderPadding, kBorderPadding));
gtk_widget_set_name(container_.get(), "status-bubble");
- gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(container_.get()), padding);
gtk_widget_set_app_paintable(container_.get(), TRUE);
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(container_.get()), "expose-event",
- G_CALLBACK(OnExpose), this);
- g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(container_.get()), "size-allocate",
- G_CALLBACK(OnSizeAllocate), this);
@@ -209,21 +155,7 @@ void StatusBubbleGtk::InitWidgets() {
void StatusBubbleGtk::UserChangedTheme() {
if (theme_provider_->UseGtkTheme()) {
gtk_widget_modify_fg(label_, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, NULL);
- gtk_widget_modify_bg(container_.get(), GTK_STATE_NORMAL, NULL);
- // Creates a weighted average between the text and base color where
- // the base color counts more than once.
- GtkStyle* style = gtk_rc_get_style(container_.get());
- border_color_.pixel = 0;
- = (style->text[GTK_STATE_NORMAL].red +
- (style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL].red * kBgWeight)) /
- (1 + kBgWeight);
- = (style->text[GTK_STATE_NORMAL].green +
- (style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL].green * kBgWeight)) /
- (1 + kBgWeight);
- = (style->text[GTK_STATE_NORMAL].blue +
- (style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL].blue * kBgWeight)) /
- (1 + kBgWeight);
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg(bg_box_, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, NULL);
} else {
// TODO(erg): This is the closest to "text that will look good on a
// toolbar" that I can find. Maybe in later iterations of the theme system,
@@ -234,38 +166,17 @@ void StatusBubbleGtk::UserChangedTheme() {
GdkColor toolbar_color =
- gtk_widget_modify_bg(container_.get(), GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &toolbar_color);
- border_color_ = kFrameBorderColor;
+ gtk_widget_modify_bg(bg_box_, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &toolbar_color);
-// static
-gboolean StatusBubbleGtk::OnExpose(GtkWidget* widget,
- GdkEventExpose* event,
- StatusBubbleGtk* bubble) {
- GdkDrawable* drawable = GDK_DRAWABLE(event->window);
- GdkGC* gc = gdk_gc_new(drawable);
- gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(gc, &bubble->border_color_);
- // Stroke the frame border.
- std::vector<GdkPoint> points = MakeFramePolygonPoints(
- widget->allocation.width, widget->allocation.height, FRAME_STROKE);
- gdk_draw_lines(drawable, gc, &points[0], points.size());
- g_object_unref(gc);
- return FALSE; // Propagate so our children paint, etc.
-// static
-void StatusBubbleGtk::OnSizeAllocate(GtkWidget* widget,
- GtkAllocation* allocation,
- StatusBubbleGtk* bubble) {
- std::vector<GdkPoint> points = MakeFramePolygonPoints(
- widget->allocation.width, widget->allocation.height, FRAME_MASK);
- GdkRegion* mask_region = gdk_region_polygon(&points[0],
- points.size(),
- gdk_window_shape_combine_region(widget->window, mask_region, 0, 0);
- gdk_region_destroy(mask_region);
+ // TODO(erg): I don't know what to do with the status bubble border
+ // (|container_|). There needs to be a border in GTK mode, and I'm not sure
+ // which BrowserThemeProvider::COLOR I'm supposed to use here since the Views
+ // implementation still uses constants in the equivalent, and it's used for
+ // alpha blending instead of drawing a real border.
+ //
+ // This doesn't really matter because this part of the UI needs to be
+ // rewritten per the UI review anyway; we should be matching windows with a
+ // semi-transparent, rounded border instead of our constantly
+ // CreateGtkBorderBin() usage.
diff --git a/chrome/browser/gtk/status_bubble_gtk.h b/chrome/browser/gtk/status_bubble_gtk.h
index fbdc5fd..f5847aa 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/gtk/status_bubble_gtk.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/gtk/status_bubble_gtk.h
@@ -69,34 +69,27 @@ class StatusBubbleGtk : public StatusBubble,
// Notification from the window that we should retheme ourself.
void UserChangedTheme();
- // Draws the inside border.
- static gboolean OnExpose(GtkWidget* widget, GdkEventExpose* event,
- StatusBubbleGtk* bubble);
- // When we have a new size, modify our widget shape.
- static void OnSizeAllocate(GtkWidget* widget, GtkAllocation* allocation,
- StatusBubbleGtk* bubble);
NotificationRegistrar registrar_;
// Provides colors.
GtkThemeProvider* theme_provider_;
- // The toplevel event box.
+ // A GtkAlignment that is the child of |slide_widget_|.
OwnedWidgetGtk container_;
// The GtkLabel holding the text.
GtkWidget* label_;
+ // The background event box. We keep this so we can change its background
+ // color.
+ GtkWidget* bg_box_;
// The status text we want to display when there are no URLs to display.
std::string status_text_;
// The url we want to display when there is no status text to display.
std::string url_text_;
- // Color of the lighter border around the edge of the status bubble.
- GdkColor border_color_;
// A timer that hides our window after a delay.
ScopedRunnableMethodFactory<StatusBubbleGtk> timer_factory_;