path: root/chrome/default_plugin/
diff options
mode: <>2010-07-07 01:18:58 +0000 <>2010-07-07 01:18:58 +0000
commitcc6e701be963178587b1e6edab1c74ec025ad9c0 (patch)
treeeb2b7fbfa27c75edfa563adf10f93ba855575c38 /chrome/default_plugin/
parentd8e0a0c7cd72ceeb3ae0675018856cf66c70e1f2 (diff)
Move default_plugin out of webkit.
BUG=48419 Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/default_plugin/')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/default_plugin/ b/chrome/default_plugin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..253e786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/default_plugin/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/default_plugin/plugin_impl_mac.h"
+#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/path_service.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "chrome/default_plugin/plugin_main.h"
+#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
+#include "grit/webkit_strings.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/webkit_glue.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/plugins/default_plugin_shared.h"
+// TODO(thakis): Most methods in this class are stubbed out and need to be
+// implemented.
+PluginInstallerImpl::PluginInstallerImpl(int16 mode) {
+PluginInstallerImpl::~PluginInstallerImpl() {
+bool PluginInstallerImpl::Initialize(void* module_handle, NPP instance,
+ NPMIMEType mime_type, int16 argc,
+ char* argn[], char* argv[]) {
+ DLOG(INFO) << __FUNCTION__ << " MIME Type : " << mime_type;
+ DCHECK(instance != NULL);
+ if (mime_type == NULL || strlen(mime_type) == 0) {
+ DLOG(WARNING) << __FUNCTION__ << " Invalid parameters passed in";
+ return false;
+ }
+ instance_ = instance;
+ mime_type_ = mime_type;
+ return true;
+bool PluginInstallerImpl::NPP_SetWindow(NPWindow* window_info) {
+ width_ = window_info->width;
+ height_ = window_info->height;
+ return true;
+void PluginInstallerImpl::Shutdown() {
+void PluginInstallerImpl::NewStream(NPStream* stream) {
+ plugin_install_stream_ = stream;
+void PluginInstallerImpl::DestroyStream(NPStream* stream, NPError reason) {
+ if (stream == plugin_install_stream_)
+ plugin_install_stream_ = NULL;
+bool PluginInstallerImpl::WriteReady(NPStream* stream) {
+ bool ready_to_accept_data = false;
+ return ready_to_accept_data;
+int32 PluginInstallerImpl::Write(NPStream* stream, int32 offset,
+ int32 buffer_length, void* buffer) {
+ return true;
+void PluginInstallerImpl::ClearDisplay() {
+void PluginInstallerImpl::RefreshDisplay() {
+bool PluginInstallerImpl::CreateToolTip() {
+ return true;
+void PluginInstallerImpl::UpdateToolTip() {
+void PluginInstallerImpl::DisplayAvailablePluginStatus() {
+void PluginInstallerImpl::DisplayStatus(int message_resource_id) {
+void PluginInstallerImpl::DisplayPluginDownloadFailedStatus() {
+void PluginInstallerImpl::URLNotify(const char* url, NPReason reason) {
+int16 PluginInstallerImpl::NPP_HandleEvent(void* event) {
+ NPCocoaEvent* npp_event = static_cast<NPCocoaEvent*>(event);
+ if (npp_event->type == NPCocoaEventDrawRect) {
+ CGContextRef context = npp_event->data.draw.context;
+ CGRect rect = CGRectMake(npp_event->data.draw.x,
+ npp_event->data.draw.y,
+ npp_event->data.draw.width,
+ npp_event->data.draw.height);
+ return OnDrawRect(context, rect);
+ }
+ return 0;
+std::wstring PluginInstallerImpl::ReplaceStringForPossibleEmptyReplacement(
+ int message_id_with_placeholders,
+ int messsage_id_without_placeholders,
+ const std::wstring& replacement_string) {
+ return L"";
+void PluginInstallerImpl::DownloadPlugin() {
+void PluginInstallerImpl::DownloadCancelled() {
+ DisplayAvailablePluginStatus();
+int16 PluginInstallerImpl::OnDrawRect(CGContextRef context, CGRect dirty_rect) {
+ const NSString* text = @"Missing Plug-in";
+ const float kTextMarginX = 6;
+ const float kTextMarginY = 1;
+ NSSize bounds = NSMakeSize(width_, height_);
+ [NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
+ NSGraphicsContext* ns_context = [NSGraphicsContext
+ graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort:context flipped:YES];
+ [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:ns_context];
+ NSShadow* shadow = [[[NSShadow alloc] init] autorelease];
+ [shadow setShadowColor:[NSColor colorWithDeviceWhite:0.0 alpha:0.5]];
+ [shadow setShadowOffset:NSMakeSize(0, -1)];
+ NSFont* font = [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:[NSFont smallSystemFontSize]];
+ NSDictionary* attributes = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
+ font, NSFontAttributeName,
+ [NSColor whiteColor], NSForegroundColorAttributeName,
+ shadow, NSShadowAttributeName,
+ nil];
+ NSSize text_size = [text sizeWithAttributes:attributes];
+ NSRect text_rect;
+ text_rect.size.width = text_size.width + 2*kTextMarginX;
+ text_rect.size.height = text_size.height + 2*kTextMarginY;
+ text_rect.origin.x = (bounds.width - NSWidth(text_rect))/2;
+ text_rect.origin.y = (bounds.height - NSHeight(text_rect))/2;
+ [[NSColor colorWithCalibratedWhite:0.52 alpha:1.0] setFill];
+ [[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRoundedRect:text_rect
+ xRadius:NSHeight(text_rect)/2
+ yRadius:NSHeight(text_rect)/2] fill];
+ NSPoint label_point = NSMakePoint(
+ roundf(text_rect.origin.x + (text_rect.size.width - text_size.width)/2),
+ roundf(text_rect.origin.y + (text_rect.size.height - text_size.height)/2));
+ [text drawAtPoint:label_point withAttributes:attributes];
+ [NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
+ return 1;
+void PluginInstallerImpl::ShowInstallDialog() {
+void PluginInstallerImpl::NotifyPluginStatus(int status) {
+ default_plugin::g_browser->getvalue(
+ instance_,
+ static_cast<NPNVariable>(
+ default_plugin::kMissingPluginStatusStart + status),
+ NULL);