path: root/chrome/installer
diff options
mode: <>2011-05-12 15:34:40 +0000 <>2011-05-12 15:34:40 +0000
commit08c5fe5d62ec33cd7215bcdcd532d83866076580 (patch)
treea2e2de6382daaf718b65d2299e0bc53ed91c8176 /chrome/installer
parentb54c6c65b76616fa93cd26438e767375a47c31a6 (diff)
Alter MoveTreeWorkItem to provide an option to not copy over a directory that contains similar files. This will be used to allow "repair" installs to succeed when the same version of the Chrome binaries are both in use and look similar (same files, same file sizes) but will still allow us to fix installs that have missing or obviously changed files.
This should reduce a lot of the user-visible errors seen when people attempt to install version X of chrome on top of an already-running indentical version. BUG=82146 TEST=Install Chrome, run it, install it again. See a success message. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/installer')
12 files changed, 603 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/installer/setup/ b/chrome/installer/setup/
index 8b45818..07c80bc 100644
--- a/chrome/installer/setup/
+++ b/chrome/installer/setup/
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@ void AddInstallerCopyTasks(const InstallerState& installer_state,
// is in %ProgramFiles% for system level installs (and in %LOCALAPPDATA%
// otherwise), there is no need to do this.
install_list->AddMoveTreeWorkItem(setup_path.value(), exe_dst.value(),
- temp_path.value());
+ temp_path.value(), WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE);
install_list->AddMoveTreeWorkItem(archive_path.value(), archive_dst.value(),
- temp_path.value());
+ temp_path.value(), WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE);
// This method adds work items to create (or update) Chrome uninstall entry in
@@ -564,17 +564,25 @@ void AddInstallWorkItems(const InstallationState& original_state,
- temp_path.value());
+ temp_path.value(),
+ WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE);
// In the past, we copied rather than moved for system level installs so that
// the permissions of %ProgramFiles% would be picked up. Now that |temp_path|
// is in %ProgramFiles% for system level installs (and in %LOCALAPPDATA%
// otherwise), there is no need to do this.
+ // Note that we pass true for check_duplicates to avoid failing on in-use
+ // repair runs if the current_version is the same as the new_version.
+ bool check_for_duplicates =
+ (current_version != NULL && current_version->get() != NULL &&
+ current_version->get()->Equals(new_version));
- temp_path.value());
+ temp_path.value(),
+ check_for_duplicates ? WorkItem::CHECK_DUPLICATES :
+ WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE);
// Copy the default Dictionaries only if the folder doesn't exist already.
// TODO(grt): Use AddMoveTreeWorkItem in a conditional WorkItemList, which
diff --git a/chrome/installer/setup/ b/chrome/installer/setup/
index 60a570d..8b15a38 100644
--- a/chrome/installer/setup/
+++ b/chrome/installer/setup/
@@ -201,10 +201,12 @@ installer::InstallStatus RenameChromeExecutables(
// Move chrome.exe to old_chrome.exe, then move new_chrome.exe to chrome.exe.
- temp_path.path().value());
+ temp_path.path().value(),
+ WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE);
- temp_path.path().value());
+ temp_path.path().value(),
+ WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE);
install_list->AddDeleteTreeWorkItem(chrome_new_exe, temp_path.path());
// old_chrome.exe is still in use in most cases, so ignore failures here.
install_list->AddDeleteTreeWorkItem(chrome_old_exe, temp_path.path())
diff --git a/chrome/installer/util/ b/chrome/installer/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0489f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/installer/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/installer/util/duplicate_tree_detector.h"
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+namespace installer {
+bool IsIdenticalFileHierarchy(const FilePath& src_path,
+ const FilePath& dest_path) {
+ using file_util::FileEnumerator;
+ base::PlatformFileInfo src_info;
+ base::PlatformFileInfo dest_info;
+ bool is_identical = false;
+ if (file_util::GetFileInfo(src_path, &src_info) &&
+ file_util::GetFileInfo(dest_path, &dest_info)) {
+ // Both paths exist, check the types:
+ if (!src_info.is_directory && !dest_info.is_directory) {
+ // Two files are "identical" if the file sizes are equivalent.
+ is_identical = src_info.size == dest_info.size;
+ } else if (src_info.is_directory && dest_info.is_directory) {
+ // Two directories are "identical" if dest_path contains entries that are
+ // "identical" to all the entries in src_path.
+ is_identical = true;
+ FileEnumerator path_enum(
+ src_path,
+ false, // Not recursive
+ static_cast<FileEnumerator::FILE_TYPE>(
+ FileEnumerator::FILES | FileEnumerator::DIRECTORIES));
+ for (FilePath path = path_enum.Next(); is_identical && !path.empty();
+ path = path_enum.Next()) {
+ is_identical =
+ IsIdenticalFileHierarchy(path, dest_path.Append(path.BaseName()));
+ }
+ } else {
+ // The two paths are of different types, so they cannot be identical.
+ DCHECK(!is_identical);
+ }
+ }
+ return is_identical;
+} // namespace installer
diff --git a/chrome/installer/util/duplicate_tree_detector.h b/chrome/installer/util/duplicate_tree_detector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..910e9d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/installer/util/duplicate_tree_detector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// This file declares a helper function that will check to see if a given folder
+// is "identical" to another (for some value of identical, see below).
+#pragma once
+class FilePath;
+namespace installer {
+// Returns true if |dest_path| contains all the files from |src_path| in the
+// same directory structure and each of those files is of the same length.
+// src_path_ and |dest_path| must either both be files or both be directories.
+// Note that THIS IS A WEAK DEFINITION OF IDENTICAL and is intended only to
+// catch cases of missing files or obvious modifications.
+// It notably DOES NOT CHECKSUM the files.
+bool IsIdenticalFileHierarchy(const FilePath& src_path,
+ const FilePath& dest_path);
+} // namespace installer
diff --git a/chrome/installer/util/ b/chrome/installer/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a168e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/installer/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <fstream>
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/memory/scoped_temp_dir.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "chrome/installer/util/duplicate_tree_detector.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace {
+class DuplicateTreeDetectorTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(temp_source_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dest_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
+ }
+ // Simple function to dump some text into a new file.
+ void CreateTextFile(const std::string& filename,
+ const std::wstring& contents) {
+ std::wofstream file;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file.is_open());
+ file << contents;
+ file.close();
+ }
+ // Simple function to read text from a file.
+ std::wstring ReadTextFile(const FilePath& path) {
+ WCHAR contents[64];
+ std::wifstream file;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file.is_open());
+ file.getline(contents, arraysize(contents));
+ file.close();
+ return std::wstring(contents);
+ }
+ // Creates a two level deep source dir with a file in each.
+ void CreateFileHierarchy(const FilePath& root) {
+ FilePath d1(root);
+ d1 = d1.AppendASCII("D1");
+ file_util::CreateDirectory(d1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(d1));
+ FilePath f1(d1);
+ f1 = f1.AppendASCII("F1");
+ CreateTextFile(f1.MaybeAsASCII(), text_content_1_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(f1));
+ FilePath d2(d1);
+ d2 = d2.AppendASCII("D2");
+ file_util::CreateDirectory(d2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(d2));
+ FilePath f2(d2);
+ f2 = f2.AppendASCII("F2");
+ CreateTextFile(f2.MaybeAsASCII(), text_content_2_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(f2));
+ }
+ ScopedTempDir temp_source_dir_;
+ ScopedTempDir temp_dest_dir_;
+ static const wchar_t text_content_1_[];
+ static const wchar_t text_content_2_[];
+ static const wchar_t text_content_3_[];
+const wchar_t DuplicateTreeDetectorTest::text_content_1_[] =
+ L"Gooooooooooooooooooooogle";
+const wchar_t DuplicateTreeDetectorTest::text_content_2_[] =
+ L"Overwrite Me";
+const wchar_t DuplicateTreeDetectorTest::text_content_3_[] =
+ L"I'd rather see your watermelon and raise you ham and a half.";
+}; // namespace
+// Test the DuplicateTreeChecker's definition of identity on two identical
+// directory structures.
+TEST_F(DuplicateTreeDetectorTest, TestIdenticalDirs) {
+ // Create two sets of identical file hierarchys:
+ CreateFileHierarchy(temp_source_dir_.path());
+ CreateFileHierarchy(temp_dest_dir_.path());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(installer::IsIdenticalFileHierarchy(temp_source_dir_.path(),
+ temp_dest_dir_.path()));
+// Test when source entirely contains dest but contains other files as well.
+// IsIdenticalTo should return false in this case.
+TEST_F(DuplicateTreeDetectorTest, TestSourceContainsDest) {
+ // Create two sets of identical file hierarchys:
+ CreateFileHierarchy(temp_source_dir_.path());
+ CreateFileHierarchy(temp_dest_dir_.path());
+ FilePath new_file(temp_source_dir_.path());
+ new_file = new_file.AppendASCII("FNew");
+ CreateTextFile(new_file.MaybeAsASCII(), text_content_1_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(new_file));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(installer::IsIdenticalFileHierarchy(temp_source_dir_.path(),
+ temp_dest_dir_.path()));
+// Test when dest entirely contains source but contains other files as well.
+// IsIdenticalTo should return true in this case.
+TEST_F(DuplicateTreeDetectorTest, TestDestContainsSource) {
+ // Create two sets of identical file hierarchys:
+ CreateFileHierarchy(temp_source_dir_.path());
+ CreateFileHierarchy(temp_dest_dir_.path());
+ FilePath new_file(temp_dest_dir_.path());
+ new_file = new_file.AppendASCII("FNew");
+ CreateTextFile(new_file.MaybeAsASCII(), text_content_1_);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(new_file));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(installer::IsIdenticalFileHierarchy(temp_source_dir_.path(),
+ temp_dest_dir_.path()));
+// Test when the file hierarchies are the same but one of the files is changed.
+TEST_F(DuplicateTreeDetectorTest, TestIdenticalDirsDifferentFiles) {
+ // Create two sets of identical file hierarchys:
+ CreateFileHierarchy(temp_source_dir_.path());
+ CreateFileHierarchy(temp_dest_dir_.path());
+ FilePath existing_file(temp_dest_dir_.path());
+ existing_file = existing_file.AppendASCII("D1")
+ .AppendASCII("D2")
+ .AppendASCII("F2");
+ CreateTextFile(existing_file.MaybeAsASCII(), text_content_3_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(installer::IsIdenticalFileHierarchy(temp_source_dir_.path(),
+ temp_dest_dir_.path()));
+// Test when both file hierarchies are empty.
+TEST_F(DuplicateTreeDetectorTest, TestEmptyDirs) {
+ EXPECT_TRUE(installer::IsIdenticalFileHierarchy(temp_source_dir_.path(),
+ temp_dest_dir_.path()));
+// Test on single files.
+TEST_F(DuplicateTreeDetectorTest, TestSingleFiles) {
+ // Create a source file.
+ FilePath source_file(temp_source_dir_.path());
+ source_file = source_file.AppendASCII("F1");
+ CreateTextFile(source_file.MaybeAsASCII(), text_content_1_);
+ // This file should be the same.
+ FilePath dest_file(temp_dest_dir_.path());
+ dest_file = dest_file.AppendASCII("F1");
+ CreateTextFile(dest_file.MaybeAsASCII(), text_content_1_);
+ // This file should be different.
+ FilePath other_file(temp_dest_dir_.path());
+ other_file = other_file.AppendASCII("F2");
+ CreateTextFile(other_file.MaybeAsASCII(), text_content_2_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(installer::IsIdenticalFileHierarchy(source_file, dest_file));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(installer::IsIdenticalFileHierarchy(source_file, other_file));
diff --git a/chrome/installer/util/ b/chrome/installer/util/
index b4a7cc6..21e0d7b 100644
--- a/chrome/installer/util/
+++ b/chrome/installer/util/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "chrome/installer/util/duplicate_tree_detector.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/logging_installer.h"
MoveTreeWorkItem::~MoveTreeWorkItem() {
@@ -15,12 +16,15 @@ MoveTreeWorkItem::~MoveTreeWorkItem() {
MoveTreeWorkItem::MoveTreeWorkItem(const FilePath& source_path,
const FilePath& dest_path,
- const FilePath& temp_dir)
+ const FilePath& temp_dir,
+ MoveTreeOption duplicate_option)
: source_path_(source_path),
+ duplicate_option_(duplicate_option),
- moved_to_backup_(false) {
+ moved_to_backup_(false),
+ source_moved_to_backup_(false) {
bool MoveTreeWorkItem::Do() {
@@ -29,7 +33,14 @@ bool MoveTreeWorkItem::Do() {
return false;
- // If dest_path_ exists, move destination to a backup path.
+ // If dest_path_ exists, we can do one of two things:
+ // 1) If the contents of src_path_are already fully contained in dest_path_
+ // then do nothing and return success. Fully contained means the full
+ // file structure with identical files is contained in dest_path_. For
+ // Chrome, if dest_path_ exists, this is expected to be the common case.
+ // 2) If the contents of src_path_ are NOT fully contained in dest_path_, we
+ // attempt to backup dest_path_ and replace it with src_path_. This will
+ // fail if files in dest_path_ are in use.
if (file_util::PathExists(dest_path_)) {
// Generate a backup path that can keep the original files under dest_path_.
if (!backup_path_.CreateUniqueTempDirUnderPath(temp_dir_)) {
@@ -37,16 +48,39 @@ bool MoveTreeWorkItem::Do() {
<< temp_dir_.value();
return false;
FilePath backup = backup_path_.path().Append(dest_path_.BaseName());
+ if (duplicate_option_ == CHECK_DUPLICATES) {
+ if (installer::IsIdenticalFileHierarchy(source_path_, dest_path_)) {
+ // The files we are moving are already present in the destination path.
+ // We most likely don't need to do anything. As such, just move the
+ // source files to the temp folder as backup.
+ if (file_util::Move(source_path_, backup)) {
+ source_moved_to_backup_ = true;
+ VLOG(1) << "Moved source " << source_path_.value()
+ << " to backup path " << backup.value();
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ // We failed to move the source tree to the backup path. This is odd
+ // but just fall through and attempt the regular behaviour as well.
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to backup source " << source_path_.value()
+ << " to backup path " << backup.value()
+ << " for duplicate trees. Trying regular Move instead.";
+ }
+ } else {
+ VLOG(1) << "Source path " << source_path_.value()
+ << " differs from " << dest_path_.value()
+ << ", updating now.";
+ }
+ }
if (file_util::Move(dest_path_, backup)) {
moved_to_backup_ = true;
VLOG(1) << "Moved destination " << dest_path_.value()
<< " to backup path " << backup.value();
} else {
- LOG(ERROR) << "failed moving " << dest_path_.value()
- << " to " << backup.value();
+ PLOG(ERROR) << "failed moving " << dest_path_.value()
+ << " to " << backup.value();
return false;
@@ -57,8 +91,8 @@ bool MoveTreeWorkItem::Do() {
VLOG(1) << "Moved source " << source_path_.value()
<< " to destination " << dest_path_.value();
} else {
- LOG(ERROR) << "failed move " << source_path_.value()
- << " to " << dest_path_.value();
+ PLOG(ERROR) << "failed move " << source_path_.value()
+ << " to " << dest_path_.value();
return false;
@@ -70,11 +104,14 @@ void MoveTreeWorkItem::Rollback() {
LOG(ERROR) << "Can not move " << dest_path_.value()
<< " to " << source_path_.value();
- if (moved_to_backup_) {
- FilePath backup = backup_path_.path().Append(dest_path_.BaseName());
- if (!file_util::Move(backup, dest_path_)) {
- LOG(ERROR) << "failed move " << backup.value()
- << " to " << dest_path_.value();
- }
+ FilePath backup = backup_path_.path().Append(dest_path_.BaseName());
+ if (moved_to_backup_ && !file_util::Move(backup, dest_path_)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "failed move " << backup.value()
+ << " to " << dest_path_.value();
+ }
+ if (source_moved_to_backup_ && !file_util::Move(backup, source_path_)) {
+ LOG(ERROR) << "Can not restore " << backup.value()
+ << " to " << source_path_.value();
diff --git a/chrome/installer/util/move_tree_work_item.h b/chrome/installer/util/move_tree_work_item.h
index 3926b9e..16fec6e 100644
--- a/chrome/installer/util/move_tree_work_item.h
+++ b/chrome/installer/util/move_tree_work_item.h
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#pragma once
#include "base/file_path.h"
+#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "chrome/installer/util/work_item.h"
@@ -28,14 +29,24 @@ class MoveTreeWorkItem : public WorkItem {
friend class WorkItem;
+ MoveDirectoryDestExistsCheckForDuplicatesFull);
+ MoveDirectoryDestExistsCheckForDuplicatesPartial);
- // source_path specifies file or directory that will be moved to location
- // specified by dest_path. To facilitate rollback, the caller needs to supply
- // a temporary directory (temp_dir) to save the original files if they exist
- // under dest_path.
+ // |source_path| specifies file or directory that will be moved to location
+ // specified by |dest_path|. To facilitate rollback, the caller needs to
+ // supply a temporary directory, |temp_dir| to save the original files if
+ // they exist under dest_path.
+ // If |check_duplicates| is CHECK_DUPLICATES, then Do() will first check
+ // whether the directory tree in source_path is entirely contained in
+ // dest_path and all files in source_path are present and of the same length
+ // in dest_path. If so, it will do nothing and return true, otherwise it will
+ // attempt to move source_path to dest_path as stated above.
MoveTreeWorkItem(const FilePath& source_path,
const FilePath& dest_path,
- const FilePath& temp_dir);
+ const FilePath& temp_dir,
+ MoveTreeOption duplicate_option);
// Source path to move files from.
FilePath source_path_;
@@ -55,6 +66,14 @@ class MoveTreeWorkItem : public WorkItem {
// Whether the original files have been moved to backup path under
// temporary directory. If true, moving back is needed during rollback.
bool moved_to_backup_;
+ // Whether we moved the source files to the backup path instead just to
+ // preserve the behaviour of a Move. This can only become true if
+ // duplicate_option_ is CHECK_DUPLICATES.
+ bool source_moved_to_backup_;
+ // Whether to check for duplicates before moving.
+ MoveTreeOption duplicate_option_;
diff --git a/chrome/installer/util/ b/chrome/installer/util/
index c646fd4..e310511 100644
--- a/chrome/installer/util/
+++ b/chrome/installer/util/
@@ -17,42 +17,42 @@
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
- class MoveTreeWorkItemTest : public testing::Test {
- protected:
- virtual void SetUp() {
- ASSERT_TRUE(temp_from_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
- ASSERT_TRUE(temp_to_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
- }
- ScopedTempDir temp_from_dir_;
- ScopedTempDir temp_to_dir_;
- };
- // Simple function to dump some text into a new file.
- void CreateTextFile(const std::wstring& filename,
- const std::wstring& contents) {
- std::ofstream file;
- ASSERT_TRUE(file.is_open());
- file << contents;
- file.close();
+class MoveTreeWorkItemTest : public testing::Test {
+ protected:
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(temp_from_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(temp_to_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir());
- // Simple function to read text from a file.
- std::wstring ReadTextFile(const FilePath& path) {
- WCHAR contents[64];
- std::wifstream file;
- EXPECT_TRUE(file.is_open());
- file.getline(contents, 64);
- file.close();
- return std::wstring(contents);
- }
- wchar_t text_content_1[] = L"Gooooooooooooooooooooogle";
- wchar_t text_content_2[] = L"Overwrite Me";
+ ScopedTempDir temp_from_dir_;
+ ScopedTempDir temp_to_dir_;
+// Simple function to dump some text into a new file.
+void CreateTextFile(const std::wstring& filename,
+ const std::wstring& contents) {
+ std::wofstream file;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file.is_open());
+ file << contents;
+ file.close();
+// Simple function to read text from a file.
+std::wstring ReadTextFile(const FilePath& path) {
+ WCHAR contents[64];
+ std::wifstream file;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file.is_open());
+ file.getline(contents, arraysize(contents));
+ file.close();
+ return std::wstring(contents);
+const wchar_t kTextContent1[] = L"Gooooooooooooooooooooogle";
+const wchar_t kTextContent2[] = L"Overwrite Me";
+}; // namespace
// Move one directory from source to destination when destination does not
// exist.
TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveDirectory) {
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveDirectory) {
FilePath from_file(from_dir2);
from_file = from_file.AppendASCII("From_File");
- CreateTextFile(from_file.value(), text_content_1);
+ CreateTextFile(from_file.value(), kTextContent1);
// Generate destination path
@@ -84,7 +84,10 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveDirectory) {
// test Do()
scoped_ptr<MoveTreeWorkItem> work_item(
- WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(from_dir1, to_dir, temp_to_dir_.path()));
+ WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(from_dir1,
+ to_dir,
+ temp_to_dir_.path(),
+ WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE));
@@ -115,7 +118,7 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveDirectoryDestExists) {
FilePath from_file(from_dir2);
from_file = from_file.AppendASCII("From_File");
- CreateTextFile(from_file.value(), text_content_1);
+ CreateTextFile(from_file.value(), kTextContent1);
// Create destination path
@@ -126,7 +129,7 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveDirectoryDestExists) {
FilePath orig_to_file(to_dir);
orig_to_file = orig_to_file.AppendASCII("To_File");
- CreateTextFile(orig_to_file.value(), text_content_2);
+ CreateTextFile(orig_to_file.value(), kTextContent2);
FilePath new_to_file(to_dir);
@@ -134,9 +137,12 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveDirectoryDestExists) {
new_to_file = new_to_file.AppendASCII("From_File");
- // test Do()
+ // test Do(), don't check for duplicates.
scoped_ptr<MoveTreeWorkItem> work_item(
- WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(from_dir1, to_dir, temp_to_dir_.path()));
+ WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(from_dir1,
+ to_dir,
+ temp_to_dir_.path(),
+ WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE));
@@ -151,8 +157,8 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveDirectoryDestExists) {
- EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(orig_to_file).compare(text_content_2));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(from_file).compare(text_content_1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(orig_to_file).compare(kTextContent2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(from_file).compare(kTextContent1));
// Move one file from source to destination when destination does not
@@ -166,7 +172,7 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveAFile) {
FilePath from_file(from_dir);
from_file = from_file.AppendASCII("From_File");
- CreateTextFile(from_file.value(), text_content_1);
+ CreateTextFile(from_file.value(), kTextContent1);
// Generate destination file name
@@ -176,14 +182,16 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveAFile) {
// test Do()
scoped_ptr<MoveTreeWorkItem> work_item(
- WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(
- from_file, to_file, temp_to_dir_.path()));
+ WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(from_file,
+ to_file,
+ temp_to_dir_.path(),
+ WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(to_file).compare(text_content_1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(to_file).compare(kTextContent1));
// test rollback()
@@ -191,7 +199,7 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveAFile) {
- EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(from_file).compare(text_content_1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(from_file).compare(kTextContent1));
// Move one file from source to destination when destination already
@@ -205,7 +213,7 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveFileDestExists) {
FilePath from_file(from_dir);
from_file = from_file.AppendASCII("From_File");
- CreateTextFile(from_file.value(), text_content_1);
+ CreateTextFile(from_file.value(), kTextContent1);
// Create destination path
@@ -216,27 +224,30 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveFileDestExists) {
FilePath to_file(to_dir);
to_file = to_file.AppendASCII("To_File");
- CreateTextFile(to_file.value(), text_content_2);
+ CreateTextFile(to_file.value(), kTextContent2);
// test Do()
scoped_ptr<MoveTreeWorkItem> work_item(
- WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(from_file, to_dir, temp_to_dir_.path()));
+ WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(from_file,
+ to_dir,
+ temp_to_dir_.path(),
+ WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(to_dir).compare(text_content_1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(to_dir).compare(kTextContent1));
// test rollback()
- EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(from_file).compare(text_content_1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(from_file).compare(kTextContent1));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(to_file).compare(text_content_2));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(to_file).compare(kTextContent2));
// Move one file from source to destination when destination already
@@ -250,7 +261,7 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveFileDestInUse) {
FilePath from_file(from_dir);
from_file = from_file.AppendASCII("From_File");
- CreateTextFile(from_file.value(), text_content_1);
+ CreateTextFile(from_file.value(), kTextContent1);
// Create an executable in destination path by copying ourself to it.
@@ -278,20 +289,22 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveFileDestInUse) {
// test Do()
scoped_ptr<MoveTreeWorkItem> work_item(
- WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(
- from_file, to_file, temp_to_dir_.path()));
+ WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(from_file,
+ to_file,
+ temp_to_dir_.path(),
+ WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(to_file).compare(text_content_1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(to_file).compare(kTextContent1));
// test rollback()
- EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(from_file).compare(text_content_1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(from_file).compare(kTextContent1));
EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ContentsEqual(exe_full_path, to_file));
@@ -325,7 +338,7 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveFileInUse) {
FilePath to_file(to_dir);
to_file = to_file.AppendASCII("To_File");
- CreateTextFile(to_file.value(), text_content_1);
+ CreateTextFile(to_file.value(), kTextContent1);
// Run the executable in source path
@@ -339,8 +352,10 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveFileInUse) {
// test Do()
scoped_ptr<MoveTreeWorkItem> work_item(
- WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(
- from_file, to_file, temp_to_dir_.path()));
+ WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(from_file,
+ to_file,
+ temp_to_dir_.path(),
+ WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE));
@@ -366,5 +381,172 @@ TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveFileInUse) {
EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ContentsEqual(exe_full_path, from_file));
- EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(to_file).compare(text_content_1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(to_file).compare(kTextContent1));
+// Move one directory from source to destination when destination already
+// exists.
+TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveDirectoryDestExistsCheckForDuplicatesFull) {
+ // Create two level deep source dir
+ FilePath from_dir1(temp_from_dir_.path());
+ from_dir1 = from_dir1.AppendASCII("From_Dir1");
+ file_util::CreateDirectory(from_dir1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(from_dir1));
+ FilePath from_dir2(from_dir1);
+ from_dir2 = from_dir2.AppendASCII("From_Dir2");
+ file_util::CreateDirectory(from_dir2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(from_dir2));
+ FilePath from_file(from_dir2);
+ from_file = from_file.AppendASCII("From_File");
+ CreateTextFile(from_file.value(), kTextContent1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(from_file));
+ // Create destination path
+ FilePath to_dir(temp_from_dir_.path());
+ to_dir = to_dir.AppendASCII("To_Dir");
+ file_util::CreateDirectory(to_dir);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(to_dir));
+ // Create a sub-directory of the same name as in the source directory.
+ FilePath to_dir2(to_dir);
+ to_dir2 = to_dir2.AppendASCII("From_Dir2");
+ file_util::CreateDirectory(to_dir2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(to_dir2));
+ // Create an identical file in the to sub-directory.
+ FilePath orig_to_file(to_dir2);
+ orig_to_file = orig_to_file.AppendASCII("From_File");
+ CreateTextFile(orig_to_file.value(), kTextContent1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(orig_to_file));
+ // Lock one of the files in the to sub-directory to prevent moves.
+ file_util::MemoryMappedFile mapped_file;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(mapped_file.Initialize(orig_to_file));
+ // First check that we can't do the regular Move().
+ scoped_ptr<MoveTreeWorkItem> work_item(
+ WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(from_dir1,
+ to_dir,
+ temp_to_dir_.path(),
+ WorkItem::ALWAYS_MOVE));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(work_item->Do());
+ work_item->Rollback();
+ // Now test Do() with the check for duplicates. This should pass.
+ work_item.reset(
+ WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(from_dir1,
+ to_dir,
+ temp_to_dir_.path(),
+ EXPECT_TRUE(work_item->Do());
+ // Make sure that we "moved" the files, i.e. that the source directory isn't
+ // there anymore,
+ EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::PathExists(from_dir1));
+ // Make sure that the original directory structure and file are still present.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(to_dir));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(orig_to_file));
+ // Make sure that the backup path is not empty.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::IsDirectoryEmpty(temp_to_dir_.path()));
+ // Check that the work item believes the source to have been moved.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(work_item->source_moved_to_backup_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(work_item->moved_to_dest_path_);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(work_item->moved_to_backup_);
+ // test rollback()
+ work_item->Rollback();
+ // Once we rollback all the original files should still be there, as should
+ // the source files.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(from_dir1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(to_dir));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(orig_to_file));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(orig_to_file).compare(kTextContent1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(from_file).compare(kTextContent1));
+// Move one directory from source to destination when destination already
+// exists but contains only a subset of the files in source.
+TEST_F(MoveTreeWorkItemTest, MoveDirectoryDestExistsCheckForDuplicatesPartial) {
+ // Create two level deep source dir
+ FilePath from_dir1(temp_from_dir_.path());
+ from_dir1 = from_dir1.AppendASCII("From_Dir1");
+ file_util::CreateDirectory(from_dir1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(from_dir1));
+ FilePath from_dir2(from_dir1);
+ from_dir2 = from_dir2.AppendASCII("From_Dir2");
+ file_util::CreateDirectory(from_dir2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(from_dir2));
+ FilePath from_file(from_dir2);
+ from_file = from_file.AppendASCII("From_File");
+ CreateTextFile(from_file.value(), kTextContent1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(from_file));
+ FilePath from_file2(from_dir2);
+ from_file2 = from_file2.AppendASCII("From_File2");
+ CreateTextFile(from_file2.value(), kTextContent2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(from_file2));
+ // Create destination path
+ FilePath to_dir(temp_from_dir_.path());
+ to_dir = to_dir.AppendASCII("To_Dir");
+ file_util::CreateDirectory(to_dir);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(to_dir));
+ // Create a sub-directory of the same name as in the source directory.
+ FilePath to_dir2(to_dir);
+ to_dir2 = to_dir2.AppendASCII("From_Dir2");
+ file_util::CreateDirectory(to_dir2);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(to_dir2));
+ // Create one of the files in the to sub-directory, but not the other.
+ FilePath orig_to_file(to_dir2);
+ orig_to_file = orig_to_file.AppendASCII("From_File");
+ CreateTextFile(orig_to_file.value(), kTextContent1);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(orig_to_file));
+ // test Do(), check for duplicates.
+ scoped_ptr<MoveTreeWorkItem> work_item(
+ WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(from_dir1,
+ to_dir,
+ temp_to_dir_.path(),
+ EXPECT_TRUE(work_item->Do());
+ // Make sure that we "moved" the files, i.e. that the source directory isn't
+ // there anymore,
+ EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::PathExists(from_dir1));
+ // Make sure that the original directory structure and file are still present.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(to_dir));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(orig_to_file));
+ // Make sure that the backup path is not empty.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::IsDirectoryEmpty(temp_to_dir_.path()));
+ // Make sure that the "new" file is also present.
+ FilePath new_to_file2(to_dir2);
+ new_to_file2 = new_to_file2.AppendASCII("From_File2");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(new_to_file2));
+ // Check that the work item believes that this was a regular move.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(work_item->source_moved_to_backup_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(work_item->moved_to_dest_path_);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(work_item->moved_to_backup_);
+ // test rollback()
+ work_item->Rollback();
+ // Once we rollback all the original files should still be there, as should
+ // the source files.
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(from_dir1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(to_dir));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(orig_to_file));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(orig_to_file).compare(kTextContent1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, ReadTextFile(from_file).compare(kTextContent1));
+ // Also, after rollback the new "to" file should be gone.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::PathExists(new_to_file2));
diff --git a/chrome/installer/util/ b/chrome/installer/util/
index 59583f9..8a047b2 100644
--- a/chrome/installer/util/
+++ b/chrome/installer/util/
@@ -63,8 +63,12 @@ DeleteTreeWorkItem* WorkItem::CreateDeleteTreeWorkItem(
MoveTreeWorkItem* WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(
const FilePath& source_path,
const FilePath& dest_path,
- const FilePath& temp_dir) {
- return new MoveTreeWorkItem(source_path, dest_path, temp_dir);
+ const FilePath& temp_dir,
+ MoveTreeOption duplicate_option) {
+ return new MoveTreeWorkItem(source_path,
+ dest_path,
+ temp_dir,
+ duplicate_option);
SetRegValueWorkItem* WorkItem::CreateSetRegValueWorkItem(
diff --git a/chrome/installer/util/work_item.h b/chrome/installer/util/work_item.h
index 66925ed..a4c8f6e 100644
--- a/chrome/installer/util/work_item.h
+++ b/chrome/installer/util/work_item.h
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class WorkItemList;
class WorkItem {
// Possible states
- typedef enum CopyOverWriteOption {
+ enum CopyOverWriteOption {
ALWAYS, // Always overwrite regardless of what existed before.
NEVER, // Not used currently.
IF_DIFFERENT, // Overwrite if different. Currently only applies to file.
@@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ class WorkItem {
NEW_NAME_IF_IN_USE // Copy to a new path if dest is in use(only files).
+ // Options for the MoveTree work item.
+ enum MoveTreeOption {
+ ALWAYS_MOVE, // Always attempt to do a move operation.
+ CHECK_DUPLICATES // Only move if the move target is different.
+ };
// Abstract base class for the conditions used by ConditionWorkItemList.
// TODO(robertshield): Move this out of WorkItem.
class Condition {
@@ -97,7 +103,8 @@ class WorkItem {
static MoveTreeWorkItem* CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(
const FilePath& source_path,
const FilePath& dest_path,
- const FilePath& temp_dir);
+ const FilePath& temp_dir,
+ MoveTreeOption duplicate_option);
// Create a SetRegValueWorkItem that sets a registry value with REG_SZ type
// at the key with specified path.
diff --git a/chrome/installer/util/ b/chrome/installer/util/
index e3ccc32..d32f068 100644
--- a/chrome/installer/util/
+++ b/chrome/installer/util/
@@ -135,10 +135,12 @@ WorkItem* WorkItemList::AddDeleteTreeWorkItem(const FilePath& root_path,
WorkItem* WorkItemList::AddMoveTreeWorkItem(const std::wstring& source_path,
const std::wstring& dest_path,
- const std::wstring& temp_dir) {
+ const std::wstring& temp_dir,
+ MoveTreeOption duplicate_option) {
WorkItem* item = WorkItem::CreateMoveTreeWorkItem(FilePath(source_path),
- FilePath(temp_dir));
+ FilePath(temp_dir),
+ duplicate_option);
return item;
diff --git a/chrome/installer/util/work_item_list.h b/chrome/installer/util/work_item_list.h
index bc74e2d..f1d7c8f 100644
--- a/chrome/installer/util/work_item_list.h
+++ b/chrome/installer/util/work_item_list.h
@@ -81,7 +81,8 @@ class WorkItemList : public WorkItem {
// Add a MoveTreeWorkItem to the list of work items.
virtual WorkItem* AddMoveTreeWorkItem(const std::wstring& source_path,
const std::wstring& dest_path,
- const std::wstring& temp_dir);
+ const std::wstring& temp_dir,
+ MoveTreeOption duplicate_option);
// Add a SetRegValueWorkItem that sets a registry value with REG_SZ type
// at the key with specified path.