path: root/chrome/renderer/
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mode: <>2009-11-16 22:43:18 +0000 <>2009-11-16 22:43:18 +0000
commitf9be34d622561d5599603b41d1c43d595e503426 (patch)
treefda8c9434f7f94395edb78eb584aaa3715773977 /chrome/renderer/
parent8c5f59092a8b4c9d16773e06df405890140c63cd (diff)
GLES2.0 command buffers version 0.00001
There's a HUGE amount of TODO here that I will do in following CLs but I wanted to get this in so people can comment and see progress. Assuming there are no bugs (cough) it should be possible to get a GLES2.0 program up with this assuming setup is implemented. A few things: *) Many files are auto geneated. They are generally made as _autogen.h files and inlcuded into .cc files. That way, as .h files they can be added to gyp but not get compiled and it leaves the parts that are better hand edtied outside of the auto generated files. *) there is a special switch to generate the id tests. That's because the IDs MUST NOT CHANGE and so therefore should not be auto generated. *) I'm deliberately choosing to checkin the auto generated files. I think it's important that changes be explicitly reviewed instead of just reviewing the generator. So, the generator is run manaually for now. *) I will end up most likely copying and pasting the relavent lines from GLES2/gl2.h direclty into the builder. The problem with reading it directly is that changing the gl2.h file changes the commands but commands are NOT ALLOWED TO CHANGE once we ship and putting the lines directly in the builder will make this more explicit. TODOs: *) Wrap glGetError with our own error bits so some of our commands can set those bits. *) Auto generate unit_tests. I'll work on this once I get a demo working because I want to be able to let others use this ASAP. *) I want to change a few low level things related to immediate commands. One of the problems with this system is the commands are generated from gl2.h instead of designed like they were with O3D. In O3D, each command that passes data has an explicit size. In GL, some sizes are implicit like glTexImage2D. For an Immediate cmd, a command where the data follows the cmd, the cmd needs to know the size of the data. This is a problem because that size needs to be known in 3 places. (1) where space is allocated in the command buffer to write the command (2) when the header to the command is filled out and (3) When the address of the next command is computed when not using the GLES2CmdHelper. Currently it is computed in all 3 places instead of just once. I need to think about how to refactor so that that info is only computed once. It might mean one more level of indirection. So, for example, you look at BindAttribLocationImmediate you'll see it takes a const char* and inserts the name into the command buffer for you. It might need to be that that structure expects you to put it in yourself and some higher-level thing like the GLES2CmdHelper deals with putting the data in? I'm not sure. I like the idea that calling Cmd::Init or Cmd::Set makes the command perfect, no outside stuff needed. Thoughts are welcome. *) We need to change the CMD header to either a 32bit command followed by a 32bit size OR a 10-11bit command followed by a 21-22bit size. That would allow for say 256 common commands and 768 specific commands. Enough? The issue is that the Immediate commands are FAR MORE EASY TO USE because no synchronization is required. So for things like BindAttribLocation it's much much easier to use the Immediate version. The problem is, with an 8bit size, the largest amount of data you can pass is 1024 bytes. That's not large enough for a shader and certainly not enough for a buffer or texture and it would be nice to be able to to use those commands as often as possible in NaCl apps. *) I need to track glPixelStore *) Need to fix several commands that need a size. *) Need a ton of work on validation. We need to make sure no enums not specified by GLES2.0 can make it through to the underlying GL. Also many places need to check that the size of data about to be accessed is valid for the given shared memory or immediate data. *) I'm planning to implement a named bucket system. The specific issue is that some commands take an arbitarily large amount of data. glBufferData, glTexImage2D, glShaderSource, glGetShaderSource, etc. Right now if your command buffer or shared memory segment is too small to transfer the data you'd have to allocate a bigger one. Rather than force that solution on you I want to implement versions of those commands that use named buckets. The bucket commands would let you Set a bucket or append to a bucket and then you could reference those buckets with the commands above. Example int bucket_id = 123 cmdSetBucket(bucket_id, "first part of shader text"); cmdAppendBucket(bucket_id, "next part of shader text"); cmdShaderSourceByBucket(shaderId, bucket_id); These bucket management commands would be added to the common command buffer stuff so they could be used with any command buffer. This is mostly useful for GLES2 emuliation and exposing command buffers stuff to JavaScript like WeBGL. If you are writing a NaCl app and talking direclty to the command buffers then you can allocate your own shader memory the size of the largest piece you need, or use other methods but for example in the case of WebGL or GLES2 emu there are no limits. buffers *) Should we add some kind of error reporter to the service that the client can get a handle on so that you can easily check for errors? I suppose calling glGetError once a frame is good enough? The advantage of a service side is that it could more easily tell you about "mal-formed command" and other parse / validation errors that don't fit glGetError. *) There are several unimplemented commands. Questions: *) Should I separate calling GL from decoding the same way O3D decodes, then calls GAPI? At this point and it would slow down the decoder so I don't really see a point but I can put it on a low-prioirty todo if we want it later. *) Should we support client side indices with glDrawElements. They would have to be copied to the server and verified every single call to glDrawElements so it wouldn't be useful except for porting code. The argument against is that glVertexAttribPointer can also take client side data and yet I don't think that data is used at the call and therefore can not be validated so if we can't do one maybe there's no point in doing the other. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
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0 files changed, 0 insertions, 0 deletions