path: root/chrome/renderer
diff options
mode: <>2009-07-22 21:37:17 +0000 <>2009-07-22 21:37:17 +0000
commit8e296bbd2d147c270d1839ab9dd93418532322e5 (patch)
tree250887882d757ad020aba85af7db935c4107a105 /chrome/renderer
parent944a14b8d46e63e603850c6c8b0d0638dc492a14 (diff)
Changes to provide asynchronous read in data source:
1. FFmpegGlue now taks a FFmpegProtocol instead of DataSource as input 2. FFmpegDemuxr implements FFmpegProtocol and does the blocking read and submit asynchronous read request to DataSource (with unit tests) 3. Changed SimpleDataSource to work with asynchronous read (with unit tests) 4. Reimplemented BufferedDataSource to work with asynchronous read (with unit tests) 5. Moved BufferedDataSource from chrome/renderer/media to webkit/glue/media (for faster build/debug and better coverage in automated testing) TEST=BufferedDataSourceTest.*, SimpleDataSourceTest.*, FFmpegDemuxerTest.* Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/renderer')
3 files changed, 3 insertions, 995 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/renderer/media/ b/chrome/renderer/media/
deleted file mode 100644
index fab726f..0000000
--- a/chrome/renderer/media/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,721 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this
-// source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the
-// LICENSE file.
-#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
-#include "base/message_loop.h"
-#include "base/process_util.h"
-#include "base/stl_util-inl.h"
-#include "base/string_util.h"
-#include "chrome/common/extensions/url_pattern.h"
-#include "chrome/renderer/media/buffered_data_source.h"
-#include "chrome/renderer/render_view.h"
-#include "media/base/filter_host.h"
-#include "net/base/load_flags.h"
-#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
-#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
-#include "webkit/glue/webappcachecontext.h"
-namespace {
-const char kHttpScheme[] = "http";
-const char kHttpsScheme[] = "https";
-const int64 kPositionNotSpecified = -1;
-const int kHttpOK = 200;
-const int kHttpPartialContent = 206;
-// Define the number of bytes in a megabyte.
-const size_t kMegabyte = 1024 * 1024;
-// Backward capacity of the buffer, by default 2MB.
-const size_t kBackwardCapcity = 2 * kMegabyte;
-// Forward capacity of the buffer, by default 10MB.
-const size_t kForwardCapacity = 10 * kMegabyte;
-// The threshold of bytes that we should wait until the data arrives in the
-// future instead of restarting a new connection. This number is defined in the
-// number of bytes, we should determine this value from typical connection speed
-// and amount of time for a suitable wait. Now I just make a guess for this
-// number to be 2MB.
-// TODO(hclam): determine a better value for this.
-const size_t kForwardWaitThreshold = 2 * kMegabyte;
-// Defines how long we should wait for more data before we declare a connection
-// timeout and start a new request.
-// TODO(hclam): set it to 5s, calibrate this value later.
-const int64 kDataTransferTimeoutSeconds = 5;
-// Defines how many times we should try to read from a buffered resource loader
-// before we declare a read error. After each failure of read from a buffered
-// resource loader, a new one is created to be read.
-const size_t kReadTrials = 3;
-// A helper method that accepts only HTTP, HTTPS and FILE protocol.
-bool IsSchemeSupported(const GURL& url) {
- return url.SchemeIs(kHttpScheme) ||
- url.SchemeIs(kHttpsScheme) ||
- url.SchemeIsFile();
-} // namespace
-// BufferedResourceLoader
- MessageLoop* message_loop,
- webkit_glue::MediaResourceLoaderBridgeFactory* bridge_factory,
- const GURL& url,
- int64 first_byte_position,
- int64 last_byte_position)
- : start_callback_(NULL),
- bridge_(NULL),
- offset_(0),
- content_length_(kPositionNotSpecified),
- completion_error_(net::OK),
- buffer_(new media::SeekableBuffer(kBackwardCapcity, kForwardCapacity)),
- deferred_(false),
- stopped_(false),
- completed_(false),
- range_requested_(false),
- async_start_(false),
- bridge_factory_(bridge_factory),
- url_(url),
- first_byte_position_(first_byte_position),
- last_byte_position_(last_byte_position),
- render_loop_(message_loop),
- buffer_available_(&lock_) {
-BufferedResourceLoader::~BufferedResourceLoader() {
-int BufferedResourceLoader::Start(net::CompletionCallback* start_callback) {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- // Make sure we only start no more than once.
- DCHECK(!bridge_.get());
- DCHECK(!start_callback_.get());
- start_callback_.reset(start_callback);
- // Save the information that we are doing an asynchronous start since
- // start_callback_ may get reset, we can't rely on it.
- if (start_callback_.get())
- async_start_ = true;
- // We may receive stop signal while we are inside this method, it's because
- // Start() may get called on demuxer thread while Stop() is called on
- // pipeline thread.
- if (!stopped_) {
- render_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
- NewRunnableMethod(this, &BufferedResourceLoader::OnStart));
- // Wait for response to arrive if we don't have an async start.
- // TODO(hclam): implement start timeout.
- if (!async_start_)
- buffer_available_.Wait();
- }
- // We may have stopped because of a bad response from the server.
- if (stopped_)
- return net::ERR_ABORTED;
- else if (completed_)
- return completion_error_;
- else if (async_start_)
- return net::ERR_IO_PENDING;
- return net::OK;
-void BufferedResourceLoader::Stop() {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- stopped_ = true;
- buffer_.reset();
- // Wakes up the waiting thread so they can catch the stop signal.
- buffer_available_.Signal();
- render_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
- NewRunnableMethod(this, &BufferedResourceLoader::OnDestroy));
-int BufferedResourceLoader::Read(uint8* buffer,
- size_t* bytes_read,
- int64 position,
- size_t read_size) {
- // We are given the position to read from, so we will perform a seek first.
- int error = SeekInternal(position);
- if (error != net::OK)
- return error;
- // Then we perform a read.
- error = ReadInternal(buffer, bytes_read, read_size);
- if (error != net::OK)
- return error;
- // After a read operation, determine whether or not we need to disable
- // defer loading.
- if (ShouldDisableDefer()) {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- if (!stopped_) {
- render_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
- NewRunnableMethod(this,
- &BufferedResourceLoader::OnDisableDeferLoading));
- }
- }
- return net::OK;
-int64 BufferedResourceLoader::GetOffset() {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- return offset_;
-// BufferedResourceLoader,
-// webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer implementations
-void BufferedResourceLoader::OnReceivedRedirect(const GURL& new_url) {
- url_ = new_url;
- // If we got redirected to an unsupported protocol then stop.
- if (!IsSchemeSupported(new_url))
- Stop();
-void BufferedResourceLoader::OnReceivedResponse(
- const webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info,
- bool content_filtered) {
- int64 first_byte_position = -1;
- int64 last_byte_position = -1;
- int64 instance_size = -1;
- // The file:// protocol should be able to serve any request we want, so we
- // take an exception for file protocol.
- if (!url_.SchemeIsFile()) {
- if (!info.headers) {
- // We expect to receive headers because this is a HTTP or HTTPS protocol,
- // if not report failure.
- InvokeAndResetStartCallback(net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE);
- Stop();
- return;
- } else if (range_requested_) {
- if (info.headers->response_code() != kHttpPartialContent ||
- !info.headers->GetContentRange(&first_byte_position,
- &last_byte_position,
- &instance_size)) {
- // We requested a range, but server didn't reply with partial content or
- // the "Content-Range" header is corrupted.
- InvokeAndResetStartCallback(net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE);
- Stop();
- return;
- }
- } else if (info.headers->response_code() != kHttpOK) {
- // We didn't request a range but server didn't reply with "200 OK".
- InvokeAndResetStartCallback(net::ERR_FAILED);
- Stop();
- return;
- }
- }
- {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- // |info.content_length| can be -1, in that case |content_length_| is
- // not specified and this is a streaming response.
- content_length_ = info.content_length;
- // We only care about the first byte position if it's given by the server.
- if (first_byte_position != kPositionNotSpecified)
- offset_ = first_byte_position;
- // If this is not an asynchronous start, signal the thread called Start().
- if (!async_start_)
- buffer_available_.Signal();
- }
- // If we have started asynchronously we need to invoke the callback.
- if (async_start_)
- InvokeAndResetStartCallback(net::OK);
-void BufferedResourceLoader::OnReceivedData(const char* data, int len) {
- DCHECK(bridge_.get());
- AppendToBuffer(reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(data), len);
- if (ShouldEnableDefer())
- bridge_->SetDefersLoading(true);
-void BufferedResourceLoader::OnCompletedRequest(
- const URLRequestStatus& status, const std::string& security_info) {
- // Save the status error before we signal a the completion of the request
- // so blocked methods can pick the error and do interpretations.
- SignalComplete(status.os_error());
- // After the response has completed, we don't need the bridge any more.
- bridge_.reset();
- if (async_start_)
- InvokeAndResetStartCallback(status.os_error());
-// BufferedResourceLoader, private
-int BufferedResourceLoader::ReadInternal(uint8* buffer,
- size_t* bytes_read,
- size_t read_size) {
- DCHECK(buffer);
- DCHECK(bytes_read);
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- // Return value for this method.
- int error = net::OK;
- // Ever waited for data to be downloaded.
- bool waited_for_buffer = false;
- // Total amount of bytes read from buffer.
- size_t taken = 0;
- while (taken < read_size) {
- // If stopped or the request has been completed, break the loop.
- if (stopped_) {
- error = net::ERR_ABORTED;
- break;
- }
- // Read into |data|.
- size_t unread_bytes = read_size - taken;
- size_t bytes_read_this_time = buffer_->Read(unread_bytes, buffer + taken);
- // Increment the total bytes read from the buffer so we know when to stop
- // reading.
- taken += bytes_read_this_time;
- DCHECK_LE(taken, read_size);
- // There are three conditions when we should terminate this loop:
- // 1. We have read enough bytes so we don't need to read anymore.
- // 2. The request has completed and the buffer is empty. We don't want to
- // wait an additional iteration, so break on condition of empty forward
- // buffer instead of breaking on failed read.
- // 3. The request has timed out. We waited for data in the last iteration
- // but there isn't any more data in the buffer.
- if (taken == read_size) {
- break;
- }
- if (completed_ && buffer_->forward_bytes() == 0) {
- // We should return the completion error received.
- error = completion_error_;
- break;
- }
- if (waited_for_buffer && bytes_read_this_time == 0) {
- error = net::ERR_TIMED_OUT;
- break;
- }
- buffer_available_.TimedWait(
- base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kDataTransferTimeoutSeconds));
- waited_for_buffer = true;
- }
- // Adjust the offset and disable defer loading if needed.
- if (taken > 0)
- offset_ += taken;
- *bytes_read = taken;
- return error;
-int BufferedResourceLoader::SeekInternal(int64 position) {
- // Use of |offset_| is safe without a lock, because it's modified only in
- // Read() and this method after Start(). Read() and Seek() happens
- // on the same thread.
- if (position == offset_)
- return net::OK;
- // Use the conditions to avoid overflow, since |position| and |offset_| are
- // int64, their difference can be greater than an int32.
- if (position > offset_ + kint32max)
- return net::ERR_FAILED;
- else if (position < offset_ + kint32min)
- return net::ERR_FAILED;
- int32 offset = static_cast<int32>(position - offset_);
- // Backward data are served directly from the buffer and will not be
- // downloaded in the future so we perform a backward seek now.
- if (offset < 0) {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- if (buffer_->Seek(offset)) {
- offset_ = position;
- return net::OK;
- }
- return net::ERR_FAILED;
- }
- // If we are seeking too far ahead that we'll wait too long, return false.
- // We only perform this check for forward seeking because we don't want to
- // wait too long for data very far ahead to be downloaded.
- if (position >= offset_ + kForwardWaitThreshold)
- return net::ERR_FAILED;
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- // Ever waited for data to be downloaded.
- bool waited_for_buffer = false;
- // Perform seeking forward until we get to the offset.
- while(offset_ < position) {
- // Loader has stopped.
- if (stopped_)
- return net::ERR_ABORTED;
- // Response completed and seek position exceeds buffered range, we won't
- // receive any more data so return immediately. We have |completion_error_|
- // from OnCompletedRequest() so return it straight.
- if (completed_ && position >= offset_ + buffer_->forward_bytes())
- return completion_error_;
- // Seek as much as possible until we get the desired position.
- int32 forward_seek = std::min(static_cast<int32>(buffer_->forward_bytes()),
- offset);
- // If we have waited for buffer in the last loop iteration and we don't
- // get any more buffer, declare a timeout situation.
- if (waited_for_buffer && !forward_seek)
- return net::ERR_TIMED_OUT;
- if (!buffer_->Seek(forward_seek)) {
- NOTREACHED() << "We should have enough bytes but forward seek failed";
- }
- // Keep track of the total amount that we should seek forward. Decrements
- // this so we will hit the end of loop condition.
- offset -= forward_seek;
- // Increments the offset in the whole instance.
- offset_ += forward_seek;
- DCHECK_LE(offset_, position);
- // Break the loop if we reached the target position so we don't wait.
- if (offset_ == position)
- break;
- buffer_available_.TimedWait(
- base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kDataTransferTimeoutSeconds));
- waited_for_buffer = true;
- }
- return net::OK;
-void BufferedResourceLoader::AppendToBuffer(const uint8* data, size_t size) {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- if (!stopped_)
- buffer_->Append(size, data);
- buffer_available_.Signal();
-void BufferedResourceLoader::SignalComplete(int error) {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- completed_ = true;
- completion_error_ = error;
- buffer_available_.Signal();
-bool BufferedResourceLoader::ShouldEnableDefer() {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- // If the resource loader has been stopped, we should not use |buffer_|.
- if (stopped_)
- return false;
- if (!deferred_ && buffer_->forward_bytes() >= buffer_->forward_capacity()) {
- deferred_ = true;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-bool BufferedResourceLoader::ShouldDisableDefer() {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- // If the resource loader has been stopped, we should not use |buffer_|.
- if (stopped_)
- return false;
- if (deferred_ && buffer_->forward_bytes() < buffer_->forward_capacity() / 2) {
- deferred_ = false;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-void BufferedResourceLoader::OnStart() {
- DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == render_loop_);
- DCHECK(!bridge_.get());
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- if (stopped_)
- return;
- if (first_byte_position_ != kPositionNotSpecified) {
- range_requested_ = true;
- // TODO(hclam): server may not support range request so |offset_| may not
- // equal to |first_byte_position_|.
- offset_ = first_byte_position_;
- }
- // Creates the bridge on render thread since we can only access
- // ResourceDispatcher on this thread.
- bridge_.reset(bridge_factory_->CreateBridge(url_,
- first_byte_position_,
- last_byte_position_));
- // And start the resource loading.
- bridge_->Start(this);
-void BufferedResourceLoader::OnDestroy() {
- DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == render_loop_);
- if (bridge_.get()) {
- // Cancel the resource request.
- bridge_->Cancel();
- bridge_.reset();
- }
-void BufferedResourceLoader::OnEnableDeferLoading() {
- DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == render_loop_);
- // This message may arrive after the bridge is destroyed.
- if (bridge_.get())
- bridge_->SetDefersLoading(true);
-void BufferedResourceLoader::OnDisableDeferLoading() {
- DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == render_loop_);
- // This message may arrive after the bridge is destroyed.
- if (bridge_.get())
- bridge_->SetDefersLoading(false);
-void BufferedResourceLoader::InvokeAndResetStartCallback(int error) {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- if (start_callback_.get()) {
- start_callback_->Run(error);
- start_callback_.reset();
- }
-// BufferedDataSource
- MessageLoop* render_loop,
- webkit_glue::MediaResourceLoaderBridgeFactory* bridge_factory)
- : stopped_(false),
- position_(0),
- total_bytes_(kPositionNotSpecified),
- bridge_factory_(bridge_factory),
- buffered_resource_loader_(NULL),
- render_loop_(render_loop),
- pipeline_loop_(MessageLoop::current()) {
-BufferedDataSource::~BufferedDataSource() {
-void BufferedDataSource::Stop() {
- scoped_refptr<BufferedResourceLoader> resource_loader = NULL;
- // Set the stop signal first.
- {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- stopped_ = true;
- resource_loader = buffered_resource_loader_;
- // Release the reference to the resource loader.
- buffered_resource_loader_ = NULL;
- }
- // Tell the loader to stop.
- if (resource_loader)
- resource_loader->Stop();
-void BufferedDataSource::Initialize(const std::string& url,
- media::FilterCallback* callback) {
- DCHECK(callback);
- initialize_callback_.reset(callback);
- // Save the url.
- url_ = GURL(url);
- // Make sure we support the scheme of the URL.
- if (!IsSchemeSupported(url_)) {
- host()->SetError(media::PIPELINE_ERROR_NETWORK);
- initialize_callback_->Run();
- initialize_callback_.reset();
- return;
- }
- media_format_.SetAsString(media::MediaFormat::kMimeType,
- media::mime_type::kApplicationOctetStream);
- media_format_.SetAsString(media::MediaFormat::kURL, url);
- // Setup the BufferedResourceLoader here.
- scoped_refptr<BufferedResourceLoader> resource_loader = NULL;
- {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- if (!stopped_) {
- buffered_resource_loader_ = new BufferedResourceLoader(
- render_loop_,
- bridge_factory_.get(),
- url_,
- kPositionNotSpecified,
- kPositionNotSpecified);
- resource_loader = buffered_resource_loader_;
- }
- }
- // Use the local reference to start the request.
- if (!resource_loader) {
- host()->SetError(media::PIPELINE_ERROR_NETWORK);
- initialize_callback_->Run();
- initialize_callback_.reset();
- return;
- }
- if (net::ERR_IO_PENDING != resource_loader->Start(
- NewCallback(this, &BufferedDataSource::InitialRequestStarted))) {
- host()->SetError(media::PIPELINE_ERROR_NETWORK);
- initialize_callback_->Run();
- initialize_callback_.reset();
- }
-size_t BufferedDataSource::Read(uint8* data, size_t size) {
- // We try two times here:
- // 1. Use the existing resource loader to seek and read from it.
- // 2. If any of the above operations failed, we create a new resource loader
- // starting with a new range. Goto 1.
- for (size_t trials = kReadTrials; trials > 0; --trials) {
- scoped_refptr<BufferedResourceLoader> resource_loader = NULL;
- {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- resource_loader = buffered_resource_loader_;
- }
- size_t read = 0;
- int error = net::ERR_FAILED;
- if (resource_loader)
- error = resource_loader->Read(data, &read, position_, size);
- if (error == net::OK) {
- if (read >= 0) {
- position_ += read;
- return read;
- } else {
- return DataSource::kReadError;
- }
- } else {
- // We don't need the old BufferedResourceLoader, stop it and release the
- // reference.
- if (resource_loader) {
- resource_loader->Stop();
- resource_loader = NULL;
- }
- // Create a new request if we have not stopped.
- {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- if (stopped_) {
- buffered_resource_loader_ = NULL;
- return DataSource::kReadError;
- }
- // Create a new resource loader.
- buffered_resource_loader_ =
- new BufferedResourceLoader(render_loop_,
- bridge_factory_.get(),
- url_,
- position_,
- kPositionNotSpecified);
- // Save the local copy.
- resource_loader = buffered_resource_loader_;
- }
- // Start the new resource loader.
- DCHECK(resource_loader);
- int error = resource_loader->Start(NULL);
- // Always fail if we can't start.
- // TODO(hclam): should handle timeout.
- if (error != net::OK) {
- HandleError(media::PIPELINE_ERROR_NETWORK);
- return DataSource::kReadError;
- }
- }
- }
- return DataSource::kReadError;
-bool BufferedDataSource::GetPosition(int64* position_out) {
- *position_out = position_;
- return true;
-bool BufferedDataSource::SetPosition(int64 position) {
- // |total_bytes_| can be -1 for pure streaming. There may be a problem with
- // seeking for this case.
- if (position < total_bytes_) {
- position_ = position;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-bool BufferedDataSource::GetSize(int64* size_out) {
- if (total_bytes_ != kPositionNotSpecified) {
- *size_out = total_bytes_;
- return true;
- }
- *size_out = 0;
- return false;
-bool BufferedDataSource::IsSeekable() {
- return total_bytes_ != kPositionNotSpecified;
-void BufferedDataSource::HandleError(media::PipelineError error) {
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- if (!stopped_) {
- host()->SetError(error);
- }
-void BufferedDataSource::InitialRequestStarted(int error) {
- // Don't take any lock and call to |host_| here, this method is called from
- // BufferedResourceLoader after the response has started or failed, it is
- // very likely we are called within a lock in BufferedResourceLoader.
- // Acquiring an additional lock here we might have a deadlock situation,
- // but one thing very sure is that pipeline thread is still alive, so we
- // just need to post a task on that thread.
- pipeline_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE,
- NewRunnableMethod(this,
- &BufferedDataSource::OnInitialRequestStarted, error));
-void BufferedDataSource::OnInitialRequestStarted(int error) {
- // Acquiring a lock should not be needed because |stopped_| is only written
- // on pipeline thread and we are on pipeline thread but just to be safe.
- AutoLock auto_lock(lock_);
- if (!stopped_) {
- if (error == net::OK) {
- total_bytes_ = buffered_resource_loader_->content_length();
- if (IsSeekable()) {
- host()->SetTotalBytes(total_bytes_);
- // TODO(hclam): report the amount of bytes buffered accurately.
- host()->SetBufferedBytes(total_bytes_);
- }
- } else {
- host()->SetError(media::PIPELINE_ERROR_NETWORK);
- }
- }
- initialize_callback_->Run();
- initialize_callback_.reset();
-const media::MediaFormat& BufferedDataSource::media_format() {
- return media_format_;
diff --git a/chrome/renderer/media/buffered_data_source.h b/chrome/renderer/media/buffered_data_source.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d7fa080..0000000
--- a/chrome/renderer/media/buffered_data_source.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. Use of this
-// source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the
-// LICENSE file.
-#include <string>
-#include "base/lock.h"
-#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
-#include "base/condition_variable.h"
-#include "googleurl/src/gurl.h"
-#include "media/base/factory.h"
-#include "media/base/filters.h"
-#include "media/base/media_format.h"
-#include "media/base/pipeline.h"
-#include "media/base/seekable_buffer.h"
-#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
-#include "net/base/file_stream.h"
-#include "webkit/glue/media/media_resource_loader_bridge_factory.h"
-// BufferedResourceLoader
-// This class works inside demuxer thread and render thread. It contains a
-// resource loader bridge and does the actual resource loading. This object
-// does buffering internally, it defers the resource loading if buffer is
-// full and un-defers the resource loading if it is under buffered.
-class BufferedResourceLoader :
- public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<BufferedResourceLoader>,
- public webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer {
- public:
- // |message_loop| - The message loop this resource loader should run on.
- // |bridge_factory| - Factory to create a ResourceLoaderBridge.
- // |url| - URL for the resource to be loaded.
- // |first_byte_position| - First byte to start loading from, -1 for not
- // specified.
- // |last_byte_position| - Last byte to be loaded, -1 for not specified.
- BufferedResourceLoader(
- MessageLoop* message_loop,
- webkit_glue::MediaResourceLoaderBridgeFactory* bridge_factory,
- const GURL& url,
- int64 first_byte_position,
- int64 last_byte_position);
- virtual ~BufferedResourceLoader();
- // Start the resource loading with the specified URL and range.
- // This method call can operate in two modes, synchronous and asynchronous.
- // If |start_callback| is NULL, this method operates in synchronous mode. It
- // has the following return values in this mode:
- // net::OK
- // The load has started successfully.
- // net::ERR_FAILED
- // The load cannot be started.
- // net::ERR_TIMEOUT
- // The start operation took too long and has timed out.
- //
- // If |start_callback| is not NULL, this method operates in asynchronous mode
- // and it returns net::ERR_IO_PENDING if the request is going to start.
- // Once there's a response from the server, success or fail |start_callback|
- // is called with the result.
- // Note that |start_callback| is called within a lock to prevent invoking an
- // invalid callback method while this object is called to stop.
- int Start(net::CompletionCallback* callback);
- // Stops this loader. Wakes up all synchronous actions.
- void Stop();
- // Reads the specified |read_size| from |position| into |buffer| and returns
- // number of bytes read into variable |bytes_read|. This method call is
- // synchronous, when it returns it may not be able to fulfill what has been
- // requested.
- //
- // Produces the following return values:
- // net::OK
- // The read operation was successful. |bytes_read| may be less than
- // |read_size| even if the request was successful, which happens when the
- // request has completed normally but there wasn't enough bytes to serve
- // the request.
- // net::ERR_TIMEOUT
- // The read operation has timed out and we didn't get enough bytes for what
- // we requested.
- // net::ERR_FAILED
- // The read operation has failed because the request completed abnormally
- // or |position| is too far from the current position of this loader that
- // we cannot serve.
- // net::ERR_ABORTED
- // The loader has been stopped.
- int Read(uint8* buffer, size_t* bytes_read, int64 position, size_t read_size);
- // Returns the position in bytes that this loader is downloading from.
- int64 GetOffset();
- // Gets the content length in bytes of the instance after this loader has been
- // started.
- int64 content_length() { return content_length_; }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::Peer implementations.
- virtual void OnUploadProgress(uint64 position, uint64 size) {}
- virtual void OnReceivedRedirect(const GURL& new_url);
- virtual void OnReceivedResponse(
- const webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge::ResponseInfo& info,
- bool content_filtered);
- virtual void OnReceivedData(const char* data, int len);
- virtual void OnCompletedRequest(const URLRequestStatus& status,
- const std::string& security_info);
- std::string GetURLForDebugging() { return url_.spec(); }
- private:
- // Reads the specified |read_size| into |buffer| and returns number of bytes
- // read into variable |bytes_read|. This method call is synchronous, when it
- // returns it may not be able to fulfill what has been requested.
- //
- // Produces the following return values:
- // net::OK
- // The read operation was successful. |bytes_read| may be less than
- // |read_size| even if the request was successful, this happens when the
- // request has completed normally but there isn't enough bytes to serve
- // the request.
- // net::ERR_TIMEOUT
- // The read operation has timed out and we didn't get enough bytes for what
- // we have requested.
- // net::ERR_FAILED
- // The read operation has failed because the request was completed
- // abnormally.
- // net::ERR_ABORTED
- // The loader has been stopped.
- int ReadInternal(uint8* buffer, size_t* bytes_read, size_t read_size);
- // Seek to |position| in bytes in the entire instance of the media
- // object. This method call is synchronous. It has the following return
- // values:
- //
- // net::OK
- // The seek operation was successful.
- // net::ERR_FAILED
- // The desired |position| is too far from the current offset, and we decided
- // not to serve the |position| either because we don't want to wait too long
- // for data to be downloaded or |position| was too far in the past that we
- // don't have the data buffered.
- // We may get this error if the request has completed abnormally.
- // net::ERR_TIMEOUT
- // The seek operation took too long and timed out.
- // net::ERR_ABORTED
- // The loader has been stopped.
- int SeekInternal(int64 position);
- // Append buffer to the queue of buffers.
- void AppendToBuffer(const uint8* buffer, size_t size);
- void SignalComplete(int error);
- bool ShouldEnableDefer();
- bool ShouldDisableDefer();
- void OnStart();
- void OnDestroy();
- void OnDisableDeferLoading();
- void OnEnableDeferLoading();
- void InvokeAndResetStartCallback(int error);
- scoped_ptr<net::CompletionCallback> start_callback_;
- scoped_ptr<webkit_glue::ResourceLoaderBridge> bridge_;
- int64 offset_;
- int64 content_length_;
- int completion_error_;
- scoped_ptr<media::SeekableBuffer> buffer_;
- bool deferred_;
- bool stopped_;
- bool completed_;
- bool range_requested_;
- bool async_start_;
- webkit_glue::MediaResourceLoaderBridgeFactory* bridge_factory_;
- GURL url_;
- int64 first_byte_position_;
- int64 last_byte_position_;
- MessageLoop* render_loop_;
- // A lock that protects usage of the following members:
- // - buffer_
- // - deferred_
- // - stopped_
- // - completed_
- Lock lock_;
- ConditionVariable buffer_available_;
- DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(BufferedResourceLoader);
-class BufferedDataSource : public media::DataSource {
- public:
- // Methods called from pipeline thread
- // Static methods for creating this class.
- static media::FilterFactory* CreateFactory(
- MessageLoop* message_loop,
- webkit_glue::MediaResourceLoaderBridgeFactory* bridge_factory) {
- return new media::FilterFactoryImpl2<
- BufferedDataSource,
- MessageLoop*,
- webkit_glue::MediaResourceLoaderBridgeFactory*>(
- message_loop, bridge_factory);
- }
- virtual void Initialize(const std::string& url,
- media::FilterCallback* callback);
- // media::MediaFilter implementation.
- virtual void Stop();
- // media::DataSource implementation.
- // Called from demuxer thread.
- virtual size_t Read(uint8* data, size_t size);
- virtual bool GetPosition(int64* position_out);
- virtual bool SetPosition(int64 position);
- virtual bool GetSize(int64* size_out);
- virtual bool IsSeekable();
- const media::MediaFormat& media_format();
- private:
- friend class media::FilterFactoryImpl2<
- BufferedDataSource,
- MessageLoop*,
- webkit_glue::MediaResourceLoaderBridgeFactory*>;
- // Call to filter host to trigger an error, be sure not to call this method
- // while the lock is acquired.
- void HandleError(media::PipelineError error);
- // Callback method from BufferedResourceLoader for the initial url request.
- // |error| is net::OK if the request has started successfully or |error| is
- // a code representing the actual network error.
- void InitialRequestStarted(int error);
- void OnInitialRequestStarted(int error);
- explicit BufferedDataSource(
- MessageLoop* render_loop,
- webkit_glue::MediaResourceLoaderBridgeFactory* bridge_factory);
- virtual ~BufferedDataSource();
- media::MediaFormat media_format_;
- GURL url_;
- // A common lock for protecting members accessed by multiple threads.
- Lock lock_;
- bool stopped_;
- // Members used for reading.
- int64 position_;
- // Members for total bytes of the requested object.
- int64 total_bytes_;
- // Members related to resource loading with RenderView.
- scoped_ptr<webkit_glue::MediaResourceLoaderBridgeFactory> bridge_factory_;
- scoped_refptr<BufferedResourceLoader> buffered_resource_loader_;
- // The message loop of the render thread.
- MessageLoop* render_loop_;
- // The message loop of the pipeline thread.
- MessageLoop* pipeline_loop_;
- // Filter callbacks.
- scoped_ptr<media::FilterCallback> initialize_callback_;
diff --git a/chrome/renderer/ b/chrome/renderer/
index 34a415f..21c40e2 100644
--- a/chrome/renderer/
+++ b/chrome/renderer/
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
#include "chrome/renderer/extensions/renderer_extension_bindings.h"
#include "chrome/renderer/localized_error.h"
#include "chrome/renderer/media/audio_renderer_impl.h"
-#include "chrome/renderer/media/buffered_data_source.h"
#include "chrome/renderer/navigation_state.h"
#include "chrome/renderer/print_web_view_helper.h"
#include "chrome/renderer/render_process.h"
@@ -74,6 +73,7 @@
#include "webkit/glue/dom_operations.h"
#include "webkit/glue/dom_serializer.h"
#include "webkit/glue/image_decoder.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/media/buffered_data_source.h"
#include "webkit/glue/media/simple_data_source.h"
#include "webkit/glue/password_form.h"
#include "webkit/glue/plugins/plugin_list.h"
@@ -1859,8 +1859,8 @@ WebKit::WebMediaPlayer* RenderView::CreateWebMediaPlayer(
if (!cmd_line->HasSwitch(switches::kSimpleDataSource)) {
// Add the chrome specific media data source.
- BufferedDataSource::CreateFactory(MessageLoop::current(),
- bridge_factory));
+ webkit_glue::BufferedDataSource::CreateFactory(MessageLoop::current(),
+ bridge_factory));
} else {