path: root/chrome/renderer
diff options
mode: <>2010-07-14 17:36:08 +0000 <>2010-07-14 17:36:08 +0000
commit03f57072cd19125c59fbc1d7c76f2856ca200850 (patch)
tree80eadc11ae10e48c8c21fe2bc6dfe50dd4a32ec6 /chrome/renderer
parenta2a7fcfe13e9d42c35cb79a0c57d02c3ce7778ea (diff)
First step in moving the password autocomplete code from the WebKit API
to the Chromium code. This is currently behind a #define that will be defined in the WebKit API when the change is finished on that side. PasswordAutocompleteManager replaces, it is responsible for trigering password autocomplete The unit-tests in have been ported to They are now test shell unit-tests so we don't have to use a wrapper around WebElements. BUG=None TEST=The new code is not yet enabled. Test that the password autocomplete still works as expected. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome/renderer')
5 files changed, 889 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/renderer/ b/chrome/renderer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a715a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/renderer/
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/renderer/password_autocomplete_manager.h"
+#include "base/keyboard_codes.h"
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebDocument.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebElement.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFormElement.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFrame.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebInputEvent.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebVector.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebView.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/form_field.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/password_form_dom_manager.h"
+namespace {
+// The size above which we stop triggering autocomplete.
+static const size_t kMaximumTextSizeForAutocomplete = 1000;
+// Maps element names to the actual elements to simplify form filling.
+typedef std::map<string16, WebKit::WebInputElement>
+ FormInputElementMap;
+// Utility struct for form lookup and autocomplete. When we parse the DOM to
+// lookup a form, in addition to action and origin URL's we have to compare all
+// necessary form elements. To avoid having to look these up again when we want
+// to fill the form, the FindFormElements function stores the pointers
+// in a FormElements* result, referenced to ensure they are safe to use.
+struct FormElements {
+ WebKit::WebFormElement form_element;
+ FormInputElementMap input_elements;
+typedef std::vector<FormElements*> FormElementsList;
+// Helper to search the given form element for the specified input elements
+// in |data|, and add results to |result|.
+static bool FindFormInputElements(WebKit::WebFormElement* fe,
+ const webkit_glue::FormData& data,
+ FormElements* result) {
+ // Loop through the list of elements we need to find on the form in order to
+ // autocomplete it. If we don't find any one of them, abort processing this
+ // form; it can't be the right one.
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < data.fields.size(); j++) {
+ WebKit::WebVector<WebKit::WebNode> temp_elements;
+ fe->getNamedElements(data.fields[j].name(), temp_elements);
+ if (temp_elements.isEmpty()) {
+ // We didn't find a required element. This is not the right form.
+ // Make sure no input elements from a partially matched form in this
+ // iteration remain in the result set.
+ // Note: clear will remove a reference from each InputElement.
+ result->input_elements.clear();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // This element matched, add it to our temporary result. It's possible there
+ // are multiple matches, but for purposes of identifying the form one
+ // suffices and if some function needs to deal with multiple matching
+ // elements it can get at them through the FormElement*.
+ // Note: This assignment adds a reference to the InputElement.
+ result->input_elements[data.fields[j].name()] =
+ temp_elements[0].to<WebKit::WebInputElement>();
+ }
+ return true;
+// Helper to locate form elements identified by |data|.
+void FindFormElements(WebKit::WebView* view,
+ const webkit_glue::FormData& data,
+ FormElementsList* results) {
+ DCHECK(view);
+ DCHECK(results);
+ WebKit::WebFrame* main_frame = view->mainFrame();
+ if (!main_frame)
+ return;
+ GURL::Replacements rep;
+ rep.ClearQuery();
+ rep.ClearRef();
+ // Loop through each frame.
+ for (WebKit::WebFrame* f = main_frame; f; f = f->traverseNext(false)) {
+ WebKit::WebDocument doc = f->document();
+ if (!doc.isHTMLDocument())
+ continue;
+ GURL full_origin(f->url());
+ if (data.origin != full_origin.ReplaceComponents(rep))
+ continue;
+ WebKit::WebVector<WebKit::WebFormElement> forms;
+ f->forms(forms);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < forms.size(); ++i) {
+ WebKit::WebFormElement fe = forms[i];
+ // Action URL must match.
+ GURL full_action(f->document().completeURL(fe.action()));
+ if (data.action != full_action.ReplaceComponents(rep))
+ continue;
+ scoped_ptr<FormElements> curr_elements(new FormElements);
+ if (!FindFormInputElements(&fe, data, curr_elements.get()))
+ continue;
+ // We found the right element.
+ // Note: this assignment adds a reference to |fe|.
+ curr_elements->form_element = fe;
+ results->push_back(curr_elements.release());
+ }
+ }
+bool FillForm(FormElements* fe, const webkit_glue::FormData& data) {
+ if (!fe->form_element.autoComplete())
+ return false;
+ std::map<string16, string16> data_map;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < data.fields.size(); i++)
+ data_map[data.fields[i].name()] = data.fields[i].value();
+ for (FormInputElementMap::iterator it = fe->input_elements.begin();
+ it != fe->input_elements.end(); ++it) {
+ WebKit::WebInputElement& element = it->second;
+ if (!element.value().isEmpty()) // Don't overwrite pre-filled values.
+ continue;
+ if (element.inputType() == WebKit::WebInputElement::Password &&
+ (!element.isEnabledFormControl() || element.hasAttribute("readonly"))) {
+ continue; // Don't fill uneditable password fields.
+ }
+ element.setValue(data_map[it->first]);
+ element.setAutofilled(true);
+ element.dispatchFormControlChangeEvent();
+ }
+ return false;
+bool IsElementEditable(const WebKit::WebInputElement& element) {
+ return element.isEnabledFormControl() && !element.hasAttribute("readonly");
+void SetElementAutofilled(WebKit::WebInputElement* element, bool autofilled) {
+ if (element->isAutofilled() == autofilled)
+ return;
+ element->setAutofilled(autofilled);
+ // Notify any changeEvent listeners.
+ element->dispatchFormControlChangeEvent();
+bool DoUsernamesMatch(const string16& username1,
+ const string16& username2,
+ bool exact_match) {
+ if (exact_match)
+ return username1 == username2;
+ return StartsWith(username1, username2, false);
+} // namespace
+// PasswordAutocompleteManager, public:
+ RenderView* render_view)
+ : ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(method_factory_(this)) {
+void PasswordAutocompleteManager::ReceivedPasswordFormFillData(
+ WebKit::WebView* view,
+ const webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& form_data) {
+ FormElementsList forms;
+ // We own the FormElements* in forms.
+ FindFormElements(view, form_data.basic_data, &forms);
+ FormElementsList::iterator iter;
+ for (iter = forms.begin(); iter != forms.end(); ++iter) {
+ scoped_ptr<FormElements> form_elements(*iter);
+ // If wait_for_username is true, we don't want to initially fill the form
+ // until the user types in a valid username.
+ if (!form_data.wait_for_username)
+ FillForm(form_elements.get(), form_data.basic_data);
+ // Attach autocomplete listener to enable selecting alternate logins.
+ // First, get pointers to username element.
+ WebKit::WebInputElement username_element =
+ form_elements->input_elements[form_data.basic_data.fields[0].name()];
+ // Get pointer to password element. (We currently only support single
+ // password forms).
+ WebKit::WebInputElement password_element =
+ form_elements->input_elements[form_data.basic_data.fields[1].name()];
+ DCHECK(login_to_password_info_.find(username_element) ==
+ login_to_password_info_.end());
+ PasswordInfo password_info;
+ password_info.fill_data = form_data;
+ password_info.password_field = password_element;
+ login_to_password_info_[username_element] = password_info;
+ }
+void PasswordAutocompleteManager::FrameClosing(const WebKit::WebFrame* frame) {
+ for (LoginToPasswordInfoMap::iterator iter = login_to_password_info_.begin();
+ iter != login_to_password_info_.end(); ++iter) {
+ if (iter->first.document().frame() == frame)
+ login_to_password_info_.erase(iter);
+ }
+void PasswordAutocompleteManager::TextFieldDidBeginEditing(
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& element) {
+void PasswordAutocompleteManager::TextFieldDidEndEditing(
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& element) {
+ LoginToPasswordInfoMap::const_iterator iter =
+ login_to_password_info_.find(element);
+ if (iter == login_to_password_info_.end())
+ return;
+ const webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& fill_data =
+ iter->second.fill_data;
+ // If wait_for_username is false, we should have filled when the text changed.
+ if (!fill_data.wait_for_username)
+ return;
+ WebKit::WebInputElement password = iter->second.password_field;
+ if (!IsElementEditable(password))
+ return;
+ WebKit::WebInputElement username = element; // We need a non-const.
+ FillUserNameAndPassword(&username, &password, fill_data, true);
+void PasswordAutocompleteManager::TextDidChangeInTextField(
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& element) {
+ LoginToPasswordInfoMap::const_iterator iter =
+ login_to_password_info_.find(element);
+ if (iter == login_to_password_info_.end())
+ return;
+ // The input text is being changed, so any autocompleted password is now
+ // outdated.
+ WebKit::WebInputElement username = element; // We need a non-const.
+ WebKit::WebInputElement password = iter->second.password_field;
+ SetElementAutofilled(&username, false);
+ if (password.isAutofilled()) {
+ password.setValue(string16());
+ SetElementAutofilled(&password, false);
+ }
+ // If wait_for_username is true we will fill when the username loses focus.
+ if (iter->second.fill_data.wait_for_username)
+ return;
+ if (!element.isEnabledFormControl() ||
+ element.inputType() != WebKit::WebInputElement::Text ||
+ !element.autoComplete() || element.isReadOnly()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Don't inline autocomplete if the user is deleting, that would be confusing.
+ if (iter->second.backspace_pressed_last)
+ return;
+ WebKit::WebString name = element.nameForAutofill();
+ if (name.isEmpty())
+ return; // If the field has no name, then we won't have values.
+ // Don't attempt to autocomplete with values that are too large.
+ if (element.value().length() > kMaximumTextSizeForAutocomplete)
+ return;
+ // We post a task for doing the autocomplete as the caret position is not set
+ // properly at this point ( and
+ // we need it to determine whether or not to trigger autocomplete.
+ MessageLoop::current()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, method_factory_.NewRunnableMethod(
+ &PasswordAutocompleteManager::PerformInlineAutocomplete,
+ element, password, iter->second.fill_data));
+void PasswordAutocompleteManager::TextFieldHandlingKeyDown(
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& element,
+ const WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent& event) {
+ LoginToPasswordInfoMap::iterator iter = login_to_password_info_.find(element);
+ if (iter == login_to_password_info_.end())
+ return;
+ int win_key_code = event.windowsKeyCode;
+ iter->second.backspace_pressed_last =
+ (win_key_code == base::VKEY_BACK || win_key_code == base::VKEY_DELETE);
+bool PasswordAutocompleteManager::FillPassword(
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& user_input) {
+ LoginToPasswordInfoMap::iterator iter =
+ login_to_password_info_.find(user_input);
+ if (iter == login_to_password_info_.end())
+ return false;
+ const webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& fill_data =
+ iter->second.fill_data;
+ WebKit::WebInputElement password = iter->second.password_field;
+ WebKit::WebInputElement non_const_user_input(user_input);
+ return FillUserNameAndPassword(&non_const_user_input, &password,
+ fill_data, true);
+void PasswordAutocompleteManager::PerformInlineAutocomplete(
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& username_input,
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& password_input,
+ const webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& fill_data) {
+ DCHECK(!fill_data.wait_for_username);
+ // We need non-const versions of the username and password inputs.
+ WebKit::WebInputElement username = username_input;
+ WebKit::WebInputElement password = password_input;
+ // Don't inline autocomplete if the caret is not at the end.
+ // TODO(jcivelli): is there a better way to test the caret location?
+ if (username.selectionStart() != username.selectionEnd() ||
+ username.selectionEnd() != static_cast<int>(username.value().length())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Show the popup with the list of available usernames.
+ ShowSuggestionPopup(fill_data, username);
+ // Fill the user and password field with the most relevant match.
+ FillUserNameAndPassword(&username, &password, fill_data, false);
+// PasswordAutocompleteManager, private:
+void PasswordAutocompleteManager::GetSuggestions(
+ const webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& fill_data,
+ const string16& input,
+ std::vector<string16>* suggestions) {
+ if (StartsWith(fill_data.basic_data.fields[0].value(), input, false))
+ suggestions->push_back(fill_data.basic_data.fields[0].value());
+ webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::LoginCollection::const_iterator iter;
+ for (iter = fill_data.additional_logins.begin();
+ iter != fill_data.additional_logins.end(); ++iter) {
+ if (StartsWith(iter->first, input, false))
+ suggestions->push_back(iter->first);
+ }
+bool PasswordAutocompleteManager::ShowSuggestionPopup(
+ const webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& fill_data,
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& user_input) {
+ std::vector<string16> suggestions;
+ GetSuggestions(fill_data, user_input.value(), &suggestions);
+ if (suggestions.empty())
+ return false;
+ WebKit::WebView* webview = user_input.document().frame()->view();
+ if (!webview)
+ return false;
+ webview->applyAutocompleteSuggestions(user_input, suggestions, -1);
+ return true;
+bool PasswordAutocompleteManager::FillUserNameAndPassword(
+ WebKit::WebInputElement* username_element,
+ WebKit::WebInputElement* password_element,
+ const webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& fill_data,
+ bool exact_username_match) {
+ string16 current_username = username_element->value();
+ // username and password will contain the match found if any.
+ string16 username;
+ string16 password;
+ // Look for any suitable matches to current field text.
+ if (DoUsernamesMatch(fill_data.basic_data.fields[0].value(), current_username,
+ exact_username_match)) {
+ username = fill_data.basic_data.fields[0].value();
+ password = fill_data.basic_data.fields[1].value();
+ } else {
+ // Scan additional logins for a match.
+ webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::LoginCollection::const_iterator iter;
+ for (iter = fill_data.additional_logins.begin();
+ iter != fill_data.additional_logins.end(); ++iter) {
+ if (DoUsernamesMatch(iter->first, current_username,
+ exact_username_match)) {
+ username = iter->first;
+ password = iter->second;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (password.empty())
+ return false; // No match was found.
+ // Input matches the username, fill in required values.
+ username_element->setValue(username);
+ username_element->setSelectionRange(current_username.length(),
+ username.length());
+ SetElementAutofilled(username_element, true);
+ if (IsElementEditable(*password_element))
+ password_element->setValue(password);
+ SetElementAutofilled(password_element, true);
+ return true;
diff --git a/chrome/renderer/password_autocomplete_manager.h b/chrome/renderer/password_autocomplete_manager.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a931026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/renderer/password_autocomplete_manager.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <map>
+#include <vector>
+#include "base/task.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/password_form_dom_manager.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebInputElement.h"
+class RenderView;
+namespace WebKit {
+class WebKeyboardEvent;
+class WebView;
+// This class is responsible for filling password forms.
+// There is one PasswordAutocompleteManager per RenderView.
+class PasswordAutocompleteManager {
+ public:
+ explicit PasswordAutocompleteManager(RenderView* render_view);
+ virtual ~PasswordAutocompleteManager() {}
+ // Invoked by the renderer when it receives the password info from the
+ // browser. This triggers a password autocomplete (if wait_for_username is
+ // false on |form_data|).
+ void ReceivedPasswordFormFillData(WebKit::WebView* view,
+ const webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& form_data);
+ // Invoked when the passed frame is closing. Gives us a chance to clear any
+ // reference we may have to elements in that frame.
+ void FrameClosing(const WebKit::WebFrame* frame);
+ // Fills the password associated with |user_input|, using its current value
+ // as the actual user name. Returns true if the password field was filled,
+ // false otherwise, typically if there was no matching suggestions for the
+ // currently typed username.
+ bool FillPassword(const WebKit::WebInputElement& user_input);
+ // Fills |login_input| and |password| with the most relevant suggestion from
+ // |fill_data| and shows a popup with other suggestions.
+ void PerformInlineAutocomplete(
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& username,
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& password,
+ const webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& fill_data);
+ // WebViewClient editor related calls forwarded by the RenderView.
+ void TextFieldDidBeginEditing(const WebKit::WebInputElement& element);
+ void TextFieldDidEndEditing(const WebKit::WebInputElement& element);
+ void TextDidChangeInTextField(const WebKit::WebInputElement& element);
+ void TextFieldHandlingKeyDown(const WebKit::WebInputElement& element,
+ const WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent& event);
+ private:
+ struct PasswordInfo {
+ WebKit::WebInputElement password_field;
+ webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::FillData fill_data;
+ bool backspace_pressed_last;
+ PasswordInfo() : backspace_pressed_last(false) {}
+ };
+ typedef std::map<WebKit::WebElement, PasswordInfo> LoginToPasswordInfoMap;
+ void GetSuggestions(
+ const webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& fill_data,
+ const string16& input,
+ std::vector<string16>* suggestions);
+ bool ShowSuggestionPopup(
+ const webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& fill_data,
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& user_input);
+ bool FillUserNameAndPassword(
+ WebKit::WebInputElement* username_element,
+ WebKit::WebInputElement* password_element,
+ const webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& fill_data,
+ bool exact_username_match);
+ // The logins we have filled so far with their associated info.
+ LoginToPasswordInfoMap login_to_password_info_;
+ ScopedRunnableMethodFactory<PasswordAutocompleteManager> method_factory_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PasswordAutocompleteManager);
diff --git a/chrome/renderer/ b/chrome/renderer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc32332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/renderer/
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "base/keyboard_codes.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "chrome/renderer/password_autocomplete_manager.h"
+#include "chrome/test/render_view_test.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebDocument.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebElement.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebFormElement.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebInputElement.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebNode.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebString.h"
+#include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebVector.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/form_data.h"
+#include "webkit/glue/form_field.h"
+using webkit_glue::FormField;
+using webkit_glue::PasswordForm;
+using webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager;
+using WebKit::WebDocument;
+using WebKit::WebElement;
+using WebKit::WebFrame;
+using WebKit::WebInputElement;
+using WebKit::WebString;
+namespace {
+// The name of the username/password element in the form.
+const char* const kUsernameName = "username";
+const char* const kPasswordName = "password";
+const char* const kAliceUsername = "alice";
+const char* const kAlicePassword = "password";
+const char* const kBobUsername = "bob";
+const char* const kBobPassword = "secret";
+const char* const kFormHTML =
+ "<FORM name='LoginTestForm' action=''>"
+ " <INPUT type='text' id='username'/>"
+ " <INPUT type='password' id='password'/>"
+ " <INPUT type='submit' value='Login'/>"
+ "</FORM>";
+class PasswordAutocompleteManagerTest : public RenderViewTest {
+ public:
+ PasswordAutocompleteManagerTest() {
+ }
+ // Simulates the fill password form message being sent to the renderer.
+ // We use that so we don't have to make RenderView::OnFillPasswordForm()
+ // protected.
+ void SimulateOnFillPasswordForm(
+ const PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& fill_data) {
+ ViewMsg_FillPasswordForm msg(0, fill_data);
+ view_->OnMessageReceived(msg);
+ }
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ RenderViewTest::SetUp();
+ // Add a preferred login and an additional login to the FillData.
+ username1_ = ASCIIToUTF16(kAliceUsername);
+ password1_ = ASCIIToUTF16(kAlicePassword);
+ username2_ = ASCIIToUTF16(kBobUsername);
+ password2_ = ASCIIToUTF16(kBobPassword);
+ fill_data_.basic_data.fields.push_back(
+ FormField(string16(), ASCIIToUTF16(kUsernameName),
+ username1_, string16(), 0));
+ fill_data_.basic_data.fields.push_back(
+ FormField(string16(), ASCIIToUTF16(kPasswordName),
+ password1_, string16(), 0));
+ fill_data_.additional_logins[username2_] = password2_;
+ // We need to set the origin so it matches the frame URL and the action so
+ // it matches the form action, otherwise we won't autocomplete.
+ std::string origin("data:text/html;charset=utf-8,");
+ origin += kFormHTML;
+ fill_data_.basic_data.origin = GURL(origin);
+ fill_data_.basic_data.action = GURL("");
+ LoadHTML(kFormHTML);
+ // Now retrieves the input elements so the test can access them.
+ WebDocument document = GetMainFrame()->document();
+ WebElement element =
+ document.getElementById(WebString::fromUTF8(kUsernameName));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(element.isNull());
+ username_element_ =<WebKit::WebInputElement>();
+ element = document.getElementById(WebString::fromUTF8(kPasswordName));
+ ASSERT_FALSE(element.isNull());
+ password_element_ =<WebKit::WebInputElement>();
+ }
+ void ClearUsernameAndPasswordFields() {
+ username_element_.setValue("");
+ username_element_.setAutofilled(false);
+ password_element_.setValue("");
+ password_element_.setAutofilled(false);
+ }
+ void SimulateUsernameChange(const std::string& username,
+ bool move_caret_to_end) {
+ username_element_.setValue(WebString::fromUTF8(username));
+ if (move_caret_to_end)
+ username_element_.setSelectionRange(username.length(), username.length());
+ view_->textFieldDidChange(username_element_);
+ // Processing is delayed because of a WebKit bug, see
+ // PasswordAutocompleteManager::TextDidChangeInTextField() for details.
+ MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending();
+ }
+ void SimulateKeyDownEvent(const WebInputElement& element,
+ base::KeyboardCode key_code) {
+ WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent key_event;
+ key_event.windowsKeyCode = key_code;
+ view_->textFieldDidReceiveKeyDown(element, key_event);
+ }
+ void CheckTextFieldsState(const std::string& username,
+ bool username_autofilled,
+ const std::string& password,
+ bool password_autofilled) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(username,
+ static_cast<std::string>(username_element_.value().utf8()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(username_autofilled, username_element_.isAutofilled());
+ EXPECT_EQ(password,
+ static_cast<std::string>(password_element_.value().utf8()));
+ EXPECT_EQ(password_autofilled, password_element_.isAutofilled());
+ }
+ void CheckUsernameSelection(int start, int end) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(start, username_element_.selectionStart());
+ EXPECT_EQ(end, username_element_.selectionEnd());
+ }
+ string16 username1_;
+ string16 username2_;
+ string16 password1_;
+ string16 password2_;
+ PasswordFormDomManager::FillData fill_data_;
+ WebInputElement username_element_;
+ WebInputElement password_element_;
+ private:
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PasswordAutocompleteManagerTest);
+#if defined(WEBKIT_BUG_41283_IS_FIXED)
+#define MAYBE_InitialAutocomplete InitialAutocomplete
+#define MAYBE_NoInitialAutocompleteForReadOnly NoInitialAutocompleteForReadOnly
+#define MAYBE_PasswordClearOnEdit PasswordClearOnEdit
+#define MAYBE_WaitUsername WaitUsername
+#define MAYBE_InlineAutocomplete InlineAutocomplete
+#define MAYBE_SuggestionSelect SuggestionSelect
+#define MAYBE_InitialAutocomplete DISABLED_InitialAutocomplete
+#define MAYBE_NoInitialAutocompleteForReadOnly \
+ DISABLED_NoInitialAutocompleteForReadOnly
+#define MAYBE_PasswordClearOnEdit DISABLED_PasswordClearOnEdit
+#define MAYBE_WaitUsername DISABLED_WaitUsername
+#define MAYBE_InlineAutocomplete DISABLED_InlineAutocomplete
+#define MAYBE_SuggestionSelect DISABLED_SuggestionSelect
+// Tests that the password login is autocompleted as expected when the browser
+// sends back the password info.
+TEST_F(PasswordAutocompleteManagerTest, MAYBE_InitialAutocomplete) {
+ /*
+ * Right now we are not sending the message to the browser because we are
+ * loading a data URL and the security origin canAccessPasswordManager()
+ * returns false. May be we should mock URL loading to cirmcuvent this?
+ TODO(jcivelli): find a way to make the security origin not deny access to the
+ password manager and then reenable this code.
+ // The form has been loaded, we should have sent the browser a message about
+ // the form.
+ const IPC::Message* msg = render_thread_.sink().GetFirstMessageMatching(
+ ViewHostMsg_PasswordFormsFound::ID);
+ Tuple1<std::vector<PasswordForm> > forms;
+ ViewHostMsg_PasswordFormsFound::Read(msg, &forms);
+ ASSERT_EQ(1U, forms.a.size());
+ PasswordForm password_form = forms.a[0];
+ EXPECT_EQ(PasswordForm::SCHEME_HTML, password_form.scheme);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kUsernameName), password_form.username_element);
+ EXPECT_EQ(ASCIIToUTF16(kPasswordName), password_form.password_element);
+ */
+ // Simulate the browser sending back the login info, it triggers the
+ // autocomplete.
+ SimulateOnFillPasswordForm(fill_data_);
+ // The username and password should have been autocompleted.
+ CheckTextFieldsState(kAliceUsername, true, kAlicePassword, true);
+// Tests that changing the username does not fill a read-only password field.
+ MAYBE_NoInitialAutocompleteForReadOnly) {
+ password_element_.setAttribute(WebString::fromUTF8("readonly"),
+ WebString::fromUTF8("true"));
+ // Simulate the browser sending back the login info, it triggers the
+ // autocompleted.
+ SimulateOnFillPasswordForm(fill_data_);
+ // Only the username should have been autocompleted.
+ // TODO(jcivelli): may be we should not event fill the username?
+ CheckTextFieldsState(kAliceUsername, true, "", false);
+// Tests that editing the password clears the autocompleted password field.
+TEST_F(PasswordAutocompleteManagerTest, MAYBE_PasswordClearOnEdit) {
+ // Simulate the browser sending back the login info, it triggers the
+ // autocomplete.
+ SimulateOnFillPasswordForm(fill_data_);
+ // Simulate the user changing the username to some unknown username.
+ SimulateUsernameChange("alicia", true);
+ // The password should have been cleared.
+ CheckTextFieldsState("alicia", false, "", false);
+// Tests that we only autocomplete on focus lost and with a full username match
+// when |wait_for_username| is true.
+TEST_F(PasswordAutocompleteManagerTest, MAYBE_WaitUsername) {
+ // Simulate the browser sending back the login info.
+ fill_data_.wait_for_username = true;
+ SimulateOnFillPasswordForm(fill_data_);
+ // No auto-fill should have taken place.
+ CheckTextFieldsState("", false, "", false);
+ // No autocomplete should happen when text is entered in the username.
+ SimulateUsernameChange("a", true);
+ CheckTextFieldsState("a", false, "", false);
+ SimulateUsernameChange("al", true);
+ CheckTextFieldsState("al", false, "", false);
+ SimulateUsernameChange(kAliceUsername, true);
+ CheckTextFieldsState(kAliceUsername, false, "", false);
+ // Autocomplete should happen only when the username textfield is blurred with
+ // a full match.
+ username_element_.setValue("a");
+ view_->textFieldDidEndEditing(username_element_);
+ CheckTextFieldsState("a", false, "", false);
+ username_element_.setValue("al");
+ view_->textFieldDidEndEditing(username_element_);
+ CheckTextFieldsState("al", false, "", false);
+ username_element_.setValue("alices");
+ view_->textFieldDidEndEditing(username_element_);
+ CheckTextFieldsState("alices", false, "", false);
+ username_element_.setValue(ASCIIToUTF16(kAliceUsername));
+ view_->textFieldDidEndEditing(username_element_);
+ CheckTextFieldsState(kAliceUsername, true, kAlicePassword, true);
+// Tests that inline autocompletion works properly.
+TEST_F(PasswordAutocompleteManagerTest, MAYBE_InlineAutocomplete) {
+ // Simulate the browser sending back the login info.
+ SimulateOnFillPasswordForm(fill_data_);
+ // Clear the textfields to start fresh.
+ ClearUsernameAndPasswordFields();
+ // Simulate the user typing in the first letter of 'alice', a stored username.
+ SimulateUsernameChange("a", true);
+ // Both the username and password textfields should reflect selection of the
+ // stored login.
+ CheckTextFieldsState(kAliceUsername, true, kAlicePassword, true);
+ // And the selection should have been set to 'lice', the last 4 letters.
+ CheckUsernameSelection(1, 5);
+ // Now the user types the next letter of the same username, 'l'.
+ SimulateUsernameChange("al", true);
+ // Now the fields should have the same value, but the selection should have a
+ // different start value.
+ CheckTextFieldsState(kAliceUsername, true, kAlicePassword, true);
+ CheckUsernameSelection(2, 5);
+ // Test that deleting does not trigger autocomplete.
+ SimulateKeyDownEvent(username_element_, base::VKEY_BACK);
+ SimulateUsernameChange("alic", true);
+ CheckTextFieldsState("alic", false, "", false);
+ CheckUsernameSelection(4, 4); // No selection.
+ // Reset the last pressed key to something other than backspace.
+ SimulateKeyDownEvent(username_element_, base::VKEY_A);
+ // Now lets say the user goes astray from the stored username and types the
+ // letter 'f', spelling 'alf'. We don't know alf (that's just sad), so in
+ // practice the username should no longer be 'alice' and the selected range
+ // should be empty.
+ SimulateUsernameChange("alf", true);
+ CheckTextFieldsState("alf", false, "", false);
+ CheckUsernameSelection(3, 3); // No selection.
+ // Ok, so now the user removes all the text and enters the letter 'b'.
+ SimulateUsernameChange("b", true);
+ // The username and password fields should match the 'bob' entry.
+ CheckTextFieldsState(kBobUsername, true, kBobPassword, true);
+ CheckUsernameSelection(1, 3);
+// Tests that selecting and item in the suggestion drop-down works.
+TEST_F(PasswordAutocompleteManagerTest, MAYBE_SuggestionSelect) {
+ // Simulate the browser sending back the login info.
+ SimulateOnFillPasswordForm(fill_data_);
+ // Clear the textfields to start fresh.
+ ClearUsernameAndPasswordFields();
+ // To simulate a selection in the suggestion drop-down we just mimick what the
+ // WebView does: it sets the element value then calls
+ // didAcceptAutocompleteSuggestion on the renderer.
+ username_element_.setValue(ASCIIToUTF16(kAliceUsername));
+ view_->didAcceptAutocompleteSuggestion(username_element_);
+ // Autocomplete should have kicked in.
+ CheckTextFieldsState(kAliceUsername, true, kAlicePassword, true);
+} // namespace
diff --git a/chrome/renderer/ b/chrome/renderer/
index c539120..305057d 100644
--- a/chrome/renderer/
+++ b/chrome/renderer/
@@ -439,6 +439,7 @@ RenderView::RenderView(RenderThreadBase* render_thread,
+ ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(password_autocomplete_manager_(this)),
notification_provider_(new NotificationProvider(this))),
@@ -1797,6 +1798,34 @@ void RenderView::didExecuteCommand(const WebString& command_name) {
+void RenderView::textFieldDidBeginEditing(
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& element) {
+#if defined(WEBKIT_BUG_41283_IS_FIXED)
+ password_autocomplete_manager_.TextFieldDidBeginEditing(element);
+void RenderView::textFieldDidEndEditing(
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& element) {
+#if defined(WEBKIT_BUG_41283_IS_FIXED)
+ password_autocomplete_manager_.TextFieldDidEndEditing(element);
+void RenderView::textFieldDidChange(const WebKit::WebInputElement& element) {
+#if defined(WEBKIT_BUG_41283_IS_FIXED)
+ password_autocomplete_manager_.TextDidChangeInTextField(element);
+void RenderView::textFieldDidReceiveKeyDown(
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& element,
+ const WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent& event) {
+#if defined(WEBKIT_BUG_41283_IS_FIXED)
+ password_autocomplete_manager_.TextFieldHandlingKeyDown(element, event);
bool RenderView::handleCurrentKeyboardEvent() {
if (edit_commands_.empty())
return false;
@@ -2168,6 +2197,16 @@ void RenderView::didClearAutoFillSelection(const WebKit::WebNode& node) {
+void RenderView::didAcceptAutocompleteSuggestion(
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& user_element) {
+#if defined(WEBKIT_BUG_41283_IS_FIXED)
+ bool result = password_autocomplete_manager_.FillPassword(user_element);
+ // Since this user name was selected from a suggestion list, we should always
+ // have password for it.
+ DCHECK(result);
// WebKit::WebWidgetClient ----------------------------------------------------
// We are supposed to get a single call to Show for a newly created RenderView
@@ -3867,7 +3906,10 @@ void RenderView::OnDragSourceSystemDragEnded() {
void RenderView::OnFillPasswordForm(
const webkit_glue::PasswordFormDomManager::FillData& form_data) {
- webkit_glue::FillPasswordForm(this->webview(), form_data);
+#if defined(WEBKIT_BUG_41283_IS_FIXED)
+ password_autocomplete_manager_.ReceivedPasswordFormFillData(webview(),
+ form_data);
void RenderView::OnDragTargetDragEnter(const WebDropData& drop_data,
diff --git a/chrome/renderer/render_view.h b/chrome/renderer/render_view.h
index 71b8693..f81d847 100644
--- a/chrome/renderer/render_view.h
+++ b/chrome/renderer/render_view.h
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
#include "chrome/renderer/external_host_bindings.h"
#include "chrome/renderer/form_manager.h"
#include "chrome/renderer/notification_provider.h"
+#include "chrome/renderer/password_autocomplete_manager.h"
#include "chrome/renderer/pepper_plugin_delegate_impl.h"
#include "chrome/renderer/render_widget.h"
#include "chrome/renderer/render_view_visitor.h"
@@ -107,6 +108,8 @@ class WebDocument;
class WebDragData;
class WebGeolocationServiceInterface;
class WebImage;
+class WebInputElement;
+class WebKeyboardEvent;
class WebMediaPlayer;
class WebMediaPlayerClient;
class WebPlugin;
@@ -330,6 +333,12 @@ class RenderView : public RenderWidget,
virtual bool isSelectTrailingWhitespaceEnabled();
virtual void didChangeSelection(bool is_selection_empty);
virtual void didExecuteCommand(const WebKit::WebString& command_name);
+ virtual void textFieldDidBeginEditing(const WebKit::WebInputElement& element);
+ virtual void textFieldDidEndEditing(const WebKit::WebInputElement& element);
+ virtual void textFieldDidChange(const WebKit::WebInputElement& element);
+ virtual void textFieldDidReceiveKeyDown(
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& element,
+ const WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent& event);
virtual bool handleCurrentKeyboardEvent();
virtual void spellCheck(const WebKit::WebString& text,
int& offset,
@@ -397,6 +406,8 @@ class RenderView : public RenderWidget,
const WebKit::WebString& value,
const WebKit::WebString& label);
virtual void didClearAutoFillSelection(const WebKit::WebNode& node);
+ virtual void didAcceptAutocompleteSuggestion(
+ const WebKit::WebInputElement& element);
virtual WebKit::WebGeolocationService* geolocationService();
// WebKit::WebFrameClient implementation -------------------------------------
@@ -1198,6 +1209,9 @@ class RenderView : public RenderWidget,
// Responsible for translating the page contents to other languages.
TranslateHelper translate_helper_;
+ // Responsible for automatically filling login and password textfields.
+ PasswordAutocompleteManager password_autocomplete_manager_;
RendererWebCookieJarImpl cookie_jar_;
// Provides access to this renderer from the remote Inspector UI.