path: root/chrome
diff options
mode: <>2009-07-30 06:21:58 +0000 <>2009-07-30 06:21:58 +0000
commit7577a5c5f3fbddaf9506e00904c21b2a4525e30b (patch)
tree6ec32f8e1b2d835889e143a5c59f222191730f62 /chrome
parent340e050c09a44bcd25a54f9003186b8a95ef565e (diff)
Pull CrxInstaller out of ExtensionsService.
CrxInstaller is a new stateful object that encapsulates a single installation from unpack through notification. It currently contains the UI bits, but I suspect in the next CL (where I will finally implement the install UI) these will come out and CrxInstaller will become SilentCrxInstaller, and only used for updates and external installs. Also in this change, I removed the concept of install callbacks that ExtensionUpdater was using. This was only used to delete the temp crx file as far as I can tell, and we can easily keep state about that in CrxInstaller. With this CL, ExtensionsServiceBackend is almost completely dead, with only a few zombie methods left like LoadAllExtensions(). These should all become little objects like CrxInstaller that hold a reference to ExtensionsService over their lifetime and then kill themselves. I'll get to that eventually. Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome')
13 files changed, 491 insertions, 543 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b6c732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/crx_installer.h"
+#include "app/l10n_util.h"
+#include "base/file_util.h"
+#include "base/scoped_temp_dir.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "base/task.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_file_util.h"
+#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_error_reporter.h"
+#include "grit/chromium_strings.h"
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+#include "app/win_util.h"
+#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
+#include "base/scoped_cftyperef.h"
+#include "base/sys_string_conversions.h"
+#include <CoreFoundation/CFUserNotification.h>
+CrxInstaller::CrxInstaller(const FilePath& crx_path,
+ const FilePath& install_directory,
+ Extension::Location install_source,
+ const std::string& expected_id,
+ bool extensions_enabled,
+ bool is_from_gallery,
+ bool show_prompts,
+ bool delete_crx,
+ MessageLoop* file_loop,
+ ExtensionsService* frontend)
+ : crx_path_(crx_path),
+ install_directory_(install_directory),
+ install_source_(install_source),
+ expected_id_(expected_id),
+ extensions_enabled_(extensions_enabled),
+ is_from_gallery_(is_from_gallery),
+ show_prompts_(show_prompts),
+ delete_crx_(delete_crx),
+ file_loop_(file_loop),
+ ui_loop_(MessageLoop::current()) {
+ // Note: this is a refptr so that we keep the frontend alive long enough to
+ // get our response.
+ frontend_ = frontend;
+ unpacker_ = new SandboxedExtensionUnpacker(
+ crx_path, g_browser_process->resource_dispatcher_host(), this);
+ file_loop->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(unpacker_,
+ &SandboxedExtensionUnpacker::Start));
+void CrxInstaller::OnUnpackFailure(const std::string& error_message) {
+ ReportFailureFromFileThread(error_message);
+void CrxInstaller::OnUnpackSuccess(const FilePath& temp_dir,
+ const FilePath& extension_dir,
+ Extension* extension) {
+ // Note: We take ownership of |extension| and |temp_dir|.
+ extension_.reset(extension);
+ temp_dir_ = temp_dir;
+ // temp_dir_deleter is stack allocated instead of a member of CrxInstaller, so
+ // that delete always happens on the file thread.
+ ScopedTempDir temp_dir_deleter;
+ temp_dir_deleter.Set(temp_dir);
+ // The unpack dir we don't have to delete explicity since it is a child of
+ // the temp dir.
+ unpacked_extension_root_ = extension_dir;
+ DCHECK(file_util::ContainsPath(temp_dir_, unpacked_extension_root_));
+ // If we were supposed to delete the source file, we can do that now.
+ if (delete_crx_)
+ file_util::Delete(crx_path_, false); // non-recursive
+ // Determine whether to allow installation. We always allow themes and
+ // external installs.
+ if (!extensions_enabled_ && !extension->IsTheme() &&
+ !Extension::IsExternalLocation(install_source_)) {
+ ReportFailureFromFileThread("Extensions are not enabled.");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Make sure the expected id matches.
+ // TODO(aa): Also support expected version?
+ if (!expected_id_.empty() && expected_id_ != extension->id()) {
+ ReportFailureFromFileThread(
+ StringPrintf("ID in new extension manifest (%s) does not match "
+ "expected id (%s)",
+ extension->id().c_str(),
+ expected_id_.c_str()));
+ return;
+ }
+ // Show the confirm UI if necessary.
+ // NOTE: We also special case themes to not have a dialog, because we show
+ // a special infobar UI for them instead.
+ if (show_prompts_ && !extension->IsTheme()) {
+ if (!ConfirmInstall())
+ return; // error reported by ConfirmInstall()
+ }
+ CompleteInstall();
+bool CrxInstaller::ConfirmInstall() {
+#if defined(OS_WIN)
+ if (win_util::MessageBox(GetForegroundWindow(),
+ L"Are you sure you want to install this extension?\n\n"
+ L"You should only install extensions from sources you trust.",
+ l10n_util::GetString(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME).c_str(),
+ ReportFailureFromFileThread("User did not allow extension to be "
+ "installed.");
+ return false;
+ }
+#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
+ // Using CoreFoundation to do this dialog is unimaginably lame but will do
+ // until the UI is redone.
+ scoped_cftyperef<CFStringRef> product_name(
+ base::SysWideToCFStringRef(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME)));
+ CFOptionFlags response;
+ if (kCFUserNotificationAlternateResponse == CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(
+ 0, kCFUserNotificationCautionAlertLevel, NULL, NULL, NULL,
+ product_name,
+ CFSTR("Are you sure you want to install this extension?\n\n"
+ "This is a temporary message and it will be removed when "
+ "extensions UI is finalized."),
+ NULL, CFSTR("Cancel"), NULL, &response)) {
+ ReportFailureFromFileThread("User did not allow extension to be "
+ "installed.");
+ return false;
+ }
+#endif // OS_*
+ return true;
+void CrxInstaller::CompleteInstall() {
+ FilePath version_dir;
+ Extension::InstallType install_type = Extension::INSTALL_ERROR;
+ std::string error_msg;
+ if (!extension_file_util::InstallExtension(unpacked_extension_root_,
+ install_directory_,
+ extension_->id(),
+ extension_->VersionString(),
+ &version_dir,
+ &install_type, &error_msg)) {
+ ReportFailureFromFileThread(error_msg);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (install_type == Extension::DOWNGRADE) {
+ ReportFailureFromFileThread("Attempted to downgrade extension.");
+ return;
+ }
+ extension_->set_path(version_dir);
+ extension_->set_location(install_source_);
+ if (install_type == Extension::REINSTALL) {
+ // We use this as a signal to switch themes.
+ ReportOverinstallFromFileThread();
+ return;
+ }
+ ReportSuccessFromFileThread();
+void CrxInstaller::ReportFailureFromFileThread(const std::string& error) {
+ ui_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &CrxInstaller::ReportFailureFromUIThread, error));
+void CrxInstaller::ReportFailureFromUIThread(const std::string& error) {
+ ExtensionErrorReporter::GetInstance()->ReportError(error, show_prompts_);
+void CrxInstaller::ReportOverinstallFromFileThread() {
+ ui_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(frontend_.get(),
+ &ExtensionsService::OnExtensionOverinstallAttempted, extension_->id()));
+void CrxInstaller::ReportSuccessFromFileThread() {
+ // Tell the frontend about the installation and hand off ownership of
+ // extension_ to it.
+ ui_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(frontend_.get(),
+ &ExtensionsService::OnExtensionInstalled, extension_.release()));
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/crx_installer.h b/chrome/browser/extensions/crx_installer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e5ff7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/crx_installer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include <string>
+#include "base/file_path.h"
+#include "base/message_loop.h"
+#include "base/ref_counted.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extensions_service.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/sandboxed_extension_unpacker.h"
+#include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h"
+// This class installs a crx file into a profile.
+// Installing a CRX is a multi-step process, including unpacking the crx,
+// validating it, prompting the user, and installing. Since many of these
+// steps must occur on the file thread, this class contains a copy of all data
+// necessary to do its job. (This also minimizes external dependencies for
+// easier testing).
+// Lifetime management:
+// This class is ref-counted by each call it makes to itself on another thread,
+// and by UtilityProcessHost.
+// Additionally, we hold a reference to our own client so that it lives at least
+// long enough to receive the result of unpacking.
+// NOTE: This class is rather huge at the moment because it is handling all
+// types of installation (external, autoupdate, and manual). In the future,
+// manual installation will probably pulled out of it.
+// TODO(aa): Pull out the manual installation bits.
+// TODO(aa): Pull out a frontend interface for testing?
+class CrxInstaller : public SandboxedExtensionUnpackerClient {
+ public:
+ CrxInstaller(const FilePath& crx_path,
+ const FilePath& install_directory,
+ Extension::Location install_source,
+ const std::string& expected_id,
+ bool extensions_enabled,
+ bool is_from_gallery,
+ bool show_prompts,
+ bool delete_crx,
+ MessageLoop* file_loop,
+ ExtensionsService* frontend);
+ ~CrxInstaller() {
+ // This is only here for debugging purposes, as a convenient place to set
+ // breakpoints.
+ }
+ private:
+ // SandboxedExtensionUnpackerClient
+ virtual void OnUnpackFailure(const std::string& error_message);
+ virtual void OnUnpackSuccess(const FilePath& temp_dir,
+ const FilePath& extension_dir,
+ Extension* extension);
+ // Confirm with the user that it is OK to install this extension.
+ //
+ // Note that this runs on the file thread. It happens to be OK to do this on
+ // Windows and Mac, and although ugly, we leave it because this is all getting
+ // pulled out soon, anyway.
+ //
+ // TODO(aa): Pull this up, closer to the UI layer.
+ bool ConfirmInstall();
+ // Runs on File thread. Install the unpacked extension into the profile and
+ // notify the frontend.
+ void CompleteInstall();
+ // Result reporting.
+ void ReportFailureFromFileThread(const std::string& error);
+ void ReportFailureFromUIThread(const std::string& error);
+ void ReportOverinstallFromFileThread();
+ void ReportSuccessFromFileThread();
+ // The crx file we're installing.
+ FilePath crx_path_;
+ // The directory extensions are installed to.
+ FilePath install_directory_;
+ // The location the installation came from (bundled with Chromium, registry,
+ // manual install, etc). This metadata is saved with the installation if
+ // successful.
+ Extension::Location install_source_;
+ // For updates and external installs we have an ID we're expecting the
+ // extension to contain.
+ std::string expected_id_;
+ // Whether extension installation is set. We can't just check this before
+ // trying to install because themes are special-cased to always be allowed.
+ bool extensions_enabled_;
+ // Whether this installation was initiated from the gallery. We trust it more
+ // and have special UI if it was.
+ bool is_from_gallery_;
+ // Whether we shoud should show prompts. This is sometimes false for testing
+ // and autoupdate.
+ bool show_prompts_;
+ // Whether we're supposed to delete the source crx file on destruction.
+ bool delete_crx_;
+ // The message loop to use for file IO.
+ MessageLoop* file_loop_;
+ // The message loop the UI is running on.
+ MessageLoop* ui_loop_;
+ // The extension we're installing. We own this and either pass it off to
+ // ExtensionsService on success, or delete it on failure.
+ scoped_ptr<Extension> extension_;
+ // The temp directory extension resources were unpacked to. We own this and
+ // must delete it when we are done with it.
+ FilePath temp_dir_;
+ // The frontend we will report results back to.
+ scoped_refptr<ExtensionsService> frontend_;
+ // The root of the unpacked extension directory. This is a subdirectory of
+ // temp_dir_, so we don't have to delete it explicitly.
+ FilePath unpacked_extension_root_;
+ // The unpacker we will use to unpack the extension.
+ SandboxedExtensionUnpacker* unpacker_;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
index 4d5ef16f..e41071b 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
@@ -209,14 +209,7 @@ void ExtensionUpdater::OnCRXFetchComplete(const GURL& url,
void ExtensionUpdater::OnCRXFileWritten(const std::string& id,
const FilePath& path) {
- // TODO(asargent) - Instead of calling InstallExtension here, we should have
- // an UpdateExtension method in ExtensionsService and rely on it to check
- // that the extension is still installed, and still an older version than
- // what we're handing it.
- // (
- ExtensionInstallCallback* callback =
- NewCallback(this, &ExtensionUpdater::OnExtensionInstallFinished);
- service_->UpdateExtension(id, path, false, callback);
+ service_->UpdateExtension(id, path);
void ExtensionUpdater::OnExtensionInstallFinished(const FilePath& path,
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
index 263ebfd..3db5fed 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
@@ -96,9 +96,7 @@ class MockService : public ExtensionUpdateService {
virtual void UpdateExtension(const std::string& id,
- const FilePath& extension_path,
- bool alert_on_error,
- ExtensionInstallCallback* callback) {
+ const FilePath& extension_path) {
@@ -162,33 +160,10 @@ class ServiceForManifestTests : public MockService {
class ServiceForDownloadTests : public MockService {
- explicit ServiceForDownloadTests() : callback_(NULL) {}
- virtual ~ServiceForDownloadTests() {
- // expect that cleanup happened via FireInstallCallback
- EXPECT_EQ(NULL, callback_);
- EXPECT_TRUE(install_path_.empty());
- }
virtual void UpdateExtension(const std::string& id,
- const FilePath& extension_path,
- bool alert_on_error,
- ExtensionInstallCallback* callback) {
- // Since this mock only has support for one oustanding update, ensure
- // that the callback doesn't need to be run.
- EXPECT_TRUE(install_path_.empty());
- EXPECT_EQ(NULL, callback_);
+ const FilePath& extension_path) {
extension_id_ = id;
install_path_ = extension_path;
- callback_ = callback;
- }
- void FireInstallCallback() {
- EXPECT_TRUE(callback_ != NULL);
- callback_->Run(install_path_, static_cast<Extension*>(NULL));
- delete callback_;
- callback_ = NULL;
- install_path_ = FilePath();
const std::string& extension_id() { return extension_id_; }
@@ -197,7 +172,6 @@ class ServiceForDownloadTests : public MockService {
std::string extension_id_;
FilePath install_path_;
- ExtensionInstallCallback* callback_;
static const int kUpdateFrequencySecs = 15;
@@ -418,13 +392,6 @@ class ExtensionUpdaterTest : public testing::Test {
EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(tmpfile_path, &file_contents));
EXPECT_TRUE(extension_data == file_contents);
- service.FireInstallCallback();
- message_loop.RunAllPending();
- // Make sure the temp file is cleaned up
- EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::PathExists(tmpfile_path));
@@ -456,17 +423,11 @@ class ExtensionUpdaterTest : public testing::Test {
- // Expect that the service was asked to do an install with the right data,
- // and fire the callback indicating the install finished.
+ // Expect that the service was asked to do an install with the right data.
FilePath tmpfile_path = service.install_path();
EXPECT_EQ(id1, service.extension_id());
- service.FireInstallCallback();
- // Make sure the tempfile got cleaned up.
- EXPECT_FALSE(tmpfile_path.empty());
- EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::PathExists(tmpfile_path));
// Make sure the second fetch finished and asked the service to do an
// update.
@@ -485,8 +446,6 @@ class ExtensionUpdaterTest : public testing::Test {
EXPECT_TRUE(extension_data2 == file_contents);
- service.FireInstallCallback();
- message_loop.RunAllPending();
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
index 0733380..adc554f 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
@@ -4,18 +4,13 @@
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extensions_service.h"
-#include "app/l10n_util.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/string_util.h"
#include "base/values.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/browser.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/browser_list.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/chrome_thread.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/extensions/crx_installer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_browser_event_router.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_file_util.h"
-#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_process_manager.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/extension_updater.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/external_extension_provider.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/external_pref_extension_provider.h"
@@ -29,16 +24,9 @@
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_service.h"
#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
-#include "grit/chromium_strings.h"
-#include "grit/generated_resources.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
-#include "app/win_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/extensions/external_registry_extension_provider_win.h"
-#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
-#include "base/scoped_cftyperef.h"
-#include "base/sys_string_conversions.h"
-#include <CoreFoundation/CFUserNotification.h>
// ExtensionsService.
@@ -62,61 +50,6 @@ bool ExtensionsService::IsDownloadFromGallery(const GURL& download_url,
-// This class hosts a SandboxedExtensionUnpacker task and routes the results
-// back to ExtensionsService. The unpack process is started immediately on
-// construction of this object.
-class ExtensionsServiceBackend::UnpackerClient
- : public SandboxedExtensionUnpackerClient {
- public:
- UnpackerClient(ExtensionsServiceBackend* backend,
- const FilePath& extension_path,
- const std::string& expected_id,
- bool silent, bool from_gallery)
- : backend_(backend), extension_path_(extension_path),
- expected_id_(expected_id), silent_(silent), from_gallery_(from_gallery) {
- unpacker_ = new SandboxedExtensionUnpacker(extension_path,
- backend->resource_dispatcher_host_, this);
- unpacker_->Start();
- }
- private:
- // SandboxedExtensionUnpackerClient
- virtual void OnUnpackSuccess(const FilePath& temp_dir,
- const FilePath& extension_dir,
- Extension* extension) {
- backend_->OnExtensionUnpacked(extension_path_, extension_dir, extension,
- expected_id_, silent_, from_gallery_);
- file_util::Delete(temp_dir, true);
- delete this;
- }
- virtual void OnUnpackFailure(const std::string& error_message) {
- backend_->ReportExtensionInstallError(extension_path_, error_message);
- delete this;
- }
- scoped_refptr<SandboxedExtensionUnpacker> unpacker_;
- scoped_refptr<ExtensionsServiceBackend> backend_;
- // The path to the crx file that we're installing.
- FilePath extension_path_;
- // The path to the copy of the crx file in the temporary directory where we're
- // unpacking it.
- FilePath temp_extension_path_;
- // The ID we expect this extension to have, if any.
- std::string expected_id_;
- // True if the install should be done with no confirmation dialog.
- bool silent_;
- // True if the install is from the gallery (and therefore should not get an
- // alert UI if it turns out to also be a theme).
- bool from_gallery_;
ExtensionsService::ExtensionsService(Profile* profile,
const CommandLine* command_line,
PrefService* prefs,
@@ -147,9 +80,7 @@ ExtensionsService::ExtensionsService(Profile* profile,
updater_ = new ExtensionUpdater(this, update_frequency, backend_loop_);
- backend_ = new ExtensionsServiceBackend(
- install_directory_, g_browser_process->resource_dispatcher_host(),
- frontend_loop, extensions_enabled());
+ backend_ = new ExtensionsServiceBackend(install_directory_, frontend_loop);
ExtensionsService::~ExtensionsService() {
@@ -159,12 +90,6 @@ ExtensionsService::~ExtensionsService() {
-void ExtensionsService::SetExtensionsEnabled(bool enabled) {
- extensions_enabled_ = true;
- backend_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(backend_.get(),
- &ExtensionsServiceBackend::set_extensions_enabled, enabled));
void ExtensionsService::Init() {
DCHECK_EQ(extensions_.size(), 0u);
@@ -189,41 +114,32 @@ void ExtensionsService::InstallExtension(const FilePath& extension_path) {
void ExtensionsService::InstallExtension(const FilePath& extension_path,
const GURL& download_url,
const GURL& referrer_url) {
- backend_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(backend_.get(),
- &ExtensionsServiceBackend::InstallExtension, extension_path,
- IsDownloadFromGallery(download_url, referrer_url),
- scoped_refptr<ExtensionsService>(this)));
+ new CrxInstaller(extension_path, install_directory_, Extension::INTERNAL,
+ "", // no expected id
+ extensions_enabled_,
+ IsDownloadFromGallery(download_url, referrer_url),
+ show_extensions_prompts(),
+ false, // don't delete crx when complete
+ backend_loop_,
+ this);
void ExtensionsService::UpdateExtension(const std::string& id,
- const FilePath& extension_path,
- bool alert_on_error,
- ExtensionInstallCallback* callback) {
- if (callback) {
- if (install_callbacks_.find(extension_path) != install_callbacks_.end()) {
- // We can't have multiple outstanding install requests for the same
- // path, so immediately indicate error via the callback here.
- LOG(WARNING) << "Dropping update request for '" <<
- extension_path.value() << "' (already in progress)'";
- callback->Run(extension_path, static_cast<Extension*>(NULL));
- delete callback;
- return;
- }
- install_callbacks_[extension_path] =
- linked_ptr<ExtensionInstallCallback>(callback);
- }
+ const FilePath& extension_path) {
- if (!GetExtensionById(id)) {
+ if (!GetExtensionById(id)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Will not update extension " << id << " because it is not "
- << "installed";
- FireInstallCallback(extension_path, NULL);
- return;
+ << "installed";
+ return;
- backend_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(backend_.get(),
- &ExtensionsServiceBackend::UpdateExtension, id, extension_path,
- alert_on_error, scoped_refptr<ExtensionsService>(this)));
+ new CrxInstaller(extension_path, install_directory_, Extension::INTERNAL,
+ id, extensions_enabled_,
+ false, // not from gallery
+ show_extensions_prompts(),
+ true, // delete crx when complete
+ backend_loop_,
+ this);
void ExtensionsService::ReloadExtension(const std::string& extension_id) {
@@ -269,6 +185,8 @@ void ExtensionsService::LoadAllExtensions() {
void ExtensionsService::CheckForExternalUpdates() {
// This installs or updates externally provided extensions.
+ // TODO(aa): Why pass this list into the provider, why not just filter it
+ // later?
std::set<std::string> killed_extensions;
backend_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(backend_.get(),
@@ -388,9 +306,7 @@ void ExtensionsService::OnExtensionsLoaded(ExtensionList* new_extensions) {
-void ExtensionsService::OnExtensionInstalled(const FilePath& path,
- Extension* extension, Extension::InstallType install_type) {
- FireInstallCallback(path, extension);
+void ExtensionsService::OnExtensionInstalled(Extension* extension) {
// If the extension is a theme, tell the profile (and therefore ThemeProvider)
@@ -407,25 +323,15 @@ void ExtensionsService::OnExtensionInstalled(const FilePath& path,
-void ExtensionsService::OnExtenionInstallError(const FilePath& path) {
- FireInstallCallback(path, NULL);
+ // Also load the extension.
+ ExtensionList* list = new ExtensionList;
+ list->push_back(extension);
+ OnExtensionsLoaded(list);
-void ExtensionsService::FireInstallCallback(const FilePath& path,
- Extension* extension) {
- CallbackMap::iterator iter = install_callbacks_.find(path);
- if (iter != install_callbacks_.end()) {
- iter->second->Run(path, extension);
- install_callbacks_.erase(iter);
- }
-void ExtensionsService::OnExtensionOverinstallAttempted(const std::string& id,
- const FilePath& path) {
- FireInstallCallback(path, NULL);
+void ExtensionsService::OnExtensionOverinstallAttempted(const std::string& id) {
Extension* extension = GetExtensionById(id);
if (extension && extension->IsTheme()) {
@@ -480,17 +386,50 @@ bool ExtensionsService::ShowThemePreviewInfobar(Extension* extension) {
return true;
+void ExtensionsService::OnExternalExtensionFound(const std::string& id,
+ const std::string& version,
+ const FilePath& path,
+ Extension::Location location) {
+ // Before even bothering to unpack, check and see if we already have this
+ // version. This is important because these extensions are going to get
+ // installed on every startup.
+ Extension* existing = GetExtensionById(id);
+ if (existing) {
+ switch (existing->version()->CompareTo(
+ *Version::GetVersionFromString(version))) {
+ case -1: // existing version is older, we should upgrade
+ break;
+ case 0: // existing version is same, do nothing
+ return;
+ case 1: // existing version is newer, uh-oh
+ LOG(WARNING) << "Found external version of extension " << id
+ << "that is older than current version. Current version "
+ << "is: " << existing->VersionString() << ". New version "
+ << "is: " << version << ". Keeping current version.";
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ new CrxInstaller(path, install_directory_, location, id, extensions_enabled_,
+ false, // not from gallery
+ show_extensions_prompts(),
+ false, // don't delete crx when complete
+ backend_loop_,
+ this);
// ExtensionsServicesBackend
- const FilePath& install_directory, ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh,
- MessageLoop* frontend_loop, bool extensions_enabled)
+ const FilePath& install_directory, MessageLoop* frontend_loop)
: frontend_(NULL),
- resource_dispatcher_host_(rdh),
- frontend_loop_(frontend_loop),
- extensions_enabled_(extensions_enabled) {
+ frontend_loop_(frontend_loop) {
+ // TODO(aa): This ends up doing blocking IO on the UI thread because it reads
+ // pref data in the ctor and that is called on the UI thread. Would be better
+ // to re-read data each time we list external extensions, anyway.
external_extension_providers_[Extension::EXTERNAL_PREF] =
new ExternalPrefExtensionProvider());
@@ -597,182 +536,6 @@ void ExtensionsServiceBackend::ReportExtensionsLoaded(
frontend_, &ExtensionsService::OnExtensionsLoaded, extensions));
-void ExtensionsServiceBackend::InstallExtension(
- const FilePath& extension_path, bool from_gallery,
- scoped_refptr<ExtensionsService> frontend) {
- LOG(INFO) << "Installing extension " << extension_path.value();
- frontend_ = frontend;
- alert_on_error_ = true;
- InstallOrUpdateExtension(extension_path, from_gallery, std::string(), false);
-void ExtensionsServiceBackend::UpdateExtension(const std::string& id,
- const FilePath& extension_path, bool alert_on_error,
- scoped_refptr<ExtensionsService> frontend) {
- LOG(INFO) << "Updating extension " << id << " " << extension_path.value();
- frontend_ = frontend;
- alert_on_error_ = alert_on_error;
- InstallOrUpdateExtension(extension_path, false, id, true);
-void ExtensionsServiceBackend::InstallOrUpdateExtension(
- const FilePath& extension_path, bool from_gallery,
- const std::string& expected_id, bool silent) {
- // NOTE: We don't need to keep a reference to this, it deletes itself when it
- // is done.
- new UnpackerClient(this, extension_path, expected_id, silent, from_gallery);
-void ExtensionsServiceBackend::OnExtensionUnpacked(
- const FilePath& crx_path, const FilePath& unpacked_path,
- Extension* extension, const std::string expected_id, bool silent,
- bool from_gallery) {
- // Take ownership of the extension object.
- scoped_ptr<Extension> extension_deleter(extension);
- Extension::Location location = Extension::INTERNAL;
- LookupExternalExtension(extension->id(), NULL, &location);
- extension->set_location(location);
- bool allow_install = false;
- if (extensions_enabled_)
- allow_install = true;
- // Always allow themes.
- if (extension->IsTheme())
- allow_install = true;
- // Always allow externally installed extensions (partners use this).
- if (Extension::IsExternalLocation(location))
- allow_install = true;
- if (!allow_install) {
- ReportExtensionInstallError(crx_path, "Extensions are not enabled.");
- return;
- }
- // TODO(extensions): Make better extensions UI.
- // We also skip the dialog for a few special cases:
- // - themes (because we show the preview infobar for them)
- // - externally registered extensions
- // - during tests (!frontend->show_extension_prompts())
- // - autoupdate (silent).
- bool show_dialog = true;
- if (extension->IsTheme())
- show_dialog = false;
- if (Extension::IsExternalLocation(location))
- show_dialog = false;
- if (silent || !frontend_->show_extensions_prompts())
- show_dialog = false;
- if (show_dialog) {
-#if defined(OS_WIN)
- if (win_util::MessageBox(GetForegroundWindow(),
- L"Are you sure you want to install this extension?\n\n"
- L"You should only install extensions from sources you trust.",
- l10n_util::GetString(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME).c_str(),
- return;
- }
-#elif defined(OS_MACOSX)
- // Using CoreFoundation to do this dialog is unimaginably lame but will do
- // until the UI is redone.
- scoped_cftyperef<CFStringRef> product_name(
- base::SysWideToCFStringRef(l10n_util::GetString(IDS_PRODUCT_NAME)));
- CFOptionFlags response;
- CFUserNotificationDisplayAlert(
- 0, kCFUserNotificationCautionAlertLevel, NULL, NULL, NULL,
- product_name,
- CFSTR("Are you sure you want to install this extension?\n\n"
- "This is a temporary message and it will be removed when "
- "extensions UI is finalized."),
- NULL, CFSTR("Cancel"), NULL, &response);
- if (response == kCFUserNotificationAlternateResponse) {
- ReportExtensionInstallError(crx_path,
- "User did not allow extension to be installed.");
- return;
- }
-#endif // OS_*
- }
- // If an expected id was provided, make sure it matches.
- if (!expected_id.empty() && expected_id != extension->id()) {
- ReportExtensionInstallError(crx_path,
- StringPrintf("ID in new extension manifest (%s) does not match "
- "expected id (%s)", extension->id().c_str(),
- expected_id.c_str()));
- return;
- }
- FilePath version_dir;
- Extension::InstallType install_type = Extension::INSTALL_ERROR;
- std::string error_msg;
- if (!extension_file_util::InstallExtension(unpacked_path, install_directory_,
- extension->id(),
- extension->VersionString(),
- &version_dir,
- &install_type, &error_msg)) {
- ReportExtensionInstallError(crx_path, error_msg);
- return;
- }
- if (install_type == Extension::DOWNGRADE) {
- ReportExtensionInstallError(crx_path, "Attempted to downgrade extension.");
- return;
- }
- extension->set_path(version_dir);
- if (install_type == Extension::REINSTALL) {
- // The client may use this as a signal (to switch themes, for instance).
- ReportExtensionOverinstallAttempted(extension->id(), crx_path);
- return;
- }
- frontend_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(
- frontend_, &ExtensionsService::OnExtensionInstalled, crx_path,
- extension, install_type));
- // Only one extension, but ReportExtensionsLoaded can handle multiple,
- // so we need to construct a list.
- ExtensionList* extensions = new ExtensionList;
- // Hand off ownership of the extension to the frontend.
- extensions->push_back(extension_deleter.release());
- ReportExtensionsLoaded(extensions);
-void ExtensionsServiceBackend::ReportExtensionInstallError(
- const FilePath& extension_path, const std::string &error) {
- // TODO(erikkay): note that this isn't guaranteed to work properly on Linux.
- std::string path_str = WideToASCII(extension_path.ToWStringHack());
- std::string message =
- StringPrintf("Could not install extension from '%s'. %s",
- path_str.c_str(), error.c_str());
- ExtensionErrorReporter::GetInstance()->ReportError(message, alert_on_error_);
- frontend_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(
- frontend_,
- &ExtensionsService::OnExtenionInstallError,
- extension_path));
-void ExtensionsServiceBackend::ReportExtensionOverinstallAttempted(
- const std::string& id, const FilePath& path) {
- frontend_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(
- frontend_, &ExtensionsService::OnExtensionOverinstallAttempted, id,
- path));
bool ExtensionsServiceBackend::LookupExternalExtension(
const std::string& id, Version** version, Extension::Location* location) {
scoped_ptr<Version> extension_version;
@@ -845,9 +608,9 @@ void ExtensionsServiceBackend::SetProviderForTesting(
void ExtensionsServiceBackend::OnExternalExtensionFound(
- const std::string& id, const Version* version, const FilePath& path) {
- InstallOrUpdateExtension(path,
- false, // not from gallery
- id, // expected id
- true); // silent
+ const std::string& id, const Version* version, const FilePath& path,
+ Extension::Location location) {
+ frontend_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(frontend_,
+ &ExtensionsService::OnExternalExtensionFound, id, version->GetString(),
+ path, location));
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/extensions_service.h b/chrome/browser/extensions/extensions_service.h
index a62ebee..67f7c4a 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/extensions_service.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/extensions_service.h
@@ -37,20 +37,13 @@ class SiteInstance;
typedef std::vector<Extension*> ExtensionList;
-// A callback for when installs finish. If the Extension* parameter is
-// null then the install failed.
-typedef Callback2<const FilePath&, Extension*>::Type ExtensionInstallCallback;
// This is an interface class to encapsulate the dependencies that
// ExtensionUpdater has on ExtensionsService. This allows easy mocking.
class ExtensionUpdateService {
virtual ~ExtensionUpdateService() {}
virtual const ExtensionList* extensions() const = 0;
- virtual void UpdateExtension(const std::string& id,
- const FilePath& path,
- bool alert_on_error,
- ExtensionInstallCallback* callback) = 0;
+ virtual void UpdateExtension(const std::string& id, const FilePath& path) = 0;
virtual Extension* GetExtensionById(const std::string& id) = 0;
@@ -112,15 +105,9 @@ class ExtensionsService
const GURL& referrer_url);
// Updates a currently-installed extension with the contents from
- // |extension_path|. The |alert_on_error| parameter controls whether the
- // user will be notified in the event of failure. If |callback| is non-null,
- // it will be called back when the update is finished (in success or failure).
- // This is useful to know when the service is done using |extension_path|.
- // Also, this takes ownership of |callback| if it's non-null.
+ // |extension_path|.
virtual void UpdateExtension(const std::string& id,
- const FilePath& extension_path,
- bool alert_on_error,
- ExtensionInstallCallback* callback);
+ const FilePath& extension_path);
// Reloads the specified extension.
void ReloadExtension(const std::string& extension_id);
@@ -169,7 +156,26 @@ class ExtensionsService
void SetProviderForTesting(Extension::Location location,
ExternalExtensionProvider* test_provider);
- void SetExtensionsEnabled(bool enabled);
+ // Called by the backend when the initial extension load has completed.
+ void OnLoadedInstalledExtensions();
+ // Called by the backend when extensions have been loaded.
+ void OnExtensionsLoaded(ExtensionList* extensions);
+ // Called by the backend when an extension has been installed.
+ void OnExtensionInstalled(Extension* extension);
+ // Called by the backend when an attempt was made to reinstall the same
+ // version of an existing extension.
+ void OnExtensionOverinstallAttempted(const std::string& id);
+ // Called by the backend when an external extension is found.
+ void OnExternalExtensionFound(const std::string& id,
+ const std::string& version,
+ const FilePath& path,
+ Extension::Location location);
+ void set_extensions_enabled(bool enabled) { extensions_enabled_ = enabled; }
bool extensions_enabled() { return extensions_enabled_; }
void set_show_extensions_prompts(bool enabled) {
@@ -189,31 +195,6 @@ class ExtensionsService
bool is_ready() { return ready_; }
- // For OnExtensionLoaded, OnExtensionInstalled, and
- // OnExtensionVersionReinstalled.
- friend class ExtensionsServiceBackend;
- // Called by the backend when the initial extension load has completed.
- void OnLoadedInstalledExtensions();
- // Called by the backend when extensions have been loaded.
- void OnExtensionsLoaded(ExtensionList* extensions);
- // Called by the backend when an extension has been installed.
- void OnExtensionInstalled(const FilePath& path, Extension* extension,
- Extension::InstallType install_type);
- // Calls and then removes any registered install callback for |path|.
- void FireInstallCallback(const FilePath& path, Extension* extension);
- // Called by the backend when there was an error installing an extension.
- void OnExtenionInstallError(const FilePath& path);
- // Called by the backend when an attempt was made to reinstall the same
- // version of an existing extension.
- void OnExtensionOverinstallAttempted(const std::string& id,
- const FilePath& path);
// Show a confirm installation infobar on the currently active tab.
// TODO(aa): This should be moved up into the UI and attached to the tab it
// actually occured in. This requires some modularization of
@@ -244,10 +225,6 @@ class ExtensionsService
// The backend that will do IO on behalf of this instance.
scoped_refptr<ExtensionsServiceBackend> backend_;
- // Stores data we'll need to do callbacks as installs complete.
- typedef std::map<FilePath, linked_ptr<ExtensionInstallCallback> > CallbackMap;
- CallbackMap install_callbacks_;
// Is the service ready to go?
bool ready_;
@@ -267,14 +244,10 @@ class ExtensionsServiceBackend
// |extension_prefs| contains a dictionary value that points to the extension
// preferences.
ExtensionsServiceBackend(const FilePath& install_directory,
- ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh,
- MessageLoop* frontend_loop,
- bool extensions_enabled);
+ MessageLoop* frontend_loop);
virtual ~ExtensionsServiceBackend();
- void set_extensions_enabled(bool enabled) { extensions_enabled_ = enabled; }
// Loads the installed extensions.
// Errors are reported through ExtensionErrorReporter. On completion,
// OnExtensionsLoaded() is called with any successfully loaded extensions.
@@ -291,19 +264,6 @@ class ExtensionsServiceBackend
void LoadSingleExtension(const FilePath &path,
scoped_refptr<ExtensionsService> frontend);
- // Install the extension file at |extension_path|. Errors are reported through
- // ExtensionErrorReporter. OnExtensionInstalled is called in the frontend on
- // success.
- void InstallExtension(const FilePath& extension_path, bool from_gallery,
- scoped_refptr<ExtensionsService> frontend);
- // Similar to InstallExtension, but |extension_path| must be an updated
- // version of an installed extension with id of |id|.
- void UpdateExtension(const std::string& id,
- const FilePath& extension_path,
- bool alert_on_error,
- scoped_refptr<ExtensionsService> frontend);
// Check externally updated extensions for updates and install if necessary.
// Errors are reported through ExtensionErrorReporter. Succcess is not
// reported.
@@ -321,24 +281,13 @@ class ExtensionsServiceBackend
// ExternalExtensionProvider::Visitor implementation.
virtual void OnExternalExtensionFound(const std::string& id,
const Version* version,
- const FilePath& path);
+ const FilePath& path,
+ Extension::Location location);
- class UnpackerClient;
- friend class UnpackerClient;
// Loads a single installed extension.
void LoadInstalledExtension(const std::string& id, const FilePath& path,
Extension::Location location);
- // Install a crx file at |extension_path|. If |expected_id| is not empty, it's
- // verified against the extension's manifest before installation. If the
- // extension is already installed, install the new version only if its version
- // number is greater than the current installed version. If |silent| is true,
- // the confirmation dialog will not pop up.
- void InstallOrUpdateExtension(const FilePath& extension_path,
- bool from_gallery,
- const std::string& expected_id, bool silent);
// Finish installing the extension in |crx_path| after it has been unpacked to
// |unpacked_path|. If |expected_id| is not empty, it's verified against the
// extension's manifest before installation. If |silent| is true, there will
@@ -350,9 +299,7 @@ class ExtensionsServiceBackend
const FilePath& crx_path,
const FilePath& unpacked_path,
Extension* extension,
- const std::string expected_id,
- bool silent,
- bool from_gallery);
+ const std::string expected_id);
// Notify the frontend that there was an error loading an extension.
void ReportExtensionLoadError(const FilePath& extension_path,
@@ -365,11 +312,6 @@ class ExtensionsServiceBackend
void ReportExtensionInstallError(const FilePath& extension_path,
const std::string& error);
- // Notify the frontend that an attempt was made (but not carried out) to
- // install the same version of an existing extension.
- void ReportExtensionOverinstallAttempted(const std::string& id,
- const FilePath& path);
// Lookup an external extension by |id| by going through all registered
// external extension providers until we find a provider that contains an
// extension that matches. If |version| is not NULL, the extension version
@@ -393,19 +335,12 @@ class ExtensionsServiceBackend
// The top-level extensions directory being installed to.
FilePath install_directory_;
- // We only need a pointer to this to pass along to other interfaces.
- ResourceDispatcherHost* resource_dispatcher_host_;
// Whether errors result in noisy alerts.
bool alert_on_error_;
// The message loop to use to call the frontend.
MessageLoop* frontend_loop_;
- // Whether non-theme extensions are enabled (themes and externally registered
- // extensions are always enabled).
- bool extensions_enabled_;
// A map of all external extension providers.
typedef std::map<Extension::Location,
linked_ptr<ExternalExtensionProvider> > ProviderMap;
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
index 3292e12..33d81d2 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class MockExtensionProvider : public ExternalExtensionProvider {
- i->first, version.get(), i->second.second);
+ i->first, version.get(), i->second.second, location_);
@@ -160,7 +160,8 @@ class MockProviderVisitor : public ExternalExtensionProvider::Visitor {
virtual void OnExternalExtensionFound(const std::string& id,
const Version* version,
- const FilePath& path) {
+ const FilePath& path,
+ Extension::Location unused) {
DictionaryValue* pref;
// This tests is to make sure that the provider only notifies us of the
@@ -217,7 +218,7 @@ class ExtensionsServiceTest
- service_->SetExtensionsEnabled(true);
+ service_->set_extensions_enabled(true);
// When we start up, we want to make sure there is no external provider,
@@ -308,8 +309,8 @@ class ExtensionsServiceTest
- void SetExtensionsEnabled(bool enabled) {
- service_->SetExtensionsEnabled(enabled);
+ void set_extensions_enabled(bool enabled) {
+ service_->set_extensions_enabled(enabled);
void SetMockExternalProvider(Extension::Location location,
@@ -318,28 +319,6 @@ class ExtensionsServiceTest
- // A class to record whether a ExtensionInstallCallback has fired, and
- // to remember the args it was called with.
- class CallbackRecorder {
- public:
- CallbackRecorder() : was_called_(false), path_(NULL), extension_(NULL) {}
- void CallbackFunc(const FilePath& path, Extension* extension) {
- was_called_ = true;
- path_.reset(new FilePath(path));
- extension_ = extension;
- }
- bool was_called() { return was_called_; }
- const FilePath* path() { return path_.get(); }
- Extension* extension() { return extension_; }
- private:
- bool was_called_;
- scoped_ptr<FilePath> path_;
- Extension* extension_;
- };
void InstallExtension(const FilePath& path,
bool should_succeed) {
@@ -372,41 +351,32 @@ class ExtensionsServiceTest
- void UpdateExtension(const std::string& id, const FilePath& path,
- bool should_succeed, bool use_callback,
- bool expect_report_on_failure) {
- ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(path));
+ void UpdateExtension(const std::string& id, const FilePath& in_path,
+ bool should_succeed, bool expect_report_on_failure) {
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::PathExists(in_path));
- CallbackRecorder callback_recorder;
- ExtensionInstallCallback* callback = NULL;
- if (use_callback) {
- callback = NewCallback(&callback_recorder,
- &CallbackRecorder::CallbackFunc);
- }
+ // We need to copy this to a temporary location because Update() will delete
+ // it.
+ FilePath temp_dir;
+ ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(base::DIR_TEMP, &temp_dir));
+ FilePath path = temp_dir.Append(in_path.BaseName());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::CopyFile(in_path, path));
- service_->UpdateExtension(id, path, false, callback);
+ service_->UpdateExtension(id, path);
std::vector<std::string> errors = GetErrors();
- if (use_callback) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(callback_recorder.was_called());
- EXPECT_TRUE(path == *callback_recorder.path());
- }
if (should_succeed) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, errors.size()) << path.value();
EXPECT_EQ(1u, service_->extensions()->size());
- if (use_callback) {
- EXPECT_EQ(service_->extensions()->at(0), callback_recorder.extension());
- }
} else {
if (expect_report_on_failure) {
EXPECT_EQ(1u, errors.size()) << path.value();
- if (use_callback) {
- EXPECT_EQ(NULL, callback_recorder.extension());
- }
+ // Update() should delete the temporary input file.
+ EXPECT_FALSE(file_util::PathExists(path));
void ValidatePrefKeyCount(size_t count) {
@@ -674,10 +644,10 @@ TEST_F(ExtensionsServiceTest, InstallExtension) {
extensions_path = extensions_path.AppendASCII("extensions");
// Extensions not enabled.
- SetExtensionsEnabled(false);
+ set_extensions_enabled(false);
FilePath path = extensions_path.AppendASCII("good.crx");
InstallExtension(path, false);
- SetExtensionsEnabled(true);
+ set_extensions_enabled(true);
@@ -799,7 +769,7 @@ TEST_F(ExtensionsServiceTest, InstallTheme) {
// A theme when extensions are disabled. Themes can be installed, even when
// extensions are disabled.
- SetExtensionsEnabled(false);
+ set_extensions_enabled(false);
path = extensions_path.AppendASCII("theme2.crx");
InstallExtension(path, true);
@@ -808,7 +778,7 @@ TEST_F(ExtensionsServiceTest, InstallTheme) {
// A theme with extension elements. Themes cannot have extension elements so
// this test should fail.
- SetExtensionsEnabled(true);
+ set_extensions_enabled(true);
path = extensions_path.AppendASCII("theme_with_extension.crx");
InstallExtension(path, false);
@@ -923,26 +893,7 @@ TEST_F(ExtensionsServiceTest, UpdateExtension) {
ASSERT_EQ(good_crx, good->id());
path = extensions_path.AppendASCII("good2.crx");
- UpdateExtension(good_crx, path, true, true, true);
- ASSERT_EQ("", loaded_[0]->version()->GetString());
-// Test doing an update without passing a completion callback
-TEST_F(ExtensionsServiceTest, UpdateWithoutCallback) {
- InitializeEmptyExtensionsService();
- FilePath extensions_path;
- ASSERT_TRUE(PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &extensions_path));
- extensions_path = extensions_path.AppendASCII("extensions");
- FilePath path = extensions_path.AppendASCII("good.crx");
- InstallExtension(path, true);
- Extension* good = service_->extensions()->at(0);
- ASSERT_EQ("", good->VersionString());
- ASSERT_EQ(good_crx, good->id());
- path = extensions_path.AppendASCII("good2.crx");
- UpdateExtension(good_crx, path, true, false, true);
+ UpdateExtension(good_crx, path, true, true);
ASSERT_EQ("", loaded_[0]->version()->GetString());
@@ -954,7 +905,7 @@ TEST_F(ExtensionsServiceTest, UpdateNotInstalledExtension) {
extensions_path = extensions_path.AppendASCII("extensions");
FilePath path = extensions_path.AppendASCII("good.crx");
- service_->UpdateExtension(good_crx, path, false, NULL);
+ service_->UpdateExtension(good_crx, path);
ASSERT_EQ(0u, service_->extensions()->size());
@@ -978,7 +929,7 @@ TEST_F(ExtensionsServiceTest, UpdateWillNotDowngrade) {
// Change path from good2.crx -> good.crx
path = extensions_path.AppendASCII("good.crx");
- UpdateExtension(good_crx, path, false, true, true);
+ UpdateExtension(good_crx, path, false, true);
ASSERT_EQ("", service_->extensions()->at(0)->VersionString());
@@ -994,7 +945,7 @@ TEST_F(ExtensionsServiceTest, UpdateToSameVersionIsNoop) {
InstallExtension(path, true);
Extension* good = service_->extensions()->at(0);
ASSERT_EQ(good_crx, good->id());
- UpdateExtension(good_crx, path, false, true, false);
+ UpdateExtension(good_crx, path, false, false);
// Tests uninstalling normal extensions
@@ -1133,7 +1084,7 @@ TEST_F(ExtensionsServiceTest, GenerateID) {
TEST_F(ExtensionsServiceTest, ExternalInstallRegistry) {
// This should all work, even when normal extension installation is disabled.
- SetExtensionsEnabled(false);
+ set_extensions_enabled(false);
// Verify that starting with no providers loads no extensions.
@@ -1338,7 +1289,7 @@ TEST_F(ExtensionsServiceTest, ExternalInstallPref) {
// It should still work if extensions are disabled (disableness doesn't
// apply to externally registered extensions).
- SetExtensionsEnabled(false);
+ set_extensions_enabled(false);
pref_provider->UpdateOrAddExtension(good_crx, "1.0", source_path);
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/external_extension_provider.h b/chrome/browser/extensions/external_extension_provider.h
index d67a918..f431bfc 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/external_extension_provider.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/external_extension_provider.h
@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ class ExternalExtensionProvider {
virtual void OnExternalExtensionFound(const std::string& id,
const Version* version,
- const FilePath& path) = 0;
+ const FilePath& path,
+ Extension::Location location) = 0;
virtual ~ExternalExtensionProvider() {}
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
index f2ea35a..7b371ed 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ void ExternalPrefExtensionProvider::VisitRegisteredExtension(
scoped_ptr<Version> version;
- visitor->OnExternalExtensionFound(
- WideToASCII(extension_id), version.get(), path);
+ visitor->OnExternalExtensionFound(WideToASCII(extension_id), version.get(),
+ path, Extension::EXTERNAL_PREF);
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
index 3809eb4..d8057a0 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
@@ -51,7 +51,8 @@ void ExternalRegistryExtensionProvider::VisitRegisteredExtension(
scoped_ptr<Version> version;
FilePath path = FilePath::FromWStringHack(extension_path);
- visitor->OnExternalExtensionFound(id, version.get(), path);
+ visitor->OnExternalExtensionFound(id, version.get(), path,
} else {
// TODO(erikkay): find a way to get this into about:extensions
LOG(WARNING) << "Missing value " << kRegistryExtensionVersion <<
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
index 28b3b2b..8048ff2 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/
@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@ SandboxedExtensionUnpacker::SandboxedExtensionUnpacker(
SandboxedExtensionUnpackerClient* client)
: crx_path_(crx_path), client_loop_(MessageLoop::current()), rdh_(rdh),
client_(client), got_response_(false) {
- AddRef();
void SandboxedExtensionUnpacker::Start() {
@@ -269,12 +267,10 @@ bool SandboxedExtensionUnpacker::ValidateSignature() {
void SandboxedExtensionUnpacker::ReportFailure(const std::string& error) {
- Release();
void SandboxedExtensionUnpacker::ReportSuccess() {
// Client takes ownership of temporary directory and extension.
client_->OnUnpackSuccess(temp_dir_.Take(), extension_root_,
- Release();
diff --git a/chrome/browser/extensions/sandboxed_extension_unpacker.h b/chrome/browser/extensions/sandboxed_extension_unpacker.h
index 4023ea9..02b34fb 100644
--- a/chrome/browser/extensions/sandboxed_extension_unpacker.h
+++ b/chrome/browser/extensions/sandboxed_extension_unpacker.h
@@ -17,8 +17,12 @@ class Extension;
class MessageLoop;
class ResourceDispatcherHost;
-class SandboxedExtensionUnpackerClient {
+class SandboxedExtensionUnpackerClient
+ : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<SandboxedExtensionUnpackerClient> {
+ virtual ~SandboxedExtensionUnpackerClient(){
+ }
// temp_dir - A temporary directoy containing the results of the extension
// unpacking. The client is responsible for deleting this directory.
@@ -42,9 +46,17 @@ class SandboxedExtensionUnpackerClient {
// such, it should not be used when the output is not intended to be given back
// to the author.
+// Lifetime management:
+// This class is ref-counted by each call it makes to itself on another thread,
+// and by UtilityProcessHost.
+// Additionally, we hold a reference to our own client so that it lives at least
+// long enough to receive the result of unpacking.
// NOTE: This class should only be used on the file thread.
class SandboxedExtensionUnpacker : public UtilityProcessHost::Client {
// The size of the magic character sequence at the beginning of each crx
@@ -114,7 +126,7 @@ class SandboxedExtensionUnpacker : public UtilityProcessHost::Client {
FilePath crx_path_;
MessageLoop* client_loop_;
ResourceDispatcherHost* rdh_;
- SandboxedExtensionUnpackerClient* client_;
+ scoped_refptr<SandboxedExtensionUnpackerClient> client_;
ScopedTempDir temp_dir_;
FilePath extension_root_;
scoped_ptr<Extension> extension_;
diff --git a/chrome/chrome.gyp b/chrome/chrome.gyp
index 1db6f8a..8a31160 100644
--- a/chrome/chrome.gyp
+++ b/chrome/chrome.gyp
@@ -944,6 +944,8 @@
+ 'browser/extensions/',
+ 'browser/extensions/crx_installer.h',