path: root/chrome
diff options
mode: <>2010-02-08 13:17:26 +0000 <>2010-02-08 13:17:26 +0000
commitef3c87b1e44a5f67a6568e830ae31baf62166ab7 (patch)
tree2336656415948d10db1078a5c4dd51fd1b3c455b /chrome
parent581c3b2b88e0f13f3e44717b2acafec11d2c7b2c (diff)
Hopefully final attempt at landing
Adds tests for network geolocation provider. In the end, it seems templated static methods cannot be called from gtest's SetUp method on a Mac Release build. Beats me. I'm doing my stuff in the c'tor for now, and made a note to come back to it. BUG= TEST=unit_tests.exe --gtest_filter=NetworkLocationProvider* --gtest_break_on_failure Review URL: git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
Diffstat (limited to 'chrome')
2 files changed, 397 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chrome/browser/geolocation/ b/chrome/browser/geolocation/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51593c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/chrome/browser/geolocation/
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "chrome/browser/geolocation/network_location_provider.h"
+#include <map>
+#include "base/json/json_reader.h"
+#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
+#include "base/string_util.h"
+#include "base/values.h"
+#include "chrome/browser/net/test_url_fetcher_factory.h"
+#include "net/url_request/url_request_status.h"
+#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
+namespace {
+const char kTestServerUrl[] = "https://www.geolocation.test/service";
+const char kTestHost[] = "myclienthost.test";
+} // namespace
+// Stops the specified (nested) message loop when the listener is called back.
+class MessageLoopQuitListener
+ : public LocationProviderBase::ListenerInterface {
+ public:
+ MessageLoopQuitListener()
+ : client_message_loop_(MessageLoop::current()),
+ updated_provider_(NULL),
+ movement_provider_(NULL) {
+ DCHECK(client_message_loop_);
+ }
+ // ListenerInterface
+ virtual void LocationUpdateAvailable(LocationProviderBase* provider) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(client_message_loop_, MessageLoop::current());
+ updated_provider_ = provider;
+ client_message_loop_->Quit();
+ }
+ virtual void MovementDetected(LocationProviderBase* provider) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(client_message_loop_, MessageLoop::current());
+ movement_provider_ = provider;
+ client_message_loop_->Quit();
+ }
+ MessageLoop* client_message_loop_;
+ LocationProviderBase* updated_provider_;
+ LocationProviderBase* movement_provider_;
+class FakeAccessTokenStore : public LocationProviderBase::AccessTokenStore {
+ public:
+ FakeAccessTokenStore() : allow_set_(true) {}
+ virtual bool SetAccessToken(const GURL& url,
+ const string16& access_token) {
+ if (!allow_set_)
+ return false;
+ token_map_[url] = access_token;
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual bool GetAccessToken(const GURL& url, string16* access_token) {
+ std::map<GURL, string16>::iterator item = token_map_.find(url);
+ if (item == token_map_.end())
+ return false;
+ *access_token = item->second;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool allow_set_;
+ std::map<GURL, string16> token_map_;
+// A mock implementation of DeviceDataProviderImplBase for testing. Adapted from
+template<typename DataType>
+class MockDeviceDataProviderImpl
+ : public DeviceDataProviderImplBase<DataType> {
+ public:
+ // Factory method for use with DeviceDataProvider::SetFactory.
+ static DeviceDataProviderImplBase<DataType>* Create() {
+ return new MockDeviceDataProviderImpl<DataType>();
+ }
+ static MockDeviceDataProviderImpl<DataType>* instance() {
+ CHECK(instance_ != NULL);
+ return instance_;
+ }
+ MockDeviceDataProviderImpl() {
+ CHECK(instance_ == NULL);
+ instance_ = this;
+ }
+ virtual ~MockDeviceDataProviderImpl() {
+ CHECK(this == instance_);
+ instance_ = NULL;
+ }
+ // DeviceDataProviderImplBase implementation.
+ virtual bool StartDataProvider() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ virtual bool GetData(DataType* data_out) {
+ CHECK(data_out);
+ AutoLock lock(data_mutex_);
+ *data_out = data_;
+ // We always have all the data we can get, so return true.
+ return true;
+ }
+ void SetData(const DataType& new_data) {
+ data_mutex_.Acquire();
+ const bool differs = data_.DiffersSignificantly(new_data);
+ data_ = new_data;
+ data_mutex_.Release();
+ if (differs)
+ this->NotifyListeners();
+ }
+ private:
+ static MockDeviceDataProviderImpl<DataType>* instance_;
+ DataType data_;
+ Lock data_mutex_;
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MockDeviceDataProviderImpl);
+template<typename DataType>
+MockDeviceDataProviderImpl<DataType>::instance_ = NULL;
+// Main test fixture
+class NetworkLocationProviderTest : public testing::Test {
+ public:
+ virtual void SetUp() {
+ URLFetcher::set_factory(&url_fetcher_factory_);
+ }
+ virtual void TearDown() {
+ WifiDataProvider::ResetFactory();
+ RadioDataProvider::ResetFactory();
+ URLFetcher::set_factory(NULL);
+ base::LeakTracker<URLFetcher>::CheckForLeaks();
+ }
+ LocationProviderBase* CreateProvider() {
+ return NewNetworkLocationProvider(
+ &access_token_store_,
+ NULL, // No URLContextGetter needed, as using test urlfecther factory.
+ test_server_url_,
+ ASCIIToUTF16(kTestHost));
+ }
+ protected:
+ NetworkLocationProviderTest() : test_server_url_(kTestServerUrl) {
+ // TODO(joth): Really these should be in SetUp, not here, but they take no
+ // effect on Mac OS Release builds if done there. I kid not. Figure out why.
+ RadioDataProvider::SetFactory(
+ MockDeviceDataProviderImpl<RadioData>::Create);
+ WifiDataProvider::SetFactory(
+ MockDeviceDataProviderImpl<WifiData>::Create);
+ }
+ static int IndexToChannal(int index) { return index + 4; }
+ static int IndexToAge(int index) { return (index * 3) + 100; }
+ // Creates wifi data containing the specified number of access points, with
+ // some differentiating charactistics in each.
+ static WifiData CreateReferenceWifiScanData(int ap_count) {
+ WifiData data;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ap_count; ++i) {
+ AccessPointData ap;
+ ap.mac_address = ASCIIToUTF16(StringPrintf("%02d-34-56-78-54-32", i));
+ ap.radio_signal_strength = i;
+ ap.age = IndexToAge(i);
+ = IndexToChannal(i);
+ ap.signal_to_noise = i + 42;
+ ap.ssid = ASCIIToUTF16("Some nice network");
+ data.access_point_data.insert(ap);
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ static void ParseRequest(const std::string& request_data,
+ WifiData* wifi_data_out,
+ std::string* access_token_out) {
+ CHECK(wifi_data_out && access_token_out);
+ scoped_ptr<Value> value(base::JSONReader::Read(request_data, false));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(value != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY, value->GetType());
+ DictionaryValue* dictionary = static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(value.get());
+ std::string attr_value;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(dictionary->GetString(L"version", &attr_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(attr_value, "1.1.0");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(dictionary->GetString(L"host", &attr_value));
+ EXPECT_EQ(attr_value, kTestHost);
+ // Everything else is optional.
+ ListValue* wifi_aps;
+ if (dictionary->GetList(L"wifi_towers", &wifi_aps)) {
+ int i = 0;
+ for (ListValue::const_iterator it = wifi_aps->begin();
+ it < wifi_aps->end(); ++it, ++i) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY, (*it)->GetType());
+ DictionaryValue* ap = static_cast<DictionaryValue*>(*it);
+ AccessPointData data;
+ ap->GetStringAsUTF16(L"mac_address", &data.mac_address);
+ ap->GetInteger(L"signal_strength", &data.radio_signal_strength);
+ ap->GetInteger(L"age", &data.age);
+ ap->GetInteger(L"channel", &;
+ ap->GetInteger(L"signal_to_noise", &data.signal_to_noise);
+ ap->GetStringAsUTF16(L"ssid", &data.ssid);
+ wifi_data_out->access_point_data.insert(data);
+ }
+ } else {
+ wifi_data_out->access_point_data.clear();
+ }
+ if (!dictionary->GetString(L"access_token", access_token_out))
+ access_token_out->clear();
+ }
+ static void CheckEmptyRequestIsValid(const std::string& request_data) {
+ WifiData wifi_aps;
+ std::string access_token;
+ ParseRequest(request_data, &wifi_aps, &access_token);
+ EXPECT_EQ(0, static_cast<int>(wifi_aps.access_point_data.size()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(access_token.empty());
+ }
+ static void CheckRequestIsValid(const std::string& request_data,
+ int expected_wifi_aps,
+ const std::string& expected_access_token) {
+ WifiData wifi_aps;
+ std::string access_token;
+ ParseRequest(request_data, &wifi_aps, &access_token);
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_wifi_aps,
+ static_cast<int>(wifi_aps.access_point_data.size()));
+ WifiData expected_data = CreateReferenceWifiScanData(expected_wifi_aps);
+ WifiData::AccessPointDataSet::const_iterator expected =
+ expected_data.access_point_data.begin();
+ WifiData::AccessPointDataSet::const_iterator actual =
+ wifi_aps.access_point_data.begin();
+ for (int i = 0; i < expected_wifi_aps; ++i) {
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected->mac_address, actual->mac_address) << i;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected->radio_signal_strength, actual->radio_signal_strength)
+ << i;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected->age, actual->age) << i;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected->channel, actual->channel) << i;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected->signal_to_noise, actual->signal_to_noise) << i;
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected->ssid, actual->ssid) << i;
+ ++expected;
+ ++actual;
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(expected_access_token, access_token);
+ }
+ const GURL test_server_url_;
+ MessageLoop main_message_loop_;
+ FakeAccessTokenStore access_token_store_;
+ TestURLFetcherFactory url_fetcher_factory_;
+TEST_F(NetworkLocationProviderTest, CreateDestroy) {
+ // Test fixture members were SetUp correctly.
+ EXPECT_EQ(&main_message_loop_, MessageLoop::current());
+ scoped_refptr<LocationProviderBase> provider(CreateProvider());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(NULL != provider.get());
+ provider = NULL;
+TEST_F(NetworkLocationProviderTest, StartProvider) {
+ scoped_refptr<LocationProviderBase> provider(CreateProvider());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(provider->StartProvider());
+ TestURLFetcher* fetcher = url_fetcher_factory_.GetFetcherByID(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL);
+ EXPECT_EQ(test_server_url_, fetcher->original_url());
+ // No wifi data so expect an empty request.
+ CheckEmptyRequestIsValid(fetcher->upload_data());
+TEST_F(NetworkLocationProviderTest, MultipleWifiScansComplete) {
+ scoped_refptr<LocationProviderBase> provider(CreateProvider());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(provider->StartProvider());
+ TestURLFetcher* fetcher = url_fetcher_factory_.GetFetcherByID(0);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL);
+ CheckEmptyRequestIsValid(fetcher->upload_data());
+ // Complete the network request with bad position fix (using #define so we
+ // can paste this into various other strings below)
+ #define REFERENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN "2:k7j3G6LaL6u_lafw:4iXOeOpTh1glSXe"
+ const char* kNoFixNetworkResponse =
+ "{"
+ " \"location\": null,"
+ " \"access_token\": \"" REFERENCE_ACCESS_TOKEN "\""
+ "}";
+ fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(
+ fetcher, test_server_url_, URLRequestStatus(), 200, // OK
+ ResponseCookies(), kNoFixNetworkResponse);
+ // This should have set the access token anyhow
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, static_cast<int>(access_token_store_.token_map_.size()));
+ string16 token;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(access_token_store_.GetAccessToken(test_server_url_, &token));
+ Position position;
+ provider->GetPosition(&position);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(position.IsValidFix());
+ // Now wifi data arrives
+ const int kFirstScanAps = 6;
+ MockDeviceDataProviderImpl<WifiData>::instance()->SetData(
+ CreateReferenceWifiScanData(kFirstScanAps)); // Will notify listeners
+ fetcher = url_fetcher_factory_.GetFetcherByID(kFirstScanAps);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fetcher != NULL);
+ // The request should have access token (set previously) and the wifi data.
+ CheckRequestIsValid(fetcher->upload_data(),
+ kFirstScanAps,
+ // Send a reply with good position fix.
+ const char* kReferenceNetworkResponse =
+ "{"
+ " \"location\": {"
+ " \"latitude\": 51.0,"
+ " \"longitude\": -0.1,"
+ " \"altitude\": 30.1,"
+ " \"accuracy\": 1200.4,"
+ " \"altitude_accuracy\": 10.6"
+ " }"
+ "}";
+ fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(
+ fetcher, test_server_url_, URLRequestStatus(), 200, // OK
+ ResponseCookies(), kReferenceNetworkResponse);
+ provider->GetPosition(&position);
+ EXPECT_EQ(51.0, position.latitude);
+ EXPECT_EQ(-0.1, position.longitude);
+ EXPECT_EQ(30.1, position.altitude);
+ EXPECT_EQ(1200.4, position.accuracy);
+ EXPECT_EQ(10.6, position.altitude_accuracy);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(position.is_valid_timestamp());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(position.IsValidFix());
+ // Token should still be in the store.
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, static_cast<int>(access_token_store_.token_map_.size()));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(access_token_store_.GetAccessToken(test_server_url_, &token));
+ // Wifi updated again, with one less AP. This is 'close enough' to the
+ // previous scan, so no new request made.
+ const int kSecondScanAps = kFirstScanAps - 1;
+ MockDeviceDataProviderImpl<WifiData>::instance()->SetData(
+ CreateReferenceWifiScanData(kSecondScanAps));
+ fetcher = url_fetcher_factory_.GetFetcherByID(kSecondScanAps);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(fetcher);
+ provider->GetPosition(&position);
+ EXPECT_EQ(51.0, position.latitude);
+ EXPECT_EQ(-0.1, position.longitude);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(position.IsValidFix());
+ // Now a third scan with more than twice the original amount -> new request.
+ const int kThirdScanAps = kFirstScanAps * 2 + 1;
+ MockDeviceDataProviderImpl<WifiData>::instance()->SetData(
+ CreateReferenceWifiScanData(kThirdScanAps));
+ fetcher = url_fetcher_factory_.GetFetcherByID(kThirdScanAps);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(fetcher);
+ // ...reply with a network error.
+ fetcher->delegate()->OnURLFetchComplete(
+ fetcher, test_server_url_,
+ URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::FAILED, -1),
+ 200, // should be ignored
+ ResponseCookies(), "");
+ // Error means we now no longer have a fix.
+ provider->GetPosition(&position);
+ EXPECT_FALSE(position.is_valid_latlong());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(position.IsValidFix());
+ // Wifi scan returns to original set: should be serviced from cache.
+ const TestURLFetcher* orig_fetcher =
+ url_fetcher_factory_.GetFetcherByID(kFirstScanAps);
+ MockDeviceDataProviderImpl<WifiData>::instance()->SetData(
+ CreateReferenceWifiScanData(kFirstScanAps));
+ fetcher = url_fetcher_factory_.GetFetcherByID(kFirstScanAps);
+ EXPECT_EQ(orig_fetcher, fetcher); // No new request created.
+ provider->GetPosition(&position);
+ EXPECT_EQ(51.0, position.latitude);
+ EXPECT_EQ(-0.1, position.longitude);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(position.IsValidFix());
+// TODO(joth): Add tests for corner cases around the 2 second startup delay
+// (e.g. timer firing, or being pre-empted by data arriving)
diff --git a/chrome/chrome_tests.gypi b/chrome/chrome_tests.gypi
index 7ee002d..5b86a66 100755
--- a/chrome/chrome_tests.gypi
+++ b/chrome/chrome_tests.gypi
@@ -696,6 +696,7 @@
+ 'browser/geolocation/',